Course: Physics Mata Kuliah: Fisika: Undistributed and Distributed System

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Course: 1.

Course code and number of credits : TKK1114 (4 credit units)

Physics 2. Prerequisites: -
3. Aim
Mata Kuliah: To master and apply the concepts of basic physics as one of the fundamental concepts of
Fisika chemical engineering to analyze simple phenomena.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To perform quantitative analysis on simple physical 
phenomena especially the ones relevant to chemical
industries by applying the concept of mechanics,
heat, gas, vapor and surface tension.
2 To perform calculation on phenomena involving 
energy conversion, including heat to mechanical
3 To apply the concepts of electrostatics, direct 
electrical current and alternating current for technical
phenomenon calculations.
4 To analyze simple physical phenomena both for 
undistributed and distributed system.
5. Topics
a. Mechanics (translational and rotational motion, momentum, force and torque effects on
motion, work, potential and kinetics energy, statics of rigid bodies).
b. Fluids statics.
c. Heat effects.
d. Gas.
e. Vapor.
f. Surface tension.
g. Energy conversion.
h. Electrostatics, direct electrical current and alternating current.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies P1, KK3
Kompetensi/ Program Outcomes (PO)
S1 S2 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 KK1 KK2 KK3 KU1 KU2
LO1 √ √
LO2 √
LO3 √
LO4 √
7. Emphasized topics:
Application of basic concepts and mathematics, including differentiation and integration, to
analyze physical phenomena.
8. Specific characteristic of learning
Emphasizing on comprehension and analysis. Complicated calculation and mathematical
manipulation should be avoided as much as possible. Ability to perform calculation with
inconsistent units should be introduced. Examples from real chemical engineering cases are
recommended. Students are expected to do sufficient exercises.

9. Embedded learning:
a. Overview of chemical engineering profession and chemical engineering knowledge.
b. Illustrative examples to the flexibility of chemical engineering applications (contemporary
c. Analytical skills through active learning.
d. Problem solving practices.
10. Assessment System:
Comprehensive written examination and home works.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication.
12. References:
a. Halliday, H., Resnick, R., and Walker, J., 2018, “Fundamentals of Physics. Extended”,
11th ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.
b. Young, H. and Freedman, R., 2019, “Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics with
Modern Physics”, Pearson, London.
c. Alonso, M., and Finn, E.J, 1992, Dasar-Dasar Fisika Universitas, Jilid I dan II, 2nd ed. (terj.
Prasetyo, L dan Hadi, K), Erlangga, Jakarta.

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