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LM2907 Tachometer/Speed Switch Building Block Applications

National Semiconductor
LM2907 Tachometer/Speed Application Note 162
Switch Building Block June 1976


Frequency to voltage converters are available in a number from a single supply voltage, which makes them particularly
of forms from a number of sources, but invariably require suitable for battery operation.
significant additional components before they can be put to
use in a given situation. The LM2907, LM2917 series of
devices was developed to overcome these objections. Both Circuit Description
input and output interface circuitry is included on chip so Referring to Figure 1, the family of devices all include three
that a minimum number of additional components is re- basic components: an input amplifier with built-in hysteresis;
quired to complete the function. In keeping with the systems a charge pump frequency to voltage converter; and a versa-
building block concept, these devices provide an output tile op amp/comparator with an uncommitted output transis-
voltage which is proportional to input frequency and provide tor. LM2917 incorporates an active zener regulator on-chip.
zero output at zero frequency. In addition, the input may be LM2907 deletes this option. Both versions are obtainable in
referred to ground. The devices are designed to operate 14-pin and in 8-pin dual-in-line molded packages, and to
special order in other packages.

LM2907N-8 LM2917N-8

TL/H/7451 – 1 TL/H/7451 – 2

LM2907N LM2917N


TL/H/7451 – 3 TL/H/7451 – 4
FIGURE 1. Block Diagrams

C1995 National Semiconductor Corporation TL/H/7451 RRD-B30M115/Printed in U. S. A.

Input Hysteresis Amplifier required to return the capacitor on pin 2 to the high level
The equivalent schematic diagram is shown in Figure 2. Q1 voltage is duplicated and used to charge the capacitor con-
through Q11 comprise the input hysteresis amplifier. Q1 nected to pin 3. Thus in one cycle of input the capacitor on
through Q4 comprise an input differential amplifier which, by pin 3 gets charged twice with a charge of CV.
virtue of PNP level shifting, enables the circuit to operate Thus the total charge pumped into the capacitor on pin 3
with signals referenced to ground. Q7, Q8, D4, and D5 com- per cycle is:
prise an active load with positive feedback. This load be- Q e 2 CV (2)
haves as a bi-stable flip-flop which may be set or reset de-
Now, since V e VCC/2
pending upon the currents supplied from Q2 and Q3. Con-
sider the situation where Q2 and Q3 are conducting equally, then Q e CVCC (3)
i.e. the input differential voltage is zero. Assuming Q7 to be A resistor connected between pin 3 and ground causes a
conducting, it will be noted that the current from Q3 will be discharge of the capacitor on pin 3, where the total charge
drawn by Q7 and Q8 will be in the ‘‘OFF’’ state. This allows drained per cycle of input signal is equal to:
the current from Q2 to drive Q7 in parallel with D4 and a V3 # T
small resistor. D4 and Q7 are identical geometry devices, so Q1 e
that the resistor causes Q7 to be biased at a higher level
than D4. Thus Q7 will be able to conduct more current than where V3 e the average voltage on pin 3
Q3 provides. In order to reverse the state of Q7 and Q8, it T e period of input signal
will be necessary to reduce the current from Q2 below that R e resistor connected to pin 3
provided by Q3 by an amount which is established by R1. It In equilibrium Q e Q1
can be shown that this requires a differential input to Q1 and
V3 # T
Q4, of approximately 15mV. Since the circuit is symmetrical, i.e., CVCC e (4)
the threshold voltage to reverse the state is 15 mV in the R
other direction. Thus the input amplifier has built-in hystere- RC
sis at g 15 mV. This provides clean switching where noise and V3 e VCC # (5)
may be present on the input signal, and allows total rejec-
or V3 e VCC # R # C # f (6)
tion of noise below this amplitude where there is no input
signal. where f e input frequency

