Experiment No. 4 Group 3 Ce32s1

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363 P. Casal St., Quiapo, Manila

College of Engineering and Architecture

Civil Engineering Department

Experiment No. 4


1811136 ASONZA, STEPHANIE ANNE L. _______________

1911410 BRAVO, SHERLYN A. ______________
1620299 CHUA, CARLO C. _______________
1811257 RAMIREZ, YAOSHA R. _______________
1810471 SABATER, SAMUEL SYDNEY S. _______________

Submitted to:
Engr. Rommel V. Roxas

February 27, 2021
Experiment No. 4
The activity aims to introduce to the student the method of conducting an experiment to determine the
coefficient of permeability of a given soil sample by variable head permeability test.
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
The students shall be able to:
• Determine the coefficient of permeability by constant head permeability test; and
• Determine the coefficient of permeability by variable head permeability test.

Permeability is defined as the property of porous material which permits the passage or seepage of water through
its interconnected voids. The coefficient of permeability is finding out following method.
a) Laboratory method:
i. Variable head test.
ii. Constant head test.
b) Field method:
i. Pumping out test.
ii. Pumping in test.
c) Indirect test:
i. Computation from grain size or specific surface.
ii. Horizontal capillarity test.
iii. Consolidation test data.

The derivation of the coefficient of permeability is based on the assumption of the validity of the Darcy’s law to the
flow of water in soil. The term coefficient of permeability implies the velocity of flow of water through the soil under
unit hydraulic gradient, and consequently has the same units as that of velocity.

A. Variable head test: The variable head test is used for fine grained soils like silts and silty clays.

For the Variable head test, the following formula is applicable:

𝑎𝐿 ℎ1
𝑘 = 2.203 log10 ( )
𝐴𝑡 ℎ2
k = Coefficient of permeability at 𝑇 ℃ (cm/sec).
a = Cross Sectional area of stand pipe (cm^2)
L = Length of soil specimen (cm)
A = Cross-sectional area of soil sample inside the mould (cm^2)
t = (t1 – t2) = Time interval for the head to fall from h1 to h2
h1 = Initial head of water at time t1 in the pipe, measured above the outlet
h2 = Final head of water at time t2 in the pipe, measured above the outlet

B. Constant head test: The Constant head test is suitable for coarse grained soils like sands, sandy silts.

For the Constant head test, the following formula is applicable:

𝑞= =𝑘𝑖𝐴
𝑘= =
𝑡 𝑖 𝐴 𝑡 ℎ𝐴
k = Coefficient of permeability at 𝑇 ℃ (cm/sec)
L = Length of soil specimen (cm)
A = Total cross-sectional area of soil sample (cm^2)
i = hydraulic gradients
Q = Quantity of water collected in measuring jar
t = total time required for collecting ‘Q’ quantity of water
h = Difference in the water levels of the overhead and bottom tank.

a) Special:
1. Jodhpur permeameter frame consisting of sand pipe graduated scale, rubber tubing
connected to permeameter mould.

2. Permeameter mould.

3. Accessories of permeameter mould including the cover, base, detachable collar, porous stones,
dummy plate etc.

4. Round filter paper. 5. Dynamic compaction device.

b) General:
1.Stop watch 2. De-aired water.

3. IS 4.75 mm sieve 4. Grease.


a) Preparation of remoulded soil specimen:

i. Weight the required quantity of oven dried soil sample. Evenly sprinkle the calculated quantity
of water corresponding to the OMC. Mix the soil sample thoroughly.
ii. Clean the mould and apply a small portion of grease inside the mould and around the porous
stones in the base plate. Weight the mould and attach the collar to it. Fix the mould on the
compaction base plate. Keep the apparatus on solid base.
iii. The soil sample is placed inside the mould, and is compacted by the standard Proctor
compaction tools, to achieve a dry density equal to the pre- determine3d MDD. Weight the mould
along with the compacted soil.
iv. Saturate the porous stones. Place the filter papers on both ends of the soil specimen in the
mould. Attach the mould with the drainage base and cap having saturated porous stones.

b) Saturation of soil specimen:

i. Connect the water reservoir to the outlet at the bottom of the mould and allow the water to flow in the
soil. Wait till the water has been able to travel up and saturate the sample. Allow about 1 cm depth of free water to
collect on the top of the sample.
ii. Fill the remaining portion of cylinder with de-aired water without disturbing the surface of soil.
iii. Fix the cover plate over the collar and tighten the nuts in the rods.

c) Constant head test:

i. Place the mould assembly in the bottom tank and fill the bottom tank with water up to the outlet.
ii. Connect the outlet tube with constant head tank to the inlet nozzle of the permeameter, after removing
the air in flexible rubber tubing connecting the tube.
iii. Adjust the hydraulic head by either adjusting the relative height of the permeameter mould and
constant head tank or by rising or lowering the air intake tube with in the head tank
iv. Start the stop watch and at the same time put a bucket under the outlet of the bottom tank, run the
test for same convenient time interval and measure.
v. Repeat the test twice more, under the same head and for the same time interval.

d) Variable head permeability test method:

i. Disconnect the water reservoir from the outlet at the bottom and connect the stand pipe to the inlet at
the top plate.
ii. Fill the stand pipe with water. Open the stop cock at the top and allow water to flow out so that all the
air in the cylinder is removed.
iii. Fix the height h1 and h2 on the stand pipe from the centre of the outlet such that (h1 – h2) is about 30
cm to 40 cm.
iv. When all the air has escaped, close the stop clock and allow the water from the pipe to flow through
the soil and establish a steady flow.
v. Record the time interval, t, for the head to drop from h1 to h2.
vi. Take about five such observations by changing the values of h1 and h2.
vii. Measure the temperature of water.
i. All possible leakage of joints must be eliminated.
ii. Porous stones must be saturated before being put to use.
iii. De-aired and distilled water should be used to prevent choking of flowing water.
iv. Soil sample must be carefully saturated before taking the observations.
v. Use of high heads, which result in turbulent flows, should be avoided.

