Design of Paddy Collecting Machine

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The key takeaways are that a simple vacuum-powered paddy collecting machine was designed using locally available materials to reduce time and labor costs in collecting harvested paddy.

The aim of designing this paddy collecting machine was to reduce time consumption, require low manpower, and use a simple vacuum mechanism.

The main components of the machine are the cylinder for collecting paddy using vacuum pressure, hooks to hold collection bags, and four wheels for mobility.

Extended Abstract

Annals of Clinical Trials and Vaccines Research


Abisha M V, Bavanya S, Deenadayalan V

Shakthi Technology, India

viii. To reduce the production time
A simple mobile vacuum engine-driven pneumatic paddy collector made of locally
available materials using local manufacturing technology was designed, fabricated, and Owing to significant development of sun drying as a socially accepted technology and its
tested for collecting and bagging of paddy dried on concrete pavement. possibility of development through mechanization, he also added that continuous
The project “Vacuum collector for bagging of paddy” is designed at the aim of time efforts have to be undertaken to conduct development studies of local machinery based
consumption, low man power and with simple vacuum mechanism. ICE farming in the on the appropriate features of existing commercial machinery from
Philippines took a complete turn when modern technologies were introduced which developed countries and emerging economies.
include the adoption of high yielding varieties, application of inorganic fertilizer, better
crop pest control, water management, and other improved farming practices. It is for this reason that this research was undertaken to design, fabricate a pneumatic
Paddy is collected in the cylinder at a certain suction pressure by using vacuum. This paddy collector out of local material using locally manufacturing technology and man
principle is based on industrial vacuum cleaners. This is a batch type machine and so the power that would help farmers, rice traders and millers to contribute to the reduction of
suction and collection is done at separate pressures. The paddy can be collected in sack losses, save time, labor, and cost of collecting and bagging.
placed in the hooks and need not be holded by the labour. The hose inlet can be 1.1 Industrial collaboration
attached to the sweeper and the machine can be pushed for suction. After the cylinder is
filled the suction is stopped and is collected. There are four wheels attached in the Bheem Industries is the leading industry for manufacturing of paddy bagging machine.
bottom and are rotating type. The wheels also contain lock to make the machine hold on The “Bheem Bagger” is a push type grain collecting machine used for cleaning and
in a particular place. collecting cereal crops like paddy, wheat corn, sesame, rape seed etc... and bagging
This can be used in post harvest technology for the collection of paddy in sun drying automatically. This machine is compact in structure, easy to be operated with automatic
process. This can also be used for collection of grains similar to paddy. cleaning, ascending and bagging. This machine is highly efficient and can collect up to 6
tons per hour. But the machine designed using vacuum pressure is very simple and
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION efficient. Paddy packing machine using vacuum is an evolution of Bheem bagger.
The project “Vacuum collector for bagging of paddy” is designed at the aim of time 1.2 Problem statement
consumption, low man power and with simple vacuum mechanism. ICE farming in the
Philippines took a complete turn when modern technologies were introduced which The cost of production of rice increasing due to several factors. Small and effective
include the adoption of high yielding varieties, application of inorganic fertilizer, better machines are to be developed by which manual labour can be replaced effectively. Also
crop pest control, water management, and other improved farming practices. the time required for processing reduces. Production cost can be controlled and
The immediate adoption of these new technologies was the result of a greater demand reduced by use of machines. Since only 2 persons can work at time which makes slow
to increase production to cope with the fast growing population of Filipinos which was work progress. 100% effective output result cannot be obtained. Continuous electricity
estimated to grow to 103 million by the year 2015 AD. The adoption of improved supply is needed.
production technology increases yield and likewise gives birth for new challenges on how 1.3 Justification
to deal or handle tons of wet paddy that need to be dried to maintain good rice quality,
storability and high commercial value. Drying is the process that reduces grain moisture Grains are automatically loaded into a dustpan by pushing the manual grain bagging
content to a level where it is safe for storage. Drying is the most critical operation after machine with hands, a hand wheel of a drive assembly is rotated so that a
harvesting a rice crop. Delays in drying, incomplete drying or ineffective drying reduce
grain quality and result in losses. gear can push a rack to move upwards at first and then move horizontally, and a stop
Drying and storage are related processes and can sometimes be combined in a piece of bar on the dustpan is blocked by a left arc baffle and a right arc baffle so that the
equipment. Storage of incompletely dried grain with moisture content higher than the dustpan can tilt to pour the grains into an opening bag. A simple manually operated
acceptable level leads to grain deterioration regardless of storage facility used. In grain collector and bagging had the following major components: frame, wheel, long
addition, the longer the desired grain storage period, the lower the required grain pipe, vertical stand frame (bars), horizontal bars, collector, and bag. Radial flat bladed
moisture content must be. Confronted by problems on drying, the government activated type base plate, slot bar, sweeping box, bagging area, frame and the conveyance
various agencies like the Department of Agriculture (DA), National Food Authority (NFA), system. Results showed significant differences on the collecting capacity, and noise
Philippine Rice Research Institute (PHILRICE), level. Other parameters such as collecting efficiency, air velocity, augmented cracked
grain percentage.
Philippine Center for Postharvest Development and Mechanization (PHILMECH), and 1.4 Objectives
other institutions to take steps to ease the problems. To date with all the postharvest
technologies being developed and offered by the government, there are gray areas in The main objective of this project work is to design and develop a manually operated
the postharvest aspect of drying paddy that should harmonize with the practice of small grain collector that can be easily manufactured locally from available local materials and
farmers as well as big rice millers and traders. Several drying technologies were low cost it will replace the old traditional process. A manually operated grain collector
introduced to farmers, big rice millers and traders. developed with major list of objectives.
Nowadays every packaging machine is being atomized thus it necessary to develop • To fabricate and assemble the designed grain collector.
paddy packaging machine for following reasons. • Grain collector is small machinery for efficient collection of all types of small
i. To achieve high efficiency size grins.
• The machine has a simple construction and is light in weight which makes it
ii. To reduce the cost easy to handle.
• To minimize manpower and reduce the hard work.
iii. To reduce time consumption • To minimize the time for collecting.

iv. To reduce the mechanisms involved

1.5 Scopes of the project
v. To bring up easy man-handling machine i. To achieve high efficiency
ii. To reduce the cost
vi. To achieve portable machine
iii. To reduce time consumption
vii. To reduce fatigue of workers

International Conference on Clinical Microbiology and Immunology 2020 | Volume 3 Issue 1

