Autosar Sws Saej1939transportlayer

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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939


Document Title Specification of a Transport

Layer for SAE J1939
Document Owner AUTOSAR
Document Responsibility AUTOSAR
Document Identification No 425
Document Status published
Part of AUTOSAR Standard Classic Platform
Part of Standard Release R20-11

Document Change History

Date Release Changed by Change Description
2020-11-30 R20-11 AUTOSAR  Improved structure of error sections
Release  Replaced error descriptions with
Management generated tables
2019-11-28 R19-11 AUTOSAR  No content changes
Release  Changed Document Status from
Management Final to published
2018-10-31 4.4.0 AUTOSAR  Changed header file structure
Release  Fixed reference to protocol type
Management  Harmonized J1939TP_E_UNINIT
 Clarifications of timeouts
2017-12-08 4.3.1 AUTOSAR  Clarified reception with identical
Release channels
Management  Introduction of runtime errors
2016-11-30 4.3.0 AUTOSAR  Improved handling of meta data
Release  Reliable TxConfirmation replaces
Management timeout
 Clarification on concurrent
 Support of link time configuration
2015-07-31 4.2.2 AUTOSAR  Fixed retry behavior
Release  Clarified effect of MetaData on
Management SA/DA/Protocol
 Introduction of further error classes
2014-10-31 4.2.1 AUTOSAR  Removed obsolete configuration
Release elements
Management  Harmonized with SWS BSW

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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

Document Change History

Date Release Changed by Change Description
2014-03-31 4.1.3 AUTOSAR  Allow for parallel reception via TP
Release (BAM/CMDT) and directly
Management  Clarified ambiguities regarding CTS
2013-10-31 4.1.2 AUTOSAR  NotifResultType replaced by
Release StdReturnType
Management  Additional development errors for
protocol problems
 Connection parameters moved to
channel configuration
 Editorial changes
 Removed chapter(s) on change
2013-03-15 4.1.1 AUTOSAR  Support for dynamic CAN IDs via
Administration MetaData
 Support for variable block size and
 TP API improvements and fixes
 Adapted to new BSW General
2011-12-22 4.0.3 AUTOSAR  API changes: CancelTransmit,
Administration CancelReceive, and
ChangeParameter were changed to
synchronous behavior
2011-04-15 4.0.2 AUTOSAR  Fixed service API IDs
Administration  Removed duplicate requirement
 Clarified requirements
SWS_J1939Tp_00125 and
2009-12-18 4.0.1 AUTOSAR  Initial release

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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939


This work (specification and/or software implementation) and the material contained
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The work has been developed for automotive applications only. It has neither been
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The word AUTOSAR and the AUTOSAR logo are registered trademarks.

3 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer

Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

Table of Contents

1 Introduction and Functional Overview ................................................................... 7

2 Glossary, Acronyms, and Abbreviations ................................................................ 9
3 Related Documentation ....................................................................................... 11
3.1 Input Documents ............................................................................................ 11
3.2 Related Standard Documents ........................................................................ 12
3.3 Related specification ...................................................................................... 12
4 Constraints and Assumptions .............................................................................. 13
4.1 Limitations ...................................................................................................... 13
4.2 Applicability to Automotive Domains ............................................................. 13
5 Module Architecture ............................................................................................. 14
5.1 Dependencies on Other Modules .................................................................. 14
5.2 File Structure .................................................................................................. 14
5.2.1 Code File Structure ................................................................................. 15
5.2.2 Header File Structure .............................................................................. 15
6 Requirements Traceability ................................................................................... 16
7 Functional Specification ....................................................................................... 20
7.1 Basic Principles of SAE J1939 ...................................................................... 20
7.2 Basic Functionality of J1939Tp ...................................................................... 21
7.3 Initialization and Shutdown ............................................................................ 22
7.4 Communication with the Lower Layer ........................................................... 23
7.4.1 Transmission Confirmation ..................................................................... 23
7.4.2 Reception Indication ................................................................................ 23
7.5 Internal Behavior ............................................................................................ 24
7.5.1 Session Handling .................................................................................... 24 Close Transmission .......................................................................... 24 Abort Transmission ........................................................................... 24 Close Reception ............................................................................... 24 Abort Reception ................................................................................ 24 Abort CMDT Connection .................................................................. 24
7.5.2 N-SDU Reception .................................................................................... 25
7.5.3 N-SDU Transmission............................................................................... 26
7.5.4 Data Flow on the CAN Bus ..................................................................... 28 Data Flow using Direct Transmission ............................................... 28 Data Flow using CMDT .................................................................... 28 Data Flow using BAM ....................................................................... 32
7.5.5 N-SDU Buffer Management .................................................................... 33
7.5.6 Relationship between N-SDU and N-PDU in J1939Tp........................... 35
7.5.7 Concurrent Connections ......................................................................... 36
7.5.8 N-PDU Padding ....................................................................................... 37
7.5.9 Handling of Unexpected N-PDU Arrivals ................................................ 37
7.6 Error Classification ......................................................................................... 37
7.6.1 Development Errors ................................................................................ 37
7.6.2 Runtime Errors ........................................................................................ 38
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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

7.6.3 Transient Faults ....................................................................................... 39

7.6.4 Production Errors .................................................................................... 39
7.6.5 Extended Production Errors .................................................................... 39
8 API Specification .................................................................................................. 40
8.1 API Parameter Checking ............................................................................... 40
8.2 Imported Types .............................................................................................. 40
8.3 Type Definitions ............................................................................................. 40
8.4 Function Definitions ....................................................................................... 41
8.4.1 J1939Tp_Init ............................................................................................ 41
8.4.2 J1939Tp_Shutdown ................................................................................ 42
8.4.3 J1939Tp_GetVersionInfo ........................................................................ 43
8.4.4 J1939Tp_Transmit .................................................................................. 44
8.4.5 J1939Tp_CancelTransmit ....................................................................... 45
8.4.6 J1939Tp_CancelReceive ........................................................................ 46
8.4.7 J1939Tp_ChangeParameter ................................................................... 46
8.5 Callback Notifications ..................................................................................... 47
8.5.1 J1939Tp_RxIndication ............................................................................ 47
8.5.2 J1939Tp_TxConfirmation ........................................................................ 48
8.6 Scheduled Functions ..................................................................................... 49
8.6.1 J1939Tp_MainFunction ........................................................................... 49
8.7 Expected Interfaces ....................................................................................... 50
8.7.1 Mandatory Interfaces............................................................................... 50
8.7.2 Optional Interfaces .................................................................................. 50
9 Sequence Diagrams............................................................................................. 52
9.1 Reception of Direct PG .................................................................................. 52
9.2 Reception via BAM ........................................................................................ 52
9.3 Reception via CMDT ...................................................................................... 53
9.4 Transmission of Direct PG ............................................................................. 54
9.5 Transmission via BAM ................................................................................... 55
9.6 Transmission via CMDT................................................................................. 56
9.7 Handling of Retry during CMDT Transmission .............................................. 57
10 Configuration Specification............................................................................... 59
10.1 Containers and Configuration Parameters ................................................. 59
10.1.1 J1939Tp ............................................................................................... 64
10.1.2 J1939TpGeneral .................................................................................. 64
10.1.3 J1939TpConfiguration.......................................................................... 65
10.1.4 J1939TpRxChannel ............................................................................. 66
10.1.5 J1939TpRxCmNPdu ............................................................................ 70
10.1.6 J1939TpRxDtNPdu .............................................................................. 70
10.1.7 J1939TpRxPg ...................................................................................... 71
10.1.8 J1939TpRxDirectNPdu ........................................................................ 72
10.1.9 J1939TpRxNSdu .................................................................................. 73
10.1.10 J1939TpTxFcNPdu .............................................................................. 74
10.1.11 J1939TpTxChannel.............................................................................. 75
10.1.12 J1939TpRxFcNPdu.............................................................................. 78
10.1.13 J1939TpTxCmNPdu ............................................................................ 79
10.1.14 J1939TpTxDtNPdu .............................................................................. 80
10.1.15 J1939TpTxPg ....................................................................................... 80
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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

10.1.16 J1939TpTxDirectNPdu......................................................................... 81
10.1.17 J1939TpTxNSdu .................................................................................. 82
10.2 Published Information ................................................................................. 83
11 Not applicable requirements ............................................................................ 84

6 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer

Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

1 Introduction and Functional Overview

This specification describes the functionality, the API, and the configuration of the
AUTOSAR Basic Software module J1939Tp, which implements an SAE J1939
compatible transport layer for AUTOSAR. The terms J1939Tp and J1939 Transport
Layer module are used synonymously in this document.

SAE J1939 has a broad acceptance in the truck domain, and consists of several
documents describing the layers of the communication protocol from the physical
layer to diagnostics and the application layer. SAE J1939-21 describes the data link
and transport layer, which includes two transport protocol variants:
BAM (Broadcast Announce Message) for broadcast messages, and
CMDT (Connection Mode Data Transfer) for point-to-point connections.

This specification defines how the transport protocol of SAE J1939-21 can be
implemented in the AUTOSAR architecture. It only describes those parts of the
implementation that are relevant to the AUTOSAR architecture. Protocol specific
details like exact timings are not part of this specification. Therefore, to be able to
implement the J1939 Transport Layer module, the reader of this specification must
have access to the original SAE J1939-21specification document.

The module J1939Tp interfaces to the PDU Router and the CAN Interface, as shown
in the following figure:

Figure 1-1 : AUTOSAR Communication Stack

The purpose of J1939Tp is to segment and reassemble J1939 PGNs (N-SDUs) that
are longer than 8 bytes. The segmented messages are sent and received via the
CAN Interface.
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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

The PDU-Router (PduR) deploys AUTOSAR COM and DCM I-PDUs onto different
communication protocols (e.g. CAN or J1939, segmented via transport layer or
directly). At runtime, the PduR decides where to route I-PDUs based on the I-PDU
(L-SDU or N-SDU) identifier. In the same way, the CanIf uses the L-SDU (I-PDU or
N-PDU) identifier to decide whether a received message must be processed by one
of the available transport layer modules or may be forwarded directly to the PduR.

J1939Tp supports fixed and variable size N-SDUs (I-PDUs) with more than 8 bytes.
I-PDUs that do not exceed 8 bytes are exchanged directly between PduR and CanIf.

Fixed size N-SDUs are always segmented by the J1939Tp, while variable size N-
SDUs are only segmented when they exceed 8 bytes. J1939Tp forwards variable
size N-SDUs with an actual size of 8bytes or less and a configured maximum size of
more than 8 bytes directly to the CanIf. The transport protocol variant (BAM or
CMDT) is chosen based on received N-PDUs when a large N-SDU is received, and
on the configuration and the actual DA when a large N-SDU is transmitted.

J1939Tp supports handling of N-PDUs and N-SDUs with variable SA, DA, and
Priority. In this case, the N-PDUs and N-SDUs will contain parts of the CAN ID in the

In summary, J1939Tp provides the following functionality:

- Segmentation and direct transmission of data in transmit direction
- Reassembling and direct reception of data in receive direction
- Control of data flow
- Timeout supervision
- Detection of errors during segmentation or reassembly

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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

2 Glossary, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

The following table presents a glossary of J1939 specific terms. For all other terms,
please check the AUTOSAR Glossary.

Glossary Term Explanation

Address Claiming Address Claiming forms the network management of SAE J1939
defined in the standard document SAE J1939/81. Address claiming
assigns a temporary 8-bit identifier to each ECU connected to one
J1939 network. Within this network, the 8-bit identifier is unique. The 8-
bit identifier is used as source and target address of parameter groups
(messages) transferred via the J1939 network. The address claiming
procedure is based on the exchange of AddressClaimed messages
(PGN 00EE00).
J1939 Diagnostics The SAE J1939 diagnostic layer is defined in the standard document
SAE J1939/73. The J1939 diagnostics is functionally similar to the UDS
diagnostics, and has recently been extended to support OBD for
emission relevant values.
Parameter A parameter is a signal of the SAE J1939 application layer. Parameters
are uniquely identified by the SPN.
Parameter Group A parameter group is a message of the SAE J1939 application layer.
Each parameter group contains several parameters (signals), and is
uniquely identified by the PGN.
Transport Protocol The SAE J1939 transport protocol is used for the segmented
transmission of messages with more than 8 bytes of data. The transport
protocol is defined in the network layer standard document (SAE

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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

The following table lists acronyms and abbreviations that are specific to the J1939
transport layer. For all other abbreviations, please check the AUTOSAR Glossary
and the AUTOSAR BSW Module List.

