On-Bench Practices For Open Cut Mines and Quarries: Code of Practice
On-Bench Practices For Open Cut Mines and Quarries: Code of Practice
On-Bench Practices For Open Cut Mines and Quarries: Code of Practice
Code of Practice
Edition 1
November 2015
About the AEISG
The Australian Explosives Industry and Safety Group (AEISG) is an incorporated association of
Australian explosives manufacturers and suppliers originally formed in 1994.
The goal of AEISG is to continuously improve the level of safety and security throughout our industry
in the manufacture, transport, storage, handling and use of explosives and related materials throughout
One of the strategies adopted by AEISG in this regard is to identify areas where improved standards
of operation need to be consistently applied and then develop and issue appropriate codes of practice which
capture industry best practice in these areas.
AEISG codes of practice are adopted by members for the benefit of their employees, their customers and the
general community. They are also made available free of charge on the AEISG website, www.aeisg.org.au,
for use by any interested parties.
To keep abreast of technological advancements, industry progress and regulatory changes, AEISG Codes of
Practice are subject to regular review and updated through the issue of amendments or revised editions
as necessary. It is important that users ensure they are in possession of the latest edition and any
amendments. References to superseded versions should be updated accordingly.
© AEISG Inc. 2015
This document is subject to copyright. No parts of it should be reproduced without the written consent of
AEISG Inc has taken reasonable care in the preparation of the information contained in this Code and
believes it to be accurate. However, AEISG Inc does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy, completeness
or currency of the information contained in this Code. As AEISG Inc cannot anticipate or control the
conditions under which this information may be used, each user should review the information in the
specific context of the intended application. Under no circumstances will AEISG Inc or any of its members
be responsible for, or accept liability for, any loss, expense, cost or damage of any nature resulting from the
use of or reliance upon the information contained in this Code. To the fullest extent permitted by law,
AEISG Inc disclaims all warranties, whether expressed, implied, statutory or otherwise, in relation to the
information contained in this Code.
Australian Explosives Industry And Safety Group Inc.
Edition 1
November 2015
Australian Explosives Industry and Safety Group
1.0 SCOPE……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 4
2.0 DEFINITIONS……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Page 5
3.1 Personal Protective Equipment and Special Equipment for the Task…………………………………..Page 8
7.1 General…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 22
7.3 Priming…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 25
8.4 Stemming…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Page 34
9.1 General…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 36
Edition 1 November 2015 Code of Practice: On-Bench Practices for Open Cut Mines and Quarries Page 1
Australian Explosives Industry and Safety Group
AEISG Inc. has identified the need to provide guidance on establishing best practice
systems and procedures for managing on-bench procedures for the loading and firing of
blasts at open cut mines and quarries, to minimise risks for its members, its clients, their
employees and the wider community.
The use of explosives to break rock involves the sudden application of large amounts of
energy, and is therefore a process requiring the effective management and control of
activities to ensure that hazards are identified and appropriately controlled. On a mine
or quarry site the potential hazards are increased by the need to handle sensitive
initiating explosives while working in a harsh environment. The blasting process must
be managed in a way that minimises the risk of the unplanned detonation of explosives,
and associated undesired outcomes, and uncontrolled blast behavior at the time of firing.
In considering the safety of mine personnel, contractors and the general public, hazards
associated with the blasting process include, but are not be limited to, the following:
• Loss or theft of explosives from the mine/quarry site, representing a security
• Unplanned detonation of explosives due to incorrect handling or application, or
during transportation;
• Unplanned detonation during placement due to impacts associated with
operating equipment (e.g. as drills and excavators in adjacent areas); impact
from passing equipment; or snap-slap-shoot risks from passing equipment;
• Unplanned detonation of explosives after placement, from an external source of
initiation such as hot/reactive ground, or lightning;
• Unplanned detonation of explosives due to the application of electrical energy
for testing or firing of electronic initiation systems, e.g. following undetected
damage by lightning;
• Flyrock risks to persons, equipment and infrastructure, outside the blast
exclusion zone, generated by an inadequately confined blast, within a blast
exclusion zone that has not been adequately cleared prior to firing, or an
exclusion zone inadequately determined based on ground conditions;
• Environmental compliance risks (overpressure and ground vibration)
associated with overloaded blastholes, large (reinforcing) blasts, and
unfavourable meteorological conditions;
• Persons at risk from dust and fumes generated by the blast, outside the blast
exclusion zone or potentially outside the site boundary;
• Persons at risk from misfired blastholes, particularly during subsequent
excavation or re-drilling of the blast area.
This Code has been developed to provide practical guidance regarding those on-bench
activities that must be considered as part of the risk assessment process, and during the
development of a safety management plan and associated operating procedures and
work instructions. The Code is necessarily generic in order to remain applicable across
a broad range of applications, using a variety of explosive products, to achieve different
blasting outcomes. It is understood that specific blasting practices and applications vary
significantly across open cut coal operations, open pit metal mines and quarries, and
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Australian Explosives Industry and Safety Group
therefore, a review of these guidelines must be carried out for applicability on a site-
specific basis. In the event of any conflict between this Code and applicable regulatory
requirements, the regulations shall always take precedence.
The information is provided in good faith and without warranty.
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Australian Explosives Industry and Safety Group
1.1 This Code sets out recommendations and precautions to ensure the safety of
employees, sub-contractors, members of the public and the environment, in relation to
activities associated with the blasting process. These recommendations principally apply
to ‘on-bench’ activities, including the preparation of a blast area, the priming and
charging of blastholes, stemming and the tie-up of charged blastholes ready for firing.
1.2 This code does not cover the detailed requirements for the safe and secure storage
and transport of explosives and security sensitive materials, as would be described
under a site security plan. It is assumed that explosives and security sensitive materials
will be managed in accordance with a risk assessed management plan, a site security
plan, and associated operating procedures and work practices.
1.3 This code does not cover those activities associated with the firing of the shot,
including blast notification, setting of blast guards, clearance of the blast exclusion zone,
firing the shot, post-blast clearance, or misfire management. These are described in the
AEISG Code of Good Practice, “Blast Guarding in an Open Cut Mining Environment”.
Note: The potential for undesired blasting outcomes at the time of firing needs to be
considered whilst carrying out on-bench activities.
1.4 This code does not cover the management of hot and/or reactive ground, other than
to the extent that general safe blasting practices must be observed for blasts. Specific
guidelines when managing blasting in hot and/or reactive ground are provided in the
AEISG Code of Practice, “Elevated Temperature and Reactive Ground”.
