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New ISO Test Track Specification for

Measuring Tire and Vehicle Noise

Richard Sohaney and Robert Rasmussen, The Transtec Group, Inc., Austin, Texas
Andrew Seybert, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
Paul Donavan, Illingworth & Rodkin, Inc., Petaluma, California

International standard ISO 10844 is applicable to test tracks What’s New in the 2011 Version?
used for evaluating vehicle exterior (pass-by) noise. The objec- The significant changes from the 1994 version of the standard
tive of the standard is to provide a high degree of reproduc- to the 2011 version can be grouped into three categories: construc-
ibility between different test tracks. Toward that objective, the tion, measurement methods, and metrics and limits. In regard to
standard specifies properties of the test track to (a) ensure that construction, the updated version allows for asphalt mixtures with
noise propagation is not significantly affected by the surface, and polymer-modified binder that can be tailored for the local climate
(b) minimize the variability of tire-pavement noise generation. and environment. This allows for tracks with pavements more
There are significant changes in the methods of measuring the resistant to surface wear and extends the stability of the texture
pavement’s acoustic absorption and texture properties compared over time. In addition, the aggregate (sand and gravel) blend must
with the 1994 version of the standard. Acoustic absorption affects meet the sieving (sizing) curve specified in the standard. In the
noise propagation over the surface, and the standard now requires earlier version, the sieving curve was informative.
the two-microphone impedance tube method measured in situ. In the category of measurement methods, three new methods
Pavement texture affects tire-pavement noise generation, and the are specified:
standard now specifies laser-based profiling methods. Advantages • For quantifying texture in the megatexture to unevenness range
and benefits of the new test methods are described along with (flatness of the surface), it is specified to follow standard EN
practical techniques to help ensure valid measurements. The 13036-7,3 which employs a 3-meter straightedge and gap gage
article also explores the possibility of supplementing ISO 10844 to determine surface evenness.
measurements with standard tire-pavement noise testing using • The measurement of texture in the megatexture to macrotexture
the on-board sound intensity (OBSI) method. This additional test ranges is changed from using the volumetric patch method
provides a direct measure of the tire-pavement noise response, (sand patch method) to using a Class DE texture profilometer
which can be compared to the pavement texture being used as an defined in ISO 13473-3.4 This change represents a shift from a
indirect indicator of this response. The OBSI method also allows subjective, operator-dependent method to a more objective and
for a measure of the variability of tire-pavement noise along the modern approach.
length of the test track (spatial variability). • Acoustic absorption measurements are performed in situ with
an impedance tube conforming to ISO 13472-2.5 The prior ver-
ISO 108441 applies to test tracks used for measuring exterior sion of the 10844 standard relied on either indirectly measuring
vehicle and tire noise. It is required by ISO 362,2 which is one of the void content or a bench-top impedance tube, both involving the
main standards governing vehicle pass-by noise. The objective of removal of core samples; this is destructive to the pavement.
ISO 10844 is to control the reproducibility of noise measurements Several metrics and associated limits are updated in the new
on test tracks; i.e., reduce the variability of noise measurements on version. Objective requirements controlling surface evenness and
tracks at different sites. A new version of ISO 10844 was released smoothness (grade, cross slope, and irregularity) are added. The
in early 2011 with the intention of better achieving this objective. texture metric is also changed from mean texture depth (MTD) to
The properties of the test track that affect noise are of two types: mean profile depth (MPD). Of particular significance, however, is
• Source-related properties – those that affect the amount of noise that there are now lower and upper bounds placed on the MPD
emitted by a vehicle traveling on the track. (the older standard had a lower limit only). Finally, sound absorp-
• Path-related properties – those that affect the propagation of tion now has a requirement for each one-third-octave band from
noise to the measuring microphone. 315 to 1600 Hz and separate requirements for the drive lane and
Properties in the first group include pavement texture, which is a propagation area.
significant factor in generating tire-pavement noise. Tire-pavement Overall, the updates improve the standard with respect to better
noise is generated through tire-to-pavement contact; therefore, the control of the surface geometry, texture, and sound absorption.
standard contains requirements on the evenness of the pavement to
control bumps or dips that would change the geometry of the tire Summary of Requirements
contact patch as a vehicle moves. In addition, the sound absorption Basically, an ISO 10844 noise test track consists of a drive lane
property of the pavement affects the amount of noise generated at with propagation areas on each side. Figure 1 shows the configura-
the tire-pavement interface. tion, size, and free space radius required by the standard. Other
The second group includes the general layout and geometry of properties covered by the standard include:
the pavement over the propagation area. In addition, the sound Geometry.
absorption property of the pavement affects source-to-microphone • Step between drive lane and propagation area
propagation paths that include reflections off the pavement surface. • Gradient (longitudinal slope) and cross fall (transverse slope)
This article discusses the improvements in ISO 10844:2011 and • Irregularity (texture at wavelengths longer than 0.5 m)
our experiences applying this latest version to conformity tests Surface Properties.
of noise test tracks, the equipment needed, and conformity test • Surface texture (MPD)
process. Emphasis is placed on the new methods for measuring • Sound absorption coefficient
acoustic absorption and texture. We conclude with some suggested • Sieving curve
supplemental measurements that may help further develop our To ensure the geometry, surface texture, and absorption are ho-
understanding and control of the variability in tire-pavement mogeneous over the test track, there is a homogeneity requirement
noise from test tracks. placed on these properties. Both the average of all the samples
and 80% of the samples must meet the requirements. In addition,
Based on a paper presented at Noise-Con 2011, INCE 25th Annual Confer- the standard provides for acceptance testing (new construction)
ence, Portland, OR, July 2011. and intervals for periodic checking as the test track ages. Tables 1