Charge Pump Op Amp/Comparator

The charge pump is composed of Q12 through Q32. R4, R5, Again referring to Figure 2, the op amp/comparator includes
and R6 provide reference voltages equal to 1/4 and 3/4 of Q35 through Q45. A PNP input stage again provides input
supply voltage to Q12 and Q13. When Q10 turns ‘‘ON’’ or common-mode voltages down to zero, and if pin 8 is con-
‘‘OFF,’’ the base voltage at Q16 changes by an amount nected to VCC and the output taken from pin 5, the circuit
equal to the voltage across R5, that is 1/2 VCC. A capacitor behaves as a conventional, unity-gain-compensated opera-
connected between Pin 2 and ground is either charged by tional amplifier. However, by allowing alternate connections
Q21 or discharged by Q22 until its voltage matches that on of Q45 the circuit may be used as a comparator in which
the base of Q16. When the voltage on Q16 base goes low, loads to either VCC or ground may be switched. Q45 is ca-
Q16 turns ‘‘ON,’’ which results in Q18 and Q26 turning on, pable of sinking 50 mA. Input bias current is typically 50 nA,
which causes the current, sourced by Q19 and Q20, to be and voltage gain is typically 200 V/mV. Unity gain slew rate
shunted to ground. Thus Q21 is unable to charge pin 2. is 0.2 V/ms. When operated as a comparator Q45 emitter
Meanwhile, Q27 and Q30 are turned off permitting the will switch at the slew rate, or the collector of Q45 will
200 mA sourced by Q28 and Q29 to enter the emitters of switch at that rate multiplied by the voltage gain of Q45,
Q31 and Q32 respectively. The current from Q31 is mirrored which is user selectable.
by Q22 through Q24 resulting in a 200 mA discharge current Active Zener Regulator
through pin 2. The external capacitor on pin 2 is thus dis-
The optional active zener regulator is also shown in Figure
charged at a constant rate until it reaches the new base
2. D8 provides the voltage reference in conjunction with
voltage on Q16. The time taken for this discharge to occur is
Q33. As the supply voltage rises, D8 conducts and the base
given by:
voltage on Q33 starts to rise. When Q33 has sufficient base
CV voltage to be turned ‘‘ON,’’ it in turn causes Q34 to conduct
te (1)
I current from the power source. This reduces the current
where C e capacitor on pin 2 available for D8 and the negative feedback loop is thereby
completed. The reference voltage is therefore the zener
V e change in voltage on Q16 base
voltage on D8 plus the emitter base voltage of Q33. This
I e current in Q22 results in a low temperature coefficient voltage.
During this time, Q32 sources an identical current into pin 3.
A capacitor connected to pin 3 will thus be charged by the Input Levels and Protection
same current for the same amount of time as pin 2. When In 8-pin versions of the LM2907, LM2917, the non-inverting
the base voltage on Q16 goes high, Q18 and Q26 are input of the op amp/comparator is connected to the output
turned off while Q27 and Q30 are turned ‘‘ON.’’ In these of the charge pump. Also, one input to the input hysteresis
conditions, Q21 and Q25 provide the currents to charge the amplifier is connected to ground. The other input (pin 1) is
capacitors on pins 2 and 3 respectively. Thus the charge then protected from transients by, first a 10kX series resis-

*Note: This connection made on LM2907-8 and LM2917-8 only.
**Note: This connection made on LM2917 and LM2917-8 only. TL/H/7451 – 5
Note: Pin numbers refer to 14-pin package.
FIGURE 2. Equivalent Schematic Diagram
tor, R3 (Figure 2) which is located in a floating isolation Second, if R1 is too large, it can become a significant frac-
pocket, and secondly by clamp diode D1. Since the voltage tion of the output impedance at pin 3 which degrades linear-
swing on the base of Q1 is thus restricted, the only restric- ity. Finally, ripple voltage must be considered, and the size
tion on the allowable voltage on pin 1 is the breakdown of C2 is affected by R1. An expression that describes the
voltage of the 10 kX resistor. This allows input swings to ripple content on pin 3 for a single R1, C2 combination is:
g 28V. In 14-pin versions the link to D1 is opened in order to # fIN # C1
#1 J p-p
allow the base of Q1 to be biased at some higher voltage. VRIPPLE e # b CC
2 C2 I2
Q5 clamps the negative swing on the base of Q1 to about
It appears R1 can be chosen independent of ripple, howev-
300 mV. This prevents substrate injection in the region of
er response time, or the time it takes VOUT to stabilize at a
Q1 which might otherwise cause false switching or errone-
new frequency increases as the size of C2 increases, so a
ous discharge of one of the timing capacitors.
compromise between ripple, response time, and linearity
The differential input options (LM2907-14, LM2917-14), give must be cosen carefully. R1 should be selected according
the user the option of setting his own input switching level to the following relationship:
and still having the hysteresis around that level for excellent
C is selected according to:
noise rejection in any application.
V3 Full Scale
Basic f to V Converter Next decide on the maximum ripple which can be accepted
The operation of the LM2907, LM2917 series is best under- and plug into the following equation to determine C2:
stood by observing the basic converter shown in Figure 3. In
# J
this configuration, a frequency signal is applied to the input C2 e # 1b
of the charge pump at pin 1. The voltage appearing at pin 2
The kind of capacitor used for timing capacitor C1 will deter-
will swing between two values which are approximately 1/4
mine the accuracy of the unit over the temperature range.
(VCC) b VBE and 3/4 (VCC) b VBE. The voltage at pin 3 will
Figure 15 illustrates the tachometer output as a function of
have a value equal to VCC # fIN # C1 # R1 # K, where K is
temperature for the two devices. Note that the LM2907 op-
the gain constant (normally 1.0).
erating from a fixed external supply has a negative tempera-
The emitter output (pin 4) is connected to the inverting input ture coefficient which enables the device to be used with
of the op amp so that pin 4 will follow pin 3 and provide a capacitors which have a positive temperature coefficient
low impedance output voltage proportional to input frequen- and thus obtain overall stabililty. In the case of the LM2917
cy. The linearity of this voltage is typically better than 0.3% the internal zener supply voltage has a positive coefficient
of full scale. which causes the overall tachometer output to have a very
Choosing R1, C1 and C2 low temperature coefficient and requires that the capacitor
temperature coefficient be balanced by the temperature co-
There are some limitations on the choice of R1, C1 and C2
efficient of R1.
(Figure 3) which should be considered for optimum perform-
ance. C1 also provides internal compensation for the Using Zener Regulated Options (LM2917)
charge pump and should be kept larger than 100 pF. Small- For those applications where an output voltage or current
er values can cause an error current on R1, especially at must be obtained independently of the supply voltage varia-
low temperatures. Three considerations must be met when tions, the LM2917 is offered. The reference typically has an
choosing R1. 11X source resistance. In choosing a dropping resistor from
First, the output current at pin 3 is internally fixed and there- the unregulated supply to the device note that the tachome-
fore V3 max, divided by R1, must be less than or equal to ter and op amp circuitry alone require about 3 mA at the
this value. voltage level provided by the zener. At low supply voltages,
. V3 max
. . R1 t
where V3 max is the full scale output voltage required
13MIN is determined from the data sheet (150 mA)

