Drainage Guideline Document For Jamaica

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This guide outlines a set of procedures and makes reference to a number of standards and/or
requirements that are relevant and applicable to the subdivision and development of land across the
island. As it stands, the design and calculation procedures applied in most of the hydraulic reports
only consider the project site and not the entire watershed. Additionally, some of the existing
guidelines are not suitable as they do not account for increased frequency and intensity of
meteorological weather systems as forecasted by climate change projections.

The following guidelines will therefore set out the minimum information to be included in the
preparation of hydrologic and hydraulic design reports on drainage systems for proposed
sub-divisions. It is expected that the incorporation of these guidelines in the preparation of
development proposal documents will allow for more accurate designs and the ease of application
evaluation and approval. Furthermore, the guidelines will also advance the mainstreaming of Disaster
Risk Reduction considerations into the project planning phase to reduce future impacts from hazards
and economic losses from disasters; contributing to the achievement of goals under the Vision 2030
National Development Plan.

The NWA, WRA and ODPEM under their respective ministries contributed towards the development
of these guidelines in their capacity as stakeholders in the national housing development process,
pursuant to Section 14 of The Local Improvement Act 1914 and Section 5 (2) of the Disaster Risk
Management Act 2015.

These guidelines were adopted by the Internal Review Committee (IRC) at the NWA and
Sub-committee and Technical Review Committee at the National Environment and Planning Agency
(NEPA) and will take effect as of July 1, 2015 for the approval of all development applications.

Special mention must be made to Mr. Howard Prendergast for NWA, Mr. Christopher Gayle for
ODPEM, Mr. Herbert Thomas for WRA and Mr. Haruo Kubo, JICA Senior Volunteer for ODPEM.

Revised June 2015
Contents Page No.

I. Minimum Requirements for Hydrologic and Hydraulic Design Reports -------------- 3

1. Design Philosophy ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3


2. Submission of Drawings and Photos--------------------------------------------------------------------6


3. Calculation Procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7


4. Other Design Considerations ----------------------------------------------------------------------------10


5. Environmental Considerations --------------------------------------------------------------------------13


Ⅱ. References -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15

Fig. 1 Conceptual Drawing (Example) --------------------------------------------------------------- 16
Fig. 2 Calculations Procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17

Table 1 Runoff Coefficient : C --------------------------------------------------------------------------18
Table 2 Kerby Coefficient of Roughness : N ---------------------------------------------------------19 19
Table 3 Manning Roughness Coefficient : n ----------------------------------------------------------19 19

Appendix List ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20

Ⅰ The Locals Improvements Act 1914 -----------------------------------------------------------------21 21
Ⅱ The Flood-Water Control Act 1958 ------------------------------------------------------------------23 23
Ⅲ Flood Plain Mapping Project Rainfall Frequency Analysis ------------------------------------26 26
Ⅳ Checklist for Required Documents ------------------------------------------------------------------32 33
Ⅴ Example of Report Outline -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34
Ⅵ Abbreviation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------32
ⅥI Glossary -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------33

Contact Details ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------37


Revised June 2015
Ⅰ. Minimum Requirements for Hydrologic and Hydraulic Design Reports

1. Design Philosophy
All reports shall outline the design philosophy on which the drainage proposal is premised and
shall include all assumptions made in the compilation of the report. This should include the
watershed influencing the development as well as the final outfall.

These basic points should be taken into consideration in the designs.

1.1 Development site

No site/lot will be recommended for development which is vulnerable to flooding, erosion, storm
surge, land slippage or might pose danger to property and/ or life, unless the counter measures
proposed are proven to be sufficient.

1.2 Future development within catchment area

If there are future development plans within a specified catchment area, the developer(s) must
take this into consideration when calculating the design flows for dimensioning the drainage and
storage systems. The developer must consult with NWA, NEPA and WRA to be advised of the
extent of build out of the watershed. This will inform the runoff coefficient determination.

1.3 Peak discharge and runoff volume

Peak discharge and runoff volumes should be determined based on up-to-date rainfall intensities
issued by the Meteorological Service of Jamaica.

1.4 Margin for culvert and open channel

Box culverts, pipe culverts and open channels shall be designed with a freeboard not less than
25% of design flow depth.

1.5 Discharging offsite

1.5.1 No proposed road or lot will be allowed to drain storm water directly unto an existing road or
property, without the specific permission from NWA.

