AUTOSAR SWS SynchronizedTimeBaseManager

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager

R4.1 Rev 3

Document Title Specification of Synchronized

Time-Base Manager
Document Owner AUTOSAR
Document Responsibility AUTOSAR
Document Identification No 421
Document Classification Standard

Document Version 2.2.1

Document Status Final
Part of Release 4.1
Revision 3

Document Change History

Date Version Changed by Change Description
31.03.2014 2.2.1 AUTOSAR Release  Clarification on Autonomous Time
Management Maintenance
31.10.2013 2.2.0 AUTOSAR Release  Parameter StbMMainFunctionPeriod
Management added
 Requirements StbM_0030 and
00035 removed
 Restructuring of and clarification
w.r.t. Service Interface related
 Parameters StbMFlexRayClusterRef
/ StbMTtcanClusterRef set to
 Editorial changes
 Removed chapter(s) on change
28.02.2013 2.1.0 AUTOSAR  Added “Known Limitations”
Administration  Contradictions in error handling
 Added chapter service interfaces
 Added Subchapter 3.x due to SWS
General Rollout
 Reworked according to the new
03.11.2011 2.0.0 AUTOSAR  Added functionality for absolute time
Administration provision
30.11.2009 1.0.0 AUTOSAR Initial Release

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3

This specification and the material contained in it, as released by AUTOSAR, is for
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The AUTOSAR specifications have been developed for automotive applications only.
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The word AUTOSAR and the AUTOSAR logo are registered trademarks.

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AUTOSAR specifications may contain exemplary items (exemplary reference

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3

Table of Contents

1 Introduction and functional overview ................................................................... 6

1.1 Use Cases .................................................................................................... 6
1.1.1 Synchronization of RunnableEntities ..................................................... 6
1.1.2 Time provision ....................................................................................... 7
1.1.3 Notification mechanism ......................................................................... 7
1.1.4 Absolute time provision ......................................................................... 7
1.2 Synchronized Time-Base Manager as broker .............................................. 7
1.3 Provider ........................................................................................................ 8
1.4 Customer...................................................................................................... 9
2 Acronyms and abbreviations ............................................................................. 10
3 Related documentation...................................................................................... 11
3.1 Input documents ......................................................................................... 11
3.2 Company Reports, Academic Work, etc..................................................... 12
3.3 Related specification .................................................................................. 12
4 Constraints and assumptions ............................................................................ 13
4.1 Limitations .................................................................................................. 13
4.1.1 Cluster ................................................................................................. 13
4.1.2 Time agreement protocol .................................................................... 13
4.1.3 OS ScheduleTable .............................................................................. 13
4.1.4 Mode switches .................................................................................... 13
4.1.5 Out of scope ........................................................................................ 13
4.2 Terminology ............................................................................................... 14
4.2.1 Physical Time-Base ............................................................................ 14
4.2.2 Software Time-Base............................................................................ 14
4.2.3 Synchronized Time-Base .................................................................... 14
4.3 Applicability to car domains ........................................................................ 15
4.4 Conflicts ..................................................................................................... 15
5 Dependencies to other modules ........................................................................ 16
5.1 Code file structure ...................................................................................... 16
5.2 Header file structure ................................................................................... 16
6 Requirements traceability .................................................................................. 18
7 Functional specification ..................................................................................... 25
7.1 Background & Rationale ............................................................................. 25
7.2 Overview .................................................................................................... 25
7.3 Implementation requirements ..................................................................... 26
7.4 Clock time formats...................................................................................... 26
7.5 Startup behavior ......................................................................................... 27
7.5.1 Preconditions ...................................................................................... 27
7.5.2 Initialization ......................................................................................... 27
7.6 Shutdown behavior..................................................................................... 28
7.7 Normal operation ........................................................................................ 28

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3
7.7.1 Access to synchronized time-bases .................................................... 28
7.7.2 Provision of synchronized time-bases ................................................. 29
7.7.3 Plausibility check ................................................................................. 32
7.8 Fault detection ............................................................................................ 32
7.9 Notification mechanism .............................................................................. 32
7.10 Error classification ...................................................................................... 33
7.11 Error detection ............................................................................................ 33
7.12 Error notification ......................................................................................... 34
7.13 Production Errors ....................................................................................... 34
7.14 Extended Production Errors ....................................................................... 34
7.15 Version checking ........................................................................................ 34
7.16 AUTOSAR Service Interface ...................................................................... 34
7.16.1 Architecture ......................................................................................... 34
7.16.2 Requirements ...................................................................................... 35
7.16.3 Use Cases........................................................................................... 36
7.16.4 Specification of the Ports and Ports Interfaces.................................... 36
7.16.5 Definition of the Service ...................................................................... 38
7.16.6 Configuration of the Service ................................................................ 39
8 API specification ................................................................................................ 40
8.1 API ............................................................................................................. 40
8.1.1 Imported types .................................................................................... 40
8.1.2 Type definitions ................................................................................... 41
8.1.3 Function definitions ............................................................................. 42
8.1.4 Scheduled functions ............................................................................ 46
8.1.5 Expected Interfaces ............................................................................ 46
8.2 Service Interfaces....................................................................................... 51
8.2.1 Sender-Receiver-Interfaces ................................................................ 51
8.2.2 Client-Server-Interfaces ...................................................................... 52
8.2.3 Implementation Data Types ................................................................ 55
8.2.4 Ports .................................................................................................... 57
9 Sequence diagrams .......................................................................................... 59
9.1 StbM_Init .................................................................................................... 59
9.2 StbM_GetSyncState ................................................................................... 59
9.3 StbM_GetGlobalTime ................................................................................. 60
9.4 StbM_GetTTickDuration ............................................................................. 60
9.5 Explicit synchronization of OS ScheduleTable ........................................... 60
9.6 Provider callout with FlexRay ..................................................................... 61
9.7 StbM_GetAbsoluteTime ............................................................................. 62
9.8 StbM Cyclic Interaction with Provider and Triggered Customer ................. 62
10 Configuration specification ............................................................................. 63
10.1 How to read this chapter ............................................................................ 63
10.2 Containers and configuration parameters .................................................. 63
10.2.1 Variants ............................................................................................... 63
10.2.2 StbM.................................................................................................... 63
10.2.3 StbMGeneral ....................................................................................... 64
10.2.4 StbMDemEventParameterRefs ........................................................... 65
10.2.5 StbMSynchronizedTimeBase .............................................................. 66
10.2.6 StbMTriggeredCustomer ..................................................................... 68
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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3
10.3 Published Information................................................................................. 70
11 Not applicable requirements .......................................................................... 71

Known Limitations

Currently a rework of the Synchronized Time Base Manager

according to a new, global time synchronization concept is under discussion.

Therefore backward compatibility might be affected after R4.1.2.

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3

1 Introduction and functional overview

This specification specifies the functionality, API and the configuration of the
Synchronized Time-Base Manager (StbM).

The basic purpose of the Synchronized Time-Base Manager is to provide a “global

time” to other BSW modules or to the application. Global time means, that different
entities within the system have the same definition of time and passage of time. In
the system, multiple “global times” can exist simultaneously (e.g. the FlexRay time
definition, the TTCAN time definition …).
A second timebase called “AbsoluteTime” is provided for long term synchronizations
realized by counting timer overflows of the global time.

In addition, the Synchronized Time-Base Manager shall provide means for

state/error notification (e.g. loss and (re-) establishment of global time).

Main use cases for the application of the Synchronized Time-Base Manager are the

 Synchronized execution of several RunnableEntities within one system cluster

 Provision of an accurate definition of the absolute value of time
 Provision of an accurate definition of the passage of time

In section 1.1, a detailed definition of potential use cases are specified.

Important note: The proposed solution for the Synchronized Time-Base Manager
mainly focuses on the “Synchronization of RunnableEntities”. However, further
refinements of the specification shall satisfy as well the other use cases.

1.1 Use Cases

1.1.1 Synchronization of RunnableEntities

An arbitrary number of RunnableEntities must be executed synchronously.

Synchronous means that they shall start with a well-defined and guaranteed relative
offset (e.g. relative offset “0”, means the execution shall occur at the same point in

Such a requirement can be specified by the AUTOSAR Timing Extensions [10] and
must be fulfilled independently of the actual deployment of the software components.
However, as the limitations in section 4.1.1 indicate, only ECUs in the same network
cluster are considered for the establishment of a synchronized time-base. Thus, the
fulfillment of the requirement described above can only be guaranteed by deploying
the related software components within the same cluster (e.g. FlexRay or TTCAN).

A classical application of this use cases is the sensor data read out or synchronous
actuator triggering by different RunnableEntities.

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3
1.1.2 Time provision

The application (and other BSW modules) shall have a central module that is
responsible for the provision of information about the absolute time and passage of

A classical application of this use case is the access to synchronized calendar time
by the application, e.g. for diagnostic events storage.

Other possible scenarios:

 Measuring the passage of time between two tagged system states (e.g. start
and end of a RunnableEntity, deadline monitoring for timing-relevant
 Guaranteeing the accurate triggering of OS alarms every (well-defined)

1.1.3 Notification mechanism

The application (and other BSW modules) shall have the possibility of getting
informed about the current status of the definition of time within the cluster. Thus,
some kind of notification mechanism is required, which informs the application (and
other BSW modules) upon state changes or error occurrences.

1.1.4 Absolute time provision

In some cases an absolute time value (relative to the start of the ECU) is needed.
E.g. in safety related systems it might be necessary to test the system every 48

1.2 Synchronized Time-Base Manager as broker

Basically, the Synchronized Time-Base Manager is interacting with two different
roles, as Figure 1 shows:

1) Provider
The StbM requires information from other modules (e.g. receiving the global
time defined by the FlexRay Interface). So far, the provider has the task to
deliver a “synchronized time-base”.

2) Customer
The StbM collects information about time. This functionality can be used by
several customers: either other BSW modules or application SW-Cs.

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3

Figure 1: Synchronized Time-Base Manager as consumer and provider

So to say, the Synchronized Time-Base Manager acts as time-base broker by

offering the customers access to synchronized time-bases. Doing this, the
Synchronized Time-Base Manager abstracts from the “real” time-base provider.

In the following, the different providers and customers and the meaning of the
several arrows in the figure above are described in a more detailed way.

1.3 Provider
The Synchronized Time-Base Manager itself does not provide any facility (e.g.
protocols) for establishing a synchronized time across multiple nodes. Thus, the
service requires other modules within the AUTOSAR BSW stack, which can provide
this functionality. The FlexRay Interface and the TTCAN Interface are examples of
modules which provide the definition of a synchronized time-base.

Calling the provider (arrow “1” in Figure 1) or getting called by the provider (arrow “2”
in Figure 1) are the possible ways how to communicate with the provider.

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3
1.4 Customer
The Synchronized Time-Base Manager has the requirement of satisfying the
customers need in regard to time and passage of time. This section describes the
different classes of customers and how they access the functionality.