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and 2 summarize the requirements, including frequency of check-
ing, areas of application (drive lane and propagation area), and
homogeneity. Other general construction requirements are that
the surface pavement must be dense asphalt, and the thickness 50 m
of the top wearing course must be greater than or equal to 30 mm.

Conformity Testing 10 m 3m
This section describes the measurement methods, equipment,
and procedures for checking conformity of a test track to the
Measurement Grid and Points. The first step is to define a
10 m
transverse grid with 5-meter intervals on which to base the mea-
surement points. An initial grid line is chosen randomly within
±2.5 m of the microphone line. From this first line, a transverse
10 m 10 m 10 m 10 m
grid is established at 5-meter intervals along the entire length of
the drive lane (including drive-lane extensions). Figure 2 shows
an example layout of the transverse grid and measurement points. Figure 1. Overall configuration (drive lane with propagation areas on each
side) and minimum dimensions of an ISO 10844 noise test track; measure-
In the drive lane, a measurement point is located at each grid
ment microphones positioned on line P-P´.
line but on alternating sides of the centerline. The distance from
the measuring point to the centerline is randomized so that the P
points are not longitudinally aligned.
In the propagation areas on each side of the drive lane, at least
two measurement points are selected at random locations. In addi-
tion, a measurement point is selected close to the microphone line
and in front of the microphone location (between the microphone
location and drive lane centerline). This results in a total of at least
six measurement locations in the propagation areas.
Step, Gradient, and Cross-Fall. Slopes are measured using
standard surveying methods and equipment, such as a laser level
on tripod and graduated rod (see Figure 3). The elevation at key
positions is measured along each transverse grid line, at the outside 5m
boundaries of the propagation areas, at the joints between drive P'
lane and propagation areas, and at the drive-lane centerline. If
Figure 2. Transverse grid on 5-meter intervals and example locations of
there is a step between the drive lane and propagation area, then measurement points in drive lane.
the elevation on each side of the step is measured. From this set
of elevation measurements, the following is calculated:
• Gradient (longitudinal slope) of the drive lane along the center-
line and along each edge.
• Cross fall in the drive lane at all the transverse grid lines.
• Cross fall in the propagation area at the transverse grid lines that
traverse the propagation area.
• Step heights of the joints between drive lane and propagation
Elevation profiles can be plotted to visualize the general slope
of the test track (see Figure 4).
Irregularity. Irregularity is measured using the straightedge

Table 1. Properties and requirements for acceptance checking.

Figure 3. Typical surveyor’s equipment for slope measurements; laser level
Acceptance Testing (left) and graduated rod with laser receiver (right).
Property of test track Homogeneity? Drive Lane Propagation Area
Step Yes ≤20 and ≥0 mm NA 0.10

Gradient (longitudinal) Yes ≤0.5 % NA

Cross fall (transverse) Yes ≤1.0 % ≤2.0 %
Elevation, m

Longitudinal irregularity Yes ≤2 mm ≤20 mm

Transverse irregularity Yes ≤3 mm ≤20 mm
Texture (MPD) Yes 0.5 ±0.2 mm NA
Sound absorption Yes ≤8% ≤10 %
Sieving curve No Meet target NA –0.10
–10 m –5 m 0m 5m 10 m