1.5.2 The design should incorporate water detention or retention features to reduce the increase of
run-off from the development. Pre and post development peak discharges must be determined
based on an appropriate method for designing the required storage.
- Post-development peak flow should not exceed pre-development peak flow.
- Formulas used to calculate the required detention volume must also be given.
Revised June 2015
- Method to release stored runoff must also be given.

1.6 Depressions and sinkholes (refer to the Notes 1 & 2)

Geological factors can promote formation of sinkholes, slope failures, erosion and high level
of sediment load. These can pose serious challenges and risk for construction activities in
depressed areas. Flooding is often associated with depression during intense and continuous

1.6.1 Development in closed depressions as defined or delineated by *1:12,500 topographical maps

shall be restricted. Developments of types other than housing may however be allowed by the
relevant authorities under circumstances subject to special conditions.

1.6.2 No residential development shall take place in areas of depression and sinkholes with a
history of flooding or ponding. (refer to the Note 3).

1.6.3 No residential development shall take place in 100 year floodplain of depressions and

1.6.4 The 100 - year floodplain shall be determined by rainfall volume and flood line generated by
the 24hour - 1 in 100year storm event assuming zero outflow by internal drainage. A minimum
setback from the 24hour - 1 in 100year flood elevation shall be maintained in depressed areas as
follows. This is to be submitted and approved by the relevant authorities (NWA & WRA).

Slope Setback
1 : 20 30m
1 : 4 – 1 : 20 15m
1 : 1 and steeper 7.5m

1.6.5 The design storage volume of depressions must have a minimum 10% margin in
consideration of accumulation of silt.

Note 1 : Definitions

Depression : A depression is a landform that is completely surrounded by higher ground.

Sinkhole : A type of depression or hole formed in soluble rock (especially in limestone) by the action of water, serving
to conduct surface water underground.

Note 2 : *1: 12,500 topographical maps available at the Survey Department.

Note 3: Carry out relevant research through credible databases such as the Gleaner, ODPEM, WRA, NWA and DesInventar Online

catalogue. Additionally, field assessments may be done to include interviews with residents of the relevant community .

Revised June 2015
1.6.6 Where depressions and sinkholes are used as final outfall within a subdivision the pre and post
development rate of discharge to the sinkholes and the capacity of the depression should be
determined by a professional engineer (hydrological/hydro-geological studies). Measures for
preventing any significant increase in the post development levels should be designed and
submitted for approval by the relevant authorities (NWA & WRA).

No grading or altering of depressions will be allowed.

1.6.7 Depressions and sinkholes which are to be used for storm water discharge shall be kept in their
natural state. Measures shall be put in place to prevent or minimize sedimentation before final
discharge. Sinkholes shall be prevented from blockage using trash rack or other appropriate

1.6.8 Sinkholes within a subdivision shall be fenced and be protected for safety and security reasons.

1.6.9 No development shall be permitted above underground features (caverns etc.).

Developments above or in close proximity to caverns etc. should only proceed after detailed
exploration to ascertain their characteristics and site suitability approval by the relevant
authority (Mines and Geology Division).

1.6.10 During site preparation for development, cavities or sinkholes shall not be covered, filled or
buried. Developments, both when completed and during construction, should not block access
to cavities or sinkholes. As a temporary measure, a storm drain inlet protection or sediment
barrier shall be constructed to prevent sediment laden run-off from entering the sinkhole area(s)
during construction activities.

1.6.11 During construction, sediments shall be captured on site using sediment control fences (berms,
silt fences, sumps, swales, sediment/siltation control basins etc.) that will prevent sediments
from entering or clogging sinkholes and depression areas. Waterways with high flow discharge
rates which drain surrounding lands within areas to be disturbed for construction purposes shall
be provided with check dams, erosion control aprons etc. for reducing high flows and trapping
and retaining sediments. Upon removal, sediments must be properly disposed of at an approved
disposal site.

Revised June 2015
2. Submission of Drawings and Photos

2.1 Location map

The following points are to be taken into consideration:
- Indicate azimuth direction
- Annotate roads, rivers, landmarks, other important features.
- Submit electronic copy of maps to be geo-referenced (jpeg, or similar format).
- Project area should be highlighted by red lines.
- Watershed should be highlighted by blue lines.

2.2 Conceptual drawing (example Fig. 1)

Conceptual drawings are very important to clarify the overall picture of the design.
The following points are to be taken into consideration.
- Display entire watershed area including project area.
(to be shown on the 1:12,500 scale topographic map.)
- If the proposed site is located in an area where the 1:12,500 scale will not supply sufficient
topographic detail, then the developer will be requested to provide a topographic survey at a
higher resolution.
- Identify significant drainage features upslope and downslope of project area (rivers, gullies,
bridges, sinkholes etc.)
- The drainage area in km2 or hectares should be stated.

