Environmental Systems and Societies Paper 3 SL
Environmental Systems and Societies Paper 3 SL
Environmental Systems and Societies Paper 3 SL
1 hour
223-190 15 pages
–2– M03/460/S(3)
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–3– M03/460/S(3)
Assuming that there have been no deaths or hatchings, determine the approximate lizard
population of the island. [1]
(b) Outline and evaluate a method for estimating the abundance of a named plant species in a
named ecosystem. [3]
(c) Explain why abundance of organisms might be of importance in estimating the diversity of an
ecosystem. [2]
A2. The graph below shows the variation in insect biomass (measured in g m −2 dry weight) over the
period of a year, in a shrubland ecosystem, on the west coast of South America. Note that the months
along the horizontal axis commence in July, which is winter in the southern hemisphere.
Biomass / g m
dry weight
[Source: Cody et al, (1977), Convergent Evolution in the Consumer Organisms
in the Mediterranean, Chile and California, Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross.]
(c) Describe and explain the shape of the curve on the graph. [3]
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(Question A2 continued)
(d) Describe and evaluate a method for the estimation of the changes in plant biomass in an
ecosystem over a period of a year. [4]
A3. (a) Briefly describe a human activity that might have an effect on the ecosystem you named in
A1(b). [1]
(b) Identify an abiotic factor that might change as the result of this human activity, and outline
how you would measure these changes. [4]
B1. The table below shows some statistics relating to the world food production system between 1950
and 1995.
1950 1995
Human population / ×106 2555 5732
Cereal production / ×106 tonnes 631 1700
Meat production / ×106 tonnes 44 192
Fish catch / ×106 tonnes 21 109
Fertilizer use / ×106 tonnes 14 122
Irrigated area / ×106 hectares 94 248
(a) (i) Determine the percentage increase in human population between 1950 and 1995. [1]
(ii) Determine the percentage increase in fertilizer use between 1950 and 1995. [1]
(iii) State two reasons for the difference between the percentage increase in the human
population and the percentage increase in fertilizer use. [2]
–7– M03/460/S(3)
(Question B1 continued)
(b) Use the data in the table to explain how inputs and outputs of the world food production
system changed between 1950 and 1995. [4]
(c) State and explain the differences in the relative proportions of fish, meat and cereals
consumed in developed and developing countries. [3]
B2. List two advantages and two disadvantages for each of the following sources of energy.
(c) State one other source of energy and evaluate its sustainability. [2]
–9– M03/460/S(3)
(b) State two differences you would expect between the ecological footprint of a city in a
developing country and that of a city in a developed country. [2]
C1. The table below shows the approximate numbers of species that have become extinct since 1600 on
continents, on islands and in oceans, compared with the number of species alive today.
(a) Calculate the percentage of mammals that have become extinct since 1600. [1]
(b) Use the data in the table to determine which groups of organisms have had the highest and
lowest total rates of extinction in relation to the number of living species. [1]
(c) Suggest two reasons for the difference in the rate of extinction between these two groups. [2]
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(Question C1 continued)
(d) Explain the differences between the numbers of extinctions on islands and those on continents. [5]
(b) Explain how natural selection may produce new species. [2]
(c) (i) State two natural factors that might lead to a loss of biodiversity. [2]
(ii) State two types of human activity that might lead to a loss of biodiversity. [2]
C3. Explain how the shape and size of a protected area may influence its success in protecting the
organisms and ecosystems within it. [4]
– 13 – M03/460/S(3)
The data in the table below show the quantities of heavy metals detected in the upstream (closer to
the source) and downstream (closer to the mouth) sections of a river. The testing points were about
10 km apart. All data are in ng cm −3 .
(b) (i) Determine which metal shows the greatest percentage increase in concentration
between the upstream and the downstream testing points of the river. [1]
(ii) Determine which metal shows the lowest percentage increase in concentration between
the upstream and the downstream testing points of the river. [1]
(Question D1 continued)
(d) State two strategies that might be used to reduce the amount of these pollutants in rivers. [2]
D2. The data in D1 represent a direct method of measuring pollution. Pollution of the environment
may also be measured indirectly using a biotic index. Explain, with an example, how a biotic
index is used. [4]
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D3. Define the term biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and explain how it is used to assess pollution
levels in water. [3]
D4. Describe how you would evaluate the solid waste (garbage) management strategies of your school. [5]