Evaluation: May Cristie A. Orozco

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Prepared by:

May Cristie A. Orozco

Curriculum Evaluation

This course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the

curriculum evaluation process, including alternative approaches to and critical
issues involved in planning and conducting learning curriculum evaluations. The
course will explore essential processes of, and critical skills required for:
evaluation planning, analysis, design; and the development of appropriate
instruments/tools & strategies for conducting evaluations (formative, in-
process, & summative). Students will also get the opportunity to critically
examine the design, quality, value, benefits, and lessons learned from a sample
set of evaluation studies.

Direction: Encircle the best answer to the given question

1. Which of the following is the purpose of curriculum evaluation?
a. To improve curriculum product
b. To determine its value and worth
c. To identify weakness and strength
d. To support student to become environmentally responsible.

2. Curriculum evaluation provides information necessary for______________.

a. School managers
b. Curriculum specialist
c. Teachers
d. All of the above

3. A school’s curriculum committee conducts an evaluation of curriculum guide and lesson plans.
What intent of curriculum evaluation is involved?
a. Improvement of materials
b. Appraisal of curricular attainments
c. Determine the task of implementers
d. None of them

4. According to _______________, “The process of determining to what extent the educational

objectives are actually being realized.”
a. Sigmund Freud
b. Michael Scriven
c. John Johnson
d. Tyler
5. The ways of evaluation are the following except;
a. School enhance evaluation
b. School based evaluation
c. Accreditation evaluation
d. None of the above

Key to Correction

1. B and c
2. D
3. A
4. D
5. A

Performance Standard

Objective: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
a. acquire clear understanding of what is curriculum evaluation

b. explains the need to evaluate the curriculum and how it’s being done; and

c. compares and contrast the different models of curriculum evaluation

How to Learn from this Module

- Take time to understand and read the lessons carefully
- Follow the directions and or instructions in the activities and exercises diligently
- Answer all the given test and activity.

Activity 1. Fill me in!!!

Direction: Fill in the missing letter to complete the word

1. S_H_O_
2. T_LER



According to Tyler, 1950 “The process of determining to what extent the

educational objectives are actually being realized.”

According to Scriven, 1991 “Evaluation is the process of determining merit,worth, or

significance; an evaluation is the product of that process.

In 1967 he introduced this evaluation among many others when education products flooded the
market. Consumers of educational products which are needed to support an implemented
curriculum often use consumer-oriented evaluation. These products are used in schools which
require purchasing decision. These products include textbooks, modules, educational
technology like software’s and other instructional materials. Even teachers and schools
themselves nowadays write and produce these materials for their own purposes.


Curriculum evaluation as part of total educational evaluation refers to a systematic process of

judging the value, effectiveness and adequacy of a curriculum: its process, product and setting
will lead of informed decision.

Evaluation should be useful and systematic. The information gathered are important for
the improvement and final judgment of the curriculum being evaluated. From the stand
point of classroom evaluation, it is the systematic process of collecting, analyzing and
interpreting information to determine the extent to which the pupils are achieving instructional

Curriculum Evaluation provides information;

a. Directly to the learner for guidance

b. Directly to the teacher for orientation of the next
instruction activities.
c. Directly to external agencies for their assessment of school.

Two ways of Curriculum evaluation

1. School based Evaluation

2. Accreditation
School-Based Evaluation

- Is an approach to curriculum evaluation 

    which places the content, design, 
    operation, and maintenance of 
    evaluation procedure in the hands of the 
    school personnel.  

  - The school personnel 

    participate in the planning and conduct 
    of school evaluation activities. 

  - It is a participative evaluation where the control 

    and management of the process rest on 
    the school personnel themselves. 

Some Advantages of School Based evaluation includes the following;

1. Accountability is shared by all, hence bias and conflicts are minimized.

2. School personnel develop evaluation skills.
3. The real concerns of the school community are addressed by the evaluation.
4. Broad participation of school personnel provides opportunities for building school
5. Provides reliable and valid information on curriculum, resources and general school


Accreditation is viewed as a quality assurance process under which services and operations of
educational institution or programs are evaluated and verified by an external accrediting body,
to determine whether applicable and recognized standards are met.

Seeks an independent judgment to confirm that it substantially achieves its objectives and
generally equal in quality to comparable institutions. If standards are met, accredited status is
granted by the appropriate agency.

Reasons for Curriculum Evaluation

Here are some of the specific reasons.

a. Needs Assessment

Curriculum evaluation defines the strengths and weaknesses of an existing curriculum that will
be the basis of the intended plan, design or implementation.

b. Monitoring

When evaluation is done in the middle of the curriculum development, it will tell if the designed
or implemented curriculum can produce or is producing the desired results.

c. Terminal Assessment

Based on some standards, curriculum evaluation will guide whether the results have
equaled or exceeded the standards, thus can be labelled as success.

d. Decision Making

Curriculum evaluation provides information necessary for teachers, school managers,

curriculum specialist for policy recommendations that will enhance achieved learning outcomes

Activity 2.

Direction: After reading the modules about Curriculum Evaluation, write a Reflection about
disadvantages and advantages of this strategy amidst global pandemic that affects education.
Minimum of 500 words.

Curriculum Development

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