Api 571 Q&a - 3

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1 Generally, API standards are reviewed and revised , reaffirmed or withdrawn at least every
_________ years: (RP 571, Special Notes-December, 2003-Pg. iii)
a. Two
b. Three
c. Four
d. Five
2 An API 571 publication will no longer be in effect _________ years after its publication date as an
operative API standard or where an extension has been granted , upon republication .
(RP 571, Special Notes-December-2003: Pg. iii)
a. Two
b. Three
c. Four
d. Five
3 API publications may be _______________________________________:
(RP 571, Forward-December-2003)
a. Revised by the owner-user as required.
b. Purchased and resold to other owner-users.
c. Used to obviate the need for applying sound engineering judgment.
d. Used by anyone desiring to do so.
4 In order to safely and reliably manage equipment a key first step by the owner -user would be :
(RP 571, Forward-December-2003)
a. Completing nondestructive examinations.
b. Identifying and understanding damage mechanisms.
c. Completing the required destructive examinations
d. Hiring properly qualified welders.
5 Recommended Practice 571 reflects industry information , but also it ____________ a mandatory
standard or code: (RP 571, Forward-December-2003)
a. Is
b. Is not
c. Maybe
d. Should be
6 The guidelines provided in RP 571 can be used by ____________ to assist in identifying likely
causes of damage and are intended to introduce the concepts of service -induced deterioration and
failure modes: (RP 571, Scope 1.2)
a. The welder
b. The welding supervisor
c. Contractor
d. plant inspection personnel
7 The damage mechanisms covered in RP 571 cover situations encountered in the refining and
petrochemical industry and is specifically intended to address the damage mechanisms relating to
____________: (RP 571, Scope 1.2)
a. Pressure vessels, piping and tanks.
b. Pressure vessels only.
c. Piping only.
d. Tanks only.
8 It may be necessary to consult with a _____________ familiar with applicable degradation modes
and failure mechanisms. (RP 571, Scope 1.2)
a. Engineer
b. Welding Superintendent
c. Authorized inspector
d. Construction organization
9 Fitness-For-Service in covered in which Recommended Practice? (RP 571, Section 2.1-Standards)
a. RP 530
b. RP 934
c. RP 579
d. RP 941
10 Risk-Based-Inspection in covered in which Recommended Practice?

a. RP 580
b. RP 934
c. RP 579
d. RP 941

Symbols and Abbreviations (RP 571, Section 3.2)

Assign the appropriate Symbol and Abbreviation to each of the following:

11 Alternating current magnetic flux leakage testing = ______

12 Acoustic emission = ______
13 Acoustic emission testing = ______
14 Boiler feed water = ______
15 Cooling water = ______
16 Eddy current = ______
17 Hydrogen = ______
18 Water = ______
19 Hydrogen Sulfide = _____
20 Heat affected zone = _____
21 Brinnell hardness number = _____
22 High pressure = _____
23 Intermediate pressure = _____
24 Low pressure = _____
25 Knock out = _____
Mechanical and Metallurgical Failure Mechanisms (RP 571, Section 4.2)

Recommended Practice 571, Section 4.2.1

26 Graphitization is a change in the microstructure of certain carbon steels and 0.5Mo steels after a long -
term operations in the _________° F to _________° F range which may cause a loss of strength ,
ductility and/or creep resistance. (RP 571, Section
a. 100° F to 600° F
b. 800° F to 1100° F
c. 200° F to 600° F
d. 250° F to 1100° F
27 At elevated temperatures, the carbide phases in certain carbon steels and 0.5Mo steels are unstable
and may decompose into graphite nodules. This decomposition is known as __________________:
(RP 571, Section
a. Spheroidization
b. Temper embrittlement
c. Graphitization
d. Creep

28 Materials most effected by graphitization are ____________ and ____________:

(RP 571, Section
a. Aluminum and Steel
b. Brass and Aluminum
c. Low alloy steels containing chromium and Copper
d. Some grades of Carbon Steel and 0.5Mo Metals

29 The most important factors that effect graphitization are: (RP 571, Section

a. Chemistry
b. Stress
c. Temperature
d. Chemistry, stress, temperature and time of exposure

30 In general graphitization is normally: (RP 571, Section

a. Observed visually
b. Not commonly observed
c. found on the bottom side of piping or lower portions of vessels and tanks
d. found on the top side of piping or upper portions of vessels and tanks

