An 'Avalanche' of Plant Species For The Traditional Cure of Diabetes Mellitus in South-Western Nigeria

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An 'avalanche' of plant species for the traditional cure of diabetes mellitus in

South-Western Nigeria

Article · January 2012


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Emmanuel Chukwuma
Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria


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J. Nat. Prod. Plant Resour., 2012, 2 (1): 60-72

ISSN : 2231 – 3184


An ‘Avalanche’ of Plant Species for the Traditional Cure of Diabetes mellitus

in South-Western Nigeria
Soladoye, M. O., 2Chukwuma, E. C. and 3Owa, F. P.

Department of Biological Sciences, Bowen University, Iwo, Osun State, Nigeria
Department of Forest Conservation and Protection, Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria,
P.M.B. 5054, Ibadan, Nigeria
Department of Pharmacy, College of Health Sciences, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye,
Ogun State, Nigeria


Ethnobotanical survey of the plants used in the treatment of Diabetes mellitus was conducted in
some areas of South-Western Nigeria. The survey revealed the use of about 132 different plants
species belonging to 56 families in the treatment of Diabetes mellitus. Taxonomic practice of
specimen preparation for herbarium storage was performed for each of the plants and some
were deposited at the Elikaf herbarium of Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago Iwoye. The
identified plants have been confirmed to posses anti-diabetic properties. Prominent among them
are Senna alata Linn, Curculigo pilosa (Schumach & Thonn.) Engl, Cucurmeropsis mannii
Naudin, Anthocleista spp, Vernonia amygdalina Del and Allium spp. These species were found to
be very important and useful in the treatment of diabetes based on their frequency of occurrence
in the recipes obtained, although only few of the recipes are listed in this work. Most of these
plants are available in the area of study. A need for further scientific research based on the
findings of this work is needed and recommended so that adequate records of indigenous
methods of treating Diabetes mellitus can be kept for posterity, especially in the study area.

Key words: Ethnobotany, Diabetes, Medicinal plants, Traditional medicine, Herbal Treatment.


Studies have shown that Nigeria is endowed with abundant forest lands, rich in valuable plants
and raw material (1). Nature provides materials for the treatment of diseases and ailments in the
different flora and fauna of the world hence there is an extensive worldwide exploration of local
flora for bioactive components. The potential of the Nigeria flora as a veritable source for
pharmaceuticals and other therapeutic have variously been expressed by several authors (2, 3, 4,
5 & 6).

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Soladoye, M. O. et al J. Nat. Prod. Plant Resour., 2012, 2 (1):60-72

Phytomedicine as the name suggests means medicine from plants. According to (7), the history
of the use of herbs dated back to the time of the early man who had the crudest tools as the
implements. The art of using herbs to enhance his health must have come to him in the most
unscientific manner. The use of plant extracts in the treatment of diseases is known as herbal
medicine, it is the oldest form of medicine dating back to the Genesis of man. Despite the
increase in the production of synthetic drugs, natural plant drug materials are still economically
significant in the world and large quantities are harvested.

The alarming rate at which traditional medicine is now patronized by all segments of the society-
the rich, the poor, educated and the uneducated- clearly signifies one thing, “the realization that
traditional medicine which as long been taken for granted and rejected for decades has a crucial
role to play in making affordable health care delivery system available to the entire populace”
(8). As a result of increase demand for alternative medicine, renewed interest in drugs of plant
origin has been growing steadily (9).

Ethnobotanical survey is therefore important in our societies because there is need to have proper
and comprehensive documentation of all the plants used in treatment of different diseases. Since
the herbalist and local people who are knowledgeable about medicinal plants do not keep record
or have scanty records but only passed information (if at all they did) about these plants verbally
from generation to generation. Ethnobotanical survey also stimulates research into Medicinal
plants and provides scientific evidence for the claimed therapeutic efficacy of those herbs by
traditional healers. For instance, Catharanthus roseus (L.) G.Don as a source of anti-cancer
contains alkaloids- vincristine and vinblastine. Also, dried sclerotium of the fungus- Claviceps
purpurea (Fr.) Tul. is known to contain alkaloids that are of therapeutic importance; ergometrine
and ergotamine (10 & 11). It is no doubt that ethnobotanical survey have greatly contributed to
the discovery and development of new drugs from plants kingdom (12), e.g Artemisinin; an anti-
malaria drug from Artemisia annua L. (13).

