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Task 1:
1. A 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. C
Task 2:
1. F
2. F
3. T
4. T
5. F
Task 3:
1. On the walls
2. On the floor
3. (distinctive) design
4. Multi-colored patterns
5. Motives of animals
6. Tribal patterns
7. (only) local materials
8. Green, brown, yellow
9. His courtiers
10. Golden thread
Tape scripts:
Task 1:
July 11
I left on my trip today. Having been overseas before, I felt somewhat at ease with the idea of traveling abroad,
particularly since I lived in Asia for a number of years. However, others on the trip with me felt some
apprehension about getting sick (something quite natural) and had received suggested immunizationsbefore
July 12
In the first city I visited, I traveled downtown by bus to have dinner and then went out to visit some of the local
sites. I was surprised at the number of people selling their goods in different marketplaces, and I quickly figured
out the custom of haggling over the price before you buy something. And even if you feel you're getting a good
deal, you might try walking away from the merchant, and there is the chance that the shop owner will call you
back and even lower the price more in an attempt to get you to purchase something.
July 14
No matter where I found myself today, I noticed a number of people who just stared at me as I walked by, like I
was an alien from another planet. Although it felt somewhat disquieting at first (particularly in the swimming pool
locker room), I realized that my presence was perhaps an oddity with so few foreigners in that area. In fact, the
people were just curious, and I was even able to strike up a few conversations with some of the locals, giving them
opportunities to practice their English. In the end, I came to the conclusion that such situations gave me a chance
to be an informal ambassador for my country.
July 16
Everyday brings new discoveries, and I'm learning how to navigate the road system. I found that crossing the road
isn't as easy at it seems. Bicycles, buses, people, and taxis fill the streets, dodging each other with constant narrow
misses, yet in many instances, the flow remains constant. And, in spite of the seemingly chaotic conditions, people
go about their business as if, well . . ., everything were so routine and blase. I, on the other hand, tried to dart in
and out of traffic to cross streets, weaving back and forth, to get to the other side. It was a little scary at first, but I
quickly got the knack of it.
July 23
I am preparing to return back home tomorrow, and one thing I have discovered . . . something more important than
all of my other experiences . . . has been that there are often more similarities than differences between cultures.
Regardless of language and culture, all people have a desire for friendship that bridges any cultural boundaries.
The people I have met have been wonderful hosts and friends, and I will treasure every moment of the trip.
Task 2:
Turkish coastguards have recovered the bodies of 12 refugees in their coastal waters after the group took to a
wooden boat to try and make it to the nearby Greek island of Lesbos from the holiday resort of Ayvalik. Another
25 people were rescued.
In a separate incident four children and a woman died when their rubber craft capsized off the Greek island of
Kalymnos, although Greek coastguards were able to save 13 other people. Three people including one child
remain missing.
On dry land a tip-off led Turkish border guards to a three-truck convoy heading for the coast with 350 mostly
Syrian refugees, many of them women and children, on board. They said they had paid 2000 euros each to make
the journey. Two of the drivers were detained, while the third one escaped.
In another incident 92 refugees were recovered by Turkish gendarmes from a bus during a security check.
Task 3: Bukhara’s rich handicraft heritage
Fascinating gold embroidery, colourful pottery and handmade carpets. In the old caravan city of Bukhara
merchants still sell their goods today under the ancient trading domes. In this edition of “Uzbekistan Life” we’ll
discover the gems of the centuries old handicrafts.”
It’s busy at the master’s home: Umida Mukhamadiyeva and her colleagues are discussing their latest handmade
carpets, weaving techniques and colours.
It’s a centuries old tradition that the women of the neighbourhood gather in the biggest house of the area to work
together. They take great pride in the art of carpet weaving; an craft deeply rooted in the city’s history.
“These kind of carpets are part of our culture. If you enter the home of a Uzbek family you will see these carpets
on the walls. We also have them on the floor,” explained Mukhamadiyeva.
Bukhara’s carpets are famous worldwide for their distinctive design and multi-coloured patterns. These colours
come from natural dyes: the red from pomegranates, the yellow from onions or the brown from walnut peel.
“All the fibers we use are natural. We have a unique method of weaving and a design that makes our carpets
different. We’re using a lot of motives of animals, tribal patterns and flowers,” she added.
The precious masterpieces are produced from silk, cotton or wool of a baby camel’s neck and it takes at least three
months to complete a small rug.
At almost every corner of the bustling centre the artisans sell these carpets. The city is famous for its bazaars,
caravanserais and trading domes.
Historian Ikhtiyor Kenjaev said: “Bukhara was located in one of the important locations in the centre of the Great
Silk Road and from ancient times on the caravans and the big traders were passing through the city. Many kinds of
different handicraft are still kept alive for example the ceramic works.”
One of the most famous craftsman of this region is Abdullo Narzullaev: “Ceramics are our family business, my
father, my grandfather, my great-grandfather they were all ceramist. I’m in the sixth generation.”
The ceramic master of a pottery dynasty still uses the old techniques and only local materials, like the clay.
Pottery is highly popular in Uzbekistan and among the oldest crafts in the country.
“There are several centres of ceramics in Uzbekistan and each centre has its own style like different colours,
different motives and different shapes. And the colours of the Bukhara area are green, brown and yellow,” said
It takes no less than 24 steps to fabricate such wood-fired glazed earthenware pottery from start to finish. More
than 60 different shapes and about 100 motives are used in the region of Bukhara.
But the city is also famous for another precious handicraft: gold embroidery. In ancient times the handicraft was
reserved only for emirs and his courtiers.
Today dresses, caftans, shoes and even theatre curtains are decorated with the precious golden thread. Dilnoza
Tosheva, 30, began learning the challenging needlework from an early age.
“I was taught this handicraft since I was little. That’s why it fascinates me, especially the shining of the gold. It
inspires my soul,” said Tosheva.
In the next edition of “Uzbekistan Life” we’ll explore the more than 2,500 old city Termez, which boasts a unique
archaeological treasure trove.


