Low Power Phase Locked Loop Frequency Synthesizer For 2.4 GHZ Band Zigbee
Low Power Phase Locked Loop Frequency Synthesizer For 2.4 GHZ Band Zigbee
Low Power Phase Locked Loop Frequency Synthesizer For 2.4 GHZ Band Zigbee
Abstract: Problem statement: Wireless communication systems are required for many applications.
There are different standards for these systems. IEEE 802.15.4 defines the communication system
standard for Zigbee. This study discussed designing one of the blocks of Zigbee transceiver which is
the Phase Locked Loop (PLL). A major target for any communication systems is saving battery power,
especially for Zigbee as it is meant to be a low cost communication system. Phase locked loop is
responsible on carrier frequency selection in a communication system. It is the most power consumer
block in the transceiver as well. The objective of this study was designing a low power fully integrated
integer-N PLL frequency synthesizer targeting the 2.4 GHz band IEEE 802.15.4 Std Zigbee.
Approach: Minimizing total power consumption of PLL was achieved by introducing a novel design
of Phase Frequency Detector (PFD) and modifying the rest of the PLL blocks. The proposed PFD used
only 12 transistors and it preserved the main characteristics of the conventional PFD with a simple
architecture. The Charge Pump (CP) was single-ended source switch to save power and minimize
mismatches. The Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) spans from 4.737-4.977 GHz band using LC
resonator. The VCO worked at double the frequency band to avoid local oscillator leakage and feed
through. The integer N divider used a 15/16 dual modulus. Results: The proposed PLL was designed
using Silterra 0.18 um CMOS process. It consumed 3.2 mW with 1.8 voltage supply. Phase noise is-
113.4 dBc Hz−1 at 1 MHz. The proposed PFD works up to 2.5 GHz with free dead zone. The Charge
Pump (CP) works with 20 uA, lock-in time is 27 us and total die area is 1×2 mm. All results were
taken from extracted layout simulations. Conclusion: The results of this study indicated that a PLL can
work with less power consumption and save the transceiver battery. The proposed PFD was suitable
for high speed applications.
Key words: Phase frequency detector, charge pump, voltage controlled oscillator and dual modulus
Psig = The power content of the carrier
PLO = The power content of the LO
Pint = The power content of the interferer
PN = The phase noise contribution of the LO
PBW = The power content of the LO signal across
the channel bandwidth
SNRmin = The required SNR at the input of the IF
section following down conversion for the
given demodulation scheme and tolerable bit Fig. 1: Fundamental PLL
error rate
control modulus signal is set to “low”, the prescaler the NAND output “A” is low which results in turning off
divides by N. The main counter continues down counting M2 and charging up node B through M3 to turn ON M1.
with input clock Fout/N until it reaches zero. After the M1 pulls down the node C causing the counter to divide
two counters are reset, the process begins again[9,10]. The by 3 and the total output would be divided by 15.
output frequency Fdiv can be expressed as a function of
When the Mode signal is low, the NAND output
the input frequency Fout as follows:
“A” is high and M2 is turned ON. This discharges
Fdiv = [S(N+1) + (P-S)N] Fout
node B causing M1 to turn OFF. With M1 is OFF no
pull-down for node C. Therefore, the DFF will operate
Considering a frequency synthesizer for the Zigbee normally and divide by 4 and the total output would
IEEE Std 802.15.4 standard, the values of P, S and N be divided by 16. The critical path is from Clk16 to
are calculated as follow: The frequency band has 16 node C through M3 and M1. This means the delay in
channels represented by 4 bits. The channel spacing is 5 critical path is rather small and the load from critical
MHz. the frequency band is 2400-2480 MHz then: path and high frequency node Clk16 is comparably
low. This structure results in high speed and minimum
• The prescaler dividing factor is 15/16 (N = 15)
power consumption for less number of FFs and logic
• The main counter P is 32
• The swallow counter has a value in between 0-15 gates.
Am. J. Engg. & Applied Sci., 2 (2): 337-343, 2009
Fig. 7: FE-PFD timing diagram simulated at 50 MHz (a): At 5nS delay, (b): At locking
Fig. 11: Lock-in process of third order PLL where FE-PFD is used as a phase frequency detector
Am. J. Engg. & Applied Sci., 2 (2): 337-343, 2009
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academic research. 9. Leenaerts, J.V.D. Tang and C.S. Vaucher, 2001.
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