Acronym / Description
BAM Broadcast Announce Message, broadcast variant of SAE J1939
transport protocol
CMDT Connection Mode Data Transfer, peer-to-peer variant of SAE J1939
transport protocol
DA Destination Address, part of the 29 bit identifier of SAE J1939
DET Default Error Tracer, supports development and runtime error reporting
DMx Diagnostic messages of the SAE J1939 diagnostics layer
NAME Unique 64 bit identifier of each ECU connected to an SAE J1939
PDUF PDU Format, part of the 29 bit identifier of SAE J1939 messages which
identifies the message and determines the layout of the 29 bit identifier
PDUS PDU Specific, part of the 29 bit identifier of SAE J1939 messages which
identifies broadcast messages which do not have a destination address
PG Parameter Group, SAE J1939 term for a specific message layout,
corresponds to an N-SDU of J1939Tp
PGN Parameter Group Number, unique identifier of an SAE J1939 parameter
SA Source Address, part of the 29 bit identifier of SAE J1939 messages
SPN Suspect Parameter Number, unique identifier of an SAE J1939
TP.CM Connection Management message (PGN 00EC00) used by SAE J1939
transport protocol, corresponds to an N-PDU of J1939Tp
TP.CM_BAM Broadcast Announce Message, variant of TP.CM that initiates a BAM
TP.CM_CTS Connection Mode Clear To Send, variant of TP.CM that is used for
handshake during CMDT transmission
TP.CM_EndOfMsg End Of Message Acknowledge, variant of TP.CM that acknowledges
Ack correct reception of a CMDT transmission
TP.CM_RTS Connection Mode Request To Send, variant of TP.CM that initiates a
CMDT transmission
TP.Conn_Abort Connection Abort, variant of TP.CM that terminates a CMDT
TP.DT Data Transfer message (PGN 00EB00) used by SAE J1939 transport
protocol, corresponds to an N-PDU of J1939Tp

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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

3 Related Documentation

3.1 Input Documents

[1] List of Basic Software Modules

[2] Layered Software Architecture


[3] General Requirements on Basic Software Modules


[4] Specification of COM


[5] Requirements on CAN


[6] Specification of CAN Interface


[7] Requirements on a Transport Layer for SAE J1939


[8] Specification of PDU Router


[9] Specification of BSW Scheduler


[10] Specification of Default Error Tracer


[11] Basic Software Module Description Template


[12] Specification of ECU Configuration


[13] Specification of System Template


[14] Specification of Memory Mapping


[15] General Specification of Basic Software Modules


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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

3.2 Related Standard Documents

[16] SAE J1939-21(2006-12), Data Link Layer

[17] SAE J1939-7x(2006-xx), Application Layer

3.3 Related specification

AUTOSAR provides a General Specification of Basic Software modules [15] (SWS
BSW General), which is also valid for SAE J1939 Transport Layer.

Thus, the specification SWS BSW General shall be considered as additional and
required specification for SAE J1939 Transport Layer.

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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

4 Constraints and Assumptions

4.1 Limitations
The AUTOSAR architecture contains several communication system specific
transport layers (J1939Tp, CanTp, FrTp, etc.). All of these modules need to have
identical APIs, with the exception of API functions for which the PduR has separate
configuration abilities.

The J1939Tp module does not implement the TriggerTransmit API, because it is only
needed for time triggered bus architectures.

4.2 Applicability to Automotive Domains

The J1939 transport layer supports the implementation of ECUs that are designed to
operate in a J1939 network.

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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

5 Module Architecture

5.1 Dependencies on Other Modules

This section describes the relations between the J1939Tp and other AUTOSAR basic
software modules. Besides the standard modules DET, EcuM, and SchM, which
have interfaces to all BSW modules, J1939Tp only interacts with the PduR and the
CanIf. The interfaces of J1939Tp are similar to the interfaces of CanTp.

The figure below shows the interactions between J1939Tp, PduR, and CanIf.

Figure 5-1: J1939 Transport Layer interactions

The J1939Tp’s upper interface offers the PduR module access to transmitted and
received N-SDUs corresponding to J1939 PGs with a maximum length of more than
8 bytes of data.

J1939 PGs with a maximum length of 8 bytes or less are exchanged directly between
PduR and CanIf.

5.2 File Structure

AUTOSAR specifies that an ECU can be created from modules provided as object
code, source code (generated or static), or both.

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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

The decision to provide a module as object code or source code is based on a

compromise between IP protection, test coverage, code efficiency and configurability
at system generation time. Depending on the configurability requirements of the
OEM, suppliers may deliver the J1939Tp module as object code or source code.

The file hierarchy defined in this section allows the separation of platform, compiler,
and implementation specific definitions and declarations from general definitions, as
well as the separation of source code and configuration.

5.2.1 Code File Structure

For details, refer to the chapter 5.1.6 “Code file structure” in SWS BSW General [15].

[SWS_J1939Tp_00007] ⌈
Internally used data types and functions shall be defined locally in the implementation
source files. ⌋ ( )

This prevents visibility of these symbols outside of the J1939Tp module.

5.2.2 Header File Structure

For details, refer to the chapter 5.1.7 “Header file structure” in SWS BSW General

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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

6 Requirements Traceability

Requirement Description Satisfied by

SRS_BSW_00005 Modules of the µC Abstraction Layer (MCAL) SWS_J1939Tp_99999
may not have hard coded horizontal
SRS_BSW_00101 The Basic Software Module shall be able to SWS_J1939Tp_00087
initialize variables and hardware in a
separate initialization function
SRS_BSW_00161 The AUTOSAR Basic Software shall provide SWS_J1939Tp_99999
a microcontroller abstraction layer which
provides a standardized interface to higher
software layers
SRS_BSW_00162 The AUTOSAR Basic Software shall provide SWS_J1939Tp_99999
a hardware abstraction layer
SRS_BSW_00164 The Implementation of interrupt service SWS_J1939Tp_99999
routines shall be done by the Operating
System, complex drivers or modules
SRS_BSW_00167 All AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules shall SWS_J1939Tp_00084
provide configuration rules and constraints to
enable plausibility checks
SRS_BSW_00168 SW components shall be tested by a function SWS_J1939Tp_99999
defined in a common API in the Basis-SW
SRS_BSW_00170 The AUTOSAR SW Components shall SWS_J1939Tp_99999
provide information about their dependency
from faults, signal qualities, driver demands
SRS_BSW_00171 Optional functionality of a Basic-SW SWS_J1939Tp_00125
component that is not required in the ECU
shall be configurable at pre-compile-time
SRS_BSW_00314 All internal driver modules shall separate the SWS_J1939Tp_99999
interrupt frame definition from the service
SRS_BSW_00323 All AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules shall SWS_J1939Tp_00188
check passed API parameters for validity
SRS_BSW_00325 The runtime of interrupt service routines and SWS_J1939Tp_99999
functions that are running in interrupt context
shall be kept short
SRS_BSW_00327 Error values naming convention SWS_J1939Tp_00115
SRS_BSW_00333 For each callback function it shall be SWS_J1939Tp_00110,
specified if it is called from interrupt context SWS_J1939Tp_00114
or not
SRS_BSW_00335 Status values naming convention SWS_J1939Tp_00019
SRS_BSW_00336 Basic SW module shall be able to shutdown SWS_J1939Tp_00093
SRS_BSW_00337 Classification of development errors SWS_J1939Tp_00115
SRS_BSW_00341 Module documentation shall contains all SWS_J1939Tp_99999
needed informations
SRS_BSW_00347 A Naming seperation of different instances of SWS_J1939Tp_99999
BSW drivers shall be in place

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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

SRS_BSW_00357 For success/failure of an API call a standard SWS_J1939Tp_00096

return type shall be defined
SRS_BSW_00358 The return type of init() functions SWS_J1939Tp_00087
implemented by AUTOSAR Basic Software
Modules shall be void
SRS_BSW_00359 All AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules SWS_J1939Tp_00108,
callback functions shall avoid return types SWS_J1939Tp_00112
other than void if possible
SRS_BSW_00360 AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules callback SWS_J1939Tp_00108,
functions are allowed to have parameters SWS_J1939Tp_00112
SRS_BSW_00373 The main processing function of each SWS_J1939Tp_00104
AUTOSAR Basic Software Module shall be
named according the defined convention
SRS_BSW_00375 Basic Software Modules shall report wake-up SWS_J1939Tp_99999
SRS_BSW_00377 A Basic Software Module can return a SWS_J1939Tp_99999
module specific types
SRS_BSW_00385 List possible error notifications SWS_J1939Tp_00115
SRS_BSW_00400 Parameter shall be selected from multiple SWS_J1939Tp_00187
sets of parameters after code has been
loaded and started
SRS_BSW_00405 BSW Modules shall support multiple SWS_J1939Tp_00187
configuration sets
SRS_BSW_00406 A static status variable denoting if a BSW SWS_J1939Tp_00023
module is initialized shall be initialized with
value 0 before any APIs of the BSW module
is called
SRS_BSW_00407 Each BSW module shall provide a function to SWS_J1939Tp_00089
read out the version information of a
dedicated module implementation
SRS_BSW_00413 An index-based accessing of the instances of SWS_J1939Tp_99999
BSW modules shall be done
SRS_BSW_00414 Init functions shall have a pointer to a SWS_J1939Tp_00187
configuration structure as single parameter
SRS_BSW_00415 Interfaces which are provided exclusively for SWS_J1939Tp_99999
one module shall be separated into a
dedicated header file
SRS_BSW_00416 The sequence of modules to be initialized SWS_J1939Tp_99999
shall be configurable
SRS_BSW_00417 Software which is not part of the SW-C shall SWS_J1939Tp_99999
report error events only after the DEM is fully
SRS_BSW_00419 If a pre-compile time configuration parameter SWS_J1939Tp_99999
is implemented as "const" it should be placed
into a separate c-file
SRS_BSW_00423 BSW modules with AUTOSAR interfaces SWS_J1939Tp_99999
shall be describable with the means of the
SW-C Template
SRS_BSW_00427 ISR functions shall be defined and SWS_J1939Tp_99999
documented in the BSW module description
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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

SRS_BSW_00433 Main processing functions are only allowed to SWS_J1939Tp_99999
be called from task bodies provided by the
BSW Scheduler
SRS_BSW_00437 Memory mapping shall provide the possibility SWS_J1939Tp_99999
to define RAM segments which are not to be
initialized during startup
SRS_BSW_00438 Configuration data shall be defined in a SWS_J1939Tp_00187
SRS_BSW_00439 Enable BSW modules to handle interrupts SWS_J1939Tp_99999
SRS_BSW_00440 The callback function invocation by the BSW SWS_J1939Tp_99999
module shall follow the signature provided by
RTE to invoke servers via Rte_Call API
SRS_BSW_00441 Naming convention for type, macro and SWS_J1939Tp_00019,
function SWS_J1939Tp_00115
SRS_BSW_00447 Standardizing Include file structure of BSW SWS_J1939Tp_99999
Modules Implementing Autosar Service
SRS_BSW_00449 BSW Service APIs used by Autosar SWS_J1939Tp_99999
Application Software shall return a
SRS_BSW_00450 A Main function of a un-initialized module SWS_J1939Tp_00023
shall return immediately
SRS_BSW_00453 BSW Modules shall be harmonized SWS_J1939Tp_99999
SRS_J1939_00001 The J1939 Transport Layer module shall be SWS_J1939Tp_00125
configurable to support only transport
protocol variant BAM
SRS_J1939_00010 The J1939 Transport Layer module shall SWS_J1939Tp_00024
implement an interface for initialization
SRS_J1939_00011 The J1939 Transport Layer services shall not SWS_J1939Tp_00023
be operational before initializing the module
SRS_J1939_00019 The J1939 Transport Layer module shall SWS_J1939Tp_00155
support the transport protocol variant BAM
SRS_J1939_00020 The AUTOSAR J1939 Transport Layer SWS_J1939Tp_00155
module shall support the transport protocol
variant CMDT
SRS_J1939_00022 The timeout values of the J1939 transport SWS_J1939Tp_00018,
protocol variants shall be supervised SWS_J1939Tp_00121,
SRS_J1939_00023 The J1939 Transport Layer module shall SWS_J1939Tp_00018,
handle unexpected PDUs according to the SWS_J1939Tp_00064
SAE J1939 specification
SRS_J1939_00024 Unused Bytes in N-PDUs shall be padded SWS_J1939Tp_00068
SRS_J1939_00025 The J1939 Transport Layer module shall be SWS_J1939Tp_00062
able to manage connections via BAM and
CMDT in parallel
SRS_J1939_00040 The AUTOSAR J1939 Transport Layer SWS_J1939Tp_00018
module shall be based on SAE J1939
SRS_J1939_00042 The J1939 Transport Layer interface shall be SWS_J1939Tp_00157
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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

independent of its internal configuration

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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

7 Functional Specification
This chapter describes the functionality of the AUTOSAR J1939 Transport Layer. It
explains the services provided to the upper and lower layers and the internal
behavior of J1939Tp.

7.1 Basic Principles of SAE J1939

The SAE J1939 standard defines a set of Parameter Groups (PGs), each containing
signals with defined content and semantics. The following information is provided for
each PG:
- Payload length type: maximal number of bytes, fixed or variable size.
- Parameter Group Number (PGN): 18 bit value containing the following fields:
o 2 bit data page information (DP and EDP)
o 8 bit PDU-Format (PF)
o 8 bit PDU-Specific (PS)

PGNs with PDU-Format < 240 (format 1) identify point-to-point messages, while
PGNs with PDU-Format >= 240 (format 2) identify broadcast messages. The PDU-
Specific field is only relevant for broadcast messages (format 2); it is always zero for
point-to-point messages (format 1).

J1939 uses 29-bit CAN identifiers to identify each message. The CAN identifier
contains a 3-bit-priority, the PGN, the Source Address (SA), and the Destination
Address (DA, only for point-to-point messages).

Usually, an ECU has just one node address, which is used as DA in received
messages and as SA in transmitted messages. However, a single ECU can also
implement several different J1939 nodes at once, each with its own node address. In
this case, the ECU accepts any of these node addresses as DA and sends with any
of the defined node addresses as SA.

The SAE J1939 transport layer uses two special point-to-point messages identified
by PGNs of format 1 to transport segmented messages, both with a fixed length of 8
bytes. These messages are called transport frames in the context of this document.