1.5 This code does not cover the management of post-blast fume, other than to the extent
that the correct implementation of the blast design, appropriate explosives selection and
water management, and good blast management will minimize the potential for post
blast fume. Specific guidelines for preventing and managing post-blast fume are
provided in the AEISG Code of Practice, “Prevention and Management of Blast
Generated NOx Gases in Surface Blasting”.
1.6 This code does not cover the operational use of any specific bulk equipment, such as
Mobile Processing Units (MPU’s), stemming equipment, dewatering equipment, or any
systems for the measurement, monitoring or firing of blasts. Use of specific equipment,
on (or near) bench loading activities, must be in accordance with the
manufacturer’s/supplier’s recommendations and guidelines, and site management
systems and procedures, including relevant traffic management plans and any identified
exclusion zones. The requirements for the design and operational management of Mobile
Processing Units (MPUs) can be found in the AEISG Code of Practice, “Mobile
Processing Units”.
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Australian Explosives Industry and Safety Group
Definitions used within this Code where applicable are consistent with the meanings as
defined in AS2187.0
AN – Ammonium nitrate
ANE(s) – An ammonium nitrate emulsion, suspension or gel used as a precursor for the
manufacture of explosives.
Blast Boards – Designated boards located in areas where general mining personnel gather
or pass, dedicated to the site blasting activities and indicating the location, time and date
of any scheduled blasting on a mine/quarry site.
Blast Area – The area where blastholes are to be charged and fired, and within which
access will be restricted to authorised persons, authorised vehicles, or personnel/vehicles
under the supervision of authorised persons. The blast area may also include clearance
distances outside the immediate charging area. For example, drilling, excavation and other
operations may be restricted, adjacent to, above or in front of the immediate charging area.
Blast Controller – A person who is appointed and responsible for the logistics of the
clearance of the Blast Exclusion Zone, including the removal of personnel and equipment,
the positioning of blast guards, and completion of a final sweep prior to firing. In some
cases this may be the Shotfirer.
Blast Exclusion Zone – The area that is determined by a risk assessment process, to
ensure that all the expected / foreseen effects of the blast, are maintained within a
controlled area. The Blast Exclusion Zone can be layered, with an inner zone being defined
as the exclusion area for equipment and a wider area being defined as the exclusion area
for personnel.
Blast Guard - Industry terminology for a hard barrier consisting of a suitable person and
equipment (visual indicators, suitable vehicle and communications equipment),
strategically located to prevent access of unauthorised personnel and traffic into a
designated Blast Exclusion Zone.
Dynamic Water – The flow of water into or through the blasthole that is sufficient to
interfere with the charging process or degrade the explosives column due to its flow. Water
is commonly considered to be ‘dynamic’ if recharge occurs after dewatering.
MPU – Mobile Processing Unit (refer AEISG Code of Practice, “Mobile Processing Units”.
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Australian Explosives Industry and Safety Group
Post-Blast Fume – The plume of material generated after the initiation of ammonium
nitrate based explosives, which is sometimes a yellowish through to a red/brown NOx
Pre-Blast Meeting – A meeting sometimes conducted at the edge of the delineated shot,
prior to the shot being fired. The meeting should include the Shotfirer, Blast Controller,
nominated Blast Guards and other personnel relevant to the blast such as technical
representatives and/or supervisors.
Pre-Shift Meeting – A meeting conducted on a site prior to, or at the beginning of, each
shift where relevant information is communicated to operational personnel, such as road
reports, mining activities, blasting activities, sleeping shots, new hazards, misfires, changes
to procedures, etc.
Roster/Swing changeover – Refers to the transition from one blasting team to another,
working over different roster periods.
Shift changeover – Refers to the transition from one blasting team to another, working on
alternating shifts.
Shotfirer – An appointed person who uses blasting explosives and is responsible for
preparing, charging and firing explosives. A Shotfirer will be nominated for each particular
blasting activity.
Sleeping Shot – A blast area containing explosives that is not yet ready for firing (i.e.
loading is incomplete), or has been delayed due to charging constraints or unsuitable
conditions (e.g. weather conditions).
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Unauthorised Persons – Personnel not associated with blast charging and shotfiring
activities, who are not permitted to enter the blast area without permission of the
nominated Shotfirer and then only under appropriate supervision.
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Australian Explosives Industry and Safety Group
3.1 Personal Protective Equipment and Special Equipment for the Task
The personal protective equipment required for the task will be in accordance with the
company and site requirements.
(b) Approved blast area demarcation and road closure items (signage, witches hats,
flashing lights, bunting etc.);
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Australian Explosives Industry and Safety Group
Face profiling
Face profilingand
blastholetracking systems
tracking maymay
systems be required to assess
be required variable
to assess free face
variable free face burdens
burdensource Maxam Australia
(d) Approved and calibrated monitoring devices, such as temperature probes for hot
holes, gas monitoring systems where noxious gases are expected on the bench or after
the blast, and vibration/overpressure monitors;
(e) Non-explosive blasthole accessories such as gas bags, blasthole savers, stem plugs,
collar pegs and initiating explosives retention devices;
(f) Approved cutting devices for detonating cord and explosives packaging;
(g) Approved circuit testing devices and firing systems/devices for electric, electronic
and signal tube firing systems;
a) Induction program for all employees (generic and site-based, as applicable), and site
familiarisation tour;
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Australian Explosives Industry and Safety Group
d) Appropriate training package(s) for using the specific explosive systems deployed at
the site, such as electric or signal tube delay detonators, detonating cord, electronic
initiation systems, presplit products etc.
f) Site specific personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements and special / task
specific requirements, including training in the proper use and care of applicable
Each site, under an appropriate safety/security management plan, must maintain a record
of personnel who are deemed competent and available to perform relevant roles, and who
are authorised to access explosives and precursors. These may include shotfirers, blast
controllers, magazine keepers, blast guards, explosives handlers and explosives equipment
Sites must maintain a regular review and renewal of training and competency
requirements as required by legislative or company requirements.
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Consider danger zones within half the height of the face, measured from the toe of any rill
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Australian Explosives Industry and Safety Group
(c) Priming, charging and stemming blastholes – Avoiding hazards associated with the
snap/slap/shoot of signal tube downlines, unplanned detonation in elevated temperature
and/or reactive ground, and flyrock/overpressure associated with overloaded or under-
burdened holes;
(d) Blast clearance & shotfiring – Ensuring adequate blast clearance and controls are in
place to prevent unauthorised access into the blast exclusion zone while blasting is in
progress and until after the ‘all clear’ has been given. Identifying where post-blast
inspection of any critical areas is required, such as unstable wall conditions and misfires,
and where physical barriers need to be established after the blast.