Extended Abstract
Annals of Clinical Trials and Vaccines Research
efficiently store rotational energy. It smoothens the power output of an energy source.
1.6 Advantages It consists of 4 sprockets and two shafts. The first shafts carry one smaller sprocket and
i. Manually operated, no fuel and electricity a larger sprocket, the smaller sprocket is connected to the larger sprocket on the bicycle
ii. Ease of operation and the larger sprocket transfer motion to the smaller sprocket on the second shaft. The
iii. Single user is sufficient second sprocket on shaft is connected to the sprocket at the drum hence transfer
iv. Single time investment and life time validity motion to the drum. The second shaft also provides reciprocating motion on the screen
v. Reduces the mechanisms involvement which helps in paddy grains agitation. The following design parameters were
determined; the size of the shaft to carry the sprocket, the size and type of the bearing,
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE the rotational speed (rpm) of each shaft and the twist angle on the shafts

Introduction Johntson. W (2009) designed a simple mobile engine-driven pneumatic paddy collector
In this chapter, we present a collection of published information, materials on paddy made of locally available materials using local manufacturing technology was designed,
collecting machine related areas of research, such as books and journal articles. This fabricated, and tested for collecting and bagging of paddy dried on concrete pavement.
review identifies, evaluates and synthesis the relevant literature. It shows how The pneumatic paddy collector had the following major components: radial flat bladed
knowledge has developed within the field, highlighting what has already been done, type centrifugal fan, power transmission system, bagging area, frame and the
what is generally accepted, what is emerging and what is the current state of the paddy conveyance system. Results showed significant differences on the collecting capacity,
collecting machine. noise level, and fuel consumption when rotational speed of the air mover shaft was
varied. Other parameters such as collecting efficiency, air velocity, augmented cracked
grain percentage, and germination rate were not significantly affected by varying
2.1 Study of paddy collector
rotational speed of the air mover shaft. The pneumatic paddy collector had a collecting
Anbarasan.b (2004) stated that the main objective of this study was to design and
efficiency of 99.33% with a collecting capacity of 2685.00kg/h at maximum rotational
fabricate a hand operated pedal powered thresher for threshing, separating, and
speed of centrifugal fan shaft of about 4200rpm. The machine entailed an investment
cleaning rice paddies. The major components of the machine include threshing,
cost of P 62,829.25. The break-even weight of paddy was 510,606.75kg/yr at a collecting
separation and cleaning units. Threshing operation is achieved by rotational motion of a
cost of 0.11 P/kg of paddy. Utilizing the machine for 400 hours per year generated an
cylinder fitted with beater spikes above a stationary grid which results in the removal of
income of P 23,887.73. The projected time needed to recover cost of the machine based
the paddies from the bulk straws. After being beaten out, the grains fall into the cleaning
on 2685kg/h collecting capacity was
unit which consists of a sieve that undergoes a reciprocating motion. The machine is
2.63 year.
simple, less bulky and the ergonomic consideration in the design allows for comfortable
Macmillan ochieng (2014) took a complete turn when modern technologies were
use and can easily be operated by either male or female. The designed and fabricated
introduced which include the adoption of high yielding varieties, application of inorganic
pedal powered paddy thresher fitted with winnowing equipment substantially reduces
fertilizer, better crop pest control, water management, and other improved farming
human drudgery in threshing at an affordable cost and also reduces the time used for
practices. The immediate adoption of these new technologies was the result of a greater
threshing operation on small farms. Threshing was efficient for moisture content
demand to increase production to cope with the fast growing population of Filipinos
between 20% and 23%. Total power required by the machine was 84 watts operating at
which was estimated to grow to 103 million by the year 2015 AD. The adoption of
400 rpm. This power is
improved production technology increases yield and likewise gives birth for new
challenges on how to deal or handle tons of wet paddy that need to be dried to
produced through human operated pedal mechanism. Performance test revealed that
maintain good rice quality, storability and high
the efficiency of the machine was 92% with a through put of 90 kg per hour.
Clapp. D (2007) designed to reduce this dependency on importation, include decreased
commercial value. Drying is the process that reduces grain moisture content to a level
consumption which is not a viable option, increasing tariffs on imported rice, increasing
where it is safe for storage. Drying is the most critical operation after harvesting a rice
the area under current cultivation, increasing productivity and proper post-harvest
crop. Delays in drying, incomplete drying or ineffective drying reduce grain quality and
practices to minimize loss and improve quality. Majority of farmers in Kenya grow rice in
result in losses. Drying and storage are related processes and can sometimes be
small scale, they therefore lack enough capacity to acquire appropriate equipment such
combined in a piece of equipment (in- store drying). Storage of incompletely dried grain
as combine harvesters to be used for threshing. They therefore resort to manual means
with moisture content higher than the acceptable level leads to grain deterioration
of threshing rice like: smashing ears of rice with hard objects to separate the paddies
regardless of storage facility used. In addition, the longer the desired grain storage
from the ears or straws, sometimes pedal operated threshing drums are employed in
period, the lower the required grain moisture content must be. Confronted by problems
fairly big farms, or even driving trucks or tractors on the un-threshed rice. Manual
on drying, the government activated various agencies like the Department of Agriculture
threshing is tedious, time consuming and above all results in too much post-harvest
(DA), National Food Authority (NFA), Philippine Rice Research Institute (PHILRICE),
losses which can be in the range of 1-15%. According to Earth trend, postharvest food
Philippine Center for Postharvest Development and Mechanization (PHILMECH), and
loss translates not only to human hunger and financial losses to farmers but also results
other institutions to take steps to ease the problems. To date with all the postharvest
in tremendous environmental wastes. In Kenya, rice production has remained low both
technologies being developed and offered by the government, there are gray areas in
in quantity and quality because of the inefficient production and processing techniques.
the postharvest aspect of drying paddy that should harmonize with the practice of small
This research was conducted to determine ways of reducing post-harvest losses and
farmers as well as big rice millers and traders.
tediousness resulting from traditional methods of rice threshing. The study involved
designing of a pedal powered thresher from scrap metals and affordable power
transmission element and to make the whole system affordable to the small scale 2.3 Performance of paddy collector
farmers. Muhammed Swaleh (2016) stated that several drying technologies were introduced to
Emmanuel. B (2009) before designing the CAD model, it was essential to consider various farmers, big rice millers and traders. The rate of return from sun drying operation is high
components necessary for the designing such as; threshing drum size and speed, power while the rate of return from the best mechanical dryers available in the country is low.
required for threshing and frame design. Among the threshing methods, the threshing of Farmers unanimously use sun drying and none adopts mechanical dryers. In the light of
grain through impact force at an average speed (350 to 500 rpm) provide minimum seed this development and present practices, it is obvious that sun drying will stay as one of
damage. Therefore, threshing of rice the technologies in the Philippines. Angeles cited the inappropriateness of imported
technologies over the country‟s socio-economic conditions had created awareness of
developing our own equipment and machine out of local materials using locally
paddies is based on the principle of impact force generated by beating action of the
spikes. The main design considerations for the entire machine include; dried rice paddy
suitable for threshing by this machine should have moisture content of 20% to 23% to
ease the removal of the paddy grain from the stalk, overall height of the machine to technologies and manpower. Owing to significant development of sun drying as a
facilitate ease of operation by a rural farmer of average height, overall width and socially accepted technology and its possibility of development through mechanization,
breadth of the machine for purposes of storage space in the rural farmers granaries, he also added that continuous efforts have to be undertaken to conduct development
weight of the equipment for easy portability during operation on and off farm, the studies of local machinery based on the appropriate features of existing commercial
material to be used to be cheap and easily available to peasant farmers and the material machinery from developed countries and emerging economies. It is for this reason that
should be strong for machine durability and should not rust resistant or if otherwise be this research was undertaken to design, fabricate a pneumatic paddy collector out of
painted.The machine has the five main components that have to be designed and be local material using locally manufacturing technology and man power that would help
fabricated accurately for its efficient working. These are: the threshing unit, power farmers, rice traders and millers to contribute to the reduction of losses, save time,
transmission system, screening unit and a collecting unit. labor, and cost of collecting and bagging.
Sharan. K (2014) said that the traditional sundrying method of a paddy is still widely
practiced by most farmers. The practice includes hauling of a paddy in bags to the drying
2.2 Collector profile
area, spreading out the paddy in the drying floor using wide board, then evened and
Helen Gavanio. F (2006) said that this is a mechanical device specifically designed to
slightly furrowed with wooden rakes. Mixing and turning the paddy are done regularly