Note: The classes are not completely disjoint. Thus, one specific customer can
potentially be mapped to different classes of customers.

a) Triggered customer
This kind of customer is triggered by the Synchronized Time-Base Manager.
Thus, the module itself is aware of the required functionality of the customer,
and uses the defined interface of the customer to access it (e.g. accessing the
Os SyncScheduleTable() API for synchronizing the respective OS
ScheduleTable with the global time).

b) Active customer
This kind of customer autonomously calls the Synchronized Time-Base
Manager, getting knowledge about the global time value (e.g. asking for the
actual date and time).

c) Notification customer
This kind of customer is interested in the current state of the Synchronized
Time-Base Manager and wants to get informed about state changes and/or
error occurrences (e.g. loss of global time).

Customers a) and c) are triggered by the Synchronized Time-Base Manager (arrow

“3” in Figure 1). Customer b) accesses itself the Synchronized Time-Base Manager
(arrow “4” in Figure 1).

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3

2 Acronyms and abbreviations

Acronyms and abbreviations, which have a local scope and therefore are not
contained in the AUTOSAR glossary, must appear in a local glossary.

Abbreviation / Description:
StbM Synchronized Time-Base Manager

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3

3 Related documentation

3.1 Input documents

[1] Requirements on Synchronized Time-Base Manager

[2] Layered Software Architecture


[3] Specification of ECU Configuration


[4] Specification of Operating System


[5] Specification of FlexRay Interface


[6] Specification of TTCAN Interface


[7] Virtual Functional Bus


[8] Software Component Template


[9] Basic Software Module Description Template


[10] Specification of TimingExtensions


[11] Specification of Memory Mapping


[12] List of Basic Software Modules


[13] General Requirements on Basic Software Modules


[14] General Specification of Basic Software Modules


[15] Specification of RTE


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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3
3.2 Company Reports, Academic Work, etc.
[16] Real-Time Systems and Software
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc Publication
Date: 2001; Author: Alan C. Shaw

3.3 Related specification

AUTOSAR provides a General Specification on Basic Software modules [14] (SWS

BSW General), which is also valid for Synchronized Time-Base Manager.

Thus, the specification SWS BSW General shall be considered as additional and
required specification for Synchronized Time-Base Manager.

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3

4 Constraints and assumptions

4.1 Limitations
The current module proposal has a number of limitations for the application of the
Synchronized Time-Base Manager within an AUTOSAR system.

4.1.1 Cluster

For simplicity, only ECUs in the same network cluster are considered. A vehicle-wide
definition of time can be achieved by introducing time gateways between clusters but
this is left to the implementer.

4.1.2 Time agreement protocol

The current solution of the Synchronized Time-Base Manager does not provide its
own time agreement protocol. Thus, the Synchronized Time-Base Manager shall use
the functionality of time-base provider as defined in 1.31.

4.1.3 OS ScheduleTable

The Synchronized Time-Base Manager shall perform the functionality of

synchronizing OS ScheduleTables with a respective synchronized time-base.
However, the StbM considers only the case when the targeted OS ScheduleTable is
explicitly synchronized. The implicit synchronization does not affect the StbM,
because the synchronization mechanism bypasses the module (for more information
about the difference between explicit and implicit synchronization, please refer to
[4]). Thus, when talking in the following about synchronization of OS
ScheduleTables, always the explicit one is meant.

4.1.4 Mode switches

The Synchronized Time-Base Manager does not deal with mode switches during

4.1.5 Out of scope

 Responsibility for those occurred errors during global time establishment,

which are not caused by the module itself (e.g. loss of FlexRay global time is
a FlexRay issue, not an issue of the Synchronized Time-Base Manager).
 Errors occurred during interaction with customers. Let’s take the OS as
example. Calling the explicit OS ScheduleTable synchronization may cause

This limitation is only required for distributed global time needs. Obviously, when only a single ECU
is considered (e.g. when the whole functionality is deployed to only one ECU), a global time is not
explicitly required.
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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3
an exception, because the delta between the submitted parameter
“counterValue” and the Os internal counter is higher than the tolerance range
of affected expiry points. Dealing with this exception is an OS issue, not an
issue of the Synchronized Time-Base Manager.

4.2 Terminology
So far, referencing a common definition of time has been declared throughout as
“global time” in this document. However, with the help of this section a more precise
definition of the term “global time” is given.

Important note: We avoid the use of the term “global time” for the rest of this
specification, as there is no single “global time”. Instead, we use the term
“synchronized time-base”.

For the purposes of this specification, we use the terms “physical time-base”,
“software time-base” and “synchronized time-base” as follows:

4.2.1 Physical Time-Base

Definition: A physical time-base is a physical device which allows obtaining

knowledge about the passage of time based on its physical properties (e.g.
oscillation of a quartz crystal with a known frequency, atomic clock, earth rotation).

4.2.2 Software Time-Base

Definition: A software time-base is a software-provided measure of time derived

from one or more physical time-bases. A time-base can be realized as
 an event source (e.g. a regular interrupt or alarm)
 a clock value data entity (e.g. a hardware or software counter representing

A software time-base is a means for customers to be triggered based on the

passage of time and/or to obtain knowledge about the passage of time.

4.2.3 Synchronized Time-Base

Definition: A synchronized time-base is a software time-base existing at a

processing entity (actor / processor / node of a distributed system) that is
synchronized with software time-bases at different processing entities. A
synchronized time-base can be achieved by time protocols or time agreement
protocols that derive the synchronized time-base in a defined way from one or more
physical time-bases. Examples are the network time protocol (NTP) and FlexRay
time agreement protocol.

The synchronization will apply to the clock rate and optionally apply also to the clock
absolute value.
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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3

A synchronized time-base allows synchronized action of the processing units.

Synchronized time-bases are often called “global time”, like the so called “FlexRay
global time”. We do not use the term “global time” here because it is an important
feature of the module specified in this document that it can cope with different
synchronized time-bases which may vary in terms of rate and absolute value.

For long term time determination a timer overflow counting mechanism provides an

More than one synchronized time-base can exist at one processing unit, e.g. a
FlexRay node will have the synchronized time-base retrieved from the FlexRay time
agreement protocol in the network cluster but might also have a synchronized time-
base derived from the time provided by a UTC time server (which is based on a set
of atomic clocks). Both synchronized time-bases will probably have slightly different
rate, and there is no relationship defined between their absolute values.

Note: A synchronized time-base is derived in a defined way (time protocol or time

agreement protocol) from a defined set of physical time-bases.

4.3 Applicability to car domains

The concept is targeted at supporting time-critical and safety-related automotive
applications such as airbag systems and braking systems. This doesn’t mean that
the concept has all that is required by such systems though, but crucial timing-
related features that cannot be deferred to implementation are considered.

In addition, the cluster limitation as described in 4.1.1 must be considered as

restriction for the applicability.

4.4 Conflicts

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3

5 Dependencies to other modules

5.1 Code file structure

For details refer to the chapter 5.1.6 “Code file structure” in SWS_BSWGeneral.

5.2 Header file structure

[SWS_StbM_00002] ⌈
The module shall include the StbM.h file, providing the function prototypes to access
the underlying functions of the module. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_StbM_00065] ⌈
In addition, the header files structure shall contain the following header files:

Os.h: general header file of the Operating System

StbM.c shall include Os.h, Dem.h and MemMap.h.

⌋ (SRS_BSW_00384, SRS_BSW_00339, SRS_BSW_00436)
[SWS_StbM_00115] ⌈
Only StbM.h shall be included by the users of the Synchronized Time-Base
Manager⌋ ( )

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R4.1 Rev 3

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3

6 Requirements traceability

Requirement Description Satisfied by

- - SWS_StbM_00002
- - SWS_StbM_00006
- - SWS_StbM_00012
- - SWS_StbM_00013
- - SWS_StbM_00019
- - SWS_StbM_00051
- - SWS_StbM_00059
- - SWS_StbM_00078
- - SWS_StbM_00079
- - SWS_StbM_00086
- - SWS_StbM_00087
- - SWS_StbM_00088
- - SWS_StbM_00089
- - SWS_StbM_00090
- - SWS_StbM_00091
- - SWS_StbM_00093
- - SWS_StbM_00094
- - SWS_StbM_00097
- - SWS_StbM_00098
- - SWS_StbM_00099
- - SWS_StbM_00100
- - SWS_StbM_00101
- - SWS_StbM_00102
- - SWS_StbM_00103
- - SWS_StbM_00104
- - SWS_StbM_00105
- - SWS_StbM_00106
- - SWS_StbM_00107
- - SWS_StbM_00108
- - SWS_StbM_00109
- - SWS_StbM_00110
- - SWS_StbM_00111
- - SWS_StbM_00112
- - SWS_StbM_00113
- - SWS_StbM_00114
- - SWS_StbM_00115

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3
- - SWS_StbM_00116
- - SWS_StbM_00117
- - SWS_StbM_00118
- - SWS_StbM_00121
- - SWS_StbM_00125
- - SWS_StbM_00126
- - SWS_StbM_00127
- - SWS_StbM_00128
- - SWS_StbM_00129
- - SWS_StbM_00130
- - SWS_StbM_00131
- - SWS_StbM_00133
- - SWS_StbM_00134
- - SWS_StbM_00135
- - SWS_StbM_00136
- - SWS_StbM_00137
- - SWS_StbM_00138
- - SWS_StbM_00141
- - SWS_StbM_00142
- - SWS_StbM_00143
- - SWS_StbM_00144
SRS_BSW_00004 All Basic SW Modules shall perform a SWS_StbM_00068
pre-processor check of the versions of
all imported include files
SRS_BSW_00005 Modules of the æC Abstraction Layer SWS_StbM_00140
(MCAL) may not have hard coded
horizontal interfaces
SRS_BSW_00006 The source code of software modules SWS_StbM_00140
above the æC Abstraction Layer
(MCAL) shall not be processor and
compiler dependent.
SRS_BSW_00007 All Basic SW Modules written in C SWS_StbM_00140
language shall conform to the MISRA
C 2004 Standard.
SRS_BSW_00009 All Basic SW Modules shall be SWS_StbM_00140
documented according to a common
SRS_BSW_00010 The memory consumption of all Basic SWS_StbM_00140
SW Modules shall be documented for
a defined configuration for all
supported platforms.
SRS_BSW_00101 The Basic Software Module shall be SWS_StbM_00052
able to initialize variables and
hardware in a separate initialization