In some cases, additional risk assessments will be required for specific high risk processes,
such as blasting in elevated temperature and/or reactive ground areas, blasting in areas
with a known history of generating post-blast fume, working in areas with cracked and/or
unstable ground conditions, working under steep walls or slopes, or working in areas with
noxious gases such as carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides, either on the bench or during
re-entry after the blast. Consideration should also be given to any old underground
workings in the vicinity.
While the above risk assessment stages are not all directly associated with on-bench
blasting activities, the various hazards and controls must be understood by personnel
working on-bench to ensure that potential consequences are understood for the complete
Operational or specific risk assessments of on-bench activities are best carried out at the
work area, prior to the commencement of work (e.g. SLAM, Take5, JSA, etc.). When a formal
risk assessment is carried out it must be approved in accordance with the relevant safety
management systems and accepted and signed by all of the relevant parties involved in
that blasting process prior to work being undertaken.
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(i) Slip, trip, fall and manual handling hazards within the blast area, associated with
uneven or muddy ground, or poor weather conditions;
(j) The intended application and combination of specific bulk explosives, boosters, and
initiating systems must be consistent with supplier guidelines. For example, suitability for
use in elevated temperature conditions, or compatibility of initiating explosives such as
detonating cord and boosters;
(k) All explosives, blasthole accessories, equipment and tools must be approved by
management for use on site, with appropriate technical data sheets and safety data sheets
provided by the supplier;
(l) Specific risks associated with particular explosive products such as electric detonators
and electrical/RF hazards; safety fuse and burning speed variability; and the potential for
stretch- snap-slap-shoot events when using signal tube systems;
(m) Previous history of flyrock, poor fragmentation, inadequate/excessive blast
movement, and/or excessive blast damage;
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(c) The blast area must be available for blasting operations to proceed, without unsafe
interaction from other mining activities such as excavation and haulage. Consideration
should be given to the effective use of physical barriers such as safety berms;
(d) Bench preparation is to be completed on time, to an adequate standard for safe
and efficient drilling and charging;
(e) Drilling operations are to be progressed at a rate that will allow on-bench blasting
operations to commence and be completed on time, without excessive sleep time as a
result of drilling delays;
(f) Interaction between drilling equipment and blast crews is best minimised in order
to prevent unnecessary additional risk. A minimum stand-off distance, equivalent to at
least two rows or the depth of holes whichever is the greater, should be maintained.
Where this cannot be avoided (for example re-drills), such operations must be carried
out under supervision and a specific risk assessment;
(g) Sufficient explosives products and blasthole accessories are to be available (or
have been ordered) to allow on-bench blasting operations to commence on time and
be completed. In particular, bulk explosive blends to suit likely ground conditions (dry,
damp, wet), a sufficient number of initiating products (of appropriate length and
delay), gas bags to suit blasthole diameter, sufficient suitable stemming material etc.;
(h) Sufficient labour and equipment are to be available to complete the blast in the
required timeframe, without rushing and allowing time for unforeseen events,
adequate checks and record keeping;
(i) The shot must be completed and then fired within an acceptable timeframe (sleep
time), allowing for explosives limitations, weather conditions/delays, weekends, and
interaction with other processes. Limiting sleep time can be dependent upon ground
conditions (elevated temperature, dynamic water etc.), or the sleep time parameters
of either the bulk explosives (e.g. dry/damp/wet conditions) or the initiating
explosives (e.g. diesel ingression into signal tube).
(j) The sleeping of blasts outside normal operating hours must take into consideration
requirements for maintaining restricted access and explosives security, with
appropriate demarcation, guarding and supervision, to also be effective during any
night shifts.
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(b) Plans and specifications detailing blast location, blast boundary and bench
preparation requirements;
(c) Risk assessments for the blast work area at various stages in the blasting process
with a record of all persons entering the blast loading area to be maintained. This is
to ensure that all persons within the blast loading area have reviewed the risk
assessment and are aware of the identified hazards and the controls, and can be
interviewed in the event of an incident;
(d) Drill pattern showing blasthole layout, with blasthole ID, location, depth, angle,
direction, and diameter of all blastholes. Cross-sections are desirable where varying
depths (e.g. stab holes) and different angles (e.g. face holes) apply across the shot. A
table of this information may also be available in the form of drill sheets, so that actual
drilled records can be compared to design;
(e) Charge sheets detailing the location of primers, charge mass and length, length of
inert decks (gravel, air or water), and stem heights for each blasthole. Cross-sections
are desirable where multiple decks are used, to show the required deck and primer
location. Product selection requirements should be specified where dictated
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by ground conditions (e.g. depth of water, hard/soft areas, face holes etc.). Actual
dipped depths and charged quantities are also to be recorded, and compared with
design quantities on a hole-by-hole basis (variations to be recorded);
(f) Additional records may be required to define specific blasting conditions, such as
temperature logs for blasting at elevated temperature; identified voids when blasting
over underground workings; blocked blastholes in cracked ground; the location of
slumped holes after a rain event; the location of known or potential misfires where lost
downlines cannot be recovered;
(g) Tie-up plan showing the initiation hole, initiation sequence and firing direction,
and connection sequence (for electronic systems). Guidelines to deal with additional
or missing holes are also recommended. Modifications to the design tie-up should be
recorded on the plan, particularly where changes have been made to accommodate
additional or missing holes;
(h) Blast clearance plan(s) showing the name/identity of the blast, location of the blast
with respect to roadways and other mining activities, blast notification requirements,
blast guard positions, the extent of the blast exclusion zone for personnel and
equipment, the Shotfirer’s firing position, and the location of sensitive
locations/infrastructure. This information is required at the start of charging activities,
in the event of an emergency situation such as an electrical storm or fire on an
explosives vehicle, when rapid clearance of the blast area may be required, or in the
event that emergency firing is required (expected flooding, identification of hot ground
(i) Magazine records, showing explosive quantities taken from the magazines, used on
the shot and returned to the magazine. This must be recorded in a way that allows
appropriate reconciliation of initiating explosives for specific product types, in order
to identify unexplained losses or theft, and to ensure explosives storage limits are not
(j) Bulk explosives delivery records by truck and shift, that allow reconciliation of
actual and design densities and quantities, of explosive products used;
(l) Bulk explosives delivery records that allow identification of which holes were
loaded by which truck;
(m) Manifests carried on any vehicles carrying initiating explosives, enabling
reconciliation of explosives stock;
(n) Shotfirer’s daily/shift/roster report, including blast summary information, firing
time/date, weather conditions at the time of firing, and blast performance comments
regarding fragmentation, heave profile, flyrock, fume, misfires etc. Separate reports
may need to be completed regarding misfires and environmental impacts;
(o) A video record of the blast event, and pre/post blast photographs provide an
essential visual record, particularly in the event of an unexpected blast outcome or
All site records should be completed and maintained for an appropriate length of time
consistent with relevant management systems.