International Conference on Clinical Microbiology and Immunology 2020 | Volume 3 Issue 1

Extended Abstract
Annals of Clinical Trials and Vaccines Research
to ensure that the paddy is dried evenly. After drying, the paddy is piled using a wooden the results obtained in the preceding section regarding the decrease of collecting
board. After wards, the paddy is placed into a bag using a metal scoop (Panake). All of capacity when operated at 3800 to 4000 rpm, again the same scenario was observed on
the above operations are done manually consuming too much time and effort. Collecting collecting efficiency of the machine. Consistency in operating the suction nozzle might
and bagging operation is considered one of the difficult tasks in sundrying. This study be the reason of a slight decrease in the collecting efficiency when the machine was
was then conceptualized by looking into existing designs of pneumatic conveyor from operated from 3800 to 4000 rpm. Analysis of variance revealed that the collecting
developed, emerging and developing countries that could replace manual bagging and efficiency of the machine was not significant as influenced by rotational speed of air
collecting of paddy on concrete pavement during sundrying. Based on the results, good mover shaft. Results of study support the claim of Walinga incorporated that flat suction
features of the existing design were considered for adoption, adaptation, and nozzle was effective and efficient in collecting grain left over the floor of silos that
simplification to come up with the prototype machine. Design requirements satisfying cannot be collected by round suction nozzle.
local condition were identified. Design data then were based on market information of Terestio (2006) conducted a study to design, fabricate, and evaluate the performance of
available parts and components of machine. Based on design requirements and design mobile engine pneumatic paddy collector. It aimed to evaluate the operating
data, a design drawing was prepared. Fabricated characteristic of the machine, evaluate the quality of grain collected in terms of
augmented crack grain percentage and germination rate, and perform
prototype was subjected to evaluation to determine its operating characteristics. The
suction nozzle is an important device in vacuum conveying system. The suction head was simple cost analysis. The machine was tested at varying rotational speed of air mover
flat. A gauge 16 galvanized iron sheet was used in the fabrication of the rectangular shaft (T1: 3800rpm, T2: 4000 rpm, T3: 4200 rpm) with three replicates arranged in
suction nozzle head. Downstream portion of the suction nozzle assembly was made of 80 completely randomized design. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine if
mm Ø PVC pipe. It was provided with a G. I. pipe handle and two 37.5 mm Ø plastic there were significant differences among means. Duncan‟s Multiple Range Test
wheels to regulate the suction depth during operation. A 75 mm diameter, 3 m long vinyl (DMRT) was used to determine which among the means would be significantly different
wire reinforced flexible hose was used as conveyance line from the suction nozzle from each other. The mobile engine-driven pneumatic paddy collector had the following
assembly to the air-paddy inlet of the cyclone separator. The air outlet at the top of the major components: power transmission system, air mover, conveyance system, bagging
cyclone separator was connected to the air inlet of the centrifugal fan using 100 mm area, and frame. Results of the performance test showed that the mobile engine-driven
vinyl wire reinforced flexible hose. pneumatic paddy collector had a mean collecting capacity of 2685.00 kg/h when
operated at air mover rotational speed of 4200 rpm having a collecting efficiency of
2.4 Collector profile 99.33 percent. The noise level produced by the machine significantly increased as the
Anbarasan. B (2004) stated that a cyclone separator was used as air-paddy separator of rotational speed of air mover shaft increased. The maximum air velocity at the inlet of
the machine. The cyclone separator included a 600 mm Ø x 300 mm high cylindrical and the suction nozzle of the machine was 13.05 m/s at 4200 rpm. The fuel consumption of
600 x 150 x 900 mm (upper diameter x lower diameter and height) conical truncated the machine significantly increased from 1.16 to 1.43 L/h from 3800 to 4200 rpm. The
housing. The cylindrical housing has a 100 mm Ø axial air outlet at the top, and a 100 x average augmented cracked grain percentage ranging from
100 mm tangential air-paddy inlet at the upper wall. The conical-shaped housing was 0.33 to 0.67 % did not differ from each other as affected by varying rotational speed of
provided with a paddy outlet at the bottom in communication with the inlet of check the air mover. The germination rate was statistically comparable at any rotational speed
valve and swing diverter assembly. The cyclone was made of gauge 16 galvanized iron of air mover shaft. The machine entailed an investment cost of P 62, 829.25; break-even
sheets. The cyclone separator was supported by angular bar welded to the main frame point of 510,606.75 kg/yr (P 56,166.74); annual generated income of P 23, 887.73 at a
and it was installed just above the bagging area of the machine. Check Valve and Paddy collecting cost of 0.11 P/kg. The projected time needed to recover cost of the machine
Diverter Assembly A swing diverter assembly was used to divert the flow of paddy into based on 2685 kg/h collecting capacity was 2.63 year.
two routes for continuous bagging during operation. The assembly was made of 2.3 mm Uday Prasad (2009) designed the process of creating a new product which has to be
thick mild steel plate, flange bearing attached to the side wall of the valve that supports accepted by the customers. In a broad concept, it is essentially the efficient and
the 12 mm Ø swing gate shaft, and 15 mm Ø G. I. pipe connected to the 25 x 6 mm effective generation and development of ideas through a process that leads to new
