CBSE X Class Term - 1 Physics Practice Work Sheet 1

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Subject : Physics Class : X
Topic : Light, Humaneye and Colourful world
1. Study the ray diagram given below and select the correct option. [ ]
a) Parallel to the incident ray
b) Pass through F
c) Appear to diverge from F P
d) Appear to diverge from C
2. Harsh is standing in front of a unique mirror he finds the image of head smaller the middle portion
of her body of the same size and that of the legs bigger. Which of the following is the order of
combination for such mirror from the top? [ ]
a) plane, convex and concave b) concave, plane and convex
c) convex, plane and concave d) convex concave and plane
3. A light ray from medium A to medium B as shown in the given figure. The refractive index of
medium B relative to medium A is: [ ]
a) more then one
Medium B
b) less than one
c) one
d) zero Medium A
4. Shreya is at the distance 15 cm moves slowly towards the pole of a convex mirror.
What will be the image in the mirror? [ ]
a) shortened and real b) enlarged and real
c) enlarged and virtual d) diminished and virtual
5. Planets do not twinkle because: [ ]
a) Planets are not a source of light.
b) The shift in their position (as compared to stars) is smaller.
c) they reflect high intensity light reaching them.
d) both (a) and (b) are true.
6. Dispersion of light takes place by a glass prism because: [ ]
a) the light of different colours have different intensities.
b) the light of different colours have different energies.
c) the light of different colours have different speed in a medium.
d) different colours have different frequencies.

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7. Which colour of light is mainly scattered by large sized particles? [ ]
a) Blue b) Red c) White d) Violet
8. Study the given diagram explaining the formation of rainbow in the sky: [ ]
Select the correct statements w.r.t. the diagram above.

a) Dispersion occurs at point A

b) Internal refraction occurs at point B
c) Internal reflection occurs at point A
d) Dispersion occurs at point B
9. An object is placed 40 cm from the concave mirror with a focal length of 20 cm. The image
formed is: [ ]
a) behind the mirror
b) between the mirror and focus
c) at focus
d) at centre of curvature of mirror
10. What is the magnification of the images formed by at plane mirror? [ ]
a) m > 1 b) m < 1 c) m = 1 d) m = ∞
11. The nature of image formed by a spherical mirror for an object OA placed as shown in the figure
will be: [ ]
a) Real, inverted and enlarged A

b) Virtual, erect and enlarged

c) Real, inverted and diminished F

d) Virtual, erect and diminished

12. Two thin lenses of power + 2.5 D and – 0.5 D are placed in contact. The power and focal length
of the lens combination is: [ ]
Option Power of Combination Focal length of Combination
a) +2.0 D + 50 cm
b) – 2.0 D – 50 cm
c) +3.0 D + 33.33 cm
d) – 3.0 D – 33.33 cm

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13. Students were asked to determine the focal length of the given concave lens. Four students
performed an experiment and obtained an image of a tree, position at same distance from the lens.
Which diagram is the correct representation for the formation of the image? [ ]

a) b)

c) d)

14. An object is placed at a large distance in front of a convex mirror of radius of curvature 40 cm.
What is the distance of image from the mirror? [ ]
a) 40 cm b) 20 cm c) 60 cm d) 80 cm
15. The lower half of the lens is covered with black paper. What will be the effect on the image
formed on screen? [ ]
a) the lower half of the image disappears.
b) the upper half of the image disappears.
c) the image remains same.
d) the image becomes less brighter than before.
16. A ray of light is incident obliquely on medium 1 and then passes through two media namely 2 and
3 before emerging into medium 1 again.

The refractive index of medium 3 with respect to medium 1 is: [ ]

1 3 1
a) b) c) d) 3
2 2 2
17. The power of a lens of focal length 20 cm in diopter is: [ ]
a) 0.25 D b) 2.0 D c) 5.0 D d) 0.05 D
18. If the magnification of a lens has a positive value, the image formed is: [ ]
a) inverted b) real and inverted c) real d) Virtual and erect
19. An object is placed 40 cm from the concave mirror with a focal length of 20 cm. The image
formed is: [ ]
a) behind the mirror b) between the mirror and focus
c) at focus d) at centre of curvature of mirror
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20. The graph below shows variation of refractive index of earth’s atmosphere with altitude.