2.3 Grading plan

Where existing topography is proposed to be significantly altered, a grading plan showing
revised contours and elevations must be submitted. See “Hillside Development Manual” (Mines
& Geology Department).

2.4 Photographs
Photographs (in color) identifying pre development site conditions including existing drainage
features and topography. All special features outlined in proposal or relevant to development
must also be submitted.

2.5 Design drawings

Design drawings for plan, longitudinal and cross sections of the project area and typical cross
sections of main structures must be submitted. Contour lines with appropriate intervals should be

Revised June 2015
3. Calculation Procedure (refer to the Fig.2)

3.1 Submission of drainage calculation report

Submission of drainage calculation report is required for all developments that:
a) are vulnerable to flooding i.e. in close proximity to waterways or depressions.
b) Can aggravate flooding in other areas by encroachment of floodway or increased run-off.

3.2 Units
The International System of Units (SI) (cm, m, km, m2, km2, m3, second) should be used.

3.3 Return period

In principle, the following design return periods are applicable:

Type of Drainage System Return

The minor drainage system consists of inlets, street and roadway gutters, roadside Up to
ditches, small channels and swales, and small underground pipe systems which 1 in 10yr
collect stormwater runoff and transport it to structural control facilities, pervious
areas and/or the major drainage system (i.e., natural waterways, large
impoundments, gullies, rivers etc.).
The major drainage system is defined by flow paths for runoff from less frequent Up to
storms, up to the 100-yr frequency. It consists of natural waterways, rivers, large 1 in 100yr
man-made conduits, depression storage areas and large water impoundments. If the
minor system is exceeded during a storm event, the major system is then utilized.

3.4 Average runoff coefficient (refer to the Table 1)

Where the watershed consists of areas with differing values of runoff coefficients,
a composite runoff coefficient for the total area is computed as :

C= (a1c1+a2c2+a3c3……ancn) / (a1+a2+a3……an)
where a1,a2,a3 ∙∙∙ an : the area of the various sub-catchments
c1,c2,c3 ∙∙∙∙∙ cn : the runoff coefficients for the respective
a1+a2+a3+∙∙∙∙+ an : total watershed area

3.5 Rainfall intensity (refer to the AppendixⅢand the Fig.3-8)

The rainfall intensity can be calculated based on the methodology in the Flood Plain Mapping
Project; Rainfall Frequency Analysis report.
Revised June 2015
3.6 Calculation of inlet time (Time of Concentration, Tc)
All Tc formulae have limitations considering the development features. Inlet time calculation by
W.S. Kerby’s formula is one that is widely used:

ti = 1.445(N∙L/√S )0.467
where ti : Inlet time (min)
L : Flow length (m)
S : Slope gradient
N : Coefficient of roughness for Kerby’s formula(refer to the Table 2)
Other appropriate methods can also be used.

3.7 Calculation of peak discharge (refer to the Note 4)

The rational method is appropriate for estimating peak discharges for small drainage areas, of up
to about 1km2 (100 hectares), where there is no significant flood storage. The method provides
the designer with a peak discharge value.

Q = 1/3.6×106 C∙I∙A A≦100ha

where Q : Peak discharge (m3/s)
C : Runoff coefficient
I : Rainfall intensity (mm/hr)
A : Catchment area (km2)

3.8 Calculation of flow velocity

The Manning’s formula is to be used to calculate flow velocity.

V = 1/n∙R2/3∙i1/2
where V : Flow velocity (m/sec)
n : Manning roughness coefficient (refer to the Table 3)
R : Hydraulic radius =Area(wet)/Perimeter(wet)
i : Channel gradient

Note 4: Use of the rational method includes the following assumptions and limitations:
-Due to significant margin of error associated with the modelled intensity the minimum duration to be
used for computation of rainfall intensity is 10 minutes. If the time of concentration computed for the
drainage area is less than 10 minutes, then 10 minutes should be adopted for rainfall intensity
-The rational method does not account for storage in the drainage area. NB. If detention ponds are to
be designed the rational method should not be used. Where the assumptions of the rational method
are not fulfilled the use of hydro- numerical modelling; the Tr55, JamaicaⅡand Hec-hms are advised.
-Anecdotal data should be included in the report if available.
Revised June 2015
3.9 Calculation of gutter flow time
The average fluid velocity’s formula is used to calculate flow time.

t = 1/60∙ L / V
where t : Gutter flow time (min)
L : Gutter length (m)
V : Flow velocity (m/sec)

3.10 Hydro numerical modelling

Where numerical models are used:
- State name of program and description
- Boundary conditions should also be given
- Model outputs should be represented graphically

Revised June 2015
4. Other Design Considerations

4.1 Flood protection for houses

The setting of floor levels should be 0.40m above the 100 year flood level for the development in
order to allow the road and other finished surfaces to convey the storm water flows for major
storm events without affecting the buildings. No Floor Level should be set lower than 0.40m
above any road level adjacent to the building.

