7000 Series Oscilloscope

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7000 Series

Digital Storage Oscilloscope

Operating Manual
Ver 1.1

An ISO 9001 : 2000 company

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7000 Series

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7000 Series

7000 Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope

Table of Contents
1. Introduction 4
2. Features 4
3. Specifications and Characteristics 5
4. Getting Started 12
• Inspect Package Contents
• Front Panel
• Naming regulation
• Rear Panel
• Interpreting the display
3. Basic Operation 19
• Probe Compensation
• Using Autoset
• Vertical Control
i. CH1, CH2 Menu
ii. Math Function
iii. REF Function
• Horizontal Controls
• Trigger Controls
• Acquire Menu
• Utility Menu
• Measure Menu
• Save/Load Menu
• Cursor Menu
• Display Menu
• Run Controls
4. Application Examples 101
• Make Simple Measurements
• Capture a Single – Shot Signal
• Reduce the Random Noise on a Signal
• Trigger on a Video Signal
• Waveform Recorder
• Cursor Measurements
5. System Message and General Problems 115
• System Message
• General Problems
6. Warranty 117
7. List of Accessories 117

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7000 Series

The 7000 series Digital Storage Oscilloscopes are compact lightweight dual trace
microcontroller based oscilloscope. The series has vertical amplifiers offering a
bandwidth from 25 MHz to 200 MHz. Triggering can be done in DC, AC LF- Reject,
HF-Reject trigger level accuracy of ±0.3% Div×Volts/Div. The series comes with the
Maximum Real Time sampling rate ranging from 200 MHz upto 1 GHz.
The 7000 series oscilloscope offers a simple front panel with distinct functions to
users for completing some basic operations.

• Bandwidth 25MHz to 200MHz
• Maximum real time sampling rate : 200MHz to 1GHz.
• TFT (5.7 inch diagonal STN LCD)
• Multimath function : +,- ,×, FFT
• Triggering modes: Alternate/Edge/Pulse / Slope/ Video/ Pattern/ Duration
• Built in adjustable Lowpass, Highpass/Bandpass, Band Reject Digital
• Built in USB and RS232 interface
• Adjustable trigger sensitivity
• Multiple Language User Interface
• Pop-up menu makes it easy to read and easy to use
• Built-in Chinese and English help system
• Easy-to-use file system supports Chinese & English characters key-in
• Display contains accqusitions, setup information, measurement and
softkeys for setting up parameters

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7000 Series

Specifications and Characteristics

Specifications :
All specifications have been warranted. Specifications are valid after a 30 minutes
warm-up time and within ± 5°C of last “Self-Cal” temperature.
Characteristics :
All characteristics are the typical performance values and are not warranted.
Characteristics are valid after a 30 minute warm-up time and within ± 5°C of last
“Self-Cal” temperature.
Vertical System :

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7000 Series

Horizontal system :

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Measurements :

Trigger system :

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Storage and IO :

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Acquisition System :

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Display system :

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7000 Series

Getting Started
Inspect Package Contents :
Inspect the shipping container for damage. If the shipping container or cushioning
material is damaged, it should be kept until the contents of the shipment have been
checked for completeness and the oscilloscope has been checked mechanically and
electrically. Verify that you received the following items and any optional accessories
you may have ordered.
• 7000 Series Oscilloscope
• Two oscilloscope probes
• Power cord
• User’s Manual
If the contents are incomplete, if there is mechanical damage or defect, please contact
Front Panel :
This section provides an introduction to the front panel of the 7000 Series
Oscilloscopes. Generally, you set up the front panel controls first and then perform a
measurement. The keys or knobs on the front panel bring up softkey menus on the
display that provide further access to oscilloscope features. Entry knob is usually used
to select or input values. Five softkeys are located along the right side of the display
The following figure shows the front panel of the 7000 Series Oscilloscopes.
Front panel

Figure 1

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7000 Series

1. Trademark and Model

Indicates the oscilloscope model and trademark of the manufacturer.
2. Bandwidth and Sample Rate
Indicates the bandwidth and sample rate of the current oscilloscope model.
3. Print key
Press this key to print the current waveform display to a USB printer or to a
USB mass storage device.
4. Auto key
When you press the Auto key, the oscilloscope will quickly determine which
channels are active, and it will turn these active channels on and scale them to
display the input signals.
5. Entry knob
The Entry knob is used to select items from menus and input values. Its function
changes when different menu is displayed. The curved arrow symbol to the left
of the Entry knob illuminates when the Entry knob is active and can be used to
select a value.
6. Menu keys
When you press a menu key on the front panel, the oscilloscope will display the
corresponding menu on the right side of the screen. The menu shows the options
that are available when you press the softkeys directly to the Getting Started
right of the screen. There are totally six menu keys available:
Utility :
Activates the system utility functions, such as Language Setup, I/O Setup, and
Print Setup etc.
Measure :
Performs automated measurements of waveforms.
Acquire :
The Acquire menu lets you set the oscilloscope to acquire in Normal, Peak
Detect, or Average mode, and lets you select Real Time or Equivalent sampling.
Save/Load :
You can save your current setup and waveform to the oscilloscope’s internal
memory or to a USB mass storage device, and then retrieve the setup or
waveform later.
Cursor :
Press the Cursor key to activate the cursors that you can use for making custom
voltage or time measurement on scope signals.

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7000 Series

Display :
You can change the appearance of waveforms and the display screen, select the
color schemes and adjust the contrast etc. Getting Started
7. Run control keys
The Run/Stop key will illuminate in green when the oscilloscope is looking for a
trigger. When the trigger mode is set to Normal mode, the display will not
update until a trigger is found. If the trigger mode is set to Auto mode, the
oscilloscope looks for a trigger, and if no trigger is found, it will be triggered
automatically and the waveform of input signals will be showed immediately.
Press the Run/Stop key again to stop acquiring data and the run/stop key will
illuminate in red. Now you can span across and zoom in on the acquired
Press Single key to make a single acquisition of data.
The key will illuminate in yellow until the oscilloscope is triggered.
5. Vertical controls
You can use the vertical position control knob to move the waveforms up or
down on the display. There is one vertical position control knob for each
channel. You can press the channel key CH1 or CH2 to switch the channel on or
off, or access the channel’s menu in the softkeys. There is one channel ‘On/Off’
key for each channel. You can press the Math key to access FFT (Fast Fourier
Transform), multiply, subtract, and add functions. You can press the REF key to
save or load a reference waveform from the internal memory or external USB
mass storage device. You can use the vertical scale control knob to change the
vertical scale of a waveform. The waveform display will contract or expand
relative to the ground reference level. There is one vertical scale control knob
for each channel.
6. Horizontal controls
When the oscilloscope is running, the horizontal position control knob lets you
set the acquisition window relative to the trigger point. When the oscilloscope is
stopped, you can turn this knob to span through the data horizontally. This let
you see the captured waveform before or after the trigger.
Press the horizontal Menu key to access the menu where you can split the
oscilloscope display in Main and Delayed section, and where you can select X-
Y and Roll modes.
Turn the horizontal sweep speed control knob to adjust the sweep speed. This
changes the time base on the display. When adjusted after the waveform has
been acquired and the oscilloscope is stopped, this has the effect of stretching
out or squeezing the waveform horizontally.