Part I. Choose the correct answer for each gap in the following sentences (20 points).

1B 2A 3C 4A 5D 6A 7D 8C 9B 10B

1. In the ________ of security, personnel must wear their identity badges at all time.

A. requirement B. interests C. demands D. assistance

Cụm thành ngữ: in the interest of = in order to help or achieve something: để đạt được/ vì lý do/ để hỗ trợ

Câu này dịch như sau: Vì lý do an ninh, các nhân sự phải đeo băng xác nhận mọi lúc.

2. The strike was________ owing to a last minute agreement with the management.

A. called off B. broken up C. set back D. put down

call off (ngừng, huỷ bỏ) là hợp nghĩa nhất

Những từ còn lại: put down (dập tắt – sử dụ ng bạo lực). broken up (bẻ gãy, đổ vỡ). set back (thất bại).

3. Lindsay’s excuses for being late are beginning to________ rather thin.

A. get B. turn C. wear D. go

Wear thin = làm cho ai bực mình vì lặp đi lặp lại nhiều lần
4. ________, the people who come to this club are in their twenties and thirties.

A. By and large B. Altogether C. To a degree D. Virtually

By and large = nhìn chung.

Altogether = hoàn toàn, đầy đủ.

To a degree = ở một mức độ nào đó.

Virtually = hầu như

5. My cousin was nervous about being interviewed on television but she rose to the________ wonderfully.

A. event B. performance C. incident D. occasion

to rise to the occasion: tỏ ra có khả năng đối phó với tình hình

6. The train service has been a ________ since they introduced the new schedules.

A. shambles B. rumpus C. chaos D. fracas

A. shambles (n): cảnh hỗn loạn, nhốn nháo (nhiều sự hỗn loạn)

B. rumpus (n): sự náo động, huyên náo (do cãi lộn)

C. chaos (n): sự lộn xộn (hoàn toàn hỗn loạn và thiếu trật tự)

D. fracas (n): cuộc cãi lộn, ẩu đả ầm ĩ

*Sự khác nhau giữa "shambles" và "chaos" là: "shambles" là danh từ đếm được, dù mang nghĩa như nhau (sự lộn
xộn, thiếu trật tự, quy củ) nhưng nó là danh từ có thể đi được với mạo từ "a"; trong khi đó, "chaos" cũng mang
nghĩa tương tự nhưng nó là danh từ không đếm được. Do đó, cần lưu ý. In a shambles = in chaos Dịch nghĩa: Xuất
hiện tình trạng hỗn loạn ở nhà ga kể từ khi thay đổi giờ tàu chạy

