Developing A Library Management System

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Developing a Library Management System

Paul Tyrone R. Paulino1, John Howard G. Cajayon, Aldrian R. Daguinod3

Department of Computer and Electronics Engineering, College of Engineering and Information Technology
Cavite State University – Don Severino delas Alas Campus
Bancod, Indang, Cavite
[email protected] , [email protected], [email protected]

ABSTRACT: Library Management system allow storing data of origin of libraries dates back around third century B.C
different format such as academic books, magazines, Journals, and in Babylonia, wherever keep written records that has been a
thesis and allow users to add, search, borrow, and return data. part of their history. the primary libraries as a set of books
Python language is used to implement this system. The registered
were proved in Greek temples and people established in
student/user of that library must use their valid admission number
login and can borrow the books and return books himself easily. conjunction with the Greek colleges of philosophy within the
The user can view the list of all books currently available on the fourth century B.C fashionable libraries sometimes contain
system. This system provides an easy way to access the stored periodicals, microfilms, tapes, video, compact discs,
information implementing on a school library. and alternative materials additionally to books

Keywords: Python, Library Management System, Books

I. INTRODUCTION Dewey (1992), ass cited by Pasilan (2000) defines in

A building or room containing collections of books, integrated library system because the one that bring
periodicals, and sometimes films and recorded music for use or together varied library tasks into one system. It permits the
borrowing by the public or the members of an institution (Oxford library to possess an instantaneous management on its
Dictionary). It is a place in which books, manuscripts, recordings, automation with a good potency. It conjointly permits the user
films, or reference material are kept for private or public uses. In these to use the library knowledge for the acquisition, cataloging,
present days, library is one of the most important facilities in a school and circulation of library collections.
especially Universities. Generally, a library must be able to handle
some housekeeping tasks such as acquisition, interlibrary loan,
cataloging, circulation, serials management, statistical reports and
references. Manual Library System can not store large amount of Hoffer, Prescott, and McFadden (2002) defines
information efficiently making it harder to store all the data inside
an information as associate
degree organized assortment of connected information.
To solve this issue, the researchers think of implementing a They also outlined information as familiar facts that are
Library Management System (LMS). Library Management System is a recorded and hold on a computer system are structured to
term for computer-based system that manage the catalogue of a library. be simply stored, manipulated, queried and retrieved
The idea of the computerized library system is supported with the by information users.
interactive environment of the country. This will serve as an advantage
of the country to implement and negotiate the movement towards the
computerized library system (David,1996). Library Management
System is made to operate this housekeeping easier and to manage the
library daily operation efficiently. By this project, we the researcher
aims to implement a system that will provide an efficient way to access By exploitation of the computer in access and management of
the library. Each student is registered with an admission number by the
staff to record the data and activities of the student on the system.information, universities can now administer the library's operational
student/user of this system must provide their admission number efficiencies
to and organizational effectiveness. The more informative
access their information on the system. They can view the list of all in libraries can efficiently aid the processing of knowledge by
available books, borrow or return books. supplying the useful information. The computerized library system in
universities is expected to lessen the burden on both librarian and
students in searching for the appropriate books and information.
Therefore, the new library system centers in the advantages in terms of
accessing, retrieving, and sharing information most especially in a
According to Britannica Online (2010), the technologically
word oriented University environment (Shibanda, 2002).
library derives from Latin liber, which suggests the book. The integrated process of a computerized library system can keep the
track of all the books and periodicals and keeping the status updated made possible through a loan from the World Bank and
apparently, there are "user ID's such as their student number to make counterpart funds from participating Institutions.
an access in the system. This will keep all the information regarding
the materials updated and monitored the use of the computerized
library system is a kind of technology that is popular in the developed III. MATERIALS and METHODS
countries. Perhaps, this is the right time for the developing countries to Materials
show any sign of development and progress even in the technological
approach. A computerized library system among the universities is just To accomplish this system, the researchers used the
a simple approach to change the approach of the schools in their one of following:
most busy areas Through the use of the necessary infrastructure and
implementation of the process, the computerized library system can be  Python version 3. 7. 2 as the programing
effective. language,
 Notepad for the database of the program, and
In the Philippines, there are many universities that openly  Windows 10 laptop which have 4 GB of
participated in the computerized library systems which add to their RAM and Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU N3450 @
value of promoting the learning. However, it is obvious that most of 1.10GHz processor.
the universities that managed this new system are private or semi-  Internet
private institutions. The centralized reason that might contribute in this
system is the large investments that the universities bound to provide.
If all of the universities in the country successfully provide the library Methods
computerization there is a possibility to place the learning in a most
accessible and easiest way. 1. Python
In the program development, the python is the main
In developed countries where the computerized library system program/ software that were used for the study. Python is a
general-purpose programming language. Hence, you can use
is a mature technology, a computerized library network is perhaps no
the programming language for developing both desktop and
longer a novel project. In the Philippines however, where the web applications. At present, Python is supporting many
operating systems. You can even use Python interpreters to
automated library system is available in only a handful of libraries, the
run the code on specific platforms and tools. Also, Python is
launching of the DOST-ESEP Library Network on November 22, 1995 an interpreted programming language. It allows you to you to
run the same code on multiple platforms without
is a milestone in the history of librarianship in the country.
recompilation. Python's simple, easy to learn syntax
emphasizes readability and therefore reduces the cost of
program maintenance. Moreover, it supports modules and
The DOST-ESEP Library Network was envisioned to:
packages, which encourages program modularity and code
1. Build library resources and services in eight academic reuse.
2. Provide connectivity by means of the information
Ten (10) respondents have been asked to try the output of the
highway in the Philippines, the (PHnet), which is also the
project and given a form for evaluation. The criteria of the evaluation
country’s gateway to Internet. It was proposed as an integral
form have the scale of Excellent (5), Very Satisfactory (4),
component of the Department of Science and Technology Satisfactory
- (3), Fair (2), Poor (1). The summarized results of the
Engineering and Science Education Project (DOST-ESEP). evaluated form for each set are shown on the tables below.