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7000 Series

7. Trigger controls
These controls are used to control how the oscilloscope triggers to capture
8. Probe compensation terminals :
Use these two probe compensation terminals to match each probe’s
characteristics to the oscilloscope channel to which it is connected.
9. External trigger input
This is the external trigger input BNC connector.
10. Channel input BNC :
This is the channel’s input BNC connector. Connect the oscilloscope probe or
BNC cable to the BNC Connector.
11. Menu ‘On/Off’ key
Press this key to toggle menu display ON and OFF.
12. Softkeys
Five softkeys are used to select control and parameter functions. Each softkey
has a softkey label along its left side.
13. Power switch
Press once to turn power on, press again to turn power off.
14. LCD display
The 320 × 240 matrix (5.7 inch) LCD displays captured channel waveforms,
setup information, measurement results and softkeys for setting up parameters.

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7000 Series

Naming regulation :
Take 7040C as an example to describe the naming regulation of the 7000 Series

Naming Regulation
Figure 2

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7000 Series

Rear Panel

Figure 3
1. Line input receptacle : AC power cord receptacle. Attach to an AC power line
with safety ground.
2. USB Connectors : USB host connector can be connected to a USB printer or a
mass storage device. USB device connector can be connected to a computer.
3. Extended Port : An optional extended module can be connected to provide
RS232C, GPIB, and Pass/Fail Out interfaces.
Interpreting the display : The oscilloscope display contains channel acquisitions,
setup information, measurement results, and softkeys for setting up parameter.

Interpreting the Display

Figure 4

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7000 Series

1. Readout shows the real time clock.

2. The USB icon displays when a USB device is connected.
3. Acquisition status readout shows Run, Stop, Wait, or Roll.
4. The square brackets show the location of current display window within the
record. The record line color corresponds to the selected waveform color.
5. Trigger position icon shows the trigger location within the record.
6. Trigger position icon shows the trigger location in the current displayed
7. Readout shows the frequency of the trigger signal.
8. Trigger status readout shows trigger status.
9. Softkeys, which allow you to set up additional parameters for front-panel keys
10. The display area contains the waveform acquisitions, channel identifiers, trigger
and ground level indicators. Each channel information appears in a different
11. Readout shows the delay setting or the trigger location within the record, trigger
source, trigger type, and trigger level.
12. Horizontal readout shows the Main or Delayed time base.
13. Channel readout shows the scale factor, coupling, bandwidth limit, digital filter,
and invert status.
14. Waveform baseline icon shows the zero-volt level of the waveforms. The icon
colors correspond to the waveform colors.

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7000 Series

Basic Operation
Probe Compensation :
Perform this adjustment to match your probe to the input channel. This should be
done whenever you attach a passive probe for the first time to any input channel. A
poorly compensated probe can introduce measurement errors.
1. Connect the oscilloscope probe to channel 1. Attach the probe tip and reference
lead to the 3Vp-p@1KHz terminal and to the chassis terminal, then press Auto
2. Use a nonmetallic tool to adjust the trimmer capacitor on the probe for the
flattest pulse possible. The trimmer capacitor is located on the probe BNC

Perfect compensated

Over compensated

Under compensated

Figure 5
3. Connect probes to all other oscilloscope channels. Repeat the procedure for each
channel. This matches each probe to each channel.

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7000 Series

Using Autoset : 7000 Series Digital Storage Oscilloscopes provide the Autoset
function which sets the vertical, horizontal, and trigger controls automatically.
Autoset function finds, turns on, and scales any channel with a repetitive waveform
that has a frequency of at least 50 Hz, a duty cycle greater than 0.5%, and an
amplitude of at least 10mV peak-to-peak. Any channels that do not meet these
requirements are turned off.
When you are using more than one channel, the Autoset function sets the vertical
controls for each channel and used the lowest-numbered active channel to set the
horizontal and trigger controls.
To configure the oscilloscope quickly and automatically, press the Auto key to
display the connected signals that are active.
To configure the oscilloscope to display multiple cycles, press Multi-Cycle softkey in
the Auto menu.
To configure the oscilloscope to display a single cycle, press Single Cycle softkey in
the Auto menu.
To undo the effects of Autoset, press the Undo Autoset softkey in the Auto menu
before pressing any other key.
This is useful when you have unintentionally pressed the Auto key or do not like the
settings Autoset has selected and want to return to your previous settings.

Autoset of Oscilloscope Channel 2

Figure 6

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7000 Series

Verticals Controls :

Verticals Control
Figure 7
Vertical Position Control (CH1, CH2) :
Turn the small vertical position knob above the channel key to move the channel’s
waveform and its ground level icon () up or down on the display. The voltage value
momentarily displayed in the bottom left portion of the display represents the voltage
difference between the vertical center of the display and the ground level().
Press the small vertical position knob above the channel key to bring the channel’s
waveform and its ground level icon () directly back to the vertical center of the

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7000 Series

Channel key CH1, CH2, Math, REF :

Press the channel key from the front panel to display the channel’s menu and turns the
display of the channel on or off. The channel is displayed when the key is illuminated.
You must be viewing the menu for a channel before you can turn it off. For example,
if CH1 and CH2 are both displayed and the CH2 menu is now displayed. In order to
turn CH1 off, you should press the CH1 key first and CH1 menu will be displayed,
then press CH1 key again to turn off CH1.
Vertical Scale Control (CH1, CH2) :
Turn the large vertical scale knob below the channel key to set the scale factor for the
channel. The vertical scale knob changes the channel scale in a 1-2-5 step sequence.
The channel scale factor value is displayed in the bottom left portion of the display.
Press the large vertical scale knob to toggle between Fine and Coarse. When fine is
selected, you can change the channel’s vertical sensitivity in smaller resolution. When
coarse is selected, the vertical scale knob changes the channel scale in a 1-2-5 step
CH1, CH2 Menu :
Press the channel key CH1 to display the channel’s menu and turns the display of the
channel on.
Channel Coupling :
Press the channel key CH1, then press the Coupling softkey to select AC coupling
AC coupling places a high pass filter in series with the input waveform that blocks the
DC component of the input signal. AC coupling is useful for viewing waveforms with
large DC offsets.

AC Coupling
Figure 8

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7000 Series

Press the channel key CH1, then press the Coupling softkey to select DC coupling
DC coupling passes both AC and DC components of the input signal. DC coupling is
useful for viewing low frequency waveforms that do not have large DC offsets.