product. In a systematic approach, product designers will
flat bar arm of the swing gate shaft to actuate the swing gate in diverting the flow of
paddy during bagging operation. The check valve was made of 2.3 mm thick mild steel conceptualize and evaluate ideas, turning them into tangible inventions and products.
plate; the gate was made of rubber and 2.3 mm thick MS plate welded to a 12 mm The product designer's role is to combine art, science, and technology to create new
square bar; the square bar was connected to a level arm made of 6 mm x 25 mm flat bar, products so, that the consumers can use. To check the losses of agricultural grain crops
10 mm Ø x 75 mm bolt with nut and 6 mm thick 75 mm Ø circular plate; the lever arm in the field, it is needed to measure the amount of grains fall to the ground during
was connected to the round bar of the fabricated cylinder hinges made of G. I. pipe. harvest by combine. Separating the grains from the soil and collecting them from the
Sony Aquino (2009) designed the bagging section below the cyclone separator supports ground and in the groove of the land by hand and by holders is a hard work and time
two sacks to be filled with paddy alternately for continuous bagging during operation. It consuming to that is not precisely done. Hence the need for a machine to collect the
was made of a 2.3 mm thick mild steel plate welded from the top of a channel bar main grains in the field has been identified. The development of a growing population
frame. A framed wire mesh was provided between the flat base part of the bagging increases the need of food day by day. This project aims to design and fabrication of
section and the prime mover to protect the sack from the moving parts of the prime collecting and storing of grains by manually. Main objective behind designing and
mover and the power transmission system. A hook welded to the frame wire mesh and fabricating the bagging and collecting of grains is to reduce the human effort and also
the diverter valve was provided to hold the sack during bagging operation. The main reduce time taken for storing. This project mainly helpful to the former the problems
frame was fabricated using 75 mm channel bar and 6 x 40 mm angular bar cross faced by small scale farmers relating with availability of labors and cost of collecting and
members. Upper support frame connected to main frame was made of 6 x 40 mm storing finally It is also capable of reducing time wastage, reduction in breakage of the
angular bar. The main frame was provided with two swivel caster rear wheels and two grains.
solid rubber front wheels and 32 mm Ø G. I. pipe push handles for mobility. Principles of Victoeino. T (2014) made the traditional sun drying method of a paddy is still widely
Operation A 14.20-hp air cooled, four stroke cycle, single cylinder, direct injection high practiced by most farmers. The practice includes hauling of a paddy in bags to the drying
speed diesel engine provides power through the V-belt and pulley transmission system area, spreading out the paddy in the drying floor using wide board, then evened and
to drive the radial flat bladed centrifugal fan. The centrifugal fan provides suction to slightly furrowed with wooden rakes. Mixing and turning the paddy are done regularly
collect paddy without passing through the impeller of the fan. Paddy is collected and to ensure that the paddy is dried evenly. After drying, the paddy is piled using a wooden
conveyed by an intake air stream through the suction nozzle and flexible hose where it is board. After wards, the paddy is placed into a bag using a metal scoop (Panake). All of
drawn to the cyclone separator. When the air-paddy mixture enters the cyclone the above operations are done manually consuming too much time and effort.
separator, the paddy is separated from the air; the air is drawn to the inlet of the Collecting and bagging operation is considered one of the difficult tasks in sun drying.
centrifugal fan while the paddy falls down because of its weight and This study was then conceptualized by looking into existing designs of grain collector
good features of the existing design were considered for adoption, adaptation, and
centrifugal force which cause it to move outward toward the wall during its downward simplification to
helical travel. As the paddy approaches the wall, the velocity decreases because of wall
friction and the paddy settles into the bottom of the cyclone separator. The check valve come up with the prototype. Design requirements satisfying local condition were
attached to the bottom of the cyclone separator prevents the air being sucked into the identified. Design data then were based on market information of available parts and
cyclone other than the suction hose during the start of the operation and unloads the components of grain collector. Based on design requirements and design data, a design
grains from the cyclone separator. The swing diverter assembly at the bottom of the drawing was prepared. Fabricated prototype was subjected to evaluation to determine
check valve diverts the flow of paddy into two. its operating characteristics. Shows the conceptual framework of the study. A review of
the literature reveals that, different types of grain collector machines have been
2.5 Collector Machines successfully used for grain colleting bagging machine. However, most of the studies deal
Sunil Kumar (2004) computed collecting efficiency of the machine at varying rotational with effect of change in power sources likes electrically operated, engine operated,
speed of centrifugal fan shaft is presented in Table II. Collecting efficiency exhibited by hydraulically, Pneumatic machines etc. to run a machine and collecting grains. Survey
the machine was 98.99, 98.77, 99.33 % at 3800, 4000, 4200 rpm respectively. Parallel to also provides clear idea about the drawbacks of traditional type of grain collector