The DOST-ESEP was designed to develop manpower, TABLE 1.

instructional and research capabilities in eight academic
institutions in support of the country's bid for NIC-hood by
the year 2000. Implantation of the project was made possible
through a loan from the World Bank and counterpart funds
from participating Institutions. Implantation of the project was
Table 1 shows the evaluation of the system in terms of Functionality.
All categories in the first table were interpreted as excellent.

Table 6 shows the evaluated criteria for Information in the Software.
Most reviews are excellent except for category two which only has one
Excellent response.


Table 2 shows the evaluation of the system in terms of Reliability.

Both category on the criteria on the second table gets a total of
Excellent review form the respondents.


Technical Aspects of the Software and Materials are shown on the Table
7 which has an average response of Very Satisfactory.

Table 3 shows the evaluation of the respondents for the criteria under For overall outlook of the evaluated form, most respondents are
Efficiency and was given an overall review of Excellent. satisfied to the system that made by the researchers.


Table 4 shows the criteria under Portability. It was evaluated by the

respondents and the first category got an overall outlook of Very
Satisfactory while the second category got an Excellent review.



This kind of library system could be a huge assistance

looking books in library easier. This method is administered by the
university professional person and can be utilized by the scholars and
college personnel further. On borrowing books, the professional
person doesn’t need to record it manually instead the system can record
mechanically. Python programming
Table 5 shows the evaluated criteria for Usability and most of the
language will facilitate lots to the students, they'll search or
category got an Excellent review.
logbooks exploitation this program to look whether or not
TABLE 6. required books are still exist within the library.

The Library Management System has a greater effect on the

student academic performance. This study found out the importance of
having Library Management Program in every library in the school study and their comments that we are able to improve the
because the time consumed become less when they search a book. research.

The study findings, a basis has been made. The development We are thankful to Mr. Joven Ramos for providing
of library management system will benefit the students, the librarian his knowledge and expertise that greatly assisted the research,
and the system user. Additionally, the implementation of Library and for constantly giving instructions.
Management System will let all the participants can easily used it.
With many people being satisfied with the use of Library Management
System, it can be faster implementation in some University. Therefore,
the researchers can conclude that the Library Management System can VII. REFERENCES
bring inspiration to the student to study hard.



The researchers are immensely grateful to God for

giving knowledge and continuous guidance for this study to2. Notepad (Database)
be completed. Without his grace, this research would not be
possible. With the use of Notepad, the researchers are able to create a
database needed on creating the program. The researchers used
This research was supported by our parents, friends,
database to store the student/user information and book data. With the
and classmates. We thank them for their assistance that the
use of database, saving, adding, deleting of information is much easier
research was done properly. The proponents would like to
than manually typing it to the source code.
show their gratitude for the participation of the respondents
who willingly/sincerely given their honest review about the

Installation of Python 3.7.3

In the development of the Library Management System, the
python program shall be installed first. The python program was
obtainable and can be downloaded for free at Upon downloading, it will give
the researchers an exe application that will allow the developers to
proceed to the next procedure of installing the python program.

FIG.A shows the source code for the main function of the

Downloading Python 3.7.3 at FIG. B

Upon clicking the python exe application, it will allow the

developer(s) to setup or install the python program whatever they
choose. The researchers can choose whether they want a path file of
the program or not. The setup progress of the python program may take
several minutes to be installed. After installing, it will create an icon
button in the menu bar called “IDLE”, this IDLE allows the developers
to run certain python files and with some commands in
the python, it will allow the developers to do their own codes.

FIG.B shows the source code for the Main Guide of the output of the


Setup /Installing Python 3.7.3

Main Source Code


FIG.C shows the admin menu of the program.


FIG.F shows all the student records and their number.


FIG.D shows the book that issue of the program.

FIG.E FIG.G shows modify student. It can change the personal

information of the student.


FIG.E shows the book deposit of the program.

FIG.H shows create/add books.

FIG.K shows total book in the data base.



FIG.I shows all book records.

FIG.L shows view issued books.



FIG.J shows deleting books.

FIG.K FIG.M shows viewed all students.

Research Design

The developers used the Hierarchical Input Process

Output (HIPO) method to represent furthermore the output
design of program.
The figure shown below will represent how the poor(1) to summarized all the answered that tell if it
developers discussed the logic formulation and system helpful or not.
design and the internal structure of the visualized system.

Data Collection Procedure

The data required for this study the programmers

gathered ten first year college students of Cavite State
University. The programmers acquired several data such as:
names, and their courses. The programmers
designed an analysis kind regarding library management
system that composed of twenty one items. the ten students
were approached and accompanied by the programmers.


Research Locale

The study will be conducted in the

Cavite State University. The respondents
w i l l b e g i v e n a e v a l u a t i o n f o r m . The researchers
chose the place of implementation because it will give the
researchers the needed information for people that use
Library System. The study will be conducted in the second
semester of the academic year 2018-2019.


The researcher use an evaluation form to finalized

the answer of the respondent. Furthermore, the researcher
will use the grade of excellent (5), satisfactory(3) and

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