Static Sign Language Recognition Using Deep Learning

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International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, Vol. 9, No.

6, December 2019

Static Sign Language Recognition Using Deep Learning

Lean Karlo S. Tolentino, Ronnie O. Serfa Juan, August C. Thio-ac, Maria Abigail B. Pamahoy, Joni
Rose R. Forteza, and Xavier Jet O. Garcia

The SLR architecture can be categorized into two main

Abstract—A system was developed that will serve as a classifications based on its input: data gloves-based and
learning tool for starters in sign language that involves hand vision-based. Chouhan et al. [6] use smart gloves to acquire
detection. This system is based on a skin-color modeling
measurements such as the positions of hands, joints
technique, i.e., explicit skin-color space thresholding. The
skin-color range is predetermined that will extract pixels (hand) orientation, and velocity using microcontrollers and specific
from non–pixels (background). The images were fed into the sensors, i.e., accelerometers, flex sensors, etc. There are other
model called the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for approaches to capturing signs by using motion sensors, such
classification of images. Keras was used for training of images. as electromyography (EMG) sensors, RGB cameras, Kinect
Provided with proper lighting condition and a uniform sensors, leap motion controllers or their combinations [5],
background, the system acquired an average testing accuracy of
[7]-[9]. The advantage of this approach is having higher
93.67%, of which 90.04% was attributed to ASL alphabet
recognition, 93.44% for number recognition and 97.52% for accuracy, and the weakness is that it has limited movement.
static word recognition, thus surpassing that of other related In recent years, the involvement of vision-based
studies. The approach is used for fast computation and is done techniques has become more popular, of which input is from
in real time. camera (web camera, stereo camera, or 3D camera). Sandjaja
and Marcos [10] used color-coded gloves to make hand
Index Terms—ASL alphabet recognition, sign language detection easier. A combination of both architectures is also
recognition, static gesture.
possible, which is called the hybrid architecture [9]. While
these are more affordable and less constraining than data
gloves, the weakness of this approach is lower accuracy and
high computing power consumption.
Communication is essential in building a nation. Good The architecture of these vision-based systems [11]–[14] is
communication leads to better understanding, and it typically divided into two main parts. The first part is the
encompasses all the members of the community, including feature extraction, which extracts the desired features from a
the deaf. In the Philippines, 1.23% of the entire population is video by using image processing techniques or the computer
either deaf, mute or hearing impaired [1]. Sign language vision method. From the extracted and characterized features,
bridges the gap of communication with other people. the second part that is the recognizer should be learning of the
However, most hearing people do not understand sign pattern from training data and correct recognition of testing
language and learning it is not an easy process. As a result, data on which machine algorithms were employed.
there is still an undeniable barrier between the hearing Most of the studies mentioned above focus on translating
impaired and hearing majority. the signs typically made by the hearing- impaired person or
Over the past few decades, many efforts have been made in the signer to word(s) that the hearing majority or non-signer
creating a sign language recognition (SLR) system. There are can understand. Although these studies proved that
two main categories in SLR, namely isolated sign language technology is useful in so many ways, their proponents think
recognition and continuous sign classification. Zhang et al. that these are intrusive to some hearing–impaired individuals.
and Wang et al. [2], [3] focus on isolated SLR, whereas Instead, the proponents proposed a system that will help
Starner et al. and Vogler et al. [4], [5] pay attention to those non-signers who want to learn basic static sign
continuous SLR. The hidden Markov model (HMM) works language and not being intrusive at the same time. It is also
on continuous SLR because HMM enables the segmentation important to mention that there are applications implemented
of data stream into its continuous signs implicitly, thus on mobile phones that help the non-signer to learn sign
bypassing the hard problem of segmentation entirely. language through several videos installed on the apps.
However, most of these apps require a large amount of
storage and good internet connection.
The manuscript received May 12, 2019; revised October 25, 2019. This The proposed study aims to develop a system that will
work was supported in part by the University Research and Extension recognize static sign gestures and convert them into
Council and the University Research and Development Services Office of
the Technological University of the Philippines. corresponding words. A vision-based approach using a web
L. K. S. Tolentino is with the Department of Electronics Engineering, camera is introduced to obtain the data from the signer and
Technological University of the Philippines and the University Extension can be used offline. The purpose of creating the system is that
Services Office, Technological University of the Philippines, Philippines
(e-mail: [email protected]). it will serve as the learning tool for those who want to know
R. O. Serfa Juan is with the Department of Electronic Engineering, more about the basics of sign language such as alphabets,
Cheongju University, South Korea (e-mail: [email protected]). numbers, and common static signs. The proponents provided
A. C. Thio-ac, M. A. B. Pamahoy, J. R. R. Forteza, and X. J. O. Garcia are
with the Department of Electronics Engineering, Technological University a white background and a specific location for image
of the Philippines, Philippines (e-mail: [email protected]). processing of the hand, thus, improving the accuracy of the