Course: CE 304 Experiment No.: 4

Group No.: 3 Section: CE32S1
Group Leader: Date Performed:
Group Members: Date Submitted: February 27, 2021
Data and Results:

Observation and Calculation Table for Constant Head Permeability Test:

S No. Observation 1 2 3
1 Diameter of stand pipe (cm) “d” 1.0 1.1 1.2
2 c/s area of stand pipe “a=pi.d^2/4” 0.7854 0.9503 1.1310
3 Diameter of cylindrical soil sample “D” 6.33 6.33 6.33
4 c/s area of soil specimen “a=pi.D^2/4” 31.47 31.47 31.47
5 Height of soil specimen, L 13.8 13.8 13.8
6 Hydraulic head “h” (cm) 20 21.3 21.3
7 Time interval “t” (sec) 12.69 7.85 9.63
Coefficient of permeability (cm/sec) .0503 .0415 .0567
8 𝒌=
𝒕 𝒉𝑨

Average Coefficient of permeability (cm/sec) = 0.0495

Observation and Calculation Table for Following Head Permeability Test:

Table 1:
S No. Observation 1 2 3
1 Diameter of stand pipe (cm) “d” 1.0 1.1 1.2
2 c/s area of stand pipe “a=pi.d^2/4” 0.7854 0.9503 1.1310
3 Diameter of cylindrical soil sample “D” 1.255 1.255 1.255
4 c/s area of soil specimen “a=pi.D^2/4” 1.237 1.237 1.237
5 Height of soil specimen, L 1.156 1.156 1.156

Table 2:
S No. Observation 1 2 3
1 Diameter of stand pipe (cm) “d” 1.0 1.1 1.2
2 c/s area of stand pipe “a=pi.d^2/4” 0.7854 0.9503 1.1310
3 Diameter of cylindrical soil sample “D” 1.255 1.255 1.255
4 c/s area of soil specimen “a=pi.D^2/4” 1.237 1.237 1.237
5 Height of soil specimen, L 1.156 1.156 1.156
Conclusion: (PER MEMBER)
The permeability experiment we have observed in laboratory procedure was one to determine the hydraulic
conductivity of a soil specimen. There were two test that needed to be done to figure out (K) in two different
types of soil, one with large pores and on with small pores. Each test is designed to treat that certain
specifications of soil. Our average (K) for falling head test was .0495 cm/s and for the constant it was .0412 cm/s.
So with these being our results, according to the Laboratory Manual this soil used was most likely a fine sand.
Now by knowing this, as engineers, we could put this into consideration with constructing structures that will
have to deal with water near it.


For Constant Head Permeability Test

Prepare the permeability mould and fill it with Connect the 3 stem pipes to the manometer
soil. Prepare the soil for few days for the soil
to become saturated.

Measure of stem pipes from Top, Middle and The water tank should be at stable so the flow
Bottom wherein the difference between the of water is continuous.
distance is 7.5 cm.

To perform the test we will use a graduated Test again from the different manometer and do
cylinder to measure the flow of water and stop the same procedure.
watch for the time.

For Falling Head Test

For the fine grain material that has a low Using the 3 manometers that consists of 10mm,
permeability. 6mm, 4mm respectively.

To perform this test it must be connected to the Observe the flow of water on the manometers
mould from the manometer to measure the flow and see how different diameters with water
of water in a period of time. Open the valve from decrease faster on the smaller size of diameter.
the left and use the timer to measure the flow. Record the time for the data and result.
Wait until the water from the manometer falls
from 60 cm to 50 cm. Close the valve and do the
same for the other manometers.

Assessment (Rubric for Laboratory Performance):

1 2 3
I. Laboratory Skills
Members do not Members always
Manipulative occasionally
demonstrate demonstrate needed
Skills demonstrate
needed skills. skills.
needed skills
Members are able
Members are Members are able to set-
Experimental to set-up the
unable to set-up up the material with
Set-up materials with
the materials. minimum supervision.
Members do not
occasionally Members always
Process Skills demonstrate demonstrate targeted
targeted process
targeted process process skills.
Members do not Members follow
Safety Members follow safety
follow safety safety precautions
Precautions precautions at all times.
precautions. most of the time.
II. Work Habits
Members do not Members finish on Members finish ahead of
Management /
finish on time with time with time with complete data
Conduct of
incomplete data. incomplete data. and time to revise data.
Members do not Members have
know their tasks defined Members are on tasks
and have no responsibilities and have defined
Cooperative and defined most of the time. responsibilities at all
Teamwork responsibilities. Group conflicts are times. Group conflicts
Group conflicts cooperatively are cooperatively
have to be settled managed most of managed at all times.
by the teacher. the time.
Clean and orderly
Clean and orderly
Messy workplace workplace with
Neatness and workplace at all times
during and after occasional mess
Orderliness during and after the
the experiment. during and after
the experiment.
Members require
Members require Members do not need to
Ability to do occasional
supervision by the be supervised by the
independent work supervision by the
teacher. teacher.
Other Comments/Observations: Total Score

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. “Wireless Research lab.”, Civil Engineering, Soil Mechanics,

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