7. Is an inexperienced civil servant ________ to the task of running the company?

A. capable B. skilled C. eligible D. suited

To be suited to, for sth =Thích hợp với vật gì

Be capable of = có khả năng

be skilled at/in doing sth= having the abilities needed to do an activity or job well

eligible for sth = having the necessary qualities or satisfying the necessary conditions

8. John’s got very ________ feelings about taking on more responsibility at the moment.
A. puzzled B. jumbled C. mixed D. muddled

mixed feelings -> If you have mixed feelings about something, you feel both pleased and not pleased about it at
the same time

9. You’ve lived in the city for most of your life, so ________ you’re used to the noise.

A. apparently B. presumably C. allegedly D. predictably

Apparently = hình như ( không chắc là đúng) presumably= có thể cho là

Allegedly= bị cáo buộc rằng predictably=có thể đoán được là

10. The storm ripped our tent to________ last night.

A. slices B. shreds C. strips D. specks

Slices = miếng lát shreds= mảnh vụn

strips= đường băng specks= hạt bụi

Part II. Complete the sentences with the correct form of words (10 points).

1. microwave =>microwave radio emissions= bức xạ vô tuyến

2. (over) exposure -> exposure to = tiếp xúc với cái gì

3. inconclusive = không đi đến kết quả -> dấu hiệu be + adj

4. certainty = sự chắc chắn, sự tin chắc

5. categorically= in a way that is without any doubt or possibility of being changed

6. associated -> be associated with something =If problems or dangers are associated with a particular thing
or action, they are caused by it => Rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ

7. prolonged = kéo dài -> adj + N

8. various= nhiều , đa dạng

9. contradictory= mâu thuẫn, trái ngược-> be + adj

10. long-term= dài hạn

Part III. There are ten errors in the following passage. Underline them in the text and correct them in the
numbered box (10 points)

1. on à down 2. giving à given

3.personalities àpersonality 4. most of à most

5. The others à Others 6. in à to

7. anywhere à somewhere 8. However à whatever

9. total àfull 10. for à about


Part I. Choose the best answer for each gap in the following passage (10 points).

1C 2B 3D 4A 5C 6B 7A 8D 9B 10C

In the early morning of 23 January, 2009, the most powerful storm for a decade hit western France. With wind
speeds in (1) ________ of 120 miles per hour, it flattened forests, (2) ________ down power lines and caused
massive destruction to buildings and roads. But it also left behind an extraordinary creation. Seven miles out to sea
at the (3) ________ where the Atlantic Ocean meets the estuary of the River Gironde, a small island had (4)
_________ out of water. Locals soon gave it the name The Mysterious Isle. What was so remarkable, (5)
________ its sudden apparition, was the fact that the island (6) _________ intact in what is often quite a hostile
sea environment. It could well become a permanent feature.

Scientists (7) ________ realised that the island's appearance (8) ________ a unique opportunity to study the
creation and development of a new ecosystem. Within months, it had been colonised by seabirds, insects and
vegetation. Unfortunately, however, they were not alone in (9) ________ the island attractive. It became
increasingly difficult to (10) ________ the site from human visitors. In its first year, day trippers came in powered
dinghies, a parachute club used it as a landing strip, a rave party was even held there one night.

1. A. surplus B. advance C. excess D. put

a surplus of sth = an amount that is more than is needed

in advance = trước
in excess of =more than =hơn

2. A. fetched B. brought C. carried D. sent

Bring down = to make someone or something move or fall to the ground

3. A. scene B. mark C. stage D. point

Scene= sân khấu, cảnh vật mark = dấu, điểm

Stage = sân khấu point = điểm -> at the point = tại điểm , tại nơi

-> Dấu hiệu “ Seven miles out to sea at the point where the Atlantic Ocean meets the estuary of the River
Gironde= Bảy dặm ra biển tại điểm mà Đại Tây Dương gặp cửa sông Gironde”