doi: 10.18178/ijmlc.2019.9.6.879 821

International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, Vol. 9, No. 6, December 2019

system and used Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) as This device used different sensors such as flex and contact
the recognizer of the system. The scope of the study includes sensors for finger and palm movements and accelerometers
basic static signs, numbers and ASL alphabets (A–Z). One of and gyros for the hand movement; then, by Principal
the main features of this study is the ability of the system to Component Analysis, the gloves were trained to recognize
create words by fingerspelling without the use of sensors and different gestures, and each gesture was then classified into
other external technologies. alphabets in real time. The device also used an Android
For the purpose of the study, some of the letters in ASL phone to display the text and word received from the
alphabets were modified. Fig. 1 presents the ASL alphabets
that will be fed onto the system. It can be seen that letters e, m,
and n were exaggerated compared to the original gesture,
whereas j and z were converted to static gestures by getting
only their last frame.
ASL also is strict when it comes to the angle of the hands
while one is hand signing; again, for the purpose of the study,
the angles of the hands for letters p, x and t were modified for
their uniqueness, which would greatly affect the accuracy of
the system.

Fig. 3. ASL static word signs.

gloves via Bluetooth. SignSpeak was found to have 92%

accuracy [15]. There are other means of capturing signs by
using motion sensors, such as electromyography (EMG)
Fig. 1. ASL alphabet signs.
sensors [16], RGB cameras [17], Kinect sensors [18], and
Fig. 2 presents a static gesture for each number provided. leap motion controller [19] or their combinations. Although
The system will be limited with numbers 1–10. these sensors provide accurate parameters in measurement of
data, they also have limitations; first is their cost, as they
require large-size datasets with diverse sign motion they
going toned a high-end computers with powerful
specifications; next is aesthetics, as the sensors are attached
to the fingers and palms of a user, the user can encounter
difficulties in setting up the device; ambient lighting
conditions or backgrounds in real-world settings may also
affect the recognition. Therefore, many researchers jumped
Fig. 2. ASL number signs. from sensor-based to visual-based SLR.
Several methods have been developed in visual-based SLR.
In Fig. 3, static words are provided. Thirty-five words were Because sign language includes static and dynamic
chosen according to the results of the needs assessment movements, image, and video processing was explored by
survey conducted. The words were divided into four many.
categories, namely family, communication, transportation, Wang et al. [20] used color spaces to identify hand
and common nouns or verbs. gestures and acquired segment images by setting a range of
the skin color threshold. Hand gesture segmentation is simply
done by using the hand skin threshold method. The system
II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE would not produce good results because of lighting
For the past decades, research on SLR has been explored. conditions, skin color interference, and complex backgrounds
Many studies used sensor-based devices such as SignSpeak. that increased noise. There are three types of skin color