If roadways are used for conveyance of runoff to drains (storm sewer or gullies), the flood level
for each building should be based on the conveyance capacity of the cross section through the
building and the road(s) adjacent to the building.

Roof guttering to downpipes into suitable storage facilities (where allowable) should be
considered. Where run-off is directed into dry wells, soak-aways or absorption pits a proper
assessment of groundwater level and infiltration capacity should be done. A minimum setback of
3m shall be maintained from any permanent structure. (Refer to International Plumbing Code and
International Building Code & Hillside Development Manual, Mines and Geology Division).

4.2 Detention basin

4.2.1 Inflow - The relationship between the size of the watershed and the design storm frequency
is as follows:

Watershed area <250ha 10 year frequency

Watershed area ≥250ha 25 year frequency

The duration of a storm is critical in determining inflow. Generally, the high intensity- short
duration storm tends to determine basin size. However basin performance must be checked
for low intensity- long duration storm as these latter storms generate a higher flow volume
over a longer time.

4.2.2 Outflow - The allowable outflow from a basin is determined from the conveyance capacity of
the existing drainage facilities downstream. A larger basin might be required to reduce
outflows to pre development flow rates.

4.2.3 Freeboard requirements - Regardless of the size of watershed upstream of a basin, the 100
year storm must be routed through the basin and the basin sized so that the maximum water
surface elevation (100 year) is at least 0.60m below the lowest point along the top of the
basin. It is preferred that the basin fully contains inflows from the design storm without
spillage over the emergency spillway (100 year).
Revised June 2015
4.2.4 Provisions for dewatering - The sizing of the outfall must allow for emptying of the basin
within 48 - 72 hours so that enough storage is available to adequately mitigate a subsequent

4.2.5 Provision for sedimentation - The design volume of the basin must take into consideration
the possible sediment load from the upper watershed of the development and should be at
least 10% above the design volume. .

4.2.6 Basin side slopes - Side slopes in detention basins shall be a minimum 3:1 (horizontal to
vertical) below the design water surface and 2:1 above. The soil type will influence the side
slope. If the basin has a secondary use such as a park, then side slopes should preferably be
flatter than 4:1 for ease of mowing and maintenance.

4.3 Roads (refer to Note 5)

Maximum recommended road slope shall be 15% for distances not exceeding 50m.
Road alignment and grading should be guided by the existing contours.
Refer to the Hillside Development Manual (Mines and Geology Division).

4.4 Storm drains/ sewer

4.4.1 For drainage appurtenances being transferred to the Parish Council the minimum
recommended size of open channel storm drains/ sewers is 450mm in width/ diameter and
underground culverts/pipes is 600mm.

For drainage appurtenances on individual lots and small development areas not exceeding
0.10ha the minimum recommended size of open channel drains is 450mm in width and
underground culverts/pipes is 300mm in diameter.

Note 5: It is the designer’s responsibility to ensure that proper geometrics (alignment, cross sections,
profile) are considered in the road designs. Roads should be aligned in a manner to avoid sudden
bends and cutting across contours. In hilly terrain, it is important to select road alignments which do
not require steep road gradients. Roads with steep gradients are often troubled with excessive erosion
of the road surface and drains. By reducing the road gradients, the water can be drained away from
the road more efficiently and at lower speeds, thereby reducing the erosion caused by the water.

Revised June 2015
4.4.2 Allowable minimum and maximum velocity in storm drains/ sewers

Material of drains/ sewers Velocity (m/sec)

Concrete 1.0~3.5
Asphalt 0.9~1.5
Stone pitching/ block 0.6~1.9
High-density polyethylene 1.0~3.5

4.4.3 Minimum gradient of storm sewers shall be as set out below.

Pipe diameter (mm) Minimum gradient (%)

450 0.5
600 0.5
900 0.35
1200 0.35

4.4.4 Maximum allowable length of underground storm sewer between manholes

shall be 80m (D≥600) and 50m (600> D≥ 300). D: Pipe diameter (mm)

4.5 Sediment trap

All street inlets which are to be connected to storm water channels/ pipes, should provide mud
reservoir (sump) with minimum 300mm depth. A section of the sump invert should be left open
and pervious to allow for drawdown of stagnant water and vector control.

