Bahan Ajar ING-W-XII-Procedure Text About Food and Bevarage

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English Learning Material

Bahasa Inggris Wajib Kelas XII

Learning Objective (Tujuan Pembelajaran):
1. Students can identify the social function and text structure in procedure text about Food and
Beverage (Peserta didik dapat menentukan fungsi sosial dan struktur teks pada teks prosedur
tentang makanan dan minuman)
2. Students can arrange a procedure text about Food and Beverage (Peserta didik dapat menyusun
teks prosedur tentang makanan dan minuman)


 Teks prosedur tentang makanan dan minuman

1. Goal
“How to Make a Vegetable Salad with Peanut Sauce”.
2. Materials
Ingredients: Ingredients for Sauce:
1. 2 Potatoes – cut into quarters and boiled 1. 100 g fried peanut
2. 2 eggs – boiled and cut into quarters 2. 1 clove garlic
3. Bean sprouts – blanched 3. 1 teaspoon shrimp paste
4. Long Beans – cut into 2 inch long, 4. 2 red chili peppers
blanched 5. 1 teaspoon brown sugar
5. Firm Tofu – pan fried/baked and cut into 6. ½ teaspoon tamarind pulp
cubes 7. ½ teaspoon of lime juice
6. Tempeh – cut into slice and pan 8. Salt to taste
fried/baked 9. 1 cup hot water, depending on desired
7. Spinach – blanched and roughly chopped thickness.
8. Cabbage – blanched and thinly sliced
9. Cucumber – cut into cubes
10. Chayote – boiled

Utensils that we need:

1. Pot (panci)
2. Colander (sarangan/saringan/tempat nasi yang berlubang-lubang)
3. Mortar and Pestle (penumbuk dan lesung)
4. Serving dish (Piring penyajian)
5. Slotted spoon (centong/suduk/sedok besar)

3. Steps
1. Place fried peanut, garlic, brown sugar, chilies, and shrimp paste in a mortar. Grind with
pestle until everything is well mixed. Remove into a mixing bowl.
2. Add tamarind juice, lime juice, and half cup of water. Stir well and add more water to get
to the consistency of peanut sauce that you like.
3. Boil separatedly the cabbage, long beans, spinach and bean sprouts, potato and egg,
than put aside.
4. Blanched the rest of the vegetable and egg in boiling water and remove with slotted
5. Place a portion of each salad ingredient onto a serving plate/bowl. Serve the peanut
sauce and mix well. It can be eaten warm or cold.
Vocabulary (Kosakata):
 Cut : potong  Taste: mencicipi / merasakan  Lime juice: air jeruk nipis
 Slice: iris  Chop: cincang  Thinkness: kekentalan
 Boil: rebus  Put aside: letakan terpisah  Grind: giling/haluskan
 Blanch: dicelupkan ke air panas  Serve: menghidangkan / sajikan  Mix: campur
 Fry: goreng  Clove garlic: siung bawang putih  Remove: angkat
 Bake: panggang  Shrimp paste: pasta  Add: tambahkan
 Roast: bakar  Chili peppers: lada cabe  Stir: aduk
 Cube: kotak-kotak  Tamarind pulp: daging biji asem  Slot: masukan

Conlcusion (Kesimpulan):
A procedure text aims at describing how something is done or made through a
sequence of actions or steps.

Dalam Procedure Text menggunakan Imperative sentence yang merupakan tipe kalimat yang
digunakan untuk membuat perintah (command), permintaan (request), atau petunjuk
(direction). Nah, kata imperative yang digunakan dalam procedural text di atas seperti
kata place (tempatkan), grind (haluskan), add (tambahkan), boil (rebuskan), dan lain-lain

These are the steps to make lemonade, except …..

A. Add some seeds
B. Add water and stir well
C. Add some sugar if needed
D. Slice a lemon into two pieces and squeeze the juice into a cup
Jawaban: A
Pembahasan: Untuk membuat lemonade kita perlu melakukan beberapa tahapan seperti
memotong lemon menjadi 2 bagian, menambahkan air dan mengaduknya hingga tercampur
rata serta menambahkan gula bila perlu. Namun, kita tidak bisa “add some seeds” atau
menambahkan biji lemon melainkan harus membuangnya atau “take out the seeds”.
Students’ Worksheet (Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik)
* Answer the following questions by referring to the text about photoshop above!
The procedure text for questions number 1-2
A quick and easy cheese cake recipe
Yield : 6 servings
Prep. Time :5 minutes
Cook Time : 40 minutes
Total Time : 45 minutes

16 ounces cream cheese, 2 packages, softened
½ cup sugar
½ teaspoon vanilla
2 large eggs
4 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 prepared Graham cracker crust

Beat cream cheese, sugar and vanilla at medium speed until well-blended. Blend in 2 eggs. Stir
in chocolate chips then pour batter into Graham cracker chust. (you may sprinkle ¼ cup mini
semi sweet chocolate chips on top if you desire).
Bake at 35calcius for 40 minutes, or until certer is almost set. Cool.
For best results refrigerate for 3 hours.