International Conference on Clinical Microbiology and Immunology 2020 | Volume 3 Issue 1

Extended Abstract
Annals of Clinical Trials and Vaccines Research
machine and how this machine can overcome from these drawbacks. The benefit of Helen Gavanio. F (2006) The project “Design and fabrication of automatic pipe cutting
manually mechanically operated systems and without using electric power source is not machine” was done in SLI at SIDCO. Automatic pipe cutting machine is a device that cuts
found in the literature till date. So, came to know there is no machine is used for multiple pieces efficiently and comparatively it reduces the time consumed than that of
collecting grains, therefore we develop our model to overcome those problems. The ordinary cutting operations. They are used in Job and Mass production. This invention
present work explores this possibility by mechanically operated collecting grains without relates to pipe cutting machines used for cutting pipe into different lengths based on
use of electric power. The current work divided into two portion front consists of hopper requirements. The primary object of the invention is to provide an improved machine of
and back side consists of frame, handle and base plate. The frame is an important part the character mentioned which is purely automatic in operation, and one which cuts the
of the collector and it must provide flexibility to withstand all loads and support for pipe in an expeditious and effective manner. This operation is usually performed by
remaining parts of the collector. It is made up of mild steel L section having a height 31 hand and is slow and laborious and involves making templates for each pipe diameter,
mm, width 31mm and thickness 3mm. It consists of 11 L section pieces these L section and for each combination of pipe diameters when one of the pipes is smaller than the
mild steel pieces are welded. 3 pieces are cut into 550mm length, 4 pieces are cut into other. The objective of the present invention is to provide a machine for doing this work
755mm length and 4 pieces are cut into 610mm length. The two rectangular section mild quickly and automatically and which may be set to handle pipes of various different
steel are welded to reduce the bending of frame and increase the strength of the frame. diameters. In this project an automatic pipe feeding mechanism and a cutting machine is
The cross section of the rectangular section is 5mm×30mm and cut into 760mm length. used. In the pipe feeding mechanism a motor is used to feed the bar. There are four
At the bottom of frame base plate is fabricated and it is having thickness of 3mm and it is rollers mounted, in-between them the bar is feed. Two rollers shaft is connected with a
cut into 610mm×550mm chain drive and these rollers are driven rollers. The driving arrangement is placed at the
bottom of the driven rollers and all the three are connected by means of chain drive.
cross section. The main function of the base plate is to takes the overall weight of the The chain drive and the other end is connected with motor arrangement. As the three
bag. The circular handle is made up of mild steel having a diameter of 32mm and 142mm drives are connected through chain every roller rotates when the motor is rotated. Thus,
length. There are two handles are welded to a top backside of the frame to move the pipe is feed with the
collector towards grains which is spread over the floor. The lifter is made up of mild steel
L section and one hallows circular tube. The L section material cut into 6 pieces, 2 pieces help of the rollers. A stopper with proximity sensor is provided at the end to maintain
are cut into 1590mm, 2 pieces are cut into 590mm and remaining 2 pieces are cut uniform length. Once the rod is fed, using the clamping arrangement the rod is clamped.
into300mm. diameter of hallow circular shaft is 50mm, thickness is 3mm and length is With the help of the cutting machine attached the pipe will be cut. Then the split pipe
550mm. A solid circular shaft is made up of mild steel having length of 550mm and will drop down. Again, the motor is rotated to feed the rod which is stocked already and
diameter is 25mm is welded to frame at the bottom. Wheels are attached to both ends the cutting machine is operated pneumatic cylinder to cut the pipe. The process can be
of the shafts with the help of bearings and the diameter of wheels is 126mm and continued to cut the pipe.
thickness is 20mm. Johntson. W (2009) Product design is the process of creating a new product which has to
be accepted by the customers. In a broad concept, it is essentially the efficient and
2.6 Suction analysis effective generation and development of ideas through a process that leads to new
Anbarasan.b (2004) fabricated value-added process that involves the construction of product. In a systematic approach, product designers will conceptualize and evaluate
machines and structures from various raw materials. The process of fabrication is started ideas, turning them into tangible inventions and products. The product designer's role is
in the fabrication shop on the basis of engineering drawings generated in the design to combine art, science, and technology to create new products so, that the consumers
process after assessing the capabilities of the shop with respect to metal cutting, can use. To check the losses of agricultural grain crops in the field, it is needed to
foaming, welding and machining. Metal fabrication jobs usually start with shop drawings measure the amount of grains fall to the ground during harvest by combine. Separating
including precise measurements then move to the fabrication stage and finally to the the grains from the soil and collecting them from the ground and in the groove of the
assembly to the project. The grain collector, mainly consist of six parts. They are as land by hand and by holders is a hard work and time consuming to that is not precisely
follows, Frame, Bottom plate, Hopper, Lifter, Handle, Wheels. The frame is an important done. Hence the need for a machine to collect the grains in the field has been identified.
part of the equipment. It must provide flexibility which is equivalent of suspension to The development of a growing population increases the need of food day by day. This
give good grip. So, the proposed mode equipment does not consist of any suspensions. It project aims to design and fabrication of collecting and storing of grains by manually.
is made up of mild steel L- section having a cross section of 31mm X 31mm. It consists of Main objective behind designing and fabricating the bagging and collecting of grains is to
4 channels, which are cut into the length, of 610 mm and other 2 Pieces are cut into 550 reduce the human effort and also reduce time taken for storing. This project mainly
mm length. And also, it can be arranged according to the need as shown in the helpful to the former the problems faced by small scale farmers relating with
availability of labors and cost of collecting and storing finally It is also capable of
figure. The arranged pieces are welded at the joining section to form the base frame of reducing time wastage, reduction in breakage of the grains.
the equipment. The most traditional frame material, steel, has been used by frame
builders for over a century. Many types of steel channels are available and the material is Uday Prasad (2009) designed the traditional sun drying method of a paddy is still widely
easy to bend and shape. It also offers excellent ride quality, durability and is easily practiced by most farmers. The practice includes hauling of a paddy in bags to the drying
repaired and affordable. And, while there are new steels almost impervious to corrosion, area, spreading out the paddy in the drying floor using wide board, then evened and
most types can rust if treated carelessly. Hopper is used for the temporary storage of slightly furrowed with wooden rakes. Mixing and turning the paddy are done regularly
materials, they are designed so that stored material can be dumped are fed to process to ensure that the paddy is dried evenly. After drying, the paddy is piled using a wooden
easily. Hopper specifications include volume capacity, weight capacity, depth or length, board. After wards, the paddy is placed into a bag using a metal scoop (Panake). All of
width or diameter, height and materials of construction. Most hoppers are made of the above operations are done manually consuming too much time and effort.
plastic, metal or composite material. In this project hopper is made of galvanized sheet Collecting and bagging operation is considered one of the difficult tasks in sun drying.
metal. These are value added steel products which are tough, sturdy, light weight, bright, This study was then conceptualized by looking into existing designs of grain collector
corrosion resistant and easy to transport. These are usually produced in the thickness good features of the existing design were considered for adoption, adaptation, and
range of 0.15mm to 2.0mm and width range of 800mm to 1560mm. The metal sheets simplification to come up with the prototype. Design requirements satisfying local
are fragile and highly deformable. The steel used is mild steel for forming, which is condition were identified. Design data then were based on market information of
galvanized to increase the durability of the metal sheets and consequently allowing them available parts and components of grain collector. Based on design requirements and
to better withstand the weather. design data, a design drawing was prepared. Fabricated prototype was subjected to
Clapp. D (2007) designed grain collector useful for collecting grains from the floor and a evaluation to determine its operating characteristics. Shows the conceptual framework
conceptual model was implemented and fabricated successfully. It has considerable of the study. The testing is done by comparing the specifications of traditional or
potential to greatly increase the efficiency of collecting grain with comparison of other conventional methods with the collection of grains on the basis of labour required,
traditional available techniques. The main task now is to promote this technology and labour cost and the time required for the collection of grains from the floor. Trial tests
have available to users at an affordable price. The grain collector is made up of local were conducted to see the time required for collecting of grains and to check that the
components in workshop. This can be sourced at an inexpensive price from local traders. grain collector equipment is functioning properly or not. The results show that they are
By using local materials, collecting of grains can be achieved. A manual grain bagging functioning properly as expected.
machine that collects grains from the concrete pavement floor through the collecting bin
and made to fall into the bag placed adjacent to it. This machine has vast application in CHAPTER III MATERIALS AND METHODS
India due to lack of

electricity and investment for the poor formers. This became the main motivation to 3.1 Introduction
fabricate this manual bagging machine. This machine reduces the grain collecting time
and labour cost. As the main goal to reduce the usage of electricity we don‟t suggest the The traditional sun drying method of a paddy is still widely practiced by most farmers.
future scope with motors rather the belt drive mechanism can be designed to reduce the The practice includes hauling of a paddy in bags to the drying area, spreading out the
time and mechanical force of labour or operator. paddy in the drying floor using wide board, then evened and slightly furrowed with
2.7 Collection energy wooden rakes. Mixing and turning the paddy are done regularly to ensure that the

International Conference on Clinical Microbiology and Immunology 2020 | Volume 3 Issue 1