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3
SRS_BSW_00159 All modules of the AUTOSAR Basic SWS_StbM_00062
Software shall support a tool based
SRS_BSW_00160 Configuration files of AUTOSAR Basic SWS_StbM_00140
SW module shall be readable for
human beings
SRS_BSW_00161 The AUTOSAR Basic Software shall SWS_StbM_00140
provide a microcontroller abstraction
layer which provides a standardized
interface to higher software layers
SRS_BSW_00162 The AUTOSAR Basic Software shall SWS_StbM_00140
provide a hardware abstraction layer
SRS_BSW_00164 The Implementation of interrupt SWS_StbM_00140
service routines shall be done by the
Operating System, complex drivers or
SRS_BSW_00167 All AUTOSAR Basic Software SWS_StbM_00062, SWS_StbM_00063
Modules shall provide configuration
rules and constraints to enable
plausibility checks
SRS_BSW_00168 SW components shall be tested by a SWS_StbM_00140
function defined in a common API in
the Basis-SW
SRS_BSW_00170 The AUTOSAR SW Components shall SWS_StbM_00140
provide information about their
dependency from faults, signal
qualities, driver demands
SRS_BSW_00304 - SWS_StbM_00140
SRS_BSW_00305 Data types naming convention SWS_StbM_00149, SWS_StbM_00150,
SWS_StbM_00151, SWS_StbM_00152
SRS_BSW_00306 AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules SWS_StbM_00124, SWS_StbM_00140
shall be compiler and platform
SRS_BSW_00307 Global variables naming convention SWS_StbM_00140
SRS_BSW_00308 AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules SWS_StbM_00140
shall not define global data in their
header files, but in the C file
SRS_BSW_00309 All AUTOSAR Basic Software SWS_StbM_00140
Modules shall indicate all global data
with read-only purposes by explicitly
assigning the const keyword
SRS_BSW_00312 Shared code shall be reentrant SWS_StbM_00140
SRS_BSW_00314 All internal driver modules shall SWS_StbM_00140
separate the interrupt frame definition
from the service routine
SRS_BSW_00325 The runtime of interrupt service SWS_StbM_00140
routines and functions that are
running in interrupt context shall be
kept short
SRS_BSW_00326 - SWS_StbM_00140

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
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SRS_BSW_00327 Error values naming convention SWS_StbM_00041
SRS_BSW_00328 All AUTOSAR Basic Software SWS_StbM_00140
Modules shall avoid the duplication of
SRS_BSW_00330 It shall be allowed to use macros SWS_StbM_00140
instead of functions where source
code is used and runtime is critical
SRS_BSW_00333 For each callback function it shall be SWS_StbM_00140
specified if it is called from interrupt
context or not
SRS_BSW_00334 All Basic Software Modules shall SWS_StbM_00140
provide an XML file that contains the
meta data
SRS_BSW_00336 Basic SW module shall be able to SWS_StbM_00140
SRS_BSW_00337 Classification of development errors SWS_StbM_00041
SRS_BSW_00339 Reporting of production relevant error SWS_StbM_00058, SWS_StbM_00065
SRS_BSW_00341 Module documentation shall contains SWS_StbM_00140
all needed informations
SRS_BSW_00342 It shall be possible to create an SWS_StbM_00140
AUTOSAR ECU out of modules
provided as source code and modules
provided as object code, even mixed
SRS_BSW_00344 BSW Modules shall support link-time SWS_StbM_00140
SRS_BSW_00347 A Naming seperation of different SWS_StbM_00140
instances of BSW drivers shall be in
SRS_BSW_00353 All integer type definitions of target SWS_StbM_00140
and compiler specific scope shall be
placed and organized in a single type
SRS_BSW_00355 - SWS_StbM_00140
SRS_BSW_00358 The return type of init() functions SWS_StbM_00052
implemented by AUTOSAR Basic
Software Modules shall be void
SRS_BSW_00359 All AUTOSAR Basic Software SWS_StbM_00140
Modules callback functions shall avoid
return types other than void if possible
SRS_BSW_00360 AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules SWS_StbM_00140
callback functions are allowed to have
SRS_BSW_00361 All mappings of not standardized SWS_StbM_00140
keywords of compiler specific scope
shall be placed and organized in a
compiler specific type and keyword
SRS_BSW_00370 - SWS_StbM_00140
SRS_BSW_00371 The passing of function pointers as SWS_StbM_00140
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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
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API parameter is forbidden for all
AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules
SRS_BSW_00375 Basic Software Modules shall report SWS_StbM_00140
wake-up reasons
SRS_BSW_00376 - SWS_StbM_00057
SRS_BSW_00378 AUTOSAR shall provide a boolean SWS_StbM_00140
SRS_BSW_00380 Configuration parameters being SWS_StbM_00140
stored in memory shall be placed into
separate c-files
SRS_BSW_00384 The Basic Software Module SWS_StbM_00065
specifications shall specify at least in
the description which other modules
they require
SRS_BSW_00385 List possible error notifications SWS_StbM_00041
SRS_BSW_00386 The BSW shall specify the SWS_StbM_00041
configuration for detecting an error
SRS_BSW_00387 The Basic Software Module SWS_StbM_00140
specifications shall specify how the
callback function is to be implemented
SRS_BSW_00398 The link-time configuration is achieved SWS_StbM_00140
on object code basis in the stage after
compiling and before linking
SRS_BSW_00399 Parameter-sets shall be located in a SWS_StbM_00140
separate segment and shall be loaded
after the code
SRS_BSW_00400 Parameter shall be selected from SWS_StbM_00140
multiple sets of parameters after code
has been loaded and started
SRS_BSW_00404 BSW Modules shall support post-build SWS_StbM_00140
SRS_BSW_00405 BSW Modules shall support multiple SWS_StbM_00140
configuration sets
SRS_BSW_00407 Each BSW module shall provide a SWS_StbM_00066
function to read out the version
information of a dedicated module
SRS_BSW_00412 References to c-configuration SWS_StbM_00140
parameters shall be placed into a
separate h-file
SRS_BSW_00413 An index-based accessing of the SWS_StbM_00140
instances of BSW modules shall be
SRS_BSW_00414 The init function may have parameters SWS_StbM_00052
SRS_BSW_00415 Interfaces which are provided SWS_StbM_00140
exclusively for one module shall be
separated into a dedicated header file
SRS_BSW_00416 The sequence of modules to be SWS_StbM_00140
initialized shall be configurable

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
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SRS_BSW_00417 Software which is not part of the SW- SWS_StbM_00140
C shall report error events only after
the DEM is fully operational.
SRS_BSW_00422 Pre-de-bouncing of error status SWS_StbM_00140
information is done within the DEM
SRS_BSW_00425 The BSW module description SWS_StbM_00057
template shall provide means to
model the defined trigger conditions of
schedulable objects
SRS_BSW_00426 BSW Modules shall ensure data SWS_StbM_00140
consistency of data which is shared
between BSW modules
SRS_BSW_00427 ISR functions shall be defined and SWS_StbM_00140
documented in the BSW module
description template
SRS_BSW_00428 A BSW module shall state if its main SWS_StbM_00140
processing function(s) has to be
executed in a specific order or
SRS_BSW_00429 BSW modules shall be only allowed to SWS_StbM_00020, SWS_StbM_00092
use OS objects and/or related OS
SRS_BSW_00432 Modules should have separate main SWS_StbM_00140
processing functions for read/receive
and write/transmit data path
SRS_BSW_00433 Main processing functions are only SWS_StbM_00140
allowed to be called from task bodies
provided by the BSW Scheduler
SRS_BSW_00436 - SWS_StbM_00065
SRS_BSW_00437 Memory mapping shall provide the SWS_StbM_00140
possibility to define RAM segments
which are not to be initialized during
SRS_BSW_00438 Configuration data shall be defined in SWS_StbM_00140
a structure
SRS_BSW_00439 Enable BSW modules to handle SWS_StbM_00140
SRS_BSW_00440 The callback function invocation by SWS_StbM_00140
the BSW module shall follow the
signature provided by RTE to invoke
servers via Rte_Call API
SRS_BSW_00441 Naming convention for type, macro SWS_StbM_00140, SWS_StbM_00151
and function
SRS_BSW_00442 The AUTOSAR architecture shall SWS_StbM_00076
support standardized debugging and
tracing features
SRS_BSW_00449 BSW Service APIs used by Autosar SWS_StbM_00053, SWS_StbM_00054,
Application Software shall return a SWS_StbM_00055
SRS_BSW_00453 BSW Modules shall be harmonized SWS_StbM_00140

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
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SRS_BSW_00455 - SWS_StbM_00140
SRS_StbM_20001 The configuration of the Synchronized SWS_StbM_00020, SWS_StbM_00025,
Time-Base Manager shall allow the SWS_StbM_00026, SWS_StbM_00028,
interaction with different types of SWS_StbM_00029, SWS_StbM_00037,
customers SWS_StbM_00038, SWS_StbM_00082
SRS_StbM_20002 The Synchronized Time-Base SWS_StbM_00020, SWS_StbM_00022,
Manager shall trigger registered SWS_StbM_00077, SWS_StbM_00083,
customers SWS_StbM_00147
SRS_StbM_20003 The Synchronized Time-Base SWS_StbM_00025, SWS_StbM_00026,
Manager shall allow customers to SWS_StbM_00028, SWS_StbM_00029,
have access to the synchronized time- SWS_StbM_00082, SWS_StbM_00145,
base SWS_StbM_00146
SRS_StbM_20005 The Synchronized Time-Base SWS_StbM_00015, SWS_StbM_00050,
Manager shall access the time-base SWS_StbM_00080, SWS_StbM_00081
SRS_StbM_20006 The Synchronized Time-Base SWS_StbM_00050
Manager shall continuously provide a
dependable provision of time
SRS_StbM_20007 The Synchronized Time-Base SWS_StbM_00031, SWS_StbM_00032,
Manager shall provide fault detection SWS_StbM_00033, SWS_StbM_00034,
mechanism SWS_StbM_00036, SWS_StbM_00151
SRS_StbM_20008 The Synchronized Time-Base SWS_StbM_00037, SWS_StbM_00038,
Manager shall provide the SWS_StbM_00148
functionality of notifying customers
SRS_StbM_20009 The module shall provide SWS_StbM_00084, SWS_StbM_00085
configuration parameters for each
triggered customer

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3

7 Functional specification

7.1 Background & Rationale

The overall objective is to provide synchronized time-bases in safety-related systems
built on AUTOSAR technology.

In the AUTOSAR context, the need for a synchronized time-base comes from the
AUTOSAR Time Determinism concept. If AUTOSAR compliant application software
must execute with a predictable timing (as the time determinism concept requires), a
suitable common time definition must be used. The Synchronized Time-Base
Manager is responsible for the propagation of such a time definition.

7.2 Overview

The purpose of the Synchronized Time-Base Manager is to provide synchronized

time-bases for AUTOSAR software. Based on the use cases discussed in section
1.1, the Synchronized Time-Base Manager shall provide the following functionality:

 Access to synchronized time-base:

As it is not in the scope of the Synchronized Time-Base Manager to introduce

new time agreement protocols, the Synchronized Time-Base Manager uses
the existing facilities in the AUTOSAR layered software architecture (see [2]
for more details). Currently, the Synchronized Time-Base Manager
synchronized time-bases propagated by FlexRay and TTCAN clusters are

 Provision of synchronized time-bases:

As described in section 1.4, the Synchronized Time-Base Manager has well-

defined customers (e.g. the OS), which require the functionality of the module.
For the provision of the synchronized time-bases, two general approaches are
eligible. On the one hand, the Synchronized Time-Base Manager triggers the
customer (e.g. by synchronizing the OS ScheduleTable). On the other hand,
the Synchronized Time-Base Manager must provide an appropriate API that
allows customers to have direct access to the module (e.g. when asking for
the current calendar time).

 Notification mechanism:

Whenever state changes occur or the Synchronized Time-Base Manager

detects incorrect behavior, registered notification customers (e.g. application,
see 1.4) must be informed about those circumstances.

