Music 10: 1 Quarterly Assessment (Mapeh 10 Written Work)

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Department of Education

Region VII, Central Visayas

Poblacion, Alcoy, Cebu
S.Y. 2020-2021


Name: ___________________________________________Grade/Section: ___________________

MUSIC 10: Module 1-3

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is a principle of organizing musical compositions around a central note.

A. Atonal Music B. Chance Music C. Tonal Music D. None of these
2. He is regarded today as a combination of neo-classicist, nationalist, and avant-garde
A. Claude Debussy B. John Cage C. Maurice Ravel D. Sergei Prokofieff
3. A style of music that conveys true emotions in exaggeration through the application of
atonality and dissonance.
A. Expressionism B. Impressionism C. Neoclassicism D. Primitivism
4. It is closely associated with electronic music and its movement dealt with the parameters or
the dimensions of sound in space.
A. Avant Garde B. Expressionism C. Modern D. Neo-classicism
5. An avant-garde composer that was the primary proponent of Chance Music, and a
composer with the widest array of sounds in his works.
A. Claude Debussy B. John Cage C. Maurice Ravel D. Sergei Prokofieff
6. He is the proponent of expressionism and known for his radical sound of music.
A. Arnold B. Claude Debussy C. Igor Stravinsky D. Joseph Maurice
Schoenberg Ravel
7. These are 20th century atonal music composers, EXCEPT
A. Claude Debussy B. Igor Stravinsky C. John Cage D. Peter Ilyic
8. Neo-classicism: Sergei Prokofieff ; Primitivism: ______________
A. Bela Bartok B. George C. John Cage D. Philip Glass
9. Avant Garde: Leonard Bernstein ; ________________: Francis Poulenc
A. Avant Garde B. Expressionism C. Neo-classicism D. Primitivism
10. Which of the following BEST describes Modern Nationalism?
A. moderating factor between the emotional excesses of the Romantic period and the
violent impulses of the soul in expressionism
B. focused on nationalist composers and musical innovators who sought to combine
modern techniques with folk materials
C. sounds of different chords overlapped lightly with each other to produce new subtle
musical colors
D. revealed the composer’s mind, instead of presenting an impression of the environment

ARTS 10: Module 1-4
11. The basic building blocks used to create a work of art are known as the ___________________ of
A. components B. elements C. features D. principles
12. The style which name was derived from the cube, a three –dimensional geometric figures
composed of strictly measures lines, planes, and angles.
A. Cubism B. Futurism C. Impressionism D. Non-objectivism
13. Form is different from shape ______________________.
A. because form is 3D C. because form includes value
B. because form includes color D. because form is principle and shape is
an element
14. He is one of the first Abstractionist on the Philippine art and also credited with bridging the
gap between the city and the suburbs, between the rural and the cosmopolitan ways of life.
A. Fernando B. Juan Luna C. Vicente D. Victorio Edades
Amorsolo Manansala
15. A technique used in painting where paint is laid on an area of the surface in a very thick
A. Acrylic B. Fresco C. Gouache D. Impasto
16. The following areas help impressionist moved away from precious practices of arts, EXCEPT
A. Color and light C. Open composition
B. Painting outdoors D. Effects on the world war

17. Elements of Arts: Value ; Principles of Arts: _________________

A. color B. contrast C. form D. shape
18. Which of the following pictures is an example of impressionism art movement?
A. C.

B. D.

19. Which of the following BEST describes space as an element of art?

A. Lights and darks of color within a work of art
B. Size of something compared to what is next to it
C. Hue of an object when light is reflected off of it.
D. Area around a subject in art.
20. Post-impressionism: Vincent van Gogh ; Impressionism: ___________________
A. Amedeo B. Claude Monet C. Giorgio de D. Henri Matisse
Modigliani Chirico

PE 10: Module 1-2
21. It refers to a person’s typical pattern of behavior.
A. exercise B. habit C. lifestyle D. weight
22. It is when the energy consumed is greater than energy expended.
A. Body Mass Index B. Weight Gain C. Weight Loss D. Weight
23. It helps to reduce your risk of conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.
A. eat all you can B. enjoy life C. stay active D. sedentary
24. It is when the energy consumed is less than energy expended.
A. Body Mass Index B. Weight Gain C. Weight Loss D. Weight
25. An activity that has been linked to improved mental health, cognitive function and help in
maintaining weight.
A. eating habits B. exercise C. fitness D. relaxation
26. It is when the energy consumed equals energy expended.
A. Body Mass Index B. Weight Gain C. Weight Loss D. Weight
27. The activities or experiences carried on within leisure.
A. habits B. recreational C. sports D. warm-up exercises
28. It is a factor that a person at any age should prioritized to become healthy.
A. healthy diet
B. physically active
C. modifies eating habits
D. proper management of lifestyle and weight
29. The following activities are examples of healthy practices, EXCEPT
A. C.

B. D.

30. Compute the Body Mass Index and identify the classification of an individual with the
following measurements:
1.56 m 60 kg

A. 18.2 B. 24.7 C. 27.3 D. 31.4

Underweight Normal Overweight Obese

HEALTH 10: Module 1-5

31. These are substances or equipment prepared for and used in maintenance of health.
A. Equipment B. Health C. Health products D. Health services
32. A health professional which duty include communicating between patients and doctors,
caring for patients, administering medicine.
A. Cardiologist B. Dermatologist C. Nurse D. Pediatrician
33. In availing health information, products and services it is important to evaluate the reliability of
the source to avoid________.
A. bias B. duplication C. loss D. quackery
34. Republic Act No. 8423 is also known as__________.
A. Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care
B. Traditional and alternative Medicine Act of 1997
C. Approved Herbal Plants
35. This is the right to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to be an informed customer.
A. Right to choose B. Right to C. Right to D. Right to
education information redressed
36. A medical practitioner qualified to diagnose and treat skin disorders.
A. Cardiologist B. Dermatologist C. Nurse D. Pediatrician
37. Which among the statements is NOT an example of quackery?
A. When a person promotes "Silver Solution," a so-called cure for COVID-19 with no solid
scientific proof.
B. When a person sells you products which has solid scientifically proven basis for his
C. A person selling a bracelet that claims to alleviate the effects of diabetes
D. A person selling snake oil that claims to be a miracle cure for cancer.
38. Sambong: anti-edema ; Lagundi: ____________
A. asthma B. diarrhea C. stomachache D. urinary stone
39. Which of the following BEST describes credibility in consumer health?
A. tells about the purpose and caveat of the information
B. tells about the source and recency of the information
C. tells about the accuracy, disclaimer, and completeness of information.
D. tells about the feedback mechanism and means of information exchange between
the source and the consumer.
40. Gynecologist: female reproductive system ; Cardiologist: __________________
A. child health B. heart diseases C. skin disorders D. tooth problems

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