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testi inglisur enaSi

2007 instruqcia

Tqven winaSea sagamocdo testis bukleti da am testis pasuxebis

furceli. yuradRebiT gaecaniT testis yoveli davalebis pirobas da ise
SeasruleT es davalebebi. pasuxebi gadaitaneT pasuxebis furcelze.
gaswordeba mxolod pasuxebis furceli!

pasuxis moniSvnisas:
• pasuxebis furcelze moZebneT davalebis Sesabamisi nomeri.
• am nomris qveS mocemul ujrebSi X-iT aRniSneT Tqvens mier arCeuli
pasuxi. magaliTad, Tu me-3 sakiTxis pasuxad airCieT pasuxis B varianti,
maSin pasuxebis furcelze unda moZebnoT me-3 sakiTxis davalebis rigi
da am rigSi, pasuxis (B) svetis Sesabamis ujraSi dasvaT X niSani. (ix.

• Tqvens mier arCeuli pasuxis sworad moniSvnis erTaderTi gza saTanado
ujraSi X niSnis dasmaa.
• dasaSvebia, rom X niSani gamoscdes TeTr ujras (ix. nimuSi), magram igi ar
unda iyos ujraze mokle.
• TiToeuli sakiTxis Sesabamis rigSi unda moniSnoT mxolod erTi pasuxi,
anu mxolod erT ujraSi dasvaT X niSani. Tu rigSi erTze met X niSans
dasvamT, am sakiTxis arc erTi pasuxi ar CaiTvleba sworad.
• Tu gsurT pasuxebis furcelze moniSnuli pasuxis gadasworeba, mTlianad
gaaferadeT ujra, romelSic dasviT X niSani, da Semdeg moniSneT pasuxis
axali varianti (dasviT X niSani axal ujraSi). eleqtronuli programa
arCeul pasuxad mxolod X niSnian ujras aRiqvams (ix. nimuSi, sakiTxebi 2
da 3).
• SeuZlebelia xelmeored airCioT is pasuxi, romelic gadaasworeT. (anu is
pasuxi, romlis Sesabamisi ujra ukve mTlianad gaaferadeT). amitom
gadasworebis win dafiqreba gmarTebT.
davaleba 3. A B C D E F …
nimuSi: 2

testis SesrulebisTvis geZlevaT 2 saaTi da 15 wuTi

gisurvebT warmatebas!
Task 1

• Read the statements. Then read the advertisements and find which statement corresponds
to which advertisement. Next to each statement write a letter (A-H). Some advertisements
correspond to more than one statement. One example is given.
• Mark your answers on the answer sheet.

0. You want to buy a painting on the theme of war and peace. B

1. Your sister is arranging a conference. You advise her to hold it in one of the museums. ____
2. A friend of yours is interested in planes and rockets. You advise him to go to one of the
museums. ______

3. You are interested in British photography. You want to take your six-year-old brother to the
exhibition. ______

4. Your younger sister is interested in modern American paintings and has an opportunity to see
one. ______

5. Your friend lives in Azerbaijan. He is interested in photography and wants to share his experience
with Georgian colleagues. ______

6. Your friend is interested in the paintings of the nineteenth century. _____

7. Your brother is a student of the faculty of zoology. He is especially interested in exotic
birds. _____

8. Your friend wants to help children who have no parents. You advise him to buy a painting and
help children this way. _______

9. Your neighbour is 12 years old. You want to see his painting, which is displayed in one of
the museums. ______

10. Your sister lives in Batumi. She wants to go to the opening of the exhibition on Sunday. ____
11. You have some money and would like to buy a photo taken by an Armenian
photographer. _____
12. Your father is a retired pilot. He wants to see the collection of World War Two planes. ______