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3
In Figure 1, the arrows 3 and 4 show the communication caused by the provision of
time-bases and the notification mechanism. In addition, arrows 1 and 2 depict the
access of the Synchronized Time-Base Manager to synchronized time-bases.

The rest of this chapter provides a deeper look into the previously mentioned
functionality of the Synchronized Time-Base Manager.

7.3 Implementation requirements

[SWS_StbM_00091] ⌈
The interfaces of the Synchronized Time-Base Manager shall not be implemented as
macros, unless all interfacing modules are defined to be pre-compile. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_StbM_00068] ⌈
The header file StbM.h shall contain a software and specification version number. ⌋

7.4 Clock time formats

[SWS_StbM_00006] ⌈
The Synchronized Time-Base Manager shall provide an abstract time format to its
customers. ⌋ ( )

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
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[SWS_StbM_00078] ⌈
The abstract time format provided by the Synchronized Time-Base Manager shall
have the notion of ticks. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_StbM_00079] ⌈
In addition to the abstract time format, the Synchronized Time-Base Manager shall
allow access to the respective tick duration, which defines the duration of one tick in
microseconds. ⌋ ( )

The tick value in addition to the tick resolution defines the value of the respective

[SWS_StbM_00135] ⌈
The SynchronizedTimeBaseManager should provide an absolute time format to its
customers. The absolute time format shall consist of a tick value and the number of
overflows of the tick value counter. ⌋ ( )

Taking the overflows into account an absolute time can be determined.

7.5 Startup behavior

This chapter describes the actions, which shall be performed during StbM_Init().

7.5.1 Preconditions

The C initialization code (also known as start-up code) which initializes global and
static variables with the initial values shall be executed before any call of a module

[SWS_StbM_00012] ⌈
Required basic software modules for the Synchronized Time-Base Manager must be
available (running) before the Synchronized Time-Base Manager accesses them. ⌋ (

7.5.2 Initialization

[SWS_StbM_00013] ⌈
The Synchronized Time-Base Manager shall establish the initial state of the module
(initial state: No synchronization time-base available), preparing the module for the
actual functionality of providing synchronized time-base to the customers. ⌋ ( )

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3
7.6 Shutdown behavior

7.7 Normal operation

7.7.1 Access to synchronized time-bases

As stated in section 4.1.2, the Synchronized Time-Base Manager does not provide
any time agreement protocol. Such a protocol has the functionality of establishing a
synchronized time-base among arbitrary members (e.g. ECUs).

[SWS_StbM_00015] ⌈
The Synchronized Time-Base Manager shall provide an adapter mechanism, which
allows making the access to the time-base (e.g. FlexRay time-base) configurable. ⌋

The Synchronized Time-Base Manager requires the following information of each


1. The time-base value is represented by the notion of ticks + tick duration.

2. The sync state indicates if the time-base is synchronized or not

The adapter will be triggered by the StbM via callouts (see section for more
details about the callout signature).

[SWS_StbM_00080] ⌈
The Synchronized Time-Base manager shall be independent of underlying providers.
⌋ (SRS_StbM_20005)

For each provider, a respective adapter shall be available which translates the
provider specific information (time-base value + time-base state) into the abstract
representation required by the Synchronized Time-Base Manager.

[SWS_StbM_00081] ⌈
Time-base providers shall be called periodically by the Synchronized Time-Base
Manager. ⌋ (SRS_StbM_20005)

[SWS_StbM_00050] ⌈
In case the Synchronized Time-Base Manager cannot acquire the synchronized
time-base from the providers (e.g. because a temporary FlexRay synchronization
loss has been occurred), the module must be able to maintain the time-base
autonomously. In this case, the interested customers must be informed about the

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
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state change (see 7.9 for more information about the notification mechanism). ⌋
(SRS_StbM_20005, SRS_StbM_20006)

If the mentioned autonomous maintenance of the time-base is required, one and

only one timebase provider would have to be configured to have access to the local
time, i.e., for that provider STBM_LOCAL_TIME_REF (see section 10.2) would
reference an OS counter.

In case synchronization fails for any of the synchronized timebases, a customer of

that timebase can decide to switch to the mentioned local timebase (provider). In that
case the local time replaces the (currently not available) time from the synchronized
timebase. Any conversion from local to synchronized time, which is required by the
customer while the timebase is not synchronized, would have to be performed by the
customer (application) itself.

In addition, each triggered customer can specify via the configuration parameter
STBM_TRIGGER_IN_SYNCSTATE (see section 10.2), if he wants to be triggered
when only the local time is available.

7.7.2 Provision of synchronized time-bases

[SWS_StbM_00019] ⌈
The Synchronized Time-Base Manager shall use the concept of “Sync by absolute
time value”.

Thus, the module itself does inform the customers about the absolute definition of
time (e.g. 454 ticks). This is in contrast to “Sync by relative time value”, where the
customer will be informed about the elapsed time since the last update. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_StbM_00082] ⌈
The Synchronized Time-Base Manager shall provide the following information to its
1. The time-base value is represented by the notion of ticks + tick duration.
2. The sync state indicates if the time-base is synchronized or not⌋
(SRS_StbM_20001, SRS_StbM_20003)

[SWS_StbM_00136] ⌈
The Synchronized Time-Base Manager shall provide the following information to its
The time-base absolute value is represented by the notion of ticks + tick duration +
number of overflows⌋ ( )

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
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[SWS_StbM_00137] ⌈
On every overflow of the tick value counter, the counter systemTicks shall be
incremented by one. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_StbM_00084] ⌈
Customers of type triggered customer shall be invoked periodically by the
Synchronized Time-Base Manager. ⌋ (SRS_StbM_20009)

[SWS_StbM_00093] ⌈
The triggering period shall be configurable for each triggered customer. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_StbM_00083] ⌈
Customers of type triggered customer will be invoked by the Synchronized Time-
Base Manager by providing the tick value of the respective time-base. ⌋

[SWS_StbM_00085] ⌈
Each customer of type triggered customer shall have the possibility to specify
whether he wants to be invoked by the Synchronized Time-Base Manager in case
the required time-base is not synchronized. ⌋ (SRS_StbM_20009)

[SWS_StbM_00020] ⌈
The Synchronized Time-Base Manager must interact with the OS as triggered
customer. The module calls the OS API for synchronizing OS ScheduleTables. ⌋
(SRS_BSW_00429, SRS_StbM_20001, SRS_StbM_20002)

It is configurable at pre-compile time if an OS ScheduleTable shall be synchronized

with a synchronization time-base.

[SWS_StbM_00022] ⌈
The Synchronized Time-Base Manager shall provide a means to configure the time-
base to which the OS ScheduleTable should be synchronized. ⌋ (SRS_StbM_20002)

Based on the configuration, the Synchronized Time-Base Manager synchronizes the

OS counter value of the associated OS ScheduleTable.

The Synchronized Time-Base Manager is not responsible for starting and stopping
the execution of OS ScheduleTables.

[SWS_StbM_00077] ⌈
The Synchronized Time-Base Manager shall synchronize OS ScheduleTables only
when the associated synchronized time-base is synchronized. ⌋ (SRS_StbM_20002)

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
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[SWS_StbM_00092] ⌈
The Synchronized Time-Base Manager shall synchronize only OS ScheduleTables
that are in one of the states WAITING, RUNNING or RUNNING_SYNCHRONOUS.

This implies that the Synchronized Time-Base Manager shall ask the OS for the
status of the OS ScheduleTable before performing the synchronization. ⌋

The Synchronized Time-Base Manager should ignore possible errors caused by the
sequential execution of a) getting OS ScheduleTable status and b) performing the
synchronization (e.g. someone else might have called a service to stop the OS
ScheduleTable in the meantime).

[SWS_StbM_00025] ⌈
The Synchronized Time-Base Manager shall provide an interface for accessing the
synchronized time-base. ⌋ (SRS_StbM_20001, SRS_StbM_20003)

In this case, the information exchange is triggered by the active customer, but not by
the Synchronized Time-Base Manager itself. The calling customer specifies the
required synchronized time-base.

[SWS_StbM_00026] ⌈
The API for accessing the synchronized time-bases shall be used by application
software components (see [7]) as well as other BSW modules (see [1]). ⌋
(SRS_StbM_20001, SRS_StbM_20003)

[SWS_StbM_00028] ⌈
For the interaction with application software components, standardized AUTOSAR
interfaces shall be specified. ⌋ (SRS_StbM_20001, SRS_StbM_20003)

[SWS_StbM_00029] ⌈
For the interaction with other BSW modules, respective interfaces (see 8 for
information about the interface definition) shall be available. ⌋ (SRS_StbM_20001,

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
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7.7.3 Plausibility check

[SWS_StbM_00031] ⌈
The Synchronized Time-Base Manager shall monitor the cyclic execution of the
StbM_Mainfunction (see section 8.1.4) for updating the status and values of the
synchronized time-bases. ⌋ (SRS_StbM_20007)

7.8 Fault detection

[SWS_StbM_00032] ⌈
The Synchronized Time-Base Manager monitors its own triggering rate to guarantee
a continuous time-base recalculation. ⌋ (SRS_StbM_20007)

[SWS_StbM_00033] ⌈
The Synchronized Time-Base Manager shall detect the loss of synchronized time-
bases (e.g. because the FlexRay time agreement protocol can not retrieve a
synchronized time-base in the network cluster). ⌋ (SRS_StbM_20007)

[SWS_StbM_00034] ⌈
The Synchronized Time-Base Manager shall detect the (re-) establishment of
synchronized time-bases (e.g. because the FlexRay time agreement protocol has re-
established the synchronized time-base in the network cluster). ⌋ (SRS_StbM_20007)

[SWS_StbM_00036] ⌈
The Synchronized Time-Base Manager shall detect errors during the invocation of
customers (e.g. OS). ⌋ (SRS_StbM_20007)

7.9 Notification mechanism

[SWS_StbM_00037] ⌈
The Synchronized Time-Base Manager shall provide notifications for customers that
want to be informed about status changes detected by the Synchronized Time-Base
Manager. The data type defined in section classifies the different states. ⌋
(SRS_StbM_20001, SRS_StbM_20008)

[SWS_StbM_00038] ⌈
The Synchronized Time-Base Manager shall support application software
components (see [7]) as well as other BSW modules (see [1]) as potential customers
for the notification mechanism. ⌋ (SRS_StbM_20001, SRS_StbM_20008)

[SWS_StbM_00076] ⌈
The status detected by the Synchronized Time-Base Manager and defined in section shall be available for debugging. ⌋ (SRS_BSW_00442)

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
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7.10 Error classification

[SWS_StbM_00041] ⌈
The following errors and exceptions shall be detectable by the Synchronized Time-Base
Manager depending on its build version (development/production mode).

