Christopher Kevin B. Cudal

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Christopher Kevin B.

The cruise ship industry has experienced enormous growth in terms of popularity,
size, and variety of destinations in the last years, with bigger and more luxurious
ships designed to meet the also growing demand for cruising as a holiday option
that offers beauty, adventure, relaxation, and entertainment to passengers from
across the world. Based on the module and also on my research Cruise line offers
environmental conscious vacation experience and also many don't know even me
honestly that the cruise industry is a leader of environmental stewardship not
only because it's a right thing to do because it's essential to the success of the
cruise industry. Cruise lines are also committed to the environment through
having leadership, investment, and collaboration with those respective
organizations. Cruise lines that are members of cruise line international
association not just only to comply or to follow those environmental regulation
laws that we had and they're also leaders in developing, promoting, and
implementing policies and best practices exceed in international regulations.
Cruise lines are investing in new technology and design that is transforming the
modern cruise fleet. Cruise lines continually seek ways to improve energy
efficiency some examples include innovative non-toxic hull coding and Cruise
ships are also installing solar panels. Cruise lines worked with the UN's
international maritime organization to develop mandatory measures designed.
The cruise line also collaborates with environmental organizations and
government agencies to create laws and policies that protect our oceans. Cruise
lines industries are dedicated to protecting and preserving the environment.

Shaina Maxinne Monteroso

It is important to have product responsibility because it’s ensure the customers
that they will be getting a quality products/services. I believe the company should
make sure that before they start operating they need to make sure that they have
policies, health and safety protocols like what costa cordonia did, They reviewed
their corporate and industry safety policies, procedures and best practices led by
the According to the article cruise line company upgraded their health
environment safety security, we all know that the people nowadays especially the
young generation they are more delicate and meticulous because they know their
worth. They are vocal about the things they stand for and in everything they do
especially if they are traveling their main concern is their safety. It’s undeniable
that there are employees who are very irresponsible and there are scenario
where the employees didn’t meet the expectations of the customers having
product responsibility can make sure they consider the customers satisfaction.
Having medical team on board is one of the CSR role. Because there are some
unpredictable situations or accident they will meet on board it’s better to make
sure that whatever happens there will be someone who are capable and
knowledgeable about that field. Also the sailors deserve to sail without thinking
about their health and safety because they know that the cruise line has someone
who can handle that incase of emergency, the reason why they decided to
experience and explore cruise line is because they wanted to enjoy and relax
without thinking their problems at home or at work . Those medical team also can
help the employees if ever they needed them because they also need to consider
the health and safety of their employees so that they can function well and can
able to give their good service.

Precious Llana Maquiling

The economic dimension of CSR includes any aspect related to the organizations,
the customers, consumers or users and the socially responsible development of
fiscal activity wherein fiscal responsibility is the key to boosting the positive
economic and social impact in the communities in which they carry out their
activity, as well as in society in general. In my understanding about the economic
dimension of Corporate Social Responsibility is that it talks more about the
contribution of Cruise line Company in the economy of each country they went
to. And these, companies highlight their economic contribution at the destination
through philanthropic donations or development of shore excursions through
partnerships with non-governmental organizations, which are not part of their
core business. Corporate Social Responsibility activities that is important to
include but they did not prioritize is the increasing the quality of life of the local
communities of ports of call by donations of books for libraries, reusable goods
from ships and disaster relief. Increasing the quality of life of employees and their
families with scholarships for employee family members, or seafarer charities in
the countries from which crew are sourced for the ship; increasing the
consumers’ awareness of responsible tourism and encouraging tourists to
volunteer. Some Cruise company such Carnival UK, Costa Cruises and AIDA
disclose their integration of sustainability with their core business operations.
They report advances on shore excursions designed to increase benefits for the
local communities at destinations receiving cruises. Carnival UK declared, Green
World Tours are an innovative programme of charitable and responsible tourism-
based excursions and activities designed to give something back to towns and
communities featured in ships’ itineraries while simultaneously creating uniquely
rewarding experiences for passengers. However although they always highlight
their contribution to their destination they could not be able to give hard
evidence on each of the contribution they made.
Michael Barretto
Emmision and effluents is compromising data reported refer to emmision and
alternative energy used. There are numerous studies comparing different kinds of
environmental taxes and standards. However, forms of environmental standards
focused by former researchers are usually quantity-based limits/standards (e.g.
pounds per day or pounds per unit of output). Concentration-based emission
standard (e.g. milligrams per liter of wastewater) as one important form of
environmental standard has not been given much attention. In this article,
comparable estimates of their probable effect on enterprise pollution reduction
will be developed for concentration-based effluent standards, effluent taxes, and
a combination of both. A linear simulation model is used to clearly and obviously
compare the effects of effluent taxes and concentration-based standards within
the same figure. With one detailed application to the paper industry, some
enlightenment and conclusions – as well as the general applicability of these
principles – are then provided: Under the same effluent tax rate, enterprises,
groups, and industries that are cleaner will reduce more pollutants than those
that have higher pollutant abatement costs. It is recommended that effluent taxes
are set by avoiding cutting it even at one stroke and considering the feasibility of
pollution-reducing technology in various industries. It is necessary to reduce MAC
of enterprises to better stimulate enterprises’ or industries’ emission reduction by
preferential measures, such as high tax rate coordinated by speeding up the
depreciation of environmental protection equipment.

John Christopher Uy
Human Rights
As we all know when you are in a cruise ship it is highly likely that most of your co
workers and even guest can be fundamentally different in terms education,
standing and life you can say that everyone in the cruise cannot have the same
virtues, morality, religion and nationality yet you pursue to work and
communicate with them because it is a requirement, never the less each of you
has a purpose that connects you all. There are times when people make mistakes
maybe it was a pretty horrible one but thanks to the rights that have been
granted, we have a principle that can help us up if the workers make a mistake
but regardless of rights there will be times that employers will demand a lot more
than what you can give and there can be a relationship of it becoming much more
pure of transactions rather than equal footing. When this happens such actions
results selfishness and shall not be tolerated and be reported to officials who can
act while sometimes, they even get away with it just because they have a good
lawyer, truly justice these days are even tainted. A term I have come up on my
sources to the net “Modern Slavery “there were slave-like working conditions for
back-end staff and recruitment practices that put workers into debt bondage.
There were also Sexual Assault listed as one of the common crimes. I mean
people tend to have fun but don’t let all that fun turn into something else keep
your hands to yourself and just wholesomely enjoy your vacation your free to
develop relationships but remember to confirm it first. So, for short remember
that anyone has a right but you also have to consider what is morally right and
wrong regardless of standing , education and achievements.

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