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(a) An inadequately prepared blast area can significantly impact the blasting process, with
blastholes not correctly drilled or charged due to poor accessibility, and subsequent poor
blasting outcomes including oversize, flyrock, fume, misfires etc.;
(b) Bench preparation carried out prior to drilling may need to be repeated after drilling,
particularly the clean-up between rows for access by personnel and equipment.
(c) Inadequate demarcation and security measures can result in additional safety and
security risks, particularly unplanned detonation risks associated with vehicle movements
in the vicinity of initiating explosives, and the unexplained loss or theft of explosives;
(d) Adequate bench preparation is required to suit all equipment operating on the blast
bench, including drills, MPU’s, stemming equipment, light vehicles, refueling vehicles,
water carts, etc. This also applies where large bulk transport vehicles are delivering
explosives precursors (AN, ANE) to reload areas;
(e) Grades and cross-grades for access routes and the blast bench must be within the
operating range for the most constrained (least flexible) equipment in use;
(f) Adequate turn-around room, or drive-through access, for vehicle traffic on/through the
blast area, such that vehicles do not need to tram over blastholes.
(g) Stable walls and crests with appropriate clearance from falling material and unstable
crest hazards. A minimum high-wall standoff distance is required from walls and crests
(e.g. 10 metres or half the bench height, whichever is the greater) with a catchment safety
berm to provide a barrier for the blast crew;
(h) The width and stability of narrow terraces within the blast area must be sufficient for
all equipment likely to access those terraces;
(i) Bench surfaces to be adequately prepared to provide a safe work area for the shot crew
without unnecessary trip/fall hazards or climbing required. This must be done in a manner
that does not push material into drilled blastholes;
(j) Bench surface to be prepared with consideration for natural drainage in the event of
rainfall, to avoid accumulation of water on the shot and/or the creation of boggy ground
conditions. Additional drainage may need to be established to remove accumulated water
from the blast area, or prevent accumulation after charging has commenced.
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(k) Designated vehicle parking areas and tipping areas for stemming material. Access to
the blast area is best restricted to essential vehicles, with non-essential vehicles parked
safely outside the perimeter where possible. Stockpile areas for stemming material are also
best maintained outside the blast area, with suitable access and stable ground for trucks to
dump loads of stemming. Where stemming is dumped within the blast area, for manual
stemming or placement by loading equipment, it should be placed prior to the
commencement of priming and charging, with care to avoid driving over or covering
drilled holes.
Following the bench preparation process, the bench standard should be formally accepted,
in writing, by those conducting activities on the bench associated with blasting.
Physical demarcation and signage must be established to minimize the risk of inadvertent
access to the blast area (or on-bench reload area) by unauthorised personnel/equipment,
or access to unsafe crests or under unsafe wall conditions by personnel/equipment on the
shot. Safe exclusion distances from all crests and walls should also be observed (refer to
6.1 above).
Demarcation can include a combination of physical barriers (safety berms), traffic cones,
bunting, flashing lights etc. Signage should indicate an active blast area and must also
indicate the status of that area (e.g. loaded shot, tied-up shot). This should include the area
on the bench below the shot to prevent personnel and/or equipment moving too close to
the face.
Demarcation and signage also defines the secure blast area within which explosives
security restrictions apply and unsupervised personnel are required to hold security
clearance and site authorisation. Unauthorized persons must obtain permission from the
Shotfirer (or other authorised person) prior to entering the blast area (or reload area). A
guard should be positioned to prevent unauthorised access if other supervision, inspection
and security measures are not deemed adequate.
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Typical examples of Clear signage to indicate a blast area and blast exclusion zone is an
essential part of the demarcation process
If ‘hard’ barriers cannot be established between a blast area and other activities, then
appropriate clearances are necessary and clear demarcation and signage essential to
warn against unauthorised access
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Communication of active blast areas (where charging has commenced) can be facilitated
via suitable blast boards and at pre-shift meetings, so all personnel are aware of blasting
locations, clearance areas and the route(s) being used to transport explosives to/from
those locations.
A traffic management plan should be used to define entry/exit points for vehicles, park-up
areas, reload areas, and the required loading sequence.
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(e) Where re-drills are required adjacent to (or within) the blast pattern, priming and
charging of blastholes must be managed to prevent drilling in close proximity to explosives,
with minimum acceptable drilling clearances from any charged blasthole. This must take
into account the separation of angled and/or deviated holes at depth, and equipment
capability. Re-drilling within, or adjacent to, a loaded shot and loading operations must
take place under supervision of the Shotfirer, with clearly defined exclusion zones in
accordance with applicable legislation and approved site practices. The relocation route of
the drill and ancillary equipment (fuel and water trucks) through the blast area must be
clearly defined and managed to avoid damage to other blastholes;
(f) Clear blocked holes where possible to allow the placement of correct charge quantities.
Where blastholes cannot be charged, or changes to priming requirements and/or charge
quantities are identified outside the expected range for the blast area, this must be
communicated to the supervisor for authorisation, and recorded;
(g) Where blastholes have been drilled too deep they are to be back-filled with suitable
stemming material (or drill cuttings in dry conditions) to achieve the required depth;
(h) Where blastholes have been redrilled, then previous ‘abandoned’ blastholes are to be
identified and filled with suitable stemming material. Alternatively, ‘abandoned’
blastholes can be sealed with a gas bag and stemmed to prevent ejection when adjacent
holes are fired. However, the creation of a cavity in close proximity to a charged blasthole
should be assessed as it is likely to affect localised blast performance and may also result
in additional fume;
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(i) When blastholes have been sealed at the collar with a gas bag then caution must be
used when removing these devices to avoid ejection of material towards the operator’s
(j) Where elevated temperature and/or reactive ground is expected or encountered,
specific blasting procedures, explosives and controls will be required (see the relevant
AEISG Code and site procedures);
(k) Where blastholes are to be dewatered this must be carried out prior to the placement
of any explosives in the blasthole, and in a sequence that avoids run-off into dry or
previously dewatered blastholes and avoids the creation of boggy conditions for operating
equipment. A sufficient delay between de-watering and charging the blasthole is necessary
to determine if ‘dynamic’ water is present, as this will influence the product type loaded
and the sleep time available.