Select the correct observations: [ ]

I) The refractive index of earth is gradually increasing with decrease in altitude.
II) Star light will get scattered more on entering the earth’s atmosphere before reaching earth’s
III) Star light will get bend more away from the normal as it reaches the earth’s surface.
IV) Star light will get bend more towards the normal as it reaches the earth’s surface.
a) Both (I) and (III) b) Both (I) and (IV) c) Both (II) and (III) d) Both (II) and (IV)
21. Velocity of light in air is 3 × 108 m/s and its velocity in a medium X is 1.0 × 108 m/s. Then,
refractive index of medium X is: [ ]
a) 3 b) 5 c) 0.5 d) 2
22. Which of the following phenomenons of light are involved in the formation of ranibow ?
a) Reflection, refraction and dispersion [ ]
b) Refraction, dispersion and total internal reflection
c) Refraction, dispersion and internal reflection
d) Dispersion, scattering and total internal reflection
23. At the traffic signals, red light is used for stop due to the reason that it can be seen from a distance.
This phenomenon is known as: [ ]
a) Refraction b) Diffraction
c) scattering d) Total internal reflection
24. A student marked the position of an object and its image formed by a lens as shown in the figure
below: [ ]

Object image
Select the row containing the correct identification of lens and position of object:
Option Type of lens Position of Object
(a) Concave lens Between infinity and Optical Centre of lens
(b) Concave lens Between Focus and optical Centre of lens
(c) Convex lens Between infinity and 2F
(d) Convex lens Between Focus and optical Centre of lens

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25. When an object is placed in front of a converging lens, a magnified erect image is formed. The
distance of the object from the lens will be: [ ]
a) Equal to two focal lengths b) Between one and two focal lengths
c) Equal to one focal length d) Less than one focal length
26. Look at the figure given below and select the correct option. [ ]

a) Image formed is virtual, erect and magnified

b) Image formed is virtual, erect and diminished
c) Image formed is real, inverted and magnified
d) Image formed is real, inverted and diminished.
27. A convex lens of local length 20 cm is placed in contact with a concave lens of local length 40 cm.
The local length of this combination of lenses will be: [ ]
a) + 40 cm b) + 20 cm c) – 40 cm d) – 20 cm
28. To obtain an image of magnification (–3), an object should be in which position in case of con-
cave mirror? [ ]
a) Between F and P b) At F c) Between F and C d) Beyond 2 F
29. Why the sun appears white at noon? [ ]
a) scattering is reduced if the distance to be travelled in air is increased.
b) scattering is increased if the distance to be travelled in air is reduced.
c) scattering is reduced if the distance to be travelled in air is reduced.
d) the sun is overhead at noon
30. Which colour suffers least deviation on passing through a prism? [ ]
a) Blue b) Red c) White d) Violet
31. If a graph is plotted between sin r taken on X-axis and sin i taken on Y-axis, where i is the angle
of incidence and r is the angle of refraction for a given pair of media, then: [ ]
(I) Graph will be a parabola (II) Graph will be a straight line
(III) Slope of graph will give the refractive index of the second medium with respect to the first
(IV) Slope of graph will give the speed of light in the second medium.
a) Both (I) and (III) b) Both (II) and (III) c) Both (I) and (IV) d) Both (II) and (IV)
32. A real image th the size of the object is formed at a distance of 18 cm from a lens.
From the table select the row containing the correct identification of lens and focal length of the
lens. [ ]
Types of lens Focal length
(a) Concave –15 cm
(b) Concave – 90 cm
(c) Convex + 30 cm
(d) Convex + 15 cm