31 The addition of _______________ % chromium has been found to eliminate graphitization :

(RP 571, Section
a. 1.0
b. 3.0
c. 0.7
d. 2.5
32 Below _______________° F the rate of graphitization is very slow: (RP 571, Section

a. 800° F
b. 500° F
c. 1100° F
d. 250° F

33 In one general type of graphitization , the graphite nodules are distributed randomly throughout the
steel. This type does not usually lower the creep resistance and is referred to as ________________
graphitization? (RP 571, Section
a. Random
b. General
c. Local
d. Concentrated

34 Another more damaging type of graphitization results in chains or local planes of concentrated
graphite nodules which can result in a significant reduction in load bearing capacity while increasing
the potential for brittle fracture . The two forms of this type of graphitization are know as
___________________ graphitization and ____________________ graphitization:
(RP 571, Section )
a. Random and General
b. Weld heat affect zone and Non-weld
c. Simple and Concentrated
d. Chain and Local plane

35 Weld heat affected zone graphitization is most frequently found in the heat -effected zone adjacent to
welds in a narrow band , corresponding to the low temperature edge of the heat effect zone . Graphite
nodules can form at the low temperature edge of the heat effected zones , resulting a band of weak
graphite cross section which because of its appearance is often referred to as ________________
graphitization: (RP 571, Section
a. Closed eye graphitization
b. Black-eyed graphitization
c. Heat zone graphitization
d. Eyebrow graphitization

36 Non-weld graphitization is a form of localized graphitization that sometime occurs along planes of
localized yielding in steel . It also occurs in a chain -like manner in regions that have experienced
significant plastic deformation as a result of __________________ or ___________________:
(RP 571, Section ii)
a. Pre-heating or welding
b. Quenching or tempering
c. Cold working operations or bending
d. Bending or heating
37 The rate at which graphitization forms is difficult to predict , but when service temperatures are above
1000° F (538° C) severe heat affect zone graphitization can develop in as little as __________ years.
Very slight graphitization would not be uncommon after ___________ to __________ years of
operation at 850°F (454°C). (RP 571, Section
a. 2 and 10 to 20
b. 5 and 30 to 40
c. 1.5 and 3 to 5
d. 10 and 2 to 5

38 Economizer tubing , steam piping and other equipment that operated in a range of temperatures
between 850°F to 1025°F (441°C and 552°C) are ______________ likely to suffer graphitization .
(RP 571, Section
a. Less
b. Never
c. More
d. Probably

39 Hot wall piping , equipment in the fluid catalytic cracker (FCC), catalytic reforming and coker units are
______________ places to look for graphitization: (RP 571, Section
a. Only
b. Unlikely
c. Primarily
d. Likely

40 Graphitization can be prevented for long -term operations above 800°F (427°C) by using
______________________. (RP 571, Section
a. Chromium containing low alloy steels
b. Thicker materials
c. Low alloy steels with less chromium
d. Material with a higher carbon content

41 Evidence of graphitization is most effectively evaluated through removal of full thickness samples for
examination using __________________: (RP 571, Section
a. Ultrasonic testing
b. Radiographic testing
c. Eddy current testing
d. Metallographic techniques
Recommended Practice 571, Section 4.2.2

42 A change in the microstructure of steels , where the carbide phases in the carbon steels becomes
unstable and may agglomerate from their normal plate -like form to a spheroidal form , or from small
finely dispersed carbides in low alloy steels to large agglomerated carbides is known as
__________________: (RP 571, Section
a. Graphitization
b. Metallographic change
c. Spheroidization
d. Carbide Phase change
43 Spheroidization may cause a loss of strength and/or _________ resistance. (RP 571, Section