DC Coupling

Figure 9
DC Coupling
Press the channel key CH1, then press the Coupling softkey to select GND coupling
GND mode blocks both AC and DC components of the input signal and connect the
input to the ground level.


GND Coupling

Figure 10
GND Coupling

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7000 Series

BW Limit :
When BW Limit is on, the maximum bandwidth for the channel is approximately
20MHz. For waveforms with frequencies below this, turning bandwidth limit on
removes unwanted high frequency noise from the waveform. The bandwidth limit
also limits the trigger signal path of any channel that has BW Limit turned on.
Press the channel key CH1, then press the BW Limit softkey to turn the bandwidth
limit off for the selected channel 1. BW Limit off mode passes both the high and low
frequency components.

Bandwidth Limit ‘Off’

BW Limit off
Figure 11
Press the channel key CH1, then press the BW Limit softkey to turn the bandwidth
limit on for the selected channel 1. BW Limit on mode blocks the high frequency
components over 20MHz.

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7000 Series

Bandwidth Limit ‘On’

Bandwidth Limit ‘On’ Status

BW Limit On
Figure 12
Probe Attenuation Setting :
Probes are available with various attenuation factors which affect the vertical scale of
the signal. You can manually select the factor that matches the attenuation of your
For example, to match a probe set to 10X connected to CH1, press the channel key
CH1, and then press the Probe softkey and select 10X. Press the channel key CH1,
then press the Probe softkey and select 1X, when a probe with 1:1 attenuation factor is
connected to CH1.

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7000 Series


Vertical Scale

Set Probe Attenuation Factor to 1X

Figure 13
Digital Filter :
Press the channel key CH1, then press the Digital Filter softkey to display the
FILTER-CH1 menu. Four kinds of filter types are available:

Low Pass Filter

High Pass Filter

Band Pass Filter

Band Block Filter

Figure 14

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7000 Series

Press the Upper Limit or Lower Limit softkey and then adjust the Entry knob to
set the high and low frequency range for the filter.

Filter ‘Off’

Digital Filter is off


Filter ‘On’

Filter Status
Digital Filter is ‘On’
Figure 16

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7000 Series

Vertical Scale
Turn the large vertical scale knob below the channel key to set the scale factor for the
channel. The channel scale factor value is displayed at the bottom left portion of the
Press CH1. More 1/2. Volts Scale to select Coarse or Fine adjustment. You can also
press the large vertical scale knob to toggle between Fine and Coarse. When Coarse is
selected, the vertical scale knob changes the channel scale in a 1-2-5 step sequence.
When Fine is selected, the vertical scale knob changes the channel scale in a smaller


Fine Value

Fine Vertical Scale

Figure 17
Vertical Invert :
Press CH1. More 1/2. Invert to set Invert on or off. When Invert is turned on, the
voltage values of the displayed waveform are inverted. Invert affects how a channel is
displayed, but does not affect triggering. If the oscilloscope is set to trigger on a rising
edge, it remains set to trigger on a same edge after the channel is inverted.
Inverting a channel will also change the result of any function selected in the math
menu or any measurement.

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7000 Series

Invert ‘Off’

Figure 18
Vertical Invert ‘Off’

Invert ‘On’

Inversion Status

Vertical Invert ‘On’

Figure 19

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7000 Series

Math Functions :
Dual Waveform Calculation
Press Math channel key to turn on the Math menu page1/2.

Press softkey More 1/2 to display Math menu page 2/2

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7000 Series

For example, we select the A+B math function, select CH1 as the Source A, and
select CH2 as the Source B, then we will get the math waveform like this.

Math Status

Math Scale

Math A + B
Figure 20
FFT Spectrum Analysis :
You can use the FFT function to measure harmonic component and distortion in
systems, to characterize noise in DC power supplies and to analyze vibration.
Press math channel key to turn on the math menu page 1/2, and then press Operate
softkey to select FFT. The FFT menu page 1/2 will be displayed.

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7000 Series

Press softkey More 1/2 to display FFT menu page 2/2

For example, we select CH1 as the source for FFT, select Rectangular window, set
vertical scale to dBV RMS, and then we will get the FFT waveform like this. We can
also measure the amplitude and frequency of the corresponding point with the manual

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7000 Series

FFT Status Sample Rate

FFT Spectrum Analysis

Figure 21
REF Function :
You might make measurement on a known good system, save the result to the internal
memory or to an USB mass storage device, then make the same measurement on a
test system and recall the reference waveform to see the difference.
Press REF channel key to turn on the REF menu page 1/2.

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7000 Series

Press softkey More 1/2 to display REF menu page 2/2

Press REF channel key to turn on the REF menu page ½ and load the latest saved
reference waveform at the same time from the internal memory.
You can use the horizontal position and scale control knob to change the time base of
the reference waveform.

Press or softkey and turn the Entry knob to change the

vertical scale or position of the reference waveform.

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7000 Series

Press REF. Internal Storage Save to save the waveform of the Source channel as the
reference waveform to the internal memory.

REF Status

REF Scale Value

Save a Reference waveform
Figure 22
Note : The reference waveform function is unavailable when X-Y mode is selected.

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7000 Series

Horizontal Control :
Use the horizontal controls to adjust the time base adjust the trigger location, and to
examine waveform details more closely

Horizontal Controls
Figure 23
Horizontal Position Control :
When the oscilloscope is running, this control lets you set the acquisition window
relative to the trigger point. When the oscilloscope is stopped, you can turn this knob
to span through the data horizontally. This lets you see the captured waveform before
the trigger or after the trigger.

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7000 Series

The trigger position is marked with the litter “T” at the top of the graticule and also in
the waveform record icon at the top of the screen.
The small inverted triangle is the time reference indicator. When you change the
horizontal scale, the waveforms contract or expand about this point.
Press the horizontal position control knob to set the time delay to zero, and the trigger
position indicator ( ) overlays the time reference indicator ( ).
Note : The horizontal position control is unavailable when X-Y horizontal mode is
Horizontal Scale Control :
Use the horizontal scale control to adjust the time base. The scale expands or
contracts around the center of the screen.
The horizontal scale factor can be set in a 1-2.5-5 sequence (for A series) or in a 1-2-5
sequence (for B series).
Press the horizontal scale control knob to toggle between Main and Delayed
horizontal mode.
Horizontal Menu key :
Press the horizontal Menu key to display the Horizontal menu. This menu lets you
select the horizontal mode: Main, Delayed, Roll, or X-Y, and set the Holdoff time.
Press the horizontal Menu key to display the Horizontal menu page 1/2.

