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J Electr Eng Technol.

2016; 11(2): 383-392 ISSN(Print) 1975-0102

http://dx.doi.org/10.5370/JEET.2016.11.2.383 ISSN(Online) 2093-7423

Design Considerations of Resonant Network and Transformer Magnetics

for High Frequency LLC Resonant Converter

Hwa-Pyeong Park*, Younggon Ryu*, Ki Jin Han* and Jee-Hoon Jung†

Abstract – This paper proposes the design considerations of resonant network and transformer
magnetics for 500 kHz high switching frequency LLC resonant converter. The high power density can
be effectively achieved by adopting high switching frequency which allows small size passive
components in the converter. The design methodology of magnetizing inductance is derived for zero
voltage switching (ZVS) condition, and the design methodology of the transformer and output
capacitance is derived to achieve high power density at high operating frequency. Moreover, the
structure of transformer is analyzed to obtain the proper inductance value for high switching operation.
To verify the proposed design methodology, simulation and experimental results will be presented
including temperature of passive and active components, and power conversion efficiency to evaluate
dominant power loss. In addition, the validity of magnetics design will be evaluated with operating
waveforms of the prototype converter.

Keywords: High switching frequency, LLC resonant converter, Transformer design, Power density

1. Introduction Furthermore, the size of output capacitor can be decreased

using the relationship among the effective series resistance
These days, a LLC resonant converter is one of the most (ESR), capacitance, and the switching frequency. They can
attractive topologies in the industrial fields such as LED, be mathematically induced and be verified with simulation
TV, computer, and other home appliances. It has many and experimental results.
advantages of fewer components than other topologies, Meanwhile, the magnetizing inductance should be
small circulating current, and low switching losses using designed adequately to obtain the ZVS condition, but
soft switching methods such as zero current switching conventional magnetizing inductance design method has
(ZCS) for the secondary side diode, and zero voltage higher error at high frequency operation. Therefore, high
switching (ZVS) for a MOSFET as a main switch over frequency magnetics should be considered in the design of
entire load condition [1-10]. Moreover, the LLC converter the magnetizing inductance at the high switching frequency.
is good for high frequency switching operation which is To design the transformer for high frequency switching,
one of the latest trends of the switch mode power supply several design parameters should be considered. First, a
(SMPS). The high frequency switching operation makes proper size of the magnetic core has to be chosen with
the size of passive components small, which increases the considering the saturation limit of the specific flux density.
power density of the converter. In addition, comparing with By adjusting the number of turns of the primary winding
conventional hard-switching converters and asymmetrical and the cross-sectional area of the core, proper magnetic
half-bridge converter, the LLC resonant converter has small core which can avoid the saturation at the switching
switching and conduction losses by the soft switching and frequency is selected. Second, the transformer should
the symmetric operation [11-15]. satisfy required values of the magnetizing inductance and
To operate the converter with optimal design in aspect of the leakage inductance since the LLC resonant converter
power density, the design considerations for high switching uses the inductances as the components of its resonant
frequency should be derived. When the switching frequency network. At high switching frequency, the required values
increases, the size of passive components is proportionally of the inductances become smaller. To satisfy the small
decreasing [16-20]. The relationship between the cross- value of the magnetizing inductance, the structure of the
sectional area of the transformer’s core and the switching magnetic core should have an air gap. In addition, the
frequency should be investigated to design small-sized winding method should be changed to obtain the small
transformer properly under high frequency operation. value of the leakage inductance. With respect to all of those
parameters, a suitable transformer should be designed to be
† Corresponding Author: School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, applied to the LLC resonant converter properly for its high
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Korea.
([email protected]) frequency operation.
* School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ulsan National In this paper, a prototype LLC resonant converter
Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Korea. operating at 100 kHz and 500 kHz switching frequency is
Received: May 13, 2015; Accepted: October 26, 2015