4.6 Scour protection

Design of drainage facilities located on steep slopes should incorporate mechanisms to counter
scouring of drainage surfaces especially at the inlet and outlet and along main channels.
Examples of scour protection mechanisms include the use of stepped drainage design on steep
slopes, weirs, rip rap to reduce flow velocity and, baffle walls at the intersection of sub-channels
and main channel.

Revised June 2015
5. Environmental Considerations

5.1 Change in floodplain elevations

Consideration shall be given to post development flows and final discharge point(s) to ensure
that properties and structures that had not previously been subjected to flooding are not exposed
to any additional risk. It should be noted that a shift in a floodplain’s hydrology can possibly lead
to the degradation of wetland and forest habitats. Where the Local Authority determines that a
particular area is vulnerable to flooding due to historical flooding problems or downstream
floodplain development and where the conveyance system design cannot be expanded to
accommodate the flows; special stormwater management practice should be incorporated.

5.2 Stormwater management

Hydraulic structures which may be considered include but are not limited to: catch basin inserts,
dry extended detention ponds, water quality inlets and oil/ grit separators, hydro-dynamic
structures, grass channels, bio-retention, deep sump catch basins and dry wells.

5.3 Stormwater filtering systems

Design variants may include but not be limited to: infiltration trenches and basins, surface sand
filter, underground sand filter, perimeter sand filter, organic filter, pocket sand filter strips.

5.4 Detention/ Retention pond buffers and setbacks

A pond buffer should be provided that extends outward from the maximum water surface
elevation of the pond. The pond buffer should be contiguous with other buffer areas where
practicable. An additional setback may be provided for permanent structures. Existing trees
should be preserved in the buffer area during construction. It is also desirable to establish forest
conservation areas adjacent to such ponds.

Refer to Buffers and Setback Guidelines (NEPA)

Refer Revised Policy on Setback from Drains and Gullies (NWA)

5.5 Site and resource mapping

The developer shall identify significant natural resources and demonstrate that these areas will
be protected and preserved. Additionally, options should be evaluated to enhance important
hydrologic functions. Specific areas that should be mapped by the project designer include:
wetland, wetland buffers, stream buffers, perennial streams, forests, forest buffers, highly
erodible soils, intermittent streams, major waterways, floodplains, fish sanctuaries, areas
prescribed for endangered/protected species, protected areas, and heritage sites.

Revised June 2015
5.6 Landscaping plan
A landscaping plan for stormwater pond(s) and its buffer shall be prepared to indicate how
aquatic and terrestrial areas will be vegetated, stabilized and established.

5.7 Other design considerations

5.7.1 For a more integrated approach, guidelines should extend to:

 protect water sources from possible adverse impacts of urban stormwater runoff
 drainage improvements with the intention to achieve long term performance, safety, ease
of maintenance, community acceptance and environmental benefit.

5.7.2 Consideration should also be given to improvement in water quality treatment,

maintenance and reduction in environmental impact. As such the following set of
performance standards should be incorporated in the design philosophy:
 Site designs shall minimize the generation of stormwater and maximize pervious areas
to facilitate maximum stormwater infiltration.
However, in landslide risk areas, the infiltration of stormwater will increase soil pore
pressures which may induce landslides. In these areas, site designs should be considered
in order to minimize filtration stormwater by intercepting and channeling away from the
 If the proposed development entails the direct discharge of stormwater runoff into
functional wetlands, pre-treatment is required as a part of the proposal.
 Stormwater discharge to critical areas with sensitive resources such as fish sanctuaries,
recreational beaches, recharge areas and water supply reservoirs, should be subject to
additional performance criteria.
 Drainage design for development shall consider reduction in pollution loads to minimize
the impact on water quality. Allowance for routine monitoring and maintenance shall
also be made.

