MAPEH 10 Q4 Week 1

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A. describes how an idea or story in a musical play is presented by

watching a live performance or video excerpt; BALLET
B. explains how theatrical elements in a selected part of a musical
MOST ESSENTIAL play are combined with music and media to achieve certain
LEARNING effects;
C. creates appropriate sounds, music, gestures, movements, and
COMPETENCIES costume using media and technology for a selected part of a
musical play




Before starting the module, I want you to set aside other tasks which may disturb you
while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions below to successfully enjoy the
objectives of this kit. Have fun!

1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated on every page of
this module.
2. Write in your notebook the concept about the lessons. Writing enhances
learning, which is important to develop and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module, use a separate sheet of
paper in answering the exercises.
4. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next page.
5. Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you have learned.
6. If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to ask for help from your teacher. Enjoy studying!


At the end of this module, you are expected to:

a. describe the characteristics of Philippine Opera, Philippine Ballet, and Musical Play;
b. analyze the idea or the story of 21st-century multimedia form and its effective use of

c. explain how theatrical elements in the operas “Noli Me Tangere”, “La Loba Negra”,
and ballets “Lola Basyang”, “Rama Hari” are combined with music and media to
achieve certain effects;
d. evaluate music and music performances of East Asian countries applying knowledge
of musical elements;
e. show understanding of the relationship among music, technology, and media;
f. create appropriate sounds, music, gestures, movements, and costumes using media
and technology for a selected part of a musical play;


● The Philippine Opera often introduces elements in which people find themselves caught
up in the character’s moments such as having conflicts using romance or sudden life
change (like tragedy). The performance mostly consists of singing and not spoken words.
Examples of Philippine Opera are La Loba Negra, Noli Me Tangere, and El Filibusterismo.
The Philippine Ballet is known to have presented mostly folktales and other mythical
representations. Using dancers’ movements to create a lively flow on the stage and create
a signature culture-related scenery. Original Filipino ballets vividly present folktales and
local fables, such as the beloved stories of Lola Basyang; as well as epics from neighboring
regions, such as India’s Ramayana. The Musical Plays were influenced by Broadway
performances where there is a live audience, few spoken lines of actors and actresses also
include timed singing as indicated in the script. From novels to the works of well-known
artists were allowed to display their art through musical plays. Examples of musical plays
are Andres Bonifacio: Ang Dakilang Anak ng Pawis, Atang-dulang May Musika, Florante
at Laura, Daragang Magayon, Magsimula ka, The Musical, Katy,Noli Me Tangereand El
Filibusterismo. In this module, you will learn how to express or describe the idea or the
story of an Opera, Ballet, and Musical Play. You will appreciate the characteristics of this
dramatic work that is fully enhanced by different varieties of music and instruments.
● According to the history of Philippine theater arts, Filipino opera started in the middle
part of the 19th century. Spaniards introduced the “zarzuela” also known as the
local opera while other foreign countries used to perform western operas and ballet
to enthusiastic Filipino audiences. Filipinos have passion in this field of arts, we
learned and performed the two forms of arts because we have the ability,
capability, and talent. In this period also, Filipino performers and artists voice their
sentiments about the love of the country and longing for independence from
colonial rule.
The element of tragedy, emanating from the popular themes of romance, deceit,
murder, vendetta, and other human frailty became the favorite story pattern of the
Filipino opera. Some opera works were based on the novels of Dr. Jose Rizal’s “Noli
Me Tangere”(touch me not) and “El Filibusterismo” (filibustering-The Reign of Greed)
and “La Loba Negra” (black she-wolf). The tragic endings and unresolved conflicts
made them excellent choices for an operatic production.

Noli Me tangere(1957) and El Filibusterismo((1970) operas were composed by the
National Artist Felipe Padilla De Leon. While “La Loba Negra”(1984) was composed
by National Artist Francisco Feliciano.
Some of our opera singers are Guillermo Tolentino,Juanita Javier Torres, Milo
Cristobal Fides Cuyugan Asensio, Eleanor Calbes, Jimmy Melendez, Noel Velasco,
Fernando Bustamante. On the other hand, ballet began in 1969 at the Cultural
Center of the Philippines. The group was founded by National Artist Alice Reyes with
the support of Eddie Elejar and Tony Fabella. This dance is used to interpret stories
of all kinds through body movements, facial expressions, arm gestures, and creative
steps and not in spoken words. The original Filipino ballets vividly present folktales
and local fables, such as the beloved stories of Lola Basyang ( ballet adaptation of
Severino Reyes)which was presented by Ballet Manila with Lisa Macuja-Elizalde as
a prima ballerina.