Copyright ⓒ The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/
licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Design Considerations of Resonant Network and Transformer Magnetics for High Frequency LLC Resonant Converter

implemented to experimentally verify the validity of the to the switching frequency. In this section, design con-
proposed design methodology. To obtain optimal operating siderations of the resonant network and output capacitance
points at 100 kHz and 500 kHz switching frequency, the of the LLC resonant converter for high frequency operation
magnetizing inductance is separately designed. The will be discussed.
temperature of passive and active components is measured
to find out dominant power losses at high frequency 2.1 Design for soft switching condition
operation. In addition, the validity of high-frequency
magnetics design is evaluated with mathematical analysis. To verify the validity of the proposed design methodology,
All the design considerations are verified by proper a prototype converter is implemented with an analog
simulation and experimental results with a 300 W prototype controller (ST L6599) which has a fixed dead time (0.2-0.4
LLC resonant converter operating at 100 kHz and 500 kHz μs). Comparing with the switching frequency of 500 kHz
switching frequencies. (2 μs) in the prototype converter, the dead time is longer
than 10% of the switching frequency. Fig. 3 shows
theoretical waveforms whose dead time from tc to te is
2. Design Considerations for Power Stage large enough to influence the shape of the primary current.
The primary current cannot follow the magnetizing current
The conventional medium switching frequency LLC during the dead time, and it is collapsed by the secondary
resonant converter has been designed with the relationship parasitic capacitance before the end of the dead time.
among Q-factor (Quality factor), voltage gain, and λ which From the above reasons, the conventional design method
is defined as Lr /Lm, where Lr is the leakage inductance and of the magnetizing inductance is not a proper to obtain the
Lm is the magnetizing inductance. The converter which has ZVS operation in the high switching frequency operation.
high λ needs small frequency modulation to control the Since the conventional design method is derived using the
output voltage since the higher gain variation is introduced approximation of constant primary current during the dead
by the higher λ. High λ has small conduction losses with time, it introduces considerable errors for the ZVS condition.
small circulating currents, however it has a demerit under From the conventional design method, the primary current
over-load condition because of non-monotonic gain curves. can be expressed as follows:
Small λ is convenient to control the output voltage under
over-load condition, however, it requires high frequency n(Vo + VDf )Ts
modulation to obtain enough voltage gain. Moreover, i p (tc ) = (1)
4 Lm
small λ has high conduction loss which comes from high
circulating current. The Q-factor changed by load condition
where tc is start point of dead time, ip (tc) is the constant
shows the sharpness of the voltage gain near the resonant
value of the primary current during the dead time, n is
frequency. Fig. 1 shows the scheme of the LLC resonant
the turn ratio, Vo is the output voltage, VDf is the forward
converter and Fig. 2 shows the voltage gain curve according
voltage drop of the secondary diode, and Ts is the
switching period.
S1 Cs1 D1 io
At the high switching frequency, equation (1) cannot be
ip retained during the dead time. Therefore, after tc, the
Vs Vs Co Ro Vo variation of the primary current during the dead time can
S2 Cs2 be derived as follows:
Cr im D2


Fig. 1. Circuit diagram of the LLC resonant converter

Fig. 2. DC gain characteristics of the LLC resonant Fig. 3. Operational waveforms of the primary and the
converter magnetizing current during the dead time

384 │ J Electr Eng Technol.2016; 11(2): 383-392

Hwa-Pyeong Park, Younggon Ryu, Ki Jin Han and Jee-Hoon Jung

i p (t ) = i p (tc ) cos ωr1 (t ) + sin ωr1 (t ) (2)
Z r1

where ωr1=2πfr1, Vb=Vs-Vcr-n(Vo+VDf ), Vs is input voltage,

fr1 is the resonant frequency between the leakage
inductance and the resonant capacitor.
The conventional design guide of the magnetizing
inductance shown in (3) has high error to obtain the ZVS
condition with high dead time ratio. Fig. 4. Ripple voltage variation according to the switching
Lm ≤ (3)
16Cs f s ,max

where tdt is the dead time duration, Cs is the parasitic

capacitance of primary side MOSFET, and fs,max is the
maximum switching frequency.
To obtain proper ZVS condition at the high switching
frequency condition, equation (4) is proposed as follows:

Vs tdt
(Ts ,min − 2tdt ) ≥ 2CsVs (4)
8 Lm (a)