TL/H/7451 – 6
FIGURE 3. Basic f to V Converter

there must be some current flowing in the resistor above the Input Interface Circuits
3 mA circuit current to operate the regulator. As an exam- The ground referenced input capability of the LM2907-8 al-
ple, if the raw supply varies from 9V to 16V, a resistance of lows direct coupling to transformer inputs, or variable reluc-
470X will minimize these zener voltage variations to 160 tance pickups. Figure 5(a) illustrates this connection. In
mV. If the resistor goes under 400X or over 600X the zener many cases, the frequency signal must be obtained from
variation quickly rises above 200 mV for the same input vari- another circuit whose output may not go below ground. This
ation. Take care also that the power dissipation of the IC is may be remedied by using ac coupling to the input of the
not exceeded at higher supply voltages. Figure 4 shows LM2907 as illustrated in Figure 5(b). This approach is very
suitable dropping resistor values. suitable for use with phototransistors for optical pickups.
Noisy signal sources may be coupled as shown in Figure
5(c). The signal is bandpass filtered. This can be used, for
example, for tachometers operating from breakerpoints on a
conventional Kettering ignition system. Remember that the
minimum input signal required by the LM2907 is only 30
mVp-p, but this signal must be able to swing at least 15 mV
on either side of the inverting input. The maximum signal
which can be applied to the LM2907 input, is g 28V. The
input bias current is a typically 100 nA. A path to ground
must be provided for this current through the source or by
other means as illustrated. With 14-pin package versions of
LM2907, LM2917, it is possible to bias the inverting input to
the tachometer as illustrated in Figure 5(d). This enables the
circuit to operate with input signals that do not go to ground,
but are referenced at higher voltages. Alternatively, this
TL/H/7451 – 7
method increases the noise immunity where large signal
FIGURE 4. Zener Regular Bias Resistor Range

TL/H/7451 – 10
TL/H/7451–8 TL/H/7451 – 9
(a) Ground Referenced Inputs (c) Bandpass Filtered Input
(b) AC Coupled Input
Reduces Noise

