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Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 5601–5606

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Solar PV powered water pumping system – A review

Shrey Verma a, Shubham Mishra a, Subhankar Chowdhury a, Ambar Gaur a, Subhashree Mohapatra a,
Archana Soni a,⇑, Puneet Verma b
Energy Centre, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, India
Science and Engineering Faculty, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Diesel-powered pumps are widely used for irrigation purposes. However, due to an increase in the price
Received 30 August 2020 of oil in the international market, harmful emissions from burning of it, high maintenance cost, and short
Received in revised form 13 September lifetime have been forced to find some alternative. Renewable energy has the potential to limit the use of
fossil fuel, as researchers are shifting towards a solar-powered water pumping system. As solar is avail-
Accepted 16 September 2020
Available online 21 October 2020
able in large amounts and almost everywhere even in remote locations, which makes a good alternative
to the diesel-powered water pump. The main aim of this review is to present a short overview of the solar
PV powered water pumping system, its important components, applications, and India scenario.
Economic and environmental aspects were also discussed. Solar PV water pumping system is found to
PV water pumping be more economical, eco-friendly, reliable, with less maintenance and a long life span in comparison
Remote location to diesel-powered water pumps. 4–6 years of payback period is found for some of the systems. The recent
Seawater pumping generation Indian subsidy provided and the latest scheme available for installation purposes are also discussed in the
Solar-based water pumping system work.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Innovations in Clean Energy Technologies.

1. Introduction energy and it will become more essential in the future. Shifting
to renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, bio-gas, and
In India, diesel and grid electricity are the two major sources for hybrid system is the optimum solution for energy crises related
the driving of water pumps for irrigation and household applica- problem in India [23,26,35].
tions. With continuous consumption of fossil fuel and their nega- Water is necessary for survival as it is needed for drinking and
tive impact on the environment, has encouraged the community daily household chores and large application like irrigation, build-
and scientists to switch over the renewables sources such as solar, ing industry, and hydropower generation. Water plays a remark-
wind, biogas to power the water pumping system [14,22]. As solar able role in the development of the country as it depends on the
and wind are present in abundant everywhere and it can be quality and quantity of water available in their locality. On an aver-
directly consumed without anyone permissions, eco-friendly as age, a human need 1.8 to 5 L per day for the survival [8]. Freshwa-
don’t left out any wastage, due to these all reasons they are proving ter is abundant but they are not available at the location where it
as the most promising power generating resources in local power can be easily used. According to the report of WHO ‘‘Global water
generation due to its topological advantages [34,41]. With the supply and sanitation assessment report” estimation there are 1.1
increase in population and increase in energy per capita required, billion peoples around the globe who are not access to pure water
encourages to find out the optimum way to consume water and for drinking and estimated this figure will rise to 3 billion by 2025
[30]. This raises the need for a pump to take out the water from the
deep earth’s surface, where it is demanded. Due to this water
Abbreviations: SPWPS, Solar-Powered Water Pumping System; PV, Photovoltaic;
MPP, Maximum Power Point; SRM, Switched Reluctance Motor; BDCM, Brushless pumps are being used for decades.
DC Motor; IM, Induction Motor; DSP, Divided Shaft Pump; DCM, DC Motor; PMSM, Several renewable energy sources can be used for water pump-
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor. ing, but solar gain high popularity as it is available most of the
⇑ Corresponding author.
places even in a remote location, which decreases the dependency
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Soni).
2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Innovations in Clean Energy Technologies.
S. Verma, S. Mishra, S. Chowdhury et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 5601–5606