In Africa, the diversity of the flora partly explains the strength of traditional medicine and the
wide varieties of medicinal recipe utilized by traditional healers (14). Although, much
ethnobotanical survey had been carried out on plants, more survey is still necessary with regard
to the plants used in treating diabetes as there is increase in the rate of Diabetes mellitus
manifestation in Nigeria and African countries in general. It is also necessary to carry out survey
in order to avert many complications associated with the disease; retinopathy, gangrene, etc (15).
(16), suggested that diabetes is a chronic disease, which usually involves loss of weight,
excessive urination, and weakness of the body and may also affect any organ or tissue in the
body. Similarly, (17) opined that diabetes is the disease presented when the insulin produced by
the pancreas in the body is unable to control the level of sugar within the body, with the result
that the patient has a high level of sugar (glucose) carried in the blood around the body.
However, (18) also suggested that Diabetes mellitus (DM) is not a single entity, but rather a
group of metabolic disorder sharing a common underlying features of hyperglycemia.
Hyperglycemia in diabetes results from defect in insulin secretion, insulin action or most
common both. The chronic hyperglycemia and attendant metabolic dis-regulation may be
associated with secondary damage in multiple organ systems, especially the kidney, eye, nerves
and blood vessels (18). The disease is common and it affects over three million people in Nigeria
when the insulin produced by the pancreas in the body is unable to control the level of sugar
within the body.

Diabetes mellitus is common in both young and old people especially in pregnant women. Rare
cases have been attributed to diabetes coma. There are two major types of Diabetes mellitus;

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Soladoye, M. O. et al J. Nat. Prod. Plant Resour., 2012, 2 (1):60-72

insulin dependent Diabetes mellitus (IDDM) type I and Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes
mellitus (NDDM) type II. The type I occur in young people usually below 35 years of age while
the type II occur in older people usually above 35 years old and often overweight. In type I, the
pancreas cannot make insulin so the patient must be treated with insulin in the absence of which
they cannot survive, since insulin can not be orally administered, the patient receive insulin
injections once or twice a day or the patients takes herbal medicine like Carica papaya Linn.
mixed with Xylopia aethiopica (Dunal) A.Rich to manage the disease which will not cost much
money or pain. On the other hand, in type II, the pancreas does make insulin, but the body cannot
use the insulin properly (19). In this case, the patient is treated with oral medication. However,
during periods of stress or infection, they may need short term insulin treatment; they could take
herbal medicines made from Mangifera indica Linn, Azadirachta indica (Linn.) G.Don. and
Morinda lucida Benth to cure the disease. Approximately 80-90% of diabetes is type II, and
insulin resistance is one of the greatest enemies of their health as opined by (19).

Generally, it is possible for a person to have high level of sugar in his blood without having any
symptoms. However, in more cases, the person who has diabetes would complain of feeling
thirsty and passing large quantities of urine (20). Effects of uncontrolled diabetes include:
inability to see clearly, recurrent boils on the skin, leg ulcers that fail to heal, frequent urination,
loss of flesh, inordinate appetite, constant hunger, mental depression, progressive weakness,
great thirst and dry tongue (7). The patient could be restless, irritable and morose. It is most
helpful to conduct a test for a patient and get a doctor’s diagnosis to confirm that such patient is
diabetic or not.

While it is clear that the rate of occurrence of diabetes is growing fast, ethnobotanists have taken
a firm decision to embark on herbal medicine in the treatment of the disease and indeed taken a
specific measure towards achieving it. It is on this note that this work was embarked upon to
critically evaluate plants used in the treatment of Diabetes mellitus in South-Western Nigeria and
also to examine how they are used and the progress made with the use of these plants.