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7000 Series

Press softkey More 1/2 to display the horizontal menu page 2/2

Main Horizontal Mode : Main horizontal mode is the normal viewing mode for the
oscilloscope. When the oscilloscope is stopped, you can use the horizontal controls to
pan and zoom the waveform. When the oscilloscope is running in Main mode, use the
horizontal scale knob to change horizontal scale factor and use the horizontal position
knob to set the delay time. When the oscilloscope is stopped, use the horizontal
control knobs to pan and zoom the waveform. The time base (second/division) value
is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
Press the horizontal Menu key and then press the Main softkey to select the main
horizontal mode.

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Main Horizontal Mode

Figure 24

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7000 Series

1. The square brackets show the location of current display window within the
2. Trigger position within the record.
3. Trigger position on the current waveform display window.
4. Readout shows the delay time or the trigger location within the record relative to
the time reference point ( ).
Delayed Horizontal Mode :
Delayed horizontal mode is an expanded version of main mode. When Delayed mode
is selected, the display divides in half. The top half of the display shows the normal
waveform and bottom half displays the delayed waveform.
Delayed waveform is a magnified portion of the normal waveform. You can use
delayed waveform to locate and horizontally expand part of the normal waveform for
a more detailed analysis of signals.
The area of the normal display that is expanded is marked on each end with a vertical
shadow area. The unshadowed area shows what portion of the normal waveform is
expanded in the lower half.
To change the time base for the delayed window, turn the horizontal scale knob. As
you turn the knob, the time base for the delayed window is displayed just above the
main time base.
To change the time base for the normal window, press the Main softkey, then turn the
horizontal scale control knob.
Connect a triangle signal source to CH1, press the horizontal Menu key and then press
the Delayed softkey to enter the Delayed mode. You can also press the horizontal
scale control knob to toggle between Main and Delayed mode directly.

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7000 Series

Delayed Sweep Window Area


Delayed Sweep

Delayed Sweep Time Base

Delayed Horizontal Mode

Figure 25
X-Y Horizontal Mode :
X-Y mode changes the display from a volt-versus-time display to a volt-versus-volt
display. The time base is turned off. CH1 amplitude is plotted on the X-axis and CH2
amplitude is plotted on the Y-axis.
You can use X-Y mode to compare frequency and phase relationships between two
signals. X-Y mode can also be used with transducers to display strain versus
displacement, flow versus pressure, volts versus current, or voltage versus frequency.
In order to get a better view of the waveform, proper vertical scale should be selected
before entering the X-Y mode.
Use X-Y mode to compare two signal with same frequency and different phase.
Connect the two signals to CH1 and CH2 respectively. Press horizontal menu key and
then X-Y softkey to select X-Y mode.

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7000 Series


X-Y Horizontal Mode

Figure 26
Roll Horizontal Mode :
Roll mode causes the waveform to move slowly across the screen from right to left. It
only operates on time base settings of 500 ms/Div or slower. If the current time base
setting is faster than the 500 ms/Div limit, it will be set to 500ms/Div when Roll mode
is selected.
In Roll mode there is no trigger. The fixed reference point on the screen is the right
edge of the screen and refers to the current moment in time. Events that have occurred
are scrolled to the left of the reference point. Since there is no trigger, no pre-trigger
information is available.
If you would like to pause the display in Roll mode, press the single key. To clear the
display and restart an acquisition in Roll mode, press the single key again.
Use Roll mode on low-frequency waveforms to yield a display much like a strip chart
recorder. It allows the waveform to roll across the display.
Press the horizontal menu key and then press the Roll softkey to select the Roll mode.
The waveform moves slowly across the screen from right to left. The fastest time base
is 500 ms.

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7000 Series

Roll Status

Horizontal Time Base

Roll Horizontal Mode

Figure 27

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7000 Series

Hold off Function :

Holdoff sets the amount of time that the oscilloscope will wait before rearming the
trigger circuit. You can use the holdoff function to stabilize the display of complex
With the holdoff function, you can synchronize triggers. The oscilloscope will trigger
on one edge of the waveform, and ignore further edges until the holdoff time is up.
The oscilloscope will then rearm the trigger circuit to wait for the next edge trigger.
This allows the oscilloscope to trigger on a repeating pattern in a waveform.
Turn the Entry knob to increase or decrease the trigger hold off time shown in the
Holdoff softkey.
To get a stable trigger on the pulse burst shown on the screen, set the holdoff time to
be slightly less than the period of the pulse burst.

Trigger Position


Holdoff Time
(Pulse Width)

Hold off Function

Figure 28

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7000 Series

Trigger Controls :
The trigger controls determine when the oscilloscope starts to acquire and display the
waveform. When a trigger is found, the oscilloscope will acquire sufficient data to
display the waveform. Trigger controls are functional when the oscilloscope works
under Main or Delayed horizontal mode.

Trigger Controls
Figure 29

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7000 Series

Trigger Control menu key :

Press the trigger control menu key to show the Trigger menu and then press the Type
softkey to select Edge, Pulse or Video.
Set to 50% key :
Press the 50% key to set the trigger level to the 50% amplitude level of the trigger
source waveform.
Force Trigger key :
Press the force key to force an immediate trigger event, even in the absence of a
signal. This function is useful in following situations.
If you do not see a waveform on the screen when using Normal trigger mode, press
the force key to acquire the signal baseline to verify that it is on the screen.
After you press the single key to set up for a single shot acquisition, you can press the
force key to do a practice acquisition to verify the control settings.
Trigger Level Control :
Use the trigger level control knob to adjust the trigger level. When you change the
trigger level, a horizontal line temporarily appears to show you the level on screen.
After the line disappears, the trigger level is marked with a small left arrow. Auto and
Normal Trigger Modes
Press the trigger menu key to display the trigger menu and press the mode softkey to
select Auto or Normal trigger mode.
Note : The Auto and Normal trigger mode is unavailable when Video trigger type is
Auto mode :
Use the auto trigger mode for signals other than low-repetitive-rate signals and for
unknown signal levels. To display a DC signal, you must use Auto trigger mode since
there is no edge to trigger on. When you press run/stop key to start acquiring, the
oscilloscope first fill the pre-trigger buffer. It starts to search for a trigger after the
pre-trigger buffer is filled, and continues to flow data through this buffer while it
searches for the trigger.
While searching for the trigger, the oscilloscope overflows the pre-trigger buffer; the
first data put into the buffer is the first pushed out. When a trigger is found, the pre-
trigger buffer will contain the events that occurred just before the trigger. If no trigger
is found, the oscilloscope generates a trigger and displays the data as though a trigger
had occurred. In this case, the background of the Auto indicator at the top of the
display will flash, indicating that the oscilloscope is force triggered.
When you press the single key, the oscilloscope will fill the pre-trigger buffer, and
continue to flow data through the pre-trigger buffer until the Auto trigger overrides
the searching and forces a trigger. At the end of the trace, the oscilloscope will stop
and display the results.