on-grid and diesel for the driving of the pump. Solar energy is clean 2.1. Types of configuration
and available everywhere in abundant form, proved as availability
and water demand are directly interrelated [18]. Photovoltaic (PV) The Various types of DC/AC coupled water pumping systems
panels directly convert the sunlight into useful electrical energy with and without battery backup systems used worldwide are
which helps in driving the water pump directly or by inverter. shown in Figs. 2–4.
For the past several years, scientists are trying to make more effi-
cient solar PV water pumps. SPWPS have several advantages over
the traditional pumping system, as gasoline, diesel engines 2.2. Types of motors and pumps
required expensive fuel for over the years running, cause air and
noise pollution over the clean residential areas (villages, remote The studies combine different types of motors and pumps used
location free from industries). As SPWPS required no additional in SPWPS. A summary of the types of motors and pumps are
fuel cost for running and they are environmentally friendly [19]. described in Tables 1 and 2.
It has the potential to change the rural communities, not only
through by providing water but also by socio and economic devel-
opment. Children and women have got extra time for further edu- 2.2.1. Motors
cation, as they have not to travel long distance for water collection Various types of DC motors (brush and brushless permanent
[31]. magnet type, SRM,) and AC motors (induction and synchronous)
are used in SPWPSs applications. The appropriate choice of motor
is based on the size, efficiency of the system, price, power input,
availability of the system and maintenance condition. Dc motors
2. Solar PV water pumping technology are popular as they don’t need any inverter or controller to convert
the DC output of PV array, as their output can be directly utilized
With increasing in crises of electricity in rural and remote areas, by the motor. DC motors are efficient for large applications (rating
solar-powered water pumping system (SPWPS) has gain popularity above 9 hp), whereas AC motor required an inverter to convert the
due to the self-reliant and not dependence on other energy sources PV array output from DC to AC. The use of inverter leads to extra
such as diesel and grid power. There is various design for develop- energy and cost, decrease the system efficiency up to some extent.
ing the SPWPS, but in most of the case, PV panel powered water For submersible motor in a deep well, for maintenance and repair-
pumping is used. Fig. 1 shows the generalized representation of ing purpose, the brushless DC motor has to be removed from deep
SPWPS [7]. Which includes a solar power conversion system inte- bore well, which increases the operating cost and also reduce its
grated with a power condition unit, hydraulic water pump, tank for reliability and life spam. Table 1 describes the DC motor widely
storage. Solar power conversion system comprises of PV panels, a used in SPWPS.
tracking system for improved efficiency that accumulate the solar
energy and convert it into electrical energy. The generated energy
is mainly in DC but the pump mostly available in AC, so we need to 2.2.2. Solar pump
convert the output energy to AC by the inverter so that it can The selection of the pump is based on the discharge and head of
power the pump. A water pump may by be installed in the water water [40]. Solar pumps are selected as per the rated power and
(submersible pump) or on the ground level. It pumps the water accessories added as filters, float valves, switches to perform effi-
from the reservoir to the tank installed at some height to take ciently. Solar pumps are manufactured by low lead marine grade
advantage of gravity flow. The height difference between the tank bronze and stainless steel and are designed corrosion and
and the water reservoir level is known as the head of the pump. maintenance-free to work in a harsh environment with a long life
This head is an important parameter in selecting the pump for span of working.
the pumping of water to the tank from the reservoir. Recent Solar pump is classified into three categories as per their appli-
research on SPWPS has been mainly focused on increasing the effi- cations such as submersible, floating, and surface water pumps.
ciency of the SPWPS. Submersible water pumps are installed in the deep bore wells,
and the surface water pumps draw water from shallow wells,
pond, rivers, or lakes and floating water pumps adjust its height
with the level of the reservoir water. The motor and pump both
are integrated into a single unit in submersible and floating water
pumps. While in surface water pumps, both are selected separately
according to the performance of the PV system along with the con-
troller and the PV array.

Fig. 1. Generalised representation of solar-powered water pump. Fig. 2. Generalised representation of SPWPS with DC-coupled.

S. Verma, S. Mishra, S. Chowdhury et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 5601–5606

Fig. 3. Generalised representation of SPWPS with AC-coupled.

Fig. 4. Generalised representation of SPWPS with AC-coupled and battery backup.