Revised June 2015
II. References

[1] The Local Improvement Act 1914

[2] The Flood-Water Control Act 1958

[3] Guidelines for Design & Construction of Housing Infrastructure

Vol. 1 Storm Water Drainage 1984 J.I.E. Recommended

[4] Vol. 3 Section 1 Roads, Infrastructure, Drainage and Traffic Management

National Works Agency 2007

[5] Guidelines for Drainage Review of Subdivisions and Development Applications

(Draft) Ministry of Transport and Works September 2000

[6] Intensity Duration Frequency Curves Norman Manley & Sangster International
Airports, Underground Water Authority February 1995

[7] Seminar for the Transfer of Technology, Flood Plain Mapping Project Rainfall
Frequency Analysis November 27, 1989

[8] Japan Road Association 2009

Revised June 2015

Revised June 2015
Return period : T
1 in 5, 25, 100 year

Revised June 2015
Table 1 Runoff Coefficient : C

Land Use C
A. Commercial
-Densely developed 0.9
-Shopping plazas 0.8
B. Residential
-Single family 0.4
-Multi-units-detached 0.5
-Multi-units-attached 0.6
-Suburban 0.3
-Apartments 0.6
C. Industrial
-Heavy industry 0.75
-Light industry 0.8
D. Park 0.2
E. Playing fields 0.3
F. Undeveloped 0.2
G. Hill district
-Low-pitched 0.3
-Steep slope 0.5
H. Forest 0.3
I. Agricultural land
-Paddy field 0.75
-Croft (small farm) 0.2
J. Road
-Pavement 0.9
-Gravel road 0.5

Revised June 2015
Table 2 Kerby Coefficient of Roughness : N

Land Use N
-Asphalt/ Concrete surface 0.013
-Smooth impervious surface 0.02
-Smooth compacted land 0.10
-Low density lawn 0.20
-Agricultural land 0.20
-Bawn (meadow), lawn 0.40
-Deciduous woodland 0.60
-Coniferous forest 0.80

Table 3 Manning Roughness Coefficient : n

Type of Condition of n
Channel Channel
Culvert/ -Cast-in-place concrete 0.015
Pipe -Concrete pipe 0.013
-Concrete secondary product 0.013
-High-density polyethylene 0.012
Channel -Stone masonry 0.032
with -Stone masonry with mortar joint 0.025
lining -Concrete with smoothing plane 0.015
-Mortal 0.013
-Wood with smoothing plane 0.015
-Steel 0.012
Channel -Soil 0.022
without -Soil with weed 0.027
lining -Gravel 0.025
-Rock 0.035
Natural -Fairing (smooth) channel 0.030
channel -Non-fairing (rough) channel 0.100

Revised June 2015
Appendix List

Appendix Ⅰ

Appendix Ⅱ

Appendix Ⅲ
Flood Plain Mapping Project
Rainfall Frequency Analysis

Appendix Ⅳ
Checklist for Required Documents

Appendix Ⅴ
Example of Report Outline

Appendix ⅤI

Appendix ⅤII

Revised June 2015
Appendix Ⅰ


Appendix Ⅱ


Appendix Ⅲ
Flood Plain Mapping Project Rainfall Frequency Analysis

1. Ratio and constant

Duration(D) Cn Ratios for Return Period(Tyr) and duration(D)
5yr 10 yr 25yr 50yr 100yr
10min - 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40
15min - 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52
30min - 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76
1hour - 0.41 0.40 0.38 0.37 0.35
2hour 0.25 - - - - -
6hour 0.50 - - - - -
12hour 0.69 - - - - -
24hour - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

2. Calculation procedures

For 10 to 30 min rainfall duration(D) Rain(Tyr,Dmin) = ratio(Tyr,Dmin)* ratio(Tyr,1hr)*Rain(Tyr,24hr)

e.g. Rain(5yr,10min) = ratio(5yr,10min)* ratio(5yr,1hr)*Rain(5yr,24hr)

For 1hr duration Rain(Tyr,1hr) = ratio(Tyr,1hr)*Rain(Tyr,24hr)

e.g. Rain(5yr,1hr) = 0.41*Rain(5yr,24hr)

For 2hr, 6hr, 12hr duration (D) Rain(Tyr,Dhr) = Cn*Rain(Tyr,24hr)+(1-Cn)*Rain(Tyr,1hr)

= Cn*Rain(Tyr,24hr)+(1-Cn)* ratio(Tyr,1hr)*Rain(Tyr,24hr)
e.g. Rain(100yr,12hr) =0.69*Rain(100yr,24hr)+(1-0.69)*0.35*Rain(100yr,24hr)

NB: the Tyr -24hr rainfall over the drainage is derived from the Tyr rainfall isohyets maps

Adopted from: Flood Plain Mapping Project

Seminar on Transfer of Technology

Rainfall Frequency Analysis

Organizations : Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Relief Coordination

Meteorological Office (November 27-30 1989)

