Revaluation Model

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IAS 16: Revaluation Model

Acctg 3
• After recognition as an asset, an item of PPE whose fair value can
be measured reliably can be carried at a revalued amount.
• Revalued amount – FV at the date of the revaluation less any
subsequent accumulated depreciation and subsequent
accumulated impairment losses.

A3: Revaluation
Frequency of Valuation
• Depends upon the changes in the FV of PPE being revalued.
• When FV differs materially from the carrying amount, a further
revaluation is necessary
• PPEs with significant and volatile changes in FV – annual revaluation
• Revaluation = 3 to 5 years (if insignificant)

A3: Revaluation
Revaluation of all items in an entire class

a. Land g. Furnitures and fixtures

b. Land and buildings h. Office Equipment
c. Machinery
d. Ships
e. Aircraft
f. Motor vehicles

A3: Revaluation
Revaluation of all items in an entire class
• Assets within a class of PPE are revalued simultaneously in order to

A3: Revaluation
Basis of Revaluation
• Fair Value – appraisal by professional qualified valuers
• Depreciated replacement cost – shall be used if market value is not
- Sound value
- Replacement cost less accumulated depreciation

A3: Revaluation
Cost 3,000,000
Accumulated Depreciation 750,000
A. Carrying amount 2,250,000

A3: Revaluation
Replacement cost 4,800,000
Cost 3,000,000
B. Appreciation 1,800,000

A3: Revaluation
AD, replacement cost 1,200,000
AD, cost 750,000
C. AD, appreciation 450,000

A3: Revaluation
Replacement cost 4,800,000
AD 1,200,000
D. Sound value 3,600,000

A3: Revaluation
Sound Value 3,600,000
Carrying amount 2,250,000
E. Revaluation Surplus 1,350,000

A3: Revaluation
Two approaches in recording the
• Proportional approach – AD at revaluation date is restated
proportionately with the change in the gross carrying amount of the
• Elimination Approach – AD is eliminated against the gross carrying
amount of the asset and the net amount restated to the revalued
amount of the asset

A3: Revaluation
Proportional Approach

Dr. Machinery 4,000,000

Cr. Accumulated Depreciation 1,000,000
Cr. Revaluation Surplus 3,000,000

A3: Revaluation
Elimination Approach

Dr. Accumulated Depreciation 2,000,000

Cr. Machinery 2,000,000

A3: Revaluation
Elimination Approach

Dr. Machinery 3,000,000

Cr. Revaluation Surplus 3,000,000

A3: Revaluation
Which method is preferred?
• Proportional approach
– preserves the gross and net amounts after revaluation

A3: Revaluation
Revaluation Surplus
• Component of other comprehensive income
• Allocated or realized over the remaining useful life of the asset and
reclassified through RE
• May be transferred directly to RE when the surplus is realized

A3: Revaluation
1. Entry on revaluation date

Dr. Machinery 4,000,000

Cr. Accumulated Depreciation 1,000,000
Cr. Revaluation Surplus 3,000,000

A3: Revaluation
2. Annual depreciation subsequent to the
revaluation (JE #1)

Dr. Depreciation 600,000

Cr. Accumulated Depreciation 600,000

A3: Revaluation
2. Annual depreciation subsequent to the
revaluation (JE #2)

Dr. Revaluation Surplus 200,000

Cr. Retained Earnings 200,000

A3: Revaluation
Cost Replacement Cost
Machinery 8,500,000 12,400,000
Residual value 500,000 400,000
Accumulated depreciation 3,200,000
Old UL = 10 yrs; New UL = 12 yrs fr the date of acq’n

Cost Replacement Cost Appreciation

Machinery 8,500,000 12,400,000 3,900,000
Residual Value 400,000 400,000 0
Depreciable Amount 8,100,000 12,000,000 3,900,000
Accumulated Depreciation - 40% 3,200,000 4,800,000 1,600,000
Remaining depreciable amount 4,900,000 7,200,000 2,300,000

A3: Revaluation
Cost Replacement Cost Appreciation
Machinery 8,500,000 12,400,000 3,900,000
Residual Value 400,000 400,000 0
Depreciable Amount 8,100,000 12,000,000 3,900,000
Accumulated Depreciation - 40% 3,200,000 4,800,000 1,600,000
Remaining depreciable amount 4,900,000 7,200,000 2,300,000
Old UL = 10 yrs; New UL = 12 yrs fr the date of acq’n