International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, Vol. 9, No. 6, December 2019

detection: the explicit range method, the nonparametric were automatically cropped and converted to a 50 ×50 pixels
method and the parametric method [21]. The explicit range black and white sample. Each class contained 1,200 images
method differentiates the class of pixels into skin- and that were then flipped horizontally, considering the
non-skin-based types from the assigned range of colors [22]. left-handed signers. Fig. 5 presents the sample for flipped
This technique is used mostly because of its non-complex images. In Fig. 6, an example of capturing datasets is
approach and acceptable rate of computation. However, this provided.
technique is only limited for a generalized skin color scheme.
Another approach was taken by Balbin et al. [23], who used
colored gloves for the hands to be identified easily by setting
an exact range of the hand skin color threshold (color of the
gloves). To recognize the hand gesture, input images
underwent various image processing methods or steps. First Fig. 5. Sample dataset of flipped images using ImageGenerator.
is pre-processing wherein images were converted into
grayscale, and median filter is used to denoise the image.
Next, is feature extraction wherein the color of the hand
gloves was detected and isolated from the background. Then,
the image had undergone pattern recognition. The system
used Kohen self-organizing maps, which are the type of a
neural network that can learn to identify patterns and group
datasets in an unsupervised manner. The system was tested
by five persons, and it achieved an accuracy of 97.6%.
These studies propose a complex yet manageable process Fig. 6. Sample on how the datasets were being captured continuously using
of skin color thresholding; it can be seen that when only the the vision-based technique.
bare hands of the signer are used, it is difficult for the system
to recognize the gesture because of different hindrances such B. Hand Skin Color Detection using Image Processing
as noise. Other studies used colored gloves to solve the For improved skin color recognition, the signer was
problem, whereas the present study proposed a system that advised to have a clear background for the hands, which will
can recognize static sign language without the aid of gloves make it easier for the system to detect the skin colors. Skin
or hand markings but still produce acceptable results. detection took place by using cv2.cvtColor. Images were
converted from RGB to HSV. Through the cv2.inRange
function, the HSV frame was supplied, with the lower and
III. METHODOLOGY upper ranges as the arguments. The mask was the output from
The system will be implemented through a desktop with a the cv2.inRange function. White pixels in the mask produced
1080P Full-HD web camera. The camera will capture the were considered to be the region of the frame weighed as the
images of the hands that will be fed in the system. Note that skin. Although black pixels are disregarded, cv2.erode and
the signer will adjust to the size of the frame so that the cv2.dilate functions remove small regions that may represent
system will be able to capture the orientation of the signer’s a small false-positive skin region. Then, two iterations of
hand. erosions and dilations were done using this kernel. Lastly, the
Fig. 4 illustrates the conceptual framework of the system. resulting masks were smoothened using a Gaussian blur.
When the camera has already captured the gesture from the
C. Network Layers
user, the system classifies the test sample and compares it in
the stored gestures in a dictionary, and the corresponding The goal of this study is to design a network that can
output is displayed on the screen for the user. effectively classify an image of a static sign language gesture
to its equivalent text by a CNN. To attain specific results, we
used Keras and CNN architecture containing a set of different
layers for processing of training of data.
The convolutional layer is composed of 16 filters, each of
which has a 2 × 2 kernel. Then, a 2 × 2 pooling reduces
spatial dimensions to 32 × 32. From 16 filters of the
convolutional layers, filtersare increased to 32, whereas that
of the Max Pooling filters is increased to 5 × 5. Then, the
number of filters in the CNN layers is increased to 64, but
maxpooling is still at 5 × 5. Dropout(0.2) functions with
randomly disconnecting each node from the current layer into
the next layer.
Fig. 4. Conceptual framework. The model is now being flattened or is now converted into
a vector; then, the dense layer is added. The fully connected
A. Gathering of Training Data, Image Augmentation, and layer is being specified by the dense layer along with rectified
Cropping Procedures linear activation.
Gathering of datasets for static SLR was done through the We finished the model with the SoftMax classifier that
use of continuous capturing of images using Python. Images would give the predicted probabilities for each class label.