Type or error Relevance Related error code Value [hex]

API requests called with Development STBM_E_PARAM 0x0A
wrong parameter
Synchronized Time-Base Development STBM_E_NOT_INITIALIZED 0x0B
Manager is not initialized
API request integrity failed Production STBM_E_INTEGRITY_FAILED Assigned by
API request failed Production STBM_E_REQ_FAILED Assigned by
Invalid pointer in parameter Development STBM_E_PARAM_POINTER 0x10
StbM initialization failed Development STBM_E_INIT_FAILED 0x011

⌋ (SRS_BSW_00337, SRS_BSW_00385, SRS_BSW_00386, SRS_BSW_00327)

There exist errors, which are of interest for the user of the Synchronized Time-Base
Manager, but the source of failure is somewhere else (e.g. the FlexRay time-base is
not synchronized). Thus, they do not appear in the above-mentioned error list and
the Synchronized Time-Base Manger does not perform an error handling for those
kinds of errors.

7.11 Error detection

[SWS_StbM_00101] ⌈
If development error detection is enabled for this module (see 10.2), the following
table specifies which DET error values shall be reported for each API call:

API call Error condition DET related error value

StbM_Init StbM initialization failed STBM_E_INIT_FAILED
StbM_GetVersionInfo Invalid pointer in parameter list STBM_E_PARAM_POINTER
Stbm_GetSyncState API requests called with wrong STBM_E_PARAM
StbM is not yet initialized STBM_E_NOT_INITIALIZED
Invalid pointer in parameter list STBM_E_PARAM_POINTER
StbM_GetGlobalTime API requests called with wrong STBM_E_PARAM
StbM is not yet initialized STBM_E_NOT_INITIALIZED
Invalid pointer in parameter list STBM_E_PARAM_POINTER
StbM_GetTickDuration API requests called with wrong STBM_E_PARAM
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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3
StbM is not yet initialized STBM_E_NOT_INITIALIZED
StbM_GetAbsoluteTime API requests called with wrong STBM_E_PARAM
StbM is not yet initialized STBM_E_NOT_INITIALIZED
Invalid pointer in parameter list STBM_E_PARAM_POINTER

7.12 Error notification

For details refer to the chapter 7.3 “Error Detection” in SWS_BSWGeneral.

7.13 Production Errors

There are no production errors defined by the Synchronized Time-Base Manager.

7.14 Extended Production Errors

There are no extended production errors defined by the Synchronized Time-Base

7.15 Version checking

For details refer to the chapter 5.1.8 “Version Check” in SWS_BSWGeneral.

7.16 AUTOSAR Service Interface

7.16.1 Architecture

In the AUTOSAR ECU Architecture (see [2]) the “Synchronized Time-base Manager”
BSW module implements an AUTOSAR Service as indicated in Figure 2.

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
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AUTOSAR Application Application
Software How does the Software How the SW-C gets Software
Component SW-C access Component notified from the Component
the Synchronized Synchronized Time-
Time-base Mgr? AUTOSAR base Manager? AUTOSAR
Different Interface Interface
Kinds of

ECU AUTOSAR Runtime Environment (RTE)

Standardized AUTOSAR Standardized AUTOSAR AUTOSAR
Standard Interface Interface Interface Interface Interface
Operating ECU Complex
System Communication Abstraction Device
StbM Drivers
API 2 Standardized Standardized Standardized

Interface Interface Interface


RTE relevant
API 0 Interface
Basic Software Microcontroller

Figure 2: The Synchronized Time-Base Manager in the ECU architecture

From the viewpoint of the BSW module “Synchronized Time-Base Manager”, there
are two kinds of dependencies between the service and application software
 The application accesses the Synchronized Time-Base Manager
 The application is optionally triggered with the value and/or notified upon state
changes of the associated time-base. This invocation is initiated by the
Synchronized Time-Base Manager.

These dependencies must be described in terms of the AUTOSAR meta-model

which will contribute to the SW-C Description of the application component as well
as to the SW-C Description of the StbM Service.

7.16.2 Requirements

There are three sources of requirements for the specification of the AUTOSAR
Service “Synchronized Time-Base Manager”:
 The requirements for the functionality of the Synchronized Time-Base
Manager are specified in [1].
 In order to model the VFB view of the service, the chapter on AUTOSAR
Services of the VFB specification [7] has to be considered as an additional
 For the formal description of the SW-C attributes [8] gives the requirements.

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
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7.16.3 Use Cases

As shown in Figure 1, the Synchronized Time-Base Manager is either interacting

with the role customer or with the role provider. Application software components
can only act as customers, thus the interaction with the Synchronized Time-Base
Manager via the RTE shall be done in the following use cases:

 Application software component accesses the Synchronized Time-Base

Manager: An “active” customer autonomously calls the Synchronized Time-
Base Manager, getting knowledge about the definition of time and the state of
the module.
 Synchronized Time-Base Manager notifies application software
component: The Synchronized Time-Base Manager informs the (“triggered” /
“notification”) customer about the current time and state changes and/or error
occurrences (e.g. the synchronisation state of a time-base has changed).

7.16.4 Specification of the Ports and Ports Interfaces

This chapter specifies the ports and port interfaces which are needed in order to
operate the Synchronized Time-Base Manager functionality over the VFB. Note, that
there are ports on both sides of the RTE: The SW-C description of the Synchronized
Time-Base Manager defines the ports below the RTE. Each software component
which uses the service must contain “service ports” in its own SW-C description
which are connected to the ports of the Synchronized Time-Base Manager, so that
the RTE can be generated. Ports and Port Interfaces for accessing the service

The Port Interfaces for “active” customers to access the service are implemented as
Client / Server interfaces (refer to 8.2.2). The corresponding ports are described in
ch. and

[SWS_StbM_00127] ⌈
Each software component must provide exactly one Port for each synchronized time-
base it wants to access. ⌋ ( )

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
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SW-C2: Time-base
SWCTypeA TB2 Manager


Figure 3: Example of application software components connected to the Synchronized Time-

Base Manager via service ports. On the left side, there are two instances of component
SWCTypeA and one instance of component SWCTypeB. The Port names on the right side
define the requested synchronized time-base. No notification ports are configured.

On the software component side, there is one Port for each synchronized time-base.
For each Port on component side, a respective Port on the service side exists. The
name of the Ports on service side defines which synchronized time-base is provided
by the service. These names (e.g. TB1 for FlexRay time-base and TB2 for TTCan
time-base) are examples and they are not standardized2.

The mechanism of port-defined arguments (refer to [15] ch. “Port Defined Arguments
Values”) is used by the RTE generator to derive from the port name the argument
“timeBaseID” of the module API calls (refer to ch. to for relevant API
calls). Ports and Port Interfaces for application triggering and


As depicted in section 1.4, some application components may want to get informed
by the Synchronized Time-Base Manager about the current time and when state
changes occur. Thus, some kind of trigger / notification mechanism is required. The
Synchronized Time-Base Manager uses this mechanism whenever such information
should be forwarded to interested application software components.

The trigger / notification mechanism is implemented as Sender / Receiver interfaces

(refer to 8.2.2). The corresponding ports are given in ch. ch. and


Obviously, it does not make sense to ask for the TTCan global time as synchronized time-base and
invoking the operation “GetFrTime()”, getting the FlexRay time representation as clock time format.
However, in order to define the Interface between application software component and Synchronized
Time-base Manager as simple as possible, the Interface would allow such a invocation.
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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
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There is no need to submit the respective time-base (e.g. as parameter by using a
C/S interface instead of an S/R interface). Ports, which are communicating with the
Synchronized Time-Base Manager are grouped together via the ServiceNeeds (see
the Software Component Template specification for more information about
ServiceNeeds [8]), when they are asking for the same time-base.

[SWS_StbM_00130] ⌈In analogy to the Port definition for above, each application
software component must provide:
- One Port for each synchronized time-base, about whose time value he wants
to get informed periodically.
- One Port for each synchronized time-base, about whose state changes he
wants to get informed. ⌋ ( )

7.16.5 Definition of the Service

The Provide Ports have a relation to the internal behavior of the Synchronized Time-
Base Manager: With each call, the time-base identifier is passed as an additional
argument by the RTE to the C-function which implements the associated runnable

Refer to 7.16.6 for how the required synchronized time-base can be documented by
augmenting the definition of Ports (feature “port defined argument value”).

[SWS_StbM_00131] ⌈
The InternalBehavior of the Synchronized Time-Base Manager is only seen by the
local RTE. Besides the definition of the time-base identifiers as port defined
arguments, it must specify the operation invoked runnables:

InternalBehavior TimeService {

// definition of associated operation-invoked RTE-events not shown

// (it is done in the same way as for any SWC type)

// section “runnable entities”:

RunnableEntity GetSyncState
symbol “StbM_GetSyncState”
canbeInvokedConcurrently = TRUE

RunnableEntity GetGlobalTime
symbol “StbM_GetGlobalTime”
canbeInvokedConcurrently = TRUE

RunnableEntity GetTickDuration
symbol “StbM_GetTickDurartion”
canbeInvokedConcurrently = TRUE

RunnableEntity GetAbsoluteTime
symbol “StbM_GetAbsoluteTime”
canbeInvokedConcurrently = TRUE
// end of section “runnable entities”

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
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7.16.6 Configuration of the Service

Ports, which are communicating with the Synchronized Time-Base Manager are
grouped together via the ServiceNeeds (see the Software Component Template
specification for more information about ServiceNeeds [8]), when they are asking for
the same time-base.

The time-base identifiers of the StbM service are modeled as “port defined argument
values”. Thus the configuration of those values is part of the RTE configuration. Pre-
compile configuration can be done by changing the XML specification for the ports
on the client (SW-C) or service (i.e. StbM) side.

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8 API specification

8.1 API

8.1.1 Imported types

In this chapter, all types included from the following files are listed:

[SWS_StbM_00051] ⌈

Module Imported Type

Dem Dem_EventIdType
Os AccessType
Std_Types Std_ReturnType

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8.1.2 Type definitions StbM_SyncStatusType
Name: StbM_SyncStatusType
Type: Enumeration
Range: STBM_STATE_SYNC The time-base is synchronized
STBM_STATE_NOT_SYNC The time-base is not synchronized
Description: Variables of this type are used to represent the status of the synchronized time-base.

⌋() StbM_SynchronizedTimeBaseType
Name: StbM_SynchronizedTimeBaseType
Type: uint16
Range: 0..2^16-1 -- --
Description: Variables of this type are used to represent the kind of synchronized time-base.

⌋() StbM_SystemTimeType
Name: StbM_SystemTimeType
Type: Structure
Element: StbM_TickType ticks number of ticks
uint16 tickDuration duration of one tick in microseconds
uint32 systemTicks number of overflows
Description: Variables of this type are used for expressing long time intervals, e.g. time stamps,
where the usage of StbM_TickTime would cause overflows.

⌋() StbM_TickType
Name: StbM_TickType
Type: uint16
Range: 0..{ecuc(StbM/StbMGeneral/StbMTickTypeRange)} -- --
Description: Variables of this type are used to represent the notion of ticks. The range
of the type shall be configurable via the respective ECUC parameter

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8.1.3 Function definitions

This is a list of functions provided for upper layer modules. StbM_GetVersionInfo
[SWS_StbM_00066] ⌈

Service name: StbM_GetVersionInfo

Syntax: void StbM_GetVersionInfo(
Std_VersionInfoType* versioninfo
Service ID[hex]: 0x05
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): None
Parameters None
versioninfo Pointer to the memory location holding the version information of the
Parameters (out):
Return value: None
Description: Returns the version information of this module.