TP.CM is used for connection management. The first byte of the payload identifies its
role, which may be one of the following:
TP.CM_BAM is used to initiate a BAM transfer.
TP.CM_RTS is transmitted to initiate a CMDT transfer.
TP.CM_CTS is used for flow control during a CMDT transfer.
TP.CM_EndOfMsgAck indicates the end of a CMDT transfer.
TP.Conn_Abort indicates an error and terminates the CMDT transfer.

TP.DT contains a sequence number in the first byte and 7 bytes of data.

A single TP.CM or TP.DT frame, identified by a certain CAN Identifier, is used for
different PGs. The PGN of the transported PG is contained in the payload of the
TP.CM frames as specified in [16].
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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

The destination address (DA) of CMDT related transport frames contains a legal
node address and thus allows a point-to-point connection, while the DA of BAM
related transport frames is always set to FF16 to create a broadcast connection.

[SWS_J1939Tp_00018] ⌈
The J1939Tp module shall follow the recommendations of SAE J1939-21 [16] if they
are not explicitly excluded in this document. ⌋ (SRS_J1939_00022, SRS_J1939_00023,

7.2 Basic Functionality of J1939Tp

This section describes aspects of the functionality of J1939Tp that are not related to
neighboring modules.

[SWS_J1939Tp_00071] ⌈
On errors and exceptions, the J1939Tp module shall not modify its current module
state (see Figure 7-1: J1939 Transport Layer life cycle) but shall simply report the
error event. ⌋ ( )

To assure a unique PDU router handling of all J1939 PGs which is independent of
the Payload Length type (variable or fixed), the J1939Tp is used for the transmission
of all Parameter Groups that are longer than 8 Bytes, independent of their length
being fixed or variable.

This means that PGs with variable length that have a configured maximum size of
more than 8 bytes but do not exceed 8 bytes at runtime shall be transported using
J1939Tp even though no segmentation is necessary and a direct transmission from
PDU router to CAN Interface would be possible.

[SWS_J1939Tp_00155] ⌈
The J1939 transport layer shall implement the following two J1939 transport protocol
variants defined in [16]:
- BAM for broadcast transmission
- CMDT for point-to-point transmission⌋ (SRS_J1939_00019, SRS_J1939_00020)

[SWS_J1939Tp_00125] ⌈
The J1939 Transport Layer shall be configurable to either use both BAM and CMDT
transport protocol variants, or only BAM, or only CMDT. ⌋ (SRS_BSW_00171,

[SWS_J1939Tp_00198] ⌈
The J1939 Transport Layer shall use meta data items of type
SDUs, and meta data items of type CAN_ID_32 for all N-PDUs. ⌋ ( )

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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

[SWS_J1939Tp_00231] ⌈
The J1939 Transport Layer module shall support several connections for the same
PGN in parallel as long as they can be received or transmitted independently. ⌋ ( )

For the definition of connections see section 7.5.7.

[SWS_J1939Tp_00233] ⌈
If several receiving connections are configured with identical PGNs and matching
channel parameters, the J1939Tp shall allocate an arbitrary free connection with
matching parameters. ⌋ ( )

Note: This scenario is typically only useful if all of these similar connections are
configured to end up at the same upper layer module.

7.3 Initialization and Shutdown

The following figure summarizes all the requirements concerning initialization and
shut down:

PowerUp PowerDown


EcuM: J1939Tp_Init EcuM: J1939Tp_Shutdown

(without error)



Figure 7-1: J1939 Transport Layer life cycle

[SWS_J1939Tp_00019] ⌈
The J1939Tp module shall have two global states, J1939TP_ON and
J1939TP_OFF. ⌋ (SRS_BSW_00335, SRS_BSW_00441)

[SWS_J1939Tp_00020] ⌈
The J1939Tp module shall be in the J1939TP_OFF state after power up. ⌋ ( )

In the state J1939TP_OFF, the J1939Tp allows for an update of the post build

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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

[SWS_J1939Tp_00023] ⌈
The J1939Tp module shall perform segmentation and reassembly tasks only when
the J1939Tp is in the J1939TP_ON state. ⌋ (SRS_BSW_00406, SRS_BSW_00450,

[SWS_J1939Tp_00076] ⌈
The global state (see SWS_J1939Tp_00019) shall be used to check if the module
has been initialized before calling an API. ⌋ ( )

7.4 Communication with the Lower Layer

[SWS_J1939Tp_00157] ⌈
All service interfaces provided to the lower layer shall be independent of the internal
communication configuration and implementation of the J1939Tp. ⌋

[SWS_J1939Tp_00041] ⌈
J1939Tp shall send the transport frames TP.CM and TP.DT and direct frames using
the service function CanIf_Transmit().⌋ ( )

7.4.1 Transmission Confirmation

The transmission confirmation J1939Tp_TxConfirmation() is called by CanIf to

notify J1939 TP of successful or failed transmission of an N-PDU.

[SWS_J1939Tp_00035] ⌈
When J1939Tp_TxConfirmation() is called with result E_NOT_OK, the J1939Tp
module shall abort the corresponding session. ⌋ ( )

For transmitting sessions, the session abort is defined in SWS_J1939Tp_00032,

while SWS_J1939Tp_00031 defines the behavior in case of a receiving session. The
J1939Tp shall not try to send an abort frame (as defined by SWS_J1939Tp_00097)
in this case.

7.4.2 Reception Indication

The J1939Tp module shall provide a J1939Tp_RxIndication() API to allow the CanIf
to notify that a new N-PDU has been received (see SWS_J1939Tp_00108).
CanIf shall perform the Reception Indication according to its configuration (i.e. in ISR
context if configured so).

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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

7.5 Internal Behavior

7.5.1 Session Handling Close Transmission

[SWS_J1939Tp_00119] ⌈
When the transport transmission session is successfully completed, the J1939Tp
module shall call a notification service of the upper layer,
PduR_J1939TpTxConfirmation, with the result E_OK, to notify that the N-SDU
transfer is successfully processed.⌋ ( ) Abort Transmission

[SWS_J1939Tp_00032] ⌈
An Abort Transmission feature shall indicate the upper layer that the transmission of
a given N-SDU has been aborted. It uses the callback function
PduR_J1939TpTxConfirmation with E_NOT_OK.⌋ ( ) Close Reception

[SWS_J1939Tp_00118] ⌈
A close connection feature shall indicate the upper layer that the transport reception
session is completed. It uses the PduR_J1939TpRxIndication() with E_OK to
indicate that the N-SDU reception is successfully processed.⌋ ( ) Abort Reception

[SWS_J1939Tp_00031] ⌈
An Abort Reception feature shall indicate the upper layer that the reception of a given
N-SDU has been aborted. It uses the PduR_J1939TpRxIndication() with state
E_NOT_OK.⌋ ( ) Abort CMDT Connection

[SWS_J1939Tp_00097] ⌈
An Abort CMDT Connection feature shall indicate to the other ECU participating in
the concerned connection that the current CMDT session (transmission or reception)
cannot be completed successfully. A TP.Conn_Abort abort message shall be
transmitted to the other ECU via CAN as specified by [16]. ⌋ ( )

Sending a TP.Conn_Abort is necessary every time an error happens after

TP.CM_CTS has been successfully sent or received, and is advisable already after

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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

transmission or reception of TP.CM_RTS. The connection abort reason of the

TP.Conn_Abort shall be set according to [16].

7.5.2 N-SDU Reception

Reception of an N-SDU is always initiated by the reception of a TP.CM message. In

case of CMDT, this is a TP.CM_RTS, in case of BAM a TP.CM_BAM.

[SWS_J1939Tp_00043] ⌈
Depending on the control byte of the initializing TP.CM frame (BAM or RTS), the
J1939Tp module shall use the variant BAM or CMDT of the J1939 transport protocol
to handle the data reception. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_J1939Tp_00038] ⌈
When receiving an N-PDU containing a TP.CM_BAM or a TP.CM_RTS the J1939Tp
module shall first notify the upper layer (PDU Router) before processing the frame
reassembly. It uses the PduR_J1939TpStartOfReception function with the
following parameters:
- the Identifier of the corresponding N-SDU,
- depending on the configured meta data items: the SA, DA and Priority,
- the total Data Length (after reassembly) and
- a pointer to a location where the upper layer stores its currently available
buffer size. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_J1939Tp_00162] ⌈
After the reception of an N-PDU containing a TP.DT frame, the function
PduR_J1939TpCopyRxData shall be called with the following parameters:
- the Identifier of the corresponding N-SDU,
- PduInfoPtr with max. 7 bytes of data,
- a pointer to a location where the upper layer stores its currently available
buffer size. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_J1939Tp_00173] ⌈
The J1939Tp module shall abort the reception silently if any of the following
conditions occurs:
- The PduR_J1939TpStartOfReception function returns
- the protocol chosen in SWS_J1939Tp_00043 does not match the transport
protocol configured for the transported PGN (see ECUC_J1939Tp_00029 : )
- the SA/DA of N-PDUs with MetaData do not match the configured SA/DA (see
ECUC_J1939Tp_00179 : /ECUC_J1939Tp_00178 : ).
In case of a BAM connection, no further activity is required.
In case of a CMDT connection, a CMDT Connection Abort shall be performed as
described in SWS_J1939Tp_00097, and the connection abort reason shall be set to
1 (Already in one or more connection managed sessions and cannot support
another). ⌋ ( )
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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

[SWS_J1939Tp_00040] ⌈
The J1939Tp module shall abort the reception like indicated in
SWS_J1939Tp_00031 if any of the following conditions occurs:
- The value returned by PduR_J1939TpStartOfReception via bufferSizePtr
is smaller than the total data length of the N-SDU when received via the direct
- the PduR_J1939TpCopyRxData function returns BUFREQ_E_NOT_OK, or
- the J1939Tp_CancelReceive function is called.
In case of a BAM connection, no further activity is required.
In case of a CMDT connection, a CMDT Connection Abort shall be performed as
described in SWS_J1939Tp_00097, and the connection abort reason shall be set to
1 (Already in one or more connection managed sessions and cannot support
another) after the call to PduR_J1939TpStartOfReception, and to 2 (System
resources were needed for another task so this connection managed session was
terminated) in the other two cases. ⌋ ( )

7.5.3 N-SDU Transmission

As described in section 7.3.2, the upper layer (PDU Router) asks for the transmission
of an N-SDU by calling J1939Tp_Transmit(). The parameters of
J1939Tp_Transmit()describe the Identifier of the N-SDU (NSduId) and a
reference to a PduInfoType that indicates the full length of the N-SDU to transmit (full
Tx N-SDU data length) and a pointer to the payload N-SDU, which may contain
MetaData with SA, DA and Priority depending on the meta data configuration of the

[SWS_J1939Tp_00039] ⌈
When configured, the transport protocol variant (BAM/CMDT, see
ECUC_J1939Tp_00137 : ) and the SA/DA (see ECUC_J1939Tp_00181 : /
ECUC_J1939Tp_00180 : ) shall be used for transmission. For N-SDUs with
MetaInfo, these parameters are optional. If SA or DA is not configured, the value
provided via the MetaData shall be used. If the transport protocol is not configured, it
shall be chosen based on the actual DA: BAM when DA is 0xFF, CMDT otherwise. ⌋

[SWS_J1939Tp_00045] ⌈
The function J1939Tp_Transmit shall use the NSduId and the SduLength provided in
the PduInfoType structure. It shall not use the payload of N-SDUs, only the contained
MetaData. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_J1939Tp_00047] ⌈
After a transmission request from the upper layer, the J1939Tp module shall initiate
the transmission by sending:
- For CMDT: a TP.CM_RTS frame
- For BAM: a TP.CM_BAM frame ⌋ ( )

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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

[SWS_J1939Tp_00046] ⌈
For each TP.DT frame to be sent, the J1939Tp module shall previously call
PduR_J1939TpCopyTxData with the following parameters:
- the Identifier of the corresponding N-SDU,
- PduInfoType structure with up to 7 bytes as SduLength,
- the retry parameter, and
- a pointer to a location where the upper layer stores its currently available data.

[SWS_J1939Tp_00228] ⌈
When PduR_J1939TpCopyTxData returns BUFREQ_E_BUSY, the J1939Tp shall
retry the call to PduR_J1939TpCopyTxData until the data is available or a timeout
occurs. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_J1939Tp_00218] ⌈
If J1939TpTxRetrySupport is disabled, the parameter retry of
PduR_J1939TpCopyTxData shall allways be set to the NULL_PTR. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_J1939Tp_00219] ⌈
For BAM transmissions, the parameter retry of PduR_J1939TpCopyTxData shall
allways be set to the NULL_PTR. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_J1939Tp_00220] ⌈
If J1939TpTxRetrySupport is enabled, a valid RetryInfoType stuct shall be provided
via the parameter retry of PduR_J1939TpCopyTxData during CMDT transmissions.

See section for a description how the J1939 Transport Layer module uses the
RetryInfoType during CMDT transmission.