4. A. risen B. growth C. lifted D. surfaced

Rise out of water = nhô lên khỏi mặt nước

Growth = sự phát triển lift = nâng lên surface = nổi lên

5. A. in spite of B. instead of C. apart from D. on account of

in spite of = mặc dù instead of= thay vì apart from= ngoài, ngoại trừ

on account of = bởi vì

6. A. prolonged B. remained C. resided D. preserved

Remain intact = giữ nguyên, không bị tác động

Prolong = kéo dài reside = cư trú preserve = bảo tồn, bảo vệ

7 A. quickly B. briskly C. hastily D. speedily

Quickmly = nhanh chóng

Briskly = in an active, quick, or energetic way.

Hastily = gấp gáp, lật đật speedily = quickly or promptly= mau lẹ

8. A. delivered B. awarded C. proposed D. offered

Offer an opportunity = cung cấp cơ hội

Deliver = chuyển giao award = trao tặng propose = đề xuất

9. A. regarding B. finding C. seeking D. deciding

Regard = chú ý, để ý decide – quyết định

Seek = attempt to find (something). Find = to discover where something is

10. A. prevent B. preserve C. protect D. prohibit

Prevent sb from doing sth = ngăn cản ai đó không làm gì

Preserve = maintain (something) in its original or existing state.

Protect = keep safe from harm or injury. Prohibit = cấm

Part II. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the following questions (10 points)

1A 2C 3C 4C 5A 6A 7B 8D 9C 10A

Deaf people should enjoy a play as much as the hearing audience. This is the thinking behind the Americans
with Disabilities Act, which requires that theatres become accessible to deaf people. Theatre producers, on the
other hand, are beginning to realise that such a feature makes their product attractive to a wider audience – with
considerable financial rewards.

Interpreted theatre usually takes place at two or three performances in a theatre season. Preference for tickets is
given to the deaf and their guests, but tickets are also sold to hearing people who are interested in seeing theatre
interpreters at work.

It is a colossal project for the interpreters. Ian Cox works for SeeTheatre, a Chicago-based association of
interpreters. He says, ‘for about a month we work with the support of a Sign Language consultant to translate and
rehearse an entire play. The workload is immense. Consider that each actor in the play has about four weeks to
rehearse his or her lines, we have to learn the whole play in as much time. And, when interpreting musicals, where
timing, rhythm and harmonies must be practised, the workload doubles.’

The most important technical aspect of theatre interpretation for the deaf is the location of the interpreter.
Placement strategies can be categorised into three styles: ‘placed’, where interpreters are located outside the acting
space and do not move; ‘zoned’, where interpreters are within the acting space, but usually move only during a
change of scene or act; and, finally, ‘shadowed’, where interpreters move freely within the acting space,
shadowing the movement of the actors for whom they are interpreting.

The ‘placed’ style of interpreting in the theatre is by far the most common. The interpreters are side-by-side and
face the audience (although some interpreters interact with each other as appropriate). The location of the
interpreter is generally in one of three places: stage right or stage left, or on the floor of the house.

The ‘zoned’ style of interpreter placement is a happy medium between the ‘placed’ and ‘shadowed’ styles.
Here, interpreters are placed side-by-side within the acting space. Usually, they change position on stage from
scene to scene - or from act to act - in order to be within the same ‘zone’ as the majority of the action. Zone
placement makes it easier for the deaf patron to see the interpreters and actors at the same time.

The ‘shadowed’ style of interpreting is the most inclusive style of interpreting for the theatre. It involves
placing the interpreters directly within the action - nearly making them ‘sign language actors’. The interpreters are
‘blocked’ into each scene, and literally shadow the actors. The advantage of this is clear: the interpreter is in such
close proximity to the actor that the deaf patron need not make a decision about whom to watch - he or she can
watch both at the same time. In the best of cases, the deaf patron mentally blends the interpreter with the actor, and
forgets that the actor does not sign.

Theatre interpreters for the deaf are dedicated professionals who take great pride in their work. ‘Theatre,’ says
Ian, ‘is the art of communicating beautiful ideas in interesting ways. Interpreted theatre, therefore, is an art in
itself. Thankfully, instead of seeing us as ‘additions’, producers nowadays think of interpreters for the deaf as a
new avenue to creativity.’