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When using dewatering equipment consider the impact of run-off on the work area and other blastholes
7.2 Measurement
All blastholes must be measured prior to charging, in the event that re-drills or adjusted
charging is required. If measurement was carried out prior to the day of charging, and a
physical change to the blasthole is likely (e.g. following a rain event), then it is
recommended that blastholes be re-measured prior to charging.
Blastholes are to be measured with a suitable (non-ferrous) weighted measuring tape or
cord, of adequate length, to measure the deepest blastholes. Check that the tape has not
been damaged and starts at the ‘zero’ mark.
Depths are to be measured from the bottom of the blasthole to the collar at the bench
surface, disregarding the height of the drill cuttings, and recorded on a blasthole-by-
blasthole basis.
In addition to the depth of the blasthole, it is also advisable to record the depth of water in
the hole and the extent of wet/damp sidewalls on the blasthole dipping sheet. Also note
any evidence of collapse of the blasthole. This assists with appropriate bulk explosive
selection, and provides guidance in the event that post-blast fume is generated.
An assessment is to be made in the event of broken ground at the collar, reduced free-face
burdens, excessive toe burdens, or reduced stand-off from broken ground, as to whether
adjusted stem heights, primer locations and charge quantities are required.
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An assessment should be made whether blocked holes, with broken ground at the collar, are suitable to load
Where the variation in front row burdens is critical, due to flyrock or overpressure risk,
measurement of face geometry and blasthole deviation may be required with laser
profiling and borehole tracking systems. Adjusted charge quantities, gravel decking and
increased stem heights may then be required.
Where elevated temperature blasthole conditions are experienced or anticipated,
temperature measurement will also be required (refer AEISG Code of Practice, “Elevated
Temperature and Reactive Ground”). Specific explosives products and blast
management protocols then apply.
Where specific strata or ground conditions needs to be identified (e.g. through-seam
blasting, or blasting near underground workings), the use of geophysical logging
equipment or borehole camera equipment may be required to identify the location of
target horizons or structures. More accurate placement of explosive charges and aggregate
decks will then be required.
7.3 Priming
Priming considerations should include the following:
(a) Initiating explosives used in blasting need to be compatible with each other, with the
bulk explosives used and with the environment in which the blasting is to be carried out.
Further, they need to be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s/supplier’s
(b) A record of initiating explosives taken from the magazine, used, and returned to the
magazine, must be maintained as required under the Site Security Plan. Boosters and
detonators must be kept separate until assembly as primers immediately prior to
placement in the blasthole;
(c) The required number of boosters and downlines should be available for the shift, and
laid out at the blasthole collars as required, with a peg (or other suitable retention device)
to secure the downline at the collar;
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(d) Place initiating explosives on the same side of each blasthole in the row or echelon, on
the opposite side from that being used by charging and stemming equipment (depending
on traffic management guidelines for the blast area);
(e) Carry out priming (and subsequent charging) in an identified sequence to facilitate the
tracking of explosives usage, and minimise the risk of damage/impact to initiating
explosives from vehicles in the blast area;
(f) The use of initiating explosives retention devices at blasthole collars should be
considered for the housekeeping of initiating explosives, as there is a potential for
detonators and boosters to be misplaced within the drill cuttings or in soft/muddy ground
or fall into the blasthole during or after placement. Further, such identification and
retention minimises the potential for interaction with vehicles in the area.
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(g) Do not throw or mistreat initiating explosives. When making up primers, a detonator
must not be forced into the booster. When cutting detonating cord, approved cutters must
be used. Primers should be lowered carefully into the blasthole, not allowed to free fall to
the bottom of the hole;
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When making up primers with boosters, a detonator must be fully inserted, but not forced,
into the booster
(h) Primers are to be positioned as per decking guidelines (i.e. primed at the top, middle
or bottom of the deck), subject to blasthole depth and blasthole condition. Primers are
typically placed every 10 to 15 metres;
(i) In dry (or damp sided) holes the bottom primer is normally positioned 1 to 2 metres
off the bottom of the blasthole where it will sit within the bulk explosive when loaded;
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(j) If the bulk explosive will not easily flow past the top primer(s) positioned in small
diameter dry holes, then these can be positioned during the loading process;
(k) In water-filled blastholes the primer(s) is normally lowered to the bottom of the
blasthole at the start of pumping and pulled up into the explosive column as it is charged.
A member of the blast crew must monitor the primer when charging wet blastholes, to
ensure floating of the primer on top of the explosive column is prevented;
Make sure that primers do not ‘float’ when delivering pumped explosives
(l) Additional primers may also be required in broken ground or areas likely to generate
significant post-blast NOx fumes. Such primers should be timed to initiate simultaneously
within the explosives column to eliminate the potential for column disruption, resulting in
(m) Once primed, downlines must be secured at the blasthole collar, usually on the same
side of the blasthole. Loose tails must be also be secured at the collar preferably on the side
away from the charging vehicle, where they cannot be driven over or caught by passing
(n) Primers should not be left unsupervised overnight in uncharged blastholes where they
present a security risk. Where direct supervision cannot be satisfactorily addressed,
primers must be removed from the blasthole, disassembled, and returned to the magazine;
(o) Collect all waste packaging, and dispose of according to site waste management
practices. Check that such packaging is empty of all explosive products and ‘Explosives’
markings removed/covered prior to disposal;
(p) The recording and reconciliation of initiating explosive quantities must be carried out
against the quantities specified in the blast design, and the quantities issued from and
returned to the magazine to identify correct usage and unexplained losses. Unexplained
losses must be reported in accordance with site and regulatory requirements.
