ProSync NF IJAnS Jan 2021

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Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 91 (1): 5–8, January 2021/Article

Effect of progesterone coated nano fibre dermal patch (ProSync-NF) on cattle

diagnosed with Anestrus and silent or unobserved estrus

Veterinary University Trainig and Research Centre, Tirupur

Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (TANUVAS), Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600 051 India

Received 14 April 2020; Accepted: 30 March 2021

Transdermal Progesterone therapy for the treatment of True and False anestrus was evaluated by using the
product ProSync-nano fibre (NF) dermal patch. Eighteen (N = 18) randomly selected animals from different dairy
farms during the farm visit by this centre were used for the study. The animals which were reported to be not
exhibiting estrus signs even after prolonged postpartum period were designated into three groups. Group I (n = 7)
had no palpable ovarian structures treated with ProSync-NF alone, Group II (n = 9) had corpus luteum, treated with
ProSync-NF + PGF2 and Group III (n = 2) animals were diagnosed as having cyst were also treated with ProSync-
NF + PGF2. Group III animals which were diagnosed with cystic condition did not respond to ProSync-NF
therapy. Out of eighteen animals totally used in this study fifteen (83.3%) animals evinced estrus after the treatment
with ProSync-NF. Out of fifteen, nine (60%) and six (40%) animals showed estrus around 3 days (72 h) and 5
days (120 h) after dermal patch removal. Overall, out of the 18 animals treated with ‘ProSync–NF’ dermal patch,
ten cows (55.5%) conceived which indicates fertile estrus induction at the first service. Moreover, the clinical
problem like vaginitis would not occur when using dermal route Progesterone therapy. Hence it could be concluded
that ‘ProSync-NF’ dermal patch could be effectively used to induce estrus in anestrus cows.

Keywords: Anestrus, Cows, ProSync-NF dermal patch, Silent, Sub-estrus,

Transdermal Progesterone Therapy, Unobserved

In all the reproductive problems in dairy cattle, Anestrus devices (Werven et al. 2013) or through progesterone
is the most important clinical manifestation that ends up in impregnated sponges (Kalyaan et al. 2019) inserted into
the substantial losses to the farmers due to reduced calf the vagina for a prolonged period of time, usually for seven
crop with high treatment cost (Parkinson T J 2019). Anestrus days. In the present study, Progesterone, the active hormone
in cattle is generally described as failure of estrus due to was attempted to administer through transdermal route.
functional disturbances in the ovary, many at times ProSync-NF is a progesterone-based patch that contains
characterized by ovary without any of the palpable progesterone, an active hormone in a nano fibre membrane
structures (Ambrose D J 2015, Jena et al. 2016, Parkinson which releases the hormone for approximately 5 days that
T J 2019). In another scenario animal may be regularly mimic the supply of hormone in the blood circulation when
cycling but the owner fails to identify the estrus. affixed over depilated skin of the animal. In general,
Occasionally cyst in the ovary may have the symptom of progesterone-based therapy ensures the occurrence of estrus
Anestrus. A short period of exposure to high progesterone in animals through sudden withdrawal of the hormone from
during the postpartum period is important for expression the peripheral circulation by removing the Progesterone
of estrus and for the subsequent normal luteal function insert or device. In which, a practical question might arise
(Ambrose D J 2015). Treating anestrus cows with that whether sudden withdrawal of progesterone is possible
progesterone increased LH pulse frequency, estradiol immediately after the dermal patch removal at the end of
concentrations, and LH receptors in granulosa and theca the treatment. So, this study was performed to evaluate the
cells of the preovulatory follicle (Rhodes et al. 2003). For response after ProSync-NF therapy in Anestrus, Sub (or)
the treatment of Anestrus, progesterone based therapy could Silent estrus and unobserved estrus.
be used with variable results (Kim et al. 2004). Usually
progesterone therapy is administered through intravaginal MATERIALS AND METHODS
Present address: 1VUTRC, TANUVAS, Tirupur 641 604; Progesterone (approx 1.2 g) coated nano fibre
2VeterinaryUniversity Training and Research Centre, Erode. transdermal patch ProSync-NF (Fig. 1) was procured
Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected] (Quantity 18) from Translational Research Platform for
6 LAKSHMIKANTAN ET AL. [Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 91 (1)

Fig.2. Fixing the transdermal patch in the animal.

