Making Movies by Sidney Lumet

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Making Movies 

by Sidney Lumet
New York: Random House, Inc., 1995

“There are four primary elements that affect the picture produced in the
camera. First, there is the light that exists even before it enters the lens. This light
can be natural, artificial, or a combination of both. Second, there are color filters and
nets, usually placed behind the lens, to control the color and change the quality of the
light. Third, there is the size of the lens itself. Fourth is the lens stop, which
determines the amount of light that will pass through the lens onto the film. There are
other factors—the angle of the shutter, the negative stock, and so forth. But these
four basic elements will suffice for now.
The most fundamental photographic choice I make is what lens to use for a
particular shot. Lenses vary over an enormous range from 9 millimeters to 600
millimeters and beyond. Technically we refer to the lenses on the lower millimeter
range (9 mm, 14 mm, 17 mm, 18 mm, 21 mm) as wide-angle lenses and to those
from 75 mmm m on up as long lenses. I hope I can help make this clear with the following

The distance from where the image reverses itself to the recording surface
(the film) is what determines the millimeter count of the lens, In drawing A, notice
how much more room there is above and below the photographed object than in
drawing B. The 35 mm lens (A) takes up a significantly larger area than the 75 mm
lens (B) The wider-angle lens (35 mm) has a much larger “field” than the 75 mm
lens. The 75 mm lens has a long tube drawn on it because it needs more distance
from the recording surface Theoretically, given all the space one needed, one could
achieve the same size of any photographed object using a longer lens by simply
backing the camera up. But changing lenses le nses for the amount of information the lens
gathers (its “field”) is only a partial use of a lens. Lenses have different feelings 
about them. Different lenses will tell a story differently .
Murder on the Orient Express illustrated this very clearly. During
During the body of
the picture, various scenes took place that would be retold at the end of the movie
by Hercule Poirot, our genius detective, using the retelling as part of his evidence in
the solution of the crime. While he described the incidents, the scenes we’d seen
earlier were repeated as flashbacks. Only now, because they’d taken on a greater
melodramatic significance as evidence, they appeared on the screen much more
dramatically, forcefully, etched in hard lines. This was accomplished through the use
of different lenses. Each scene that would he repeated was shot twice—the first
time with normal lenses for the movie (50 mm, 75 mm, l00 mm) and the second time
with a very wide-angle lens (21 mm), The result was that the first time we saw the
scene, it appeared as a normal part of the movie. Viewed the second time, it was
melodramatic, fitting in with the drama of a solution to a murder.
Lenses have different characteristics. No lens truly sees what the human eye
sees, but the lenses that come closest are the midrange lenses, from 28 mm to 40
mm. Wide-angle lenses (9 mm to 24 mm) tend to distort the picture; the wider the
lens, the greater the distortion. The distortions are spatial. Objects seem farther
apart, especially objects lined up from fore- ground to background. Vertical lines
seem to be forced closer together at the top of the frame.
Longer lenses (from 50 mm upward) compress the space. Objects that are
lined up from foreground to background seem closer together. The longer the lens,
the closer the objects seem, both to the camera and to one another. These
distortions are tremendously useful. For example, if I were doing a tracking shot or
dolly, or simply panning from right to left, I could create the illusion of the
photographed object traveling at much greater speed by using a long lens. Because
it seems closer the object seems to travel past the background at a much greater
speed on a long lens. The foreground object (a car, a horse, a running person)
seems to be covering more ground faster. Conversely, if I wanted to increase the
speed of an object moving toward or away from me, I would use a wide-angle lens.
This is because the object seems to be covering greater distances as it is
approaching or leaving us.
The lenses have another characterist
ic. Wide-angle lenses have a much
greater focal depth of field—the amount of space in which an object moving toward
or away from the camera stays in focus without changing the focus of the lens
mechanically. Again, this can be put to tremendous use. If I wanted to get g et rid of as
much background as possible, I’d use a long lens. The background, even though it
seems closer, is so out of focus that it becomes unrecognizable. But with a wide-
angle lens, although the background seems farther away, it will be sharper and
therefore more recognizable.
Sometimes, when I need a long lens but want to keep the image sharper,
we’ll pour in more light. The more light, the more focal depth, and vice versa. The
added light will give us a greater focal depth, compensating somewhat for the loss
of depth that the long lens created.
It gets even more complicated. since light affects the focal depth, the stop
(the amount of light allowed to pass through the lens) is very important. The stop is
created by opening or closing a diaphragm mounted in the lens. We call it opening
up (letting in more light by setting the diaphragm in its most open position) or
stopping down (closing the diaphragm so it allows the least amount of light to reach
the film). Whew!
The purpose of these boring technical discussions is to convey that the basic
photographic elements-lens, stop, light, and filters-are wonderful tools.” 76-81

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