Spanish Unit 3 Making Friends

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Haciendo Amigos -

Making Friends
Spanish Unit 3
Beginning Spanish Lessons

Me llamo
¿Y tú?
¿Cómo te llamas?
Sí / No
hablo / hablas

by Jill Russ & Mildred Avellanet

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Table of Contents
Lesson 1: Haciendo Amigos - Making Friends 4

Lesson 2: Conversation 22

Lesson 3: Diccionario Pictórico- Picture

Dictionary and Review 24

Lesson 4: Nombres hispanos - Hispanic 30

Lesson 5: Mata Mosca Game 36

Lesson 6: Pequeño Libro- Small 46

© J. Russ & M. Avellanet Page 3

Lesson 1:

Haciendo Amigos -
Making Friends
Objective: Learning new vocabulary in a fun way,
students will be able to engage in a conversation, using
target language, introducing themselves and meeting
new friends.
1. Introduce the vocabulary words and phrases using
the cards from pages 9-16. Teach the students the
TPR motions, page 8, to connect with the
vocabulary words in a fun way. When students hear
or say a TPR word, they should make the motion for
that word.
2. Introduce and sing the song “Yo Me Llamo,” from
page 17. This is a great time to introduce a puppet
or a stuffed animal as a class mascot. (If you don’t
have any puppets or stuffed animals to use, you
can use the animal posters on pages 18-21.) Give
the puppets Spanish names, and welcome them to
your class. Hold up one of the puppets. Have the
students sing the song, inserting the puppet’s name
in the blank.
© J. Russ & M. Avellanet Page 4
3. Then have the students take turns introducing
themselves in Spanish. Have the students stand up.
Tell them that while the music is playing, they should
slowly walk around the room. When the music
stops, they should get with a partner. They will
shake hands with their partner and say, “Yo me
llamo _________.” When the music starts again, the
move around to find another partner. Repeat
several times so that they can introduce themselves
to several people.

© J. Russ & M. Avellanet Page 5

Haciendo Amigos -
Making Friends
Me llamo ________. – My name is _______.

Yo me llamo _______. – My name is _______.

¿Y tú? – How about you?

¿Cómo te llamas? – What is your name?

Sí. – Yes.

No. – No.

hablo – I speak

hablas - You speak

tengo - I am

español - Spanish

tú – you (used when you speak to family or friends)

© J. Russ & M. Avellanet Page 6

Notes for the Teachers:

Respuesta Física Total

Total Physical Response (TPR)
The Total Physical Response technique allows
students to create a connection between the target
words and a gesture, allowing the learning process to
happen faster. In TPR, instructors give commands to
students in the target language, and students respond
with whole-body actions. TPR gestures are used for
verbs, adjectives, and phrases.
The method is an example of the comprehension
approach to language teaching. The listening and
responding (with actions) serves two purposes: It is a
means of quickly recognizing meaning in the language
being learned, and a means of passively learning the
structure of the language itself.

© J. Russ & M. Avellanet Page 7

Respuesta Física Total
Total Physical Response (TPR)
Vocabulary and Gestures
Sí - yes
nod head up and down

No - No
shake head “no” and wag your index finger

hablo - I speak
point to self, and then open and close fingers like

hablas - You speak

point to somebody, and then open and close fingers
like talking

tengo - I am
place your fist to your chest

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© J. Russ & M. Avellanet
Me llamo

Yo me llamo

Page 13
¿Cómo te
¿Y tú?

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Hablo español.

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© J. Russ & M. Avellanet
Sí, hablo
No, no hablo

Page 16
Yo Me Llamo
to the tune of “London Bridge is Falling Down”)

Yo me llamo
________, ________, ________.

Yo me llamo ________.

¿Cómo tú te llamas?

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Lesson 2:

Objective: Students will review the target vocabulary
and practice the conversation with classmates.

1. Review and practice the TPR words using the cards

from pages 9-12. Have students make the gestures
as they say the words.
2. Review the phrases from pages 13-16.
3. Have pairs of students practice introducing
themselves, asking for the other person’s name,
and if they speak Spanish. The conversation will go:
Student 1: Yo me llamo ____________. ¿Y tú?
¿Cómo te llamas?
Student 2: Me llamo ____________. ¿Hablas
Student 1: Sí, hablo español. (or No, no hablo
4. Have students complete the worksheet on page 23
to practice writing the phrases in Spanish.

© J. Russ & M. Avellanet Page 22

Nombre/Name _______________________

Haciendo Amigos
Escribe en español. Write the words in Spanish.
Yo me llamo _______________.


¿Y tú? ¿Cómo te llamas?


Hablo español.


¿Hablas español?


Sí, hablo español.


No, no hablo español.


© J. Russ & M. Avellanet Page 23

Lesson 3:

Picture Dictionary
and Vocabulary
Objective: Students will review the previously learned
vocabulary. They will create a picture dictionary with
drawings for each word.

1. To reinforce the vocabulary, sing the song “Yo Me

Llamo” on page 17, using the puppets or the
animal pictures cards from page 18-21.
2. Review the previously learned vocabulary words
and phrases using the cards from pages 9-16. Have
the students make the TPR motions for the words.
3. Using the worksheets on pages 25-27, have students
practice and review the vocabulary.

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Nombre/Name _______________________

Diccionario Pictórico
Dibuja. Draw.
Sí. No.

hablo hablas

español tengo

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Nombre/Name _______________________

Haciendo Amigos
Parea. Match.

Yo me llamo How about you?

¿Cómo te llamas? Yes.

Sí. No.

hablo You speak

¡Hola! My name is

hablas I am

No. I speak

tengo Hello!

¿Y tú? What is your name?