where Ts,min is switching period. Eq. (4) considers the

current drop during the dead time. Assuming that
magnetizing current is linear for the dead time, the current
drop can be measured using the average primary current
from the start of the dead time (tc, Ts /4) to the end of the
dead time (te, Ts /4 – t). Using (4), a proper design guide of
the magnetizing inductance to obtain the ZVS condition at
the high switching frequency can be derived as follows:
Lm ≤ dt (Ts ,min − 2tdt ) (5) Fig. 5. Simulation waveform of output ripple voltage: (a)
normal ESR, and small capacitance condition; (b)
Therefore, the magnetizing inductance which guarantee high ESR, and small capacitance condition
the ZVS of the MOSFET considering the high switching
frequency operation with long dead time can be designed. method to increase power density, because capacitance is
proportional to the size of the capacitor. From (6), the
2.2 Design for smaller output capacitance voltage ripple related with the output capacitance is
proportional to the output current and inversely proportional
At the high switching frequency operation, small-size to the switching frequency. The voltage ripple from the
passive components such as transformer and output capacitor ESR, however, is only related to the output current.
can be used in the converter for high power density. In the Fig. 4 shows output voltage ripple variations according
case of the output capacitance, the relationship between to the switching frequency, which is derived from (6).
ESR (effective series resistance) and the output capacitance Using Fig. 4 and (6), it is verified that the ESR is dominant
is important to analyze output voltage ripple as follows: factor to reduce the output voltage ripple than output
capacitance at the high switching frequency. Therefore, the
π ΔQ small ESR, and output capacitance is selected to improve
ΔV = ESR × ( − 1) × I o + (6)
2 Co the output voltage ripple, and the power density of the
converter at the high frequency operation. The Table 1 and
where Io is the output current, Ts is the switching period, Fig. 5 show three simulation results to verify (6) and Fig. 4.
and ΔQ = 0.363×IoTs. The case 1, which has normal ESR, and small capacitance
The conventional converter uses high capacitance to condition, shows that capacitance is not dominant to the
reduce the output voltage ripple, but it is not effective output voltage ripple at high frequency operation, comparing

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Design Considerations of Resonant Network and Transformer Magnetics for High Frequency LLC Resonant Converter

Table 1. Design specifications and simulation results of V V

output ripple voltage
Specification Value ΔB
Input Voltage 420 V T
Output 30 V/10 A 2
Case 1 Output Capacitance (ESR) 3 μF (15mΩ)
Case 2 Output Capacitance (ESR) 3 μF (100mΩ)
Fig. 6. Theoretical waveform of the input voltage and the
Simulation Condition Output Ripple Voltage flux density in the transformer
100 kHz 5.84 Vpk_pk
Case 1
500 kHz 1.37 Vpk_pk
A-N curve (at Δ B=0.4T)

Number of turns for primary winding

100 kHz 6.86 Vpk_pk
Case 2 100
500 kHz 2.81 Vpk_pk

with normal frequency operation. The case 2, which has 60

high ESR, and small capacitance condition, shows that 40

ESR has a high effect on the output voltage ripple at high
switching frequency.
2 4 6 8 10
Minimum cross-sectional area [m2]
x 10
3. Design of High Frequency Magnetics
Fig. 7. Calculation results of the relation between Np and
Ac,min at 500 kHz switching frequency
The size of the transformer is determined by the cross-
sectional area of the core. Eqs. (7) and (8) show the
relationship of the cross-sectional area using the faraday’s Assuming that the square of ΔB and (D×V1) is constant,
law as follows: the small-sized transformer can be used at 500 kHz
switching frequency since μo(μe le-1+lg-1) value increases
dΦ d ( B × Ac ) about 2 times and the value of L decreases about 3.5 times.
V1 (t ) = N p × = Np × (7) Consequently, the transformer size at 500 kHz switching
dt dt
frequency can be reduced around 3.5 times than the
V × D × Ts transformer at 100 kHz switching frequency.
Ac = 1 (8)
ΔB × N p
N p2 3.2 Design parameters for transformer
L = Lm + Ll1 + Ll 2 = (9)
( Rc + Rg )
Since the magnetic flux generated in a magnetic material
( D × V1 ) 2 ⎛μ 1⎞ should be limited before the magnetic core goes into
Ac = × μ0 × ⎜ e + ⎟ (10)
ΔB × f s × L
2 ⎜ ⎟ saturation [22], the transformer should be designed to
⎝ le lg ⎠
operate within the saturation limit of the flux density.
When for the waveforms of the input voltage and the flux
where Ac is the cross-sectional area, V1 (t) is the input
density in the transformer are as shown in Fig. 6, the
voltage, V1 is the average value of the input voltage, D is
relation of the design parameters from the Faraday’s law
the duty ratio, ΔB is the maximum flux density, Np is the
can be obtained as follows [21, 22]:
primary turn number of the transformer, μo is the free-space
permeability, μe is the relative magnetic permeability, Rc is
the reluctance of core, Rg is the reluctance of air gap, le is Np ≥ (11)
the effective magnetic length, and lg is the air gap length. ΔB ⋅ Amin ⋅ 2 f
As shown in (8), the cross-sectional area is proportional
to the input voltage, the duty ratio, and the switching where Np is the turn number of the primary winding in the
period. It is inversely proportional to the maximum flux transformer and Amin is the smallest cross-sectional area of
density and the primary turn number. In addition, Np in the magnetic core. The duty-cycle is set by 50% since the
(8) can be substituted with (9) as shown in (10). In (10), core is designed for the LLC resonant converter.
the transformer permeability and the length of the air gap Generally, the conventional ferrite core has a saturation
is derived from (8) and its air gap resistance. The size flux density of around 0.4 T. Therefore, available ΔB can
reduction of the transformer and the air gap length is be up to 0.8 T. However, a sufficient margin in ΔB is
proportional to the square of the switching frequency. required for half-bridge converters to prevent excessive
Also, the small leakage and magnetizing inductance value hysteresis losses and heat generation [19]. Thus, ΔB should
at high switching frequency induces large air gap length. be much lower than 0.8 T and the value of ΔB is selected as