[SWS_J1939Tp_00048] ⌈
The J1939Tp module shall abort the transmission session like specified in
SWS_J1939Tp_00032 if any of the following conditions occur:
- The upper Layer returns the PduR_J1939TpCopyTxData function call with
- the J1939Tp_CancelTransmit function is called.
In case of a CMDT connection, a CMDT Connection Abort shall be performed as
described in SWS_J1939Tp_00097, and the connection abort reason shall be set to
2 (System resources were needed for another task so this connection managed
session was terminated). ⌋ ( )

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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

7.5.4 Data Flow on the CAN Bus Data Flow using Direct Transmission

The following figure shows an example of direct message transmission between two
ECUs using J1939Tp. This is the only case of transmission of a J1939Tp N-SDU
using no TP.CM or TP.DT frame. The SA is always included in the CAN identifier.
Depending on the PDU-Format of the concerned PG, the CAN Identifier might
contain the DA.

Sender Receiver
Actual PG

Figure 7-2: Example of direct data flow for PGs of variable length <= 8 Bytes Data Flow using CMDT

The following figure shows an example of segmented message transmission

between two ECUs using CMDT as transport protocol variant. The CMDT transport
protocol variant is used for peer-to-peer communication (i.e. 1 to 1 communication,
like physical addressing in diagnostics). In the example, the transmitted PG has a
total length of 16 bytes, which corresponds to 3 blocks of 7 bytes.

Sender Receiver

TP.CM_RTS.3 Packets, 16 Bytes

T3 TP.CM_CTS with 2 Packets




TP.CM_CTS with 1 Packet



Figure 7-3: Example of data flow without error using CMDT as transport protocol variant

The J1939 transport protocol uses the initial sequence of RTS and CTS to determine
the number of packets per block.

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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

[SWS_J1939Tp_00165] ⌈
If J1939TpTxDynamicBlockCalculation is enabled, after J1939Tp_Transmit has been
called, the J1939Tp shall call PduR_J1939TpCopyTxData once with info-
>SduLength set to 0 and retry set to NULL_PTR to obtain the available amount of
data via availableDataPtr. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_J1939Tp_00207] ⌈
If J1939TpTxDynamicBlockCalculation and J1939TpTxMaxPacketsPerBlock are
enabled, the J1939Tp shall compare the available amount of data returned by
PduR_J1939TpCopyTxData to J1939TpTxMaxPacketsPerBlock and use use the
smaller of these two values to calculate the maximum number of packets field of the
TP.CM_RTS message. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_J1939Tp_00208] ⌈
If J1939TpTxDynamicBlockCalculation is enabled but
J1939TpTxMaxPacketsPerBlock is disabled, the J1939Tp shall use the available
amount of data returned by PduR_J1939TpCopyTxData to calculate the maximum
number of packets field of the TP.CM_RTS message. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_J1939Tp_00209] ⌈
If J1939TpTxDynamicBlockCalculation is disabled, the J1939Tp shall use
J1939TpTxMaxPacketsPerBlock for the maximum number of packets field of the
TP.CM_RTS message. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_J1939Tp_00210] ⌈
If J1939TpRxDynamicBlockCalculation and J1939TpRxPacketsPerBlock are
enabled, the J1939Tp shall compare the value returned by
PduR_J1939TpStartOfReception for the available buffer size to
J1939TpRxPacketsPerBlock and use the lower value to calculate the number of
packets field of the TP.CM_CTS message. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_J1939Tp_00211] ⌈
If J1939TpRxDynamicBlockCalculation is enabled but J1939TpRxPacketsPerBlock is
disabled, the J1939Tp shall use the value returned by
PduR_J1939TpStartOfReception for the available buffer size to calculate the
number of packets field of the TP.CM_CTS message. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_J1939Tp_00226] ⌈
After reception of the TP.CM_RTS and after reception of the last N-PDU of a block, if
the reported buffer size is large enough for the next block, the J1939Tp shall transmit
a TP.CM_CTS message requesting the next block. The number of packets requested
by TP.CM_CTS shall be constant during the complete reception of one N-SDU, only
in the last TP.CM_CTS this number shall be reduced to the number of remaining
packets. ⌋ ( )

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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

[SWS_J1939Tp_00227] ⌈
When there is not enough buffer reported by PduR_J1939TpStartOfReception
or PduR_J1939TpCopyRxData for the reception of a complete block, the J1939Tp
shall call PduR_J1939TpCopyRxData with info->SduLength set to 0 until the
buffer is large enough for one block, or a timeout occurs. ⌋ ( )

Please note: A timeout can be a timeout of an expected message (e.g. T1) or a

timeout during transmission of a message (e.g. Tr).

[SWS_J1939Tp_00229] ⌈
While monitoring the buffer state as defined by SWS_J1939Tp_00227, the J1939Tp
shall send TP.CM_CTS wait frames (number of packets set to 0, see also [16])
according to the timing requirements defined in [16]. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_J1939Tp_00212] ⌈
If J1939TpRxRetrySupport is enabled, the J1939Tp shall adapt the value returned by
PduR_J1939TpStartOfReception for the available buffer size according to
J1939TpRxDynamicBufferRatio before using it to calculate the number of packets
field of the TP.CM_CTS message as specified in SWS_J1939Tp_00210 and
SWS_J1939Tp_00211. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_J1939Tp_00213] ⌈
If J1939TpRxDynamicBlockCalculation is disabled, the J1939Tp shall use
J1939TpRxPacketsPerBlock to calculate the number of packets field of the
TP.CM_CTS message. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_J1939Tp_00217] ⌈
If J1939TpTxRetrySupport is enabled, the J1939Tp shall call
PduR_J1939TpCopyTxData with
- TpDataState set to TP_DATACONF for the first call after reception of a
TP.CM_CTS, and
- TpDataState set to TP_CONFPENDING for the following calls. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_J1939Tp_00195] ⌈
If a TP.CM_CTS wait frame (number of packets set to 0, see also [16]) is received,
the J1939Tp shall wait for another TP.CM_CTS frame. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_J1939Tp_00223] ⌈
When the J1939Tp receives a TP.CM_CTS frame that requests data beyond the
current position or preceding the position where the last TP.CM_CTS was received, it
shall abort the transmission using the mechanisms described by
SWS_J1939Tp_00032 and SWS_J1939Tp_00097 with reason FF16 (SNA). ⌋ ( )

[SWS_J1939Tp_00221] ⌈

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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

If J1939TpTxRetrySupport is enabled, when the J1939Tp receives a TP.CM_CTS

frame requesting already sent data, it shall call PduR_J1939TpCopyTxData with
TpDataState set to TP_DATARETRY and TxTpDataCnt set to the number of bytes to
be retransmitted. ⌋ ( )

The number of bytes that need to be retransmitted is calculated from the position of
the requested package relative to the current package.

[SWS_J1939Tp_00194] ⌈
If J1939TpTxRetrySupport is disabled, when the J1939Tp receives a TP.CM_CTS
frame requesting already sent data, it shall abort the transmission using the
mechanisms described by SWS_J1939Tp_00032 and SWS_J1939Tp_00097 with
reason 255 (unassigned). ⌋ ( )

[SWS_J1939Tp_00222] ⌈
If J1939TpRxRetrySupport is enabled, when a sequence error occurs during
reception, the J1939Tp module shall, after the last TP.DT message of the block was
received, send a TP.CM_CTS frame requesting the packages that follow the last
correctly received package of the current block. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_J1939Tp_00232] ⌈
The content of a TP.DT message with a sequence error and of the TP.DT messages
following a sequence error in the same block shall be discarded. ⌋ ( )

Note: This means that for such messages PduR_J1939TpCopyRxData shall not be

[SWS_J1939Tp_00216] ⌈
If J1939TpRxRetrySupport is disabled, when a sequence error occurs during
reception, the J1939Tp module shall abort the reception session
- as specified in SWS_J1939Tp_00031 and
- as specified in SWS_J1939Tp_00097 with connection abort reason FF16
(SNA). ⌋ ( )

[SWS_J1939Tp_00123] ⌈
J1939Tp shall implement all CMDT related timing constraints (Tr, Th, T1, T2, T3, T4)
as described in [16]. They supervise the CMDT data flow. ⌋ (SRS_J1939_00022)

[SWS_J1939Tp_00100] ⌈
If a timeout occurs during CMDT transmission (see [16] for details) then the J1939Tp
module shall abort the transmission session
- as specified in SWS_J1939Tp_00032 and
- as specified in SWS_J1939Tp_00097 with connection abort reason 3 (A
timeout occurred and this is the connection abort to close the session) when
the timeout occurred after successful transmission of the TP.CM_RTS frame.
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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

[SWS_J1939Tp_00159] ⌈
If a timeout occurs during reception (see [16] for details) then the J1939Tp module
shall abort the reception session
- as specified in SWS_J1939Tp_00031 and
- as specified in SWS_J1939Tp_00097 with connection abort reason 3 (A
timeout occurred and this is the connection abort to close the session). ⌋ ( )

[SWS_J1939Tp_00098] ⌈
If a TP.Conn_Abort frame is received after a TP.CM_RTS frame has been
successfully sent by the ECU, the transmission shall be aborted like indicated in
SWS_J1939Tp_00032. No transmission of TP.Conn_Abort is necessary. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_J1939Tp_00163] ⌈
If a TP.Conn_Abort frame is received after a TP.CM_RTS frame has been received,
the reception shall be aborted like indicated in SWS_J1939Tp_00031. No
transmission of TP.Conn_Abort is necessary. ⌋ ( ) Data Flow using BAM

[SWS_J1939Tp_00121] ⌈
J1939Tp shall implement the BAM related timing constraints (50ms, Tr, T1) as
described in [16]. They supervise the BAM data flow. ⌋ (SRS_J1939_00022)

[SWS_J1939Tp_00160] ⌈
If a timeout occurs during the BAM reception, the J1939Tp module shall abort the
reception session as specified in SWS_J1939Tp_00031. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_J1939Tp_00192] ⌈
After a sequence error, J1939Tp shall abort BAM connections as specified in
SWS_J1939Tp_00031. ⌋ ( )

The following figure shows an example of segmented message transmission

between two ECUs using BAM as transport protocol variant according to [16]. The
BAM transport protocol variant is used for a broadcast communication (i.e. 1 to n
communication, like functional addressing in diagnostics). In the example, the
transmitted PG has a total length of 3 blocks of 7 bytes that have to be successively

32 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer

Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

Sender Receiver

TP.CM_BAM total Byte Length= 16

50ms .. Tr



Figure 7-4: Example of data flow using BAM as transport protocol variant

7.5.5 N-SDU Buffer Management

J1939Tp shall have no internal PDU buffers. It requests data for sending directly from
the upper layers via PduR_J1939TpCopyTxData() and provides received data
directly to the upper layers via PduR_J1939TpCopyRxData().

To guarantee data consistency, the complete buffer of the upper layers must be
locked during the whole data transmission or reception.

Data transmission is initialized when the PduR calls J1939Tp_Transmit() and is

active after J1939Tp executed this call successfully until J1939Tp calls

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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939


J1939Tp_Transmit PduR_J1939TpTxConfirmation
=> E_OK


Figure 7-5: Tx Buffer locking

Data reception is initialized when J1939Tp calls

PduR_J1939TpStartOfReception() and is active after the PduR executed this
call successfully until J1939Tp calls PduR_J1939TpRxIndication():

34 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer

Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939


PduR_J1939TpStartOfReception PduR_J1939TpRxIndication
=> E_OK


Figure 7-6: Rx Buffer locking

7.5.6 Relationship between N-SDU and N-PDU in J1939Tp

This section describes the relation that exists between an N-SDU and the set of N-
PDUs that is required to transport the N-SDU data, as shown in the following figure.
cd Data Model


1 1

<Direct> <BAM> <CMDT>

1 2 3


1 1

<CMDT> <BAM> <BAM> <Direct>


Figure 7-7: Relation between N-SDU and N-PDU

The N-PDUs as well as the N-SDU may use MetaData. In that case, the N-SDU
stands for a certain PGN, and the N-PDUs stand for TP.CM, TP.DT, and direct PG,
regardless of source and/or destination addresses.

[SWS_J1939Tp_00057] ⌈
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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

During reception, the N-SDU is identified by a combination of the PGN included in

the payload of TP.CM and, when the N-SDU has no MetaData, from the addressing
information implicitly encoded in the NPduIds or explicitly provided via the MetaData
of the N-PDUs. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_J1939Tp_00199] ⌈
During transmission, the relevant set of N-PDUs is identified by the configured
SA/DA of N-SDUs without MetaData, or by the SA/DA explicitly provided in the
MetaData by the upper layer. ⌋ ( )

7.5.7 Concurrent Connections

Connections only concern internal J1939Tp purposes. They are transparent for the
upper and lower layers of J1939Tp but influence the handling of J1939Tp.

A J1939Tp connection is characterized by its direction (Receiving /Sending) and its

type (BAM / CMDT / Direct). A J1939Tp connection of type BAM or CMDT uses the
following transport related frames:
- control (TP.CM)
- data (TP.DT)

The CAN-Identifier corresponding to those transport specific frames is the same for
all J1939 PGs longer than 8 bytes:
- sent from a given SA - in the BAM case
- sent from a given SA to a given DA - in the CMDT case
This reduces the possibility for J1939Tp to process concurrent connections.

[SWS_J1939Tp_00120] ⌈
The J1939Tp shall be able to handle connections in parallel for all N-SDUs that do
not interfere in the usage of TP.DT frames with the same SA and DA. For channels
with defined SA/DA and protocol type, only one TP connection and one direct
connection for each PG can be open at any time. For channels with variable SA/DA,
the maximum number of parallel connections is limited by the number of N-SDUs
assigned to this channel. ⌋ ( )

J1939Tp shall only support concurrent connections as described in section 5.10.5 of

[16]. Note that one AUTOSAR ECU can represent several J1939 nodes and thus
may have more than one address (used as SA or DA) assigned to it.