TL/H/7451 – 11
TL/H/7451 – 12
(d) Above Ground Sensing
(e) High Common-Mode Rejection Input Circuit
FIGURE 5. Tachometer Input Configurations

levels are available but large noise signals on ground are placed in series with the output to protect the LED and the
also present. To take full advantage of the common-mode output transistor.
rejection of the input differential stage, a balanced bias con- This circuit has no hysteresis in it, i.e., the turn ‘‘ON’’ and
figuration must be provided. One such circuit is illustrated in turn ‘‘OFF’’ speed voltages are essentially equal. In cases
Figure 5(e). With this arrangement, the effective common- where speed may be fluctuating at a high rate and a flashing
mode rejection may be virtually infinite, owing to the input LED would be objectionable, it is possible to incorporate
hysteresis. hysteresis so that the switch-on speed is above the switch-
Output Configurations off speed by a controlled amount. Such a configuration is
illustrated in Figure 6(b). Figure 6(c) shows how a grounded
LM2907, LM2917 series devices incorporate an unusually
load can also be switched by the circuit. In this case, the
flexible op amp/comparator device on-chip for interfacing
current limiting resistor is placed in the collector of the pow-
with a wide variety of loads. This flexibility results from the
er transistor. The base current of the output transistor (Q45)
availability of both the collector and emitter of the output
is limited by a 5 kX base resistor (see Figure 2 ). This raises
transistor which is capable of driving up to 50 mA of load
the output resistance so that the output swing will be re-
current. When the non-inverting input is higher than the in-
duced at full load.
verting input, this output transistor is turned ‘‘ON’’. It may be
used to drive loads to either the positive or the negative The op amp/comparator is internally compensated for unity
supply with the emitter or collector respectively connected gain feedback configurations as in Figure 6(d). By directly
to the other supply. For example, Figure 6(a), a simple connecting the emitter output to the non-inverting input, the
speed switch can be constructed in which the speed signal op amp may be operated as a voltage follower. Note that a
derived from the frequency to voltage converter is com- load resistor is required externally. The op amp can also be
pared to a reference derived simply by a resistive divider operated, of course, as an amplifier, integrator, active filter,
from the power supply. When the speed signal exceeds the or in any other normal operational amplifier configuration.
reference, the output transistor turns on the light emitting One unique configuration which is not available with stan-
diode in the load. A small current limiting resistor should be dard operational amplifiers, is shown in Figure 6(e). Here
the collector of the output transistor is used to drive a load

TL/H/7451–13 TL/H/7451 – 14 TL/H/7451 – 15

(a) Switching an LED (b) Adding Hysteresis (c) Switching a Grounded Load
to LED Switch

TL/H/7451–16 TL/H/7451 – 17 TL/H/7451 – 18

(d) Voltage Follower (e) Voltage to Current Converter (f) Integrator
FIGURE 6. Output Configurations

with a current which is proportional to the input voltage. In Figure 7 illustrates methods for protecting against these and
other words, the circuit is operating as a voltage to current other transients. Figure 7(a) shows a typical situation in
converter. This is ideal for driving remote signal sensors and which the power supply to the LM2907 can be provided
moving coil galvanometers. Figure 6(f) shows how an active through a dropping resistor and regulated by an external
integrator can be used to provide an output which falls with zener diode Z1, but the output drive is required to operate
increasing speed. from the full available supply voltage. In this case, a sepa-
These are the basic configurations obtainable with the op rate protection zener Z2 must be provided if the voltage on
amp/comparator. Further combinations can be seen in the the power line is expected to exceed the maximum rated
applications shown in Part II of this application note. voltage of the LM2907.
In Figure 7(b) and Figure 7(c), the output transistor is re-
Transient Protection
quired only to drive a simple resistive load and no second-
Many application areas use unregulated power supplies ary protection circuits are required. (Note that the dropping
which tend to expose the electronics to potentially damag- resistor to the zener also has to supply current to the output
ing transients on the power supply line. This is particularly circuit). With the foregoing circuits, reverse supply protec-
true in the case of automotive applications where two such tion is supplied by the forward biased zener diode. This de-
transients are common.1 First is the load dump transient. vice should be a low forward resistance unit in order to limit
This occurs when a dead battery is being charged at a high the maximum reverse voltage applied to the integrated cir-
current and the battery cable comes loose, so that the cur- cuit. Excessive reverse voltage on the IC can cause high
rent in the alternator inductance produces a positive tran- currents to be conducted by the substrate diodes with con-
sient on the line in the order of 60V to 120V. The second sequent danger of permanent damage. Up to 1V negative
transient is called field decay. This occurs when the ignition can generally be tolerated. Versions with internal zeners
is turned ‘‘OFF’’ and the energy stored in the field winding may be self-protecting depending on the size of dropping
of the alternator causes a negative 75V transient on the resistor used. In applications where large negative voltage
ignition line.