a. Creep
b. Heat
c. Low pressure
d. Temperature
44 Materials commonly effected by spheroidization are all commonly used grades of carbon steel and
____________ including C-0.5Mo, 1Cr-0. 5Mo, 1.25Cr-0.5M0, 2./25Cr-1Mo, 3Cr-1Mo, 5Cr-0.5Mo and
9Cr-1Mo. (RP 571, Section
a. High alloy steels
b. Low alloy steels
c. Aluminum
d. Copper
Critical factors affecting Spheroidization are _________________: (RP 571, Section
a. Metal chemistry and exposure time and temperature
b. Temperature and microstructure and exposure time
c. Temperature, exposure time and metal chemistry
d. Metal chemistry, microstructure, exposure time and temperature
46 Spheroidization can occur in a few hours at __________°F , but may also take place over several
years at ___________°F. (RP 571, Section
a. 800°F and 1300°F
b. 200°F and 660°F
c. 100°F and 500°F
d. 200°F and 750°F
The rate of spheriodization depends on __________: (RP 571, Section
a. Temperature
b. Exposure time and temperature
c. Temperature and initial microstructure
d. The location of the equipment within the process unit
48 Annealed and course -grained steels have ____________ resistance to spheroidization then
normalized and fine-grained steels. (RP 571, Section
a. More
b. The same
c. Less
d. None of the above
49 Spheroidization can occur in piping and equipment after exposure to temperatures above ______ °F.
(RP 571, Section
a. 850°F
b. 200°F
c. 250°F
d. 450°F
50 The loss in strength caused by spheroidization may be as high as ________%, but failure is not likely
to occur except under very high applied stresses , in areas of stress concentration or in combination
with other damage mechanisms. (RP 571, Section
a. 70
b. 20
c. 30
d. 50
51 Spheroidization causes a loss in strength which is usually accompanied by an increase in ductility
which allows for deformation at ______________________: (RP 571, Section
a. Bottom of the piping
b. Top of the piping and/or equipment
c. Stress concentrations
d. All of the above
52 In operating units such as the FCC , catalytic reforming and coker , spheroidization affects
__________ and __________________: (RP 571, Section
a. product quality and quantity of production
b. hot wall piping and equipment
c. Only the bottom portion of equipment and piping
d. None of the above
53 Fired heater tubes in boilers or process units may be affected by a ____________ in creep strength .
(RP 571, Section
a. Change
b. Increase
c. Loss
d. All of the above
54 Equipment in general is __________ renewed or repaired due to spheroidization .
(RP 571, Section
a. Often
b. Seldom
c. Continually
d. Usually
55 Spheroidization is not readily visible and can only be detected through ________________:
(RP 571, Section
a. UT
b. RT
c. MT
d. Metallography
56 In the case of ______% to ______% CrMo alloys , spheroidization is a process of transforming the
carbides from their original finely dispersed morphology to large agglomerated carbides .
(RP 571, Section
a. 5.0 to 9.0
b. 1.25 to 1.5
c. 2.25 to 3.0
d. 1.25 and 2.25
57 Spheroidization is difficult to prevent except by minimizing long -term exposure to elevated
_____________: (RP 571, Section
a. Pressure
b. Refinery products
c. Climate
d. Temperature
58 Spheroidization can only be found through field _____________ or removal of samples for
metallographic observations: (RP 571, Section
a. Radiographic testing
b. Metallography
c. Ultrasonic testing
d. Magnetic particle testing
Recommended Practice 571, Section 4.2.3

