Applications of High Frequency Magnetic Components For Switching Resonant Mode Power Supply

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Applications of high frequency magnetic components for switching resonant

mode power supply

Conference Paper · January 1997

DOI: 10.1109/ICIT.1996.601619 · Source: IEEE Xplore

6 575

4 authors, including:

Sima Dimitrijev
Griffith University


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Proceedings of The
IEEE International Conference
on Industrial Technology, 1996

Applications of High Frequency Magnetic

Components for Switching Resonant Mode Power Supply
F.K.Wong, J. W.Lu,H.B.Harrison and S.Dimitrijev
School of Microelectronic Engineering,Faculty of SCT,
Griff.ithUniversity, QLD 4 111, AUSTRALIA

Abstract-This paper presents the results of investigations on Its major advantage is that me winding on the bobbin
three types of high frequency transformers with different around the center post is almost entirely enclosed by ferrite
magnetic and winding configurations €or the switching material. This dec~asesits radiating magnetic field and
resonant mode power supply. The experimental results hence is used when EMIW problems must be minimised.
demonstrate the characteristics of self inductance and voltage
Unfortunately, the lack of airflow around the windings
ratio versus frequency. The magnetic flux and eddycurrent
distributions of Pot core, Planar core and Multi-element core causes them to operate at a higher temperaturci31.
transformers are calculated by a CAD/CAE software package
eh employs boundary element method technique. Both A. Pot Core Winding Configurations
experimental and computer modelling results are used for
optimum design of high frequency transformers and TDK H6F pot core transformer with two different
minimising the copper losses in transformer windings. winding configurations is used as investigating transformer
as shown in Fig. 1. PCT(I) is wounded on the separated
I. INTRODUCTION primary and secondary winding sections of the bobbin
without intemeaving. PCT(II) is wounded on two sections
One of the most volume-intensive c ~ m p ~ n e nin t ~ with primary and secondary layer interweaving.
is magnetic component. The size d
ent can be decreased by operating the
@wer converter at high frequencies. High frequency 0
transformers are an indispensable part of most HF switching
power supplies. However, they are not comme~~ially
avahble in a wide range of properties but are d y
desiped and constructed for the particular application.
Although magaetic ferrites and power cores have improved
in the past, transfomers and inductors are a major obstacle
to very-high-frequency operation. Parasitic elements, such as
, winding capacitance, and skin and
make it very difficult to design high-

results of investigations on three

types of HF transformer designs for the switching resonant
. m d e power supply. Since HF magnetic ferrite materials

Therefore, the assumpti include a linear

obtain the nume

frequency transformer.


Pot core is mostly used a

Fig. 2 In- vs frequency 63u”l‘stics using TDK H6F pot core.

0-7803-3 104-4
- 406 *
A HP 4285A precision LCR meter was used to obtain results
over a frequency range of 50KHz to I=. The inductance
L increases with increasing frequency due to frequency
characteristicsof the TDK H6F ferrite material.

C . Voltage Ratio vs Frequency Characteristics

The input and output voltage ratio versus frequency

characteristics for both windings at the no-load case are
investigated. The voltage ratio for pot core structures shown
in Fig. 3 demonstrates a frequency independent
characteristics, which indicates that magnetic coupling is ........................................
quite'good at whole frequency range and the voltage ratio is
almost equal to the winding ratio that is Nl/N2=V1/V2.
! Lesc.J

Fig. 5 Distribution of magnetic flux in PCr(rr). pt800.


Advantages of planar core transformer designs include
a low profile, good heat transfer properties, and operation at
0 4 -
high power densities because of low power losses. These
advantages are important if one is to realise a reduction in
the size of magnetic components in high fresuency
converters. Also, lack of accurate data on parasitic
elements, such as leakage inductance, winding capacitance,
and skin and proximity effect makes it very Wkdt to
Fig. 3 Voltage ratio versus frwluency Characteristics design high-frequency magnetic devices correctly at the
first time. Several planar inductive components with
D . Distribution of Magnetic Flux at 1 MHz different configurations have been reported, for instance the
Sandwich Transformer 141, the Matrix Transformer [SI,the
The time harmonic magnetic field distribution within &in Film Microtransformer with Circular Spiral Coils 163
the core and winding was calculated by using OERSTED and Totoidal-Meander Type Integrated Inductor with a
2DBS - Eddy Current Solver. Fig.4 and Fig.5 show the Multilevel Meander Magnetic Core L71.
computed results for magnetic flux .under the condition that
the primary winding is excited and the secondary winding A. Planar Core Winding Configurations
is open circuited. PCrO has an unbalanced flux
distribution. In contrast with P(JT(II),it has a uniform flux DC-DC converters operating at high frequencies we.
distribution. lMHz require inductance values in the range of a few
micro-henries. Sandwich transformers using an open
magnetic structure and a spiral or meander type winding
configurations are shown in Fig. 6.

L...................., i

................................................................................... E G Fig. 6 Planar sandwich spiral and meander winding configurations with
17.6mm x 17.6mm x 2.0" magnetic ferrite
Fig. 4 Distribution of magnetic flux in PCT(I), p=800. (a) PST(I) is a spiral type winding structure (N1=N2=3),
(b)P S T O is a meander type winding structure.

