Mathematics in The Modern Worldmod5

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OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, you must be able to,
1. describe sets,
2. list down the elements of the sets,
3. appreciate one’s belongingness to a particular group.
LESSON: The Language of Sets
How do you feel when you are considered a member of a group? What are your
criteria in joining a group to belong?
Let A = { 4, 5, 6 }, B = { b, c, d } and C = { a, e, i, o, u }. What are the elements of A?
B? C? Why did you say so?
Basic Concepts:
1. Set-Roster Notation. A set may be specified using a set-roster notation by
writing all of its elements between braces. For example, { 1, 2, 3 } denotes the set
whose elements are 1, 2, 3. If S is a set the notation x ∈ S means that x is an
element of S. The notation x ∉ S means that x is not an element of S. In case of
the set { 1, 2, 3 }, we can say that 1 ∈ of the set, while 4 ∉ of the set. A variation if
the notation is sometimes used to describe a very large set as when we write { 1,
2, 3, …, 100 } to refer to the set of integers from 1 to 100. A similar notation can
also describe an infinite set, as when we write { 1, 2, 3, …} to refer to the set of all
positive integers. The symbol … is called an ellipsis and is read “and so forth”. The
axiom of extension says that a set is completely determined by what its elements
are – not the order in which they might be listed or the fact that some elements
might be listed more than one.
2. Set-Builder Notation. Let S denote a set and let P(x) be a property that
elements of S may or may not satisfy. We may define anew aet to be the set of all
elements x in S that P(x) is true. We denote this set as follows:

{ x ∈ S / P(x) }
such that
the set of all
3. Subset. If A and B are sets, then A is called a subset of B written A ⊆ B if and
only if every element of A is also an element of B. Symbolically, A ⊆ B means that:
for all elements x if x ∈ A, then x ∈ B. The phrase A is contained in B and B
contains A are alternative ways of saying that A is a subset of B. It follows from
the definition of subset that for a set A not to be a subset of a set B means that
there is at least one element of A that is not an element of B. Symbolically, A ⊈ B
means that, “there is at least one element x such that x ∈ A and x ∉ B.”
4. Proper Subset. Let A and B be sets. A is a proper subset of B if and only if every
element of B is in B but there is at least one element of B that is not in A.
5. Ordered Pairs. Given elements a and b, the symbol ( a, b ) denotes the ordered
pair consisting of a and b, together with the specification that a is the first
element of the pair and b is the second element. Two ordered pairs ( a, b ) and ( c,
d ) are equal if and only if a = c and b = d. The usual notation for ordered pairs
refers to { {a}, { a, b}} more simply as ( a, b ).
6. Cartesian Product. Given sets A and B, the cartesian product of A and B,
denoted by A x B and read as A cross B is the set of all ordered pairs ( a, b ) where
a is in A and B is in B. Symbolically, A x B = { ( a, b ) / a ∈ A and b ∈ B }.
Illustrative Examples:
1. Using the Set-Roster Notation
a. Let A = { 1, 2, 3 }, B = { 3, 1, 2 } and C = { 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3 ). What are the elements
of A, B and C? How are they related?
b. Is { 0 } = 0?
c. How many elements are in the set { 1, { 1 } } ?
d. For each nonnegative integer n, let U n ={ n ,−n } . Find U 1 , U 2 ,∧U 0.
a. A, B and C have exactly the same three elements: 1, 2, 3. Therefore, A, B and C
are simply different ways to represent the same set.
b. { 0 } ≠ 0 because { 0 } is a set with one element namely 0, whereas 0 is just the
symbol that represents the number 0.
c. The set { 1, { 1} } has 2 elements: 1 and the set whose only element is 1.
d. U 1= {1 ,−1 } , U 2= { 2,−2 } ,U 0={ 0 ,−0 }= {0 , 0 }={0 }
2. Using the Set-Builder Notation
Given that R denotes the set of all real numbers, Z the set of all integers, Z+¿ ¿ the
set of all positive integers, describe each of the following sets.
a. { x ∈ R / -2 < x < 5 }
b. { x ∈ Z / -2 < x < 5 }
c. { x ∈ Z +¿¿ / -2 < x < 5 }
a. { x ∈ R / -2 < x < 5 } is the open interval of real numbers (strictly) between -2
and 5. It is pictured as follows:

-2 5
b. { x ∈ Z / -2 < x < 5 } is the set of all integers (strictly) between -2 and 5. It is
equal to the set { -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 }.
c. Since all the integers in Z+¿ ¿ are positive { x ∈ Z +¿¿/ -2 < x < 5 } = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }.
3. Subsets
Let A = Z+¿ ¿, B = { n ∈ Z / 0 ≤ x ≤ 100} and C = { 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 }. Evaluate
the truth and falsity of each of the following statements.
a. B ⊆ A
b. C is a proper subset of A
c. C and B have at least one element in common
d. C ⊆ B
e. C ⊆ C
a. False. Zero is not a positive integer. Thus, zero is in B but zero is not in A and so
B ⊈ A.
b. True. Each element in C is a positive integer and hence, is in A but there are
elements in A that are not in C. For instance, 1 is in A and not in C.
c. True. For example, 100 is in both C and B.
d. False. For example, 200 is in C but not in B.
e. True. Every element in C is in C. In general, the definition of subset implies that
all sets are subsets of themselves.
4. Distinction between ∈∧⊆.
Which of the following are true statements?
a. 2 ∈ { 1, 2, 3 } d. { 2 } ⊆ { 1, 2, 3 }
b. { 2 } ∈ { 1, 2, 3 } e. { 2 } ⊆ { {1}, {2}}
c. 2 ⊆ { 1, 2, 3 } f. { 2 } ∈ { {1}, {2}}
Only a, d and f are true.
For b to be true the set { 1, 2, 3 } would have to contain the element {2}. But the
only elements of { 1, 2, 3 } are 1, 2, 3 and 2 is not equal to {2}. Hence b is false.
For c to be true the number 2 would have to be a set and every element in the set
2 would have to be an element of { 1, 2, 3 }. This is not the case so c is false.
For e to be true every element in the set containing the number 2 would have to
be an element of the set whose elements are {1} and {2}. But 2 is not equal to
either {1} and {2} and so e is false.
5. Ordered Pairs
a. Is ( 1, 2 ) = ( 2, 1 )?
5 1
b. Is ( 3, 10 ) = ( √ 9 , 2 ¿?

c. What is the first element of (1, 1)?

a. No. By definition of equality of ordered pairs (1, 2) = (2, 1) if and only if 1 = 2
and 2 = 1. But 1 ≠ 2 and so the ordered pairs are not equal.
5 1
b. Yes. By definition of equality of ordered pairs ( 3, 10 ¿=( √ 9 , 2 ) if and only if 3 =
5 1
√ 9 and 10 = 2 . Because these equations are both true the ordered pairs are equal.

c. In the ordered pairs (1, 1) the first and the second elements are both 1.
6. Cartesian Products
Let A = { 1, 2, 3 } and B = { u, v }. Find the following,
a. A x B d. How many elements are in A x B, B x A and B x B?
b. B x A e. Let R denote the set of all real numbers. Describe R x R.
c. B xB
a. A x B = { (1, u), (2, u), (3, u), (1, v), (2, v), (3, v)}
b. B x A = { (u, 1), (u, 2), (u, 3), (v, 1), (v, 2), (v, 3)}
c. B x B = { (u, u), ( u, v), (v, u), (v, v)}
d. A x B has 6 elements. Note that this is the number of elements in A times the
number of elements in B. B x A has 6 elements, the number of elements in B
times the number of elements in A. B x B has 4 elements the number of elements
in B times the number of elements in B.
e. R x R is the set of all ordered pairs (x, y) where both x and y are real numbers. If
horizontal and vertical axes are drawn on a plane and a unit length is marked off
then each ordered pair in R x R corresponds to a unique point in the plane with
the first and second elements of the pair indicating respectively, the horizontal
and vertical positions of the point. The term cartesian plane is often used to refer
to a plane with this coordinate system.

∙(-3, 2)

∙(2, 1)

⋅(-2, -2) ⋅(1, -2)

EXPLAIN: Which of the following sets are equal?

A = { 0, 1, 2 } D = { x ∈ Z / -1 < x < 3 }
B = { x ∈ R / -1 ≤ x<3 } E = { x ∈ Z+¿ ¿/ -1 < x < 3 }
C = { x ∈ R / -1 < x < 3 }
For each integer n let T n={n ,n 2 }. How many elements are in each of T 2 ? T −3 ? T 0 ?
Justify your answer.
A. Use the set-roster notation to indicate the elements in each of the following
1. S = { n ∈ Z / n = (−1)k for some integers k }
2. T = { m ∈ Z / m = 1 + (−1)i for some integers I }
3. U = { r ∈ Z / 2 ≤ r ≤−2 }
4. D = { s ∈ Z / s > 2 or s < 3}
B. Let A = { c , d, f, g }, B = { f, j } and C = { d, g }. Answer each of the following
questions. Give reasons for your answer.
1. Is B ⊆ A ? 3. Is C ⊆ A ?
2. Is C ⊆ C ? 4. Is C a proper subset of A?
Let A = { w, x, y, z } and B = { a, b }. Use the set-roster notation to write each of
the following sets and indicate the number of elements that are in each set.
1. A x B 3. B x A
2. A x A 4. B x B

Aufmann, Richard, et. al, (2018). Mathematics in the Modern World. Rex Book
Store Inc. 856 Nicanor Sr. St., Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines.

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