Propagation area Drive lane Propagation area

Table 2. Properties and requirements for periodic checking.
Figure 4. Example of transverse elevation profile showing overall cross
Periodic Testing fall trends.
Interval, Drive Propagation
Property of test track Years Homogeneity? Lane Area
test defined by EN 13036-7.3 This method requires a calibrated
Longitudinal irregularity 2 Yes ≤5 mm NA
straightedge three meters long accompanied by a wedge-shaped
Transverse irregularity 2 Yes ≤5 mm NA
gage calibrated in 1-mm increments (see Figure 5). The measure-
Texture (MPD) 2 Yes 0.5 ±0.2 mm NA
ment procedure is straightforward. The straightedge is laid on the
Sound absorption 4 Yes ≤8% NA
pavement with the measuring edge on the surface. The wedge gage
is then used to locate the greatest gap between the straightedge

10 SOUND & VIBRATION/AUGUST 2012 www.SandV.com

and pavement, and the gap is
recorded to the nearest 1 mm.
The pavement surface must be
clear of loose grit and debris
that could lift the straightedge
off the surface and bias the
The irregularity is measured
at all the established points.
The straightedge should be
positioned on the pavement in
each of the longitudinal and
transverse directions so that
Figure 5. Straightedge and wedge
gage for measuring irregularity.
it is centered at the measure-
ment point. However, for the
transverse direction at points in the drive lane, the straightedge
should be centered across the drive lane. For points close to the
track boundaries, the straightedge should be offset from the center
so that the entire length of the straightedge remains within the
track boundaries. Figure 6. Robotic profilometer, RoboTex, with line laser.
Surface Texture. ISO 10844:2011 requires the methods, equip-
ment, and analyses of texture to follow the ISO 13473 series of
standards. First, a brief introduction to the relevant parts of these
A texture profile is a two-dimensional representation of a surface:
one dimension is distance along the pavement (longitudinal or
transverse) and the second dimension is amplitude or elevation
of the surface. ISO 13473-16 describes a test method to calculate
the MPD of a pavement surface from the measured texture profile.
ISO 13473-34 specifies requirements for texture profile-measur-
ing devices (profilometers). Classifications are made with respect
to accuracy and the capability for measurements within various
texture wavelength ranges (micro-, macro-, and mega-texture, for
example). ISO 10844:2011 requires a Class DE profilometer, which
means it must evaluate texture wavelengths in the range from 2.5
Figure 7. Example three-dimensional pavement surface profile.
to 200 mm and a sampling interval less than or equal to 1 mm.
ISO 13473-47 describes methods for conducting spectral analy-
sis of pavement texture profiles. Spectral analysis is routinely
performed on acoustic signals sampled in the time domain (units
are seconds), and transformed to the frequency domain (units are
cycles/second or Hz). For the case of pavement texture, the signal is
sampled in the spatial domain (units are mm) and then transformed
to spatial frequency (units are cycles/meter) or wave number (units
are meter/cycle). Spectral analysis of the texture is done to calculate
a quantity, ENDT. ENDT is an estimate of the difference in tire-
pavement noise level generated by the track under test relative to
a track with a reference surface. Since it is a level quantity, ENDT
has units of dB. ENDT is not a requirement of ISO 10844:2011 but
is included as an appendix and encouraged to be measured, with
results communicated to the standards working group.
Most profilometers meeting these requirements use a laser-based
distance sensor. The Transtec Group employs a robotic-based
profilometer (RoboTex) using a line laser rather than a spot laser
(Figure 6). Use of a line laser results in a three-dimensional surface
Figure 8. Portable USB-powered pavement sound absorption measurement
profile, with distance across the laser line as the third dimension. system.
The system is capable of sampling at a rate of 1000 Hz at 100 points
across the width of the laser line as it travels down the drive lane at absorption coefficient of acoustic materials, allows the use of a
approximately 0.5 m/s. The result is a pavement texture measure- range of impedance tube diameters and lengths that lead to in-
ment with a spatial resolution of about 0.5 mm longitudinally by consistent results. By contrast, the new ISO 10844:2011 mandates
1.0 mm transversely and a height resolution of 0.01 mm. Figure 7 that the track sound absorption properties be measured using the
shows a sample result of the three-dimensional texture profile procedures and equipment specified in ISO 13472-2,5 which is
along a 100-mm wide swath of pavement surface. based on the two-microphone method of ISO 10534-2.9 ISO 13472-
The robotic profilometer allows for a continuous measurement 2 specifies the diameter and length of the impedance tube within
of the profile in each wheel track for the entire length of the drive close tolerances and recommends a procedure to seal between the
lane. Following the methods specified in ISO 10844, the profiles track surface and the impedance tube. Recent reports document
are divided into 5-meter segments, and an MPD is determined for the use of ISO 13472-2 for in situ measurements of asphalt and
each segment. concrete road surfaces.10-11
Sound Absorption. The previous version of the standard, Figure 8 shows an impedance tube with USB-powered data ac-
ISO 10844:1994, required that the sound absorption coefficient quisition system known as ACUPAVE built according to ISO 13472-
of the track surface be measured using the standing-wave method 2 by Spectronics, Inc., USA. A key element in the system is the
of ISO 10534-18 on core samples extracted from the pavement. pavement attachment fixture. This fixture must seal well with the
However, ISO 10534-1, developed mainly for measuring sound impedance tube and with the pavement surface so that sound does