Question 1: Theatre interpreters have become commonplace because _______.

A. a new law made their presence compulsory

B. theatres wanted to become more accessible

C. deaf people were avoiding the theatre

D. producers wanted a way to attract audiences

Clue: This is the thinking behind the Americans with Disabilities Act, which requires that theatres become
accessible to deaf people= Đây là suy nghĩ đằng sau Đạo luật Người Mỹ Khuyết tật, yêu cầu người khiếm thính có
thể tiếp cận các rạp chiếu phim.

Question 2: Why do hearing people go to see interpreted performances?

A. They give a better understanding of the play.

B. They are even better than standard performances.

C. They offer a chance to admire the work of interpreters.

D. They are the most popular performances of the season.

Clue: but tickets are also sold to hearing people who are interested in seeing theatre interpreters at work.=
nhưng vé cũng được bán cho những người nghe có hứng thú trong việc xem phiên dịch viên nhà hát tại nơi làm

Question 3: The workload of theatre interpreters is so great because they have to _______.

A. go to many of the rehearsals B. interpret in front of a consultant

C. learn the lines of all the actors D. work in all parts of the production

Clue: Consider that each actor in the play has about four weeks to rehearse his or her lines, we have to learn the
whole play in as much time.= Hãy xem xét rằng mỗi diễn viên trong vở kịch có khoảng bốn tuần để diễn tập lời
thoại của mình, chúng ta phải học toàn bộ vở kịch trong khoảng thời gian đó

Question 4: The word ‘patron’ in paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to _______.

A. producerB. sponsor C. playgoer D. playwright

Patron = playgoer = người đến rạp hát thường xuyên

Question 5: In which style(s) of interpreting do the interpreters change their position?

A. the ‘zoned’ and the ‘shadowed’ styles B. the ‘zoned’ style

C. the ‘placed’ and the ’shadowed’ styles D. the ‘shadowed’ style

Clue: ‘zoned’, where interpreters are within the acting space, but usually move only during a change of scene or
act; and, finally, ‘shadowed’, where interpreters move freely within the acting space, shadowing the movement of
the actors for whom they are interpreting.= 'khoanh vùng', nơi phiên dịch viên ở trong không gian diễn xuất, nhưng
thường chỉ di chuyển khi thay đổi cảnh hoặc hành động; và cuối cùng là 'shadowed', trong đó các phiên dịch viên
di chuyển tự do trong không gian diễn xuất, che khuất chuyển động của các diễn viên mà họ đang phiên dịch cho.

Question 6: Why does the writer refer to the ‘zoned’ style as 'a happy medium’?

A. It combines elements from the two other styles.

B. It is mostly used in light-hearted plays.

C. It allows the interpreters to mix with the actors.

D. It makes the interpreter's job easier.

Clue: The ‘zoned’ style of interpreter placement is a happy medium between the ‘placed’ and ‘shadowed’

Question 7: The word 'this' in paragraph 7 refers to _______.

A. the advantages of the ‘shadowed’ style B. the position of the interpreters

C. the action in a performance D. the placement of the actors

“this” ở đây đề cập đến vị trí của thông dịch viên

Question 8: What does Ian say about theatre producers in the last paragraph?

A. They don't respect interpreters.

B. They think interpreters are expensive.

C. They see interpreters as a necessary evil.

D. They appreciate the work of interpreters.

Clue: ‘Theatre,’ says Ian, ‘is the art of communicating beautiful ideas in interesting ways. Interpreted theatre,
therefore, is an art in itself. Thankfully, instead of seeing us as ‘additions’, producers nowadays think of
interpreters for the deaf as a new avenue to creativity.’= Nhà hát là nghệ thuật truyền đạt những ý tưởng đẹp đẽ
theo những cách thú vị. Do đó, sân khấu diễn giải là một nghệ thuật. Rất may, thay vì coi chúng tôi là 'sự bổ sung',
các nhà sản xuất ngày nay coi phiên dịch viên cho người khiếm thính như một con đường mới cho sự sáng tạo.'=>
thể hiện sự đánh giá cao của Ian về các nhà sản xuất rạp hát

Question 9: What is the writer's purpose in the passage?