Extended Abstract
Annals of Clinical Trials and Vaccines Research
paddy is dried evenly. After drying, the paddy is piled using a wooden board. After wards, Power switch or on/off switch can be located different part of the paddy bagging
the paddy is placed into a bag using a metal scoop. All of the above operations are done machine. Many canister vacuums peddled for on/off which can be tapped with hand. So,
manually consuming too much time and effort. Collecting and bagging operation is you take brake quickly and easily.
considered one of the difficult tasks in sun drying. This study was then conceptualized by
looking into existing designs of grain collector good features of the existing design were 3.7 The centrifugal fan
considered for adoption, adaptation, and simplification to come up with the prototype.
Design requirements satisfying local condition were identified. Design data then were The paddy bagging machine‟s fan creates a pressure difference that generates the
based on market information of available parts and components of grain collector. suction. Directly after the fan, the air particles become denser, which leads to a high
This materials and methods chapter is about the mechanism of the project, components pressure area. Since gasses travel from areas of high pressure to low pressure, the air
used, conceptual design, and calculation procedure. travels from the fan to the exhaust port. Just as a high pressure area is created after the
3.2 Conceptual design fan, a low pressure area is created before the fan. Therefore, an airstream will travel
The demand for grain-bagging of households with more cultivated lands, the household from the relatively high pressure inlet to the low pressure area before the fan. Overall,
automatic grain-bagging machine is composed of grain conveyer device, opening and this creates a stream of air that travels from the inlet to the exhaust. The grain
hanging bag device, automatic weighing measurement device, grain bagging device, aspiratory machine uses a centrifugal fan to generate the pressure difference instead of
sewing bag device and control system. 3D models are built an axial fan. In a centrifugal fan, the air enters the fan axially and flows out radially .
For axial fans, the air enters and flows out perpendicular to the fan. Centrifugal fans
up by Solid Works software in structure design and analysis. Four opening and hanging produce airflow by rotation of an impeller with curved vanes or blades which guide and
bag mechanisms installed on a rotatable platform to complete four main processes of drive the airflow to the periphery of the impeller or fan, as it rotates, in such a manner
automatic grain-bagging. The system uses one DC motor.(Reference from Lidbe, that, when it emerges it has velocity and direction which is close to tangential to the
Manisha B. (2015) “Design and Fabrication of Mini Vaccum collector‟‟) impeller. As the air passes across the fan it creates a lower pressure at the inlet that
3.3 Selection of mechanism “sucks” in more air to continue the flow. In simple terms the height of the fan blades is
In this design and development of paddy collecting operation, the mechanised used is proportional to the amount of airflow and the diameter proportional to the amount of
that the paddy is being sucked by using the vacuum pressure and is collected. That is the suction, see sketch below. Rotational speed is proportional to both suction and airflow.
collecting operation is done by vacuum method by which the energy needed for creating As the fan rotates, airflow can “spill” over the top of the blades causing turbulence and
vacuum pressure is given by the motor. losses. In a dirty air situation where dust and dirt are also passing through the fan it is
Grains are automatically loaded into a dustpan by pushing the manual grain bagging normal to leave the blades “open”. However in a clean air situation it is normal to add a
machine with hands, a hand wheel of a drive assembly is rotated so that a gear can push cover to the fan, which prevents such losses. This cover or shroud is open at the inlet to
a rack to move upwards at first and then move horizontally, and a stop bar on the the blades. Conventionally clean air fans are made from sheet aluminium. The back and
dustpan is blocked by a left arc baffle and a right arc baffle so that the dustpan can tilt to shroud are pressed out in circular form from the sheet. Blades are
pour the grains into an opening bag. A simple manually operated grain collector and
bagging had the following major components: frame, wheel, long pipe, and bag. Radial also pressed out and subsequently shaped into curves which when fixed to the fan allow
flat bladed type base plate, slot bar, sweeping box, bagging area, frame and the the air to be given energy as it is forced to pass over their surfaces during rotation. The
conveyance system. curves are backward in relation to the direction of rotation. The curve is a complex
3.4 Machine components shape to ensure energy is given to the airflow consistently as it passes outwards over
The paddy collecting and bagging machine is consists of the following components to full the blades to the periphery. The suction Mouth is a part which provides Suction Surface
fill the requirements of complete operation of the machine. Area and covers the required surface of the floor which is to be cleaned, to create the
i. Motor desired Suction Pressure. The Suction mouth has two components connected to it:
ii. Switch brush and dust collecting hose. This suction mouth is a combination of two Geometries:
iii. Cylinder Half Cylinder and rectangular cross-section. The suction mouth is employed to cover
iv. Hose suction surface to make the suction effective.
v. Frame work The closer the shape is to its mathematical derivative, the more efficiently energy is
transferred. However in many cases blades are simple circular arcs to allow easy
vi. Fabrication process manufacture.As the air passes from the inlet to the periphery its velocity is increasing; to
match this, the blade height should be reducing towards the periphery to ensure
vii. Handle
smooth flow and the shroud should be formed to match this. For simplicity this often
viii. Wheel
results in a conical form but as with the blade curve it is theoretically more complex
than that for highest efficiency. In many cases this shaping is ignored and the fan is flat
3.5 Motor
in form, leading to inefficiencies of flow. In a dirty air system the fan is often a die-
casting or a plastic moulding. This makes it ideal for giving all the shaping necessary to
Motor, centrifugal fan, filter are three important design items to take care of to improve both blade curving and height variation. To a degree this will help offset the losses
the performance of the grain aspiratory machine. Friction, noise, power, consumption, occurring at the top of the blades as previously mentioned. When the airflow leaves the
suction pressure are the design variables that govern the aerodynamics and mechanical periphery of the fan it has a high rotational velocity and ideally should be contained
device factors. The nozzle and narrow compartment geometry play important role in within a volute, which increases in cross sectional area until it reaches an outlet point
maintaining the pressure and grain flow pattern. A motor is the heart of any machine so that is tangential to the radius. .(Reference from Khurmi, R.J and Gupta, J.K (2017) a text
does the paddy bagging machine. Its attached to a fan which forces air over the book of collector design, New Delhi-110055, Eurasia Publishing House ).
exhausted unit. The suction pressure and performance depends on the motor power 3.9 Calculation
only. High power motor offers more sucking capabilities eventually but you should look
other factors as well to determine the best performance of the paddy bagging machine.
Cost involved for manual collection of paddy,
It is reliable, versatile, durable, cost effective, easy to manufacture and can be simply
tailored by varying wire diameters, coil sizes and coil numbers to produce the torque
Time taken to collect 60kg = 12 mins Amount of paddy collected in 1hr
characteristics necessary to drive a vacuum generator for optimum effectiveness. It can
= 60/12 x60 = 300kg/hr
be made in sizes and weights suitable for use in the whole range of vacuum cleaners
from battery operated to mains canister and upright types. It is also suitable to drive
agitators independently of the main motor. Cost involved per kg = 300/300 = Rs 1
These motors generally have a high efficiency in converting electrical energy to
mechanical (rotation) energy, 95% being typical. Improvements in bearings, windings and Cost involved for machine collection of paddy,
commutation have resulted in higher motor speed being achieved over the past 20 years.
Typically up until the 1970s maximum motor speeds were limited to 30,000 rpm, the Time taken to collect 60kg = 25 mins Amount of paddy collected in 1hr
latest universal motors are capable of speeds up to 40,000 rpm. The speeds at maximum = 60 x 60 / 25 = 144 kg/hr Quantity of sacks filled per day by machine,
suction power have increased from 25,000 rpm to around 32,000 rpm. Losses are slightly Amount of paddy collected per hr = 60 x 60 /25 = 144 kg/hr
higher at such speeds due to air friction and bearing losses but this reduction is
measured as less than Since 1 sack consist of 60kg,