International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, Vol. 9, No. 6, December 2019

The network’s output is now a 25-dimension vector similar to not make any movement until the system generates the
each sign language alphabets, a 10-dimension vector output.
corresponding to sign language numbers. Then, for a To know the rate of learning, the researcher measures the
35-dimension vector corresponding to static sign language time of producing the translated static signs using a
gestures, each class was trained through the network stopwatch and repeats this three times.
B. Testing of the Accuracy Formula
D. Training the System To verify the accuracy of the letter/number/word gestures
The training for character and SSL recognition was done recognition, the number of the correctly recognized
separately; each dataset was divided into two: training and letters/words/numbers that appeared on the screen was added
testing. This was done to see the performance of the and divided by the product of the total number of users
algorithm used. The network was implemented and trained multiplied by the number of trials.
through Keras and TensorFlow as its backend using a The correct recognition is acquired when the signs made
Graphics Processing Unit GT-1030 GPU. by the user are translated and their respective equivalents are
The network uses a Stochastic gradient descent optimizer produced in textual form within the duration of 15 seconds. If
as its optimizer to train the network having a learning rate of the system generates the equivalent word/letter/number
1 ×10−2. The total number of epochs used to train the network beyond 15 seconds, it is not included in the total number of
is 50 epochs with a batch size of 500. The images were correct recognized letters/words/numbers.
resized to (50, 50, 1) for training and testing. Total nos. of correct recognized letters from users (1)
We use a stochastic gradient descent optimizer, also Accuracy rate =
(Total no.of users)(No.of Trails)
known as the incremental gradient descent, to minimize the
batch size of large datasets.
The batch gradient descent performs redundant
computations for large datasets as gradients are recalculated
before each parameter update for similar examples. By In a recognition system, the accuracy rate of the
performing one update at a time, SGD eliminates this recognition is the greatest concern. Table 1 presents the
redundancy. It is typically much faster and can also be used accuracy rate and average recognition time of each letter
for online learning. from all the trials. Thirty users tested the system with three
IV. TESTING Correctly Incorrect
Accuracy Ave.
Letter Recognized Recognized
The project was tested by 30 individuals: 6 were sign (%) Time (s)
Gestures Gestures
language interpreters, and 24 were students with and without A 90 0 100 2.02
knowledge in using sign language. Thirty samples were B 82 8 91.11 4.01
C 90 0 100 2.2
preferred to be able to use Student’s t-test or the significance D 90 0 100 2.46
validation of the study and to prove the reliability of the E 87 3 96.67 3.59
system in recognizing static hand gestures from the hands of F 84 6 93.33 4.95
people who were not in the dataset G 89 1 98.89 2.85
Three trials were conducted in each letter/number/word H 76 14 84.44 5.39
gesture recognition. Each trial has a duration of 15 seconds I 85 5 94.44 3.37
J 81 9 90 4.57
per letter/number/word gesture recognition. If the system did K 85 5 94.44 4.06
not print the equivalent text of the signs within the allotted L 89 1 98.89 2.38
time, the output was considered to be incorrect. M 74 16 82.22 5.98
N 81 9 90 3.92
A. Testing Procedure O 81 9 90 3.62
Before the actual recognition of the signs, the user must P 78 12 86.67 4.97
calibrate the light to ensure that the skin masking of the hand Q 86 4 95.56 3.76
is detected and has less noise; the calibration can be done by R 71 19 78.89 6.24
moving the lampshade sideways. It is recommended that the S 78 12 86.67 4.6
T 67 23 74.44 7.62
light is not directly hitting the hand. The system is sensitive to U 77 13 85.56 5.11
light; thus, determining the proper place of the lamp should V 76 14 84.44 5.07
be considered. If the edges of the hand in the masking are W 87 3 96.67 2.46
X 78 12 86.67 4.98
detected clearly, the user may begin to use the translator.
Y 84 6 93.33 3.5
For the signs to be recognized, the hand should in front of Z 81 9 67.78 8.31
the camera. The detection can only be done if the hand is Overall Rating 90.04% 4.31
inside the box that can be seen on the screen of a computer’s
monitor. Since the size of the hand of each individual is The accuracy rate of each letter was obtained using
different, a user may move his/her hand back and forth to fit formula (1), wherein the total number of the correctly
inside the virtual box. The user should then wait for the recognized words from all the users from all the trials was
system to generate the desired equivalent of the signs in totaled and divided by the total number of samples, which is
textual form. It also recommended that the user’s hand does the number of users (30) multiplied by the number of trials

International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, Vol. 9, No. 6, December 2019

