Design and Structural Analysis of Inbuilt Car Jack System

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Design and structural analysis of inbuilt car jack system

Venkatesh R. ⇑, Karunakaran V., Arun Shenbaga Raj A., Dhinesh Kanna R., Mohammed Safiur Rahman H.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam 626 117, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A Screw Jack is used to lift a heavy load. This jack is modified and made in such a way that it can be fitted
Received 7 June 2020 to the frame of the vehicle. Hence when the jack operates, the car can be lifted up. The jack operation is
Received in revised form 17 February 2021 made possible with the buttons fitted to the dashboard of the vehicle. In case of puncture or any other
Accepted 20 February 2021
service, there is no need for external jack. The system is user-friendly such as in case of the power win-
Available online xxxx
dow. The rocker switch is used to enable the reverse operation of the jack too. The jack is operated by an
electric motor powered by the car battery. The Rocker switches are placed inside a lock protected box, in
order to prevent any accidents. The rocker switch can be accessed only when it is needed.
Screw jack
Rocker switch
Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Selection and Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific
Reverse operation of screw jack committee of the International Mechanical Engineering Congress 2019: Materials Science.
Automatic screw jack
Von-Mises Stress

1. Introduction a definite capability to raise the automotive on a pair of wheels viz.

a jack, hydraulic jack, etc. However, the project is targeting to
A jack is one among the categories of jack that’s operated by attenuate the human effort and to produce a completely unique
turning a lead screw. It is usually used to raise significant masses, screw jacking system that’s directly fitted to the vehicle border
like automobile vehicles. It is one among the foremost wide used such how on stop the extra risk of injury or wear and tear. The
accessories for lifting vehicles and light-weight or significant intrinsic jack is driven by the electrical power supply from the
instrumentality. It is comparatively cheaper than its counterparts 12-volt automobile battery. The jack is turned clockwise and
and most generally and without delay on the market. It is made counter-clockwise direction to raise and to lower the vehicle by
of high steel and different alloying components that impart mistreatment the electrical motor controlled by a rocker switch
strength and plasticity. In most of the car workshops, the vehicles [1–11] Table 1.
square measure upraised by mistreatment jack. This desires a high This paper represents a study over the inbuilt hydraulic jack.
workforce and practiced labours. The invention is to produce a The design jack is based on the automation of a hydraulic system
completely unique jack system that utilizes screw jacks, one that’s to lift the vehicle using the push button. The motive behind
mounted on chassis on the facet of the automotive between two mistreatment this technique rather than a standard system is that
wheels and conjointly within the rear wheels. The target of this the additional power made by the system and straightforward in
invention is to produce a jack system that may be operated by style as compared to a standard design [1].This paper represents
the motive force from within the automotive, thus the vehicles the modification of the existing motor screw jack by incorporating
are upraised from the ground. By pressing the rocker switch within an electric motor in the screw to make load-lifting easier. In this
the dashboard, it activates the jack mechanically. In day to day life, modified jack design, the screw is connected to the motor through
it’s an troublesome job to work the jack manually This may be universal coupling and powered by the vehicle 12 V battery to gen-
helpful for all kind of individuals, since it provides a secure and erate power for the motor [2]. This paper concerns the appearance
easy automatic screw jacking system while no manual effort. It and manufacture motorized screw jack using the power from a DC
can be operated from inside the vehicle by using a rocker switch motor. It consists of a D.C motor, a battery, a gear wheel arrange-
on the dashboard. It uses specific mechanisms already on the mar- ment and a jack arrangement with this facility f or the lifting of sig-
ket within the marketplace for constant purpose that incorporates nificant vehicles [3]. This paper deals with the design of fabrication
of self-jacking mechanism in four-wheeler cars. The jack is fitted
⇑ Corresponding author. on the two sides of an automobile vehicle when the driver oper-
E-mail address: [email protected] (R. Venkatesh). ated the button the corresponding jack operates and the side, to
2214-7853/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Selection and Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Mechanical Engineering
Congress 2019: Materials Science.

Please cite this article as: R. Venkatesh, V. Karunakaran, A. Arun Shenbaga Raj et al., Design and structural analysis of inbuilt car jack system, Materials
Today: Proceedings,
R. Venkatesh, V. Karunakaran, A. Arun Shenbaga Raj et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 1 in the prolonged bent or squatting position to operate the jack.