* 407
B.Inductance vs Frequency Characteristics D.Distribution of Magnetic Flux at 1 MHz

Figure 7 presents the experimental results for the Figure 9 shows the computed results for magnetic flux
inductance vs frequency characteristics of a planar under the condition that the primary winding is excited and
magnetic transformer with a spiral type and meander type the secondary winding is open circuited. The large air gap
winding codigurations. The results are obtained over a in this planar core transformer makes the magnetic system
frequency range of 50KHz to 1MHz. The inductance L linear at the expenses of a reduction in the coupling
decreases with increasing frequency, while the meander efficiency and a lowery of the mutual inductance.
type winding remains constant for whole frequency range.
The inductance value of secondary winding of P S T O is
lower than primary one because the length of secondary
winding is shorter than primary winding.

0 L-
0 100 200 300 400 500 800
Frequency ( K 4 )
700 800 900 1000

(a) Axi-symmetric cross sectiop of PST(I) s p d

Fig. 7 Self inductance vs li-equency characterktics, whez -and - - winding conti
indicaie the results for primary and secondary winding? respectively.

C . Voltage Ratio vs Frequency Characteristics

The voltage ratio vs frequency far open core planar

magnetic structures illustrates a frequency dependent
characteristic shown in Fig. 8. The result is similar to the
results which have been obtained for the thin film
microtransformer with closed magnetic core structure [6].
The measured results also indicate that the voltage ratio
remains constant above 300KHz. Magnetic coupling is
smaller than pot core at whole frequency range and thus the
voltage ratio is not equal to the winding ratio that is

I 1E.Z

(b) Cross seetion of PST(II) meader type magnetic and windiig


Fig9 Distribution of magnetic flux in planar spiral and meander type




Multi-element toroidal core transformer has been

introduced to switching power supply recently [SI and it has
Fig. 8 PST(I) and P S T O voltage ratio versus kquency k e n commonly used as a broadband RF transformer in
characteristics. communications systemsC91. The advantages of the multi-

408 *
element transformer are the excellent symmetry results from C. Voltage Ratio vs Frequency Characteristics
the construction style and uniform distribution of magnetic
flux and extremely low eddy-current density in the windings. Figure 12 shows the input and output voltage ratio
The operation frequency can be uesd over a frequency range versus frequency characteristics for the no-load case. The
of lMHz to 50 MHz. measured results indicate that magnetic coupling is smaller
than pot core structure and thus the voltage ratio is less
A. Multi-Element Toroidal Core Windiag Configurations than the winding ratio that is N1/N2>VI/V2.

A small-diameter q p e r tube which is U-shaped, and

over which several high+ toroid cores have been placed.
The ends of the tube are soldered onto the printed circuit
board as shown in Fig.10. U-shaped copper tube has a 1 turn
primary winding and an insulated hookup wire is passed
through the tube and serves as the secondary winding of the
transformer. The number of turns to be used will depend
upon the transformationratio needed.

Copper tube 100 200 300 100 500

frequency [KUzJ
600 700 800 900

4 Fig. 12 Voltage ratio versus frequency cbwaderistics

D. Distribution of Magnetic F l u at 1 MHz

The time harmonic magnetic field distribution within the

core and winding was calculated by CADKAE tool. Fig.13
shows the computed results for magnetic flux under the
Winding condition that the primary winding is excited and the
Fig. 10U-shaped multi-element transformer secondary winding is open circuited. The symmetrical and
uniform flux distribution result presents an excellent
B. Inductance vs Frequency Characteristics trbsformer constiuction.

Figure 11 presents the.experimental results for the self

inductancevs frequency characteristicsof the multi-element
transformer over a frequency range of SOKHz to 1MHz.
The inductance L remains constant for the whole fquency
range. The inductance result for primary is quite lower due
to 1 turn winding structure. The inductance of secondary
winding is higher because of 8 turns in secondary.

, tu- a
. mi-ilps uinai-x j

.......... ............................................

Fig. 13 Distribution of magnetic flux in multi-element transformer,

e=- p=800.



Figure 14 shows the computer simulation results for

maximum eddycurrent density. From the wmp&ng results,
we can find that multielement core transformer has a
Fig. 1 1 Self inductance vs iiquency characteristica,whexe -and - - mini" eddy-current density and the pot core transformer
indicate the results for primary and secondary windinp respectively.
with separated winding codiguihtion has a very high eddy- and the turns ratio indicate that the magnetic coupling is
current density. smaller than pot core. The numerical results obtained by
- Mzudmum Eddy Currehi Density (Normalized)
using a CAD/CAFi tools which employs the boundary
element method show that the distribution of magnetic flux
and eddy-currents can be umtrolled by using proper
E winding structures. Future work will concentrate on
optimizing the design of the magnetic system subject to
constraints such as a desired magnetic coupling ratio,
desired heat transfer materials, EMI and the calculation of
losses which include hysterisis effects.
f ’ PST(I)
U 3
3 : The authors wish to thank the Australia Research
!F : /
MET Council for supportingthis research work.
I O 200 400 600 800 1000

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