A. To show the variety in modern theatre.B. To advertise interpreted theatre.

C. To inspire interest in the topic. D. To criticise the attitude of theatre directors.

=>Mục đích của người viết trong đoạn văn =>Để khơi dậy hứng thú với chủ đề

Question 10: The word ‘shadowing’ in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to _______.

A. following B. changing C. directing D. controlling

Shadowing = to following closely

Part 3: For questions 1- 13, read the following passage and answer the following questions (1.3 points)

1.v 2.viii 3.ii 4.vii 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. C 9. FALSE 10. TRUE


A. The word skyscraper was originally a nautical term for a tall mast or sail on a sailing ship. Today the word is
used exclusively to refer to a tall habitable building, usually higher than 150 meters (500 feet). = Từ tòa nhà chọc
trời ban đầu là một thuật ngữ hàng hải cho một cột buồm cao hoặc buồm trên một con tàu buồm. Ngày nay, từ này
được dùng riêng để chỉ tòa nhà cao có thể ở được, thường cao hơn 150 mét (500 feet). Most skyscrapers serve as
office buildings or hotels. The term “high-rise” is also used to describe tall buildings, but it tends to be applied
specifically to residential buildings. Modern building of great height, constructed on a steel skeleton originated in
the United States.

=> v.Words for tall buildings

B. Until the 19th century, buildings of over six stories were rare. It was impractical to have people walk up so many
flights of stairs, and water pressure could only provide running water to about 50 feet (15m). Many mechanical
and structural developments in the last quarter of the 19 th century, contributed to the evolution of building. With
the perfection of the high speed elevator after 1887, skyscrapers were able to attain any desired height. The earliest
tall buildings were of solid masonry construction, with the thick walls of the lower stories usurping a
disproportionate amount of floor space. In order to permit thinner walls through the entire height of the building,
architects began to use cast iron in conjunction with masonry. This was followed by cage construction, in which
the iron frame supported the floors and the masonry walls bore their own weight.= Để cho phép những bức tường
mỏng hơn trên toàn bộ chiều cao của tòa nhà, các kiến trúc sư bắt đầu sử dụng gang kết hợp với gạch xây. Tiếp
theo là xây dựng lồng, trong đó khung sắt đỡ sàn nhà và các bức tường xây chịu trọng lượng của chính chúng.

=> viii.From stone to iron

C. The next step was the invention of a system in which the metal framework would support not only the floors
but also the walls. This innovation appeared in the Home Insurance Building in Chicago, designed in 1883 by
William Le Baron Jenney – the first building to employ steel skeleton construction and embody the general
characteristics of a modern skyscraper= Bước tiếp theo là phát minh ra một hệ thống trong đó khung kim loại sẽ
hỗ trợ không chỉ sàn nhà mà cả các bức tường. Sự đổi mới này xuất hiện trong Tòa nhà Bảo hiểm Gia đình ở
Chicago, được thiết kế vào năm 1883 bởi William Le Baron Jenney – tòa nhà đầu tiên sử dụng kết cấu khung thép
và thể hiện các đặc điểm chung của một tòa nhà chọc trời hiện đại.. The subsequent erection in Chicago of a
number of similar buildings made it the centre of the early skyscraper architecture. In the 1890s the steel frame
was formed into a complete riveted skeleton bearing all the structural loads, with the exterior or thin curtain walls
serving merely as an enclosing screen.

=> ii.A period of innovation

D. Heating and air conditioning played an important role in the structure of skyscrapers. They are the key units
that control the inside atmosphere of all skyscrapers. = Hệ thống sưởi và điều hòa không khí đóng một vai trò quan
trọng trong cấu trúc của các tòa nhà chọc trời.In the early days, the heat sources in the building came from
fireplaces and stoves. Later on heat in the building is supplied by the hot water boiler. The boiler heats up the
water and sends it out to the radiators through a system of pipes. This was later replaced by central heating furnace
with ventilation ducts that channel heat to various areas of the building. Air condition originated from
refrigeration. The process of refrigeration is to draw heat away from substances to lower their temperature. Today,
the skyscrapers use the central heating system with ventilation ducts that can be shared with the heating and air
conditioning system. Engineers are working on new ways to make heating and air conditioning more efficient and
environmental friendly.