386 │ J Electr Eng Technol.2016; 11(2): 383-392

Hwa-Pyeong Park, Younggon Ryu, Ki Jin Han and Jee-Hoon Jung

Table 2. Design parameters of transformer

Turn ratio Np Ns Amin [mm2]
10 30 3 33

Table 3. Required values of resonant components

Magnetizing Leakage Resonant
inductance inductance capacitor
100 KHz 280 μH 80 μH 18 nF
500 KHz 70 μH 10 μH 6 nF (a)


(a) (b)
Fig. 8. Photo of the transformer for 500 kHz LLC resonant
converter: (a) EE core with an air gap to obtain the
required magnetizing inductance; (b) Implemented

0.4 T in this paper. Fig. 7 is the calculated result of the (c)

variables of Np and Amin for 500 kHz switching frequency. Fig. 9. Winding methods for the transformer used in the
From the calculated results, the proper size of the ferrite center-tapped LLC resonant converter: (a) conven-
core can be chosen, which is not saturated at the switching tional winding method; (b) overlapping winding
frequency, with considering the window area of the method to obtain low leakage inductance; (c) bifilar
windings. Table 2 shows the design parameters for the winding method to obtain uniform leakage inductances
transformer at 500 kHz operation.
inductance in the LLC resonant converter is much smaller
3.3 Magnetizing inductance and leakage inductance than the case of low frequency. In this case, the coupling
between the primary and the secondary winding is too
Table 3 presents design parameters of the magnetizing small as presented in Table 3. With the conventional winding
and leakage inductances for 100 kHz and 500 kHz structure presented in Fig. 9 (a), the leakage inductance
switching frequency. To obtain the proper value of the will not be small enough.
magnetizing inductance, EE cores are used with an air gap To obtain the small leakage inductance, the overlapping
as shown in Fig. 8 (a). By adjusting the air gap length, the winding method can be used as shown in Fig. 9 (b).
magnetizing inductance can be obtained as follows: However, applying the overlapping winding may result in
an imbalance in the operation of the center-tapped LLC
N 2p ⋅ μ0 ⋅ Ag resonant converter, since the distance between the primary
Lm = (12)
lg winding and the secondary winding 1 is different from the
distance between the primary winding and the secondary
where lg is the air gap length and Ag is the cross-sectional winding 2 [7]. A small difference in the leakage inductances
area of the center leg. can be negligible at low frequency operation. However, at
Generally, the primary and secondary windings of the the high frequency operation, even small difference of the
LLC resonant converter are separated to obtain large and leakage inductances can cause abnormal operations. For
controllable values of the leakage inductance for low example, 7 μH difference of the leakage inductance has
switching frequency as shown in Fig. 9 (a) [23]. However, 10% error at 100 kHz operation, while it has 70% error at
for the high frequency operation such as 500 kHz, the 500 kHz. To obtain the balance of the leakage inductances
winding structure should be changed because a leakage in the secondary windings, the bifilar winding method is

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Design Considerations of Resonant Network and Transformer Magnetics for High Frequency LLC Resonant Converter

4 x 10
Magnetizing inductance
Leakage inductance
69.65 uH
Inductance [H]

9.629 uH

-4 5 6 7 8
10 10 10 10
Frequency [Hz]
Fig. 10. Measured results of the magnetizing and leakage
inductance designed for 500 kHz operation

Fig. 12. Experimental waveforms of 100 kHz LLC resonant
converter: (a) 3 A light load case, (b) 10A full load

Fig. 11. Simulation results of 100 kHz and 500 kHz LLC
resonant converter

applied as shown in Fig. 9 (c). By wrapping the secondary

windings together alternately in the same layer, the leakage
inductances of the secondary windings have the same value.

