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LESSON 1: ANCIENT, MIDDLE AND MODERN among nations increased, which resulted in greater

TECHNOLOGIES IN THE WORLD AND THE demands for transportation technology. The major
advances in scientific and technological development
took place in this period.
Ancient period (estimated 3000 BC to 500 AD) is the PRINTING PRESS
start of early civilization that also gave rise to the major
advancement of science and technology. These Johann Gutenberg managed to invent the printing press
advances also allowed the civilization to flourish after the Chinese invented woodblock printing, a more
through establishing better ways of transportation and efficient method of printing using a cast type.
navigation, communication and record keeping, mass
production, security and protection, as well as health, TELESCOPE
aesthetics and architecture, and of living in general. Invented by Galileo Galilei that can magnify 20 times
ANCIENT WHEEL larger than a regular glass. This is used to discover
important astronomical discoveries such as craters and
People from ancient civilization used animals as means mountains in moon.
of transportation. The invention of ancient wheel is
credited to the Sumerians. COMPOUND MICROSCOPE

PAPER Invented by a Dutch Zacharias Janssen in 1590’s

Nowadays, microscope is used in many scientific studies
Around 3000 B.C., the ancient Egyptians began writing in the area of medicine, forensics and genetics.
on a papyrus. It is made up from a pith of plant called
Cyprus papyrus. Before the invention of papyrus, HEAVY PLOUGH
writing and record-keeping is done on stones and “The heavy plough turned European agriculture and
tablets. economy on its head. The fields with heavy, fatty soil
became those that gave the greatest yields.” - Prof.
Thomas Andersen Because of the invention of heavy
A tool used and invented by ancient Egyptians to plough, northern Europe saw rapid economic
irrigate land. It is a hand-operated device used for lifting prosperity.
water Its invention introduced the idea of lifting things
using counterweights. GUN POWDER

ANTIKYTHERA MECHANISM Around 850 A.D., Chinese alchemists accidentally

invented the gunpowder. Prior to the invention of
Discovered in 1902 and retrieved from the waters of gunpowder, swords and spears were used in battles and
Antikythera, Greece. It is a mechanism similar to a clock wars. The invention of gunpowder has allowed
for it has a circular face and rotating hands. It is advanced warfare such as fiery arrows, cannons, and
believed that this mechanism is used to predict grenades.
astronomical positions and eclipses.
Paper money was first used by Chinese in 17th century.
It is also known as the Hero’s engine. It is a steam- Before the introduction of paper money, merchants and
powered turbine which spins as the water container at traders used precious metals such as gold and silver.
its center is heated. At first, it doesn’t serve any They realized that using paper money brought
practical purpose. It is believed to be one of the advantages because it is easier to keep and transport.
“temple wonders” at that time.
The start of the Middle Ages was marred by massive
invasions and migrations. Wars are prevalent during this The development of mechanical clock helped the
people in accurately keeping the track of time. The
time. As such, great technology was needed in the fields
of weaponry, navigation, food and farm production, and sophistication of clockwork technology drastically
health. The wars have resulted to population decline. changed the way of spending the day and work patterns
However, in the later part of this period, there was were established.
significant increase in population. Trade and commerce
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN MODERN AGES garment of the Philippines. It is very lightweight and
worn untucked (similar to a coat/dress shirt), over an
The booming world population during the nineteenth undershirt. It is usually worn by men during weddings,
century onwards demanded that more goods be
banquets, and other such formal events. Women
produced at faster rate. People needed efficient means wearing the barong Tagalog is uncommon, but not
of transportation to trade more goods and cover a unheard of. The term "barong Tagalog" literally means
larger distance. Machines that required animals to "a Tagalog dress" in the Tagalog language. The baro
operate must thus be upgraded. Faster and easier was popularized as formal wear by Philippine
means to communicate and compute should be President Ramon Magsaysay, who wore it to most
developed to establish connections between and official and personal affairs, including his inauguration
among nations. All these needs resulted in the as president.
development of industries. However, due to massive
industrialization, the modern times again faced more The Baro’t saya (also known as Filipiniana) is an
complicated problems. Food processing and medicine embroidered dress and is worn by women. The name is
posed some of the bigger challenges since health was of a contraction of the Tagalog words barò at saya,
great concern. meaning "dress (blouse) and skirt".
PASTEURIZATION Bahag is a loincloth that was commonly used
throughout the Philippines before the arrival of
Louis Pasteur, a French biologist, microbiologist and European colonizers, and which is used by some
chemist invented pasteurization, the process of heating indigenous tribes of the Philippines today – most
dairy products to kill the harmful bacteria that allow notably the Cordillerans in Northern Luzon.
them to spoil faster. Through this process, milk could be
stored and consumed for a longer period. Other LITERATURE AND ARTS
contributions of Pasteur to Science and Technology and
Medicine included his works on molecular asymmetry, The Hudhud consists of narrative chants performed
fermentation, and vaccination. mainly by elder Ifugao women usually during the rice
sowing season, at harvest time and at funeral wakes
TELEPHONE and rituals.
The more people got acquainted through trade and Pabása is a Catholic devotion in the Philippines popular
discovery, the more they wanted a way to keep these during Holy Week involving the uninterrupted chanting
links securely and communicate with each other in real of the Pasyón, an early 16th-century epic poem
time. Thus, Alexander Graham Bell 's telephone narrating the life, passion, death, and resurrection of
development was one of the most significant Jesus Christ. The verses are based on the bible and
developments at the time. practiced every holy week.
Invented by Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright. They The panabas is a large, forward-curved sword, used by
demonstrated that slightly tilted wings are the key certain ethnic groups in the southern Philippines. Its
features of a flying aircraft. length varied from two to four feet, and was either
wielded with one hand or with both. It was used as a
TELEVISION combat weapon, as an execution tool, and as a display
Invented by Scottish engineer John Logie Baird in 1920s. of power. Occasional use as an agricultural and
British Broadcasting Corporation used this for its butchering tool has also been noted. The sword's name
earliest television programming in 1929. This first is a shortening of the word "pang-tabas", which means
television is mechanical and not the same as the "chopping tool". As such, its etymological origins are the
television we have nowadays. root word tabas ("to chop off").