Nomenclature and its Descriptions. Doing work in a bent or squatting position for some time is not
Nomenclature Description ergonomic to the human body. Moreover, the safety features are
W Load acting on the wheel (N) also not enough for an operator to operate the present jack. Present
N Speed of the motor (rpm) car jack does not have a lock or extra beam to withstand the mas-
D0 Major screw diameter (mm) sive load of the car. This is for the security precaution just in case if
p Pitch of the screw (mm) the screw break. Further, available jacks are massive and difficult
Dm Mean screw diameter (mm)
b Helix angle (Degree)
to store and fetch or move into the proper position under an auto-
P Power required to driving the motor (Watts) mobile. The purpose of this project is to rectify these problems. The
Pe Effort required to rise the load (N) Inbuilt car jack system, which would comprise of 2 electric screw
T Torque required to operate the screw (N-mm) jacks attached with the frame, one at the front and the other at
g Efficiency of the screw jack
the rear of the car frame. The operator can press the rocker switch
m Coefficient of friction
from the controller box, provided with a lock and key to operate
the car jack.

which the jack is fitted gets lifted [4]. This Fabricated model based
a. Design & Construction Phase
on pneumatics which deals with the application of pressurized air
system. It consists of a small size reciprocating air compressor
Fig. 1. shows the general style of the intrinsic automobile jack
which is driven by the battery used in a vehicle an air tank to store
and this setup is fitted into the front and back of the chassis of
the compressed air and a pneumatic control valve regulates the
car Figs. 2 and 3.
airflow which use the pneumatic operation to lift the vehicle [5].
First of all, the jack with the above said dimensions are coupled
If two cylinders are connected, one cylinder is a large area and
with the geared dc speed motor. Now the motor is connected with
another one is a small area. If the force is applied to one cylinder,
a 12 V DC offer keeping in mind the ability consumption of the
equal pressure is generated in both cylinders. Based on this princi-
motor the battery or the availability ought to be capable enough
ple they use pump plungers to move oil through two cylinders
to drive the motor. Now, this assembly is fixed with the help of
then the plunger is first drawn back, which opens the suction valve
nuts & bolts and welding process as required with the frame of
ball within and draws oil into the pump chamber. The plunger is
our vehicle, one at the front and other at the rear. Two Rocker
pushed forward, the oil passes through an external discharge check
switches have been used to drive the motorized jack, and it is fitted
valve into the cylinder chamber, and the suction valve closes,
to the dashboard of the vehicle. The construction of our model has
which results in pressure developed within the cylinder to lift
been kept as simple as possible keeping in mind the abstract of the
the vehicle [6]. This paper presents the failure theories and its
project and also keeping in mind the cost limitation.
important [7]. In this paper, a scissor jack was designed and ana-
lyzed which can be used for lifting the vehicle in vertical direction.
b. Design Consideration
A scissor jack is an example of a power screw in which a small force
is applied in a horizontal plane for raising or lowering a large load.
Jack capacity = 1 Tonne
The purpose of this work is to design a scissor jack for safe, easy
Average weight of the car is 1302 kg.
operation and which will able to lift the car without spending
Load acting on the front portion is 872 kg.
much effort, by studying the total deformation and von-mises
Load acting on the rear portion is 429 kg.
stress values of the scissor jack which are useful for assessing the
Load acting on one wheel is from 300 kg to 500 kg Assume w =
safety and life prediction of the scissor jack [8]. This paper states
436 kg = 4360 N
that the jack is working on the scissor lifting mechanism. The
Speed of the motor N = 30 rpm
power screw is the heart of scissor jack and scissor jack lift the load
Major screw diameter (do) = 12 mm
with the help of screw and nut interaction of power screw and
Pitch of the screw (p) = 3 mm
middle pin. Scissor jack lift the load due to which the rotation
Mean diameter Dm = d0  2p
motion is converted into linear motion and due this motion it is
=12  32
easy to lift the load and different range of scissor jacks are available
according to the different load [9]. This paper represents a project =10.5 mm
work on design and fabrication of a remote controlled system for a Helix angle tan b ¼ pDm
hydraulic jack which consist of a base, gearing system and crank
mechanism is presented. The prototype includes motor powered
from a 12v battery of a tractor through a car adapter or from a
lighter adapter in vehicles. The motor with gearing system will
be the lifting mechanism. When equipment is needed to be lifted,
just press the button on the remote device, firstly to lock the
hydraulic jack valve, then pressing again will start the lifting oper-
ation and afterwards the button is released at a desired height level
[10]. This paper represents a project in which an an electric motor
is integrated with the screw jack and the electricity needed for the
operation will be taken from the battery of the vehicle and thereby
the mechanical advantage will be increased [11].

2. Mechanism

Available jacks contain difficulties for the older ladies and are
especially disadvantageous under adverse atmospheric conditions.
The presently available jacks further require the operator to remain Fig. 1. Inbuilt Car Jack Working Setup.