1. To record revaluation

Dr. Machinery 3,900,000

Cr. Accumulated Depreciation 1,600,000
Cr. Revaluation Surplus 2,300,000

A3: Revaluation
Cost Replacement Cost Appreciation
Machinery 8,500,000 12,400,000 3,900,000
Residual Value 400,000 400,000 0
Depreciable Amount 8,100,000 12,000,000 3,900,000
Accumulated Depreciation - 40% 3,200,000 4,800,000 1,600,000
Remaining depreciable amount 4,900,000 7,200,000 2,300,000
Old UL = 10 yrs; New UL = 12 yrs fr the date of acq’n

2. To record depreciation

Dr. Depreciation 900,000

Cr. Accumulated Depreciation 900,000

A3: Revaluation
Cost Replacement Cost Appreciation
Machinery 8,500,000 12,400,000 3,900,000
Residual Value 400,000 400,000 0
Depreciable Amount 8,100,000 12,000,000 3,900,000
Accumulated Depreciation - 40% 3,200,000 4,800,000 1,600,000
Remaining depreciable amount 4,900,000 7,200,000 2,300,000
Old UL = 10 yrs; New UL = 12 yrs fr the date of acq’n

3. To record piecemeal realization on revaluation


Dr. Revaluation Surplus 287,500

Cr. Retained Earnings 287,500

A3: Revaluation
Reversal of revaluation surplus
• Revaluation decrease – charged directly against any revaluation
surplus to the extent that the decrease is a reversal of a previous
revaluation and the balance is charged to expense

A3: Revaluation

Dr. Equipment 3,000,000

Cr. Accumulated Depreciation 1,200,000
Cr. Revaluation Surplus 1,800,000
A3: Revaluation

Dr. Depreciation 800,000

Cr. Accumulated Depreciation 800,000

Dr. Revaluation Surplus 300,000

Cr. Retained Earnings 300,000
A3: Revaluation

Dr. Depreciation 800,000

Cr. Accumulated Depreciation 800,000

Dr. Revaluation Surplus 300,000

Cr. Retained Earnings 300,000
A3: Revaluation

Dr. Depreciation 800,000

Cr. Accumulated Depreciation 800,000

Dr. Revaluation Surplus 300,000

Cr. Retained Earnings 300,000
A3: Revaluation
Per book Adjusted Decrease
Dr. Accumulated Depreciation 3150K
Replacement Cost 8,000,000 3,500,000 4,500,000 Dr. Revaluation Surplus 900K
Accumulated Depreciation - 70% 5,600,000 2,450,000 3,150,000 Dr. Revaluation Loss 450K
Depreciated Replacement Cost 2,400,000 1,050,000 1,350,000 Cr. Equipment 4500K

A3: Revaluation
Sale of Revalued Asset
• All accounts related from the sale must be closed in order to
determine the gain or loss on sale
• Selling price vs Carrying Amount of Revalued Asset – gain/loss

A3: Revaluation
1. To record the sale

Dr. Cash 22,000,000

Dr. Accumulated Depreciation 30,000,000
Cr. Building 50,000,000
Cr. Gain on sale 2,000,000

A3: Revaluation
2. To record the realization of revaluation surplus

Dr. Revaluation Surplus 4,000,000

Cr. Retained Earnings 4,000,000

A3: Revaluation
Disclosures related to revaluation
a. Effective date of revaluation
b. Whether an independent valuer was involved
c. Method and significant assumptions applied in estimating fair
d. Extent to which the fair value was determined directly by
reference to observable prices in an active market or recent
market transactions on arm’s length terms or was estimated using
other valuation technique

A3: Revaluation
Disclosures related to revaluation
e. Historical cost and carrying amount of each class of revalued
property, plant and equipment
f. Revaluation surplus, indicating the movement for the period and
any restrictions on the distribution of the balance to shareholders

A3: Revaluation
“It is the actual work that you
choose to do everyday that
makes you successful.”

- Anonymous

A17: Revaluation

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