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not leak out and ambient sound
does not leak in. Typically, seal-
ing between the fixture and the
pavement is made by using a
flexible sealant like modeling
clay or putty. Figures 9 and 10
show how the pavement at-
tachment fixture is used with a
flexible sealant.
Figure 9. Using flexible sealant. A performance test in which
the sound absorption is mea-
sured with the tube mounted
on a 10-mm thick plate is used
to determine the reference (or
Figure 13. Example of sound absorption coefficients for dense-grade asphalt
baseline) sound absorption of pavement.
the system. ISO 13472-2 re-
quires that the baseline sound
absorption of the system be less
than 3% in each one-third-oc-
Figure 10. Mounting the pavement tave band from 315 to 1600 Hz.
fixture. Figure 11 shows the impedance
tube configured for the baseline
absorption measurement.
ISO 13472-2 also requires
that a relative phase and mag-
nitude calibration of the mi-

crophones be performed prior
to any measurements. This is (b)
done by inserting a piece of
sound-absorbing material in
the impedance tube followed
Figure 11. Measuring reference sound
by a microphone swapping
procedure like that used in the
measurement of sound absorp-
tion of acoustic materials by
the two-microphone method of
ISO 10534-2. Figure 12 shows Distance
a piece of sound absorbing ma-
terial placed in the pavement Figure 14. Sample two-dimensional surface texture profiles with (a)
predominantly negative-directed texture and (b) predominantly positive-
fixture prior to attaching the directed texture.
impedance tube for the micro-
phone calibration step.
Figure 12. Foam used to determine The baseline sound absorp-
microphone calibration. tion is subtracted from the
measured pavement absorption to obtain the corrected sound
absorption of the pavement. Figure 13 shows sample sound
absorption results for a dense-grade asphalt pavement. Tables 1
and 2 show the maximum permissible values of corrected sound
absorption required for conformance to ISO 10844:2011 in each
one-third-octave band from 315 to 1600 Hz.

Supplemental Measurements
One objective of the ISO 10844 standard is to control the gen-
eration of tire-pavement noise from the test surface. The standard
implicitly assumes that MPD is the pavement texture quantity that
is the significant factor in tire-pavement noise generation. How-
ever, research has shown that MPD does not always correlate well
with tire-pavement noise generation and that other texture metrics
can correlate better.12-14 In addition, there is now a standardized
method for directly measuring tire-pavement noise, the on-board
sound intensity (OBSI) method. This section discusses other texture
metrics and the OBSI method as recommended supplements to the
ISO 10844 MPD measurement.
Figure 15. Photo showing position of sound intensity probes relative to
Texture Metrics. For a texture metric to predict tire-pavement vehicle tire in OBSI test procedure.
noise, the metric should quantify texture in a manner that relates
to how it interacts with a tire. Figures 14a and 14b illustrate the is predominantly negative (downward directed), while Profile
classic example of two pavement surface profiles that are upside 14b is predominantly positive (upward directed). However, MPD
down versions of each other. That is, the profile of 14b is profile does not fully capture the magnitude of positive-directed versus
14a just flipped over about a horizontal axis. It is easy to envision negative-directed textures and, therefore, is not optimum for pre-
how a tire traversing across Profile 14a will quietly roll over the dicting tire-pavement noise generation.
deep indentations, while on Profile 14b, the tall, sharp peaks will To capture positive- versus negative-directed texture charac-
excite the tire tread and generate noise. The texture of Profile 14a teristics, more fundamentally relevant metrics are available. An

12 SOUND & VIBRATION/AUGUST 2012 www.SandV.com

98 dard prefers 60 mph, or 97 kph), the test tire (16-inch standard
reference test tire, or SRTT, specified by ASTM F 249319), and the
applicable frequency range (third-octave bands from 400 to 5000
Hz). Sound intensity measured at the leading and trailing-edge
positions are A weighted, time averaged over the length of the
pavement tested, and combined into a single result. The OBSI
OBSI Level, dBA

result is reported as an overall level and in third-octave bands.