[SWS_J1939Tp_00062] ⌈
Each connection shall be independent of the other connections. ⌋ (SRS_J1939_00025)

This means that a connection shall use its own resources, such as timer or state

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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

7.5.8 N-PDU Padding

[SWS_J1939Tp_00200] ⌈
The J1939 Transport Layer module shall send TP.DT frames always with 8 bytes
according to [16]. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_J1939Tp_00068] ⌈
According to [16], all unused data bytes within the last TP.DT frame or the direct
frame shall be set to 0xFF. ⌋ (SRS_J1939_00024)

7.5.9 Handling of Unexpected N-PDU Arrivals

[SWS_J1939Tp_00064] ⌈
The J1939Tp shall ignore unexpected N-PDUs that do not correspond to a currently
active connection. ⌋ (SRS_J1939_00023)

[SWS_J1939Tp_00224] ⌈
If J1939TpTxRetrySupport is disabled, when a TP.CM_CTS is received while TP.DT
messages are being transmitted, J1939Tp shall abort the connection as specified in
SWS_J1939Tp_00032 and in SWS_J1939Tp_00097 with connection abort reason 4
(CTS messages received when data transfer is in progress). ⌋ ()

[SWS_J1939Tp_00225] ⌈
When a TP.CM_RTS is received for a currently active connection, the J1939Tp shall
stop this connection as specified in SWS_J1939Tp_00031 and start a new
connection as described in SWS_J1939Tp_00038. ⌋ ()

7.6 Error Classification

Section 7.2 "Error Handling" of the document "General Specification of Basic
Software Modules" [15] describes the error handling of the Basic Software in detail.
Above all, it constitutes a classification scheme consisting of five error types which
may occur in BSW modules.

Based on this foundation, this section specifies particular errors arranged in the
respective subsections below.

7.6.1 Development Errors

Type of error Related error code

API service used in state J1939TP_OFF J1939TP_E_UNINIT 0x01

37 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer

Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

J1939Tp_Init() called in state J1939TP_ON. J1939TP_E_REINIT 0x02

J1939Tp_Init() was called with an invalid

configuration pointer

API service called with null pointer. J1939TP_E_PARAM_POINTER 0x10

API service called with wrong ID. 0x11

⌋(SRS_BSW_00327, SRS_BSW_00337, SRS_BSW_00385, SRS_BSW_00441)

7.6.2 Runtime Errors

Type of error Related error code

Timeout occurred on receiver side after reception of an J1939TP_E_

intermediate TP.DT frame of a block. TIMEOUT_T1

Timeout occurred on receiver side after transmission of a TP.CM/ J1939TP_E_


Timeout occurred on transmitter side after transmission of the last J1939TP_E_

TP.DT frame of a block. TIMEOUT_T3

Timeout occurred on transmitter side after reception of a TP.CM/ J1939TP_E_

CTS(0) frame. TIMEOUT_T4

Timeout occurred on transmitter or receiver side while trying to J1939TP_E_

send the next TP.DT or TP.CM frame. TIMEOUT_TR

Timeout occurred on receiver side while trying to send the next J1939TP_E_
TP.CM/CTS frame after a TP.CM/CTS(0) frame. TIMEOUT_TH

Invalid value for "total message size" in received TP.CM/RTS J1939TP_E_


Value for "total number of packets" in received TP.CM/RTS frame J1939TP_E_

does not match the "total message size". INVALID_TNOP

Invalid value for "maximum number of packets" in received J1939TP_E_


Unexpected PGN in received TP.CM frame. 0x43

Invalid value for "number of packets" in received TP.CM/CTS J1939TP_E_


Invalid value for "next packet number" in received TP.CM/CTS J1939TP_E_


Invalid value for "connection abort reason" in received TP.Conn_ J1939TP_E_

Abort frame. INVALID_CAR

Unexpected serial number in received TP.DT frame. J1939TP_E_ 0x47

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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939



7.6.3 Transient Faults

There are no transient faults.

7.6.4 Production Errors

There are no production errors.

7.6.5 Extended Production Errors

There are no extended production errors.

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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

8 API Specification

8.1 API Parameter Checking

J1939TP_E_PARAM_POINTER shall be reported as specified in [15] by

[SWS_J1939Tp_00188] ⌈
If development error detection for the J1939Tp is enabled, all APIs using a SDU- or
PDU-Identifier shall check the input Identifier and raise the development error:
J1939TP_E_INVALID_PDU_SDU_ID in case the API has been called for a not
configured PDU or SDU. ⌋ (SRS_BSW_00323)

8.2 Imported Types

This section lists all externally defined types that are used by J1939Tp. These types
are included from the headers corresponding to the module names listed in the table

Module Header File Imported Type

ComStack_Types.h BufReq_ReturnType

ComStack_Types.h PduIdType

ComStack_Types.h PduInfoType

ComStack_Types ComStack_Types.h PduLengthType

ComStack_Types.h RetryInfoType

ComStack_Types.h TPParameterType

ComStack_Types.h TpDataStateType

Std_Types.h Std_ReturnType
Std_Types.h Std_VersionInfoType


8.3 Type Definitions

This section lists the types defined by J1939Tp.

Name J1939Tp_ConfigType

40 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer

Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

Kind Structure

implementation specific

Elements Type --

Comment The content of the initialization data structure is implementation specific.

Description Data structure containing post-build configuration data of J1939-TP.

Available via J1939Tp.h


The J1939Tp_ConfigType defines a structure that contains configuration parameters

J1939Tp uses at run time. It is provided as an argument to J1939Tp_Init().

8.4 Function Definitions

This section defines a list of functions provided for upper layer modules. All these
APIs shall provide the following development errors:

8.4.1 J1939Tp_Init

Service Name J1939Tp_Init

void J1939Tp_Init (
Syntax const J1939Tp_ConfigType* ConfigPtr

Service ID [hex] 0x01

Sync/Async Synchronous

Reentrancy Non Reentrant

Parameters (in) ConfigPtr Pointer to configuration data structure.

Parameters (inout) None

Parameters (out) None

Return value None

Description This function initializes the J1939Tp module.

Available via J1939Tp.h

⌋(SRS_BSW_00101, SRS_BSW_00358)

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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

After power up, J1939Tp is in a state called J1939TP_OFF. In this state, J1939Tp is
not yet configured, and therefore cannot perform any communication task. The
J1939Tp module’s environment (usually the ECU Manager) will call
J1939Tp_Init() before using the J1939Tp module for further processing.

[SWS_J1939Tp_00024] ⌈
The function J1939Tp_Init() shall initialize all global variables of the module and
reset all transport protocol connections. ⌋ (SRS_J1939_00010)

[SWS_J1939Tp_00022] ⌈
J1939Tp_Init() shall change to the internal state J1939TP_ON after successful
initialization. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_J1939Tp_00026] ⌈
If called when the J1939Tp module is in the global state J1939TP_ON, the function
J1939Tp_Init() shall raise the development error J1939TP_E_REINIT and do
nothing. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_J1939Tp_00187] ⌈
The provided ConfigPtr shall only be used, when post-build configuration is enabled,
or when different configuration variants must be supported. Otherwise, the
parameters should be accessed directly to avoid indirection via the ConfigPtr. ⌋
(SRS_BSW_00400, SRS_BSW_00405, SRS_BSW_00414, SRS_BSW_00438)

The structure of type J1939Tp_ConfigType pointed to by the ConfigPtr contains post-

build parameters of the J1939Tp module. In link time or pre-compile configured
environments, the structure may contain a set of post-build parameters that differ
between several configuration variants. It is expected that link time and pre-compile
parameters may not change for different configuration variants.

J1939Tp_Init() has no return value because configuration data errors should be

detected during configuration time (e.g. by the configuration tools). Furthermore, if a
hardware error occurs, it will be reported via the error manager modules.

J1939TP_E_INIT_FAILED shall be reported as specified in [15] by


8.4.2 J1939Tp_Shutdown

Service Name J1939Tp_Shutdown

void J1939Tp_Shutdown (
Syntax void

42 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer

Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

Service ID [hex] 0x02

Sync/Async Synchronous

Reentrancy Non Reentrant

Parameters (in) None

Parameters (inout) None

Parameters (out) None

Return value None

Description This function is used to shutdown the J1939Tp module.

Available via J1939Tp.h


To close down communication, the state handling (usually the ECU Manager) calls

[SWS_J1939Tp_00094] ⌈
J1939Tp_Shutdown() shall close all pending transport protocol connections, free
all resources and set the J1939Tp module into the global state J1939TP_OFF state.

[SWS_J1939Tp_00095] ⌈
J1939Tp_Shutdown() shall not raise a notification about the pending frame
transmission or reception. ⌋ ( )

8.4.3 J1939Tp_GetVersionInfo

Service Name J1939Tp_GetVersionInfo

void J1939Tp_GetVersionInfo (
Syntax Std_VersionInfoType* VersionInfo

Service ID [hex] 0x03

Sync/Async Synchronous

Reentrancy Reentrant

Parameters (in) None

43 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer
Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

Version Pointer to the location where the version information of J1939Tp

Parameters (out)
Info shall be stored.

Return value None

Description Returns the version information of J1939Tp.

Available via J1939Tp.h


Note that the function J1939Tp_GetVersionInfo may be called in global state

J1939TP_OFF, i.e. before initialization of the J1939Tp module.

8.4.4 J1939Tp_Transmit

Service Name J1939Tp_Transmit

Std_ReturnType J1939Tp_Transmit (
PduIdType TxPduId,
Syntax const PduInfoType* PduInfoPtr

Service ID [hex] 0x49

Sync/Async Synchronous

Reentrancy Reentrant for different PduIds. Non reentrant for the same PduId.

TxPduId Identifier of the PDU to be transmitted

Parameters (in)
Length of and pointer to the PDU data and pointer to Meta


Parameters (out) None

Std_Return- E_OK: Transmit request has been accepted.

Return value
Type E_NOT_OK: Transmit request has not been accepted.

Description Requests transmission of a PDU.

Available via J1939Tp.h


As described in SWS_J1939Tp_00119 and SWS_J1939Tp_00032, the J1939Tp

module will notify the upper layer by calling the PduR_J1939TpTxConfirmation
callback when the transmit request has been completed.

[SWS_J1939Tp_00101] ⌈
44 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer
Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

The function J1939Tp_Transmit shall reject a request, if the J1939Tp_Transmit

service is called for an N-SDU identifier that is being used in a currently running
J1939 Transport Layer session. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_J1939Tp_00030] ⌈
The function J1939Tp_Transmit() shall reject the transmit request and return the
status value E_NOT_OK if the transmission needs a transport protocol and the
channel is occupied (see also 7.5.7). ⌋ ( )

The term channel refers to a communication relation with identical SA and DA.

8.4.5 J1939Tp_CancelTransmit

Service Name J1939Tp_CancelTransmit

Std_ReturnType J1939Tp_CancelTransmit (
Syntax PduIdType TxPduId

Service ID [hex] 0x4a

Sync/Async Synchronous

Reentrancy Reentrant for different PduIds. Non reentrant for the same PduId.

Parameters (in) TxPduId Identification of the PDU to be cancelled.


Parameters (out) None

E_OK: Cancellation was executed successfully by the

Std_Return- destination module.
Return value
Type E_NOT_OK: Cancellation was rejected by the destination

Requests cancellation of an ongoing transmission of a PDU in a lower layer

communication module.

Available via J1939Tp.h


[SWS_J1939Tp_00203] ⌈
J1939Tp_CancelTransmit shall return E_NOT_OK if ‘TxPduId’ is invalid, if
‘TxPduId’ is currently not active, if currently a direct frame is transmitted, if the last
TP.DT frame has already been transmitted during BAM transmission, or if the
TP.CM_EOMAck frame has already been received during CMDT transmission.⌋ ( )

[SWS_J1939Tp_00214] ⌈
45 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer
Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

The J1939Tp_CancelTransmit API shall only be available when

J1939TpCancellationSupport is enabled. ⌋ ( )

8.4.6 J1939Tp_CancelReceive

Service Name J1939Tp_CancelReceive

Std_ReturnType J1939Tp_CancelReceive (
Syntax PduIdType RxPduId

Service ID [hex] 0x4c

Sync/Async Synchronous

Reentrancy Non Reentrant

Parameters (in) RxPduId Identification of the PDU to be cancelled.


Parameters (out) None

E_OK: Cancellation was executed successfully by the

Std_Return- destination module.
Return value
Type E_NOT_OK: Cancellation was rejected by the destination

Requests cancellation of an ongoing reception of a PDU in a lower layer

transport protocol module.

Available via J1939Tp.h


[SWS_J1939Tp_00204] ⌈
J1939Tp_CancelReceive shall return E_NOT_OK if ‘RxPduId’ is invalid, if
‘RxPduId’ is currently not active, if currently a direct frame is received, if the last
TP.DT frame has already been received during BAM reception, or if the
TP.CM_EOMAck frame has already been sent during CMDT reception.⌋ ( )

[SWS_J1939Tp_00215] ⌈
The J1939Tp_CancelReceive API shall only be available when
J1939TpCancellationSupport is enabled. ⌋ ( )

8.4.7 J1939Tp_ChangeParameter

Service Name J1939Tp_ChangeParameter
46 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer
Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

Std_ReturnType J1939Tp_ChangeParameter (
PduIdType id,
Syntax TPParameterType parameter,
uint16 value

Service ID [hex] 0x4b

Sync/Async Synchronous

Reentrancy Non Reentrant

Identification of the PDU which the parameter change shall

Parameters (in)
parameter ID of the parameter that shall be changed.

value The new value of the parameter.