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(a) Bulk explosives must be charged under the supervision of the Shotfirer, to design charge
mass and column rise as per design guidelines (charge sheets) and to suit the ground
conditions encountered;
(b) Blasthole conditions (rock type, depth, wet holes, wet/damp walled conditions, and likely
sleep time) will determine bulk explosives selection. Blast designs must clearly indicate the
conditions under which specific bulk explosives can (or cannot) be used. Suitable blasthole
identification and records must be maintained to ensure correct charging;
(c) Bulk explosives must be selected with appropriate properties for the intended application,
including water resistance, minimum diameter, critical density, and depth limitation, and
suitable explosive performance for the ground type and pattern size being used;
(d) Dry hole explosives (ANFO and heavy ANFO blends) can be augured into dry blastholes,
or dry-sided blastholes where contact with water at the toe has been effectively sealed with a
gas bag and drill cuttings;
(e) Heavy ANFO blends that are suitable for damp-walled conditions can be augured into
blastholes that have been dewatered, or where contact with water at the toe has been
effectively sealed with a gas bag and drill cuttings, assuming that significant recharge is not
taking place. These blends must not be augured into water as it will cause product
deterioration at the toe around the primer. The presence of dynamic (flowing) water prevents
effective dewatering and blastholes in these conditions are not suitable for augured
(f) Pumped emulsion blends suitable for wet conditions can be pumped into blastholes
containing water, as long as the hose is lowered to the bottom of the hole and retracted slowly
during the pumping process in order to effectively displace water from the hole, rather than
entrap it within the explosives column. These blends must not be pumped into a wet blasthole
from the collar, as this will seriously degrade the product. The presence of dynamic (flowing)
water requires a bulk explosive with good water resistance and ongoing monitoring to ensure
that the column is not being washed away. Dynamic water can degrade a column of pumped
emulsion, even if loaded correctly;
(g) Blasthole loading is to be sequenced in such a manner that water displaced from wet holes
does not run into previously loaded dry holes, or (where possible) create boggy conditions in
areas still to be loaded. The treatment of blastholes as dry, damp or wet should also take into
consideration the condition of surrounding blastholes, and whether significant rainfall runoff
and water accumulation in low areas is anticipated.
(h) When charging decked holes (particularly in pre-split or through-seam applications)
additional care is required in terms of primer location, column rise, positioning of gas bags
and stemming material.
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Ensure safe management of vehicles within the blast area and good communication with personnel on the
Where necessary, a spotter shall be used to assist the operator of mobile equipment maneuver
close to walls and crests, in close proximity to blastholes on tight patterns, when reversing or
turning around on the bench, or in any situation where restricted visibility presents a risk.
All attempts should be made to prevent driving over blasthole collars, regardless of whether
they are empty, primed or charged. If this is unavoidable then empty blastholes should be
sealed with a gas bag to prevent backfilling, and primed holes must have their primers
removed and be similarly sealed. Under exceptional circumstances it may be necessary to
traverse a charged blasthole. In this case, a risk assessment must first be conducted, and
where deemed acceptable, visible downlines must be buried within the stemming zone and a
spotter used to direct the vehicle such that it can safely straddle those blastholes and not
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drive over the collars.
Bad Practice -Do not plan to drive over blasthole collars, regardless of whether they are empty, primed or
Where restricted visibility presents a risk, a spotter shall be used to assist the operator in maneuvering.
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Charging during hours of darkness requires additional controls and safety measures that
include specific risk assessment, appropriate lighting, not working directly under or above
any walls (refer to Section 6.1), reduced vehicle access into the blast area, and additional
demarcation (e.g. flashing lights).
Check column rise during charging using a bobbing tape or dip stick, to ensure that blastholes are not over
or under loaded outside accepted tolerances
(b) Bulk explosive cup or bucket densities must be routinely checked for each load,
particularly where chemical gassing is employed. Variances outside expected ranges may be
indicative of incorrect blend ratio, or inadequate/excessive gassing, and may be related to
AN/ANE quality or truck calibration problems. Unexpected bulk explosives variance must be
recorded and reported to the Shotfirer;
(c) Bulk explosive density and charge mass may need to be increased where excessive toe
burdens are identified at the face, or adjacent to short holes, to achieve a higher localised
powder factor. This should only be done following consultation with the Shotfirer;
(d) Bulk explosive quantities may need to be reduced (or removed) from free-face blastholes
with inadequate burden to contain explosive energy, or in areas of broken ground;
(e) Where blastholes have been under-charged, additional top-up amounts may be
acceptable within design charging and stem height guidelines. Stem heights should not be
reduced to accommodate design charges;
(f) Where blastholes have been overcharged, excess product may need to be removed.
Following a satisfactory risk assessment, an approved scoop or vacuum equipment
appropriate for the task may be used to remove bulk explosives and stemming in order to
achieve correct column rise or height. Care must be taken to ensure metal parts are removed
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from hoses and to secure downlines. This process must be carried out under supervision of
the Shotfirer. Alternatively, excess bulk explosives can be purged (displaced) from the
blasthole using water pumped from the explosives truck or a water cart;
(h) If bulk explosives appear to be running away in broken ground (e.g. a lack of column rise)
charging must be halted and the situation assessed on a case-by-case basis. The subsequent
behavior of that charge (when detonated) will be uncertain, with a potential for excessive
flyrock, overpressure or fume. The safest practice is to attempt to remove the primer (if
possible) then stem and abandon the hole. Alternatively, charging should be halted, the
Shotfirer contacted and an appropriate process determined e.g. a risk assessment is carried
out and an increased blast exclusion zone considered;
(i) Care must be taken not to lose downlines in the blasthole during the charging and
stemming process. Preferably, downlines are to be hand-held during charging/stemming or,
if this is not possible, secured at the collar. If lost downlines cannot be retrieved, then the
blasthole must be reprimed prior to further charging; (with accounting for any additional
explosives required);
(j) If bulk explosives have slumped after charging and the downlines lost and unrecoverable,
the blasthole will need to be re-primed with additional charging in an attempt to minimise the
risk of misfires. Such holes represent additional misfire risk and must be recorded and
checked after firing; (with accounting for any additional explosives required);
(k) The location of overloaded blastholes must be communicated to the Shotfirer while
charging is still taking place in the blast area. If this cannot be rectified then increased blast
clearance distances may need to be applied;
(l) When using packaged explosives in small diameter and pre-split applications, follow
supplier guidelines regarding priming practices, placement and securing at the collar.
Additional care needs to be taken to ensure that packaged product is reliably positioned along
the length of the blasthole, suitably primed and securely fastened to avoid loss down the hole;
(m) Recording and reconciliation of the quantities of explosives (and raw materials)
delivered according to the delivery docket, should be carried out against the quantities
specified in the blast design, and those loaded on a hole-by-hole basis during charging. This
provides a check against average density and the ratio of AN, ANE and diesel in blended
8.4 Stemming
Stemming should be placed to design depths with previous bulk explosive column height
checked after charging. Stem heights should be recorded to a specified accuracy, consistent
with a safe and environmentally acceptable blast design.