The ethnobotanical survey of plants used in the treatment of Diabetes mellitus was conducted in
Ibadan, Abeokuta, Ijebu-Ode, Ijebu-Igbo, Oru-Ijebu, Ago-Iwoye and Lagos all within the area of
study, South-Western Nigeria. For the survey, questionnaires were prepared to interview several
herb sellers, herbalists and traditional medicine practitioners within the area of study and a
number of plants were gathered from this exercise. These plants were then collected from the
wild, pressed and dried (showing both the abazial and adaxial parts) poisoned and mounted on
standardized herbarium sheets according to taxonomic practice. The plants were properly
poisoned using mercuric chloride solution mixed with phenol in 70% methylated spirit to reduce
fungal load and prevent insect attack. Identification and authentication was done by the senior
author, a plant taxonomist, and confirmed at the Forest Herbarium, Ibadan (FHI). Some of the
identified specimens were later deposited at the Elikaf Herbarium of Olabisi Onabanjo
University, Ago-Iwoye; although not listed in (21).


A total of 132 plant species belonging to 56 families were said to be useful in the treatment of
diabetics. Plants identified in this work have been tested by the herbalists and according to them
are quite efficacious. Tables 1 and 2 give useful information on each of the plants and the
distribution of species within each of the families respectively while the method of preparation

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Soladoye, M. O. et al J. Nat. Prod. Plant Resour., 2012, 2 (1):60-72

and administration of each recipe is shown in Table 3. However, only 14 of the recipes are
enumerated below owing to space. Figure 1 is a graphical representation showing the percentage
occurrence of each of the families.

Table1. List of Medicinal Plants Used by the Traditional Healers in South-Western Nigeria in treating

S/No Botanical Names Family Local Names Common Names

1 Abelmoscus esculentus (Linn.) Malvaceae Ila Okra
2 Abrus precatorius L. Leguminosae- Oju ologbo Crab eye
3 Adansonia digitata L. Bombacaceae Ose Baobab
4 Adenopus breviflorus Benth Cucurbitaceae Tagiri Pseudo colocynth
5 Aerva lanata (L.) Juss. ex Schult. Amaranthaceae Eweowo Morning leave
6 Aframomum melegueta (Loskoe) K. Zingiberaceae Atare Alligator pepper
7 Ageratum conyzoides L Asteraceae/Compositae Imi esu Goat weed
8 Alafia barteri Oliv. Apocynaceae Agbari etu Guinea-fowl's
9 Albizia adianthifolia (Schumach.) Leguminosae- Bonabona Flatcrown albizia
W. Wight Mimosoideae
10 Alchornea cordifolia (Schurn Euphorbiaceae Ipa Christmas bush
&Thonn.) Mull. Arg.
11 Allium ascolanicum Linn Liliaceae Alubosa elewe Spring onion
12 Allium cepa L Liliaceae Alubosa Onion
13 Allium sativum Linn Liliaceae Ayu Garlic
14 Alstonia boonei L Apocynaceae Ahun Stoolwood
15 Amaranthus spinosus L Amaranthaceae Tete elegun Prickly
16 Ananas comosus (L.) merr Bromeliaceae Ope oyinbo Pineapple
17 Annona senegalensis Pers. Annonaceae Abo Sour sap
18 Anthocleista djalonensis A.chew Loganiaceae Shapo Cabbage tree
19 Anthocleista nobilis G. Don Longaniaceae Shapo Cabbage tree
20 Anthocleista vogelii Planch Loganiaceae Sapo -
21 Argemone mexicana L. Papaveraceae Ikanekun Mexican poppy
22 Aristolochia albida Duch. Aristolochiaceae Paran funfun ducthman's pipe
23 Asparagus africanus Lam. Liliaceae Aluki African asparatus
24 Azadirachta indica (Linn.) G.Don Meliaceae Dongoyaro Neem Tree
25 Bambusa vulgaris Wendel. Poaceae/Graminae Oparun Bamboo
26 Blighia sapida K.D.Koenig Sapindaceae Isin Akee apple
27 Bombax buonopozense P. Beauv Bombacaceae Ponpola Silk cotton tree
28 Brachystegia eurycoma Harms Leguminosae- Itipase eku nla -
29 Bridelia ferruginea Benth Euphorbiaceae Ira Ira
30 Caesalpina bunduc (Linn.) Roxb Leguminosae- Ayo Nicker nut
31 Calotropis procera R.B Asclepiadaceae Bomubomu Giant milk week
32 Canarium schweinfurthii Engl. Burseraceae Awogbaarun Bush candle tree
33 Capsicum frutescens L. Solanaceae Ata wewe African pepper
34 Carica papaya L. Caricaceae Ibepe Pawpaw
35 Chenopodium ambrosioides Linn Chenopodiaceae Arunpale India worth seed
36 Milicia exelsa (Welw.) C.C. Berg Moraceae Igi-Iroko Iroko
37 Chrysophyllum albidum Linn. Sapotaceae Agbalumo African star apple
38 Cissampelos mucronata A. Rich. Menispermaceae Jenjoko Pareira brava
39 Citrullus colocynthis (Linn.) Schrad Cucurbitaceae Egusi bara Bitter gourd
40 Citrullus lanatus (Thumb) mansf Cucurbitaceae Egusi-baara Water melon
41 Citrus aurantifolia (Christm.) Rutaceae Osan wewe Lime