59 The reduction in toughness due to metallurgical changes that can occur in some low alloy steels as a
result of long -term exposure in the temperature range of 650°F (343°C) to 1100°F (593°C) is referred
to as ____________________? (RP 571, Section
a. Graphitization
b. Spheroidization
c. Temper Embrittlement
d. 885°F Embrittlement
60 The metallurgical change discussed in question no . 59 causes an upward shift in the ductile -to-brittle
transition temperature as measured by ____________________ testing? (RP 571, Section
a. Holiday
b. Ultrasonic
c. Charpy impact
d. metallographic
61 Although the loss of toughness is not evident at operating temperature , equipment that is temper
embrittled may be susceptible to ________________ during start -up and shutdown .
(RP 571, Section
a. Corrosion fracture
b. Thermal fracture
c. Brittle fracture
d. Critical fractures
62 The materials which are primarily affected by temper embrittlement are ______________________?
(RP 571, Section
a. 1.25Cr-0.5Mo
b. C-0.5Mo
c. 2.25Cr-1Mo, 3Cr-1Mo and high strength low alloy Cr-Mo-V rotor steels
d. All of the above
63 Older generation 2.25Cr-1Mo materials manufactured prior to __________ may be particularly
susceptible. Some high strength low alloy steels are also susceptible. (RP 571, Section
a. 1972
b. 1965
c. 1983
d. 1990
64 Two steels which are not significantly affected by temper embrittlement are ________ and ________:
(RP 571, Section
a. C-0.5Mo and 1.25Cr-0.5Mo
b. 2.25Cr-1Mo and 3Cr-1Mo
c. 1.25Cr-0.5Mo and 3Cr-1Mo
d. All of the above
65 Alloy steel composition , thermal history , metal temperature and exposure time are all considered
__________ factors. (RP 571, Section
a. Critical
b. Non-critical
c. Safety
d. None of the above
66 Temper embrittlement can occur during fabrication heat treatment , most of the damage occurs over
many years of service in the embrittling temperature range of _________ to _________.
(RP 571, Section
a. 150°F to 500°F
b. 650°F to 1100°F
c. 300°F to 450°F
d. 350°F to 550°F
67 Temper embrittlement can significantly reduce the structural integrity of equipment containing a
________________ flaw. (RP 571, Section
a. Elongated type
b. Crack type
c. Rounded type
d. All of the above
68 Although there have been very few industry failures related directly to temper embrittlement it occurs
in process units after long -term exposure to temperatures above _________°F.
(RP 571, Section
a. 500°F
b. 750°F
c. 650°F
d. 250°F
69 2.25Cr-1Mo develops it more quickly at 900°F than in the 800°F to 850°F range, but the damage is
more severe after long -tern exposure at 850°F. It is known as _______________?
(RP 571, Section
a. Graphitization
b. Temper embrittlement
c. Mechanical fatigue
d. Spheroidization
70 Equipment susceptible to temper embrittlement are most often found in ____________________
units, particularly reactors , hot feed effluent exchangers components and hot HP separators .
Potential also exist in catalytic reforming units (reactors and exchangers ), FCC reactors, cokers and
visbreaking units. (RP 571, Section
a. Tank farm
b. Water cooled heat exchanger
c. Boiler
d. Hydroprocessing
71 Temper embrittlement is a metallurgical change that is not readily apparent and can be confirmed by
______________. (RP 571, Section
a. Radiographic testing
b. Impact testing
c. Ultrasonic testing
d. Metallographic testing
72 A means of minimizing the possibility of brittle fracture in existing materials during startup and
shutdown, is to limit system pressure to about _________ of the maximum design pressure for
temperatures below Minimum Pressurization Temperature (MPT). (RP 571, Section
a. 50%
b. 25%
c. 30%
d. 75%
73 MPT's usually range from ______°F for the earliest , most highly temper embrittled steels , down to
______°F or lower for newer, temper embrittlement resistant steels. (RP 571, Section
a. 350°F down to 150°F
b. 500°F down to 100°F
c. 200°F down to 100°F
d. 1100°F down to 600°F
74 When weld repairs are required in existing materials , the effects of temper embrittlement can be
reversed (de-embrittlement) by heating at ______°F for ______hours per inch of thickness and the
rapidly cooling to room temperature. (RP 571, Section
a. 1150 for 2
b. 500°F for 1
c. 1200°F for 1/2
d. None of the above
75 For new materials , limiting the acceptance levels of manganese , silicon, phosphorus, tin, antimony
and arsenic in the base metals and consumables is _______ way to minimize temper embrittlement .
(RP 571, Section
a. Probably the
b. Not the best
c. The best
d. All of the above
76 A common way to minimize temper embrittlement is to limit the "______" factor for base metals and
the "______" factor for weld metal. (RP 571, Section
a. A and B
b. J and X
c. Y and Z
d. A and M
77 Studies have shown that limiting the phosphorus (P) and Silicon (S) to less than ______ is sufficient
to minimize temper embrittlement. (RP 571, Section
a. 0.01%
b. 0.5%
c. 10%
d. 3%
78 A common method of monitoring for temper embrittlement in a reactor is too install _______ of
original heats of the alloy steel material . Samples are then periodically removed for impact testing
purposes, (RP 571, Section
a. Sheets
b. Windows made
c. Blocks
d. Cans
Recommended Practice 571, Section 4.2.4

79 ____________ is a form of damage found mostly in older vintage carbon steels and C -0.5 Mo low
alloy steels under the combined efects of deformation and aging at an intermediate temperature .
(RP 571, Section
a. Mechanical fatigue
b. Temper embrittlement
c. Strain aging
d. Sheroidization
80 Strain aging mostly affects older pre -_______ carbon steels with large grain size and C -0.5Mo low
ally steel. (RP 571, Section
a. 1991
b. 1960
c. 1980
d. 1962
81 Steels manufactured by the Bessemer or open hearth process contain _______ levels of critical
impurity elements than newer steels manufactured by the Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) process.
(RP 571, Section
a. Lower
b. Higher
c. No
d. None of the above
82 In general , steels made by BOF process and fully killed with _________ will not be susceptible to
strain aging. (RP 571, Section
a. Lead
b. Copper
c. Aluminum
d. Either of the above
83 Strain aging is found ______ and ______ steels with higher levels of nitrogen and carbon .
(RP 571, Section
a. Rimmed and Capped
b. Fully killed carbon steels
c. Steels manufactured by the Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) process
d. None of the above
84 Strain aging has also been observed in material that have been ______ worked and placed into
service at _______ temperature without stress relieving. (RP 571, Section
a. Hot / High
b. Cold / Intermediate
c. Hot / Ambient
d. None of the above
85 Strain aging is a major concern for equipment that contains __________. (RP 571, Section