2.3. Pump head and a is the diode ideality constant. Rs and Rp is the equivalent ser-
ies and parallel resistance of the cell.
Selecting the accurate pump head has an important role in The energy converted from the PV cell is depended on the cli-
deciding the overall efficiency of the SPWPS. The pump head or dis- matic condition. The PV array has an optimum operating condition
charge head is the measure of the power of the pump. Greater the known as the maximum operating point (MPP), which is depen-
pump head greater the pressure pump can generate. Benghanem dent on the irradiance level. To drive maximum power, DC-DC con-
et al. [1] experimentally studied the performance of different pump verter is used to match the resistance of the source and a cell,
heads (50 m, 60 m, 70 m, 80 m). The experiment is performed in integrate with an inverter to convert DC to AC controlled by MPP
real-time sunny daylight, in a real well at the farm in Madinah. tracker. A linear current booster is used to match up the current
He found the best efficiency at 80 m head with an SQF submersible level of the motor even in low irradiance level during the morning,
pump. The experiment concluded that the flow rate depends on evening, and cloudy, and winter season. Circuit breakers are
the pumping head and solar irradiance level, as the system effi- installed, in case of maintenance of the system and to switch off
ciency increase with the decrease in pumping head in low solar the pump in no use condition.
irradiance level. Odeh et al. [25] concluded that with the increase A pump requires a certain amount of power to deliver a specific
in insolation level the system efficiency increase with an increase amount of water at the required head and flow rate. Therefore, the
in input power to the subsystem and reaches its rated condition PV array size needs to be appropriate to harness the required
at higher efficiency. As the rated pump speed is reached, the inso- amount of energy. A higher capacity of PV array will lead to start
lation level is no longer the dominant factor and then the pump the pump at low irradiance with more power and start earlier of
head becomes the important factor to decide the subsystem effi- the day. However, a larger set up requires big investment at the
ciency as shown in Fig. 5. very initial stage.

2.4. PV generator 2.5. Control system

PV generator of a solar pump consists of PV modules that were The productive and accurate model of the control system is an
connected in parallel and series according to the voltage and cur- important and essential parameter in governing the performance
rent required for the driving of the water pump along with drive of the water pumping system. Table 3 describes various control
motor. PV module consists of PV cells that convert the sunlight methods used by researches in controlling the water pumping sys-
irradiance directly into the electricity [37]. At given irradiance tem across the world.
the current–voltage relation for a single solar cell is given by [39]:
    2.6. Economic and environmental analysis
V þ RS I V þ Rs I
I ¼ IPV  IO exp 1  ð1Þ
Vta RP The feasibility of the PV water pumping is based on economic
and environmental analysis. The major findings of solar PV water
where IPV and IO are the photovoltaic and the saturation currents pumping economic and environmental analysis are summarised
respectively of the array, Vt is the thermal voltage of the array in Table 4.
S. Verma, S. Mishra, S. Chowdhury et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 5601–5606

Table 1
Types of motors used in SPWPS.

Type of motor Type of pump used Features References

used in SPWPS for pumping
DC shunt motor Centrifugal pump Mathematical model is developed and it steady state dynamic analysis is done. Speed of motor is constant [20]
over most of the day, with efficiency over 75%. Overshoots in voltage and current remains for a very short
period of time.
Switched Centrifugal pump SRM have higher efficiency and lower cost in comparison to DC or induction motor. Motor efficiency reaches [21]
reluctance upto 85% and the system efficiency reaches upto 95%. The major losses were held in the pump and the piping
motor system and its cost 1/3 of the total available energy.
Brushless DC Helical rotor pump BDCM have high efficiency (80–90%), high torque to weight ratio, low maintenance. The whole system was [16]
motor simulated on PSI/e program. And got the efficiency of the system in between 30 and 50%, excluding the array
Induction motor Centrifugal pump IM have higher system efficiency is achieved at a higher frequency, but advised to operate at a nominal [4]
frequency. Simulation result is validated with the experimental data of system installed in desert region of
Jordan, and the results were well matched.