2%. One benefit of higher speeds is the ability to reduce the number of fan stages and Number of sacks filled per hr = 144/60 = 2.4 sacks/hr
another is to make small weight savings.
3.6 Switch During 6hr of working,

International Conference on Clinical Microbiology and Immunology 2020 | Volume 3 Issue 1

Extended Abstract
Annals of Clinical Trials and Vaccines Research
Number of sacks filled per day = 14.5 sacks/day Quantity of sacks filled per day
manually, 3.14 Handle
Amount of paddy collected per day = 300kg/hr Number of sacks filled per hr =
300/60 = 5 /hr The circular handle is made up of mild steel having a diameter of 32 mm and 142 mm
length. There are two handles are welded to a top backside of the frame to move the
During 6hrs of working, collector towards grains which is spread over the floor.
3.15 Wheel
Number of sacks filled per day = 30 sacks/day
The wheels are designed to carry the load of the runner itself and mass placed at top.
i. Depreciation = C-S / Hours of usage = 25000 – 2500 / 5000 = Rs 4.5 According to load, wheels are selected from standard size. two wheels are attached to
/hr the frame in order to move the machine in specific direction the diameter of the is
ii. Interest = C + S/2 x7/100 x1/1000 = Rs 0.96/hr

iii. Repairs = C x 10/100 x1/1000 = 25000 x 10/100 x1/1000 = 0.25/hr 3.16 Estimation of time

iv. Wages per day = Rs 400/day = 400/8 hr = Rs 50 / hr Time taken to fill the chamber = 27 seconds
v. Electricity per hour = Rs 5 /hr
Total cost involved by machine = Rs (4.50+0.96+0.25+50+5) = Rs 61/hr = Rs 0.42/kg
S.No Diameter Time taken (in seconds)
Total cost involved by manual = Rs 0.30/kg 1. Outlet valve 27
2. Joint valve 23

3.10 Hose
3.17 Testing of calibration
Any tear or holes in the hose could also reduce the suction. Constant usage over a period
of time could result in wear and tear. Replace the hose with the new one. After every use
check the level of dust in the sieve. Clean the sieve, and wipe the sieve dry. Look for any Speed in ft/second
loose strings sticking to the sieve. Spending a little time on maintenance would help to CHAPTER IV
extend the life of the grain aspiratory machine. It is very easy to put the pipe up and
down; And the minimum height for the mechanism grip convenient enough; it is light RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
enough to lift the handle and pull the mechanism up (if can‟t bend); It is very easy
to understand how it works. All found it very easy to push it down/pull it up very easy. “Vacuum collector for bagging of paddy”was designed and fabricated as explained in
The suction cylinder consists of the axial flow fan fitted inside it. Half of the suction sub-chapters 3.1 to 3.8. Overall specification with cost estimation of fabricated Paddy
cylinder acts as the storage tank. As the Suction Pressure is produced in the Cylinder due collecting and bagging machine is dealt in this chapter.
to the Axial Flow Fan rotation, the dirt or garbage is sucked inside the cylinder and gets 4.1 Paddy collecting machine
stored into the cylinder bottom due to self weight of the garbage. The storage capacity
of the storage tank is of 79 litres, which makes it able to store more garbage. And also The work study of the components for which the Paddy collecting and bagging machine
the number of times of removing dust bag reduces due to more storage capacity. are planned to be fabricated mainly involves the method study and the time study for
the components.
3.11 Frame work 4.2 Method study

The frame is an important part of the equipment. It must provide flexibility which is The method study of the components for the Paddy collecting and bagging machine are
equivalent of suspension to give good grip. So, the proposed mode equipment does not studied in detail. The method study mainly involves the different operations involved in
consist of any suspensions. It is made up of mild steel L- section having a cross section of the fabrication and the sequence of its operation.
31mm X 31mm. It consists of 4 channels, which are cut into the length, of 610 mm and 4.3 Fabrication process
other 2 Pieces are cut into 550 mm length. And also, it can be arranged according to the
need as shown in the figure. The arranged pieces are welded at the joining section to
The material selected must possess the necessary properties for the proposed
form the base frame of the equipment. The most traditional frame material, steel, has
application. The various requirements to be satisfied can be weight, surface finish,
been used by frame builders for over a century. Many types of steel channels are
rigidity, ability to withstand environmental attack from chemicals, service life, reliability
available and the material is easy to bend and shape. It also offers excellent ride quality,
durability and is easily repaired and affordable. And, while there are new steels almost
The following four types of principle properties of materials decisively affect their
impervious to corrosion, most types can rust if treated carelessly (protect that paint job).
i. Physical
3.12 Fabrication process
ii. Mechanical
Metal fabrication is a value-added process that involves the construction of machines
iii. From manufacturing point of view
and structures from various raw materials. The process of fabrication is started in the
The various physical properties concerned are melting point, thermal conductivity,
fabrication shop on the basis of engineering drawings generated in the design process
specific heat, coefficient of thermal expansion, specific gravity, electrical conductivity,
after assessing the capabilities of the shop with respect to metal cutting, foaming,
magnetic purposes etc.
welding and machining. Metal fabrication jobs usually start with shop drawings including
The various Mechanical properties Concerned are strength in tensile, Compressive
precise measurements then move to the fabrication stage and finally to the assembly to
shear, bending, torsional and buckling load, fatigue resistance, impact resistance, elastic
the project.
limit, endurance limit and modulus of elasticity, hardness, wear resistance and sliding
Owing to significant development of sun drying as a socially accepted technology and its
possibility of development through mechanization, he also added that continuous efforts
4.5 Manufacturing case
have to be undertaken to conduct development studies of local machinery based on the
appropriate features of existing commercial machinery from
developed countries and emerging economies. Sometimes the demand for lowest possible manufacturing cost or surface qualities
obtainable by the application of suitable coating substances may demand the use of
special materials.
It is for this reason that this research was undertaken to design, fabricate a pneumatic
4.6 Quality required
paddy collector out of local material using locally manufacturing technology and man
power that would help farmers, rice traders and millers to contribute to the reduction of
losses, save time, labor, and cost of collecting and bagging. (Reference from Gavino, This generally affects the manufacturing process and ultimately the material. For
Victorino T. Taylan, and Teresito G. Aguinaldo (2017) . “Design, Fabrication and example, it would never be desirable to go casting of a smaller number of components
PerformanceEvaluation of Mobile Engine- Driven Pneumatic Paddy Collector”) which can be fabricated much more economically by welding or hand forging the steel.
4.7 Availability of materials