TL/H/7451 – 20

TL/H/7451 – 19
(a) (b)

TL/H/7451 – 22
TL/H/7451 – 21
(c) (d)
FIGURE 7. Transient Protection Schemes

transients may be anticipated, a blocking diode may be con- The concept of building blocks requires that a function be
nected in the power supply line to the IC as illustrated in performed in the same way as it can be mathematically de-
Figure 7(d). During these negative transients, the diode D1 fined. In other words, a frequency to voltage converter will
will be reverse biased and prevent reverse currents flowing provide an output voltage proportional to frequency which is
in the IC. If these transients are short and the capacitor C1 independent of the input voltage or other input parameters,
is large enough, then the power to the IC can be sustained. except the frequency. In the same way, the output voltage
This is useful to prevent change of state or change of will be zero when the input frequency is zero. These fea-
charge in in systems connected to it. tures are built into the LM2907.
Temperature Ranges and Packaging Considerations Applications for the device range from simple speed switch
for anti-pollution control device functions in automobiles, to
The LM2907, LM2917 series devices are specified for oper-
motor speed controls in industrial applications. The applica-
ation over the temperature range b40§ C to a 85§ C.
tions circuits which follow are designed to illustrate some of
The devices are normally packaged in molded epoxy, dual- the capabilities of the LM2907. In most cases, alternative
in-line packages. Other temperature ranges and other pack- input or output configurations can be mixed and matched at
ages are availabe to special order. For reliability require- will and other variations can be determined from the de-
ments beyond those of normal commercial application scription in Part I of this application note. For complete
where the cost of military qualification is not bearable, other specifications, refer to the data sheet.
programs are available such as B a .
Speed Switches
Perhaps the most natural application of the LM2907 is in
INTRODUCTION interfacing with magnetic pickups, such as the one illustrat-
The LM 2907, LM2917 series devices were designed not ed in Figure 8 to perform speed switching functions. As an
only to perform the basic frequency to voltage function re- example, New York taxies are required to change the inten-
quired in many systems, but also to provide the input and sity of the warning horn above and below 45 mph. Other
output interface so often needed, so that low cost imple- examples include an over-speed warning, where a driver
mentations of complete functions are available. may set the desired maximum speed and have an audible

TL/H/7451 – 23
FIGURE 8. Typical Magnetic Pickup

TL/H/7451 – 25

FIGURE 9. Simple Speed Switch Load is Energized FIGURE 10. RC Selection Chart
when fIN l

or visual warning of speeds in excess of that level. Many the output current is conducted along the supply line so that
anti-pollution devices included on several recent automobile a local current sensing device in the supply line can be used
models have included a speed switch to disable the vacuum to get a direct reading of the frequency at the remote loca-
advance function until a certain speed is attained2. A circuit tion where the electronics may also be situated. The small
which will perform these kind of functions is shown in Figure zero speed offset due to the device quiescent current may
9. A typical magnetic pickup for automotive applications will be compensated by offsetting the zero on the display de-
provide a thousand pulses per mile so that at 60 mph the vice. This also permits one display device to be shared be-
incoming frequency will be 16.6 Hz. If the reference level on tween several inputs.
the comparator is set by two equal resistors R1 and R2 then
the desired value of C1 and R1 can be determined from the
simple relationship:
e VCC # C1 # R1 # f.
or C1R1f e 0.5
and hence C1R1 e 0.03
From the RC selection chart in Figure 10 we can choose
suitable values for R1 and C1. Examples are 100 kX and
0.3 mF. The circuit will then switch at approximately 60 mph
with the stated input frequency relationship to speed. To
determine the ripple voltage refer back to the equation for
ripple voltage (under ‘‘Choosing R1, C1 and C2’’). From this
we can determine that there will be about 10 mV of ripple at
the switching level. To prevent this from causing chattering
of the load a certain amount of hysteresis is added by in-
cluding R3. This will provide typically 1% of supply as a TL/H/7451 – 26

hysteresis or 1.2 mph in the example. Note that since the

reference to the comparator is a function of supply voltage
as is the output from the charge pump there is no need to
regulate the power supply. The frequency at which switch-
ing occurs is independent of supply voltage.
In some industrial applications it is useful to have an indica-
tion of past speed excesses, for example in notifying the
need for checking of bearings. The LM2907 can be made to
latch until the power supply is turned ‘‘OFF’’ in the case
where the frequency exceeds a certain limit, by simply con-
necting the output transistor emitter back to the non-invert-
ing input of the comparator as shown in Figure 11. It can
also serve to shut off a tape recorder or editing machine at
the end of a rewind cycle. When the speed suddenly in-
TL/H/7451 – 27
creases, the device will sense the condition and shut down