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33. Examine the figure given below and select the correct option regarding magnification m produced
by the concave mirror for the position of object AB as shown: [ ]
a) m > 1 B
b) m < 1
c) m > – 1

d) m < – 1

34. Harsh wants to see a magnified image while shaving in a mirror. What type of mirror
should use: [ ]
a) convex mirror b) concave mirror
c) plane mirror d) combination of (a) and (b)
35. It the image formed by a spherical mirror for all positions of the object placed in front of
it always erect and diminished what type of mirror is it: [ ]
a) convex mirror b) plane mirror
c) concave mirror d) could be concave and convex
36. The time difference between actual sunset and the apparent sunset is about: [ ]
a) 2 min b) 3 min c) 4 min d) 5 min
37. What is the colour of sunlight scattered by the dust particles in the atmosphere: [ ]
a) Blue b) Red c) White d) Violet
38. What will be the minimum distance between an object and its real image formed by convex lens?
a) f b) >4f c) 2f d) 4f [ ]
39. If the magnification of a lens has a negative value, then the image is: [ ]
a) smaller than object b) same height as an object
c) larger than object d) none of these
40. Focal length of a plane mirror is: [ ]
a) – 25 b) infinite c) zero d) 25 cm
41. The power of the lens is – 1.0 D. What is the nature of this lens? [ ]
a) Concave lens b) Convex lens
c) Both a and b d) Cannot be predicted
42. For a convex mirror, parallel rays of light appear to: [ ]
a) diverge b) converge c) remains parallel d) none of the above
43. A student tabulated the following information based on his studies of optical phenomena.
Observation Principle
(i) Twinkling of stars Scattering of light
(ii) Formation of rainbow Dispersion of light
(iii) Early sunrise Absorption of light
(iv) Reddish colour Atmospheric refraction
of sun at sunrise and sunset
Select the row/s which contain correct observation: [ ]
a) Only (I) b) Only (II) c) (I) and (III) d) (II) and (IV)

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44. Rajendra conducted an experiment using a concave mirror with a focal length of 30 cm. He places
an object at a distance of 20 cm in front of the mirror. The image is formed
a) 20 cm in front of the mirror b) 10 cm in front of the mirror [ ]
c) 30 cm behind the mirror d) 60 cm behind the mirror
45. Assertion (A) : The twinkling of starts is due to the fluctuation in the refractive index of the
earth’s atmosphere. [ ]
Reason (R) : When light propagates from one medium to another the direction of propagation
a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false. d) A is false but R is true.
46. Assertion (A) : In prism, higher the refractive index, higher will be the angle of deviation.
Reason (R) : The angle of deviation is inversely proportional to the angle of the prism.
a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A. [ ]
b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false. d) A is false but R is true.
47. Assertion (A) : Focal length of a lens increases when its power decreases. [ ]
Reason (R) : Power of a lens is inversely proproportional to focal length.
a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false. d) A is false but R is true.
Paragraph : I
Study the given experiment. The formation of an image for an object PQ placed in front of a
convex lens is shown in figure.

F1 Q O

48. The image is formed: [ ]

a) at focus F1 b) at infinity
c) beyond 2F1 d) at centre of curvature C1
49. What will be the nature of the image formed by convex lens: [ ]
a) real and inverted, diminished b) virtual and erect of same size as that of object
c) real and inverted, magnified d) virtual and erect magnified
50. Which diagram represent the correct ray diagram: [ ]

I) II)


a) (I) b) (II) c) (III) d) (IV)

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51. If the focal length of the lens is 4 cm and object is placed at 6 cm from optical centre the image will
be formed at: [ ]
a) 2.4 cm from O b) 4.8 cm from O c) 24 cm from O d) 48 cm from O
Paragraph : II
Lenses made of transparent materials such as glass or plastic with curved surfaces.
Diverging lenses are thicker at their edges than at their centres and make light rays passing through
them spread out. Converging lenses are thicker in middle than at edges and make light rays pass-
ing through them focus at a point.
52. Abhishek uses two lenses I and II of same size and same material as shown P1 and P2 are the
powers of A and B. An object is kept at the same distance from the lenses between F and 2F of
each lens on the principal axis in turn Let I1 and I2 be the image formed by two lenses respectively.
Which one of the following statements is correct for the images formed?