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42 Citrus aurantifolia (Christm.) Rutaceae Osan wewe Lime
43 Citrus aurantum L. Rutaceae Osan jagun Bitter orange
44 Citrus medica L. Rutaceae Tanjarin
45 Citrus sinensis L. Rutaceae Orombo Sweet orange
46 Cnestis ferruginea Linn Connaraceae Omu-aja Allium plant
47 Cocos nucifera Linn. Palmae Agbon Coconut palm
48 Cola acuminata (P.Beauv.) Schott Sterculiaceae Obi-abata Kola
& Endl.
49 Cola sp Sterculiaceae Obi-onisana Kola
50 Corchorus olitorius L Tiliaceae Ewedu Jute plant
51 Crateva adansonii Dc. Capparaceae Taniya ewe Garlic pear tree
52 Crotalaria retusa Linn. Leguminosae- Koropo Rattleweed
53 Croton lobatus Linn. Euphorbiaceae Eru Cascarilla
54 Cucumeropsis mannii Naudin Cucurbitaceae Egusi Melon
55 Curculigo pilosa (Schumach. & Hypoxidaceae Epakun Golden eye grass
Thonn.) Engl.
56 Cyathula prostrate (L.) Blume Amaranthaceae Sawerepepe ewe Pastureweed
57 Cylicodiscus gabunensis Harms. Leguminosae- Olosan Okan lumber
58 Dalbergia welwitschii Baker f. Leguminosae- Paran West African
Papilionoideae black wood
59 Elaeis guineensis Jacq Palmae Ope Red oil palm
60 Enantia chlorantha Oliv. Annonaceae Oso pupa, African yellow
Awopa wood
61 Entandrophagma utile Sprague Meliaceae Jebo
62 Entandrophragma macrophylla A. Meliaceae Aranje/ Arunje West African
Chev. ewe Cedar
63 Eugenia aromatica Linn Myrtaceae Kanafuru Clove
64 Ficus asperifolia Miq. Moraceae Epin Sand paper leaf
65 Ficus capensis Thumb Moraceae Opoto Ficus
66 Ficus exasperata Vahl. Moraceae Epin Sand paper leaf
67 Ficus platyphylla Del. Moraceae Igbagba ewe -
68 Garcinia kola Heckel Guttiferae Orogbo Bitter kola
69 Gladiolus psittacinus Hook.f. Iridaceae Ibaka/baka Sword lily
70 Glyphaea brevis (Spreng.) Mon. Tiliaceae Atori masquerade stick
71 Gongronema latifolium Benth. Asclepiadaceae Madunmaro -
72 Grewia pubescens P.Beauv Tiliaceae Ora igbo Raisin
73 Hevea brasiliencis Mull. Arg. Euphorbiaceae Ewe rubber Rubber
74 Hoslundia opposita Linn Labiatae Efirin-oso Hoslundia
75 Icacina trichanta Oliv. Icacinaceae Gbegbe -
76 Ipomea batata Linn Convolvulaceae Odunkun Potato
77 Jatropha curcas Linn. Euphorbiaceae Botuje/Lapalapa Purging nut
78 Khaya ivorensis A. Chev. Meliaceae Oganwo Mahogany
79 Kigelia africana Benth Bignoniaceae Pandoro African Sausage
80 Lagerstroemia speciosa Linn. Lythraceae Abere Queen crape-
81 Lawsonia inermis Linn Lythraceae Laali Henna plant
82 Macaranga barteri Muell.Arg Euphorbiaceae Agbosa -
83 Mangifera indica Linn. Anacardiaceae Mangoro Mango
84 Manihot spp Euphorbiaceae Ege Cassava
85 Markhamia tomentosa Schum Bignoniaceae Oruru Bell bean tree
(Benth.) K
86 Momordica charantia Schum & Cucurbitaceae Ejirin wewe African Cucumber
87 Morinda lucida Benth Rubiaceae Oruwo Brimstone tree
88 Moringa oleifera Lam. Moringaceae Ewe igbale Horse radish
89 Musa paradisiaca Linn. Musaceae Ogede agbagba Plantain