International Conference on Clinical Microbiology and Immunology 2020 | Volume 3 Issue 1

Extended Abstract
Annals of Clinical Trials and Vaccines Research
v. Discipline, Punctuality, Dedication, Commitment and Time management.
Some materials may be scarce or in short supply, it then becomes obligatory for the
designer to use some other material which though may not be a perfect substitute for This project work has provided us an excellent opportunity and experience, to use our
the material designed. The delivery of materials and the delivery date of product should limited knowledge. We gained a lot of practical knowledge regarding, planning,
also be kept in mind. purchasing, assembling and machining while doing this project work. We feel that the
project work is a good solution to bridge the gates between institution and industries.
4.8 Space consideration We are proud that we have completed the work with the limited time successfully. The
Paddy collecting and bagging machine using vacuum is designed with satisfactory
Sometimes high strength materials have to be selected because the forces involved are conditions. We are able to understand the difficulties in maintaining the tolerances and
high and space limitations are there. also quality. We have done to our ability and skill making maximum use of available
4.9 Operation facilities.
5.5 Conclusions
The motor in the paddy bagging machine creates low air pressure inside the chamber. Air
from outside the machine gushes in to fill the low pressure area inside the chamber. Dirt Paddy collecting and bagging machine using vacuum is useful for collecting grains from
and dust is sucked in when the grains flows in. The grain inside the chamber is directed the floor and a conceptual model was designed successfully. It has considerable
to flow through a sieve which collects the grains. The grain deposits in to a bag or a potential to greatly increase the efficiency of collecting grain with comparison of other
container placed under the machine. Hence, the most important parts in a standard traditional available techniques. The main task now is to promote this technology and
paddy bagging machine is the motor, fan, sieve. Fan attached to the motor is what have available to users at an affordable price. The grain collector is made up of local
creates a vacuum inside the components in workshop. This can be sourced
at an inexpensive price from local traders. By using local materials, collecting of grains
4.10 Aim of the project can be achieved.
The main aim of the project is to reduce the time consumption of the workers. It is also A manual paddy bagging machine that collects grains from the concrete pavement floor
aimed in reducing the human efforts. The machine is of light weight and easily handled. through the collecting bin and made to fall into the bag placed adjacent to it. This
Since wheels are attached to the machine it is portable with lock in the wheel. The machine has vast application in India due to lack of electricity and investment for the
machines for paddy collecting are not affordable for the farmers to buy so this machine poor formers. This became the main motivation to fabricate this manual bagging
with less cost considered. machine. This machine reduces the grain collecting time and labour cost. As the main
4.11 Advantages goal to reduce the usage of electricity we don‟t suggest the future scope with motors
rather the belt drive mechanism can be designed to reduce the time and mechanical
i. Manually operated, no fuel and electricity force of labour or operator.
ii. Ease of operation
iii. Single user is sufficient REFERENCES
iv. Single time investment and life time validity
v. Reduces the mechanisms involved 1. Aravind , Shivashankar V ,Vikas R ,Vikas V (2013) ” Design & Development of
vi. Brings up easy man-handling machine Mini Paddy Harvester”
2. Bucklin.R, T. Breeden, O. J. Loewer, T. C. Bridges, G. Benoc. (2015
vii. Achieves portable machine “Optimization of Equipment and Labor for Seed Processing and Bagging Systems‟‟
viii. Reduces fatigue of workers 3. Dinesh B. Shinde, Ritesh D. Lidbe, Manisha B. Lute, Shubham R. Gavali, sharad
ix. Reduces the production time S. Chaudhari, Shivani N.Dhandale. (2017) “Design and Fabrication of Mini Vaccum
4. Ehsan Ghajarjazi ,Sony P. Aquino, Helen F. Gavino, Victorino T. Taylan, and
Teresito G. Aguinaldo (2017) . “Design, Fabrication and Performance Evaluation of
Mobile Engine-Driven Pneumatic Paddy Collector”.
5. Hsiao, SW (Hsiao, Shih-Wen) and Yeh, TA (Yeh, Ting-An) (2017),
The industry was in need of vacuum collector for bagging of paddy and decreasing its
„Application of Collaborative Design Strategy on Redesign of the Cordless Household
labour, especially for low investment. A paddy collecting and bagging machine is
Vacuum Cleaner‟, International Conference on Organizational Innovation
designed and fabricated as discussed in the previous chapters would serve this need. The
6. Khurmi, R.J and Gupta, J.K (2017) a text book of collector design,
summary & conclusion of the whole project with the benefits are discussed in this
New Delhi-110055, Eurasia Publishing House
7. Kongskilde Industries, (2017) “Suction blowers pneumatic conveyors.‟‟
5.1 Summary
8. Omar. F. C, Suministrado.D, Paras Jr., and M. C.Petingco,“Anthropometry of
male farmers in Laguna, Philippines and its potential applications in the design
Initially while starting the project work, the availability of spare parts were checked in
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the market and the parts which were not readily available in the market were designed
9. Park, C (Park, Changhwan) ,(2017) Jun, S (Jun, Sangook);Park, K (Park,
separately and then manufactured. All the parts and components used in the project
Kyunghyun), Lee, S (Lee, Sangjong) and Chang, K (Chang, Kyoungsik).
were designed and analysed with the help of solid works 2018. Each part was initially
designed separately and then assembled into a single component. The dimensions were 10. Peralta.E.K, Mojica.M, ,and Elauria J. C., “Design, Fabrication and performance
then marked on the raw material bought for manufacturing the machine and a number evaluation of a batch-fed coffee roaster for small-scale roasting,”
of processes were carried out which were explained in details in chapter 3. 11. Perry.R.L, and Henderson.S.M, Agricultural process
5.3 Benefits of this project engineering,ed.
Connecticut. The AVI Publishing Company, Inc., 1976, p 193
Paddy collecting and bagging machine using vacuum, that is designed and developed 12. Paras.O. Gragasin M., “The economics of rice drying technology in the
enables students to realize the real-time experience on manufacturing of the project Philippines,”
with proper design and calculations. By choosing the materials by considering the 13. Vinh.L. Q., “Comparative study of the performance of the reversible airflow
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14. Walinga INC., “The 3510 Agric-Vac (Brochure),” Retrieved onDecember 22,
5.4 Learnings from the project 2011

i. Day to day engineering concept will solve many industrial problems.

ii. Designing and making of prototype.

iii. Field study of other competitive equipment‟s.

iv. Dealing with associates – Communication.

International Conference on Clinical Microbiology and Immunology 2020 | Volume 3 Issue 1

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