[SWS_StbM_00094] ⌈
If development error detection for the StbM module is enabled the function
StbM_GetVersionInfo shall raise the development error
STBM_E_PARAM_POINTER and return if versioninfo is a NULL pointer
(NULL_PTR). ⌋ ( ) StbM_Init
[SWS_StbM_00052] ⌈

Service name: StbM_Init

Syntax: void StbM_Init(
Service ID[hex]: 0x00
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Non Reentrant
Parameters (in): None
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Return value: None
Description: Initializes the Synchronized Time-base Manager
⌋(SRS_BSW_00101, SRS_BSW_00358, SRS_BSW_00414)

[SWS_StbM_00097] ⌈

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The ECU State Manager shall call the function StbM_Init during the startup phase of
the ECU in order to initialize the module. ⌋ ( )

The StbM is not functional until this function has been called.

[SWS_StbM_00098] ⌈
The StbM module’s environment shall make sure that the DEM has been initialized
before the StbM is initialized. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_StbM_00099] ⌈If development error detection is enabled, the StbM module

shall report the development error STBM_E_INIT_FAILED when the initialization of
the StbM module fails ⌋ ( )

[SWS_StbM_00100] ⌈
A static status variable denoting if the StbM is initialized shall be initialized with value
0 before any APIs of the StbM are called. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_StbM_00121] ⌈
StbM_Init shall set the static status variable to a value not equal to 0. ⌋ ( ) StbM_GetSyncState
[SWS_StbM_00053] ⌈

Service name: StbM_GetSyncState

Syntax: Std_ReturnType StbM_GetSyncState(
StbM_SynchronizedTimeBaseType timeBaseID,
StbM_SyncStatusType* syncState
Service ID[hex]: 0x01
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Non Reentrant
Parameters (in): timeBaseID The synchronized time-base, whose state is of interest.
Parameters None
Parameters (out): syncState The synchronization state of the time-base.
Std_ReturnType E_OK : successful
Return value:
E_NOT_OK : failed
Description: Returns the current synchronization state of the submitted time-base.

⌋ (SRS_BSW_00449)
[SWS_StbM_00102] ⌈
The function StbM_GetSyncState shall return by function parameter the current
synchronization state of the submitted time-base. ⌋ ( )

Regarding error detection, the requirement SWS_StbM_00101 is applicable to the

function StbM_GetSyncState.

[SWS_StbM_00116] ⌈
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If an error occurs during the execution of the function StbM_GetSyncState, all out
parameters shall stay untouched. ⌋ ( ) StbM_GetGlobalTime
[SWS_StbM_00054] ⌈

Service name: StbM_GetGlobalTime

Syntax: Std_ReturnType StbM_GetGlobalTime(
StbM_SynchronizedTimeBaseType timeBaseID,
StbM_TickType* ticks
Service ID[hex]: 0x02
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Non Reentrant
timeBaseID The synchronized time-base, whose time definition is of
Parameters (in):
Parameters None
ticks The current definition of time represented by the notion of
Parameters (out):
Std_ReturnType E_OK : successful
Return value:
E_NOT_OK : failed
Description: Returns the current time of the submitted synchronized time-base. The time is
represented by the notion of ticks.

⌋ (SRS_BSW_00449)
[SWS_StbM_00103] ⌈
The function StbM_GetGlobalTime shall return by function parameter
the current time of the submitted time-base. ⌋ ( )

Regarding error detection, the requirement SWS_StbM_00101 is applicable to the

function StbM_GetGlobalTime.

[SWS_StbM_00117] ⌈
If an error occurs during the execution of the function StbM_GetGlobalTime, all out
parameters shall stay untouched. ⌋ ( ) StbM_GetTickDuration
[SWS_StbM_00055] ⌈

Service name: StbM_GetTickDuration

Syntax: Std_ReturnType StbM_GetTickDuration(
StbM_SynchronizedTimeBaseType timeBaseID,
uint16* tickDuration
Service ID[hex]: 0x03
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Non Reentrant
Parameters (in): timeBaseID The synchronized time-base, whose tick duration is of interest.
Parameters None
Parameters (out): tickDuration Number of microseconds of one tick.

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Std_ReturnType E_OK : successful
Return value:
E_NOT_OK : failed
Description: Returns the duration of one time-base tick in microseconds.

⌋ (SRS_BSW_00449)
[SWS_StbM_00104] ⌈
The function StbM_GetTickDuration shall return by function parameter the current
time of the submitted time-base. ⌋ ( )

Regarding error detection, the requirement SWS_StbM_00101 is applicable to the

function StbM_GetTickDuration.

[SWS_StbM_00118] ⌈
If an error occurs during the execution of the function StbM_GetTickDuration, all out
parameters shall stay untouched. ⌋ ( ) StbM_GetAbsoluteTime

Service name: StbM_GetAbsoluteTime

Syntax: Std_ReturnType StbM_GetAbsoluteTime(
StbM_SynchronizedTimeBaseType timeBaseID,
StbM_SystemTimeType* systemTime
Service ID[hex]: 0x06
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Non Reentrant
Parameters (in): timeBaseID The synchronized time-base, whose state is of interest.
Parameters None
Parameters (out): systemTime absolute time stamp
Std_ReturnType E_OK : successful
Return value:
E_NOT_OK : failed
Description: Returns an absolute time value relative to the start of the ECU.

[SWS_StbM_00133] ⌈
The function StbM_GetAbsoluteTime shall return by function parameter the current
time of the submitted time-base plus the number of timer overflows. ⌋ ( )

Regarding error detection, the requirement SWS_StbM_00101 is applicable to the

function StbM_GetAbsoluteTime.

[SWS_StbM_00134] ⌈
If an error occurs during the execution of the function StbM_GetAbsoluteTime, all out
parameters shall stay untouched. ⌋ ( )

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
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8.1.4 Scheduled functions StbM_MainFunction

[SWS_StbM_00057] ⌈

Service name: StbM_MainFunction

Syntax: void StbM_MainFunction(
Service ID[hex]: 0x04
Description: This function will be called cyclically by a task body provided by the BSW

The StbM_MainFunction invokes each time-base provider, gathering the required

information (sync status, tick value, tick duration).
In addition, each triggered customer will be invoked, providing the status and tick
value of the associated time-base.
⌋(SRS_BSW_00425, SRS_BSW_00376)

[SWS_StbM_00105] ⌈
The function StbM_MainFunction shall perform the time-base provider callout. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_StbM_00106] ⌈
In case of state changes of associated time-bases, the function StbM_MainFunction
shall perform the triggered customer sync state callback. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_StbM_00107] ⌈
The function StbM_MainFunction shall perform the triggered customer time provision
callback. ⌋ ( )

8.1.5 Expected Interfaces

In this chapter all interfaces required from other modules are listed. Mandatory Interfaces

This chapter defines all interfaces which are required to fulfill the core functionality of
the Synchronized Time-Base Manager.

[SWS_StbM_00058] ⌈

API function Description

Dem_ReportErrorStatus Queues the reported events from the BSW modules (API is only used
by BSW modules). The interface has an asynchronous behavior,
because the processing of the event is done within the Dem main
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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
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OBD Events Suppression shall be ignored for this computation.
Det_ReportError Service to report development errors.
⌋ (SRS_BSW_00339) Optional Interfaces
This chapter defines all interfaces which are required to fulfill an optional functionality
of the Synchronized Time-Base Manager.

[SWS_StbM_00059] ⌈

API function Description

AllowAccess This service sets the own state of an OS-Application from
CallTrustedFunction A (trusted or non-trusted) OS-Application uses this service to call a
trusted function
CheckISRMemoryAccess This service checks if a memory region is write/read/execute accessible
and also returns information if the memory region is part of the stack
CheckObjectAccess This service determines if the OS-Applications, given by ApplID, is
allowed to use the IDs of a Task, Resource, Counter, Alarm or Schedule
Table in API calls.
CheckObjectOwnership This service determines to which OS-Application a given Task, ISR,
Counter, Alarm or Schedule Table belongs
CheckTaskMemoryAccess This service checks if a memory region is write/read/execute accessible
and also returns information if the memory region is part of the stack
GetApplicationID This service determines the currently running OS-Application (a unique
identifier has to be allocated to each application).
GetApplicationState This service returns the current state of an OS-Application.
GetCounterValue This service reads the current count value of a counter (returning either
the hardware timer ticks if counter is driven by hardware or the software
ticks when user drives counter).
GetElapsedValue This service gets the number of ticks between the current tick value and
a previously read tick value.
GetISRID This service returns the identifier of the currently executing ISR.
GetScheduleTableStatus This service queries the state of a schedule table (also with respect to
IncrementCounter This service increments a software counter.
NextScheduleTable This service switches the processing from one schedule table to another
schedule table.
SetScheduletableAsync This service stops synchronization of a schedule table.
StartScheduleTableAbs This service starts the processing of a schedule table at an absolute
value "Start" on the underlying counter.
StartScheduleTableRel This service starts the processing of a schedule table at "Offset" relative
to the "Now" value on the underlying counter.
StartScheduleTableSynchron This service starts an explicitly synchronized schedule table
StopScheduleTable This service cancels the processing of a schedule table immediately at
any point while the schedule table is running.
SyncScheduleTable This service provides the schedule table with a synchronization count
and start synchronization.

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⌋() Configurable Interfaces
In this chapter all interfaces are listed where the target function could be configured.
The target function is usually a callback function. The names of these kinds of
interfaces are not fixed because they are configurable.

[SWS_StbM_00108] ⌈
For each synchronized time-base, respective call-out functions shall be configurable
which provide the synchronization state SWS_StbM_00086, the tick value
SWS_StbM_00087 and the tick duration SWS_StbM_00088 of the time-base. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_StbM_00109] ⌈
For each triggered customer, respective callback functions shall be configurable for
the provision of the synchronization state SWS_StbM_00089 and the tick value
SWS_StbM_00090. The Synchronized Time-Base Manager invokes the callback
functions within the StbM_Mainfunction (see section 8.1.4). ⌋ ( ) SyncStateProviderCallout

[SWS_StbM_00086] ⌈

Service name: SyncStateProviderCallout

Syntax: void SyncStateProviderCallout(
StbM_SynchronizedTimeBaseType timeBaseID,
StbM_SyncStatusType* syncState
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Non Reentrant
Parameters (in): timeBaseID The synchronized time-base, whose state is of interest.
Parameters None
Parameters (out): syncState The synchronization state of the time-base.
Return value: None
Description: The provider returns the current synchronization state of the time-base via callout.

[SWS_StbM_00110] ⌈
The call-out function SyncStateProviderCallout shall be called by the Synchronized
Time-Base Manager for gathering the current synchronization state of the time-base.
⌋() GlobalTimeProviderCallout

[SWS_StbM_00087] ⌈

Service name: GlobalTimeProviderCallout

Syntax: void GlobalTimeProviderCallout(
StbM_SynchronizedTimeBaseType timeBaseID,
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StbM_TickType* ticks
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Non Reentrant
Parameters (in): timeBaseID The synchronized time-base, whose time definition is of interest.
Parameters None
Parameters (out): ticks The current definition of time represented by the notion of ticks.
Return value: None
Description: The provider returns the current time of the synchronized time-base via callout.
The time is represented by the notion of ticks.