Fig. 1. ProSync-NF Progesterone Nano fibre transdermal
patch. (a) Product leaflet; (b) Progesterone nano fibre transdermal to be affixed for five days and then removed manually as
patch; (c) Glove to handle patch; (d) Plaster to fix the patch in mentioned in the product leaflet. Animals were inseminated
place; and (e) Product carton. with frozen semen on the observed estrus after removal of
nanofibre transdermal patch. All the animals were examined
Veterinary Biologicals (TRPVB), a National Accreditation after 60 day of post insemination for pregnancy diagnosis.
Board for testing and calibration Laboratory (NABL) In Group II animals which had corpus luteum and Group III
certified constituent laboratory of Tamil Nadu Veterinary which had cyst were affixed with the ProSync-NF patch
and Animal Sciences University (TANUVAS). This and allowed for five days. On the day of transdermal patch
progesterone therapy involves supply of Progesterone removal (Day 5), animals in Group II and III only received
through transdermal route through the nanofibre patch a shot of 500 µg of cloprostenol sodium (Inj. Pregma) for
affixed over the depilated skin (Fig. 2). All the 18 animals the purpose of luteolysis and rest of the procedures were
were randomly selected during the farm visits of our centre performed as described in Group I. During the study, blood
which were reportedly having the history of not showing samples were collected for the estimation of serum
any of the estrual signs for the past 3 months to one year and progesterone on the day of progesterone transdermal patch
at least calved once. All the animals were subjected for rectal application (Day 0), on the day of patch removal (Day 5)
examination to ascertain the reproductive status of the animal and on the day of observed estrum (Day AI) after patch
and grouped according to the absence of any palpable removal. Response for the ProSync-NF was presented in
structure like follicle of Corpus Luteum (Group I) and percentage and the progesterone levels in the form of Mean
presence (Group II) of Corpus Luteum (CL) and cyst (Group ± SE and analyzed by the student t test for any significance
III). Treatment protocols followed in this study is depicted between Group I and II.
in Fig. 3. Group I animals which were not having any
palpable structures on the ovary were affixed with the
ProSync NF dermal patch alone over the depilated skin In the 18 animals examined for the reproductive status
usually on the rump region (Fig. 2). This patch was allowed seven (38.8%) animals (Group I) had no functional, palpable

Treatment protocol for Group I, Group II and Group III

Group I AI at observed estrum
ProSync-NF or

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Group II and III AI at observed estrum

ProSync-NF or

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig.3. Treatment protocol followed in the study.