1. How many persons is the cake for?

A. 2 C. 6. E. 12
B. 5 D. 10

2. The goal of the text is to tell about . . . . .

A. how to beat cream cheese D. how make chocolate cheese cake.
B. how to blend sugar and vanilla E. how to make mini sweet chocolate chips
C. how to bake chocolate cheese and cake

The Procedure Text for question number 3 – 6

How to make a Cheese Omelet

1 egg, 50 g cheese, 1 cup milk, 3 tablespoons cooking oil, a pinch of salt and pepper.
Frying pan, fork, spatula, cheese-grater, bowl, and plate.

• Crack the egg into a bowl
• Whisk the egg with a fork until it’s smooth
• Add milk and whisk well
• Grate the cheese into the bowl and stir
• Heat the oil in frying pan
• Turn the omelet with spatula and cook both sides
• Place on a plate, season with salt and pepper
3. The text tells us about……
A. how long to make any kind of food D. methods of making omelet.
B. ingredients of making omelet E. how to eat a cheese omelet
C. utensils of making omelet

4. The followings are methods of making a cheese omelet, except…..

A. cracking the egg D. cheese-grater.
B. whisking the egg E. heating the oil
C. adding milk

5. How much cheese do we need to make a cheese omelet?

A. one gram
B. three grams
C. five grams
D. fifteen
E. fifty grams.

6. ……is a tool with a flat flexible blade used for mixing and spreading.
A. Pan
B. Fork
C. Spatula.
D. Plate
E. Cheese-grater

The Procedure Text for question number 7 – 10

Recipe for French Toast

You are going to need:

4 pieces of bread
1 spoon of sugar
2 eggs
A quarter of a cup of milk

Before you start to cook, you have to read the recipe.

Now you can get ready. After you read the recipe, put everything on the counter.
When everything is ready, break the eggs, pour a quarter of the milk in the bowl, then add a
small spoon of sugar. Mix the eggs, milk and sugar.
Next, put a piece of bread in the bowl with the eggs, milk and sugar. Turn over the bread.
Now, put some butter in the pan. Turn on the stove. When the pan is hot, take the bread out of
the bowl and put it into the pan. After you cook one side of the bread, cook the other side. After
you finish the first place of the bread, cook the other pieces. Now you have French toast!

7. The purpose of the text is ……..

A. to describe French toast
B. to explain about French toast
C. to tell the reader how to make French toast.
D. to entertain the reader with French toast
E. to persuade the reader to make French toast
8. Who is the text better addressed to?
A. An expert chef
B. A student learning at home
C. A husband left by his wife
D. A mother at home.
E. A boy/girl left by his /her mother

9. “Before you start to cook, you have to read the recipe.” The underlined word means …….
A. a set of learning instruction
B. a written statement that one has received money
C. a written statement that one has received something.
D. a doctor’s written order for a particular medicine
E. a set of cooking instruction.

10. “You are going to need.” The expression and what it follows belong to …..
A. event
B. steps
C. materials.
D. purpose
E. orientation

The Procedure Text for question number 11 – 13

How to Make Starfruit Punch

• 250 gr yellow starfruit in slices
• 100 ml water 2 spoonful of vanilla
• 8 teaspoonful of lemonade extract Procedure
• Put slices of starfruit and water in the blender. Wait until it’s soft. Skim it.
• Add syrup, lemonade extract, and soda water. Stir thoroughly.
• Pour it in the glass and put in the ice cubes.

11. What is the text about?

A. How to make starfruit punch.
B. The ingredients of starfruit punch
C. How to use blender
D. How to stir thoroughly
E. How to slice starfruit

12. …..lemonade extract and soda water. Stir thoroughly. The word “stir“ means….
A. to make smooth
B. to boil
C. to cut
D. to make dry
E. to move an object in order to mix it.

13. Which of the following procedures is true?

A. Put slices of starfruit in the glass
B. Put ice cubes in the blender
C. Skim two spoonful of vanilla
D. Skim the slices of starfruit and water which have already been softened.
E. Wait until the ice cubes are melted
* Searching the other procedure text about Food and Beverage! (carilah teks prosedur lainnya tentang
makanan dan minuman)

1. Goal (tujuan)
2. Materials (bahan-bahan), di sini juga dapat berupa Ingredients (Bahan Makanan-
Minuman) dan Utensil (Alat / Perlengkapan Masak)
3. Steps (langkah-langkah)

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