[SWS_StbM_00111] ⌈
The call-out function GlobalTimeProviderCallout shall be called by the Synchronized
Time-Base Manager for gathering the current tick value of the time-base. ⌋ ( ) TickDurationProviderCallout

[SWS_StbM_00088] ⌈

Service name: TickDurationProviderCallout

Syntax: void TickDurationProviderCallout(
StbM_SynchronizedTimeBaseType timeBaseID,
uint16* tickDuration
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Non Reentrant
Parameters (in): timeBaseID The synchronized time-base, whose state is of interest.
Parameters None
Parameters (out): tickDuration The duration of one time-base tick in microseconds.
Return value: None
Description: The provider returns the duration of one time-base tick in microseconds via callout.

[SWS_StbM_00112] ⌈
The call-out function TickDurationProviderCallout shall be called by the
Synchronized Time-Base Manager for gathering the duration of one time-base tick. ⌋
() SyncStateCustomerCallbackFunction

[SWS_StbM_00089] ⌈

Service name: SyncStateCustomerCallbackFunction

Syntax: void SyncStateCustomerCallbackFunction(
StbM_SynchronizedTimeBaseType timeBaseID,
StbM_SyncStatusType syncState

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Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Non Reentrant
timeBaseID The synchronized time-base, whose time definition is of interest.
Parameters (in):
syncState The synchronization state of the time-base.
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Return value: None
Description: The triggered customer will be triggered with the current synchronization state of
the time-base via callback.
The callback will be executed whenever a state change occurs.

[SWS_StbM_00113] ⌈
The callback function SyncStateCustomerCallbackFunction shall be invoked by the
Synchronized Time-Base Manager for providing the current synchronization state of
the time-base to the triggered customer. ⌋ ( ) GlobalTimeCustomerCallbackFunction

[SWS_StbM_00090] ⌈

Service name: GlobalTimeCustomerCallbackFunction

Syntax: void GlobalTimeCustomerCallbackFunction(
StbM_SynchronizedTimeBaseType timeBaseID,
StbM_TickType ticks
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Non Reentrant
timeBaseID The synchronized time-base, whose time definition is of interest.
Parameters (in):
ticks The current definition of time represented by the notion of ticks.
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Return value: None
Description: The triggered customer will be triggered with the current time-base value via
The callback will be executed periodically by the StbM.

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[SWS_StbM_00114] ⌈
The callback function GlobalTimeCustomerCallbackFunction shall be invoked by the
Synchronized Time-Base Manager for providing the current tick value of the time-
base to the triggered customer. ⌋ ( )

8.2 Service Interfaces

This chapter defines the AUTOSAR Interfaces and Ports of the AUTOSAR Service
“Synchronized Time-base Manager” (StbM).
The interfaces and ports described here will be visible on the VFB and are used to
generate the RTE between application software components and the Synchronized
Time-Base Manager.

8.2.1 Sender-Receiver-Interfaces StbM_TimeBase_TriggerCustomer

[SWS_StbM_00128] ⌈In order to notify the application about changes/errors in the

Synchronized Time-Base Manager, the following AUTOSAR standardized interface
must be implemented:

Name StbM_TimeBase_TriggerCustomer

Comment DataElement which provides the current value of the synchronized time-base

IsService true

Variation --


Data Elements Type StbM_TickType

Variation --

Name StbM_TimeBase_StateNotification

Comment DataElement which provides the current state of the synchronized time-base

IsService true

Variation --

Data Elements
Type StbM_SyncStatusType

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3

Variation --


[SWS_StbM_00129] ⌈The Synchronized Time-Base Manager will trigger the first

interface (StbM_TimeBase_TriggerCustomer) periodically when the value of the
respective time-base has been updated. The second interface will be triggered
(StbM_TimeBase_StateNotification) whenever a state change is detected. ⌋ ( )

8.2.2 Client-Server-Interfaces StbM_AbsoluteTimeBaseValue

[SWS_StbM_00138] ⌈
In order to allow the application software components to access the status, the
value and the number of timer overflows of the synchronized time-base, the Client-
Server Interface must have the following properties:

Name StbM_AbsoluteTimeBaseValue

Comment --

IsService true

Variation --

0 E_OK
Possible Errors



Comments access the absolute time since ECU start

Variation --


Comment --

Parameters Type StbM_SystemTimeType

Variation --

Direction OUT

Possible Errors E_OK Operation successful

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3

E_NOT_OK Operation failed


Comments access the current definition of time represented by the notion of ticks

Variation --


Comment --

Parameters Type StbM_TickType

Variation --

Direction OUT

E_OK Operation successful

Possible Errors
E_NOT_OK Operation failed


Comments access the current status of the synchronized time-base

Variation --


Comment --

Parameters Type StbM_SyncStatusType

Variation --

Direction OUT

E_OK Operation successful

Possible Errors
E_NOT_OK Operation failed


Comments access the current definition of tickDuration

Variation --


Comment --
Type uint16

Variation --
53 of 71 Document ID 421: AUTOSAR_SWS_SynchronizedTimeBaseManager
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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3

Direction OUT

E_OK Operation successful

Possible Errors
E_NOT_OK Operation failed

⌋() StbM_TimeBaseValue

[SWS_StbM_00125] ⌈
In order to allow the application software components to access the status and the
value of the synchronized time-base, the Client-Server Interface must have the
following properties:

Name StbM_TimeBaseValue

Comment --

IsService true

Variation --

0 E_OK
Possible Errors



Comments access the current definition of time represented by the notion of ticks

Variation --


Comment --

Parameters Type StbM_TickType

Variation --

Direction OUT

E_OK Operation successful

Possible Errors
E_NOT_OK Operation failed


Comments access the current status of the synchronized time-base

Variation --

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3


Comment --

Parameters Type StbM_SyncStatusType

Variation --

Direction OUT

E_OK Operation successful

Possible Errors
E_NOT_OK Operation failed


Comments access the current definition of tickDuration

Variation --


Comment --

Parameters Type uint16

Variation --

Direction OUT

E_OK Operation successful

Possible Errors
E_NOT_OK Operation failed


[SWS_StbM_00126] ⌈
Using operation “GetSyncState()”, the application has the possibility to access the
current status of the synchronized time-base. The other two operations of the
interface are required for the access to the clock time: a) the tick value of the
associated time-base (operation “GetTime()”), b) the duration of one tick in ms
(operation “GetTickDuration()”).⌋ ( )

8.2.3 Implementation Data Types

This chapter specifies the data types which will be used in the service port interfaces
for accessing the Synchronized Time-Base Manager service.

These data types are included via the application types header Rte_StbM_Type.h
into the implementation header StbM.h. The implementation header defines

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3
additionally those data types, which are listed in chapter 8.1.2, if not included by the
application types header.

[SWS_StbM_00124] ⌈
The data types uint8, uint16 and sint32 used in the interfaces refer to the basic
AUTOSAR data types.⌋ (SRS_BSW_00306) StbM_TickType

Name StbM_TickType

Kind Type


Variables of this type are used to represent the notion of ticks. The range of the type shall be
configurable via the respective ECUC parameter "StbM_TickTypeRange".

Range 0..{ecuc(StbM/StbMGeneral/StbMTickTypeRange)} --

Variation --

⌋(SRS_BSW_00305) StbM_SynchronizedTimeBaseType

Name StbM_SynchronizedTimeBaseType

Kind Type

Derived from uint16

Description Variables of this type are used to represent the kind of synchronized time-base.

Range 0..2^16-1 --

Variation --

⌋(SRS_BSW_00305) StbM_SyncStatusType

Name StbM_SyncStatusType

Kind Enumeration

STBM_STATE_SYNC 0 The time-base is synchronized

STBM_STATE_NOT_SYNC 1 The time-base is not synchronized
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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3

Description Variables of this type are used to represent the status of the synchronized time-base.

Variation --

⌋(SRS_BSW_00305, SRS_BSW_00441, SRS_StbM_20007) StbM_SystemTimeType

Name StbM_SystemTimeType

Kind Structure

ticks StbM_TickType number of ticks

Elements tickDuration uint16 duration of one tick in microseconds

systemTicks uint32 number of overflows

Variables of this type are used for expressing long time intervals, e.g. time stamps, where the
usage of StbM_TickTime would cause overflows.

Variation --


8.2.4 Ports StbM_ATB

Name ATB_{Name}

Kind ProvidedPort Interface StbM_AbsoluteTimeBaseValue

Description --

Variation Name = {ecuc(StbM/StbMSynchronizedTimeBase.SHORT-NAME)}

⌋(SRS_StbM_20003) StbM_TB

Name TB_{Name}

Kind ProvidedPort Interface StbM_TimeBaseValue

Description --

Variation Name = {ecuc(StbM/StbMSynchronizedTimeBase.SHORT-NAME)}

57 of 71 Document ID 421: AUTOSAR_SWS_SynchronizedTimeBaseManager
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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3 StbM_TBTC

Name TBTC_{Name}

Kind ProvidedPort Interface StbM_TimeBase_TriggerCustomer

Description --

Variation Name = {ecuc(StbM/StbMSynchronizedTimeBase.SHORT-NAME)}

⌋(SRS_StbM_20002) StbM_TBSN


Kind ProvidedPort Interface StbM_TimeBase_StateNotification

Description --

Variation --


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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3

9 Sequence diagrams
The sequence diagrams in this chapter show the basic operations of the
Synchronized Time-Base Manager.

Please note that the sequence diagrams are an extension for illustrational purposes
to ease understanding of the specification.

9.1 StbM_Init

«module» «module»
EcuM StbM



9.2 StbM_GetSyncState

StbM_User «module»

StbM_GetSyncState(StbM_SynchronizedTimeBaseType, StbM_SyncStatusType*)


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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3
9.3 StbM_GetGlobalTime

StbM_User «module»

StbM_GetGlobalTime(StbM_SynchronizedTimeBaseType, StbM_TickType*)


9.4 StbM_GetTTickDuration

StbM_User «module»

StbM_GetTickDuration(StbM_SynchronizedTimeBaseType, uint16*)


9.5 Explicit synchronization of OS ScheduleTable

«module» «module»
StbM Os

BSW Task (OS task

or cyclic call)


SyncScheduleTable(ScheduleTableType, GlobalTimeTickType)



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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3
9.6 Provider callout with FlexRay

«module» StbM_Provider «module»

StbM FrIf

BSW Task (OS task

or cyclic call)



FrIf_GetSyncState(Std_ReturnType, uint8, Fr_SyncStateType*)




FrIf_GetGlobalTime(Std_ReturnType, uint8, uint8*, uint16*)


internal translation from the flexray time format into the notion of ticks()


FrIf_GetMakroTicksDuration(uint16*, uint8)




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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3

9.7 StbM_GetAbsoluteTime

StbM_User «module»



9.8 StbM Cyclic Interaction with Provider and Triggered


«module» StbM_Provider StbM_TriggeredCustomer


BSW Task (OS task

or cyclic call)


loop for each Provider





loop for each triggered customer

GlobalTimeCustomerCallbackFunction(StbM_SynchronizedTimeBaseType, StbM_TickType)


SyncStateCustomerCallbackFunction(StbM_SynchronizedTimeBaseType, StbM_SyncStatusType)



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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3

10 Configuration specification
In general, this chapter defines configuration parameters and their clustering into
containers. In order to support the specification chapter 10.1 describes
fundamentals. It also specifies a template (table) you shall use for the parameter
specification. We intend to leave chapter 10.1 in the specification to guarantee

Chapter 10.2 specifies the structure (containers) and the parameters of the
Synchronized Time-Base Manager. Chapter 10.3 specifies published information of
the module Synchronized Time-Base Manager.