3.4 Measurement Result

Fig. 8 (b) shows an implemented transformer for the 500

kHz prototype converter with considering the calculated
design parameters. The conductor of the secondary winding
has parallel connections to ensure high output current.
Fig. 10 shows the measured results of the magnetizing
and the leakage inductance of the implemented transformer (b)
shown in Fig. 8 (b). Fig. 13. Experimental waveforms of 500 kHz LLC resonant
The measurement is performed by an impedance analyzer, converter: (a) 3 A light load case; (b) 10 A full load
PSM1735 manufactured by N4L. In Fig. 10, the measured case.
inductances satisfy the required design parameters in
Table 3. The measured results show that the implemented
transformer can be used in the proposed converter with 500 kHz LLC resonant converter. At the 500 kHz operation,
proper magnetizing leakage inductance at 500 kHz switching the MOSFET operates under the ZVS condition, and the
frequency. secondary diode is under a ZCS condition to reduce
switching losses. Passive components used in this
simulation are the same value shown in Table 3.
4. Results
4.2 Experimental results
4.1 Simulation results
Fig. 12 and 13 show that the 100 kHz and 500 kHz LLC
Fig. 11 shows the simulation results of the 100 kHz and resonant converters operate under the ZVS condition of the

388 │ J Electr Eng Technol.2016; 11(2): 383-392

Hwa-Pyeong Park, Younggon Ryu, Ki Jin Han and Jee-Hoon Jung

Fig. 16. Comparison of 100 kHz and 500 kHz transformer

Fig. 14. Experimental waveforms of 500 kHz output ripple
voltage with 1047 μF capacitor under full load
condition: (a) output ripple voltage using 6600 μF;
(b) output ripple voltage using 1047 μF

Fig. 17. Comparison of power conversion efficiency at 100

kHz and 500 kHz.

Fig. 15. Comparison of output capacitor sizes for 100 kHz

and 500 kHz converters

MOSFET, and under the ZCS condition of the secondary

diode. Comparing with the simulation results in Fig. 11,
there is high frequency ringing in the waveform caused by (a)
parasitic capacitance and stray inductance in the practical
prototype circuit. In Fig. 14, the output voltage ripple is
measured to verify the validity of (6) and Fig. 4. In the
case of high capacitance and high ESR condition (6600 μF,
14 mΩ), the output voltage ripple is 1.21 Vpk_pk. In the case
of small ESR and small capacitance condition (1047 μF,
11.66 mΩ), the output voltage ripple is 1.01 Vpk_pk. It
means that small ESR is more dominant factor to reduce
the output voltage ripple than high capacitance at the high
switching frequency operation. The volume of the output
capacitor is reduced around 5.2 times as shown in Fig. 15.
The volume of the transformer is reduced around 1.3 times
at the 500 kHz switching frequency as shown in Fig. 16. (b)
From those results, the practical size of the output capacitor Fig. 18. Temperature variations of converters’ components
and the transformer. according to operating time: (a) 100 kHz case; (b)
Fig. 17 shows measured data of power conversion 500 kHz case.

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Design Considerations of Resonant Network and Transformer Magnetics for High Frequency LLC Resonant Converter

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390 │ J Electr Eng Technol.2016; 11(2): 383-392