VO e FINV a R1 C1 Latchup occurs when
the motor. RB
RD a RA RB 1
Analog Displays FIN e
RA a RB R1 C1
The LM2907, LM2917 series devices are particularly useful Independent of V a !
for analog display of frequency inputs. In situations where FIGURE 11. Overspeed Latch
the display device is a moving coil instrument the advan-
tages of the uncommitted output transistor can be realized
by providing a current drive to the meter. This avoids tem-
perature tracking problems with the varying meter resist-
ance and enables high resistance instruments to be driven
accurately with relatively large voltages as illustrated in Fig-
ure 12. The LM2917 version is employed here to provide a
regulated current to the instrument. The onboard 7.6V zener
is compatible with car and boat batteries and enables the
moving coil instrument to employ the full battery voltage for
its deflection. This enables high torque meters to be used.
This is particularly useful in high vibration environments
such as boats and motorcycles. In the case of boats, the
most common speed pickup for the knot meter employs a
rotating propeller driving a magnetic pickup device. Meteo-
rologists employ a large number of anemometers for mea-
suring wind velocities and these are frequently coupled by a
magnetic pickup. In examples like these, where there is fre-
quently a large distance between the display device and the TL/H/7451 – 28
sensor, the configuration of Figure 13 can be usefully em- FIGURE 12. Analog Display of Frequency
ployed to cut down on the number of wires needed. Here

Automotive Tachometer
Not all inputs are derived from variable reluctance magnetic
pickups; for example, in spark ignition engines the tachome-
ter is generally driven from the spark coil. An interface cir-
cuit for this situation is shown in Figure 14. This tachometer
can be set up for any number of cylinders by linking the
appropriate timing resistor as illustrated. A 500X trim resis-
tor can be used to set up final calibration. A protection cir-
cuit composed of a 10X resistor and a zener diode is also
shown as a safety precaution against the transients which
are to be found in automobiles.
Motor Speed Controls
DC motors with or without brushes can be purchased with
ac tachometer outputs already provided by the manufactur-
er3. With these motors in combination with the


TL/H/7451 – 32
FIGURE 15. Normalized Tachometer
Output vs. Temperature

FIGURE 13. Two Wire Remote Speed Sensor

TL/H/7451 – 31
FIGURE 14. Gasoline Engine Tachometer

LM2907, a very low cost speed control can be constructed. the non-inverting input. As speed increases, the charge
In Figure 16 the most simple version is illustrated where the pump puts charge into capacitor C2 and causes the output
tachometer drives the non-inverting input of the comparator VOUT to fall in proportion to speed. The output current of the
up towards the preset reference level. When that level is op amp transistor is used to provide an analog drive to the
reached, the output is turned off and the power is removed motor. Thus as the motor speed approaches the reference
from the motor. As the motor slows down, the voltage from level, the current is proportionately reduced to the motor so
the charge pump output falls and power is restored. Thus that the motor gradually comes up to speed and is main-
speed is maintained by operating the motor in a switching tained without operating the motor in a switching mode. This
mode. Hysteresis can be provided to control the rate of is particularly useful in situations where the electrical noise
switching. An alternative approach which gives proportional generated by the switching mode operation is objectionable.
control is shown in Figure 17. Here the charge pump inte- This circuit has one primary disadvantage in that it has poor
grator is shown in a feedback connection around the opera- load regulation. A third configuration is shown in Figure 18.
tional amplifier. The output voltage for zero speed is equal This employs an LM2907-8 acting as a shunt mode regula-
to the reference voltage set up on the potentiometer on tor. It also features an LED to indicate when the device is in

TL/H/7451 – 33
FIGURE 16. Motor Speed Control

TL/H/7451 – 34
FIGURE 17. Motor Speed Control with Proportional Drive

Position Sensing The output of the tachometer is proportional to the product
In addition to their use to complete tachometer feedback of supply voltage, input frequency, a capacitor and a resis-
loops, used in position transducer circuits, the LM2907, tor. Any one of these may be used as the input variable or
LM2917 devices can also be used as position transducers. they may be used in combination to produce multiplication.
For example, the timing resistor can be removed from pin 3 An example of a capacitive transducer is illustrated in Figure
so that the output current produces a staircase instead of a 20, where a fixed input frequency is employed either from
fixed dc level. If the magnetic pickup senses passing notch- the 60 Hz line as a convenient source or from a stable oscil-
es or items, a staircase signal is generated which can then lator. The capacitor is a variable element mechanically cou-
be compared with a reference to initiate a switching action pled to the system whose position is to be sensed. The
when a specified count is reached. For example, Figure 19 output is proportional to the capacitance value, which can
shows a circuit which will count up a hundred input pulses be arranged to have any desired relationship to the me-
and then switch on the output stage. Examples of this appli- chanical input by suitable shaping of the capacitor elec-
cation can be found in automated packaging operations or trodes.
in line printers.