● The musical play RAMA HARI(1980), an epic from India’s RAMAYANA, was set to music,
dance, and drama under the musical direction of Ryan Cayabyab, choreographed by
Alice Reyes, libretto Bienvenido Lumbera, theater design by Salvador Bernal, and with
the CCP Philharmonic Orchestra. The major roles were performed by Basil
Valdez(Rama), Kuh Ledesma(Sita) and Leo Valdez ((Ravana).

Unlocking of Difficulties:

To analyze the plays correctly, you should

remember these this

Theatrical Elements
● Performer Audience
● Audience
● Director
● Theater space
● Theater space Design
● Aspects (scenery, costumes, and music)

Musical Play - is a form of theatrical performance that combines song dialogue and acting.

Different examples of musical play

a. Andres Bonifacio - depicting the life of revolutionary hero Andres Bonifacio.

b. Atang de la Rama – a musical based on the life of the superstar of the Philippines
Atang de la Rama.
c. Kathy – story about the life of (vaudeville) star Kathy De la Cruz.
d. Florante at Laura – Philippine Literature
e. Daragang Magayon – poetry and mixed media myth of the life and origin of Mount
f. Noli Me Tangere – A novel by Jose Rizal during Spanish Colonization.
g. El Filibustirismo – A novel written by Jose Rizal about the abuses and corruption of
the Spanish Government.
h. Magsimula ka- The story of young dreamers whose ambitions fade in reality’s cruel

An opera is an art form in which singers and musicians perform a dramatic work
combining text (libretto) and musical score, usually in a theatrical setting. Opera incorporates
many of the elements of spoken theatres, such as acting, scenery, and costumes, and
sometimes includes dance.
An Aria is a self-contained piece for solo voice, usually accompanied by an orchestra.
In opera, arias mostly appear during a pause in dramatic action when a character is reflecting
on their emotions. Most arias are lyrical, with a tune that can be hummed, and many arias
include musical repetition.

Started in the Philippines during the 19th century when instrumental virtuosos, opera
singers, and Spanish zarzuela performers came.
The element of tragedy, emanating from popular themes of romance, deceit, murder,
vendetta, and other elements of human frailty became the favorite story pattern of Filipino


A scene from Noli Me Tangere, the opera A scene from El Filibusterismo, the opera

➢ Popular novels by Dr. Jose P. Rizal

➢ Composed into operas by National Artist Felipe Padilla De Leon in 1970 and 1975
➢ Re-staged as musicals at the CCP with music composed by Ryan Cayabyab.


➢ La Loba Negra (The Black She-Wolf)

is a three-act Filipino opera. Acts I and II

are based on history. Act III is based on

a legend attributed to Fr. Jose Burgos.

➢ The music was composed by the National

Artist Francisco Feliciano, with libretto

by soprano Fides Cuyugan Asensio.

➢ The premiere was held in 1984

followed by another presentation in 1985. A painting by Felix Hidalgo depicting the

assassination of Bustamante.

1. Watch the following videos:
Opera - Excerpt from La Loba Negra
Ballet – Labindalawang Masasayang Prinsesa
Musical Play – KATY The Musical Revival
2. Fill in the boxes below to complete the concept map.
3. The following are the guide to describe the given musical multimedia form.
a. Story/idea that conveys to the given musical genre.
b. Title/genre of the Music
c. Kind of Sound to enhance the mood of the scene.
d. Instrument used

The music and

libretto closely
collaborate to portray
the dramatic moods
in the opera.
The dramatic The music was written in a
moods are vibrant expressionist style,
particularly contains violent contrasts in
pitch and instrumentation.
depicted in the OPERA
murder scenes (La Loba Negra)
that are effectively

The second scene focuses on Bustamante’s

family. At the start of the scene Luisa is playing the
harpsicord and singing a lullaby about
“Huitzilopotchli”. This scene also introduces us
more to Bustamante’s family more deeply.
Masasayang Prinsesa)


‘SILIPSI”(Silip Sa Sining Pilipino)

Directions: Watch the excerpts of the four Filipino theater plays. The links are given below for you to
search and watch then answer the chart. Give your observations on how the theatrical elements are
combined with music and media to achieve certain effects.

Operas: Elements of Music and Spectacular

Theater Media or Effects
Observed: Observed: Produced:

1. Noli Me Tangere -Noli Me Tangere the Opera -
Entrance of Don Crisostomo Ibarra
2. La Loba Negra - An Excerpt from the opera La
Loba Negra
3. Lola Basyang-Highlights of Ballet Manila's Tatlong
Kwento ni Lola Basyang
Ballet Manila's Lola Basyang
4. Rama Hari- Voices for the Visayas - "Rama Hari"


Based on your answers above, Which of the four theater plays did you like best? Why? State also the
visual effects, audience impact, and the spectacular (beautiful and eye-catching) of the play.



