BACS2053 Assignment Question - 202105

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BACS2053 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design


Assignment For this assignment, you will be analysing a business scenario to identify the users’
Overview requirements. You will derive and create Unified Modelling Language (UML) analysis
models for the newly proposed system.
The analysis models will be used to facilitate the construction of the design models for
the new system by using relevant software tools.

Learning ● Analyse a business scenario and identify the users’ requirements.

Outcomes ● Derive the UML analysis models for the new system based on the users’
Being requirements.
Assessed ● Construct the UML design models for the new system.
● Use the UML modelling tools to prepare the diagrams.
● Present Unified Modelling language (UML) diagrams for given business
Deadlines Item Submission Week

Portfolio Part 1 Week 7 By Monday before 12pm

(Based on the tutor)

Portfolio Part 2 Week 12 By Monday before 12pm

(Based on the tutor)

Presentation Week 12 and Week 13 Based on the tutor

Team This is a group assignment. Students are to work in teams of 4-5 members.
If the number of students in the tutorial group is not a multiple of 4-5, then the tutor
should make the decision for the grouping.
Even though this is a team assignment, each team member should participate in
preparing every deliverable required in the assignment and the marks will be given
based on each individual contribution.

Detail In this assignment, each team will be assigned ONE application system from the list
Question below, by the respective tutor. (Note: No similar application system to be assigned to
more than one team in similar tutorial group. No changes are allowed after a system
has been assigned to each group). The following are a list of types of application

• Online Shopping System (eg: Shopee & Lazada)

• Car Service Centre Management System
• Forwarding Management System (e.g. J & T)
• Covid-19 Tracking & Management System
• Facilities Management System
• Training Centre Management System

Based on the assigned application system, you are required to conduct more
research and analysis of the relevant organisation that would use the above

Students are encouraged to conduct interview, observation, survey and etc. on the
organization that they have chosen. Students are required to do research through
Internet sites, acquire further information from reference books, and obtain additional
ideas from other resources.

Assume that the chosen organization has commissioned your team to initiate a
project with the objectives to determine their current system’s problems and propose
a new system to improve their organization’s operations and performance.

Each team is required to propose at least 4-5 modules (depends on the number of
team members in the team) for the new system.
Note: Login Module & Report Generation Module are not counted.

Outline of Problem
This assignment consists of 2 parts. Your team is required to maintain an assignment
portfolio for each part. This portfolio should contain your weekly deliverables shown
to your tutor and be organized by week number.

Part 1 Portfolio
Carry out requirements analysis of the assigned system.
You may MAKE APPROPRIATE ASSUMPTIONS to support your answers.
By Week 7, your team is required to submit the following:
A complete softcopy report which includes the following items:
• A cover page (use the template provided).
• A content page & sign declaration
• Table of Contents.
• Part 1 Rubric
• Answer content (Arrange according to Part 1 “Weekly Class Deliverables
Schedule” table)
• References (Students are required to use Harvard Referencing System format)
• Appendices (if any)

Part 2 Portfolio
Based on your requirements analysis from Part 1, prepare the design models for the
selected system.

By Week 12, your team is required to submit the following:

(a) A complete softcopy report which includes the following items:
• A cover page (use the template provided).
• A content page & sign declaration
• Table of Contents.
• Part 2 Rubric
• Part 3 Rubric
• Answer content (Arrange according to Part 2 “Weekly Class Deliverables
Schedule” table)
• References (Students are required to use Harvard Referencing System format)
• Appendices (if any)

For Part 1 and Part 2:

• You are required to use the relevant software tools for drawing the UML
• In your report, ensure that all diagrams are properly labelled with team
member’s name, figure number and title. All diagrams must be explicitly
referenced in either the functional requirements list or written descriptions.

Important Reminder
This is your assignment. You are not allowed to refer to other groups’ work (except
for those in your team). Students found to be dishonest are liable to disciplinary
action (see Academic Impropriety).

Weekly Part 1
Deliverables Week Deliverables
Schedule 1 (a) **Identify the problems faced by the current system
(b) **Prepare functional requirements list of the new system based on
the module that handled by him/her
2-3 (a) An Overview Use Case Diagram
(b) **Produce ONE (1) Detail Use Case Diagram for the use case/module
that handled by him/her

4 ** Produce ONE (1) Use Case Description for a use case / scenario.
(Refer to your Detail Use Case Diagram)

5 **Produce ONE (1) Activity Diagram for a use case / scenario. (Based
on the Use Case Description)

6 An Initial Class Diagram of the problem domain (entity) classes with

attributes and associations
(DO NOT include generalization, data types and operations, aggregation
and composition).

7 Deadline: Submission of Assignment Part 1’s softcopy Assignment

report and softcopy models with proper file name.

Note: “**” indicates that EACH team member should produce the
required diagram.

Part 2 & 3
Week Deliverables
8-9 (a) **Design ONE (1) Sequence Diagram based on the use case
scenario (in part 1).

(b) **Design ONE (1) Collaboration Diagram based on the use case
scenario (in part 1).

10 ** Draw ONE (1) State Chart Diagram for one of the relevant problem
domain classes related to the module that handled by each team

11 (a) Final Class Diagram WITH generalization, data types and relevant
operations for the new system.
Apply aggregation and composition relationship appropriately in final
class diagram.