Fig. 3 2 Year – 24 Hour Map

Fig. 4 5 Year – 24 Hour Map

Fig. 5 10 Year – 24 Hour Map

Fig. 6 25 Year – 24 Hour Map

Fig. 7 50 Year – 24 Hour Map

Fig. 8 100 Year – 24 Hour Map

Appendix Ⅳ Checklist for Required Documents
Clause Items Contents Yes No
1. Design philosophy Design philosophy including all assumptions
1.5.1 Discharging offsite Specific permission for offsite discharge from NWA
1.5.2 Pre-post peak discharge calculation
1.6.2 Depression and Proof for no history of flooding or ponding
1.6.4 sinkhole Rainfall volume calculation approved by NWA/ WRA
1.6.6 Pre-post discharge calculation approved by NWA/WRA
2.1 Location map With roads, landmarks, highlighted project area
and watershed etc.
2.2 Conceptual drawing With watershed, contours, drainage channels, roads etc.
2.3 Grading plan New grading plan with new contours, roads etc.
2.4 Photographs Color photos of pre site conditions with drainages,
roads etc.
2.5 Design drawings Plan, longitudinal and cross section of project area, typical cross
section of main structures etc.
3.1 Drainage Necessary for all development applications (Area > 900SM)
3.10 Hydro numerical Name of program and description, boundary conditions
modeling and graphical output
4.2 Detention basin Calculation of detention basin with basin size, freeboard, outfall etc.

Appendix V Example of Report Outline
NB: The following example is inserted as a guide and may not contain all of the necessary details for
some submittals.

Contents Page

Overview (Executive Summary) ……………….................................................................. 2 - 4

Site Location ………………………………………………………………………………. 5

Hydrology …………………………………………………………………………..……... 6 - 10

Topography and Natural Features

Watershed Delineation

Rainfall Data and Distribution

Design Criteria

Determination of Peak Flows …..….....................................................................................11 - 14

Hydraulics ............................................................................................................................ 15 - 18

Design Criteria


Pre-Development Drainage Assessment ............................................................................... 19 - 20

Post-Development Drainage Assessment .............................................................................. 21 - 22

Recommendations ………………………………………………………………………….. 23

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………….… 24

Appendix ………………………………………………………………………………….... 25 – 30

Appendix VI Abbreviations

Units Organizations
mm millimeter NEPA National Environment and Planning Agency
cm centimeter ODPEM Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency
m meter Management
km kilometer WRA Water Resources Authority
m cubic meter NWA National Works Agency
ha hectare JIE Jamaica Institution of Engineers
yr year JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency
hr hour
min minute
sec second

Appendix ⅥI Glossary

Antecedent Moisture Conditions (AMC) - Watershed conditions prevailing prior to an event;

normally used to characterize basin wetness, e.g., soil moisture.

Channel (Watercourse) - An open conduit either naturally or artificially created which periodically or
continuously contains moving water, or which forms a connecting link between two bodies of water.

Climate change - A change in the climate that persists for decades or longer, arising from either
natural causes or human activity.

Concentration Time (Time of Concentration) - The travel time from the hydraulically furthermost
point in a watershed to the outlet.

Depression - A depression is a landform that is completely surrounded by higher ground.

Design Flood - The flood that is chosen as the basis for the design of a hydraulic structure.

Design Storm - Rainfall amount and distribution in time and space used to determine a design flood
or design peak discharge.

Detention Basin - Storage facility which delays the conveyance of water downstream. A basin which
reduces peak flood flows of a stream through temporary storage.

Dewatering - Removing of water from the soil or from an enclosure (storage facility).

Discharge (Flow) - The volume of water that passes through a given cross-section per unit time;

Drainage Area - The drainage area of a stream at a specified location is that area, measured in a
horizontal plane, which is enclosed by a drainage divide.

Drainage Divide - The Summit (rim) or boundary line separating adjacent drainage basins.

Flood - An overflow or inundation that comes from a river or other body of water, and causes or
threatens damage.

Floodway - The channel of a river or stream and those parts of the floodplains adjoining the channel
which are reasonably required to carry and discharge the floodwater or flow. The floodplain is kept
clear of encumbrances to facilitate the free passage of flood flows.

Freeboard (Hydraulics) - The distance between the maximum water surface elevation anticipated in
design and the top of retaining banks or structures.

Gully - Channel deeply eroded by water which flows only due to storm-water runoff.

Hydraulics - Branch of fluid mechanics dealing with the flow of water in conduits and open channels.

Hydrograph - A graph showing stage (elevation), flow, velocity, or other property of water with
respect to time.

Hydrology - The study of water; generally focuses on the distribution of water and interaction with the
land surface and underlying soils and rocks.

Infiltration - The movement of water from the land surface into the soil.