Museums and galleries

A. E.
The History Museum offers an exhibition of The South Caucasus Centre for
paintings of the 19th century Georgian painters. Photographers presents an exhibition: Views
Opens at 4 pm Sunday, 30 December and closes of the South Caucasus. Armenian, Azeri and
at 4 pm Friday, 5 January. Ticket price: 5 Laris. Georgian photographers have an opportunity
Tickets can be ordered by phone: 7 27 12. to meet and exchange experiences. The
Address: 15 Era St. Batumi. photos are on sale, from 10 to 100 Laris.
Address: 5 Sharden St. Tbilisi. Open till
B. 3 January. Entrance free.
The Art Museum located at 6 Erekle St. Telavi,
displays children’s paintings from Georgia, F.
Azerbaijan and Armenia. Theme: War and The Space Museum in Dallas USA has a
Peace. Open till June 1. Entrance fee: 6 Laris. unique collection of planes and spacecrafts.
All pictures for sale. Prices from 7 to 50 Laris. Visitors can enter the planes and view the
interiors. Entrance is free. For the guide
C. service: 5 USD. Open every day except
The Georgian State Museum runs a photo Monday.
exhibition by young British photographers. Open
every day from December 12 to 22. Theme: My G.
Childhood. Entrance is free for children under 7. The Zoological Museum on Heroes Square,
There is tea and chocolate ice-cream in the café! Tbilisi, has the world’s rarest birds and
Address: 5 Freedom Square, Tbilisi. snakes. Also famous for its well-equipped
conference hall. Animal lovers can
D. subscribe to a monthly newsletter. For
The White Gallery located at 15 Independence more, visit our website: www.zoomus.ge
Square, Washington, offers a Christmas
exhibition of modern American painters. Open H.
20-30 December, from 11am to 6pm. Ticket The Blue Gallery invites everyone who
price: 4 USD. Order online at: www.washgall.us wants to help parentless children. Some
valuable paintings are on sale, raising money
for orphanages.

Task 2

• Read the text. Then read the statements below and decide whether they are True (T) or
False (F). Circle the right answer. One example is given.
• Mark your answers on the answer sheet.

From smoke signals to email

From ancient times to the present people have shown a definite need to send messages to one another
despite being far away. They have shown a need to communicate and have used different means to do
so. In 1084 BC a chain of fires on the tops of the mountains was used to let people know in Greece that
the city of Troy had fallen. In the past native people in America used smoke from fires to transmit
messages. They developed different combinations of signs. Each sign had its own meaning. For
example, two parallel columns of smoke indicated the successful return of soldiers from the war.

Almost anything that makes a noise has been used for signalling. Cyrus, an ancient Persian ruler, used
lines of signal towers. At each tower, people with powerful voices shouted a message to the next tower.
A kind of drum talk is still used in Central Africa today, but only those who are natives are able to
understand it. The sender uses a drum which can produce a high or low tone. As the local language also
has these tones, the sender is able to simulate speech with the drums.

In modern times people have communicated by letter, telegraph and telephone. But no other method
has become widespread as quickly as the use of electronic mail, or email. In 1990 the number of people
using email was small, but by the beginning of the 21st century only in the United States of America
almost one hundred and fifty million people had their email addresses. They sent millions of messages
every day, and since then this number has grown dramatically.

The first email message was sent in 1971. According to its sender, Ray Tomlinson, the text of the
message was probably “QWERTYUIO.” Nothing was significant about these letters. This is just the
top row of keys on an English language computer keyboard. Tomlinson was just testing out an idea. He
didn’t know that he was going to start a revolution in communication. Tomlinson was one of a group of
scientists who were working on developing better computers. Tomlinson’s idea was to send messages to
other computers. He used the @ sign to identify messages that were sent from the local machines to the
more distant ones. Later, this was called an email. And the rest is history.

0. People have always had a need to send information. ………….……………….… T F

1. This text is about modern ways of sending and receiving messages ….……………. T F
2. Fire was used to send information to people living in Greece……………………… T F
3. Native Americans used different types of signals for each message. …..………..… T F
4. Noise was a very effective way for sending the message..………………….……… T F
5. It has always been easy to understand noise messages. ……………………….…… T F
6. In some countries drum tones are similar to voice tones. ………………….………. T F
7. History knows only one way for sending information……………………………… T F
8. Millions of people used email at the end of the 20 century. ………………….…… T F
9. 1971 is known as the year when email communications started…………………… T F
10. Ray Tomlinson was the first person to receive an email message. …………….….. T F
11. Tomlinson along with some other people wanted to make better computers…….. T F
12. The sign @ was used with the first email. ………………………………………… T F

Task 3

• Read the text. Then match the headings (A-I) with the paragraphs (1-6). There are two
extra headings, which you do not need to use. One example is given.
• Mark your answers on the answer sheet.

A. His achievements F. London - a safe place

B. A modest scientist G. A loving couple
C. A difficult question H. Birth and early years
D. Hawking’s main theory I. His strength is his mind
E. Problems with health

The world’s cleverest person

0. B_
Stephen Hawking is a well-known scientist. He is actually considered the world's smartest person.
Once asked how he felt about being considered the world's smartest person, he responded: "It is very
embarrassing. I am disabled, but I am not a genius." Hawking has a special disease which makes it
impossible for him to walk, or make any movements at all. As a 21-year-old graduate student in
cosmology at Cambridge University, doctors predicted an early death for him.