It can be seen that the unique letters such as A, C and D got Table III presents the accuracy result of each static word. It
the highest accuracy with 100% rating, and the lowest was Z can be seen that words “calm down,” “family,” “home,”
with 67.78%. “love,” etc. got the highest accuracy with 100% rating, and
The overall letter recognition accuracy of the system was the lowest was the word “father” with 92.22%. Thus, the
achieved by getting the average of each letter’s accuracy. The more unique the gesture, the better accuracy it can get. The
system attained 90.04% accuracy. It also attained an average static word recognition attained 97.52% accuracy with an
time of 4.31 second real-time letter recognition of hands that average time of 2.9 second real-time number recognition of
were not in the dataset. This was obtained by getting the hands that were not in the dataset.
average of the recognition time of each letter. Among the three systems tested, the recognition for static
The same computation was performed in number word gesture got the highest accuracy and average time of
recognition and static word recognition. 97.52% and 2.9 sec, respectively. The dataset of the static
Table II presents the accuracy result of each number from all word gestures indicates that the gestures are more unique
the trials. It can be seen that number 5 got the highest from each other compared to the ASL letter and alphabet
accuracy with 100% rating, and the lowest was 8 with gestures.
83.33%. The number recognition attained 93.44% accuracy To get the final accuracy of the static SLR system, the
with an average time of 3.93 second real-time number accuracies obtained from the letter recognition, static word
recognition of hands that were not in the dataset. recognition, and number recognition were totaled and
averaged, thus giving an accuracy of 93.667%.
TABLE II: NUMBER RECOGNITION ACCURACY For the learning accuracy of the system, Table IV is the
Correctly Incorrect summary of the average time for the letter, number, and static
Accuracy Ave.
Number Recognized Recognized
Gestures Gestures
(%) Time (s) word recognition system in each trial.
1 89 1 98.89 2.28 It can be seen that the average recognition time from trial 1
2 89 1 98.89 2.52 to trial 3 decreases, thus validating the learning accuracy of
3 75 15 83.33 5.56 the system. To get the overall average time of the system in
4 84 6 93.33 4.36 each trial, the average times of the letter, number, and static
5 90 0 100 2.4 word recognition system per trial were also averaged. This
6 82 8 91.11 5.57 results to a better comparison for the recognition time. From
7 79 11 87.78 5.22
5.21 s recognition time in trial 1, the time went down to 2.66 s
8 75 15 83.33 5.69
in trial 3.
9 89 1 98.89 2.82
10 89 1 98.89 2.91
Overall Rating 93.44 3.93
Letters 6.31 3.75 2.86
Correctly Incorrect Words 3.63 2.75 2.33
Accuracy Ave.
Static Word Recognized Recognized Ave. time per trial of the
(%) Time (s) 5.21 3.27 2.66
Gestures Gestures whole system (s)
Airplane 83 7 92.22 4
Bus 87 3 96.67 3.56
Calm down 90 0 100 2.33 To further verify the learning accuracy of the static sign
Car 88 2 97.78 3.07 language and character recognition, the acquired average
Church 87 3 96.67 3.21 time in each trial was compared using the Student’s t-test:
Cover 89 1 98.89 3.41
Family 90 0 100 2.58
paired two-tailed samples for mean with a 0.05 significance
Father 83 7 92.22 3.29 level. The null hypothesis is that the means of the groups are
Fine 87 3 96.67 2.87 equal. Trials 1 and 2 were first compared; then, trials 2 and 3
Hello 89 1 98.89 2.73 followed. Table V presents the summary of the Student’s
Help 86 4 95.56 3.06
Home 90 0 100 2.33
t-test results.
I am/ I’m 87 3 96.67 2.97
I hate you 88 2 97.78 2.81 T1 vs. T2 T2 vs. T3
I love you 88 2 97.78 2.58 t Statistic 9.8247 6.9388
Key 89 1 98.89 3.09 Letter P(T ≤ t), two-tailed 4.58 ×10−10 2.84 ×10−7
Lock 90 0 100 2.64 t Critical, two-tailed 2.0595 2.0595
Love 90 0 100 2.56 t Statistic 5.0622 5.5812
Money 89 1 98.89 2.54 Number P(T ≤ t), two-tailed 0.0007 0.0003
Mother 88 2 97.78 2.83 t Critical, two-tailed 2.2622 2.2622
No 84 6 93.33 3.32 t Statistic 9.6317 4.4453
Okay 90 0 100 2.19 Word P(T ≤) two-tailed 3.02 ×10−11 0.0001
Pray 90 0 100 2.22 t Critical, two-tailed 2.0322 2.0322
Ship 88 2 97.78 3.18
Sorry 87 3 96.67 3.09 To fully reject the null hypothesis, both p and t values were
Stand 88 2 97.78 2.88 compared. Since the p-values of the samples were less than
Taxi 84 6 93.33 4.24 the significance level (0.05), the null hypothesis can be
Telephone 84 6 93.33 3.4
Time 88 2 97.78 3.12 rejected. For the t value, the t statistic should be greater than t
Water 87 3 96.67 2.67 critical. Table V indicates that T1 vs. T2 and T2 vs. T3
Where 90 0 100 2.44 obtained a greater t statistic value than the t critical value;
Why 88 2 97.78 2.62 therefore, we can say that there is a significant difference
Yes 89 1 98.89 2.52
Overall Rating 90.04% 4.31 between the means of each trial; this is strong enough
evidence for us to fully reject the null hypothesis.