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Normal mode :
Use Normal trigger mode for low repetitive-rate signals or when Auto trigger is not
required. In Normal mode the oscilloscope must fill the pre-trigger buffer with data
before it will begin searching for a trigger event. While searching for the trigger, the
oscilloscope overflows the pre-trigger buffer; the first data put into the buffer is the
first pushed out. When the trigger event is found, the oscilloscope will fill the post-
trigger buffer and display the results. If the acquisition was initiated by run/stop, the
process repeats. If the acquisition was initiated by single, then the acquisition stops.
In either Auto or Normal mode, the trigger may be missed. This is because the
oscilloscope will not recognize a trigger event until the pre-trigger buffer is full.
Video Trigger :
Choose video triggering to trigger on the odd fields, even fields, or on all the lines of
an NTSC, PAL/SECAM video signal.
Press trigger control menu key to display the trigger menu, then press Type softkey to
select Video trigger.

Following figures show the video waveforms triggered on odd fields and specific line

Field Sync

Figure 30
Trigger on odd fields

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Line Sync

Trigger on Specific Line 6

Figure 31
Note : The trigger level control is unavailable when Video type is selected.

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Edge Trigger :
Use the Edge triggering to trigger on the rising or falling edge of the input signal at
the trigger threshold.
Press trigger control menu key to display the trigger menu, then press Type softkey to
select Edge trigger.

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7000 Series

Pulse Width Trigger :

Pulse width triggering sets the oscilloscope to trigger on a positive or negative pulse
of a specified width from 20ns to 10s.
Press trigger control menu key to display the trigger menu, then press Type softkey to
select Pulse trigger.

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7000 Series

Press trigger control menu key to display the Trigger menu, press Type softkey to
select Pulse trigger and then press the More 1/2 softkey to display Trigger menu page

Note : EXT (50.) trigger source option is available only for model 7200CA and

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7000 Series

Acquire Menu :
Press the Acquire menu key to show the Acquire menu.

Acquire Menu
Figure 32
Normal acquisition mode yields the best display for most waveforms.
Average mode lets you average multiple triggers to reduce noise and increase
Peak Detect mode should be used to display narrow pulses that occur infrequently.
It’s useful when looking for very narrow pulses at very slow time base. Equivalent
sampling mode is useful to display high frequency repetitive signals.
Real Time sampling mode is useful to capture the single-shot signals. Press Mode
softkey to select Normal mode.

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Press Mode softkey to select Average mode.

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Press Mode softkey to select Peak Detect mode.

Connect a sine signal to the CH1 channel, press Acquire

→ Mode to select Average mode. Turn the Entry knob to set the number of averages to
16. The following two figures shows the difference between Normal acquisition and
Average acquisition.

Figure 33
Random noise on the displayed waveform

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16 Averages used to reduce random Noise

Figure 34

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Record the Waveform :

Press Acquire Record to show the record menu.

Play Back the Record Mode :

Press Acquire Record to show the record menu.
Press Mode softkey to select Play Back function.

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7000 Series

Press Acquire Record to show the record menu.

Press Mode softkey to select Play Back function. Press More 1/2 softkey to show
record menu page 2/2.

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Save/Recall the Record :

Press Acquire Record to show the Record menu.
Press Mode softkey to select Save/Recall function.

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Exit Record Function :

Press Mode softkey to select ‘Off’ option and return to the Acquire menu.

Utility Menu :
Press the Utility menu key to show the Utility menu.

Utility Menu Key

Figure 35

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7000 Series

Press the utility key to display the utility menu page1/2.

Press the More 1/2 softkey to display the Utility menu page 2/2

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I/O Setup
Press Utility I/O Setup to display the I/O setup menu.

Note : RS232C or GPIB will be available, only when the optional expanded
communication module is fixed.
Print Setup :
Press Utility. Print Setup to display the Print menu.
Press Print to softkey to select File.

Connect a USB mass storage device to the USB host connector on the rear panel.
Press Print to softkey to select File.
Press File Type softkey to select the file format you want. Press the Print key to save
the file to the USB mass storage device.

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7000 Series

Press Utility Print Setup to display the Print menu. Press Print to softkey to select
USB Printer.

Connect a USB Printer to the USB host connector on the rear panel.
Press Print to softkey to select USB Printer.
Press Palette softkey to select Color or Gray Scale.
Press Ink Saver softkey to turn on/off ink saver.
Press the Print key to print the screen display to the USB printer.
Note : For 7000 series, the Palette and Ink Saver functions are not available. The
7000 series only support USB printers that use PCL 3 printer command language.

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7000 Series

System Setup :
Press utility. System Setup to display the System menu

Note : For model 7025M and 7040M, Set Date & Time function is not available.
Press the Set Date & Time softkey to display the Date & Time menu.

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7000 Series

Service :
Press Utility. Service to display the Service menu

Press Utility. Service to display the Service menu, and then press the System Info
softkey to display the system informations, such as Model, Serial number, Power up
times, Software version and a list of installed modules

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7000 Series

System Information
Figure 36

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Pass/Fail :
The oscilloscope first measures the input source signal and compares it with Pass/Fail
regulations and then outputs the Pass/Fail result.
Press Utility. Pass/Fail to display the Pass/Fail menu 1/2.

Press More 1/2 to display the Pass/Fail menu 2/2.

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Note : Pass/Fail function is not available when X-Y mode is selected.

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Press Utility. Pass/Fail. Setup Mask to display the Mask menu 1/2

Press More 1/2 to display the Mask menu 2/2.

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Self-Calibration :
If you want to maximize the measurement accuracy, you can perform the self-
Self-calibration uses the internally generated signals to optimize circuits that affect
channel scale, offset and trigger parameters. Disconnect all inputs and allow the
oscilloscope to warm up at least 30 minutes before performing this sale-calibration.
Press Utility. Self-Cal to display the self-calibration page. Press Auto key to exit from
the Self-Calibration, press Run key to start the self-calibration.

Note : Warm up the oscilloscope at least 30 minutes before performing self-

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Measure Menu :

Measure Menu Key

Figure 37

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Press Measure menu key to display the Measure menu.

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Voltage Measurements :
Press Measure Voltage to display the Voltage menu page 1/4

Press More 1/4 softkey to display the Voltage menu page 2/4.

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Press More 2/4 softkey to display the Voltage menu page 3/4

Press More 3/4 softkey to display the Voltage menu page 4/4

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Time Measurements :
Press Measure Time to display the Time menu page 1/5

Press More 1/5 softkey to display the Time menu page 2/5.

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Press More 2/5 softkey to display the Time menu page 3/5

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Press More 3/5 softkey to display the Time menu page 4/5

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Press More 4/5 softkey to display the time menu page 5/5

Automatic Measurement Procedure :

Press Measure. Measure All to turn on all Auto Measurements. Up to 20 kinds of
measurements of current channel are displayed on the center of the screen.

