Jain College, Bangalore Mock Paper - 1, January - 2017 II PUC - Statistics

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JAIN COLLEGE, J C Road Bangalore

Mock Paper -1, January - 2017

II PUC – Statistics (31)

I. Answer ALL the questions.
1. Define vital statistics.
2. Index number for the year 1995 is 230 with respect to the base year 1990. What is your conclusion?
3. Define CLI.
4. Which component of time series is associated with the following statement “deaths of 100 people due to
5. Define Bernoulli trail.
6. Mention the range of hyper geometric distribution.
7. What is standard error?
8. Define type 2 error.
9. What is statistic?
10. What are control charts?
11. If in a game the pay off at saddle point is 4, what is the value of minimax?
12. Write the formula of EOQ for model 2.

II. Answer ALL the questions.
13. In a community in a specific year 4000 births occurred. in the case of 40 of the above , the mother died due to
child birth complications. Calculate MMR.
14. Why fisher’s index number is called as ideal index number”?
15. Mention 2 uses of Consumer price index numbers.
16. Mention a merit and demerit of measuring trend by the method of moving averages.
17. Mention the differences between interpolation and extrapolation.
18. In a P.D, p(X=2)=p(x=4). Find P(x=4)
19. Mention the conditions under which binomial distribution tends to poission distribution.
20. Define size of a test and level of significance.
21. A lot contains 2% defective items.40 items chosen from it. Another lot contains 1% defective items.60 items
are chosen from it. find S E(p1-p2).
22. Mention differences between SSP and DSP.
23. Mention the steps involved in formulation of LPP
24. Mention 2 disadvantages of inventory.

III. Answer ALL the questions
25. Calculate net reproduction rates for the following data and comment.
AGE GROUP 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49
FEMALE POPULATION 1390 1420 1521 1756 1451 1689 1667
FEMALE BIRTHS 15 95 103 75 32 11 1
SURVIVAL RATES 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.95 0.95 0.94 0.92
26. Explain the characteristics and limitations of index numbers.
27. Calculate weighted AM and comment.
A 5 6 18
B 4 15 27
C 8 8 12
D 2 12 24
28. Calculate 3 yearly moving averages and comment
Years 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Profits 12 16 8 20 24 36 32 40 42
29. interpolate the production for the years 1989 and 1991 with the help of the following data
Year 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991
Production 120 122 126 ? 135 ?
30. Explain the properties of normal distribution with examples.
31. There are 20 fruits in a basket, out of which 8 are mangoes and rest are oranges. A girl picks 5 fruits at random
from the basket, find the probability that she gets 3 mangoes.
32. A specified brand of automobile tire is known to average life of 10000 km with a SD of 500 Km. A random
sample of 36 tires of this brand, when tested resulted in the average life of 9800 km. regarding quality what is
your conclusion at 1% level of significance.
33. The marks scored by 9 students in tests conducted before and after coaching are as follows, verify whether
there is a significant difference between the marks.
Marks before coaching 37 76 54 43 84 53 67 13 35
Marks after coaching 48 82 71 56 89 58 63 17 30
34. Construct x and R charts for the following data (sample size n=4).
Sub groups 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Mean 52 48 53 49 50 48 53 48
Range 10 11 8 12 9 10 9 11
35. For the following transportation problem obtain the initial basic feasible solution by matrix minima
D1 D2 D3 Availability
O1 2 17 27 5
O2 3 3 9 8
O3 5 9 7 7
O4 1 6 2 14
Requirement 7 9 18 34
36. The demand for a commodity is at a constant rate of 200 units per year. There is an inventory in which the set
up cost id Rs.800 per production run, holding cost is Rs. 10 per unit per year. Determine an optimum inventory
IV. Answer ALL the questions
37. Calculate GFR, TFR and number of children born per women for the following data.
15-19 1500 100
20-24 2000 400
25-29 1800 560
30-34 2500 350
35-39 1500 50
40-44 2400 20
45-49 1800 8
38. Calculate all price index numbers for the following data.
A 100 150 500 900
B 80 100 320 500
C 60 72 120 360
D 30 33 360 297
39. (a) Explain the components of time series with examples.
(b) draw a trend line by the method of semi moving averages.
YEARS 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016
SALES 412 438 444 454 470 480 490 500
40. A group of 5 patients treated with medicine A weighs 42,39,48,60 and 41 kgs. Second group of 7 patients from
the same hospital treated with medicine B weighs 38,42,56,61,69,68 and 67 kgs. Do you agree the claim that
medicine B increases the weights significantly.
V. Answer ALL the questions
41. Daily wages of 60 workers are normally distributed with mean Rs 500 and SD Rs 40.Find the number of
workers getting wages between
(i) below Rs.530
(ii) between Rs 380 to Rs460
42. A random sample of 400 tins of vanaspati has mean weight of 4.96 kgs and standard deviation of 0.4kgs. test
at 1% level of significance that the average weight of tins of vanaspati is 5 kgs.?
43. 70 accidents that have occurred in a state in a week are tabulated as follows:
Day sun mon tue wed thu fri Sat
Accidents 7 8 11 12 5 13 14
Test whether accident occurs uniformly throughtout the week.
44. Graphically solve the following L.P.P.
Maximize : Z = 50x + 30y

Subject to : 5x + 4y  40

2x + 5y  10
and x, y  0
JAIN COLLEGE, J C Road Bangalore
Mock Paper -2, January - 2017
II PUC – Statistics (31)