1. __
Stephen Hawking's parents lived in London where his father was doing research in medicine. However,
London was a dangerous place during World War Two and Stephens's mother, who was pregnant with
Stephen, moved to the safer town of Oxford where Stephen was born. The family was soon back
together and started to live in Highgate, north London, where Stephen began his schooling.

2. __
In the early sixties Hawking met Jane Wilde, a language student at Cambridge. They fell in love and in
1965 got married. Hawkins has often said that his wife gave him the courage to continue to study and
work. They have three children. His youngest son has never heard his father's real voice.

3. _
Although Hawking became paralysed when he was young, he still worked hard and became a professor
at Cambridge. Since 1979, he has held the post of professor of mathematics at Cambridge University.
This post was once held by Isaac Newton. Hawking has twelve honorary degrees. Many scientists
consider him to be the most brilliant scientist since Einstein.

4. __
At present Professor Hawking gets around in a wheelchair. He can only move his eyes and two fingers
on his left hand. After completely losing his voice and the ability to speak, he can communicate only
through a computer. He types words and the computer speaks for him. This makes Hawking sound like
he has an American accent.

5. _
Hawking was leading a group of theoretical physicists searching for a "theory of everything" - a theory
that explains the big cosmological questions like: How did the universe begin? Why is the universe the
way it is? and How will it end? This theory has influenced many other scientists. Some points of this
theory are so advanced that other scientists find it difficult to understand them completely.

6. _
Hawking’s life proves that the human mind has no limits. Even though most people don’t understand
his ideas, they admire him. Hawking became a millionaire. He also became world famous. He met the
Queen of England. Hawking's strength has helped him to live with his illness for over 30 years. Hawking
teaches us that a man can be physically disabled, but remain mentally active.

Task 4

• Read the text and the questions below. For each question, mark the letter next to the
correct answer: A, B, C or D. One example is given.
• Mark your answers on the answer sheet.

The first pictures I bought were two portraits of myself and my wife, Clare. They were done
when we were 21, and on holiday in the south of France in the village of Touterres-sur-
Loup. There was an old French artist there called Madame Batami who had a studio in the
same street as the apartment in which we were staying, and she wanted to do a drawing of
Clare, because she was very beautiful. But in the end, she did one of each of us. They are
really rather good, though perhaps Clare looks a bit older than she was then. I paid very
little for the portraits, the equivalent of about thirty dollars in today’s money, and we’ve still
got them in our house in Devon, as a reminder of our youth.

The other day I bought a tiny sculpture, about 20 centimetres high, by a less known artist.
I saw it in the gallery not far from my house and thought it would go well in the writing
studio that I recently built for myself at the bottom of the garden. The garden is a
wonderfully peaceful place. I call it the Tea House because it’s next to our Japanese garden
and Japan always reminds me of good tea. I wanted to create a very simple workplace for
myself, with simple lines and beautiful things around, and the sculpture somehow seemed to
fit. It’s simple and does not have any shape, but I feel a mother and a child there. I never
used to mind what things I had around me when I was writing, but the older I get the more
importance I give to them. Thus, as I get older, the portraits of myself and my wife, as well
as that tiny shapeless sculpture, become more and more precious to me.

0. The writer remembers that in his youth he bought

A. One picture.
B. Two pictures.
C. One sculpture.
D. An apartment.

1. The main thing the writer wants to tell the reader is that
A. he and his wife spent a holiday in the south of France.
B. he started to buy sculptures only recently.
C. the things which surround him are important to him.
D. he has an extraordinary garden.

2. What will the reader learn from the text?

A. The author has many pictures.
B. The author has a big family.
C. You should drink Japanese tea.
D. The author remembers a holiday in France.

3. The author keeps the portraits because
A. they remind him of the time when he was young.
B. they remind him of the time when he started his career.
C. they cost a lot of money nowadays.
D. his wife looks very beautiful on them.

4. Where does the author keep his and his wife’s portraits?
A. In a studio.
B. In his house.
C. In the Tea House.
D. He does not keep them at all.

5. The sculpture that the author bought has

A. no particular shape.
B. the shape of a mother and a child.
C. the shape of a woman.
D. the shape of a house.

6. The author calls his studio the Tea House because

A. he likes to drink tea there.
B. he keeps Japanese tea there.
C. it’s close to a Japanese garden.
D. he and his wife have tea parties there.