Parameters (out) None

Std_Return- E_OK: The parameter was changed successfully.

Return value
Type E_NOT_OK: The parameter change was rejected.

Description Request to change a specific transport protocol parameter (e.g. block size).

Available via J1939Tp.h


[SWS_J1939Tp_00206] ⌈
J1939Tp_ChangeParameter shall return E_NOT_OK if ‘id’ is invalid, if ‘parameter’
is not TP_BS, or if ‘value’ is larger than 255. ⌋ ( )

8.5 Callback Notifications

This is a list of functions provided for other modules.

8.5.1 J1939Tp_RxIndication

Service Name J1939Tp_RxIndication

void J1939Tp_RxIndication (
PduIdType RxPduId,
Syntax const PduInfoType* PduInfoPtr

Service ID

47 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer

Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

Sync/Async Synchronous

Reentrancy Reentrant for different PduIds. Non reentrant for the same PduId.

ID of the received PDU.
(in) Contains the length (SduLength) of the received PDU, a pointer to a
buffer (SduDataPtr) containing the PDU, and the MetaData related to this



Return value None

Description Indication of a received PDU from a lower layer communication interface module.

Available via J1939Tp.h

⌋(SRS_BSW_00359, SRS_BSW_00360)

The J1939Tp module provides the J1939Tp_RxIndication() API to allow the CanIf to
notify that a new N-PDU has been received.

[SWS_J1939Tp_00110] ⌈
The function J1939Tp_RxIndication shall be callable in interrupt context (it could be
called from the CAN receive interrupt). ⌋ (SRS_BSW_00333)

8.5.2 J1939Tp_TxConfirmation

Service Name J1939Tp_TxConfirmation

void J1939Tp_TxConfirmation (
PduIdType TxPduId,
Syntax Std_ReturnType result

Service ID [hex] 0x40

Sync/Async Synchronous

Reentrancy Reentrant for different PduIds. Non reentrant for the same PduId.

TxPduId ID of the PDU that has been transmitted.

Parameters (in)
E_OK: The PDU was transmitted. E_NOT_OK: Transmission of the
PDU failed.


48 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer

Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939


Return value None

The lower layer communication interface module confirms the transmission of a

PDU, or the failure to transmit a PDU.

Available via J1939Tp.h

⌋(SRS_BSW_00359, SRS_BSW_00360)

The J1939Tp module implements the J1939Tp_TxConfirmation API to allow the

CanIf module to confirm that a TP related frame (TP.CM, TP.DT) or direct frame has
been successfully transmitted to the J1939 network.

[SWS_J1939Tp_00114] ⌈
The function J1939Tp_TxConfirmation shall be callable in interrupt context (it could
be called from the CAN transmit interrupt). ⌋ (SRS_BSW_00333)

8.6 Scheduled Functions

The Basic Software Scheduler directly calls the functions listed in this section.
Scheduled functions shall have no return value and no parameter, and need not be

8.6.1 J1939Tp_MainFunction

Service Name J1939Tp_MainFunction

void J1939Tp_MainFunction (
Syntax void

Service ID

Main function of the J1939Tp. Used for scheduling purposes and timeout

Available via SchM_J1939Tp.h


[SWS_J1939Tp_00106] ⌈
The calling frequency of the function J1939Tp_MainFunction is determined by the
parameter J1939TpMainFunctionPeriod (see ECUC_J1939Tp_00044 : ). ⌋ ( )

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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

8.7 Expected Interfaces

In this section, all interfaces required from other modules are listed.

8.7.1 Mandatory Interfaces

This section defines all interfaces, which are required to fulfill the core functionality of
the module.

API Function Description

CanIf_Transmit CanIf.h Requests transmission of a PDU.

Det_Report- Service to report runtime errors. If a callout has been configured then
RuntimeError this callout shall be called.

This function is called to provide the received data of an I-PDU

PduR_J1939- PduR_ segment (N-PDU) to the upper layer. Each call to this function
TpCopyRxData J1939Tp.h provides the next part of the I-PDU data. The size of the remaining
buffer is written to the position indicated by bufferSizePtr.

This function is called to acquire the transmit data of an I-PDU

segment (N-PDU). Each call to this function provides the next part of
the I-PDU data unless retry->TpDataState is TP_DATARETRY. In
PduR_J1939- PduR_
this case the function restarts to copy the data beginning at the offset
TpCopyTxData J1939Tp.h
from the current position indicated by retry->TxTpDataCnt. The size
of the remaining data is written to the position indicated by available

PduR_J1939- PduR_ Called after an I-PDU has been received via the TP API, the result
TpRxIndication J1939Tp.h indicates whether the transmission was successful or not.

This function is called at the start of receiving an N-SDU. The N-SDU

PduR_J1939- might be fragmented into multiple N-PDUs (FF with one or more
TpStartOf- following CFs) or might consist of a single N-PDU (SF). The service
Reception shall provide the currently available maximum buffer size when
invoked with TpSduLength equal to 0.

PduR_J1939- This function is called after the I-PDU has been transmitted on its
TpTx- network, the result indicates whether the transmission was
Confirmation successful or not.


8.7.2 Optional Interfaces

This section defines all interfaces that are required to fulfill an optional functionality of
the module.

API Function Header File Description

50 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer

Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

Det_ReportError Det.h Service to report development errors.


51 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer

Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

9 Sequence Diagrams
The following sequence diagrams shall give an impression of the way the J1939
Transport Layer module shall behave and interoperate with other BSW modules.
They are not complete and not binding for the implementation.

9.1 Reception of Direct PG

The following diagram shows the interaction of the J1939 Transport Layer module
with the CAN Interface and the PDU Router during reception of a direct PG, i.e. an N-
SDU with dynamic length that is not larger than 8 bytes.

«module» «module» «module»

PduR J1939Tp CanIf

Direct PG




Figure 9-1: Reception of Direct PG

9.2 Reception via BAM

The following diagram shows the interaction of the J1939 Transport Layer module
with the CAN Interface and the PDU Router during reception of a PG via BAM, i.e. an
N-SDU that is larger than 8 bytes and is sent to the whole network.

52 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer

Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

«module» «module» «module»

PduR J1939Tp CanIf


loop for Each Packet


opt Last Packet

[YES] PduR_J1939TpRxIndication()


Figure 9-2: Reception via BAM

9.3 Reception via CMDT

The following diagram shows the interaction of the J1939 Transport Layer module
with the CAN Interface and the PDU Router during reception of a PG via CMDT, i.e.
an N-SDU that is larger than 8 bytes and is sent directly to the receiving node.

53 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer

Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

«module» «module» «module»

PduR J1939Tp CanIf


loop for Each Block

loop while Buffer too small for configured PacketsPerBlock

SduSize = 0

opt Timer Th expired






loop for Each Packet


opt Last Packet of last Block




Figure 9-3: Reception via CMDT

9.4 Transmission of Direct PG

The following diagram shows the interaction of the J1939 Transport Layer module
with the PDU Router and the CAN Interface during transmission of a direct PG, i.e.
an N-SDU with dynamic length that is not larger than 8 bytes.

54 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer

Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

«module» «module» «module»

PduR J1939Tp CanIf



J1939Tp_Transmit() Direct PG



Figure 9-4: Transmission of Direct PG

9.5 Transmission via BAM

The following diagram shows the interaction of the J1939 Transport Layer module
with the PDU Router and the CAN Interface during transmission of a PG via BAM,
i.e. an N-SDU that is larger than 8 bytes and is sent to the whole network.

55 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer

Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

«module» «module» «module»

PduR J1939Tp CanIf


J1939Tp_Transmit() TP.CM_BAM

loop for Each Packet


opt Timer 50ms expired

[YES] PduR_J1939TpCopyTxData()




opt Last Packet



Figure 9-5: Transmission via BAM

9.6 Transmission via CMDT

The following diagram shows the interaction of the J1939 Transport Layer module
with the PDU Router and the CAN Interface during transmission of a PG via CMDT,
i.e. an N-SDU that is larger than 8 bytes and is sent directly to the receiving node.

56 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer

Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

«module» «module» «module»

PduR J1939Tp CanIf



loop for Each Block


loop for Each Packet






Figure 9-6: Transmission via CMDT

9.7 Handling of Retry during CMDT Transmission

The following diagram shows the interaction of the J1939 Transport Layer module
with the PDU Router in the sender and the receiver node during transmission of a PG
via CMDT when a retry is performed because some data is lost.

57 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer

Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

«module» «module» «module» «module»

PduR J1939Tp :J1939Tp :PduR


loop for Each Block


loop for Each Packet

PduR_J1939TpCopyTxData() TpDataState = { TP_DATACONF for first Packet of Block

\ TP_CONFPENDING for following Packets


alt TP.DT lost


Next Packet set to first Packet of Block

PduR_J1939TpCopyTxData() TpDataState = TP_DATARETRY

TxTpDataCnt = Offset in bytes to start of Block



Figure 9-7: Retry Handling

58 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer

Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

10 Configuration Specification
In general, this chapter defines configuration parameters and their clustering into
containers. For general information about the definition of containers and
parameters, refer to the chapter 10.1 “Introduction to configuration specification” in
the SWS BSW General [15].

Section 10.1 specifies structure (containers) and parameters of J1939Tp.

Section 10.2 specifies published information of J1939Tp.

The configuration parameters are derived from a network description database,

which is based on the System Template. The configuration tool will extract all
relevant information to configure the J1939 Transport Protocol.

[SWS_J1939Tp_00084] ⌈
The consistency of the configuration must be checked by the configuration tool at
configuration time. Configuration rules and constraints for plausibility checks will be
performed where possible, during configuration time. ⌋ (SRS_BSW_00167)

10.1 Containers and Configuration Parameters

The following sections summarize all configuration parameters. Additional
information on the usage of these parameters can be found in chapter 7 and 8.

J1939Tp: EcucModuleDef J1939TpConfiguration: J1939TpRxChannel:

EcucParamConfContainerDef +subContainer EcucParamConfContainerDef
upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0 upperMultiplicity = *
lowerMultiplicity = 0


+subContainer EcucParamConfContainerDef

upperMultiplicity = *
lowerMultiplicity = 0

+container EcucParamConfContainerDef

Figure 10-1: Module Configuration

59 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer

Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

J1939TpGeneral: J1939TpDevErrorDetect:
EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucBooleanParamDef J1939TpCancellationSupport:
defaultValue = false
+parameter lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1
defaultValue = false
J1939Tp: EcucModuleDef J1939TpMainFunctionPeriod:
+parameter EcucFloatParamDef
upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0 min = 0
max = INF

+parameter J1939TpVersionInfoApi:

defaultValue = false

Figure 10-2: General Parameters

60 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer

Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

J1939Tp: EcucModuleDef J1939TpRxChannel: J1939TpRxProtocolType: +literal J1939TP_PROTOCOL_BAM:
EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucEnumerationParamDef EcucEnumerationLiteralDef
upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0 upperMultiplicity = * lowerMultiplicity = 0
lowerMultiplicity = 0 upperMultiplicity = 1
+literal J1939TP_PROTOCOL_CMDT:

J1939TpConfiguration: J1939TpRxCmNPduId:
EcucParamConfContainerDef J1939TpRxCmNPdu:
EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucIntegerParamDef
symbolicNameValue = true
+subContainer max = 65535
min = 0
+reference J1939TpRxCmNPduRef:
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1 EcucReferenceDef
defaultValue = false

J1939TpRxDtNPdu: J1939TpRxDtNPduId:
EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucIntegerParamDef
EcucBooleanParamDef +parameter
symbolicNameValue = true
lowerMultiplicity = 0 +subContainer max = 65535
upperMultiplicity = 1
min = 0
defaultValue = false

+reference J1939TpRxDtNPduRef:
J1939TpRxDynamicBlockCalculation: EcucReferenceDef
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1
J1939TpTxFcNPdu: J1939TpTxFcNPduTxConfId:
defaultValue = false
EcucParamConfContainerDef +parameter EcucIntegerParamDef

upperMultiplicity = 1 symbolicNameValue = true

J1939TpRxDynamicBufferRatio: +subContainer lowerMultiplicity = 0 max = 65535
EcucIntegerParamDef min = 0

min = 0 +parameter
max = 100 +reference J1939TpTxFcNPduRef:
lowerMultiplicity = 0 EcucReferenceDef
upperMultiplicity = 1
defaultValue = 80
J1939TpRxPacketsPerBlock: +parameter
EcucIntegerParamDef max = 253
+parameter min = 0
min = 1 J1939TpRxSa:
lowerMultiplicity = 0
max = 255 EcucIntegerParamDef
upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0 +parameter max = 253
upperMultiplicity = 1 min = 0
defaultValue = 16 lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1
J1939TpRxPg: EcucIntegerParamDef
max = 262143
upperMultiplicity = * min = 0
lowerMultiplicity = 1

+parameter J1939TpRxPgDynLength:

+reference J1939TpRxNSduRef:

+subContainer lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = * J1939TpRxNSduId:
+parameter EcucIntegerParamDef

symbolicNameValue = true
max = 65535
min = 0

J1939TpRxDirectNPdu: J1939TpRxDirectNPduId:
EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucIntegerParamDef
symbolicNameValue = true
upperMultiplicity = 1
+subContainer lowerMultiplicity = 0 max = 65535
min = 0