Stemming must not commence in blastholes containing gassed explosives until such
explosives have had sufficient time to reach their design density, and a check has been made
that design column rise has been achieved, and meets the requirements of the shot design.
Appropriate stemming material (size, type and quality) must be used. If aggregate stemming
is specified, but not available, an increased length of drill cuttings may be required (dry holes
only) to achieve adequate confinement and must be authorised by the Shotfirer or relevant
site representative.
During the placement of stemming, either by mechanical or manual methods, downlines need
to be secured to prevent loss down the blasthole, and to ensure that they are not damaged.
Stemming should be delivered at a rate that minimises the risk of bridging of the
stemming column. Ideally, a spotter should be available to assist and protect downlines
during the stemming process.
Stem heights may need to be increased where broken ground is evident at the collar, or where
reduced face burdens are identified for the blasthole profile. Aggregate decks may be required
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where reduced burdens are identified lower in the blasthole profile. Actual stem heights and
aggregate deck lengths should be recorded.
In wet holes, additional time needs to be provided to enable stemming to seat effectively.
Downlines can be loosened after stemming to reduce the risk of stretching or snapping due to
possible slumping. Blastholes that have slumped after stemming must be recorded and
reported to the Shotfirer. These holes shall be monitored, have their downlines loosened
where necessary and re-secured and the stemming topped up as appropriate.
Note: Precautions need to be taken to prevent interaction between the downlines and
Uncharged blastholes must be backfilled, to prevent excessive venting/cratering when
adjacent blastholes are fired.
Provide adequate slack to allow for settlement in the blasthole. Blastholes that have slumped after stemming
should be recorded and reported to the Shotfirer
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9.1 General
(a) All non-essential vehicles must be removed from the blast area (or from the
immediate vicinity of blastholes being connected), prior to the placement and connection
of surface delays under the supervision of the Shotfirer. Tying up should not commence
in an area through which vehicle traffic is still required;
(b) The required number of surface delays (of the correct delay and length) should be
available for the blast, and laid out at the blasthole collars as required. Surface delays
should be placed on the same side of each blasthole in line with the row, to assist in their
visibility. Initiating explosives must not be thrown or otherwise mistreated;
(c) Blastholes should be tied up as indicated on the tie-up plan (or instructions) provided
in the blast pack;
(d) Slumped holes must be topped up with stemming or drill cuttings immediately prior
to tie-up where possible and recorded;
(e) Where weather conditions prevent the firing of a tied-up shot during the shift, the
shot will be untied in the first instance, however if that shot is to remain tied up overnight
additional controls will be required. These include disconnection of the control row, and
any holes beneath a wall; supervision of the tied-up shot unless site security is deemed
adequate without this; additional signage (e.g. shot tied-up) and demarcation such as
flashing lights. Shots must not, however, be tied up during hours of darkness, or if it is
not planned to fire the shot until the following day;
(f) On completion of surface tie-up, all unused explosives are to be returned to the
magazine, and empty boxes checked prior to disposal. The lead-in-line can be placed at
the initiation hole, but must not be connected until the blast exclusion zone has been
cleared and secured to prevent inadvertent access;
(g) Recording and reconciliation of the quantities of surface delays are to be carried out
against the quantities specified in the blast design, and the quantities issued from and
returned to the magazine, in order to identify correct usage and unexplained losses.
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When employing signal tube detonator initiating systems the following factors should be
(a) Blastholes must be sequenced with the initiation point, inter-hole delays, inter-row
delays and firing direction shown on the tie-up plan. Where additional or missing
blastholes occur, alternative timing options or dummy delays can be employed to
maintain the timing between rows and echelons as closely as possible;
(b) Blastholes are to be connected along rows or echelons, leaving the control ‘row’ until
all other holes have been connected;
(c) Ensure that surface connections are made in a logical sequential manner, to avoid
missed holes, and used according to the manufacturer’s recommendations;
(e) While connecting surface delays at the collar, check downlines for damage (e.g. cuts)
that could result in misfire. Place surface clips at the collar to facilitate checking, unless
such units require burial;
(f) The design capacity of surface connectors/clips is not to be exceeded, and outgoing
tubes should be parallel (not crossed), with the jaws of the clip closed to retain them;
The design capacity of surface connectors is not to be exceeded, and outgoing tubes should be parallel (not
crossed), with the jaws of the clip closed to retain
(g) Ensure that surface lines are on not pulled too tight, and have sufficient slack and tails
to allow some freedom to move during firing as burden movement begins;
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(h) Once all holes have been connected, the shot must be visually inspected to ensure all
connections have been made correctly, with suitably experienced members of the shot
crew checking each other’s work;
(i) When tie-up has been checked, the blast area must be cleared of personnel and
equipment, and unused initiating explosives returned to the magazine and properly
(j) Appropriate security and safety controls such as barriers, demarcation, signage and
supervision must remain in place to prevent unauthorised or inadvertent access to the
blast area, until effective blast clearance has taken place ready for firing. Once surface
connection has been completed, a nominated member of the blast crew must stay in
attendance until the Shotfirer returns to connect the lead-in line;
When employing electronic detonator initiating systems, the following factors are
(a) There is a number of electronic detonator systems available for initiation. These
should not be inter-mixed and should only be used in accordance with the relevant
manufacturer’s/supplier’s directions;
(b) A tie-up plan, with firing times for each hole and deck of explosive and
programming/logging path, must be available prior to connection. This may have been
generated using a computer program compatible with the electronic system being
utilised, or using some other system;
(d) Once programming/logging is complete, test for leakage, missing detonators, and
unprogrammed detonators, and rectify where possible;
(e) Do not use a Blasting Control Box (with sufficient voltage and communication safety
protocols to fire a blast) to test the detonators at the shot; these units are only to be used
at the firing location after the blast exclusion zone has been cleared;
(f) Prior to connection, test firing line continuity (if using a wired blasting control box)
or radio communication (if using a remote blasting box) to ensure any issues can be
rectified prior to firing time;
(g) Once the blast exclusion zone has been cleared, and the site radio procedures
followed, the security system can be enabled and firing procedure for the shot can
commence. If necessary, document all error messages during the firing procedure and
rectify where possible;
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(h) If the electronic system allows the blast to continue after notifying of potential
errors, it is the Shotfirer’s responsibility to assess the situation before allowing the blast
to continue with known issues;
(i) Adhere to the specific minimum re-entry times required by each system (depending
on voltage bleeding rate) before the post-blast inspection or if the blast is aborted due to
an error that requires re-entry. Typical minimum re-entry time is 5 minutes post-firing
as long as there is no fume or fire visible;
(j) Never connect electronic detonators to energy sources other than those designed to
be used with the specific systems;
(l) Never connect electronic detonators from different suppliers to the same circuit or
different suppliers’ electronic detonator control equipment;
(m) Never use an electronic system unless trained in its use and passed as competent by
the supplier. Always use approved electronic system devices and hardware for each
(n) Ensure the security system which allows firing of the electronic system is secure;
(o) When lightning is suspected to have hit the general blast area, re-test all detonators
for leakage and damage and remove any damaged detonators from the control line – do
not attempt to fire downlines showing heavy leakage or damage.