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90 Musa sapientum Linn. Musaceae Ogede Banana
91 Nauclea latifolia Smith Rubiaceae Egbesi Nauclea
92 Newbouldia laevis (P.Beauv.) Bignoniaceae Akoko Tree of life
Seem. Ex Bureau
93 Nicotiana tabacum Linn. Solanaceae Taba Tobacco
94 Nymphaea lotus Linn Nympheaceae Osibata White pond lily
95 Ocimum basilicum Linn Labiatae Efirin Sweet basil
96 Ocimum gratissimum Linn Labiatae Efinrin-nla Sweet basil
97 Olax subscorpioidea Oliv. Olacaceae Ifon -
98 Parinari macrophylla Sabine Chrysobalanaceae Abere Ginger bread plum
99 Peperomia pellucida (Linn.) H.B. Piperaceae Rinrin Cowfoot
100 Pergularia daemia (Forsskal) Asclepiadaceae Kuleri-ogba -
101 Phyllanthus niruri L. Euphorbiaceae Fehinsowo -
102 Picralima nitida (Stapf) Th. & H. Apocynaceae Eso abere Picralima
103 Picralima umbellata (K.Schum.) Apocynaceae Erin -
104 Piliostigma thonningii (Schum.) Leguminosae- Abafe
Milne Readhead Caesalpinioideae
105 Piper guineense Schum & Thonn Piperaceae Iyere West African
Black pepper
106 Portulaca spp Portulacaceae Papasan Purslove
107 Rauvolfia vomitoria Afzel Apocynaceae Asofeyeje Rauvolfia
108 Saccharum officinarum L. Poaceae/Graminae Ireke Sugarcane
109 Sansevieria liberica Ger. & Labr. Dracaenaceae Pasan-ikooko Bowstring Hemp
110 Securidaca longepedunculata Fres. Polygalaceae Ipeta Violet tree
111 Senna alata Linn Leguminosae- Asunwon Oyinbo Candle bush
112 Sida acuta Burm. F. Malvaceae Isekotu Horn beam,
113 Sida veronicifolia Lam. Malvaceae Eesin ile Sida
114 Solenostemon Labiatae Agogoigun Catrip
Monostachys (P.Beauv) Briq
115 Sorghum caudatum (Hack.) Stapf Poaceae/Graminae Oka baba Sorghum
116 Spilanthes uliginosa Sw. Asteraceae/Compositae Awere pepe Brazil cress
117 Spondias mombin L. Anacardiaceae Iyeye Hog plum
118 Stachytarpheta jamaicensis (L.) Verbenaceae Apari-igun Devil’s coach
119 Strophantus hispidus D.C Apocynaceae Sagere Arrow poison
120 Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Myrtaceae Konafuru Clove
Merrill & Perry
121 Terminalia catappa L. Combretaceae Furutu Almond
122 Tetracarpidium conophorum Euphorbiaceae Asala Walnut
(Mull.-Arg.) Hutch. & Dalz.
123 Tetrapleura tetraptera (Schun & Leguminosae- Aidan -
Thonn) Taub. Mimosoideae
124 Triumfetta cordifolia A. Rich. Tiliaceae Akeenii -
125 Tylophora spp Asclepiadaceae Esiriju -
126 Uvaraia chamae P. Beauv. Annonaceae Gbongbose Bush banana
127 Vernonia amygdalina Del. Asteraceae/Compositae Ewuro Bitter leaf
128 Viscum album Linn. Loranthaceae Afomo Mistletoe
129 Viscum rotundifolium L.f. Viscaceae Afomo osan Mistletoe
130 Xylopia aethiopica (Dunal) A. Rich Zingiberaceae Atale Ethiopian pepper
131 Zea mays L. Poaceae/Graminae Agbado Maize
132 Zingiber officinale Roscoe Zingiberacaee Lali-funfun Ginger

