Advanced Digital Design Using Verilog (KEC-054) Notes - Unit 5

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Advanced Digital Design using Verilog (KEC-054)

Notes – Unit 5

Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC)

ASICs are silicon chips that are designed for a specific application. An ASIC is not software
programmable to perform different functions. An ASIC chip is made up of a thin silicon wafer.
ASICs are broadly of following two types.

 Semi Custom ASICs:

When a design is to be created using pre-designed logic cells (AND gates, OR gates,
Multiplexers, Flip-flops) is known as Semi custom design. Pre-designed logic cells are also
called as standard cells. Semi custom ASIC designing is simpler as pre-defined cells are

 Full custom ASICs:

When a design is to be created without using standard cells is known as Full custom design.
Full custom ASIC designing is difficult as basic cells at transistor level are to be designed
by designers. Designing of circuits at transistor level is known as layout designing. It is a
very time consuming process, and therefore not suitable for complex circuits, unless
performance is of utmost importance.
ASIC Design Flow:

Figure 1: ASIC Design Flow

Specifications: In this step, specifications of the circuit to be designed are decided.

Design Entry: In this step, circuit is designed using either HDL programming/schematic design
(Semi custom designing), or layout designing (Full custom designing).

Functional Simulation: In this step, functional verification of design is done. No timings are
Logic Synthesis: In this step, design is converted into gate level netlist. This step uses synthesis
library containing target technology information.

Static Timing Analysis: This step is used to test design at a specified frequency, and detect as
well as correct race conditions.

Pre-Layout Simulation: This step involves functional and timing verification of design at a
specified frequency, taking into consideration the logic gate delays.

System Partitioning and Floor-planning: In System partitioning step, design is partitioned into
smaller modules (blocks) using various partitioning algorithms. Floor-planning involves arranging
the circuit blocks on the chip.

Placement and Routing: Placement decides the exact location of cells in a circuit block. In
routing, interconnection between different cells is done.

Post-Layout Simulation: In this step, functionality of the design is verified taking into
consideration the routing delays also.

Physical Verification: Physical verification is a process whereby an integrated circuit layout (IC
layout) design is verified via Electronics Design Automation (EDA) software tools to ensure
correct electrical and logical functionality and manufacturability. Physical Verification involves
design rule check (DRC), layout versus schematic (LVS), and electrical rule check (ERC).

Fab prototype and Testing: In this step, a prototype of the design is prepared and testing is done.
Main objective of testing is to detect physical faults, if any, which may lead to failure of design.

Production: After testing of prototype design, large scale chip production is done in fabrication
labs (also known as foundry). Some well known foundries are TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor
Manufacturing Company), Intel, Samsung and Texas instruments.
Programmable Logic Devices PLDs are the integrated circuits. They contain an array of
AND gates & another array of OR gates. There are three kinds of PLDs based on the
type of arrays, which has programmable feature.

 Programmable Read Only Memory

 Programmable Array Logic
 Programmable Logic Array
The process of entering the information into these devices is known as programming.
Basically, users can program these devices or ICs electrically in order to implement the
Boolean functions based on the requirement. Here, the term programming refers to
hardware programming but not software programming.

Programmable Read Only Memory PROM

Read Only Memory ROM is a memory device, which stores the binary information
permanently. That means, we can’t change that stored information by any means later.
If the ROM has programmable feature, then it is called as Programmable
ROM (PROM). The user has the flexibility to program the binary information electrically
once by using PROM programmer.
PROM is a programmable logic device that has fixed AND array & Programmable OR
array. The block diagram of PROM is shown in the following figure.

Here, the inputs of AND gates are not of programmable type. So, we have to generate
2n product terms by using 2n AND gates having n inputs each. We can implement these
product terms by using nx2n decoder. So, this decoder generates ‘n’ min terms.
Here, the inputs of OR gates are programmable. That means, we can program any
number of required product terms, since all the outputs of AND gates are applied as
inputs to each OR gate. Therefore, the outputs of PROM will be in the form of sum of
min terms.


Let us implement the following Boolean functions using PROM.

The given two functions are in sum of min terms form and each function is having three
variables X, Y & Z. So, we require a 3 to 8 decoder and two programmable OR gates for
producing these two functions. The corresponding PROM is shown in the following

Here, 3 to 8 decoder generates eight min terms. The two programmable OR gates have
the access of all these min terms. But, only the required min terms are programmed in
order to produce the respective Boolean functions by each OR gate. The symbol ‘X’ is
used for programmable connections.
Programmable Array Logic PAL
PAL is a programmable logic device that has Programmable AND array & fixed OR array.
The advantage of PAL is that we can generate only the required product terms of
Boolean function instead of generating all the min terms by using programmable AND
gates. The block diagram of PAL is shown in the following figure.

Here, the inputs of AND gates are programmable. That means each AND gate has both
normal and complemented inputs of variables. So, based on the requirement, we can
program any of those inputs. So, we can generate only the required product terms by
using these AND gates.
Here, the inputs of OR gates are not of programmable type. So, the number of inputs to
each OR gate will be of fixed type. Hence, apply those required product terms to each
OR gate as inputs. Therefore, the outputs of PAL will be in the form of sum of products


Let us implement the following Boolean functions using PAL.

The given two functions are in sum of products form. There are two product terms
present in each Boolean function. So, we require four programmable AND gates & two
fixed OR gates for producing those two functions. The corresponding PAL is shown in
the following figure.
The programmable AND gates have the access of both normal and complemented
inputs of variables. In the above figure, the inputs X, X′, Y, Y′, Z & Z′, are available at the
inputs of each AND gate. So, program only the required literals in order to generate one
product term by each AND gate. The symbol ‘X’ is used for programmable connections.
Here, the inputs of OR gates are of fixed type. So, the necessary product terms are
connected to inputs of each OR gate. So that the OR gates produce the respective
Boolean functions. The symbol ‘.’ is used for fixed connections.
Programmable Logic Array PLA
PLA is a programmable logic device that has both Programmable AND array &
Programmable OR array. Hence, it is the most flexible PLD. The block diagram of PLA
is shown in the following figure.

Here, the inputs of AND gates are programmable. That means each AND gate has both
normal and complemented inputs of variables. So, based on the requirement, we can
program any of those inputs. So, we can generate only the required product terms by
using these AND gates.
Here, the inputs of OR gates are also programmable. So, we can program any number
of required product terms, since all the outputs of AND gates are applied as inputs to
each OR gate. Therefore, the outputs of PAL will be in the form of sum of products


Let us implement the following Boolean functions using PLA.

The given two functions are in sum of products form. The number of product terms
present in the given Boolean functions A & B are two and three respectively. One product
term, Z′X is common in each function.
So, we require four programmable AND gates & two programmable OR gates for
producing those two functions. The corresponding PLA is shown in the following figure.
The programmable AND gates have the access of both normal and complemented
inputs of variables. In the above figure, the inputs X, X′, Y, Y′, Z & ′Z′, are available at
the inputs of each AND gate. So, program only the required literals in order to generate
one product term by each AND gate.
All these product terms are available at the inputs of each programmable OR gate. But,
only program the required product terms in order to produce the respective Boolean
functions by each OR gate. The symbol ‘X’ is used for programmable connections.

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