a. Cracks
b. Porosity
c. Petroleum product
d. None of the above
86 Employing a pressurization sequence versus temperature is critical to preventing __________
fracture. (RP 571, Section
a. Brittle
b. Sudden
c. Compound
d. Either of the above
87 When making weld repairs on materials susceptible , the affects of strain aging will be eliminated by
employing ____________ (RP 571, Section
a. Only certified welder
b. Pre-heating prior to welding
c. PWHT after welding
d. Specially manufactured electrodes
Recommended Practice 571, Section 4.2.5

88 A loss of toughness due to metallurgical changes in alloys containing a ferrite phase as a result of
exposure in a temperature range between 600°F (316°C) and 1000°F (540°C) is know as
_________. (RP 571, Section
a. Temper embrittlement
b. 885°F embrittlement
c. Creep
d. None of the above
89 Critical factor with regards to 885°F embrittlement are the alloy composition , particularly chromium
content, the amount of ferrite phase and operating ______________. (RP 571, Section
a. Pressure
b. Duration
c. Temperature
d. All of the above
90 Wrought and cast 300 series stainless steels containing ferrite and duplex stainless steels such as
Alloys 2205, 2304 and 2507 are affected . What other steels are affected ?
(RP 571, Section
a. Carbon steel
b. Aluminum
c. Copper and Brass
d. 400 Series SS (e.g. 405, 409, 410, 410S, 430 and 446).
91 Damage is cumulative and results from precipitation of an embrittling intermatallic phase that occurs
most readily at approximately at _________°F (RP 571, Section
a. 600°F
b. 885°F
c. 1000°F
d. 400°F
Units where 885°F embrittlement may occur are: (RP 571, Section
a. FCC
b. Coker
c. Crude and Vacuum
d. All of the above
93 885°F embrittlement is a metallurgical change that is not readily apperant with metallography , but can
be confirmed through _______ and/or _______ testing. (RP 571, Section
a. Ultrasonic and/or penatrant
b. Radiographic and/or eddy current
c. Penatrant and/or holiday
d. Bend and/or impact
94 The best way to prevent 885°F embrittlement is to use ____________ or ____________ alloys, or to
avoid exposing the susceptible nmaterial to the embrittling range. (RP 571, Section
a. High ferrite or ferritic
b. Wrought or 300 series stainless steels
c. Low ferrite or non-ferritic
d. None of the above
95 885°F embrittlement is reversible by heat treatment followed by rapid cooling . The de-embrittling heat
treatment temperature is typically ________ or higher and may not be practical for many equipment
items. (RP 571, Section
a. 1100°F
b. 900°F
c. 250°F
d. 400°F
96 Most cases of 885°F embrittlement are found in the form of ________ during turnarounds and /or
startups and shutdowns when the material is below about ________ °F.
(RP 571, Section
a. Laminations/200°F
b. Cracking/200°F
c. Pitting/250°F
d. All of the above
Recommended Practice 571, Section 4.2.6
97 The formation of a metallurgical phase which can result in a loss of fracture toughness in some
stainless steels as a result of high temperatures exposure is know as ______________________.
(RP 571, Section
a. Temper embrittlement
b. Sigma phase embrittlement
c. 885°F embrittlement
d. Spheroidization
98 The materials affected by sigma phase embrittlement are ____________________________.
(RP 571, Section
a. 300 Series stainless steels wrought metal, weld metals and castings
b. 400 Series stainless steels
c. Duplex stainless steels
d. All of the above
99 Cast 300 series stainless steels including HK and HP are especially susceptible due to their high
_______ to _______ % ferrite content. (RP 571, Section
a. 35 to 60
b. 5 to 10
c. 0.3 to 1
d. 10 to 40
100 The 400 series stainless steels and other ferritic and martensitic SS with _______% Cr or more are
also susceptible. (e.g. 430 and 440). (RP 571, Section
a. 3.5
b. 6
c. 10
d. 17
101 __________________, _______ and ________________ are critical factors :
(RP 571, Section
a. Process unit, time and pressure
b. Alloy composition, time and pressure
c. Process unit, temperature and pressure
d. Alloy composition, time and temperature
102 In susceptible alloys , the primary factor that affects sigma phase formation is the time of exposure at
_________________: (RP 571, Section
a. Elevated temperatures
b. Elevated pressures
c. Pre-heating and PWHT
d. None of the above
103 Sigma phase embrittlement occurs in ferritic (FeCr), martensitic (FeCr), austentic (Fe-Cr-Ni) and
duplex stainless steels when they are exposed to temperatures in the range of ________°F to
_________°F: (RP 571, Section
a. 200°F to 300°F
b. 450°F to 600°F
c. 700°F to 950°F
d. 1000°F to 1750°F
Formation of sigma phase can occure in austenitic stainless steels if it is exposted to PWHT at
________°F: (RP 571, Section