LIST OF FILIPINO INVENTIONS AND DISCOVERIES The Balisong (a type of butterfly knife or fan knife) is a
folding pocket knife with two handles counter-rotating
FASHION around the tang such that, when closed, the blade is
A barong Tagalog placed against the light, showing the concealed within grooves in the handles. It is
translucency of the fabric The barong Tagalog (or sometimes called a Batangas knife, after the Tagalog
occasionally called baro), is an embroidered formal province of Batangas, where it is traditionally made. In
the hands of a trained user, the knife blade can be was greatest in precolonial South East Asia especially in
brought to bear quickly using one hand. Manipulations, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Indonesia. The guns were
called "flipping" or "fanning", are performed for art or used to defend against pirates demanding tribute for
amusement. the local chief, or potentate. Although most lantaka
weighed under two hundred pounds, and many only a
The barong or barung, is a short sword with a leaf- few pounds, the largest ones exceeded a thousand
shaped blade, widely used in the island of Mindanao. pounds, and some weighed over a ton. Many of these
The gunong or punyál (also known as puñal de kris or guns were mounted on swivels and were known as
kris knife) is a knife from Mindanao. It is essentially a swivel guns. The smaller ones could be mounted almost
diminutive form of the larger kalis or kris. The gunong anywhere including in the rigging. Medium-sized
serves both as a utility knife and as a thrusting weapon cannon were frequently used in reinforced sockets on
used for close quarter fighting – usually as a last the vessel's rails and were sometimes referred to as rail
defense. It is most often associated with the ethnic guns.
Maranao, among whom the gunong was traditionally The heaviest swivel guns were mounted on modified
carried by both sexes. The weapon is generally tucked gun carriages to make them more portable. High quality
into the back of a waist sash. metal casting, artillery, and other metal works had been
A kampilan hilt is sometimes wrapped with rattan to traditions throughout the ancient Philippines. The
improve the grip. The two holes on the crossguard are metal smith, or panday piray of Pampanga was skilled
where the metal "staples" (C- or U-shaped) go, as at making weapons, and many individuals with the
additional protection for the wielder's hand. surnames Viray and Piray are said to be descendants of
people who were once members of the guild of smiths
The kampilan is a type of single-edged long sword, used who followed the tradition of the panday pira. Ancient
on the islands of Mindanao, Visayas, and Luzon. The peoples used small arquebuses, or portable cannons
kampilan has a distinct profile, with the tapered blade made up of bronze. Larger cannons, on the other hand,
being much broader and thinner at the point than at its were made of iron and resembling culverins provided
base, sometimes with a protruding spikelet along the heavier firepower. The iron cannon at Rajah Sulaiman
flat side of the tip and a bifurcated hilt which is believed III's house was about 17 feet long and was made from
to represent a mythical creature's open mouth. A clay and wax moulds.
notable wielder of the kampilan was Lapu-Lapu (the
king of Mactan) and his warriors, who defeated the CONSTRUCTION AND CIVIL ENGINEERING
Spaniards and killed Portuguese explorer Ferdinand The Igorots built forts made of stone walls that
Magellan at the Battle of Mactan in 1521. The mention averaged several meters in width and about two to
of the kampilan in ancient Filipino epics originating from three times the width in height around 2000 BC.
other non-Muslim areas such as the Hiligaynon
Hinilawod and the Ilocano Biag ni Lam-Ang is possible The Idjang is triangular hil-to citadel of the Ivatan
evidence for the sword's widespread usage throughout people of the northern islands of Batanes, these idjangs
the archipelago during pre-Hispanic times are built fortifications to protect themselves during
times of war. They built their so-called idjangs on hills
The kalis is a type of double-edged Filipino sword, often and elevated areas. These fortifications were likened to
with a "wavy" section, similar to a keris. Just like the European castles because of their purpose. Usually, the
keris, the Kalis's double-edged blade can be used for only entrance to the castles would be via a rope ladder
both cutting and thrusting; except that the Kalis is much that would only be lowered for the villagers and could
larger than most Kerises, making it a sword rather than be kept away when invaders arrived.
a dagger. The wavy portion of the kalis is said to be
meant to facilitate easier slashing in battle – since a Torogan was a symbol of high social status. Such a
straight edge tends to get stuck in the opponent's residence was once a home to a Lakan , Rajah's sultan