Table 2
Types of pumps used in SPWPS.

Type of pump used in SPWPS Features References

Helical and diaphragm pump Helical pump capable of deeper pumping depths and longer life than a diaphragm pump. Helical pump efficiency [38]
reaches upto 60% and for diaphragm pump it reaches to 48%, the total system efficiency were 7% and 5% respectively.
Centrifugal and positive Efficiency of the positive displacement pump is higher than a centrifugal pump with less losses and deliver higher [11]
displacement pump volume of water. Mathematical model is validated with experimental data in pumping test facility, Algeria.
Divided shaft pump and standard Sensitivity and economic analysis is done. DSP performs better than standard shaft pump. By the use of 46 stages [5]
centrifugal pump DSP of 2800 W the yearly water yield is improved by 9 to 10%.

Table 3
Types of control system used in SPWPS.

Type of control system Features References

used in SPWPS
Novel control system Manages the water supply based on [3]
groundwater availability and water
demand. The control system
regulate the amount of water
pumped on the basis of daily
average or monthly average, it will
avoid overexploitation of ground
water resources.
Fuzzy optimization DCM, PMSM, IM are coupled with [2]
centrifugal pump with fuzzy logic
for optimisation. Fuzzy logic
maximizes the global efficiency by
maximization of drive speed and
water discharge rate of centrifugal
pump. Among all drives PMSM is the
Fig. 5. Subsystem efficiency with the variation of insolation and pump head [25]. best drive water pumping system.
Intelligent algorithm It exceeds the pumping period by [29]
(based of fuzzy rules) 5 h/day, with an improvement of
97% of the water pumped by
2.7. Application of solar PV water pumping system
volume. The aim of controller is
maximise the utilisation of PV
Implementation of solar water pumping is seen in various types system, extending the time of water
of application, have proved that it not only contributing to ecolog- pumping and limiting the deep
ical balance as well as upgrade the socio-economic growth. Alajlan discharge of the battery. The
experiment is carried out for
and Smiai [28] designed and constructed two main PV systems, moderate, cold and hot seasons.
one for the pumping of water and another for desalination of Proportional controller Fuzzy logic show improvement in [36]
raw water by reverse osmosis method and system is integrated and fuzzy logic speed transient response over
with a battery backup of 5 days. The designed desalination pro- controller conventional PI with much better
dynamic performance. Simulation is
duces 600 L per hour. Paredes-s and Villica [27] designed and sim-
carried out with the mathematical
ulated on PVsyst software for slate mines in Spain with 131Ah model solved using Runge-Kutta
battery backup, with the total cost of the solar water system to numerical solution under Matlab.
be €1310. Munir et al. [24] designed and install a drinking water
pump system in a remote location and evaluated for one year in
the Iraqi-Syrian border, with a capacity of 130 m3. Manfrida and analysis was performed at two different types of motor one with
Secchi [17] designed a solar-based for pumping seawater to a basin variable speed and another with constant speed. The author con-
and storing potential energy for the generation of electricity. The cluded that at a constant speed of pump with 7000 m3 of storage
S. Verma, S. Mishra, S. Chowdhury et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 5601–5606

Table 4
Solar PV water pumping system economic and environmental analysis.

Country Analysis type Finding References

Delhi Techno-economic System was installed in academic institution for irrigation, drinking and washing applications. The installed cost [12]
(India) analysis of whole setup was 10 lakhs which would be recovered in less than of 4 years. By which institute is saving 3
lakhs per year in electricity bill.
Mexico Life cycle cost analysis PV based water pumping system gained economically foothold and changing the face of water pumping in [6]
villages of Mexico
Algeria Economic analysis PV based surface pump able to contribute to supplying water in a remote location of Sahara regions and helps in [10]
socio economic development in remote areas. Simulation result is validated with experimental data.
Greece Economic and Environment-friendly application at low maintenance and satisfy water need at a remote location. Only 610Wp [13]
environmental analysis of PV generator can fulfil the drinking need of 200 families in remote location. The system operate with only 10%
of electrical loss, with total efficiency of the system reaches to 5%.
Rajasthan Economic and Reduced the CO2 by 14977.57 kg/year. Estimated cost of the setup was Rs.405000.00, out of which 79% of cost [15]
(India) environmental analysis was subsidised by Rajasthan government, which reduce the payback period to just 2 years.