Figure 38

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7000 Series

Press Measure All again to turn off all Auto Measurements.

Press Measure Voltage to display the Voltage menu or press Measure. Time to display
the Time menu. Press softkey of voltage or time parameters you want to measure. The
selected parameter will be displayed on the bottom of the display.
Press Clear softkey to clear all displayed measurement parameter.
Note : Up to three parameters can be displayed at the same time on the bottom of the
display. Press the parameter softkey to add a new parameter when three parameters
are already displayed. The first parameter will be pushed out of the display window
and the new parameter will be displayed on the bottom right of the display screen.
Note : “****” will be displayed when a parameter can not be measured correctly.
Measurement definitions :
The following figure shows the voltage measurement points.

Figure 39
The following figure shows the time measurement points.

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Figure 40
Save/Load Menu :

Save/Load Menu key

Figure 41

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Press Save/Load key to display the Save/Load menu.

Internal Storage :
Press Save/Load Internal Storage. Storage type to display the internal menu and select
Waveforms storage type

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Press Save/Load. Internal Storage. Storage type to display the internal menu and
select Setups storage type.

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External Storage :
Press Save/Load External Storage to display the External menu

Note : The External Storage menu and operations will not be available until the
external USB mass storage divide is installed.
Press Save/Load External storage New to display the new menu.

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7000 Series

Press Save/Load External Storage New New File to display the New File menu.

Note : Maximum length of a file name is 8 characters.

Press Enter Character to select a character position in the file name. Turn the entry
knob to select a character. Press delete Character to delete the current selected
character. Press Enter Character to enter the selected character and go to the next
character position.

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7000 Series

Press Save/Load External Storage New. New Folder to display the New Folder menu.

Press Save/Load External Storage. Rename to display the Rename menu.

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Press Save/Load External Storage Delete to display the Delete menu

Software Update:
Press Save/Load. External Storage to display the External menu
Turn the entry knob to select the correct update file. File 7040C.UPT is selected as
shown in the following figure.

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7000 Series

Figure 42
Press Load softkey to start the update operation. A Loading and then an updating
progress bar will be displayed and indicate the process of the update operation.
Finally, information “Restart to complete updating” will be displayed to remind you
to restart the instrument. If the software update is failed, repeat the above procedures
to update again.
Note : The default file extension of the update file is ”.UPT”.
Select the correct update file according to the model of the oscilloscope. Error
message “Incompatible file” will be displayed when the model is not identical.
Note : The power supply of the oscilloscope can not be turned off during the updating
process. If this happens, you will have to return the instrument to factory for service.

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7000 Series

Cursor Menu :
You can measure waveform data using cursors. Cursors are horizontal and vertical
markers that indicate X-axis values (usually time) and Y-axis (usually voltage) on a
selected waveform source. The position of the cursors can be moved by turning the
entry knob.

Cursor Menu key

Figure 43

The oscilloscope provides three kinds of cursor measurement modes: Manual, Auto
and Track.

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Manual Mode :
In the manual mode, you can move the cursors to measure the voltage or time on the
select source waveform.
Press Cursor Mode to display the Cursor menu and select the Manual mode. Press the
Type softkey to select Voltage measurement.

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Press Cursor Mode to display the Cursor menu and select the Manual mode. Press the
Type softkey to select Time measurement.

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Track Mode:
Two cross hair cursors are displayed on the screen in the track mode. The cross hair
cursors track the waveform automatically. You can move the cross hair cursors
horizontally by turning the entry knob. The X, Y values of each cross hair cursor are
displayed in the softkey area, or on the top right corner when menu is off.
Press Cursor. Mode to display the Cursor menu and select the Track mode

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Auto Mode :
The Auto mode cursors are displayed only when auto measurement function is
enabled. The oscilloscope displays the auto cursors corresponding to the latest auto
measurement parameter. No Auto cursors will be displayed when no auto
measurement parameter is selected.
Display Menu :

Display Menu key

Figure 44

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7000 Series

Press Display menu key to display the Display menu page 1/2.

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Press More 1/2 softkey to display the Display menu page 2/2

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Run Controls :

Run Controls
Figure 45

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7000 Series

Press the Single key to execute a single-shot acquisition.

The key will illuminate in yellow until the oscilloscope is triggered.
Press the Run/Stop key to make the oscilloscope start looking for a trigger. The
Run/Stop key will illuminate in green. When the trigger mode is set to Normal mode,
the display will not update until a trigger is found. If the trigger mode is set to Auto
mode, the oscilloscope looks for a trigger,
Press the Run/Stop key to make the oscilloscope start looking for a trigger. The
Run/Stop key will illuminate in green. When the trigger mode is set to Normal mode,
the display will not update until a trigger is found. If the trigger mode is set to Auto
mode, the oscilloscope looks for a trigger, and if no trigger is found, it will be
triggered automatically and the waveform of input signals will be showed
Press the Run/Stop key again to stop acquiring data and the Run/Stop key will
illuminate in red. Now you can span across and zoom in on the acquired waveform.

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Application Examples
This section presents 7 typical application examples. These simplified examples
highlight the features of the oscilloscope and give you ideas of how to solve your own
test problems.
Make Simple Measurements :
You need to measure the amplitude and frequency of an unknown signal on CH1.
Perform following steps to quickly display the signal.
• Connect the channel 1 probe to the unknown signal.
• Press the Auto key.
The oscilloscope automatically sets vertical, horizontal, and trigger controls. You can
adjust any of these controls manually if you need to optimize the display of the
When you are using both CH1 and CH2 channels, the Autoset function sets the
vertical controls for each channel and uses the CH1 channel to set the horizontal and
trigger controls.
The oscilloscope can take automatic measurements of most displayed signals.
Perform following steps to measure signal amplitude and frequency.
Application Examples :
• Press the Measure key to display the Measure menu.
• Press the Voltage softkey to display the Voltage menu.
• Press the Amplitude softkey to measure the Amplitude. The amplitude value
will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.
• Press Measure key again to display the Measure menu.
• Press Time softkey to display the Time menu.
• Press the Frequency softkey to measure the frequency.
• The frequency value will be displayed at the bottom of the screen to the right of
the voltage value.

