Gas Storage at Calgary
Gas Storage at Calgary
Gas Storage at Calgary
Department of System Engineering and Engineering Management
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
1 Introduction
Fundamentals of Natural Gas Storage
Literature Review
2 The Model
Valuing a Peak-load Storage Facility
Optimal Trading Strategy in a Dynamic Context
Valuing a Base-Load Storage Facility
Valuing a Firm Storage Contract
3 Numerical Analysis
Example 1: Valuing a natural gas storage facility
Example 2: Valuing a firm storage contract
1 Introduction
Fundamentals of Natural Gas Storage
Literature Review
2 The Model
Valuing a Peak-load Storage Facility
Optimal Trading Strategy in a Dynamic Context
Valuing a Base-Load Storage Facility
Valuing a Firm Storage Contract
3 Numerical Analysis
Example 1: Valuing a natural gas storage facility
Example 2: Valuing a firm storage contract
1 Introduction
Fundamentals of Natural Gas Storage
Literature Review
2 The Model
Valuing a Peak-load Storage Facility
Optimal Trading Strategy in a Dynamic Context
Valuing a Base-Load Storage Facility
Valuing a Firm Storage Contract
3 Numerical Analysis
Example 1: Valuing a natural gas storage facility
Example 2: Valuing a firm storage contract
1 Real options: Dixit and Pindyck [1994], Trigeorgis [1996], Smit and
Trigeorgis [2004], and Amram and Kulatilaka [2005])
2 Existing literature on gas storage valuation
Financial derivative based valuation: rolling intrinsic approach (Gary and
khandelwal [2004]), calendar spread call options (Eydeland and Wolyniec
[2003], virtual storage (Ahn et al. [2002]).
Computational contribution: finite difference approach (Ahn et al. [2002],
Thompson et al. [2003], Weston [2002], Chen and Forsyth [2006]), Monte
Carlo simulation approach (see e.g., Ludkovski and Carmona [2005],
Boogert and de Jong [2006]) and stochastic programming (Nowak and
Römisch [2000]).
3 Inventory models: Song and Zipkin (1993) and Li, Porteus and Zhang
4 Our focus: Characterizing the structure of the storage model and the
optimal spot trading strategy, and the impacts of operational
characteristics and market dynamics, to exploit its financial implications
as the fundamentals of investment analysis.
1 Introduction
Fundamentals of Natural Gas Storage
Literature Review
2 The Model
Valuing a Peak-load Storage Facility
Optimal Trading Strategy in a Dynamic Context
Valuing a Base-Load Storage Facility
Valuing a Firm Storage Contract
3 Numerical Analysis
Example 1: Valuing a natural gas storage facility
Example 2: Valuing a firm storage contract
Let π(t, Xt , St , qt ) the instant payoff rate at time t given the inventory level Xt ,
spot price St and the injection/withdrawal rate qt . Then, the dynamics of
payoff rate and inventory level can be represented as follows.
Injection (qt > 0): π(t, Xt , St ; qt ) = −St qt (1 + ρi ) − ci qt − h(Xt , St ) dXt = qt dt
Store (qt = 0): π(t, Xt , St ; qt ) = −h(Xt , St ) dXt = 0
Withdrawal (q < 0): π(t, X , S ; q ) = −S q (1 − ρ ) + c q − h(X , S ) dXt = qt dt
t t t t t t w w t t t
Define J u (t, x, s) = E e−r (τ −t) π(τ, Xτu , Sτ ; qτu )dτ + e−rT ν(XTu , ST )S(t) = s
1 2 X
L J(t, x , s) = Jt (t, x , s)+ σ (s, t)Jss (t, x , s)+µ(x , t)Js (t, x , s)+ λk [EV (t, x , s+χk (t, x , ξk ))−V (t, x , s)]
2 k =1
Further, I(t, s) ≤ W (t, s). It is optimal to inject gas at rate α(x) if and
only if x < I(t, s), and to withdraw gas at rate β(x) if and only if
x > W (t, s), and to do nothing otherwise. That is,
a(t, x, s) if x ∈ [0, I(t, s))
q ∗ (t, x, s) = 0 if x ∈ [I(t, s), W (t, s)] .
−w(t, x, s) if x ∈ (W (t, s), M]
β (x)
No Transaction
α (x)
1 Introduction
Fundamentals of Natural Gas Storage
Literature Review
2 The Model
Valuing a Peak-load Storage Facility
Optimal Trading Strategy in a Dynamic Context
Valuing a Base-Load Storage Facility
Valuing a Firm Storage Contract
3 Numerical Analysis
Example 1: Valuing a natural gas storage facility
Example 2: Valuing a firm storage contract
(A) The spot price process {S(t) : t ≥ 0} is stochastically increasing
in the sense that for any s1 ≥ s2 and any s ≥ 0 and t > t ′
When implementing the optimal operating strategy, the present value of
dynamic marginal storage profit e −rt Jx (t, Xt , St ) is a super-martingale, i.e., for
any time interval δ ∈ (0, T − t),
E[e−r (t+δ) Jx (t + δ, Xt+δ , St+δ )|St = s, Xt = x] ≤ e−rt Jx (t, x, s). (3)
1 Introduction
Fundamentals of Natural Gas Storage
Literature Review
2 The Model
Valuing a Peak-load Storage Facility
Optimal Trading Strategy in a Dynamic Context
Valuing a Base-Load Storage Facility
Valuing a Firm Storage Contract
3 Numerical Analysis
Example 1: Valuing a natural gas storage facility
Example 2: Valuing a firm storage contract
1 Introduction
Fundamentals of Natural Gas Storage
Literature Review
2 The Model
Valuing a Peak-load Storage Facility
Optimal Trading Strategy in a Dynamic Context
Valuing a Base-Load Storage Facility
Valuing a Firm Storage Contract
3 Numerical Analysis
Example 1: Valuing a natural gas storage facility
Example 2: Valuing a firm storage contract
1. Π(C) is increasing and concave in α and β, and concave in M. In
addition, it is submodular in (α, ci ), (β, cw ), and (M, p), respectively.