bones, the wavy portion allows the kalis' bearer to more or Datu in the Philippine archipelago a Torogan is
easily pull the weapon out of his opponent's body. elevated above the ground by its columns cut from
trees of huge girth. Its walls are covered with plywood
FIREARMS/PROJECTILE sticks and the roof thatched with dried coconut leaves.
The lantaka (also known as kanyon in Tagalog) were a There is no interior partition, so it appears as a huge
type of bronze swivel gun mounted on merchant vessels hall. Apart from the basic elements of this structure, it is
travelling the waterways of Malay Archipelago. Its use intricately engraved with the flowing geometries of the
Maranaw design system called okir. A Torogan will gandingan is a Philippine set of four large, hanging
never be complete without the legendary bird, gongs used by the Maguindanao as part of their
Sarimanok being displayed inside. Furniture is also kulintang ensemble. When integrated into the
common among Maranaws. one of the example was the ensemble, it functions as a secondary melodic
Kawayan Torogan, built by Sultan sa Kawayan instrument after the main melodic instrument, the
Makaantal in Bubung Malanding, Marantao, Lanao del kulintang. When played solo, the gandingan allows
Sur, the last remaining habitable Torogan, was declared fellow Maguindanao to communicate with each other,
as a National Cultural Treasure by the National Museum allowing them to send messages or warnings via long
of the Philippines in 2008 distances. This ability to imitate tones of the
Maguindanao language using this instrument has given
MUSIC AND INSTRUMENTS the gandingan connotation: the “talking gongs.
OPM include musical performance arts in the TRANSPORTATION AND MOBILITY
Philippines or by Filipinos composed in various genres
and styles. The compositions are often a mixture of Marine vessels
different Asian, Spanish, Latin American, American, and
indigenous influences The balangay replica docked at CCP Harbor Manila after
its South East Asian expedition
The Kudyapi is a Philippine two-stringed, fretted boat-
lute. It is the only stringed instrument among the The balangay was the first wooden marine vessel ever
people of Visayas and Mindanao, and one of several excavated in Southeast Asia. It is also known as the
among other groups such as the Maranao and Manobo. Butuan boat, as nine specimens of these boats, dating
It is four to six feet long with nine frets made of back to pre-Hispanic times (the earliest being in 320 CE),
hardened beeswax. The instrument is carved out of were discovered in 1976, Butuan, Mindanao. It is
solid soft wood such as that from the jackfruit tree. The believed that the Austronesians migrated to the
kudyapi has been found among groups such as the Philippine archipelago, riding the balangay. When the
Visayans whose prevalence just like the kubing and first Spaniards arrived in the 16th century, they found
other musical instruments are and/or were found in the Filipinos living in well-organized independent
other parts of the Philippines. villages called "baranggáy". The name barangay
originated from balangay, the Austronesian word for
Palendag, also called Pulalu (Manobo and Mansaka), "sailboat".
Palandag (Bagobo),
•The Karakoa was an ancient warship in the Philippines
Pulala (Bukidnon) and Lumundeg (Banuwaen) is a type by the Visayan and Kapampangan people built out of
of Philippine bamboo flute, the largest one used by the plank fastened with stakes, fitted with accoutrements
Maguindanaon. A smaller type of this instrument is necessary for searading (mangayaw), slaves and
called the Hulakteb (Bukidnon). A lip-valley flute, it is occasional bride.[28] Pedro Chirino, a Spanish friar and
considered the toughest of the three bamboo flutes a historian, said on his book Relacion de las Islas
(the others being the tumpong and the suling) to use Filipinas that Karakoa was three times faster than a
because of the way one must shape one's lips against its Spanish Galleon, in the book detailed how friar
tip to make a sound.The construction of the Francisco Alcina a keen shipwright admired the
mouthpiece is such that the lower end is cut diagonally efficiency of the vessels crafted by the native Visayans,
to accommodate the lower lip and the second diagonal There were 2,000 Kapampangan belligerents in the
cut is make for the blowing edge. Among the Bukidnon, Battle of Bangkusay who boarded on 40 Karakoas.
a similar instrument with the same construction except
that it is three-fourths the length of the palendag, is •The vinta (locally known as lepa-lepa or sakayan) is a
called the hulakteb. traditional boat, made by ethnic Bajau and Tausūg,
living in Mindanao, the Sulu archipelago, North
gambang, properly called a gambang kayu ('wooden Kalimantan (Indonesia), and Sabah (Malaysia). These
gambang') is a xylophone-like instrument used among boats, sporting a single, colorful sail, are used for inter-
peoples of Indonesia and the southern Philippines in island transport of people and goods. Zamboanga City is