TL/H/7451 – 35
FIGURE 18. Motor Speed Control


TL/H/7451 – 37
FIGURE 19. Staircase Counter

TL/H/7451 – 38
FIGURE 20. Capacitive Transducer

Analog Systems Building Block The linearity of voltage controlled oscillators can be im-
The LM2907, LM2917 series characterize systems building proved by employing the LM2907 as a feedback control ele-
block applications by the feature that the output from the ment converting the frequency back to voltage and compar-
device is proportional only to externally programmed inputs. ing with the input voltage. This can often be a lower cost
Any or all of these inputs may be controlled inputs to pro- solution to linearizing the VCO than by working directly on
vide the desired output. For example, in Figure 20 the ca- the VCO itself in the open loop mode. The arrangement is
pacitance transducer can be operated as a multiplier. In illustrated in Figure 22.
flow measurement indicators, the input frequency can be a
variable depending on the flow rate, such as a signal gener-
ated from a paddle wheel, propeller or vortex sensor4. The
capacitor can be an indication of orifice size or aperture
size, such as in a throttle body. The product of these two will
indicate volume flow. A thermistor could be added to R1 to
convert the volume flow to mass flow. So a combination of
these inputs, including control voltage on the supply, can be
used to provide complex multiplicative analog functions with
independent control of the variables.
Phase-locked loops (PLL) are popular today now that low
cost monolithic implementations are available off the shelf. TL/H/7451 – 40
One of their limitations is the narrow capture range and FIGURE 22. Feedback Controlled VCO
hold-in range. The LM2907 can be employed as a PLL help-
Digital Interface
er. The configuration is shown in Figure 21. The LM2907
here serves the function of a frequency-to-voltage converter A growing proportion of the complex control systems today
which puts the VCO initially at approximately the right fre- are being controlled by microprocessors and other digital
quency to match the input frequency. The phase detector is devices. Frequently they require inputs to indicate position
then used to close the gap between VCO and input frequen- or time from some mechanical input. The LM2907 can be
cy by exerting a control on the summing point. In this way, used to provide zero crossing datum to a digital system us-
given proper tracking between the frequency-to-voltage ing the circuits illustrated in Figure 23. At each zero crossing
converter and the VCO, (which is a voltage-to-frequency of the input signal the charge pump changes the state of
converter), a wide-range phase loop can be developed. capacitor C1 and provides a one-shot pulse into the zener
diode at pin 3. The width of this pulse is controlled by the
internal current of pin 2 and the size of capacitor C1 as well
as by the supply voltage. Since a pulse is generated by each
zero crossing of the input signal we call this a ‘‘two-shot’’
instead of a ‘‘one-shot’’ device and this can be used for
doubling the frequency that is presented to the microproc-
essor control system. If frequency doubling is not required
and a square wave output is preferred, the circuit of Figure
24 can be employed. In this case, the output swing is the
same as the swing on pin 2 which is a swing of half supply
voltage starting at 1 VBE below one quarter of supply and
TL/H/7451 – 39 going to 1 VBE below three-quarters of supply. This can be
FIGURE 21. Phase-Locked Loop Helper increased up to the full output swing capability by reducing
Added f to V Greatly Increases Capture and Hold Range or removing the negative feedback around the op amp.

The staircase generator shown in Figure 19 can be used as turned to the processor. When the voltage on C2 steps
an A-D converter. A suitable configuration is shown in Fig- above the analog input voltage the data line is clamped and
ure 25. To start a convert cycle the processor generates a C2 ceases to charge. The processor, by counting the num-
reset pulse to discharge the integrating capacitor C2. Each ber of clock pulses received after the reset pulse, is thus
complete clock cycle generates a charge and discharge cy- loaded with a digital measure of the input voltage. By mak-
cle on C1. This results in two steps per cycle being added to ing C2/C1 e 1024 an 8-bit A-D is obtained.
C2. As the voltage on C2 increases, clock pulses are re-

TL/H/7451 – 42
Pulse width e c
2 I2

Input can be g 20 mV to g 28V TL/H/7451 – 41

Output frequency equal twice input frequency. Pulse width e c Pulse height e VZENER
2 I2
FIGURE 23. ‘‘Two-Shot’’ Zero Crossing Detector