International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, Vol. 9, No. 6, December 2019

To validate the effectiveness of the system, Table VI perform recognition at the given accuracy with larger
presents the summary of the evaluation result in terms of vocabularies and without an aid such as gloves or hand
functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, and learning markings.
impact of the SSL recognition system.
The system was evaluated by 50 persons using Likert’s ACKNOWLEDGMENT
scale with poor, fair, average, good, and excellent as the
rating scale; poor = 1, average = 2, fair = 3, good = 4 and The researchers would like to thank Rev. Fr. Luke Moortgat,
excellent = 5. Ms. Donna, Ms. Sarah, Ms. Tess, Ms. Carol, and the whole
Here, there were three questions concerning functionality, Precious Deaf Community for the endless support throughout
two questions for reliability, four questions for usability, and the study.
one question each for efficiency and learning impact. The
total score was computed by adding all the ratings of all the CONFLICT OF INTEREST
users in questions concerning each criterion. The goal score
was the total score when all the users rated each criterion as The authors declare no conflict of interest.
excellent. The system was able to achieve 88.46% rating.
No. of No. of Total Goal Approval
evaluator questions Score Score Percentage conducted the research; L.K.S.T., A.C.T., M.A.B.B.,
Functionality 50 3 642 750 85.86 J.R.R.F., and X.J.O.G. analyzed the data; L.K.S.T. and
Reliability 50 2 433 500 86.86 M.A.B.B. wrote the paper; L.K.S.T. and R.O.S.J. edited and
Usability 50 4 901 1,000 90.1 reviewed the paper; all authors had approved the final
Efficiency 50 1 215 250 86 version.
50 1 235 250 94
Total score: 88.46 REFERENCES
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SignSpeak,” International Journal of u-and e-Service, Science and Ronnie O. Serfa Juan received his B.S. in electronics
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[16] J. Wu, Z. Tian, L. Sun, L. Estevez, and R. Jafari, “Real-time American Technological University of the Philippines, Manila,
sign language recognition using wrist-worn motion and surface EMG M.S. in global information and telecommunication
sensors,” in Proc. 2015 IEEE 12th International Conference on studies from Waseda University, and Ph.D. in
Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN), 2015, pp. electronic engineering from Cheongju University, in
1–6. 1999, 2007, and 2018, respectively. He is a member of
[17] D. Mart, Sign Language Translator Using Microsoft Kinect XBOX 360 IECEP and IEEE. His research interests include radio
TM, 2012, pp. 1-76. frequency identification (RFID), advanced driver assistance system (ADAS)
[18] C. Dong, M. C. Leu, and Z. Yin, “American sign language alphabet technology and Controller Area Network (CAN).
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Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, 2015, pp.
44-52. August C. Thio-ac received his B.S. in electronics and
[19] B. Toghiani-rizi, C. Lind, M. Svensson, and M. Windmark, “Static communications engineering and M.Eng. in electronics
gesture recognition using leap motion,” arXiv preprint and communications engineering from the
arXiv:1705.05884, 2017. Technological University of the Philippines (TUP),
[20] H. Wang, Y. Wang, and Y. Cao, “Video-based face recognition: A Manila. He is currently pursuing Doctor of Technology
survey,” World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. at TUP Manila. He is with the Department of
60, pp. 293-302, 2009. Electronics Engineering, TUP Manila, as an assistant