gamelan and kulintang, with wooden bars as opposed known for these vessels.
to the metallic ones of the more typical metallophones
in a gamelan. A largely obsolete instrument, the
gambang gangsa, is a similar instrument made with
metal bars.
Land transport and evaporated milk to which are added various
ingredients, including boiled sweet beans, coconut,
•The Jeepney, a modified military jeep, is the most sago, gulaman (agar jelly), tubers and fruits. It is served
common form of transportation in the country today.
in a tall glass or bowl. The similar Visayan dessert
After independence from the United States was binignit is also referred to as ginataang halo-halo in
declared in 1946, there was a surplus of American Tagalog ("halo-halo in coconut milk"), commonly
military jeeps in the country. Filipinos then modified shortened to ginataan. It is made with mostly the same
these vehicles to serve as makeshift buses. Since then, ingredients, although the latter is usually served hot.
this ubiquitous vehicle has faced a lot of innovative
transformations until the modern “E-Jeepney” was • Palitaw (from litaw, the Tagalog word for "float" or
finally introduced in Metro Manila and Bacolod. "rise") is a small, flat, sweet rice cake eaten in the
Philippines. They are made from washed, soaked, and
FOOD TECHNIQUES ground malagkit (sticky rice). After excess water is let
•Adobo (meaning "marinade," "sauce" or "seasoning") out from the grinding process, scoops of the batter are
is the name of a popular dish and cooking process in rolled and flattened to a circular shape and cooked by
Filipino cuisine that involves meat, seafood, or dropping into boiling water; floating to the surface is an
vegetables marinated in a sauce of vinegar and garlic, indication that they're done. Before serving, they are
browned in oil, and simmered in the marinade. dipped in grated coconut, and presented with a
Although it has a name taken from the Spanish, the separate mix of sugar and toasted sesame seeds.
cooking method is indigenous to the Philippines. Dishes •Otap (sometimes spelled utap) is an oval-shaped puff
prepared in this manner eventually came to be known pastry in the Philippines, especially common in Cebu
by this name, with the original term for the dish now where it originated. It usually consists of a combination
lost to history. Before the Spaniards came, early of flour, shortening, coconut, and sugar. In order to
Filipinos cooked their food minimally by roasting, achieve the texture of the pastry, it must undergo an
steaming or boiling. To keep it fresh longer, food was eleven-stage baking process.
often cooked by immersion in vinegar and salt. Thus,
early Filipinos could have been cooking its meat in •Bibingka is a type of rice cake from the Philippines
vinegar, which is the basic process in making adobo. The usually eaten during the Christmas season. It is
process of adobo was an ancient method dating back to traditionally cooked in clay pots lined with banana
the Classical Period of preserving the pork and chicken leaves. Bibingka is also used as a general term for
meats since there was no refrigeration at the time. desserts made with flour and baked in the same
manner. The term can be loosely translated to "[rice]
Sinigang cake".
•Sinigang is a Filipino soup or stew characterized by its • Puto is a type of steamed rice cake usually served as
sour and savory flavor most often associated with snack or as accompaniment to savory dishes such as
tamarind (sampalok). It is one of the popular dishes in dinuguan or pancit in Philippine cuisine and believed is
Philippine cuisine. to be derived from the Kerala dish puttu. It is eaten as is
• The recipe for banana catsup was created by Maria or with cheese and/or grated fresh coconut, or as an
Orosa y Ylagan. Banana catsup is used as a substitute accompaniment to a number of savoury viands (most
for tomato catsup, widely popularized by Max's, one of notably, dinuguan). The most common shape of the
the biggest fried chicken restaurant chains in the putuhán or steamer used in making puto is round,
Philippines. Orosa also experimented with foods native rangingfrom 30 to 60 centimetres (12 to 24 in) in
to the Philippines and formulated food products like diameter and between 2 to 5 centimetres (0.79 to 1.97
calamansi nip, a desiccated and powdered form of in) deep. These steamers are rings made of either
calamansi that could be used to make calamansi juice, soldered sheet metal built around a perforated pan, or
and a powdered preparation of soya-beans called of thin strips of bent bamboo enclosing a flat basket of
Soyalac, a "magic food" preparation which helped save split bamboo slats (similar to a dim sum steamer
the lives of thousands of Filipinos, Americans, and other basket). The cover is almost always conical to allow the
nationals who were held prisoner in different Japanese condensing steam to drip along the perimeter instead
concentration camps. of on the cakes.