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Capture a Single-Shot Signal :

Digital Storage Oscilloscope can easily be used to capture the single-shot or
unrepeatable signal. Perform following steps to capture a single-shot signal.
• Connect the channel 1 probe to the unknown signal.
• Press the trigger Menu key to display the Trigger menu.
• Press the Source softkey to select CH1.
• Press the Mode softkey to select the Auto trigger mode.
• Adjust the vertical and horizontal controls to observe the signal roughly, find out
the right Trigger Type, and Trigger mode.
• Press the Type softkey from the Trigger menu page 1/2 to select Pulse trigger
• Press More 1/2 sofkey to display the Trigger menu page 2/2
• Press Mode softkey to select Normal Trigger mode.
• Press More 2/2 sofkey to display the Trigger menu page 1/2

• Press Pulse Mode softkey to select (positive less than)

• Rotate the entry knob ( ) to set up the pulse width.
• Press the Single key to start the acquisition system and search for the trigger
condition. The Single key is illuminated in yellow.
• When trigger condition is met, the captured waveform is displayed, the Single
key is extinguished and the Run/Stop key is illuminated in red.

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Reduce the Random Noise on a Signal :

If the test signal is noisy, you can set up the oscilloscope to reduce the noise on the
displayed waveform. First, you stabilize the displayed waveform by removing the
noise from the trigger path. Second, you reduce the noise on the displayed waveform.
• Connect a signal to the oscilloscope. Press Auto key to display the signal

Figure 46
• Press the Trigger Menu key to display the Trigger menu.
• Press Type softkey to select Edge trigger type.
• Press Coupling to select HF Reject or LF Reject coupling mode to reduce the
noise from the trigger channel.
• Press the Acquire key to display the Acquire menu.
• Press the Mode softkey to select Average mode.
Rotate the entry knob ( ) to set the number of averages that best eliminates the
noise from the displayed waveform.

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Figure 47
Trigger on a Video Signal :
Video trigger can be used to capture the standard video signals. The trigger circuit
detects the vertical and horizontal interval of the waveform and produces triggers
based on the Video trigger setting you have selected.
Trigger on Odd or Even Fields of the Video Signal :
• Press the Trigger Menu key to display the Trigger menu.
• Press the Type softkey to select the Video trigger mode.
• Press Source softkey to select CH1.

• Press Polarity softkey to select negative polarity

• Press Sync softkey to select Odd Field or Even Field.

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Figure 48

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Trigger on a Specific Line or All Lines of the Video Signal

• Press the Trigger Menu key to display the Trigger menu.
• Press the Type softkey to select the Video trigger mode.
• Press Source softkey to select CH1.

• Press Polarity softkey to select negative polarity

• Press Sync softkey to select Line # or All Lines.

Figure 49

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7000 Series

Pass/Fail Measurement :
The oscilloscope measures and compares the input signal with predefined Pass/Fail
thresholds. If the input signal is within the thresholds, Pass signal will be outputted. If
the input signal exceeds the thresholds, Fail signal will be outputted.
Perform following steps to make a Pass/Fail measurement.
• Press Utility key to display the Utility menu page 1/2.
• Press More 1/2 softkey to display the Utility menu page 2/2/
• Press Pass/Fail softkey to display the Pass/Fail menu.
• Press Enable Test softkey to turn on the Pass/Fail measurement.
• Press Setup Mask softkey to display the Mask menu.
• Press X Mask softkey and then rotate the entry knob to setup the horizontal
• Press Y Mask softkey and then rotate the entry knob to setup the vertical
• Press Creat Mask softkey to update the thresholds.
• Press softkey to return to the Pass/Fail menu.
• Press More 1/2 softkey to display the Pass/Fail menu page 2/2.
• Press MSG Display softkey to display the Pass/Fail measurement results on the
top left corner of the screen.
• Press the Output softkey to set how to output the measurement results.
• Press More 2/2 to display the Pass/Fail menu page 1/2.
• Press the Operate softkey to start Pass/Fail measurement.

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Figure 50

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7000 Series

Waveform Recorder :
Waveform recorder lets you record waveforms, playback waveforms and save the
Perform the following steps to record waveforms.
• Press the Acquire key to display the Acquire menu.
• Press the Record softkey to display the Record menu.
• Press the Mode softkey to select Record mode.
• Press the Source softkey to select the source channel CH1.
• Press the Operate key to start recording, total recorded frame count is displayed
on the top left screen.

Figure 51

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7000 Series

Perform the following steps to playback the waveforms.

• Press the Acquire key to display the Acquire menu.
• Press the Record Softkey to display the Record menu.
• Press the Mode softkey to select Play back mode.

• Press Play Mode softkey to select or mode.

• Press Start Frame softkey and turn the entry knob to set the start frame.
• Press End Frame softkey and turn the entry knob to set the end frame.
• Press Interval softkey and turn the entry knob to set the interval time.
• Press Operate softkey to playback the waveform.

Figure 52

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7000 Series

Perform the following steps to save the waveform recorded.

• Press the Acquire key to display the Acquire menu.
• Press the Record softkey to display the Record menu.
• Press the Mode softkey to select Save/Recall mode.
• Press Start Frame softkey and turn the entry knob to set the start frame.
• Press End Frame softkey and turn the entry knob to set the end frame.
• Press the Internal Storage softkey to Save or Load the recorded waveform from
the internal memory.
Cursor Measurements :
You can use the cursors to quickly take time and voltage measurements on a
waveform. You can use the cursors to measure the amplitude and frequency of a FFT
You can also use the cursors to measure the phase difference between two signals
with the same frequency when X-Y horizontal mode is selected.
Measure the time and voltage on normal waveform :
Perform the following steps to take time and frequency measurements.
• Press the Cursor key to display the Cursor menu.
• Press Mode softkey to select the Manual mode.
• Press Type softkey to select the Time type.

• Press X1–/ X2– softkey or press the entry knob to select X1 cursor.
• Rotate the entry knob to move the X1 cursor.

• Press X1–/ X2– softkey or press the entry knob to select X2 cursor.
• Rotate the entry knob to move the X2 cursor.
• ÄX and 1/ÄX are displayed in the softkey area. ÄX is the time difference
between X1 and X2; 1/ÄX is the frequency between X1 and X2.

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Perform the following steps to take voltage measurement.

• Press the CURSOR key to display the CUROSR menu.
• Press Mode softkey to select the Manual mode.
• Press Type softkey to select the Voltage type.
• Press Y1–/ Y2– softkey or press the entry knob to select Y2 cursor.
• Rotate the entry knob to move the Y2 cursor.
• ÄY displayed in the softkey area is the voltage difference between Y1 and Y2.
Measure the frequency and amplitude on FFT waveform
Perform the following steps to take frequency measurement.
• Press the Math key to display the Math menu.
• Press the Operate softkey to select FFT and display the FFT menu.
• Press the Cursor key to display the Cursor menu.
• Press Mode softkey to select the Manual mode.
• Press Source softkey to select FFT.
• Press Type softkey to select the Time type.
• Press X1–/ X2– softkey or press the entry knob to select X1 cursor.
• Rotate the entry knob to move the X1 cursor.
• Press X1–/ X2– softkey or press the entry knob to select X2
• Rotate the entry knob to move the X2 cursor.
• ÄX displayed in the softkey area is the frequency difference between X1 and
X2. 1/ÄX is the time difference between X1 and X2.
Perform the following steps to take voltage measurement.
• Press the Math key to display the Math menu.
• Press the Operate softkey to select FFT and display the FFT menu.
• Press the Cursor key to display the Cursor menu.
• Press Mode softkey to select the Manual mode.
• Press Source softkey to select FFT.
• Press Type softkey to select the Voltage type.
• Press Y1–/ Y2– softkey or press the entry knob to select Y2 cursor.
• Rotate the entry knob to move the Y2 cursor.
• ÄY displayed in the softkey area is the voltage difference between Y1 and Y2.