R. Venkatesh, V. Karunakaran, A. Arun Shenbaga Raj et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

T ¼ P  Dm=2

T ¼ 962:4  10:5=2
T = 5052.60 N-mm
T = 5.052 N-m

(iv) Power required to driving Motor:



ð2  3:14  30  5:052Þ

P = 15.871 Watts
Fig. 2. Weight Distribution. Feed per min
N¼ 30 ¼
pitch 3

X ¼ 90
m = tan a
a = tan1 (0.1)
a = 5.71

(v) Efficiency of Screw Jack:

Efficiency g =tantana

Fig. 3. CAD Model of Inbuilt Car Jack. = 0:1925
= 0.4715
g = 47.15%
tan b ¼
3:14  10:5 3. Finite Element Analysis of Jack

b ¼ 5:19 a. Hydraulic Jack Model
All the different parts of the screw jack are modelled in NX Cad
Assume coefficient of friction m = 0.1
19.0 software by using different commands and all the individual
parts of the screw jack are assembled in the NX Cad 19.0
(i) Effort required to raise front wheel:

b. Element Type
Load W = 4360 N
Pe = Effort required to raise the load
10-Node Tetrahedral Structural Solid has a quadratic displace-
tana þ tanb ment behaviour and is well suited to model irregular meshes. This
Pe ¼ W 
1  ðtana  tanbÞ element supports large deflections, plasticity, large strain capabil-
ities, hyper elasticity, stress stiffening and creep.

0:0999 þ 0:0908
Pe ¼ 4360  c. Meshing
1  ð0:0999  0:0908Þ
Pe = 839.672 N After assigning element type to the screw jack, the created solid
model is converted into IGES format and imported into ANSYS
(ii) Effort required to raise rear wheel: Workbench. After the geometry creation, to enhance the accurate
result the computational mesh is built in the screw jack. A total
Load W = 2160 N of 31,699 Nodes and 17,538 elements were generated. Meshing
Pe = Effort required to raise the load is an important process of analysis and it should be performed
on the screw jack model. Meshing is the process of dividing the
tana þ tanb created model in a number of divisions or elements which consist
Pe ¼ W 
1  ðtana  tanbÞ of nodes. By the meshing process, we can determine the efficiency
and effectiveness of any analysis. Meshing is applied by using auto-
0:0999 þ 0:0908 matic mesh. Under mesh sizing, the mesh was set to fine mesh to
Pe ¼ 2160  achieve accurate and precise results. Rather than using a fine mesh
1  ð0:0999  0:0908Þ
all over the components, the coarse mesh was used on a larger area
Pe = 415.98 N and the fine mesh was used in the area of stress concentration.

(iii) Torque required to operate the Screw: d. Boundary Condition

R. Venkatesh, V. Karunakaran, A. Arun Shenbaga Raj et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

In the analysis setting, fixed support is assigned to the base

plate of the screw jack, by assigning the fixed support the base
plate is constrained in all degrees of freedom and it would with-
stand the forces acting on the screw jack as shown in Figs. 4 and 5.

4. Results and Discussions

After fixing the base and applying the load on the top bracket of
the screw jack, structural analysis is performed on the screw jack
in ANSYS workbench. The following results were observed in the
structural analysis.

a. Total Deformation of Screw Jack

After performing structural analysis on the screw jack by apply-

ing the load on it.

Maximum total deformation on the front jack ¼ 2:0281  106 mm

Fig. 6. Total Deformation Acting on Front Jack Point.
Maximum Total Deformation on the Rear Jack ¼ 1:0637  106 mm
is observed from Figs. 6 and 7.

b. Von-Mises Stress of Screw Jack

Fig. 7. Total Deformation Acting on Back Jack Point.

After performing static structural analysis on the screw jack by

applying the load on it.
Fig. 4. Stress Acting on Front Jack Point. Stress acting on the front jack = 2.295 MPa
Stress acting on the rear jack = 1.157 MPa is observed in the
screw jack from Figs. 8 and 9.

c. Theorectical Calculations

Stress ¼

¼ 3:140:140:14

¼ 2:9  105 N=m2

Stress ¼

¼ 3:140:140:14

Fig. 5. Static Structure of Rear Jack Point.

¼ 1:401  105 N=m2

R. Venkatesh, V. Karunakaran, A. Arun Shenbaga Raj et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

secured on the lower part of the chassis of a vehicle. The jack has
a screw jack’s configuration with a low speed geared motor. The
extension of the jack is limited by a switch handle which is config-
ured for cutting off the current flow as the switch is closed by the
action of a power screw some reaching the most extended position
at the same time, a switch is depressed changing the polarity of the
current flow through the motor thereby positioning the motor for
the retraction of the jack. At the instant before the jack reaching a
maximum retracted position, the rocker switch is depressed again
reversing the rotation of the motor. In-place vehicle jack assem-
blies of the pivoted lever-type designed for being for good
mounted at the front and rear of the vehicle frame structure area
unit delineate. Each of the jack assemblies comprises a unitary
device which is independently operable by an electrical motor,
and independently selectively controlled at the jack or remotely
from the control compartment of the vehicle.

CRediT authorship contribution statement

Fig. 8. Stress Acting on Front Jack Point.
R. Venkatesh: Conceptualization, Methodology. V. Karuna-
karan: Software, Validation. A. Arun Shenbaga Raj: Writing -
review & editing. R. Dhinesh Kanna: Visualization, Investigation.
H. Mohammed Safiur Rahman: Writing - original draft.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-

cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
to influence the work reported in this paper.


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