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Table 2. Distribution of species within the families

S/No Family No. of S/No Family No. of

Species Species
1 Amaranthaceae 3 30 Liliaceae 4
2 Anacardiaceae 2 31 Loganiaceae 3
3 Annonaceae 3 32 Loranthaceae 1
4 Apocynaceae 6 33 Lythraceae 2
5 Aristolochiaceae 1 34 Malvaceae 3
6 Asclepiadaceae 4 35 Meliaceae 4
7 Asteraceae/Compositae 3 36 Menispermaceae 1
8 Bignoniaceae 3 37 Moraceae 5
9 Bombacaceae 2 38 Moringaceae 1
10 Bromeliaceae 1 39 Musaceae 2
11 Burseraceae 1 40 Myrtaceae 2
12 Capparaceae 1 41 Nympheaceae 1
13 Caricaceae 1 42 Olacaceae 1
14 Chenopodiaceae 1 43 Palmae 2
15 Chrysobalanaceae 1 44 Papaveraceae 1
16 Combretaceae 1 45 Piperaceae 2
17 Connaraceae 1 46 Poaceae 4
18 Convolvulaceae 1 47 Polygalaceae 1
19 Cucurbitaceae 5 48 Portulacaceae 1
20 Dracaenaceae 1 49 Rubiaceae 2
21 Euphorbiaceae 9 50 Rutaceae 5
22 Guttiferae 1 51 Sapindaceae 1
23 Hypoxidaceae 1 52 Sapotaceae 1
24 Icacinaceae 1 53 Solanaceae 2
25 Iridaceae 1 54 Sterculiaceae 2
26 Labiatae 4 55 Tiliaceae 4
27 Leguminosae- Caesalpinioideae 4 56 Verbenaceae 1
28 Leguminosae- Mimosoideae 3 57 Viscaceae 1
29 Leguminosae- Papilionoideae 3 58 Zingiberacaee 3

Table 3. Preparation of Anti-diabetic Recipes

Recipe A
Plants Vernacular Name Plant part used
Morinda lucida Oruwo Leaves
Momordica charantia Ejinrin Leaves
Vernonia amygdalina Ewuro Leaves
Musa sapientum Ogede Fruit

Preparation: The leaves of Morinda lucida, Momordica charantia, Vernonia amygdalina, and unripe fruit of
Musa sapientum are boiled together with fermented Zea mays liquor.
Application: Two tablespoonful of the preparation is taken three times daily.

Recipe B
Plants Vernacular Name Plant part used
Magnifera indica. Mongoro Stem bark
Alstonia boonei Ahun Stem bark

Preparation: The stem bark of Magnifera indica and Alstonia boonei are boiled together in fermented corn
water for about 15 minutes.
Application: Half glass cup full of the extract is taken twice daily.

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Recipe C
Plants Vernacular Name Plant part used
Musa sapientum Ogede Fruit.
Allium sativum Ayun Leaves and bulb
Tetracarpidium conophorum Asala Seeds
Other ingredients: Alcohol

Preparation: The listed plant parts are ground together and soaked for 24 hours in alcohol before
Application: One tablespoonful is taken after meal.

Recipe D
Plants Vernacular Name Plant part used
Vernonia amygdalina Ewuro Leaves
Citrus aurantifolia Osan wewe Fruit juice

Preparation: Scotch the leaf of Vernonia amygdalina with the juice from Citrus spp and separate the extract.
Application: The patient takes one glass cup of the preparation daily.

Recipe E
Plants Vernacular Name Plant part used
Allium sativum Ayuu Bulb.
Vernonia amygdalina Ewuro Leaves
Ocinum gratissimum Efirin nla Leaves

Preparation: Boil the three plant parts together with concentrated fermented corn water (omi ogi or omidun-
yoruba) or ordinary water for 30 minutes.
Application: One glass cup is taken every morning until ailment disappears.

Recipe F
Plants Vernacular Name Plant part used
Carica papaya Ibepe Leave
Xylopia aethiopica Eru Fruit

Preparation: Boil the dried leaves of Carica papaya and fruit of Xylopia aethiopica, add one teaspoonful of
salt, and allow the mixture to settle.
Application: Half a glass cup is taken every morning.