=> vii.Hot and cold

E. In 1892 the New York Building Law made its first provisions for skeleton constructions. There followed a
period of experimentation to devise efficient floor plans and aesthetically satisfying forms. In 1916, New York
City adopted the Building Zone Resolution, establishing legal control over the height and plan of buildings and
over the factors relating to health, fire hazard, and assurance of adequate light and air to buildings and streets.
Regulations regarding the setting back of exterior walls above a determined height, largely intended to allow light
to reach the streets, gave rise to buildings whose stepped profiles characterize the American skyscraper of
subsequent years.

F. With the complex structural and planning problems solved, architects still seek solutions to the difficulties of
integrating skyscrapers with community requirements of hygiene, transportation and commercial interest. In New
York during the 1950s, public plazas were incorporated into the designs of the Lever House by Gordon Bunshaft
and Seagram Building of Mies van der Robe. These International style buildings are also examples of the effective
use of vast expanses of glass in skyscrapers. More recently, numerous skyscrapers have been constructed in a
number of postmodern modes.

G. The cost of building a skyscraper is in hundred million dollar in the current market. The skyscraper is well
known for its great height and the social status comes with it and has always associated with wealth and power.
To the general public, big is good; in terms of building, the taller the better. In general, large company or firm
would host its head office in these skyscrapers. For example, Chrysler had its head office in the Chrysler Building,
owned by Chrysler which is one of the big three automakers. The Sears Tower, the head office for Sears and
owned by Sears. It was known for being the world’s tallest skyscraper in Chicago. Tenants expect clients to know
where they are located when they tell them the Sears Tower as their location. These skyscrapers are owned by the
wealthy individuals whom are in the upper level of financial social status. There is a sense of prestige for having
offices or shops in these skyscrapers.

H. Modern skyscrapers are being redefined by the use of advance technologies. Thanks to the advancement in
technology, skyscrapers are able to reach new height easily. It changes the way architects design the structure of
these buildings. The new function of the skyscraper is to provide great views, house antennas for communications,
telebroadcasting and for entertainment purpose. The use of computer climate control system made the building a
more comfortable environment for everyone. The great height of the skyscraper like the Sears Tower, it associates
itself with the prestige of being the tallest of all. With the rapid advancement of technology and the influence of
fame and wealth, sky will be the only limit for the next generation of skyscrapers.

Match the following innovations with A,B,C and D

Mid-20th century B. late 1880s C. 1890s D. early 1880s

The high-speed elevator: 5________

Public square : 6________
Steel framework: 7________
Riveted skeleton: 8________
5. B -> Clue: With the perfection of the high speed elevator after 1887, skyscrapers were able to
attain any desired height
6. A -> Clue: In New York during the 1950s, public plazas were incorporated into the designs of
the Lever House by Gordon Bunshaft and Seagram Building of Mies van der Robe.
7. D -> Clue: The next step was the invention of a system in which the metal framework would
support not only the floors but also the walls. This innovation appeared in the Home Insurance
Building in Chicago, designed in 1883 by William Le Baron Jenney – the first building to employ
steel skeleton construction and embody the general characteristics of a modern skyscraper
8. C => Clue: In the 1890s the steel frame was formed into a complete riveted skeleton bearing all
the structural loads, with the exterior or thin curtain walls serving merely as an enclosing screen.


9.A skyscraper is both a tall sailing mast and a tall habitable building.=> F
Clue: The word skyscraper was originally a nautical term for a tall mast or sail on a sailing ship. Today
the word is used exclusively to refer to a tall habitable building, usually higher than 150 meters (500 feet).=
Từ tòa nhà chọc trời ban đầu là một thuật ngữ hàng hải cho một cột buồm cao hoặc buồm trên một con tàu
buồm. Ngày nay, từ này được dùng riêng để chỉ tòa nhà cao có thể ở được, thường cao hơn 150 mét (500
10. A steel frame is able to support both floors and walls. => T
Clue: This was followed by cage construction, in which the iron frame supported the floors and the masonry walls
bore their own weight.

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