[21] F. Gianfelici, C. Turchetti, and P. Crippa, “A non-probabilistic professor. His research interests include computer
recognizer of stochastic signals based on KLT,” Signal Processing, vol. systems and information and computing technologies.
89, no. 4, pp. 422–437, 2009.
[22] M. K. Ahuja and A. Singh, “Hand gesture recognition using PCA,”
International Journal of Computer Science Engineering & Technology, Maria Abigail B. Pamahoy graduated as the class
vol. 5, no. 7, pp. 267–271, 2015. salutatorian in elementary and pursued high school in a
[23] J. R. Balbin, D. A. Padilla, F. S. Caluyo, J. C. Fausto, C. C. Hortinela, science class at Sapang Palay National High School.
C. O. Manlises, C. K. S. Bernardino, E. G. Finones, and L. T. Ventura, She received her B.S. in electronics engineering at
“Sign language word translator using neural networks for the aurally Technological University of the Philippines, Manila
impaired as a tool for communication,” in Proc. 2016 6th IEEE last 2019. Ms. Pamahoy is a member of IECEP-MSC
International Conference on Control System, Computing and and OECES and an active member of Assumption
Engineering (ICCSCE), 2016, pp. 425-429. Development Foundation where she developed her
[24] S. Shahriar, A. Siddiquee, T. Islam, A. Ghosh, R. Chakraborty, A. I. passion on service, leadership and excellence.
Khan, C. Shahnaz, and S. A. Fattah, “Real-time american sign
language recognition using skin segmentation and image category
classification with convolutional neural network and deep learning,” in Joni Rose R. Forteza finished her studies in elementary
Proc. TENCON 2018-2018 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 2018, pp. and high school at Marilao Central School and AFG.
1168-1171. Bernardino Memorial Trade School, respectively. She
[25] R. Daroya, D. Peralta, and P. Naval, “Alphabet sign language image was an active member of Philippine Girl Scout and
classification using deep learning,” in Proc. TENCON 2018-2018 Drum and Lyre Band during her elementary and high
IEEE Region 10 Conference, 2018, pp. 646-650. school days. She is a graduate of B.S. in electronics
[26] T. Kim, G. Shakhnarovich, and K. Livescu, “Finger-spelling engineering major in microelectronics at Technological
recognition with semi-markov conditional random fields,” in Proc. University of the Philippines, Manila last 2019.
2013 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2013, pp.
[27] N. Pugeault and R. Bowden, “Spelling it out: Real-time asl Xavier Jet O. Garcia finished electronics engineering
finger-spelling recognition,” in Proc. 2011 IEEE International technology, a 3-year vocational course, at the
Conference on Computer Vision Workshop, 2011, pp. 1114–1119. Technological University of the Philippines, Manila last
2015. He also finished his B.S. in electronics engineering
major in microelectronics at Technological University of
Lean Karlo S. Tolentino received his B.S. in the Philippines, Manila last 2019.
electronics and communications engineering from the
Technological University of the Philippines (TUP),
Manila and M.S. in electronics engineering major in
microelectronics from Mapua University, in 2010 and
2015, respectively. He was the head of the Department
of Electronics Engineering, TUP Manila from 2017 to
2019. He is currently the director of the University
Extension Services Office, TUP since 2019. He is a member of IECEP and
IEEE. His research interests include microelectronics and information and
computing technologies

Image Processing Technology and Method

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