DHNHHCM - Vstep - Listening 3 - 5 - Test 2

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Time permitted: 40 minutes

Number of questions: 35

Directions: In this section of the test, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate
your ability to understand conversations and talks in English. There are three parts in
this section with special directions for each part. Answer all the questions on the basis
of what is stated or implied by the speakers in the recording.
There will be time for you to read the instructions and you will have a chance to check
your work. The recording will be played ONCE only.
Time allowance: about 40 minutes, including 07 minutes to transfer your answers to
your answer sheet.

PART 1-Questions 1-8

Directions: In this part, you will hear EIGHT short announcements or instructions.
There is one question for each announcement or instruction. For each question, choose
the right answer A, B, C or D. Then, on the answer sheet, find the number of the
question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer that you have
Now, let’s listen to an example. On the recording, you will hear:
Woman: Hello. This is the travel agency returning your call. You left a message about
the holiday you’ve booked, asking which meals are included in the cost
during your stay at Sunny Hotel.Lunch and dinner are free but if you wish to
have breakfast in the hotel, you will need to pay an extra amount of money,
depending on what you order. Let me know if I can help you with any other
information. Goodbye.

On the test book, you will read:

Which meal is NOT included in the price of the holiday?
A. Breakfast B. Lunch C. Dinner D. All
The correct answer is A. Breakfast. Now, let’s begin with the first question.

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1. What will the weather be like tomorrow?
A. Sunny and rainy
B. Cloudy
C. Cloudy and windy
D. Sunny
2. What will the man do first?
A. Play golf
B. Have his hair cut
C. Ring Peter
D. Play baseball
3. Where is the knife?
A. In the bag with the bread
B. In the orange pack
C. In the cucumber pack
D. In the petrol station
4. What happened to the girl this afternoon?
A. She cycled in the strong wind
B. Her bike was broken.
C. She fell off her bike.
D. She met a boy.
5. Which man is waiting at the bus stop?
A. An old bald man with glasses
B. An old man with glasses and blond hair
C. A young bald man with sunglasses
D. A young man with sunglasses and blond hair
6. What time does the television programme end?
A. 7.49 P.m
B. 10.10 P.m
C. 11 P.m
D. 9.50 P.m
7. Which postcard will they send to Mark?

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A. The bridge of the old city
B. The church
C. The beach
D. The sea
8. Which present will they take?
A. Some perfume
B. A scarf
C. A box of chocolate
D. A purse
PART 2-Questions 9-20

Directions: In this part, you will hear THREE conversations. There are four questions
for each conversation. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. You
will hear the conversations only ONCE.
Questions 9 to 12.
Conversation 1. You will hear a conversation between a male insurance agent
and a female client who wants to make changes to her policy..
9. What is the policy number?
A. ZQW5009
B. XQW5009
C. ZYW5009
10. What is the cc rating?
A. The engine’s size
B. The engine’s shape
C. The engine’s price
D. The engine’s power
11. What’s the name the man wants for ID purposes?
A. Her first name
B. Her middle name
C. Her family name

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D. All of them
12. When is her birthday?
A. 2nd, August 1955
B. 12th, August 1950
C. 22nd August 1955
D. 22nd August 1950
Questions 13 to 16.
Conversation 2. You will hear a conversation between a clerk at the enquiries
desk of a transport company and a man who is asking for travel information.
13. Where does the man want to get to?
A. Helenvale
B. Helendale
C. Bayswater
D. Habour City
14. Which station is the nearest?
A. Helenvale
B. Helendale
C. Hedenvale
D. Hevendale
15. How many bus routes does the man have to take to the nearest station?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
16. Which option does the man choose finally?
A. Walk and then take a bus
B. Take a bus and then walk
C. Go there on foot
D. Take the bus for two routes
Questions 17 to 20.

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Conversation 3. You will hear a part of an interview with a girl called Elena, a
young film-maker who wrote, directed and starred in her own film.

17. What does Elena think about Susie?

A. She is artistic and cares about other people.
B. She is an optimistic girl.
C. She is different from Elena.
D. She is artistic but doesn’t care about the people around.
18. What did Elena think about making a film?
A. It was easy for her.
B. It was quite relaxing.
C. It was demanding for her.
D. It was beyond her ability.
19. How many scenes did she have to film in the afternoon?
A. 5-6 scenes
B. 2-3 scenes
C. 3-4 scenes
D. 1-2 scenes
20. Which days was she off?
A. Saturdays
B. Mondays
C. Sundays
D. None of these above

PART 3-Questions 21-35

In this part, you will hear THREE talks or lectures. There are five questions for
each talk or lecture. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
You will hear the talks or lectures only ONCE.
Questions 21-26: You will hear a talk about ecotourism.
21. How many people visit pristine natural areas every year?
A. billions
B. hundreds of billions

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C. millions
D. ten of millions
22. In which country did the article say turtles were laying eggs?
A. Canada
B. Cameroon
C. Curacao
D. Costa Rica
23.What did people gather to watch?
A. turtles laying eggs
B. a sunset
C. leopards hunting
D. a TV show
24. What kind of presence makes the animals tamer?
A. predatory
B. human
C. psychic
D. supernatural
25. What did the speaker say animals let down when they are near humans?
A. their bottom lip
B. their friends
C. their guard
D. themselves
Questions 26-30: You will hear a talk about skin-lightening creams.
26. What association in the UK warned against skin-lightening creams?
A. A cosmetics association
B. a local government association
C. a medical association
D. an association of pharmacies
27. To whom did an LGA spoke person say the creams could pose a threat?
A. consumers
B. doctors

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C. shopkeepers
D. rogues
28. What two organs did a spokesperson say the creams could damage?
A. skins and eyes
B. liver and kidneys
C. heart and lungs
D. lungs and kidneys
29. Who did the LGA warn against?
A. doctors
B. tanning shops owners
C. rogue retailers
D. pharmacists
30. For how long did the LGA ask some creams could scar people?
A. for life
B. decades
C. a dozen years
D. a few months
Questions 31-35: You will hear a talk about having children.
31. What do many people believe is the key to happiness?
A. memmories
B. money
C. sleep
D. having children
32. How many people answer the survey?
A. 50,000
B. 53,500
C. 55,000
D. 52,500
33. What kind of worries did the article say parenthood created?
A. security worries
B. health worries

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C. financial worries
D. parental worries
34. What do parents suffer from less when children leave home?
A. depression
B. grey hair
C. poverty
35. What might stave off loneliness in ageing parents?
A. memories
B. family relationships
C. family photographs
D. exercise
End of the test.

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