structures on the ovary indicating true anestrus nine (50%) skin. In the two animals in Group III, those were assumed as
animals (Group II) were found with corpus luteum on the follicular cyst and treated using ProSync-NF. But both the
ovary. These animals could be in any one of the following animals did not respond to the ProSync-NF treatment.
categories sub or silent or unobserved estrus (False Follicular cysts could be treated with intra vaginal
Anestrus). Remaining two (11.2%) animals were diagnosed Progesterone releasing inserts with the following hypothesis
with cyst. Animals which had cyst were subjected to that increased peripheral concentrations of progesterone
reproductive examination ten days later for confirmation. result in lowering pulsatile LH secretion and a restoration of
But out of seven animals in Group I, five (71.4%) and two the ability of the hypothalamo-pituitary axis to generate an
(28.6%) animals were observed in estrus at around 3 days LH surge to estradiol (Parkinson T J 2019). The animals in
and 5 days respectively after transdermal patch removal the Group III were finally diagnosed after Progesterone
and four (80%) animals were pregnant, in the animals, those estimation as luteal cyst, the level of Progesterone was
were evinced estrus around 3 days. These results are estimated to be 22.1 ng/dl and 14.8 ng/dl respectively. This
comparable with the results obtained by Werven et al. 2013, may be because that the cyst could be of luteinized follicular
who used intravaginal devices to induce estrus. No animal cyst. Further evaluation and therapy could be attempted by
was pregnant that evinced estrus around 5 days in group I. completely luteinizing the cyst; however, these procedures
In Group II, out of nine animal, five (55.5%) and four were not carried out because owners of the cows have sold
(44.5%) animals were observed in estrus at around 3 and 5 them, once the first attempt of the therapy got failed.
days; and out of these, four (80%) and two (50%) animals However, it is difficult to arrive at any conclusion on the
conceived respectively. The percentage of conception is low efficacy of ProSync-NF on follicular cyst, since only two
in the animals which were evinced estrus around 5 days animals were found having cyst in the study and both the
post transdermal patch removal. This could be attributed animals were having high progesterone content in the
due to hormonal imbalance that was unable to trigger the peripheral circulation.
production of Gonadotropins at the appropriate time Anestrus in dairy cows is the most important
(Parkinson T J 2019). reproductive disorder and contributes to substantial
The level of Progesterone in the circulation on the day of production loss in terms of number of offspring and number
transdermal patch application (Day 0), day of patch removal of lactations in the lifespan of the animal due to increased
(Day 5) and on the day of observed estrus (Day AI) after calving interval. Also, the treatment cost to overcome this
patch removal were tabled in Table 1. From the table it could condition is high. Progesterone based commercially
be clearly understood that the Group I animals categorized available products like Controlled Internal Drug Releasing
into True Anestrus, since no palpable structures like corpus Device (CIDR) and similar product TRIU-B and also
luteum could be identified and also the progesterone level is Progesterone impregnated intravaginal sponges were
at basal level. On the Day 5, i.e. on the day of dermal patch routinely used for the treatment of Anestrus and also for
removal in Group I, Progesterone level increased as Synchronization of estrus. In present scenario majority of
compared with the Day 0, which is comparable as described the progesterone therapy are usually performed through
by Syafnir et al. 2011 and Jena et al. 2016. Hence it could be intravaginal route. In such procedures problem of vaginitis
inferred that ProSync-NF dermal patch has the effect on were frequently reported (Walsh et al. 2008). However, in
increasing progesterone level after affixing it on the depilated the present study Progesterone is administered through
skin of the animals under treatment. Post treatment transdermal route to achieve induction of estrus in Anestrus,
Progesterone level on the day of observed estrus (Day AI) sub-estrus or silent estrus cattle. Because this procedure is
after patch removal was at the basal level in both Group I very simple and the use of transdermal route, complication
and II. So, it is understandable that progesterone supplied to like occurrence of vaginitis is nullified.
the peripheral circulation through transdermal patch was Overall, when we consider the treatment irrespective of
eliminated from the peripheral circulation soon after the the groups, fifteen (83.3%) out of eighteen animals
removal of patch. Thus, transdermal patch that contains (including the cows with ovarian inactivity) evinced estrus
progesterone in the nanofibre membrane could mimic the after the treatment with ProSync-NF dermal patch. This
action of intravaginal drug releasing devices which were percentage is comparable with the results obtained by Walsh
used for the same purpose when affixed over the depilated et al. 2007 and Chebbel et al. 2010 as the estrus induction
Table. 1. Serum progesterone concentration of ProSync-NF achieved was 84.3% and 85.3% respectively. Out of fifteen,
treated animals nine (60%) and six (40%) animals showed estrus at around
3 days (72 h) and 5 days (120 h) after dermal patch
Group Day 0 Day 5 Day AI removal, respectively. At pregnancy verification, it was
(Day of Patch (Day of Patch (Day of found that ten (66.6%) out of fifteen animals were pregnant.
application) removal) observed estrus) Overall, out of the eighteen animals treated with ‘ProSync-
NF’ dermal patch, ten cows (55.5%) conceived which is
Group I (n = 7) 1.05a±0.12 3.41a ±0.18 0.62NS±0.07
Group II(n = 9) 4.98b ± 0.39 5.47b ± 0.38 0.70NS±0.08 indicative of fertile estrus induction at the first service.
Hence, the technology like progesterone dermal patch
Different superscript differs significantly (P0.05). which is a farmer friendly simple device could be used to
8 LAKSHMIKANTAN ET AL. [Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 91 (1)

induce estrus in Anestrus cattle and may also be used for on Global perspectives to enhance livestock fertility through
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