Table 5
Solar DC pump models prescribed by government [33].

Description Model I (Surface) Model II (Surface) Model III (submersible) Model IV (submersible)
PV array size (Wp) 1800 2700 3000 4800
Motor pump set capacity (HP) 2 3 3 5
Dynamic head (meters) 12 25 100 70
Water output (litres per day) 198,000 148,500 45,000 110,400
Total head (meters) 10 10 70 50

Table 6
Solar AC pump models prescribed by government [33].

Description Model I (Surface) Model II (Surface) Model III (submersible) Model IV (submersible)
PV array size (Wp) 1800 2700 3000 4800
Motor pump set capacity (HP) 2 3 3 5
Dynamic head (meters) 12 25 100 70
Water output (litres per day) 178,200 132,300 42,000 100,800
Total head (meters) 10 20 70 50

capacity, at 42.8% of energy generated by the PV capacity of 600 with all modern testing procedures, to consider a quality product
KWp can be stored at the cost of 0.25–0.44 €/KWh. And with the with high-efficiency performance and long life cycle. Mono/
variable speed of pump with 9000 m3 of storage capacity, at multi-crystalline PV modules are to be manufactured as per the
48.6% of the energy generated by the PV capacity of 600 KWp IEC 61215 standards or equivalent that are to be used in solar
can be stored at the cost of 0.23–0.45 €/KWh. water pumps, the efficiency of the PV must be greater than 13%
with fill factor to be more than 70%. The modules must qualify
for IEC 61730 Part I and II for safety qualification testing. MNRE
3. India scenario
has approved the technical specification of the solar pumping sys-
tem, some of the models are described in Tables 5 and 6 [33].
India most of the water pumps are drive using diesel or either
grid electricity. The power failure/load shedding and an increase
in the price of diesel, the overall cost of production, and harvesting 4. Conclusion
of crops increase. The use of solar pumps can save the consumption
of electricity and subsidy provided to the farmers in diesel prices. A review of solar water pumping system presents the current
The Indian government has recently launched a new scheme status of system technologies research and application. The study
named Pradhan Mantri Kisan Urja Suraksha evam Utthan Mahab- focuses on a different configuration of the water pumping system,
hiyan (PM KUSUM), which aims to install an off-grid solar pump types of motors, and pumps used according to different applica-
and to replace the existing grid-connected agriculture pumps. tions, PV systems, and control systems for the controlling of the
PM-KUSUM started with a target to install 17.5 lakh standalone whole pumping system, economic and environmental evaluation,
solar pumps by the year 2022 [9]. The main objective of this and application in different categories. Based on study conclusion
scheme is to boost agricultural yields and decrease the dependency are as follows:
on diesel and grid electricity for water pumping set in Uttar Pra-
desh, Rajasthan, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Pun-  Keeping with the high initial cost of the setup and less informa-
jab, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, and Himachal Pradesh. The tion among the farmers, the government is required to promote
farmers will have to pay 10% of the total cost of the setup of this system at a large scale and explain the future aspect of bet-
SPWPS, the government provides a 60% subsidy which varies in ter alternative of diesel and grid operated water pump.
some states, and the rest of the 30% is financed by the bank [32].  PV water pumping system is reliable and eco-friendly with the
The Indian government has set up certain guidelines to the alternative to the diesel and grid power supply for irrigation
manufacture of the PV panels as per the international standards and drinking purposes.

S. Verma, S. Mishra, S. Chowdhury et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 5601–5606

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