Recipe G
Plants Vernacular Name Plant part used
Cocos nucifera Agbon Bark
Elaeis guineensis Ope Bark
Potash Kanbilala Black soap

Preparation: The bark of Cocos nucifera and Elaeis guineensis are burnt together, and then added to ground
potash in a bottle of schnapps.
Application: One tea spoon to be taken 3 times daily.

Recipe H
Plants Vernacular Name Plant part used
Sena alata Asuwon Leaves
Anthocleista djalonensis Sapo Bark
Curculigo pilosa Epakun Corm
Gladiolus ferruginea Baka Bulb
Citrus aurantifolia Osan wewe Juice
Cucurmeropsis mannii Bara Fruit

Preparation: All the plant parts mentioned above are soaked with lime water for 3-7 days before being
Application: One glass cup to be taken once daily.

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Soladoye, M. O. et al J. Nat. Prod. Plant Resour., 2012, 2 (1):60-72
Recipe I
Plants Vernacular Name Plant part used
Senna alata Asuwon Leaves
Bambusa vulgaris Oparun Leaves
Ocimum gratissimum Efinrin Root
Hoslundia opposita Efinrin oso Root

Preparation: The leaves and roots are rinsed in clean water and boiled in a clay pot with enough water for about
30-35 minutes and drank when warm.
Application: Half a glass cup to be taken 3 times daily. This recipe is only effective in the early stage of
diabetes and not the chronic situation.

Recipe J
Plants Vernacular Name Plant part used
Senna alata Asuwon Leaves
Picralima nitida Abeere Pod
Lawsonia inermis Laali Leaves
Gladiolus ferruginea Baka Bark
Citrus medica Jaganyin Juice

Preparation: Citrus medica is cut into four and boiled together with the remaining plant parts for 40 minutes.
Application: To be taken 3 times daily with a glass cup.

Recipe K
Plants Vernacular Name Plant part used
Khaya grandifoliola Oganwo Bark
Kigelia africana Pandoro Bark
Garcinia kola Orogbo Fruit
Allium ascolanicum Alubosa-elewe Root

Preparation: All the plant parts are ground together after sun-drying.
Application: Small quantity of the prepared material is taken on the palm with water. This should be done in the
morning and later at night.

Recipe L
Plants Vernacular Name Plant part used
Nauclea latifolia Egbesi Bark
Gongronema latifolium Madunmaro Root
Xylopia aethiopica Eeru Pod
Anthocleista djalonensis Sapo Bark
Aristolochia albida Paranfunfun Root

Prepration: The plant parts are cut into pieces, rinsed with clean water and soaked in half a bottle of schnapps
for about 12 hours.
Application: One glass cup to be taken in the morning and at night.

Recipe M
Plants Vernacular Name Plant part used
Aframomum melegueta Atare Fruit
Strophantus hispidus Sagere Bark
Gladiolus ferruginea Baka Bulb
Curculigo pilosa Epakun Corm

Preparation: All the plant materials are cut into pieces, sun-dried and grounded smoothly.
Application: Small quantity on the palm is taken with adequate water in the morning and later at night.

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Soladoye, M. O. et al J. Nat. Prod. Plant Resour., 2012, 2 (1):60-72
Recipe N
Plants Vernacular Name Plant part used
Markhamia tomentosa Oruru Stem bark
Khaya ivorensis Oganwo Stem bark
Tetrapleura tetraptera Aidan Seed/pod

Preparation: The dried stem bark of the three plant parts and ginger (Zingiber officinale) are properly grinded
together to a powdery form. The remnant from the grinded ginger is again mixed with Khaya ivorensis and
Tetrapleura tetraptera and boiled for 20 minutes. Allow to cool.
Application: The prepared concoction is used to wash the wound on the leg, while the dried powder is applied
to the washed wound and allowed to dry. It should be noted that this recipe is only meant to work for wounds on the
leg of a diabetic patient.