7. The author is
A. a sculptor.
B. a writer.
C. an artist.
D. a traveller.

8. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?
A. Touterres-sur-Loup: a nice place to go.
B. A party with Japanese tea.
C. A sculpture by a well-known artist.
D. Memories from early years.

Task 5

• Read the text and fill the gaps with the words given below. Use each word only once.
Two words are extra and there is one example given.
• Mark the corresponding letter (A-L) on the answer sheet.

admire (A) express (F) most (K)

country (B) freedom (G) moved (L)
answered (C) foreigners (H) popular (M)
anything (D) get (I) showed (N)
best (E) kindness (J) young (O)

What British teenagers love about UK

What do British teenagers really think about their B (0)? In a recent survey, teenagers . . . . . . (1)
the question ‘What do you love. . . . . . (2) about Britain?’ The survey . . . . . . (3) that 33 % of teenagers
love British music, although they all like different types of British music and . . . . . . (4) different music
stars. A lot of teenagers also love football. The most .. . . . . . (5) football team was Manchester United,
of course. The survey also showed that only fourteen percent of . . . . . . (6) people think that British
parents give their children a lot of . . . . . . (7). However, they say that they feel happy to live in a
democracy where they can . . . . . . (8) their opinions.
Although many . . . . . . (9) think that British food is awful, British teenagers are very fond of it. Ten
percent of teenagers thought that their food was the . . . . . . (10) thing about their country. Some other
things that British teenagers love about Britain are Tower Bridge, . . . . . . (11) of most people to
animals, and the BBC. And some teenagers said they didn’t love . . . . . . (12) at all!

Task 6

• Read the first sentence. Then complete the second so that it means the same as the first.
Mark the correct answer: A, B or C. One example is given.
• Mark your answers on the answer sheet.
0. Switzerland has good chocolate factories.
There . . .B. . . good chocolate factories in Switzerland.
A. have been B. are C. had been
1. Our car is being repaired now.
They . . . . . our car now.
A. repair B. are repaired C. are repairing
2. We will buy more books next week.
More books . . . . . . next week.
A. will be bought B. will buy C. buy
3. I last saw George two months ago.
I . . . . . .. George for two months.
A. didn’t see B. don’t see C. haven’t seen
4. Criminals steal dozens of paintings from the galleries every year.
Dozens of paintings . . . . . from the galleries every year.
A. are stolen B. are being stolen C. steal
5. Shakespeare’s sonnets were translated into Georgian by Tabukashvili.
Tabukashvili . . . . . Shakespeare’s sonnets into Georgian.
A. are translated B. translated C. were translated
6. Ronald can’t find his sun-glasses. He thinks he has lost them.
Ronald can’t find his sun-glasses. He thinks they . . . . . . .
A. have been lost B. were lost C. lost
7. By the end of last week we had sent all the invitations.
By the end of last week all the invitations . . . . . ..
A. are sent B. had been sent C. have been sent
8. For me basketball is not as interesting as football.
For me football is . . . . . . than basketball.
A. more interesting B. less interesting C. so interesting
9. “Our school has bought ten computers,” Nino said to me.
Nino told me that their school . . . . . .. ten computers.
A. has been bought B. had bought C. have bought
10. I asked Dato when he would travel to the USA.
I asked Dato: “When. . ... .. to the USA?”
A. you would travel B. will you be travelling C. will you travel
11. “Don’t be so nervous!” Alec said to me.
Alec told me . . . . . so nervous.
A. not to be B. not be C. don’t be
12. “Can you understand this song?” Lela asked me.
Lela asked me if. . . . . . that song.
A. I should understand B. she can understand C. I could understand

Task 7

• Read the text and put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
• Write the answers on the answer sheet. On the answer sheet do not copy the words from
the text.

Hello Mike,

There is something I’d like to tell you. I am sure you’ll be interested! I have just finished
reading an interesting book called How to be Animal Friendly. I liked it very much and
I (1) ……………………… (write) this letter to recommend it to you. I remember that we both like the
same kinds of books. This (2) ……………………… (be) a book for young people interested in animals.
This is the best book on animals I (3) …………..………….. (read) so far.
It (4) ……………………… (write) in such a way that it helps you to see things from the animals’
viewpoint. It (5) ……………………… (tell) you many facts about the animals themselves as well as
about what cruel people do to them.
I (6) ……………………… (be) amazed to read how a bear saved a five-year-old girl who got lost in the
woods. I (7) ……………………… (not/know) bears could be so kind. Now I know that they are! If I
were an author, I (8) ……………………… (write) about protecting animals’ rights.