2. For fixed (α, β, ci , cw ), if there is no limit on the contractual capacity, then
the optimal capacity of an FSS contract, M ∗ (p), is determined by the
first-order condition:
∂Π(M ∗ (p), α, β, p, ci , cw )
= 0.
In addition, M ∗ (p) is decreasing in p.
1 Introduction
Fundamentals of Natural Gas Storage
Literature Review
2 The Model
Valuing a Peak-load Storage Facility
Optimal Trading Strategy in a Dynamic Context
Valuing a Base-Load Storage Facility
Valuing a Firm Storage Contract
3 Numerical Analysis
Example 1: Valuing a natural gas storage facility
Example 2: Valuing a firm storage contract
A natural gas storage facility
Capacity (M=1Bcf), injection cost ($0.0218/mmBtu), withdrawal cost ($
0.0195/mmBtu). There is 3.59% injection fuel loss and no withdrawal
fuel cost.
Maximum injection/withdrawal rates are stepwise functions:
x/M α(x)(Btu/month) x/M α(x)(Btu/month)
0 − 10% 0.167M 0 − 10% 0.250M
50 − 100% 0.140M 10 − 16% 0.333M
16 − 30% 0.375M
30 − 35% 0.475M
35 − 100% 0.500M
Table: Injection/Withdrawal Rates (Ratchets) a
This example is provided by Dr. Kevin G. Kindall, Commercial Division, ConocoPhillips
Price Calibration
We refer to Thompson et al. (2003) for a calibrated gas price process
with jumps:
Value of Storage
x 10
Value of Storage ($)
1 20 15
15 0.5
0.5 10 Working Gas in Storage (Bcf) 5 Gas Price ($/MMBtu)
Working in Gas in Storage (Bcf) 5
Gas Price ($/MMBtu) 0 0
Figure: Net withdrawal rate at t= 0 Figure: Net withdrawal rate at t= 4
6 6
5 5
Netwithdrawal Rate (Bcf/Year)
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
−1 −1
−2 −2
−3 −3
1 1
20 20
15 15
0.5 0.5
10 10
5 Working Gas in Storage (Bcf) 5
Gas Price ($/MMBtu)
Working Gas in Storage (Bcf) 0 0 Gas Price ($/MMBtu) 0 0
1 3
Figure: Net withdrawal rate at t= 2
Figure: Net withdrawal rate at t= 4
1 Introduction
Fundamentals of Natural Gas Storage
Literature Review
2 The Model
Valuing a Peak-load Storage Facility
Optimal Trading Strategy in a Dynamic Context
Valuing a Base-Load Storage Facility
Valuing a Firm Storage Contract
3 Numerical Analysis
Example 1: Valuing a natural gas storage facility
Example 2: Valuing a firm storage contract
Price calibration and contract specification
We refer to de Jong and Walet (2003) for a calibrated gas price process :
Sensitivity to price characteristics
7 7
x 10 x 10
2 1.6
1 1
s=3 s=1
0.5 s=3
s=6 0.6
s=7 s=6
0 0.4
0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Volatility (σ) Mean−reverting Rate (κ)
Sensitivity to operational constraints
Value of Storage (V (0, 4, s)) (106 $)
α β M Initial Spot Price ($/MMBtu)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0.01 0.25 8 2.5423 2.3357 2.2564 2.4056 3.1484 4.8093 7.2195
0.05 0.25 8 9.4928 8.5354 8.1254 8.5653 9.9344 12.0395 14.7544
0.1 0.25 8 13.1912 11.5808 10.8936 11.5381 13.0373 15.1968 17.9282
0.15 0.25 8 15.1745 13.1512 12.274 13.0264 14.5814 16.7584 19.4908
0.2 0.25 8 16.4279 14.1359 13.1374 13.9542 15.5374 17.724 20.4561
α β M Initial Spot Price ($/MMBtu)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0.06 0.06 8 6.3395 5.3021 4.988 5.4565 6.0913 6.9094 7.8978
0.06 0.1 8 7.9626 6.8845 6.4894 7.0029 7.8918 9.0997 10.5956
0.06 0.15 8 9.1611 8.0631 7.6244 8.1445 9.2624 10.85 12.8533
0.06 0.2 8 9.9335 8.8256 8.3655 8.8745 10.152 12.035 14.4373
0.06 0.25 8 10.4716 9.3591 8.8823 9.3736 10.7798 12.9017 15.6221
α β M Initial Spot Price ($/MMBtu)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0.06 0.25 5 7.1643 6.8641 6.9375 7.9434 9.5578 11.7898 14.5758
0.06 0.25 6 8.699 7.9732 7.78 8.572 10.1022 12.2908 15.0512
0.06 0.25 7 9.7442 8.7767 8.4163 9.0376 10.4985 12.6499 15.388
0.06 0.25 8 10.4716 9.3591 8.8823 9.3736 10.7798 12.9017 15.6221
0.06 0.25 10 11.3535 10.0849 9.4718 9.7825 11.1075 13.1852 15.8795