•Halo-halo (Tagalog: [haluˈhaloʔ], "mixed together") is •kutsinta is a type of steamed rice cake (puto) found
a popular Filipino dessert with mixtures of shaved ice throughout the Philippines. It is made from a mixture of
rice flour, brown sugar and lye, enhanced with yellow 1. alter the way people live, connect, communicate and
food coloring or annatto extract, and steamed in small transact, with profound effects on economic
ramekins. The cooked cakes are topped with fresh development.
grated meat from mature coconut. It is consumed year-
round as a merienda or snack, and is frequently sold 2. key drivers to development, because technological
along with puto. Unlike its counterpart, which has a and scientific revolutions underpin economic advances,
doughy texture, kutsina has a jelly-like, chewy improvements in health systems, education and
consistency. It can be also enhanced by adding latik for infrastructure.
a sweeter taste. 3. The technological revolutions of the 21st century are
•Taho is a Filipino snack food made of fresh soft/silken emerging from entirely new sectors, based on micro-
tofu, arnibal (sweetener and flavoring), and sago pearl processors, tele-communications, bio-technology and
(similar to tapioca pearls). This staple comfort food is a nano-technology. Products are transforming business
signature sweet and taho peddlers can be found all over practices across the economy, as well as the lives of all
the country. The Indonesian equivalent of this snack is who have access to their effects. The most remarkable
Tauhue, and the Malaysian equivalent of this snack is breakthroughs will come from the interaction of
called Taufufah. insights and applications arising when these
technologies converge.
•Nata de coco was originally invented in 1949 by
Teodula K. Kalaw as an alternative to thetraditional 4. have the power to better the lives of poor people in
Filipino nata de piña which is made from pineapples. developing countries

