Needs Assessment Report Questionnaire
Needs Assessment Report Questionnaire
Needs Assessment Report Questionnaire
Outdoor activities 17 %
School places 3%
Table 1.
The next result is the students' goals in learning English, and the results of the
questionnaire show that the main goals of students in learning English are being able to speak
English well, increasing knowledge about English vocabulary, and being able to understand
someone when they speak English. All students have taken English lessons before when they
were in school. Of course, the level of English used is still at the elementary and middle levels
because their English skills have not improved, maybe there are some students who are fluent in
English and there are also some students who still have not maximized their English skills.
English skill
Listening 33%
Speaking 50%
Reading 7%
Writing 10%
Table 2.
According to the table above the results of the questionnaires that have been filled in by
the respondents indicate that the English skills that students want to improve and need are
speaking skills (50%) followed by listening skills (33%), then there is Writing (10%), Reading
Topics Frequency Percent
a. Conversation 20 66%
b. Reading Passage 15 50%
c. Writing practice 11 36%
d. Vocabulary 15 50%
Table 3.
From Table 3 above. There are several topics that can help students in learning English. 20
respondents chose the Conversation (66%). Then there is the Reading Passage with 15
respondents (50%). The next topic is Writing practice with 11 respondents with a percentage
(36%). Then there are discussion activities with 15 respondents (50%). With the results above,
the topic of Conversation is the topic that is most interested by students.
Textbook 10 33%
Software 18 60%
eLearning 13 43 %
Table 5
From Table 5 above. There are media in carrying out the teaching process that can help
students. 28 respondents chose media that used instructional videos (93 %). In addition, there
were 10 participants who chose Textbook (33%). Then there were 18 respondents who chose
Software (60%). The next media there is a elearning with 13 respondents with a percentage
(43%). With the results above, the learning media that is most interested by students is Video.
From Table 7 above. There are Listening topics that can help students in learning English. 7
respondents chose Tv program (23 %). In addition, there were 24 participants who chose
Lecturer (80%). Then there were 20 respondents who chose Youtube (67%). The next topic
there is a Podcast with 8 respondents with a percentage (26%). 5 respondents chose Recorded
activities (16 %). With the results above, the listening topic that is most interested by students is
From table 8 above. There are Reading topics that can help students in learning English. Tick
Total for Journal article is 27 that respondents chose. In addition, there were 23 tick total from
participants who chose Dictionaries. Then there were 15 tick total from respondents who chose
Books. From the results above, there are 3 Reading topics that are of interest to students by
measuring the tick Total.
Table 9.
From Table 5 above. There are Writing topic that can help students in learning english. 16
respondents chose Essays (53 %). In addition, there were 10 participants who chose Academic
articles (33%). Then there were 8 respondents who chose Professional letter (26%). The next
topic there is a paper with 19 respondents with a percentage (63%). With the results above, the
Writing topic that is most interested by students is Paper.
Tota Total
In order to be successful in running the program of English for Islamic Studies please fill the
questionnaire honestly. Your information will be very useful for course design that will suit your needs
that may contribute for your success in joining the program and in your future career.
General information
1. Name : ____________________________________________________________________
2. Address : ____________________________________________________________
3. Purpose of taking the course : ____________________________________________________
4. Course setting preferences. Please put a circle on the letter a, b, or c
a. In the classroom
b. Outdoor activities
c. School places
5. Your future goal of learning English: _______________________________________________
4. Choose the grammatical topics. Choose as you need to learn (list as many as you want)
Grammatical topics Tick Grammatical topics Tick
Word Future Tense
Sentence Phrases
Parts of speech Number
Noun Clauses
Pronoun Conditionals
Adjective Modal Auxiliaries
Verb Mood
Adverb Subject-Verb Agreement
Preposition Right Forms of Verbs
Use of Prepositions Case
Conjunction Transformation of Sentences
Interjection Modifiers
Article Narration
Tense Determiners & Quantifiers
Present Tense Prefixes
Past Tense Suffixes
5. Choose the learning media you like to use (you can list as many as you like)
a. Video
b. Textbook
c. Software
d. eLearning
e. Etc ____________________________________________________________________
6. Choose learning materials you want (you can list as many as you like)
Speaking skills (you can choose and tick as many as you like)
Speaking topics Tick
h) Public speaking
i) Role Play
j) Debate
k) Interview
l) Dialogue exercises
m) Expressing Opinion
n) Discussions
List your own:
Listening skills (you can choose and list as many as you like)
a. Tv program
b. Lecturer
c. Youtube
d. Podcast
e. Recorded activities
f. List your preference
Reading skills (you can choose and list as many as you like)
q) Journal article r) Sports Programs.
s) Magazines. t) Catalogs
u) Comics v) Recipes
w) Manuals. x) Dictionaries.
y) Newspapers. z) Play Scripts
aa) Poetry bb) Atlases
cc) Travel Brochures. dd) Road Signs
ee) Encyclopedias. ff) Books
Writing skills (you can choose and list as many as you like)
a. Essays
b. Academic articles
c. Professional letter
d. Paper
e. List your own preferences
7. Teaching methods (you can choose and tick as many as you like)