TL/H/7451 – 44

TL/H/7451 – 43
FIGURE 24. Zero Crossing Detector and Line Drivers

TL/H/7451 – 46

TL/H/7451 – 45
FIGURE 25. A-D Converter

Anti-Skid Circuit Functions amp/comparator is connected with negative feedback with
Motor Vehicle Standards 121 place certain stopping require- a diode in the loop so that the amplifier can only pull down
ments on heavy vehicles which require the use of electronic on the load and not pull up. In this way, the outputs from the
anti-skid control devices.5 These devices generally use vari- two devices can be joined together and the output will be
able reluctance magnetic pickup sensors on the wheels to the lower of the two input speeds. In Figure 27 the output
provide inputs to a control module. One of the questions emitter of the onboard op amp provides the pullup required
which the systems designer must answer is whether to use to provide a select-high situation where the output is equal
the average from each of the two wheels on a given axle or to the higher of two speeds. The select average circuit in
to use the lower of the two speeds or to use the higher of Figure 28 saves components by allowing the two charge
the two speeds. Each of the three functions can be generat- pumps to operate into a single RC network. One of the am-
ed by a single pair of LM2907-8 as illustrated in Figures 26– plifiers is needed then to buffer the output and provide a low
28. In Figure 26 the input frequency from each wheel sensor impedance output which is the average of the two input fre-
is converted to a voltage in the normal manner. The op quencies. The second amplifier is available for other appli-

TL/H/7451 – 47

VOUT is proportional to the lower of the

two input wheel speeds

TL/H/7451 – 48
FIGURE 26. ‘‘Select-Low’’ Circuit

TL/H/7451 – 49

VOUT is proportional to the higher of the

two input wheel speeds

TL/H/7451 – 50

FIGURE 27. ‘‘Select-High’’ Circuit

TL/H/7451 – 51
FIGURE 28. ‘‘Select-Average’’ Circuit

Transmission and Clutch Control Functions CONCLUSION
Electric clutches can be added to automotive transmissions The applications presented in this note indicate that the
to eliminate the 6% slip which typically occurs during cruise LM2907, LM2917 series devices offer a wide variety of uses
and which results in a 6% loss in fuel economy. These de- ranging from very simple low cost frequency to voltage con-
vices could be operated by a pair of LM2907’s as illustrated version to complex systems building blocks. It is hoped that
in Figure 29. Magnetic pickups are connected to input and the ideas contained here have given suggestions which may
output shafts of the transmission respectively and provide help provide new solutions to old problems. Additional appli-
frequency inputs f1 and f 2 to the circuit. Frequency, f2, be- cations ideas are included in the data sheet, which should
ing the output shaft speed, is also a measure of vehicle road be referred to for all specifications and characteristics.
speed. Thus the LM2907-8 No. 2 provides a voltage propor-
tional to road speed at pin 3. This is buffered by the op amp
in LM2907-8 No. 1 to provide a speed output VOUT1 on pin 1. Sociey of Automotive Engineers: Preliminary Recom-
4. The input shaft provides charge pulses at the rate of 2f1 mended Environmental Practices for Electronic Equip-
into the inverting node of op amp 2. This node has the inte- ment Design. October 1974.
grating network R1, C3 going back to the output of the op 2. See for example: Pollution Control Installers HandbookÐ
amp so that the charge pulses are integrated and provide California Bureau of Automotive Repair No. BAR H-001 õ
an inverted output voltage proportional to the input speed. 5.5.4 NOX control systems.
Thus the output VOUT2 is proportional to the difference be- 3. TRW Globe Motors, 2275 Stanley Avenue, Dayton, Ohio
tween the two input frequencies. With these two signalsÐ 45404.
the road speed and the difference between road speed and
4. S.A.E. Paper Ý760018 Air Flow Measurement for Engine
input shaft speedÐit is possible to develop a number of
ControlÐRobert D. Joy.
control functions including the electronic clutch and a com-
plete electronic transmission control. (In the configuration 5. Code of Federal Regulations. Title 49 Transportation;
shown, it is not possible for VOUT2 to go below zero so that Chapter VÐNational Highway Traffic Safety Administra-
there is a limitation to the output swing in this direction. This tion, Dept. of Transportation; Part 571ÐFederal Motor
may be overcome by returning R3 to a negative bias supply Vehicle Safety Standards; Standard No. 121.
instead of to ground.)

VOUT1 e VCC C2 R2 f2
VOUT2 e VCC (C2 R2 f2 b C1 R1 f1)
TL/H/7451 – 52
FIGURE 29. Transmission or Clutch Control Functions

LM2907 Tachometer/Speed Switch Building Block Applications



1. Life support devices or systems are devices or 2. A critical component is any component of a life
systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant support device or system whose failure to perform can
into the body, or (b) support or sustain life, and whose be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life
failure to perform, when properly used in accordance support device or system, or to affect its safety or
with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can effectiveness.
be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury
to the user.

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