•Macapuno was first cultivated commercially in the 5. differentiators between countries that are able to
Philippines after the development of the "embryo tackle poverty effectively by growing and developing
rescue" in vitro culture technology in the 1960s by their economies, and those that are not.
Emerita V. De Guzman. 6. engine of growth
LESSON 2: HISTORICAL ANTECEDENTS OF SCIENCE AND 7. interventions for cognitive enhancement, proton
TECHNOLOGY cancer therapy and genetic engineering
SCIENCE - concerted human effort to understand, or to SOCIETY
understand better, the history of the natural world and
how the natural world works, with observable physical
evidence as the basis of that understanding. Done the interactions that we engage in to figure things out
through observation of natural phenomena, and/or and to make things
through experimentation that tries to simulate natural
processes under controlled conditions. interaction, or a large social group sharing the same
Science: knowledge about or study of the natural world geographical or social territory, typically subject to the
based on facts learned through experiments and same political authority and dominant cultural
observation. expectations.

Technology: science or knowledge put into practical use WHAT DOES SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY
to solve problems or invent useful tools. MEAN?


technology and society studies (STS) is the study of how
Science is the pursuit of knowledge about the natural society, politics, and culture affect scientific research
world through systematic observation and experiments. and technological innovation, and how these, in turn,
Through science, we develop new technologies. affect society, politics and culture.
Technology is the application of scientifically gained SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY STUDIES
knowledge for practical purpose.
ecent discipline, originating in the
Scientists use technology in all their experiments. 60s and 70s, following Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific
Revolutions (1962).
“sociological turn” in science
studies. different fields of science including Fe del Mundo in the
field of Pediatrics, Eduardo Quisumbing in the field of
Plant taxonomy, Gavino Trono in the field of tropical
technology are essentially intertwined and that they are marine Phycology, Maria Orosa in the field of Food
each profoundly social and profoundly political technology and many more
Science and tecnology have had a major impact on ore the colonization by the Spaniards in the
society, and their impact is growing. Philippine islands, the natives of the archipelago already
had practices linked to science and technology.
chance to pursue societal concerns such as ethics,
aesthetics, education, and justice; to create cultures; therapeutic properties of plants and the methods of
and to improve human conditions. extracting medicine from herbs.

world view. Scientific knowledge and the procedures weighing and measuring system and a calendar.
used by scientists influence the way many individuals in Filipinos were already engaged in farming, shipbuilding,
society think about themselves, others, and the mining and weaving.
environment. The effect of science on society is neither
entirely beneficial nor entirely detrimental.
sophisticated products of engineering by
Science influences society through its knowledge and
world view. Scientific knowledge and the procedures
used by scientists influence the way many individuals in growth of science and technology in the archipelago.
society think about themselves, others, and the
founded scientific institution.
f science on society is neither entirely
beneficial nor entirely detrimental. ars of Spanish rule in the
Philippines. Parish schools were established where
WHAT IS THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SCIENCE AND religion, reading, writing, arithmetic and music was
SOCIETY? taught.
The impact of science and technology on society is
evident. But society also influences science. was taught to the natives.
ial influences on the direction and eges and universities
emphasis of scientific and technological development, in the archipelago including the oldest existing
through pressure groups on specific issues, and through university in Asia, the University of Santo Tomas. The
generally accepted social views, values and priorities Galleon Trade have accounted in the Philippine colonial