Inflow - Flow of water into a stream, pond, reservoir, basin, aquifer system, etc.

Karst - Landscape underlain by limestone which has been eroded by dissolution, producing ridges,
fissures, sinkholes and other characteristic landforms.

Outlet (outfall) - Opening through which water flows out or is extracted from a reservoir, basin,
channel or stream.

Overland Flow – The shallow flow of water over the land surface before combining with additional
flow to become channel flow.

Peak Discharge (peak flow) - Maximum instantaneous discharge of a given hydrograph.

Precipitation - As used in hydrology, precipitation is the common process by which atmospheric water
becomes surface or subsurface water. Precipitation includes rainfall, snow, hail, and sleet, and is
therefore a more general term than rainfall.

Rainfall - The quantity of water that falls as rain only.

Rainfall Intensity - Rate at which rainfall occurs, expressed in units of depth per unit of time.

Rainfall Intensity return period - Average time interval in years between the occurrence of rainfall of
a given intensity and that of an equal or greater intensity.

Rational Method - Formula expressing the estimated peak rate of storm runoff as the product of the
catchment area, a peak rate of rainfall, and a runoff coefficient.

River Training - Engineering river-works built in order to direct the flow, or to lead it into a prescribed
channel, or to increase the water depth for navigation and other uses.

Recurrence Interval (return period) - The average interval of time within which the given flood will
be equaled or exceeded once.

Retention Basin - Similar to detention basin but water in storage is permanently obstructed from
flowing downstream.

Runoff - Precipitation on the ground that is not captured by evaporation, infiltration, interception, or
surface storage. That part of precipitation that appears as streamflow.

Run-off Coefficient - The runoff coefficient (C) is a dimensionless coefficient relating the amount of
runoff to the amount of precipitation received. It is a larger value for areas with low infiltration and
high runoff (pavement, steep gradient), and lower for permeable, well vegetated areas (forest, flat

Run-off Curve Number - An empirically derived relationship between location, soil-type, land use,
antecedent moisture conditions, and runoff. The curve number is used in an event-based model to
establish the initial soil moisture condition and the infiltration.

Scour - Erosive action - in particular, pronounced local erosion - of water in streams, in excavating and
carrying away materials from the bed and banks.

Spillway - A structure used to provide the controlled release of flows from a dam or levee or storage
facility into a downstream area.

Storage - Water artificially or naturally detained in surface or underground reservoirs, such as ground
water, channel storage, and depression storage.

Storm - A disturbance of normal conditions of the atmosphere which, may include any or all
meteorological disturbances, such as wind, rain, snow, hail, or thunder.

Storm Surge - An abnormal rise in sea level accompanying a hurricane or other intense storm, and

whose height is the difference between the observed level of the sea surface and the level that would
have occurred in the absence of the cyclone. Storm surge is usually estimated by subtracting the normal
or astronomic high tide from the observed storm tide.

Stream - A general term for a body of flowing water. In hydrology the term is generally applied to the
water flowing in a natural channel as distinct from a canal.

Streamflow - The discharge that occurs in a natural channel. Although the term discharge can be
applied to the flow of a canal, the word streamflow uniquely describes the discharge in a surface stream

Subdivision - The division of a lot, tract or parcel of land into two or more lots for the purpose of sale
or development.

Surface Runoff - That part of the runoff that travels over the soil surface to the nearest stream channel.
It is also defined as that part of the runoff of a drainage basin that has not passed beneath the surface
since precipitation.

Sedimentation - Process of settling and depositing by gravity of suspended matter in water.

Sinkhole - Location where water disappears underground in a limestone region. It generally implies
water loss in a closed depression or blind valley.

Tributary - Watercourse flowing into a larger watercourse or water body.

Water Level -Elevation of the free-water surface of a body of water relative to a datum level.

Watershed (drainage basin, catchment) - An area characterized by all direct runoff being conveyed
to the same outlet.

Contact Details

Kindly address any queries or comments to:

Director of Technical Services

National Works Agency
140 Maxfield Avenue
Kingston 10

Tel: (876) 926 3210-9

Fax: (876) 754 9294
E. Mail: [email protected]

This guidelines document shall not create liability on the part of the National Works Agency or any
officer or employee thereof for any damage that may result from reliance thereon.

All rights reserved by the National Works Agency, Ministry of Transport, Works & Housing. No part
of this document may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the National
Works Agency, with the exception of photocopying for educational purposes.

NB: The guidelines are to be reviewed in 2020 or earlier should the need arise.

Technical and financial support provided by

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

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