1. Watch the videos on YouTube with the given link that will serve as your guide for this
2. Identify what elements of the theatre were used in each musical performance. Write
your answer on a sheet of paper.
3. If given the chance to become part of any theatrical play, what role do you want to
portray and why?

A. Noli Me Tangere-

B . Magsimula Ka-

ROLL, CAMERA, ACTION! (Video Presentation)

1. Make your own storyline/ Script wherein you need to show different emotions from the
story you chose.
2. You may choose any form of music as your background.
3. Record your performance and submit it to your teacher through messenger.

RUBRICS ( For Activity 2)

CRITERIA 10 8 6 4
Focus Very focused Focused on the Sometimes Not focused on the
and not task most of focused on the task
distracted. the time. task often
Text and vocal Clear Mostly clear Hard to Could not understand
expressive, and easy to understand the spoken text
articulate, and understand the majority of
appropriate but some the spoken
use of volume. words/ text.
phrases are

Consistency, Extremely Mostly clear Actions were Little attention was put
clear and and believable. unclear little to make the task clear
delivered great Attention was attention was and believable; very
Gestures, attention to paid to details paid to the few details of the
the details of of the details of the performance were
Attention to Detail
the performance performance. considered.

Sing like Opera!
Read the directions carefully.

1. You have been assigned to come up with a story and music for a one-scene Opera.
Here are the given guidelines for your musical work.
A. Create a short musical work using media and technology. You may use local
folktales, legends, history, biographies of heroes, and customs and traditions as themes of
your musical work.
B. Create or improvise appropriate sounds, music, gestures, movements, and costumes
using media and technology.
C. For the music, you may compose your songs, or you may use or adapt the melody
of existing songs such as folksongs, Pop, and OPM.
D. After choosing a song, you may use their lyrics or change the text suited to the
the melody that fits your story.
2. You may use different mobile applications such as TikTok, Cap cut, Viva video, or any
recording apps. Submit your video to your teacher through FB messenger.


CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
VOICE QUALITY A clear and Demonstrate Articulation is a Inarticulate and
nuanced vocal consistent vocal problem, and no clear voice
interpretation that choices that some vocal choices.
reflects character. reflect character. choices are
MOVEMENT Exemplary Adequate Some physicality Little or no physical
QUALITY physicality that physicality that that reflects commitment that
reflects character reflects character character reflects character
movement with movement with movement with movement with
the body. the body. the body. the body.
EXECUTION The performance The performance The performance The performance
demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates a demonstrates little
strong clarity of adequate clarity lack of clarity of or no clarity of
directorial of directorial directorial directorial
elements and elements and elements and elements and/or
shows strong shows adequate shows a lack of performance
evidence of actor evidence of actor evidence or actor shows little
engagement. engagement. engagement. evidence of actor

● The Opera is an art and musical form in which singers and musicians perform a dramatic work
combining text (called a libretto) and a musical score, usually in an elaborate theatrical setting.
It incorporates many of the elements of spoken theater, such as acting, scenery, costumes, and
sometimes dance. The performance is typically given in an opera house, cultural center, theater,
or auditorium. It is accompanied by an orchestra or smaller musical ensemble, and the dialogue
is entirely sung and not spoken.

The dance form known as ballet has been used to interpret stories of all kinds. It does so by
allowing the characters to come alive, not in spoken dialogue, but body movement or
pantomime. The lack of spoken words or sung lyrics is more than made up for by the dancers’
creative steps, arm gestures, facial expressions, and body movements, which add more meaning
to the story being revealed.

The musical play is a popular and generally lighter form of musical drama than the opera. The
themes are usually more contemporary, and the musical melodies are more manageable by the
average singer. The acting is less intense and dramatic, and the choreography and dance
sequences provide entertaining breaks in the unfolding plots.

● Filipino opera started in the middle part of the 19th century. Spain introduced the “zarzuela”
also known as the local opera. Some opera works were based on the novels of Dr. Jose Rizal’s
“Noli Me Tangere”(touch me not) and “El Filibusterismo” (filibustering-The Reign of Greed) and
“La Loba Negra” (black she-wolf.

The original Filipino ballets vividly present folktales and local fables, such as the beloved stories
of Lola Basyang ( ballet adaptation of Severino Reyes)which was presented by Ballet Manila
with Lisa Macuja-Elizalde as a prima ballerina.
Music, media, or social media such as radio, television video recording played a great
role in the development of musical genres.

Theatrical Elements

1.Performers -people presenting on stage.

2. Audience- people watching a live performance.

3. Director- supervises the actors

4. Theater space- a place where the performers perform.

Opera - is an art form in which singers and musicians perform a dramatic work
combining text (libretto) and musical score, usually in a theatrical setting.

Aria - is a self-contained piece for solo voice, usually accompanied by an orchestra.

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