Please write back.


Task 8

• Choose one of the two topics given below. Write between 120 and 150 words.

A. Some people think that children can get good education at home without going to school. Do
you agree or disagree with this opinion? State your opinion and support it with reasons and

B. Some people think that money is the main thing which makes a person happy. Do you agree or
disagree with this opinion? State your opinion and support it with reasons and examples.

saboloo varianti gadaitaneT pasuxebis furcelze.


English Version 1

Task 1: 1.G 2.F 3.C 4.D 5.E 6.A 7.G 8.H 9.B 10.A 11.E 12.F

Task 2: 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.T 5.F 6.T 7.F 8.F 9.T 10.F 11.T 12.T

Task 3 1.H 2.G 3.A 4.E 5.D 6.I

Task 4: 1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.D

Task 5: 1.C 2.K 3.N 4.A 5.M 6.O 7.G 8.F 9.H 10.E 11.J 12.D

Task 6: 1.C 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.C 11.A 12.C

Task 7:
1.am writing
3. have read
4.is written/has been written
5.tells/will tell
7.did not/didn’t know
8.would write
Sefasebis sqema me-8 davalebisaTvis

qula rogor pasuxobs naweri mocemul rogor aris daculi gramatikul – qula
davalebas; aris Tu ara azri leqsikuri sizuste. aseve sizuste
gadmocemuli Tanmimdevrulad. marTlwerasa da punqtuaciaSi.
(Fluency) A (Accuracy)

8-7 - naweri Zalian kargia. igi - gramatikuli Secdomebis 8-7

srulyofilad pasuxobs davalebas. raodenoba 4-s ar aRemateba.
- azri mkafiod da gasagebad aris gamoyenebulia rTuli winadadebebi
gadmocemuli. gamyarebulia da konstruqciebi.
piradi mosazrebebiT. - leqsika mdidaria.
- erTi winadadebidan meoreze - marTlwerasa da punqtuaciaSi
gadasvla logikuria. daSvebuli Secdomebi umniSvneloa.

6-5 -Nnaweri kargia, pasuxobs - daSvebulia 5-7 gramatikuli 6-5

davalebas, Tumca zog SemTxvevaSi Secdoma, araswori sintaqsuri
zedmeti an, piriqiT, arasakmarisi struqturebis CaTvliT, magram es
informaciaa mocemuli. xels ar uSlis ZiriTadi azris
- azri ZiriTadad kargad aris gagebas.
gadmocemuli. Cans piradi - leqsika davalebisa da moTxovnis
mosazreba da/an moyvanilia Sesatyvisia.
magaliTi. - marTlwerasa da punqtuaciaSi
- erTi winadadebidan meoreze daSvebuli Secdomebi ZiriTadad
gadasvla ZiriTadad logikuria, xels ar UuSlis azris gagebas.
Tumca zog SemTxvevaSi mkiTxvels
yuradRebis daZabva uxdeba.
4-3 - naweri saSualo donisaa. - daSvebulia 8-10 gramatikuli 4-3
informacia zogadi da Secdoma. gamoyenebulia metismetad
arasakmarisia; davalebaze martivi an araswori sintaqsuri
arasrulfasovani pasuxia struqturebi.
gacemuli. - leqsika sakmaod martivi da
- winadadebebi erTmaneTs SezRudulia.
logikurad cudad ukavSirdeba. - marTlwerasa da punqtuaciaSi
azris miyola Wirs. piradi daSvebul Secdomebs sistemuri
mosazreba mkafiod ar Cans. xasiaTi aqvs, rac xels UuSlis
an: naweri moklea, Sesabamisad azris gagebas.
Secdomebis raodenoba – naklebi.
2-1 - naweri (Zalian) sustia. - daSvebulia 10-ze meti 2-1
informacia zogadi da mwiria. gramatikuli Secdoma. winadadebebi
azris gageba, umetes SemTxvevaSi, struqturulad gaumarTavia.
SeuZlebelia. - leqsika Zalze martivi da
an: dawerilia ramdenime - mJRavndeba marTlwerisa da
winadadeba. punqtuaciis wesebis susti codna.
0 furceli carielia an dawerilia mxolod erTi winadadeba an 0
naweri ar pasuxobs davalebis Temas.

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