HISTORY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN THE authorities due to the prospects of big profits.
Science and technology in the Philippines had hand were relatively neglected.
experienced periods of intense growth as well as long
periods of stagnation.
European visitors to the Spanish colony and some
and technology is the Department of Science and Europe who were
Technology. probably influenced by the rapid development of
scientific ideals brought by the Age of Enlightenment.
AMERICAN PERIOD during the regime of President Carlos P. Garcia, the
Philippine Congress passed the Science Act of 1958
which established the National Science Development
Philippines continued under American rule of the
901 The Philippine Commission
established the Bureau of Government Laboratories
which was placed under the Department of Interior. The National Science and Technology Authority was
Bureau replaced the Laboratorio Municipal, which was replaced by the Department of Science and Technology,
established under the Spanish colonial era. The Bureau giving science and technology a representation in the
dealt with the study of tropical diseases and laboratory cabinet.
ment Plan
for the years 1987-1992, science and technology's role
Laboratories was replaced by the Bureau of Science and in economic recovery and sustained economic growth
on December 8, 1933, the National Research Council of was highlighted.
the Philippines was established.
of Science became the primary research in 1990, she said that science and technology
center of the Philippines until World War development shall be one of the top three priorities of
the government towards an economic recovery.
Ferdinand Marcos' presidency, the importance given to
science grew. Presidential Task Force for Science and Technology
which came up with the first Science and Technology
tion, Article XV, Master Plan or STMP. The goal of STMP was for the
Section 1, the government's role in supporting scientific Philippines to achieve newly industrialized country
research and invention was acknowledged. status by the year 2000.

in the government's Four-Year Development Plan which bills related to science and technology. The Senate
covers the years 1974- 1978. Committee on Science and Technology was one of the
unding for science was also increased.[4] The committees that handles the least amount of bills for
National Science Development Board was replaced by deliberation.
the National Science and Technology Authority under POST COMMONWEALTH-ERA
Executive Order No. 784. A Scientific Career in the civil
service was introiduced in 1983.
Follosco, reported that the budget allocation for science
AMERICAN PERIOD and technology was increased to 1.054 billion pesos in
1989 from the previous year's 464 million pesos.
toward agriculture, food processing, forestry, medicine
and pharmacy. Not much focus was given on the allocation for the years 1990 and 1991 were trimmed
development of industrial technology due to free trade down to 920 and 854 million pesos respectively. Budget
policy with the United States which nurtured an allocation were increased to 1.7 billion pesos in 1992
economy geared towards agriculture and trade.[4]
Institute of Science. In a report by the US Economic What is Paradigm?
Survey to the Philippines in 1950, there is a lack of basic
information which were necessities to the country's - a typical example or pattern of something.
industries, lack of support of experimental work and - a distinct set of concepts or thought patterns,
including theories, research methods,
minimal budget for scientific research and low salaries
of scientists employed by the government. In 1958,
postulates, and standards for what constitutes which Kuhn try to observe the factual scientific fields in
legitimate contributions to a field. order to understand how they function in practice.
also called the pre- paradigm stage,

philosopher Thomas Kuhn -step to the main Kuhn Cycle. In Prescience

there is not yet a model of understanding (the field's
paradigm) mature enough to solve the field's main
experimental practices of a scientific discipline. Kuhn problems.
presented his notion of a paradigm shift in his
influential book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
(1962). guide its work.


identified and elaborated on by Thomas Samuel Kuhn
in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, is the regular
significant changes within belief systems.
work of scientists theorizing, observing, and
e this concept is experimenting within a settled paradigm or explanatory
sometimes considered important and is sometimes framework.
given great attention within education.
KUHN’S PARADIGM understanding (a paradigm) that works.
Thomas Samuel Kuhn (/kuːn/; July 18, 1922 – June 17, MODEL DRIFT
1996) was an American physicist, historian and
philosopher of science whose controversial 1962 book el of understanding starts to drift, due to
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions was influential in accumulation of anomalies, and phenomenon, the
model cannot explain.
both academic and popular circles,

Thomas S. Kuhn.
ark event in the history, broken. It can no longer serve as a reliable guide to
philosophy, and sociology of scientific knowledge. problem solving. Attempts to patch the model up to
make it work fail. The field is in anguish.

emerge. It's a revolution because the new model is so

revolutionary explosions of new knowledge, each radically different from the old one.
revolution triggered by introduction of new ways of
thought so large they must be called new paradigms.
revolutionary change. The old model failed, which
caused the
revolutions. Scientists go through a crisis and transition
to a new paradigm, a new way of seeing the world. It is Model Crisis step. The Model Revolution step begins
not possible to compare paradigms and it is not possible when one or more competing new models emerge from
to say whether one is more right than the other. the crisis.
process but more by a social unity. In contrast with
Popper then Kuhn presents a descriptive theory in
g. Meteorological
understanding (the new paradigm).
h. Volcanology

taught to newcomers to the field, as well as to those i. Seismology

already in it. When the new paradigm becomes the HISTORY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN THE
generally accepted guide to one's work, the step is PHILIPPINES
PAST - In the past, science and technology developed
SOCIETY / ETHICS separately, with the latter being largely a product of
trial and error in response to a particular human need.
unacceptable MODERN TIMES - In modern times, however, the
- Child labor was, now is progress of science and technology have become
not acceptable intimately linked together. Many scientific discoveries
have been facilitated by the development of new
– Beating wives was, now is not technology.
NEW - has often led to further refinement of existing
– Invention technology or the invention of entirely new ones.
of the printing press (& other major inventions) allowed
for the elites control over reading / writing to end. PRE-COLONIAL PERIOD