10.1 How to read this chapter

For details refer to the chapter 10.1 “Introduction to configuration specification” in

10.2 Containers and configuration parameters

[SWS_StbM_00062] ⌈
The following chapters summarize all configuration parameters. The detailed
meanings of the parameters describe Chapters 7 and Chapter 8. ⌋ (SRS_BSW_00159,

[SWS_StbM_00063] ⌈
The configuration tool must check the consistency of the configuration at
configuration time. ⌋ (SRS_BSW_00167)

10.2.1 Variants

10.2.2 StbM

Module Name StbM

Module Description Configuration of the Synchronized Time-base Manager (StbM) module.

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
Container for the references to DemEventParameter
elements which shall be invoked using the API
Dem_ReportErrorStatus API in case the corresponding error
0..1 occurs. The EventId is taken from the referenced
DemEventParameter's DemEventId value. The standardized
errors are provided in the container and can be extended by
vendor specific error references.
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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3
This container holds the general parameters of the
StbMGeneral 1
Synchronized Time-base Manager
Synchronized time.base collects the information about a
StbMSynchronizedTimeBase 1..*
specific time-base provider within the system.
The triggered customer is directly triggered by the
Synchronized Time-base Manager by getting synchronized
StbMTriggeredCustomer 1..*
with the current (global) definition of time and passage of

10.2.3 StbMGeneral

SWS Item ECUC_StbM_00002 :

Container Name StbMGeneral{STBM_GENERAL}
This container holds the general parameters of the Synchronized Time-
base Manager
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_StbM_00026 :

Description Enables/Disables the StbM_GetAbsoluteTime API.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value --
ConfigurationClass Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_StbM_00012 :

Description Switch for enabling the development error detection.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value --
ConfigurationClass Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_StbM_00027 :

Description Schedule period of the main function StbM_MainFunction. Unit: [s].
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range 1E-6 .. INF
Default value --
ConfigurationClass Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_StbM_00001 :

64 of 71 Document ID 421: AUTOSAR_SWS_SynchronizedTimeBaseManager
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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3
Description Defines the upper range of the type "StbM_TickType".
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 65535
Default value --
ConfigurationClass Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_StbM_00013 :

Description Activate/Deactivate the version information API (StbM_GetVersionInfo).
True: version information API activated False: version information API
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value --
ConfigurationClass Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

10.2.4 StbMDemEventParameterRefs

SWS Item ECUC_StbM_00022 :

Container Name StbMDemEventParameterRefs
Container for the references to DemEventParameter elements which shall
be invoked using the API Dem_ReportErrorStatus API in case the
corresponding error occurs. The EventId is taken from the referenced
DemEventParameter's DemEventId value. The standardized errors are
provided in the container and can be extended by vendor specific error
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_StbM_00024 : (Obsolete)

Description Reference to the DemEventParameter which shall be issued when the
error "API request integrity failed" has occured.
atp.StatusComment=This reference is set to obsolete and will be removed
in the next major release
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Symbolic name reference to [ DemEventParameter ]
ConfigurationClass Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3
SWS Item ECUC_StbM_00025 : (Obsolete)
Description Reference to the DemEventParameter which shall be issued when the
error "API request failed" has occured.
atp.StatusComment=This reference is set to obsolete and will be removed
in the next major release
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Symbolic name reference to [ DemEventParameter ]
ConfigurationClass Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency

No Included Containers

10.2.5 StbMSynchronizedTimeBase

SWS Item ECUC_StbM_00003 :

Container Name StbMSynchronizedTimeBase{STBM_SYNCHRONIZED_TIMEBASE}
Synchronized time.base collects the information about a specific time-base
provider within the system.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_StbM_00014 :

Name StbMGlobalTimeProviderCallout
Description Entry address of the time-base specific callout routine which shall be
invoked by the StbM for gathering the current time-base value.
In case the synchronized time-base is derived from the local time, this
container can be omitted. For this case, the StbM achieves the current
time-base value by calling the OS interface "GetCounterValue" with the
respective OSCounter configured via the ECUC param
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFunctionNameDef
Default value --
maxLength --
minLength --
regularExpression --
ConfigurationClass Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_StbM_00015 :

Name StbMSyncStateProviderCallout
Description Entry address of the time-base specific callout routine which shall be
invoked by the StbM for gathering the current time-base status.
In case the synchronized time-base is derived from the local time, this
container can be omitted. For this case, the state is always
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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFunctionNameDef
Default value --
maxLength --
minLength --
regularExpression --
ConfigurationClass Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_StbM_00021 :

Name StbMSynchronizedTimeBaseIdentifier
Description Identification of a synchronized time-base via a unique identifier.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef (Symbolic Name generated for this parameter)
Range 0 .. 65535
Default value --
ConfigurationClass Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_StbM_00016 :

Name StbMTickDurationProviderCallout
Description Entry address of the time-base specific callout routine which shall be
invoked by the StbM for gathering the current time-base tick duration.
In case the synchronized time-base is derived from the local time, this
container can be omitted. For this case, the StbM achieves the tick
duration by configuring an alarm which uses the HW counter configured
via the ECUC param "StbMLocalTimeRef". Note: The tick duration of the
local time will not change during runtime.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFunctionNameDef
Default value --
maxLength --
minLength --
regularExpression --
ConfigurationClass Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_StbM_00005 : (Obsolete)

Description Please note that this reference is deprecated and will be removed in future.
Old description: Optional reference to the FlexRay cluster.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Foreign reference to [ FLEXRAY-CLUSTER ]
ConfigurationClass Pre-compile time X All Variants

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_StbM_00006 :

Description Optional sub container in case a local time shall be accessed.
In case this subcontainer is used, the destinated OS counter has to be
configured properly, meaning: - the counter is directly driven by a HW timer
- the counter's OsCounterTicksPerBase set to one tick in ms.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to [ OsCounter ]
ConfigurationClass Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_StbM_00011 : (Obsolete)

Description Please note that this reference is deprecated and will be removed in future.
Old description: Optional reference to the Ttcan cluster.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Foreign reference to [ TTCAN-CLUSTER ]
ConfigurationClass Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

10.2.6 StbMTriggeredCustomer

SWS Item ECUC_StbM_00004 :

Container Name StbMTriggeredCustomer{STBM_TRIGGERED_CUSTOMER}
The triggered customer is directly triggered by the Synchronized Time-
Description base Manager by getting synchronized with the current (global) definition
of time and passage of time.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_StbM_00017 :

Name StbMGlobalTimeCustomerCallback
Description Entry address of the customer specific call-back routine which shall be
invoked by the StbM periodically for time value propagation.
This configuration is only valid if the explicit OS ScheduleTable is NOT
defined as triggered customer (via the reference
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFunctionNameDef
Default value --
maxLength --
68 of 71 Document ID 421: AUTOSAR_SWS_SynchronizedTimeBaseManager
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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3
minLength --
regularExpression --
ConfigurationClass Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_StbM_00018 :

Name StbMSyncStateCustomerCallback
Description Entry address of the customer specific call-back routine which shall be
invoked by the StbM when state changes occur.
This configuration is only valid if the explicit OS ScheduleTable is NOT
defined as triggered customer (via the reference
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFunctionNameDef
Default value --
maxLength --
minLength --
regularExpression --
ConfigurationClass Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_StbM_00019 :

Description Activate/Deactivate the triggering of the customer in case the related time-
base (StbmSynchronizedTimeBaseRef) is not synchronized.
True: the customer will only be triggered when the related time-base is
synchronized. False: the customer will be triggered with the local time-
base when no synchronization for the related time-base is established.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value --
ConfigurationClass Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_StbM_00020 :

Name StbMTriggeredCustomerPeriod
Description The triggering period of the triggered customer, called by the
The period is documented in microseconds.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 4294967295
Default value --
ConfigurationClass Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

69 of 71 Document ID 421: AUTOSAR_SWS_SynchronizedTimeBaseManager

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3
SWS Item ECUC_StbM_00007 :
Description Optional reference to synchronized OS ScheduleTables.
This configuration is only valid if the triggered customer shall be an OS
ScheduleTable. In this case, the OS ScheduleTable will be explicitly
synchronized by the StbM.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to [ OsScheduleTable ]
ConfigurationClass Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_StbM_00010 :

Description Mandatory reference to the required synchronized time-base.
Multiplicity 1
Type Symbolic name reference to [ StbMSynchronizedTimeBase ]
ConfigurationClass Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

10.3 Published Information

For details refer to the chapter 10.3 “Published Information” in SWS_BSWGeneral.

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Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
R4.1 Rev 3

11 Not applicable requirements

[SWS_StbM_00140] ⌈These requirements are not applicable to this specification.⌋
(SRS_BSW_00344, SRS_BSW_00404, SRS_BSW_00405, SRS_BSW_00170, SRS_BSW_00380,
SRS_BSW_00412, SRS_BSW_00387, SRS_BSW_00398, SRS_BSW_00399, SRS_BSW_00400,
SRS_BSW_00438, SRS_BSW_00375, SRS_BSW_00416, SRS_BSW_00437, SRS_BSW_00168,
SRS_BSW_00426, SRS_BSW_00427, SRS_BSW_00428, SRS_BSW_00432, SRS_BSW_00433,
SRS_BSW_00336, SRS_BSW_00422, SRS_BSW_00417, SRS_BSW_00455, SRS_BSW_00161,
SRS_BSW_00162, SRS_BSW_00005, SRS_BSW_00415, SRS_BSW_00164, SRS_BSW_00325,
SRS_BSW_00326, SRS_BSW_00342, SRS_BSW_00160, SRS_BSW_00453, SRS_BSW_00007,
SRS_BSW_00413, SRS_BSW_00347, SRS_BSW_00441, SRS_BSW_00307, SRS_BSW_00314,
SRS_BSW_00370, SRS_BSW_00353, SRS_BSW_00361, SRS_BSW_00328, SRS_BSW_00312,
SRS_BSW_00006, SRS_BSW_00439, SRS_BSW_00304, SRS_BSW_00355, SRS_BSW_00378,
SRS_BSW_00306, SRS_BSW_00308, SRS_BSW_00309, SRS_BSW_00371, SRS_BSW_00359,
SRS_BSW_00360, SRS_BSW_00440, SRS_BSW_00330, SRS_BSW_00009, SRS_BSW_00010,
SRS_BSW_00333, SRS_BSW_00341, SRS_BSW_00334)

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