I. Answer ALL the questions
1. Define fecundity.
2. Mention one limitation of index numbers.
3. If the cost of living index for a current period is 90, then what would you conclude?
4. What is chance cause of variation?
5. Define a possion variate.
6. A Bernoulli variate has parameter 0.5, what is the probability that the variable takes value 0?
7. What is the probability that a normal variate take value more than its mean?
8. Define level of significance.
9. Define linear programming problem.
10. What do you mean by a non degenerate solution in TP?
11. What is meant by lead time?
12. Name the chart used for number of defects?
II. Answer ALL the questions
13. Mention any two methods of obtaining vital statistics.
14. In a life table, if l0=100000 and T0 =6500000 years then, find longevity.
15. If Laspeyres index is 142.3 and paasches is 144.1, Calculate dorbish bowley index .
16. Diagrammatically represent ‘Business Cycle’ with stages.
17. Explain interpolation and extrapolation.
18. In a Normal distribution. If SD =09, then find QD and MD.
19. The first two frequency terms of a Poisson distribution are 150 and 180 find the find the next frequency
20. Define Null and Alternative hypothesis.
21. What do you understand by unbounded solution ?
22. Mention two situations when replacement is carried out.
23. Write the formula for minimum shortage level in EOQ model with shortage, giving meaning of notations.
24. Give one example each for controlled variables and uncontrolled variables.
III. Answer ALL the questions
25. Compute the gross reproduction rate from the following data.
Age group Female population Female births
15-19 1600 200
20-24 1100 700
25-29 1700 200
30-34 1600 704
35-39 1600 305
40-44 1500 101
45-49 1400 0
26. Explain briefly the steps involved in the construction of consumer price index number.
27. Compute suitable quantity index number from the following data.
Commodity Quantity consumed Price in 1990
A 160 170 15
B 90 100 18
C 60 60 13
D 70 60 5
28. Population figures for a place are as given below. Fit a curve of the type Y= abx and estimate the population
for the year 2021.

Year 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011

Population(‘000) 15 18 21 23 30
29. Using Newton’s forward difference method find the value of ‘y’ when x = 29.
X 15 19 23 27 31
Y 17 18 22 28 35
30. Probability that the gun hitting the target is 1/3. If 5 gun shots are aimed at the target.Find the probality
that (I) 2 shots miss the target. (ii) Atleast 4 hit the target.
31. In a village 1/3 of the people are literates. If 100 investigators meet 5 persons each to see if they are
literate, then how many investigators would you expect to report that 2 or more were literates.
32. Nine patients, to whom a certain drug was administrated, registered the following increments in blood
7,3, -1, 4, -3, 5, 6, -4, 1
Show that the data do not indicate that the drug was responsible for these increments.
33. The standard deviation of production of paddy is assumed to be 10.6. A sample of 20 acres showed that the
S.D. is 8.3. Test at 1% LOS whether the S.D. of production of paddy is less than 10.6.
34. The following data relates to the number of knitting defects ina unit length of cloth manufactured by a
textile mill.
Sample no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
No. Of defects 4 5 6 6 3 2 6 7 3 4
i. Develop control chart with λi=3.
ii. Is the process in control?
35. A company sell two different products A and B. The company makes a profit of Rs 40 & Rs 30 per unit of
products A and B respectively. The two products are produced in a common production process. The
production process has a capacity of 30,000, man-hours. It takes 3 hours to produce one unit of A and one
hour to produce one unit of B. The company officials feel that the maximum number of units of A that can
be sold is 8000 units and the maximum number of units of B that can be sold is 12,000 units. Formulate the
36. Find an allocation of available sources by MMM and compute the transportation cost. Is the solution
x Y z Availability
A 8 7 3 60
From B 3 8 9 70
C 11 3 5 80
Requirement 50 80 80
IV. Answer ALL the questions
37. Compute crude death rate and standardised death rates for towns X and Y. State which town is healthier
taking town X as standard.
Age(years) Town X Town Y Standard
Population Death rates Population Death rates population
0-9 13500 10 8700 12 35000
10-29 8900 18 5500 20 15000
30-59 5000 20 3700 24 20000
60 & above 12000 15 6900 18 30000
38. From the following data compute.
i. Marshall-Edgeworth’s Price Index number. Also show that Fisher’s Price Index number satisfies TRT.
Item Current year Base year
Price Quantity Price Quantity
A 39 3 58 4
B 41 5 29 2
C 28 8 25 6
D 19 4 26 6
E 15 6 47 8
F 28 2 39 2

39. Fit a first degree trend equation for the following time series and estimate the trend value for 2010.
Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Sales 79 87 106 111 117 130
40. The following data shows the suicides of 1096 women in 8 Punjab cities during 14 years.
No. Suicides in a state per year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Frequency 364 376 218 89 33 13 2 1
Fit a Poisson distribution to the data and show that the distribution is not a good

V. Answer ALL the questions
41. In a office 8 member are non vegetarian and 7 are vegetarian. A committee of 5 members are formed.
Find the probability that among the members (i) exactly 2 are vegetarian (ii) Atleast 2 are vegetarian?
42. Mean and SD of heights of persons of two localities gave the following results.
Locality B Locality A
Sample 18 10
Mean(cm) 175.8 177.9
S.D.(cm) 4.1 3.8
Can we conclude at 5% L.O.S. that the population of locality A on an average is shorter than locality B?
43. Of the 500 workers in a factory exposed to an epidemic 350 in all were attacked, 200 had been inoculated
and of these 100 were attacked. Test whether inoculation and attack are independent.
44. A stockist has to supply 400 units of a product every Monday to his customers. He gets the product at
Rs.50 per unit from the manufacturer. The cost of ordering and transportation from the manufacturer is
Rs.75 per order. The cost of carrying inventory is 7.5% per year of the cost of the product. Find
i. Economic lot size.
ii. The minimum average cost.

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