- broke monopoly of Catholic Church There is a very little reliable written information about
and Christian's "relationship" with God. Philippine society, culture and technology before the
arrival of the Spaniards in 1521.
- Pre-colonial people numerous, scattered, thriving,
— create a physical model of the relatively self-sufficient and autonomous communities
Earth's structure BARANGAY (DATU)
-time is not fixed or objective— Had attained a generally simple level of technological
subject to observer’s state of motion relative to other development, but was sufficient for the needs at that
object. period of time.
Psychology: Sigmund Freud—we are not fully in 50,000 years ago modern men (Homo sapiens) from the
control of our behavior—a subconscious part operate Asian mainland first came over-land and across narrow
channels to live in Palawan and Batangas.
Economics— Government intervention in economy is
now accepted. 40,000 years Early Filipinos made simple tools or
weapons of stone flakes
Eventually Developed techniques for sawing, drilling
DOST – Department of Science and Technology Science and polishing hard stones
3,000 B.C they were producing adzes ornaments of
a. Foresty seashells and pottery of various designs that
subsequently became well developed
b. Agriculture and Aquaculture
2,000 years it is flourished until it came into
c. Metal Industry
competition with imported Chinese porcelain.
d. Nuclear Research
e. Food and Nutrition
Crafting of Palayok - has survived of this ancient
f. Health technology is the lowest level, the present manufacture
of the ordinary cooking pot among several local POVEDANO CALENDAR - The calendar shows a twelve
communities month year in the wheel and seven day week above it
The early Filipinos learned to make metal tools and PHASES OF MOON - one of the basis of how Filipino
implements -- copper, gold, bronze and, later, iron. manage to tell their current season
Known as Iron age which lasted 3rd century B.C to 10th
century A.D. During this time, Filipinos were involved in BAYBAYIN - Eager to evangelize and subjugate our
ore mining such as copper, gold, bronze and Iron. ancestors, the missionaries exploited the baybayin for
their own ends, learning and using it to translate their
FIRST CENTURY A.D., various works
Filipinos were:

❖ weaving cotton

❖ smelting iron

❖ making pottery

❖ glass ornaments

❖ engaged in agriculture.
Filipinos were growing rice, vegetables and cotton;
raising swine, goats and fowls; making wine, vinegar
and salt; weaving cloth and producing beeswax and
FILIPINO Farming which led Filipinos in creating the
finest product of engineering.
- Lowland rice was cultivated in diked fields, and in the SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY During Spanish
interior mountain regions as in the Cordillera, in
terraced fields which utilized spring water Filipinos were
already aware of medicinal and therapeuticall
properties using plants and Herbs
CHINESE PORCELAINS made during this period support
this contention. From the Sung (960-1278) and Yuan
(1260-1368) Dynasties. There are descriptions of trade
with the Philippines, and from the Sung and Ming
(1360-1644) Dynasties there are notices of Filipino
missions to Peking
BOATS - Filipinos had also learned to build boats for the
coastal trade
CARACOA - plank-built warship
TRADE the inhabitants of Butuan were trading with
Champa(Vietnam); those of Ma-i (Mindoro) with China.
MALAY - The Filipinos in Mindanao and Sulu traded
with Borneo, Malacca and parts of the Malay peninsula.
This trade seems to have antedated those with the
GROUP 2: Historical Antecedents of
Science and Technology in the World
Paleolithic Period 30,000 BCE - 10,000

Neolithic Period 10,000–4,500 BCE

Historical antecedent of Science and
Technology and Society
WORLD (Meet the 8 Filipinos who
made it to the 2018 edition of the
Asian Scientist 100 list)

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