Zingiberaceae 2%
Viscaceae 1%
Verbenaceae 1%
Tiliaceae 3%
Sterculiaceae 2% Amaranthaceae 2%
Anarcadiaceae 2%
Annonaceae 2%
Solanaceae 2%
Apocynaceae 5%
Sapotaceae 1%
Sapindaceae 1% Aristolochiaceae 1%
Asclepidiaceae 3%
Rutaceae 4%
Asteraceae/Compositae 2%
Rubiaceae 2%
Bignoniaceae 2%
Portulacaceae 1%
Bombacaceae 2%
Polygalaceae 1%
Bromeliaceae 1%
Burseraceae 1%
Poaceae 3%
Capparaceae 1%

Piperaceae 2% Caricaceae 1%

Papaveraceae 1% Chenopodiaceae 1%

Palmae 2% Chrysobalanaceae 1%

Olacaceae 1% Combretaceae 1%

Nympheaceae 1% Connaraceae 1%

Myrtaceae 2% Convolvulaceae 1%

Musaceae 2% Cucurbitaceae 4%
Moringaceae 1%
Dracaenaceae 1%
Moraceae 4%

Menispermaceae 1%
Euphorbiaceae 7%
Meliaceae 3%

Malvaceae 2% Guttiferae 1%

Lythraceae 2% Hypoxidaceae 1%

Loranthaceae 1% Icacinaceae 1%

Loganiaceae 2% Leguminosae 8% Iridacee 1%

Liliaceae 3% Labiatae 3%

Figure 1. Graphical representation of percentage occurrence of species in each family

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Soladoye, M. O. et al J. Nat. Prod. Plant Resour., 2012, 2 (1):60-72


The families with the highest occurrence of species include Leguminosae with 10 species,
followed by Euphorbiaceae (9), Apocynaceae (6), Cucurbitaceae, Moraceae, and Rutaceae (5
each) which is indicative of their importance in the treatment of Diabetes mellitus (Table 2).
However, Bromeliaceae, Burseraceae, Capparaceae, Caricaceae, Combretaceae, Hypoxidaceae,
Loranthaceae among others have the least number of species (1), this call for urgent attention on
these families before they go into extinction. The frequent occurrence of other families also
suggests their importance as repository of useful plants which may be explored for diabetes and
other diseases treating drugs. Results also revealed that quite a number of plants parts especially
the fruits, seeds, leaves, bulbs and the roots have been found efficient in the treatment of the
disease. The most prominent in the recipes are Senna alata, Curculigo pilosa, Cucurmeropsis
mannii, Anthocleist spp, Vernonia amygdalina and Allium s pp showing that they posses
important anti-diabetic properties as reported by (22) and (23).

Some traditional remedies for Diabetes mellitus may create feeling of improved conditions
without necessarily reducing hyperglycaemia (high sugar content in the body) because of claims
that certain plants can ameliorate the complication of diabetes. According to (24), the Allium
family, particularly Garlic is traditionally considered to give strength, reduce polydipsia
(excessive thirst) and dehydration as demonstrated in severely streptozotocin induced diabetic
mice without improving glycemic control. The use of traditional medicine with synthetic drugs
must be approached with caution to avoid severe hypoglycaemia and coma. This is because
studies on the interaction of traditional medicine with conventional drugs are not common but a
case study by (25), indicated that hypoglycaemic effect of Momordica charantia Schum &
Thonn. was addictive to that of chlorpropamide (Diabinese) which apparently reduce insulin

Today, ethnobotany is in the midst of renaissance. This revival reflects increasing concern about
the disappearance of the rain forests and the tribal cultures inhabiting them. According to (26),
medicinal plants should be focused for regeneration and propagation as (27) earlier reported that
only about 39% of Rural Communities in Nigeria have access to modern health care services.

The usage of herbal remedies in treating Diabetes mellitus is useful because of long cultural
history of utilization and the current renewed interest in natural products to sustain global health.
As a way of recognizing the values and roles of traditional medical knowledge in health care
provision, further research into the efficacy and safety of herbal remedies employed in the
treatment of diabetes is very important in Nigeria and Africa as a whole. There is therefore the
need for rejuvenation of these medicinal plants to preserve their genetic diversity. (28),
concluded that conservationists in Nigeria must begin to address this area of genetic erosion at
the genetic level which is the most neglected area of biological Diversity.

Since the overall aim of health care delivery is to better the health of people, the orthodox
medical practitioners should tolerate, abjure antagonism and co-operate with traditional
practitioners in order to create a conducive atmosphere for much needed research into traditional
medicine. In this way, we can mate the two practices to produce a hybrid (29).

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Soladoye, M. O. et al J. Nat. Prod. Plant Resour., 2012, 2 (1):60-72


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