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In the event of an emergency situation that could lead to unplanned detonation, all
personnel working within the designated Blast Exclusion Zone must be evacuated. Blast
guards must be posted to the relevant positions to ensure that the effects of any potential
unplanned initiation are minimised.
In the case of lightning, established response procedures should define how to identify the
point at which an approaching thunderstorm is considered a risk; the communication and
clearance protocols necessary to evacuate and secure the emergency blast exclusion zone;
and re-entry procedures. Storm warning systems should be utilised so that sufficient time
is available to empty MPU hoses and augers, evacuate equipment and personnel, and secure
safe exclusion zones around the blast area and explosives vehicle park-up area.
In the case of expected flooding or wall failure, where immediate evacuation is not deemed
necessary, restricted access may apply while the partially completed blast is prepared for
firing to remove an otherwise significant misfire risk at a later time.
In emergency response scenarios, personnel may be directed to close the roadways and
access paths to the designated Blast Exclusion Zone for the duration of the emergency event
at the discretion of the site management team.
In accordance with site emergency procedures and/or the explosives company emergency
procedures, the Blast Exclusion Zone may be altered from the original plan, with due
consideration given to the risk potential of the situation. In this event the parameters of the
Blast Exclusion Zone will be communicated to all personnel in accordance with site
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Blast notification, clearance and shotfiring procedures are beyond the scope of this Code,
but must be carried out in accordance with the site blast management system. The AEISG
Code of Good Practice, “Blast Guarding in an Open Cut Mining Environment”
describes blast notification and clearance, blast guarding, shotfiring, and the post-blast
assessment of NOx gas and misfires in more detail.
A number of factors associated with on-bench work will, however, require additional
consideration when determining clearance distances, guard locations and shotfiring
position. These must be communicated to, and agreed with the Blast Controller and include
the following:
(a) Are there any over-loaded or under-burdened holes that could not be rectified?
(b) Were any potential misfire risks identified during charging, that have not been
(c) Does the presence of broken ground increase the risk of flyrock, overpressure or fume,
from otherwise apparently well contained areas?
(d) Is the blast in an area with a known history of generating post-blast fume? Has the shot
been sleeping longer than usual? Has slumping of blastholes taken place during loading?
This may indicate an increased potential for NOx generation and subsequent transmission
outside the blast danger zone, or mine site;
(e) Is the blast in a hot/reactive area? Can the shot be fired in the necessarily short ‘load
and shoot’ time that may be required?
(f) Are there any ground stability issues that will require further assessment after the blast
has been fired and delay re-entry?
(g) Are multiple shots in the vicinity of each other being fired by one or more shotfirers in
the same firing window? Ensure clearance zones reflect the multiple shots, ensure all
blasting devices are secured if re-entry to a particular shot is required, and consider the
impact one shot may have on another with respect to the initiating systems used, and the
sequence in which they will be fired.
Any and all variations to the blast, or measures undertaken to limit risks of potential
hazards during blasting, should be agreed, recorded and signed off by the Blast Controller
or relevant mine representative.
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Post-blast inspection must be completed by the Shotfirer(s), prior to re-entry by other personnel (source Dyno Nobel AP).
(b) Any unsafe wall or crest conditions, or blast damage to the adjacent blast area, has
been identified and either made safe or barricaded to prevent access;
(c) Blast performance outcomes (fragmentation, movement, blast damage, environmental
impact etc.) have been reviewed, and confirmation provided that subsequent blast designs
remain appropriate. If not, blast packs may require update with respect to blasthole layout,
charging, stemming and tie-up;
(d) No site personnel, including the blast crew, can return to an adjacent loading area until
the all clear has been given, this will include sufficient time for dust and/or fume dispersal;
(e) Access to, and effective demarcation around, the new blast area has been established,
with windrows along new blasted boundaries;
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(f) Drilling requirements in the join-up area and in any previously drilled areas have been
established, before further charging commences;
(g) A documented blast hand-over process is observed, such that any relevant misfires or
blast related hazards are communicated by the Shotfirer to the relevant Supervisor, and
effectively communicated / demarcated for other personnel until rectified;
(h) All relevant documentation associated with blasting activities needs to be completed
in accordance with site and/or company procedures wherever relevant.
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• Australian Code for the Transport of Explosives by Road and Rail, Edition 3.
• Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail,
Seventh Edition.
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Australian Explosives Industry and Safety Group
Edition 1 November 2015 Code of Practice: On-Bench Practices for Open Cut Mines and Quarries Page 48
About the AEISG
The Australian Explosives Industry and Safety Group (AEISG), originally known as the Australian
Explosives Manufacturers’ Safety Committee, was initially comprised of representatives from Dyno
Nobel Asia Pacific Pty Limited (previously Dyno Wesfarmers Limited), Orica Explosives (previously ICI
Explosives), Maxam (previously UEE), and Total Energy Systems (TES). It was formed in 1994. Since
then, the AEISG membership has expanded and broadened.
The goal of AEISG is to continuously improve the level of safety and security throughout our industry
in the manufacture, transport, storage, handling and use of explosives and related materials
throughout Australia.
AEISG codes of practice are adopted by members for the benefit of their employees, their customers
and the general community. They are also made available free of charge on the AEISG
website, www.aeisg.org.au, for use by any interested parties.
Edition 1 November 2015
Edition 1 November 2015 Code of Practice: On-Bench Practices for Open Cut Mines and Quarries Page 50