a) Distance or image I2 will be less than distance or image I1 from the lens [ ]
b) Size or image I1 will be equal to size or image I2.
c) Distance of image I2 will be greter than distance or image I1 from the lens.
d) Size of image I1wil be lesser than size of image I2.
53. For lenses I and II : [ ]
a) P1 = P2 b) P1 < P2
c) P1 > P2 d) P1 is positive and P2 is negative
54. A beam of light is incident on the box through the holes on side A and emerges out of the holes on
the side B of the box:

Which of the following is present the box ? [ ]

a) Concave lens b) Rectangular glass plate
c) Prism d) Convex lens
55. Sakshi conducts an experiment to produce an image of an object on a screen which is placed at 20
cm from the lens. She uses a convex lens of focal length 15 cm produce the sharpest image?
a) 20 cm in front of the lens b) 8 cm in front of the lens [ ]
c) 15 cm in front of the lens d) 60 cm in front of the lens

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Paragraph : III
Dispersion of light occurs when white light is separated into its different constituent
colors because of refraction and Snell’s law. From Snell’s law it can be seen that the angle of
refraction of light in a prism depends on the refractive index of the prism material.
Colour λ (nm) Freq (Hz)
Red 760 - 647 4.3×1014
Orange 647 - 585 4.3×1014
Yellow 585 - 575 5.2×1014
Green 575 - 491 5.6 ×1014
Blue 491 - 424 6.6×1014
Violet 424 - 380 7.3 ×1014
Since the refractive index varies with wavelength, the angle that the light is refracted by will also
vary with wavelength, causing an angular separation of the colors known as angular dispersion.
For visible light, refraction indices n of most transparent materials (e.g., air, glasses) decrease with
increasing wavelength :
Colour Wave lenght (nm) Crown glass Flint glass
Violet 396.9 1.533 1.663
Blue 486.1 1.523 1.639
Yellow 589.3 1.517 1.627
Red 656.3 1.515 1.622
Most often seen in recently made puddles on the sides of roads, the oil refracts light much the
same way a rainbow does. Simply put, the thin layer of oil floating on top of the water refracts
the light which then bounces back up off the water underneath, splitting the light rays creating a
pool of rainbow colours.
56. The ray which is least deviated by a prism is: [ ]
a) Violet ray b) Green ray c) Red ray d) Yellow ray
57. The colour of light which has the minimum velocity in the glass prism is: [ ]
a) Red b) Green c) Blue d) Violet
58. The angle of deviation (D) of a prism is : [ ]
a) The angle between incident and refracted ray
b) The angle between the emergent and refracted ray
c) The angle between the incident and emergent ray
d) The angle between emergent ray and prism surface
59. Among the following colours which has greater frequency [ ]
a) Red b) Green c) Blue d) Violet

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60. A student plotted the following graph to observe how the refractive index of the material of a
prism varies with the wavelength of different components of light.


Refractive Index
1.334 1.3326
1.332 1.3314
400 500 600 700 800
Wavelength (nm)

Select the correct option showing the refractive index of the medium for colours of different
wavelengths: [ ]
a) n (λblue ) < n (λred ) < n λ yellow ) ( )
b) n (λred ) < n λ yellow < n (λblue )

c) n (λred ) < n ( λblue ) < n (λ yellow ) d) n (λblue ) < n ( λ ) < n (λ )

yellow red

1) c 2) c 3) a 4) d 5) d 6) c 7) c 8) a
9) d 10) c 11) c 12) a 13) d 14) d 15) d 16) d
17) c 18) d 19) d 20) d 21) a 22) b 23) c 24) a
25) d 26) b 27) a 28) c 29) c 30) b 31) b 32) d
33) a 34) b 35) a 36) a 37) c 38) d 39) a 40) b
41) a 42) a 43) b 44) d 45) a 46) c 47) a 48) c
49) d 50) a 51) a 52) a 53) b 54) d 55) d 56) c
57) d 58) c 59) d 60) c

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