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Measure the Phase Difference Between Two Signals of the Same Frequency under X-
Y Display Mode.
• Connect a sine wave signal to channel 1 and a sine wave signal of the same
frequency but out of phase to channel 2.
• Press horizontal Menu key to display the Horizontal menu.
• Press X-Y softkey to select X-Y display mode
• Center the signal on the display with the vertical control knob of each channel.
• Use the vertical scale control knob of each channel to expand the signal for
convenient view.
• Press the Cursor key to display the Cursor menu.
• Press Mode softkey to select the Manual mode.
• Press Source softkey to select CH2.
• Press Type softkey to select the Voltage type.
• Press Y1–/ Y2– softkey or press the entry knob to select Y1 cursor.
• Rotate the entry knob to move the Y1 cursor to the top of the signal.
• Press Y1–/ Y2– softkey or press the entry knob to select Y2 cursor.
• Rotate the entry knob to move the Y2 cursor to the bottom of the signal.
• Press Y1–/ Y2– softkey or press the entry knob to select Y2 cursor.
• Rotate the entry knob to move the Y2 cursor to the bottom of the signal.
• ∆Y displayed in the softkey area is the voltage difference D (or 2B) between Y1
and Y2.
• Press Y1–/ Y2– softkey or press the entry knob to select Y1 cursor.
• Rotate the entry knob to move the Y1 cursor to the upper intersection of the
signal and Y axis.
• Press Y1–/ Y2– softkey or press the entry knob to select Y2 cursor.
• Rotate the entry knob to move the Y2 cursor to the lower intersection of the
signal and Y axis.
• ∆Y displayed in the softkey area is the voltage difference C (or 2A) between Y1
and Y2.
• Calculate the phase difference using the formula below.
θ = ± arcsin or θ = arcsin

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Figure 53

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System Message and General Problems

System Message :
Function is not available : The control knob, key, or softkey is not available under a
specific operating condition. This message will be displayed when you try to operate
these knob, key , or softkey.
The control is at its limit : This message will be displayed when the maximum or
minimum value is reached by turning the Entry knob, Vertical Control knobs,
Horizontal Control knobs, or Trigger Level knob.
Total is at its maximum : This message will be displayed when the maximum value
of Total count for Pass/Fail is reached.
Record is completed : This message will be displayed when the number of
waveforms (set in the End Frame softkey) have been recorded.
No external memory : This message will be displayed when you try to save a file to
an external mass storage device which has not been installed.
Save error : This message will be displayed when you fail to save a file to the
internal or external memory.
Empty storage memory : This message will be displayed when you try to load a file
which does not exist from the internal memory.
Unrecognized file : This message will be displayed when you try to load a file which
can not be recognized by the oscilloscope from the external memory.
Update failed : This message will be displayed when software update is failed.
No record data : This message will be displayed when you try to save a record file
without record data.
Record is failed : This message will be displayed when waveform record is failed.
Factory setup is recalled : This message will be displayed when the default factory
configuration is recalled.
No signal is found : This message will be displayed when you press the Auto key
without any signal connected to each channel.
No printer is found : This message will be displayed when you try to print the screen
to a printer which has not been connected.
Invalid data : This message will be displayed when you try to save a *.CSV file
without any valid CSV data.
Load finished : This message will be displayed when a file has been successfully
loaded from the internal or external memory.
Save finished : This message will be displayed when a file has been successfully
saved to the internal or external memory.
Incompatible file : This message will be displayed when the update software is not
identical with the model type.
Load error : This message will be displayed when you fail to load a file from the
internal or external memory.
Restart to complete updating : This message will be displayed to let you restart the
oscilloscope when the software update is successfully finished.

Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 115

7000 Series

USB device is installed : This message will be displayed when a USB device is
connected and recognized by the oscilloscope.
USB device is removed : This message will be displayed when a USB device is
removed from the oscilloscope.
Print finished : This message will be displayed when the current waveform is printed
Print failed : This message will be displayed when the current waveform is not
printed successfully.
Unsupported printer : This message will be displayed when an unsupported printer
is connected.
USB host error : This message will be displayed when the USB host control circuit
is not working normally.
Setup finished : This message will be displayed when the Date & Time is set
Setup failed : This message will be displayed when the Date & Time is not set
General Problems :
If there is no display on the screen
• Check that the power cord is connected to the oscilloscope and to a live power
• Check that the power switch is on.
• Check that the display contrast is adjusted properly.
• Contact our engineer if there is still no display.
If there is no waveform displayed :
• Check that the oscilloscope probe lead wires are securely inserted into the
connector assembly and that the probe clips make good contact with the probe
lead wires.
• Check that the probe clips are securely connected to points in the circuit under
test and that the ground is connected.
• Check that the circuit under test is power on.
• Press the Auto key again.
If the waveform display is not stable :
• Check that the trigger Source channel is actually the channel to which the trigger
signal is connected.
• Check that the proper trigger type is selected. Video type is only used to trigger
a Video signal. Proper trigger type is essential to acquire a stable display.
• Try to use the HF Reject or LF Reject to reduce the noise of the trigger signal.
If the amplitude is not identical with the actual voltage :
• Check that the attenuation factor of the probe is identical with the attenuation
factor set in the channel menu.

Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 116

7000 Series

1. We guarantee the product against all manufacturing defects for 12 months from
the date of sale by us or through our dealers. Consumables like dry cell etc. are
not covered under warranty.
2. The guarantee will become void, if
a) The product is not operated as per the instruction given in the operating
b) The agreed payment terms and other conditions of sale are not followed.
c) The customer resells the instrument to another party.
d) Any attempt is made to service and modify the instrument.
3. The non-working of the product is to be communicated to us immediately giving
full details of the complaints and defects noticed specifically mentioning the
type, serial number of the product and date of purchase etc.
4. The repair work will be carried out, provided the product is dispatched securely
packed and insured. The transportation charges shall be borne by the customer.

For any Technical Problem Please Contact us at [email protected]

List of Accessories

1. Switch Probes.......................................................................................... 2 Nos.

2. Mains Cord ...............................................................................................1 No
3. Operating Manual......................................................................................1 No

Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 117

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