+reference J1939TpRxDirectNPduRef:

Figure 10-3: Configuration of Rx Channel

61 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer

Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

J1939Tp: EcucModuleDef J1939TpTxChannel: J1939TpTxProtocolType: +literal J1939TP_PROTOCOL_BAM:

EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucEnumerationParamDef EcucEnumerationLiteralDef
upperMultiplicity = 1 +parameter
lowerMultiplicity = 0 upperMultiplicity = * lowerMultiplicity = 0
lowerMultiplicity = 0 upperMultiplicity = 1
+literal J1939TP_PROTOCOL_CMDT:

EcucParamConfContainerDef J1939TpTxCmNPdu: J1939TpTxCmNPduTxConfId:
EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucIntegerParamDef
symbolicNameValue = true
+subContainer max = 65535
min = 0

+subContainer +reference J1939TpTxCmNPduRef:


+parameter J1939TpTxDtNPduTxConfId:
lowerMultiplicity = 0 EcucIntegerParamDef
EcucParamConfContainerDef +parameter
upperMultiplicity = 1
defaultValue = false symbolicNameValue = true
+subContainer max = 65535
min = 0

EcucBooleanParamDef +reference J1939TpTxDtNPduRef:
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1
defaultValue = false
EcucParamConfContainerDef +parameter
symbolicNameValue = true
EcucBooleanParamDef upperMultiplicity = 1
+parameter +subContainer max = 65535
lowerMultiplicity = 0
lowerMultiplicity = 0 min = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1
defaultValue = false
+reference J1939TpRxFcNPduRef:

min = 1 +parameter EcucIntegerParamDef
max = 255 +parameter
max = 253
lowerMultiplicity = 0
min = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0
defaultValue = 255
upperMultiplicity = 1 J1939TpTxSa:
max = 253
min = 0
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1


J1939TpTxPg: J1939TpTxPgPGN:
EcucParamConfContainerDef +parameter EcucIntegerParamDef

upperMultiplicity = * max = 262143

lowerMultiplicity = 1 min = 0

+parameter J1939TpTxPgDynLength:

J1939TpTxNSdu: J1939TpTxNSduId:
EcucParamConfContainerDef +parameter
lowerMultiplicity = 1 symbolicNameValue = true
+subContainer upperMultiplicity = * max = 65535
min = 0

+reference J1939TpTxNSduRef:

EcucParamConfContainerDef +parameter
symbolicNameValue = true
upperMultiplicity = 1
+subContainer max = 65535
lowerMultiplicity = 0
min = 0

+reference J1939TpTxDirectNPduRef:

Figure 10-4: Configuration of Tx Channel

62 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer

Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

EcucParamConfContainerDef +reference J1939TpRxNSduRef: +destination Pdu:
EcucReferenceDef EcucParamConfContainerDef
lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = * lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = *

J1939TpRxCmNPdu: +reference J1939TpRxCmNPduRef: +destination

EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucReferenceDef

J1939TpRxDtNPdu: +reference J1939TpRxDtNPduRef: +destination

EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucReferenceDef

J1939TpTxFcNPdu: +reference J1939TpTxFcNPduRef: +destination

EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucReferenceDef

upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0

J1939TpRxDirectNPdu: +reference J1939TpRxDirectNPduRef: +destination

EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucReferenceDef

upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0 Shared Pdu for Shared Pdu for
bidirectional bidirectional
CMDT channels CMDT channels
EcucParamConfContainerDef +reference J1939TpTxNSduRef: +destination
lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = *

J1939TpTxCmNPdu: +reference J1939TpTxCmNPduRef: +destination

EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucReferenceDef

J1939TpTxDtNPdu: +reference J1939TpTxDtNPduRef: +destination

EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucReferenceDef

J1939TpRxFcNPdu: +reference +destination

upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0

J1939TpTxDirectNPdu: +reference J1939TpTxDirectNPduRef: +destination

EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucReferenceDef
upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0

Figure 10-5: References to PDUs

63 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer

Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

10.1.1 J1939Tp

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00127 :

Module Name J1939Tp
Module Description Configuration of the J1939Tp (J1939 Transport Protocol) module.
Post-Build Variant Support true

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
This container contains the configuration parameters and sub
J1939TpConfiguration 1 containers of the J1939Tp module that define the
communication paths.
This container describes the general configuration parameters
J1939TpGeneral 1
of the J1939Tp module.

10.1.2 J1939TpGeneral

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00033 :

Container Name J1939TpGeneral
Parent Container J1939Tp
This container describes the general configuration parameters of the
J1939Tp module.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00174 :

Name J1939TpCancellationSupport
Parent Container J1939TpGeneral
Description Enable transmit and receive cancellation.
The APIs J1939Tp_CancelTransmit() and J1939Tp_CancelReceive() will
only be available when this parameter is enabled.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00042 :

Name J1939TpDevErrorDetect
Parent Container J1939TpGeneral
Description Switches the development error detection and notification on or off.

 true: detection and notification is enabled.

64 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer

Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

 false: detection and notification is disabled.

Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00044 :

Name J1939TpMainFunctionPeriod
Parent Container J1939TpGeneral
Description Allow to configure the time for the MainFunction (in seconds).
Please note: This configuration value shall be equal to the value in the
ScheduleManager module.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range ]0 .. INF[
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00051 :

Name J1939TpVersionInfoApi
Parent Container J1939TpGeneral
Description The function J1939Tp_GetVersionInfo is configurable (On/Off) by this
configuration parameter.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

10.1.3 J1939TpConfiguration

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00052 :

Container Name J1939TpConfiguration
Parent Container J1939Tp
This container contains the configuration parameters and sub containers of
the J1939Tp module that define the communication paths.
Configuration Parameters

65 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer

Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
This container describes a reception channel of the J1939Tp
module. A channel referencing N-PDUs without MetaData is
used for all N-SDUs that share the same source address (SA)
J1939TpRxChannel 0..*
and the same destination address (BAM: DA = 0xFF, CMDT:
DA != 0xFF). A channel with N-PDUs with MetaData is used
for all possible source and destination addresses.
This container describes a transmission channel of the
J1939Tp module. A channel referencing N-PDUs without
MetaData is used for all N-SDUs that share the same source
J1939TpTxChannel 0..* address (SA) and the same destination address (BAM: DA =
0xFF, CMDT: DA != 0xFF). A channel with N-PDUs with
MetaData is used for all possible source and destination

10.1.4 J1939TpRxChannel

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00053 :

Container Name J1939TpRxChannel
Parent Container J1939TpConfiguration
This container describes a reception channel of the J1939Tp module. A
channel referencing N-PDUs without MetaData is used for all N-SDUs that
Description share the same source address (SA) and the same destination address
(BAM: DA = 0xFF, CMDT: DA != 0xFF). A channel with N-PDUs with
MetaData is used for all possible source and destination addresses.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00186 :

Name J1939TpRxCancellationSupport
Parent Container J1939TpRxChannel
Description Enable receive cancellation using the API J1939Tp_CancelReceive() for
this channel.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00178 :

Name J1939TpRxDa
Parent Container J1939TpRxChannel
Description Destination address (DA) of this channel. This parameter is only required
for channels with fixed DA which use N-PDUs with MetaData containing
the DA.
Multiplicity 0..1
66 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer
Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 253
Default value --
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value true
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00187 :

Name J1939TpRxDynamicBlockCalculation
Parent Container J1939TpRxChannel
Description Enable dynamic calculation of "number of packets that can be sent" value
in TP.CM_CTS, based on the size of buffers in upper layers reported via
StartOfReception and PduR_J1939TpCopyRxData.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00188 :

Name J1939TpRxDynamicBufferRatio
Parent Container J1939TpRxChannel
Description Percentage of available buffer that shall be used for retry.
This parameter is only applicable when "J1939TpRxRetrySupport" and
"J1939TpRxDynamicBlockCalculation" are enabled.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 100
Default value 80
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local
dependency: Only applicable when "J1939TpRxRetrySupport" and
"J1939TpRxDynamicBlockCalculation" are enabled
67 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer
Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00189 :

Name J1939TpRxPacketsPerBlock
Parent Container J1939TpRxChannel
Description Number of TP.DT frames the receiving J1939Tp module allows the sender
to send before waiting for another TP.CM_CTS. This parameter is
transmitted in the TP.CM_CTS frame, and is thus only relevant for
reception of messages via CMDT. When
J1939TpRxDynamicBlockCalculation is enabled, this parameter specifies a
maximum for the calculated value. For further details on this parameter
value see SAE J1939/21.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 1 .. 255
Default value 16
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00029 :

Name J1939TpRxProtocolType
Parent Container J1939TpRxChannel
Description Protocol type used by this channel. This parameter is only required for channels
with fixed destination address.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range J1939TP_PROTOCOL_BAM J1939 transport protocol type BAM
(Broadcast Announce Message).

This protocol uses two N-PDUs: The

CmNPdu and the DtNPdu.
J1939TP_PROTOCOL_CMDT J1939 transport protocol type CMDT
(Connection Mode Data Transfer).

This protocol uses three N-PDUs: The

CmNPdu, the DtNPdu, and the
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time --
Value Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time --
Scope / scope: local

68 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer

Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00185 :

Name J1939TpRxRetrySupport
Parent Container J1939TpRxChannel
Description Enable support for triggering repetition of failed transmission using
TP.CM_CTS with a packet number that has already been sent.
Retransmission is triggered when a sequence number is missing or a
timeout occurs during reception.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00179 :

Name J1939TpRxSa
Parent Container J1939TpRxChannel
Description Source address (SA) of this channel. This parameter is only required for
channels with fixed SA which use N-PDUs with MetaData containing the
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 253
Default value --
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value true
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
This N-PDU represents the TP.CM frame of a J1939 transport
protocol session. TP.CM is used both by BAM and CMDT to
J1939TpRxCmNPdu 1 initialize the connection. For CMDT, it is also used to abort the
connection. This N-PDU consumes a meta data item of type
This N-PDU represents the TP.DT frame of a J1939 transport
protocol session. TP.DT is used both by BAM and CMDT to
J1939TpRxDtNPdu 1
transfer the contents of an N-SDU. This N-PDU consumes a
meta data item of type CAN_ID_32.
J1939TpRxPg 1..* Parameter group received by the J1939 transport layer.
This N-PDU represents the TP.CM frame that is used in
J1939TpTxFcNPdu 0..1 reverse direction for a J1939 transport protocol session using
the CMDT protocol type. TP.CM in reverse direction is used for
69 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer
Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

intermediate and final acknowledgement of received data and

to abort the connection. This N-PDU produces a meta data
item of type CAN_ID_32.
Please note: This sub container is only required when
J1939TpRxProtocolType is J1939TP_PROTOCOL_CMDT or
when it is not configured at all.

10.1.5 J1939TpRxCmNPdu

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00128 :

Container Name J1939TpRxCmNPdu
Parent Container J1939TpRxChannel
This N-PDU represents the TP.CM frame of a J1939 transport protocol
session. TP.CM is used both by BAM and CMDT to initialize the
connection. For CMDT, it is also used to abort the connection. This N-PDU
consumes a meta data item of type CAN_ID_32.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00129 :

Name J1939TpRxCmNPduId
Parent Container J1939TpRxCmNPdu
Description The N-PDU identifier used for communication with CanIf.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef (Symbolic Name generated for this parameter)
Range 0 .. 65535
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00158 :

Name J1939TpRxCmNPduRef
Parent Container J1939TpRxCmNPdu
Description Reference to the Pdu object representing the N-PDU.
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to [ Pdu ]
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

10.1.6 J1939TpRxDtNPdu

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00117 :

Container Name J1939TpRxDtNPdu
70 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer
Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

Parent Container J1939TpRxChannel

This N-PDU represents the TP.DT frame of a J1939 transport protocol
Description session. TP.DT is used both by BAM and CMDT to transfer the contents of
an N-SDU. This N-PDU consumes a meta data item of type CAN_ID_32.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00133 :

Name J1939TpRxDtNPduId
Parent Container J1939TpRxDtNPdu
Description The N-PDU identifier used for communication with CanIf.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef (Symbolic Name generated for this parameter)
Range 0 .. 65535
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00134 :

Name J1939TpRxDtNPduRef
Parent Container J1939TpRxDtNPdu
Description Reference to the Pdu object representing the N-PDU.
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to [ Pdu ]
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

10.1.7 J1939TpRxPg

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00050 :

Container Name J1939TpRxPg
Parent Container J1939TpRxChannel
Description Parameter group received by the J1939 transport layer.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00066 :

Name J1939TpRxPgDynLength
Parent Container J1939TpRxPg
Description This flag is set to TRUE when the N-SDU refers to a PGN with variable
Please note: When this attribute is TRUE, the sub container
J1939TpRxDirectNPdu is required.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
71 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer
Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants

Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00065 :

Name J1939TpRxPgPGN
Parent Container J1939TpRxPg
Description PGN of the referenced N-SDUs.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 262143
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
This N-PDU represents the short frame that is used for a
dynamic length PGN when it has a length of less that 8 bytes.
J1939TpRxDirectNPdu 0..1 This N-PDU consumes a meta data item of type CAN_ID_32.
Please note: This sub container is only necessary when
J1939TpRxPgDynLength is TRUE.
This container describes the parameters that are relevant for
the reception of a specific N-SDU. This N-SDU produces meta
J1939TpRxNSdu 1..*
data items of type SOURCE_ADDRESS_16,