© J. Russ & M. Avellanet Page 26

Nombre/Name _______________________

Haciendo Amigos
Llena el blanco y escribe las frase.
Fill in the blank and copy.
¡Hola! Me _____________ María.


¿Y _______? ¿Cómo te __________________?


Me _____________ Carlos.


¿_____________ español?


Sí, _____________ español.


Banco de Palabras - Word Bank

hablo – I speak hablas – You speak
llamo – My name is llamas – Your name is

© J. Russ & M. Avellanet Page 27


Haciendo Amigos
Parea. Match.

Yo me llamo How about you?

¿Cómo te llamas? Yes.

Sí. No.

hablo You speak

¡Hola! My name is

hablas I am

No. I speak

tengo Hello!

¿Y tú? What is your name?

© J. Russ & M. Avellanet Page 28


Haciendo Amigos
Llena el blanco y escribe las frase.
Fill in the blank and copy.
¡Hola! Me ___llamo______ María.


¿Y _tú___? ¿Cómo te ___llamas_______?


Me _llamo_______ Carlos.


¿___hablas____ español?


Sí, __hablo______ español.


Banco de Palabras - Word Bank

hablo – I speak hablas – You speak
llamo – My name is llamas – Your name is

© J. Russ & M. Avellanet Page 29

Lesson 4:

Nombres Hispanos -
Hispanic Names
Objective: Students will select a Spanish name to use
through the school year. They will understand the
relationship between the perspectives of the culture
studied and use this knowledge to recognize cultural

1. Show the lists of Hispanic names, on page 32 and

33, to the students. Have the students pronounce
each of the names.
2. Have each student choose a Hispanic name from
the list to use in the classroom. Each student will say
which name they choose.
3. Give each student a copy of the name tag pattern
on page 35. They will write their Hispanic name,
grade level, and their age on the name tag. Use
the word bank on page 34 to complete the name

© J. Russ & M. Avellanet Page 30

4. Then have them decorate the name tag. Fold the
name tags in half lengthwise so they will stand up.
During Spanish lessons, you can have students call
each other by their Hispanic names.

© J. Russ & M. Avellanet Page 31

Nombres Hispanos -
Hispanic Names
Niños - Boys
Carlos Paco
José Juan
Fabio Wilfredo
Luis Alberto
Mario Tito
Tío David
Alfredo Felix
Alfonso Eduardo
Andres Tomás
Iván Samuel
Jorge Enrique
Pedro Rico
Diego Javier
Pablo Felipe
© J. Russ & M. Avellanet Page 32
Nombres Hispanos -
Hispanic Names
Niñas - Girls
María Brunilda
Rosa Gloria
Carmen Elena
Alicia Ana
Marisol Catalina
Margarita Vilma
Olivia Lucero
Teresa Isabel
Violeta Sofía
Paola Martina
Lola Lucía
Rocia Gabriela
Juanita Alba
Nilza Jazmín
© J. Russ & M. Avellanet Page 33
Banco de Palabras -
Word Bank
Grados - Grade Level
primer - 1st segundo - 2nd
tercer - 3rd cuarto - 4th
quinto - 5th sexto - 6th

Años - Age
cinco - 5 seis - 6 siete - 7
ocho - 8 nueve - 9 diez - 10
once - 11 doce - 12 trece - 13
catorce - 14 quince - 15

© J. Russ & M. Avellanet Page 34

Yo me llamo __________.
Nombre hispano: _______
Estoy en _______ grado.
Tengo ____ años.
Lesson 5:

Mata Mosca -

Fly Swatter Game

Objective: Students will review the previously learned
vocabulary by playing a fun game.

You will need two fly swatters for this game.

1. Lay out the large cards from pages 9-16 face up on

the floor.
2. Divide the class into two teams, and pick one
student from each team to play first. The two
players each hold a fly swatter.
3. The teacher will say one of the vocabulary words.
4. The two players look for the correct picture card
and try to be the first person to swat the card.

© J. Russ & M. Avellanet Page 36

As an alternative to the Fly Swatter game, you can use
the small cards on pages 38-45 to play Concentration,
or Find Your Partner.

How to Play Concentration:

Divide the class into two teams.
Lay all of the cards face down on a table or the floor.
One student from the first team will turn over two of the
If the student turns over two cards with matching
phrases, that team earns one point.
If the two cards do not match, turn the cards
back over.
Next, a student from the second team will turn over two
Repeat until all of the cards have been matched.

How to Play Find Your Partner:

Give half of the class an English card from pages 38-41.
Give the other half of the class a matching Spanish
card from pages 42-45. To play, students will walk
around the room silently, without talking, to try to find
the person with their matching card.

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I speak


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© J. Russ & M. Avellanet
(with family Spanish
or friends)

Page 39
I am
© J. Russ & M. Avellanet
My name

What is
My name

Page 40
© J. Russ & M. Avellanet
Yes, I Do you
speak speak
Spanish. Spanish?

No, I don’t
I speak

Page 41


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© J. Russ & M. Avellanet
Me llamo
¿Y tú?

Yo me
¿Cómo te

Page 44
© J. Russ & M. Avellanet
Sí, hablo ¿Hablas
español. español?

No, no Hablo

Page 45
hablo español.
Lesson 6:
Pequeño Libro -
Small Book
Objective: Students will review previously learned
vocabulary and concepts.

Print pages 47-54 double-sided. Print pages 47 and 48

together, pages 49 and 50 together, pages 51 and 52
together, and pages 53 and 54 together.

Stack one set of papers together with the cover page

on top. Cut the stack of papers in half across the
middle of the paper to make two booklets.

Then fold each of the set of pages in half to make a

booklet. Staple along the edge.

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