96 This method is a direct measure of the tire-pavement noise, and
results allow for various pavements and textures to be directly
compared. The authors suggest the OBSI level be measured and
95 reported along with other ISO 10844 results to help further un-
derstand and establish the reproducibility of tire-pavement noise
Track A
generation from noise test tracks.
Track B
Noise Variation and Correlation to Texture. The standard OBSI
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 test procedure specifies averaging time coincident with the length
Distance, m
of the pavement tested. However, by using shorter averaging times,
Figure 16. Tire-pavement noise versus distance for two noise test tracks. the tire-pavement noise level as a function of distance along the
test section can be obtained. Such results can be used to demon-
2.0 strate the variation (or homogeneity) of the tire-pavement noise
within a test track.
Figure 16 shows the OBSI level as a function of distance for
two ISO 10844 test tracks using an averaging time of 0.5 seconds.
The absolute levels cannot be compared, because these tests were
Relative Linear Scale

conducted at different vehicle speeds – 45 mph (72 kph) and 60

mph (96 kph). However, the variation within each track is clearly
identified. For each track, the variation in tire-pavement noise is
within 1 dB. Track A, however, has a bias at one end of the track,
with a trend toward higher tire-pavement noise levels at a distance
of 40 meters and beyond. Noise from Track B goes through a 0.8-dB
Noise oscillation over the first half of its length. This type of data reveals
MPD that both tracks have relatively constant noise generation (±0.2 dB)
Skew over only half of their track length.
1.00 Tire-pavement noise level as a function of distance also allows
10 20 30 40 50 60
Distance, m for correlation to texture. Figure 17 shows superimposed plots of
noise (OBSI) and two texture metrics (MPD and skew). In this case,
Figure 17. Noise, mean profile depth, and texture skew for Track A overlaid
using relative linear vertical scale.
texture skew correlates to noise better than MPD. This illustrates
how MPD alone is not the optimum texture metric for predicting
example is the statistical quantity skew, which is based on the tire-pavement noise.
third moment about the mean. The profile in Figure 14a (with
negative texture) has negative skew. The profile in Figure 14b Conclusions
(with positive texture) has positive skew. An example of a test The 2011 version of standard ISO 10844 is significantly improved
track having MPD and skew with contrasting degrees of correla- over the prior 1994 version in terms of fulfilling the objective of
tion to tire-pavement noise is presented under “Noise Variation controlling the reproducibility of noise measurements across test
and Correlation to Texture.” tracks. It has stronger controls on test track surface evenness,
In addition to skew, ISO 13565-215 describes alternative texture texture, and sound absorption. The standard is now more up to
metrics that further recognize positive and negative texture. In this date with recent measurement methods for surface profiling, in
standard, the profile is transformed into a profile-bearing curve situ impedance tube apparatus, and the two-microphone method
and divided into three regions; peaks, core, and valleys. From for sound absorption.
these regions, various parameters are derived, including reduced This article offers supplemental metrics for texture and meth-
peak height (Rpk), core roughness depth (Rk), and reduced valley ods for direct measurement of tire-pavement noise to help further
depth (Rvk). understand and control the variation of test track performance.
Additional metrics can be determined using bridging filters that
are based on how flexible tire tread blocks impregnate pavement References
1. Acoustics – Specification of Test Tracks for Measuring Noise Emitted by
texture.16 We suggest evaluating these and other alternative texture Road Vehicles and Their Tyres, International Standard ISO 10844:2011,
metrics, which can be reported along with MPD to further develop International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland,
and refine the capability of using texture metrics to control tire- 2011.
pavement noise of the test track. 2. Measurement of Noise Emitted by Accelerating Road Vehicles – Engi-
neering Method – Part 1: M and N Categories, International Standard
Direct Measurement. The OBSI test is a method of quantifying ISO 362-1:2007, International Organization for Standardization, Geneva,
tire-pavement noise by measuring sound intensity on board the Switzerland, 2007.
moving test vehicle at fixed locations relative to a tire mounted 3. Road and Airfield Surface Characteristics – Test methods, Part 7: Ir-
in a specific axle position. The procedure uses two measurement regularity Measurement of Pavement Courses: The Straightedge Test,
European Standard EN 13036-7:2003, European Committee for Stan-
locations, one near the leading edge of the tire contact patch and dardization, Brussels, Belgium, 2003.
a second near the trailing edge. The intent is to include the noise 4. Characterization of Pavement Texture by Use of Surface Profiles – Part
generated by both of those sources (see Figure 15). Sound intensity 3: Specification and Classification of Profilometers, International Stan-
is measured rather than sound pressure, because the directional dard ISO 13473-3:2002, International Organization for Standardization,
Geneva, Switzerland, 2002.
characteristic of the intensity probe allows it to focus toward the 5. Acoustics – Measurement of Sound Absorption Properties of Road Sur-
noise source of interest (near the edges of the contact patch) while faces in Situ – Part 2: Spot Method for Reflective Surfaces, International
reducing background noise from other directions (such as engine, Standard ISO 13472-2:2010, International Organization for Standardiza-
exhaust, and wind noise). tion, Geneva, Switzerland, 2010.
6. Characterization of Pavement Texture by Use of Surface Profiles –
OBSI as a test procedure is well developed and standardized Part 1: Determination of Mean Profile Depth, International Standard
as AASHTO TP‑76.17-18 Significant factors controlled during the ISO 13473-1:1997, International Organization for Standardization,
standardized test procedure include the vehicle speed (the stan- Geneva, Switzerland, 1997.