10.1.8 J1939TpRxDirectNPdu

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00130 :

Container Name J1939TpRxDirectNPdu
Parent Container J1939TpRxPg
This N-PDU represents the short frame that is used for a dynamic length
PGN when it has a length of less that 8 bytes. This N-PDU consumes a
meta data item of type CAN_ID_32.
Please note: This sub container is only necessary when
J1939TpRxPgDynLength is TRUE.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00131 :

Name J1939TpRxDirectNPduId
Parent Container J1939TpRxDirectNPdu
Description The N-PDU identifier used for communication with CanIf.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef (Symbolic Name generated for this parameter)
Range 0 .. 65535
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
72 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer
Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants

Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00132 :

Name J1939TpRxDirectNPduRef
Parent Container J1939TpRxDirectNPdu
Description Reference to the Pdu object representing the N-PDU.
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to [ Pdu ]
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

10.1.9 J1939TpRxNSdu

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00063 :

Container Name J1939TpRxNSdu
Parent Container J1939TpRxPg
This container describes the parameters that are relevant for the reception
Description of a specific N-SDU. This N-SDU produces meta data items of type
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00184 :

Name J1939TpRxNSduId
Parent Container J1939TpRxNSdu
Description This is a unique identifier for a received N-SDU. This Id is used in the
CancelReceive and ChangeParameter API call.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef (Symbolic Name generated for this parameter)
Range 0 .. 65535
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00069 :

Name J1939TpRxNSduRef
Parent Container J1939TpRxNSdu
Description Reference to the Pdu object representing the N-SDU.
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to [ Pdu ]
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE

73 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer

Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939


Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

10.1.10 J1939TpTxFcNPdu

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00135 :

Container Name J1939TpTxFcNPdu
Parent Container J1939TpRxChannel
This N-PDU represents the TP.CM frame that is used in reverse direction
for a J1939 transport protocol session using the CMDT protocol type.
TP.CM in reverse direction is used for intermediate and final
acknowledgement of received data and to abort the connection. This N-
Description PDU produces a meta data item of type CAN_ID_32.

Please note: This sub container is only required when

J1939TpRxProtocolType is J1939TP_PROTOCOL_CMDT or when it is not
configured at all.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00168 :

Name J1939TpTxFcNPduTxConfId
Parent Container J1939TpTxFcNPdu
Description The N-PDU identifier used for Tx confirmation from CanIf.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef (Symbolic Name generated for this parameter)
Range 0 .. 65535
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00136 :

Name J1939TpTxFcNPduRef
Parent Container J1939TpTxFcNPdu
Description Reference to the Pdu object representing the N-PDU.
Please note: When two channels have identical but exchanged source and
destination addresses, the Pdu referenced by this parameter is shared with
J1939TpTxCmNPduRef of the corresponding J1939TpTxChannel.
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to [ Pdu ]
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

74 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer

Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

10.1.11 J1939TpTxChannel

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00059 :

Container Name J1939TpTxChannel
Parent Container J1939TpConfiguration
This container describes a transmission channel of the J1939Tp module. A
channel referencing N-PDUs without MetaData is used for all N-SDUs that
Description share the same source address (SA) and the same destination address
(BAM: DA = 0xFF, CMDT: DA != 0xFF). A channel with N-PDUs with
MetaData is used for all possible source and destination addresses.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00192 :

Name J1939TpTxCancellationSupport
Parent Container J1939TpTxChannel
Description Enable transmit cancellation using the API J1939Tp_CancelTransmit() for
this channel.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00180 :

Name J1939TpTxDa
Parent Container J1939TpTxChannel
Description Destination address (DA) of this channel. This parameter is only required
for channels with fixed DA which use N-PDUs with MetaData containing
the DA.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 253
Default value --
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value true
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00191 :

75 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer
Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

Name J1939TpTxDynamicBlockCalculation
Parent Container J1939TpTxChannel
Description Enable dynamic calculation of "maximum number of packets that can be
sent" value in TP.CM_RTS, based on the available amount of data in
upper layers reported via PduR_J1939TpCopyTxData.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00190 :

Name J1939TpTxMaxPacketsPerBlock
Parent Container J1939TpTxChannel
Description Maximum number of TP.DT frames the transmitting J1939Tp module is
ready to send before waiting for another TP.CM_CTS. This parameter is
transmitted in the TP.CM_RTS frame, and is thus only relevant for
transmission of messages via CMDT. When
J1939TpTxDynamicBlockCalculation is enabled, this parameter specifies a
maximum for the calculated value. For further details on this parameter
value see SAE J1939/21.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 1 .. 255
Default value 255
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00137 :

Name J1939TpTxProtocolType
Parent Container J1939TpTxChannel
Description Protocol type used by this channel. This parameter is only required for channels
with fixed destination address.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range J1939TP_PROTOCOL_BAM J1939 transport protocol type BAM
(Broadcast Announce Message).

This protocol uses two N-PDUs: The

CmNPdu and the DtNPdu.
J1939TP_PROTOCOL_CMDT J1939 transport protocol type CMDT
76 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer
Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

(Connection Mode Data Transfer).

This protocol uses three N-PDUs: The

CmNPdu, the DtNPdu, and the
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time --
Value Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time --
Scope / scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00193 :

Name J1939TpTxRetrySupport
Parent Container J1939TpTxChannel
Description Enable support for repetition of failed transmission using TP.CM_CTS with
a packet number that has already been sent. Retransmission is handled
via the retry feature of PduR_J1939TpCopyTxData.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00181 :

Name J1939TpTxSa
Parent Container J1939TpTxChannel
Description Source address (SA) of this channel. This parameter is only required for
channels with fixed SA which use N-PDUs with MetaData containing the
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 253
Default value --
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value true
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE

77 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer

Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD

Scope / Dependency scope: local

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
This N-PDU represents the TP.CM frame that is used in
reverse direction for a J1939 transport protocol session using
the CMDT protocol type. TP.CM in reverse direction is used for
intermediate and final acknowledgement of received data and
J1939TpRxFcNPdu 0..1 to abort the connection. This N-PDU consumes a meta data
item of type CAN_ID_32.
Please note: This sub container is only required when
J1939TpTxProtocolType is J1939TP_PROTOCOL_CMDT or
when it is not configured at all.
This N-PDU represents the TP.CM frame of a J1939 transport
protocol session. TP.CM is used both by BAM and CMDT to
J1939TpTxCmNPdu 1 initialize the connection. For CMDT, it is also used to abort the
connection. This N-PDU produces a meta data item of type
This N-PDU represents the TP.DT frame of a J1939 transport
protocol session. TP.DT is used both by BAM and CMDT to
J1939TpTxDtNPdu 1
transfer the contents of an N-SDU. This N-PDU produces a
meta data item of type CAN_ID_32.
J1939TpTxPg 1..* Parameter group transmitted by the J1939 transport layer.

10.1.12 J1939TpRxFcNPdu

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00144 :

Container Name J1939TpRxFcNPdu
Parent Container J1939TpTxChannel
This N-PDU represents the TP.CM frame that is used in reverse direction
for a J1939 transport protocol session using the CMDT protocol type.
TP.CM in reverse direction is used for intermediate and final
acknowledgement of received data and to abort the connection. This N-
Description PDU consumes a meta data item of type CAN_ID_32.

Please note: This sub container is only required when

J1939TpTxProtocolType is J1939TP_PROTOCOL_CMDT or when it is not
configured at all.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00145 :

Name J1939TpRxFcNPduId
Parent Container J1939TpRxFcNPdu
Description The N-PDU identifier used for communication with CanIf.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef (Symbolic Name generated for this parameter)
Range 0 .. 65535
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU
78 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer
Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00146 :

Name J1939TpRxFcNPduRef
Parent Container J1939TpRxFcNPdu
Description Reference to the Pdu object representing the N-PDU.
Please note: When two channels have identical but exchanged source and
destination addresses, the Pdu referenced by this parameter is shared with
J1939TpRxCmNPduRef of the corresponding J1939TpRxChannel.
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to [ Pdu ]
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

10.1.13 J1939TpTxCmNPdu

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00138 :

Container Name J1939TpTxCmNPdu
Parent Container J1939TpTxChannel
This N-PDU represents the TP.CM frame of a J1939 transport protocol
session. TP.CM is used both by BAM and CMDT to initialize the
connection. For CMDT, it is also used to abort the connection. This N-PDU
produces a meta data item of type CAN_ID_32.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00170 :

Name J1939TpTxCmNPduTxConfId
Parent Container J1939TpTxCmNPdu
Description The N-PDU identifier used for Tx confirmation from CanIf.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef (Symbolic Name generated for this parameter)
Range 0 .. 65535
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00139 :

Name J1939TpTxCmNPduRef
Parent Container J1939TpTxCmNPdu
Description Reference to the Pdu object representing the N-PDU.
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to [ Pdu ]
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
79 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer
Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

10.1.14 J1939TpTxDtNPdu

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00142 :

Container Name J1939TpTxDtNPdu
Parent Container J1939TpTxChannel
This N-PDU represents the TP.DT frame of a J1939 transport protocol
Description session. TP.DT is used both by BAM and CMDT to transfer the contents of
an N-SDU. This N-PDU produces a meta data item of type CAN_ID_32.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00171 :

Name J1939TpTxDtNPduTxConfId
Parent Container J1939TpTxDtNPdu
Description The N-PDU identifier used for Tx confirmation from CanIf.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef (Symbolic Name generated for this parameter)
Range 0 .. 65535
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00143 :

Name J1939TpTxDtNPduRef
Parent Container J1939TpTxDtNPdu
Description Reference to the Pdu object representing the N-PDU.
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to [ Pdu ]
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

10.1.15 J1939TpTxPg

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00070 :

Container Name J1939TpTxPg
Parent Container J1939TpTxChannel
Description Parameter group transmitted by the J1939 transport layer.
Configuration Parameters
80 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer
Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00148 :

Name J1939TpTxPgDynLength
Parent Container J1939TpTxPg
Description This flag is set to TRUE when the N-SDU refers to a PGN with variable
Please note: When this attribute is TRUE, the sub container
J1939TpTxDirectNPdu is required.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00150 :

Name J1939TpTxPgPGN
Parent Container J1939TpTxPg
Description PGN of the referenced N-SDUs.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 262143
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
This N-PDU represents the short frame that is used for a
dynamic length PGN when it has a length of less that 8 bytes.
J1939TpTxDirectNPdu 0..1 This N-PDU produces a meta data item of type CAN_ID_32.
Please note: This sub container is only necessary when
J1939TpTxPgDynLength is TRUE.
This container describes the parameters that are relevant for
the transmission of a specific N-SDU. This N-SDU consumes
J1939TpTxNSdu 1..*
meta data items of type SOURCE_ADDRESS_16,

10.1.16 J1939TpTxDirectNPdu

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00140 :

Container Name J1939TpTxDirectNPdu
Parent Container J1939TpTxPg
This N-PDU represents the short frame that is used for a dynamic length
PGN when it has a length of less that 8 bytes. This N-PDU produces a
Description meta data item of type CAN_ID_32.

Please note: This sub container is only necessary when

81 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer

Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

J1939TpTxPgDynLength is TRUE.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00169 :

Name J1939TpTxDirectNPduTxConfId
Parent Container J1939TpTxDirectNPdu
Description The N-PDU identifier used for Tx confirmation from CanIf.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef (Symbolic Name generated for this parameter)
Range 0 .. 65535
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00141 :

Name J1939TpTxDirectNPduRef
Parent Container J1939TpTxDirectNPdu
Description Reference to the Pdu object representing the N-PDU.
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to [ Pdu ]
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

10.1.17 J1939TpTxNSdu

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00147 :

Container Name J1939TpTxNSdu
Parent Container J1939TpTxPg
This container describes the parameters that are relevant for the
transmission of a specific N-SDU. This N-SDU consumes meta data items
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00149 :

Name J1939TpTxNSduId
Parent Container J1939TpTxNSdu
Description The N-SDU identifier used for communication with PduR.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef (Symbolic Name generated for this parameter)
Range 0 .. 65535
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants

82 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer

Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_J1939Tp_00151 :

Name J1939TpTxNSduRef
Parent Container J1939TpTxNSdu
Description Reference to the Pdu object representing the N-SDU.
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to [ Pdu ]
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

10.2 Published Information

For details, refer to the chapter 10.3 “Published Information” in the SWS BSW
General [15].

83 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer

Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939

11 Not applicable requirements

[SWS_J1939Tp_99999] ⌈These requirements are not applicable to this
specification.⌋ (SRS_BSW_00005, SRS_BSW_00161, SRS_BSW_00162, SRS_BSW_00164,
SRS_BSW_00168, SRS_BSW_00170, SRS_BSW_00314, SRS_BSW_00325, SRS_BSW_00341,
SRS_BSW_00347, SRS_BSW_00375, SRS_BSW_00377, SRS_BSW_00413, SRS_BSW_00415,
SRS_BSW_00416, SRS_BSW_00417, SRS_BSW_00419, SRS_BSW_00423, SRS_BSW_00427,
SRS_BSW_00433, SRS_BSW_00437, SRS_BSW_00439, SRS_BSW_00440, SRS_BSW_00447,
SRS_BSW_00449, SRS_BSW_00453)

84 of 84 Document ID 425: AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer

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