(b) Design ONE (1) Deployment Diagram (i.e. network diagram) for the
new system architecture.
12 Deadline: Submission of Assignment Part 2’s softcopy Assignment
report and softcopy models with proper file name.

12 & Presentation by teams

Note: “**” indicates that each team member should produce the
required diagram.

Submission Your assignment submission should adhere to the following guidelines:

a) The Assignment softcopy report (submitted to GC)

File Name ProgrammeYear_TutGroupNumber_LeaderFullName_Part1

Assignment (SystemName)
(e.g. RIT2_G2_YapKahHong_Part1 Assignment (Online
Line spacing 1 line
Font size and style Written descriptions: 11 pt Arial
Header and Footer Appropriate footers and headers should be used to enhance
clarity and presentation.
Page numbering Ensure that all pages (except cover page) are numbered.

b) A softcopy of software models with proper label of the tutorial group number and
team members’ name.
Main Folder ProgrammeYear_TutGroupNumber_LeaderFullName_Mode
ls (SystemName)
(e.g. RIT2_G2_YapKahHong_Part1 Models (Online
Subfolders By Part ->Weekly deliverable -

Estimated Part 1: At least 5 hours per team member.

NonF2F Part 2: At least 10 hours per team member.

Academic You may only work with the students in your team to produce your answer.
Your attention is drawn to the University College Guidelines on Avoiding Plagiarism.
This covers cheating, attempt to cheat, plagiarism, collusion and any other attempts
to gain an unfair advantage in assessment.

The work you submit must conform to these regulations.

Any students found to be dishonest are liable to disciplinary action.
Contribution This assignment contributes 100% to coursework component.

Policy on Students are required to submit the assignment report on time The assignment must
Submission be submitted by the stated due date unless as revised and approved by the lecturer.
of For late submission, there will be a reduction of absolute marks from the mark’s
score submitted:
• Late 1 to 3 days after deadline of submission: minus 10 marks;
• Late 4 to 7 days after deadline of submission: minus 20 marks;

• Late more than 7 days after deadline of submission: 0 marks

As a general rule no extension of time will be granted. The assignments and its due
dates are normally given in advance to students in order that they will be able to
organise their assignment schedule.

Assessment The assessment criteria is provided below (refer to the rubrics for details):

Assessment Criteria Marks

Part 1
1. **Problem statement and Functional requirements list
(Individual assessment)
2. Correctness and completeness of overview use case diagram 5
3. **Correctness and completeness of details use case
diagrams + use case descriptions (Individual assessment)
4. **Correctness and completeness of activity diagrams based
on the use case scenarios (Individual assessment)
5. Correctness and completeness of initial/ analysis class
Subtotal Marks for CLO2 35
CLO2: Construct Unified Modelling (UML) diagrams for given
business Application using UML tool (C4,PLO6) – Digital Skills

Part 2
1. **Correctness and completeness of interaction diagrams
(Individual assessment)
2. **Correctness and completeness of state chart diagram(s) for
any ONE problem domain classes (Individual assessment)
3. Correctness and completeness of final class diagram. 10
4. Correctness and completeness of deployment diagram 5
5. Digital skill (Use of UML modelling tool) 10
Subtotal Marks for CLO2 45
CLO2: Construct Unified Modelling (UML) diagrams for given
business Application using UML tool (C4, PLO6) -– Digital Skills

Part 3

1. **Weekly interaction & Deliverables 10

2. **Final presentation 10
CLO3: Present Unified Modelling language (UML) diagrams
for given business applications (A3, PLO5) – Communication

**Individual marks will be awarded to each student.

* Note: Tutor has the right to adjust the mark based on the percentage of
contribution by each team member.

Tunku Abdul Rahman University College

Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
Assignment (JUNE 2021)
Part 1

Programme R
Tutorial Group
Tutor Name
Date Submitted

We confirm that we have read and shall comply with all the terms and conditions of TAR University
College’s plagiarism policy.

We declare that this assignment is free from all forms of plagiarism and for all intents and purposes is
my own properly derived work.

Team Members:
Assessment Criteria (Part 1)
Student Name Registration PS/FR OUCD DUCD AD ACD Subtotal of CLO2
Number 5% 5% 10% 10% 5%

PS/FR – Problem Statement / Functional Requirements

OUCD – Overview Use Case Diagram
DUCD – Details Use Case Diagram and Use Case Descriptions
AD – Activity Diagram
ACD – Initial/Analysis Class Diagram

Tunku Abdul Rahman University College

Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
Assignment (JUNE 2021)
Part 2

Programme R
Tutorial Group
Tutor Name
Date Submitted

We confirm that we have read and shall comply with all the terms and conditions of TAR University
College’s plagiarism policy.

We declare that this assignment is free from all forms of plagiarism and for all intents and purposes is
my own properly derived work.

Team Members:
Assessment Criteria (Part 2) Total
CLO2 CLO3 (20%) CLO2+
Student Name Registration 2 DID FCD SD DD DS Total of CLO2 (80%) WID FP Total of CLO3
Number 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% Part 1(35%) + Part 2 10% 10% CLO3
(45%) 20% 100%


DID - Design Interaction Diagrams DD - Deployment Diagram FP – Final Presentation

SD - State Diagram DS – Digital Skills (Use of UML modelling tool)
FCD - Final Class Diagram WID – Weekly Interaction & Deliverables

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