www.SandV.com SOUND & VIBRATION/AUGUST 2012 13

13. Robert Rasmussen, “Measuring and Modeling Tire-Pavement Noise on Vari-
7. Characterization of Pavement Texture by Use of Surface Profiles – Part 4:
ous Concrete Pavement Textures,” Noise Control Engineering Journal, Vol.
Spectral Analysis of Surface Profiles, International Standard ISO 13473-
57, No. 2, pp. 139-147, 2009.
4:2008, International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Swit-
14. Robert Rasmussen, et al., “Measuring and Analyzing Pavement Texture,”
zerland, 2008.
National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Tech Brief January 2011.
8. Acoustics – Determination of Sound Absorption Coefficient and Imped-
15. Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) – Surface Texture: Profile Method;
ance in Impedance Tubes – Part 1: Method Using Standing Wave Ratio,
Surfaces Having Stratified Functional Properties – Part 2: Height Charac-
International Standard ISO 10534-1:1996, International Organization
terization Using the Linear Material Ratio Curve, International Standard
for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland, 1996.
ISO 13565-2:1996, International Organization for Standardization, Geneva,
9. Acoustics – Determination of Sound Absorption Coefficient and
Switzerland, 1996.
Impedance in Impedance Tubes—Part 2: Transfer-Function Method,
16. Steven Karamihas, “Critical Profiler Accuracy Requirements,” University
International Standard ISO 10534-2:1998, International Organization
of Michigan Research Report, UMTRI-2005-24, 2005.
for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland, 1998.
17. Paul Donavan and Dana Lodico, “Measuring Tire-Pavement Noise at the
10. A. F. Seybert and J. Han, “Measurement of Pavement Absorption Using
Source,” Transportation Research Board, NCHRP Report 630, 2009.
ISO 13472-2,” Proceedings of Acoustics ’08 Paris, 2008.
18. Standard Method of Test for Measurement of Tire/Pavement Noise using
11. Abhishek Kumar, P. Mondal, Prashant Vijay, U. D. Bhangale and Dinesh
the On-Board Sound Intensity (OBSI) Method, AASHTO Specification TP
Tyagi, “Comparative Study of Sound Absorption Coefficients on Dif-
76-10, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials,
ferent Types of Road Surfaces Using Non-Destructive Method as per
Washington, D.C., 2010.
ISO 13472-2:2010,” Physical Review & Research International, Vol 1.
19. Standard Specification for P225/60R16 97S Radial Standard Reference Test
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Tire, ASTM F 2493-08, ASTM International, 2008.
12. Ulf Sandberg and Jerzy A. Ejsmont, Tyre/Road Noise Reference Book,
Informex, Handelsbolag, Sweden, 2002.
The authors can be reached at [email protected].

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