Hwa-Pyeong Park, Younggon Ryu, Ki Jin Han and Jee-Hoon Jung

“Design of a 1-MHz LLC Resonant Converter Based Younggon Ryu He received B.S
on a DSP-Driven SOI Half-Bridge Power MOS degree in electrical engineering from
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No. 6, pp.2307-2320, Nov. 2007. 2008. He is currently working toward
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H. Jung, “High Efficiency Isolated AC-DC Converter Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Using Three-Phase Interleaved LLC Resonant Con- Ulsan National Institute of Science and
verter Employing Y-Connected Rectifier,” IEEE Technology, Ulsan, Korea. His research
Trans. Power Electronics, vol. 29, no. 8, pp. 4017- interests include high frequency modeling and design for
4028, Aug. 2014. electrical machines.
[15] F. Dianbo, F. C. Lee, L. Ya, X. Ming, “Novel Multi-
Element Resonant Converter for Front-end DC/DC
Converters,” in Proc. PESC ’2008, pp. 250-256, Jun. Ki Jin Han He received the B.S.
2008. (summa cum laude) and M.S. degrees
[16] S. S. Hong, S. H. Cho, C. W. Roh, and S. K. Han, in electrical engineering from Seoul
“Precise Analysis Solution for the Peak Gain of LLC National University, Seoul, Korea, in
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pp. 680-685, Nov. 2010. Ph.D. degree in electrical and com-
[17] F. Dianbo, L. Bing, F. C. Lee, “1MHz High Effi- puter engineering from the Georgia
ciency LLC Resonant Converter with Synchronous Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA,
Rectifier,” in Proc. PESC ’2007, pp. 2404-2410, Jun. USA, in 2009. He was with the System Research and
2007 Development Laboratory, LG Precision Co., Ltd., Yongin,
[18] Z. Weimin, X. Zhuxian, Z. Zhang, F. Wang, L. M. Korea, from 2000 to 2005. From 2009 to 2011, he was with
Tolbert, B. J. Blalock, “Evaluation of 600 V Cascade the IBM Thomas J. Watson Re search Center, Yorktown
GaN HEMT in Device Characterization and all-GaN- Heights, NY, USA, from 2009 to 2011, as a Post-Doctoral
based LLC Resonant Converter,” in Proc. ECCE ’2013, Researcher. He is currently with the School of Electrical
pp. 3571-3578, Sept. 2013. and Computer Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of
[19] M. D. Seeman, S. R. Bahl, D. I. Anderson, G. A. Shah, Science and Technology, Ulsan, Korea, as an Associate
“Advantages of GaN in a High-voltage Resonant Professor. His current research interests include EMC for
LLC Converter,” in Proc. APEC ’2014, pp. 476-483, power electronics, computational electromagnetics, and
Mar. 2014. electronic packaging. Dr. Han was a recipient of the
[20] D. Huang, S. Ji, F. C. Lee, “LLC Resonant Converter Samsung Scholarship for graduate study in 2005.
with Matrix Transformer,” IEEE Trans. Power Elec-
tronics, Vol. 29, No. 8, pp. 4339-4347, Aug. 2014.
[21] H. Schmidt-Walter, http://schmidt-walter.eit.h-da.de/, Jee-Hoon Jung He was born in Suwan,
Mar. 19th 2001. Korea, in 1977. He received the B.S.,
[22] C. W. T. Mclyman, Transformer and Inductor Design M.S., and Ph.D. degree from Pohang
Handbook, 4th ed., CRC Press, 2011. University of Science and Technology
[23] Y. Ryu, S. Kim, G. Jeong, J. Park, D. Kim, J. Park, J. (POSTECH), Pohang, Korea, in 2000,
Kim and K. J. Han, “Common Mode Noise Reduc- 2002, and 2006, respectively. From
tion for an LLC Resonant Converter by Using 2006 to 2009, he was a Senior Research
Passive Noise Cancellation,” Journal of Electromag- Engineer with the Digital Printing
netic Engineering and Science, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 89- Division, Samsung Electronics Company Ltd., Suwon,
96, Apr. 2015. Korea. From 2009 to 2010, he was a Postdoctoral Research
Associate with the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Texas A&M University of Qatar, Doha, Qatar.
From 2011 to 2012, he was a Senior Researcher with the
Hwa-Pyeong Park He received B.S Power Conversion and Control Research Center, HVDC
degree in electrical engineering from Research Division, Korea Electro technology Research
Koreatech in 2013. His research Institute, Changwon, Korea. Since 2013, he has been an
interests are high switching frequency Assistant Professor with the School of Electrical and
converter, switch mode power supply, Computer Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science
and digital control algorithm. and Technology, Ulsan, Korea. His research interests include
dc–dc converters, switched-mode power supplies, motor
drives and diagnosis systems, digital control and signal
processing algorithms, digitally controlled power electronics,

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Design Considerations of Resonant Network and Transformer Magnetics for High Frequency LLC Resonant Converter

power conversion for renewable energy, and real-time and

power hardware-in-the-loop simulations (HILS) of renewable
energy sources. Recently, he has been researching high
frequency power converters using wide bandgap devices,
smart power transformers for smart grids, power control
algorithms for dc microgrids, and wireless power transfer
techniques for electric vehicle and home appliance
Dr. Jung is a Senior Member of the IEEE Industrial
Electronics Society, the IEEE Power Electronics Society,
the IEEE Industry Applications Society, and the IEEE
Power and Energy Society, and he is an Associated
Editor of Journal of Power Electronics and a member of
the Editorial Committee of the Korea Institute of Power

392 │ J Electr Eng Technol.2016; 11(2): 383-392

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