a. 600°F
b. 900°F
c. 1100°F
d. 1275°F
105 Stainless steels with sigma can normally withstand normal operating stresses , but upon cooling to
temperature below _________°F they may show a complete lack of fracture toughness as measured
in Charpy impact testing. (RP 571, Section
a. 600°F
b. 500°F
c. 1100°F
d. 650°F
106 Sigma phase embrittlement can affect units and equipment such as ________________________:
(RP 571, Section
a. Stainless steel cyclones, piping ductwork and valves in high temperature
300 series stainless weld overlays and tube-to-tubsheet attachment welds during PWHT of
underlaying CrMo base metal
c. Stainless steel heater tubes
d. All of the above
107 Sigma phase embrittlement is a metallurigal change that is not readily apperant and can only be
confirmed through metallographic examination and ____________: (RP 571, Section
a. Ultrasonic and/or penatrant testing
b. Radiographic and/or eddy current testing
c. Penatrant and/or holiday testing
d. Impact testing
108 Sigma phase embrittlement damage appears in the form of cracking , particularly at __________ or in
_____________________. (RP 571, Section
a. The bottom of vessels and Areas of low restraint
b. Welds and Areas of low restraint
c. Welds and Areas of high restraint
d. All of the above
109 The best way to prevent sigma phase embrittlement is to use alloys which are resistant to sigma
formation or to avoid exposing the material to ________________ : (RP 571, Section
a. The embrittling range
b. Post weld heat treatment
c. Non destructive testing
d. None of the above
110 The 300 series SS can be de -sigmatized by solution annealing at 1950°F (1066°C) for _________
hours. (RP 571, Section
a. 6
b. 10
c. 4
d. None of the above

Recommended Practice 571, Section 4.2.7

111 The sudden rapid fracture under stress (residual or applied ) where a material exhibits little or no
evidence of ductility or plastic deformation is know as ______________. (RP 571, Section
a. Brittle fracture
b. Creep and stress rupture
c. Sigma phase embrittlement
d. None of the above
112 ____________ and ______________ steels are materials which are particularly susecptiable to
brittle fracture. (RP 571, Section
a. Thinner and low alloy
b. Thinner and high alloy
c. Thicker and high alloy
d. Carbon steels and low alloy
Particular attention should be paid to __________ materials. (RP 571, Section

a. Thinner
b. Older
c. Thicker
d. None of the above
114 When a critical combination of factors is reached brittle fracture can occure :
(RP 571, Section
a. The size, shape and stress concentration effect of a flaw
b. The amount of residual and applied stresses on a flaw

c. A materials fracture toughness(resistance to crack like flaws) as measured in a charpy impact test.

d. All of the above

115 Thicker materials have a _____________ resistance to brittle fracture: (RP 571, Section
a. Higher
b. The same
c. Lower
d. None of the above
Equipment manufactured to the ASME Boiler Code , Section VIII , Division 1 prior to the December
______ Addenda, were made with limited restrictions on notch toughness for vessels operating in
cold temperatures : (RP 571, Section

a. 1992
b. 2001
c. 1987
d. None of the above
Equipment manufactured to the ASME Boiler Code , Section VIII , Division 1 after the December
______ Addenda, were subject to the requirements of UCS _________ (impact exemption curves ).
(RP 571, Section

a. 1992 and 66
b. 2001and 66
c. 1987and 66
d. None of the above
118 Since most processes run at ____________ temperatures brittle fracture usually occures at startup ,
shutdown or during hydrostatic and or tightness testing. (RP 571, Section
a. Lower
b. Extreamly low
c. Elevated
d. None of the above

1 d 48 a 95 a 142
2 d 49 a 96 b 143
3 c 50 c 97 b 144
4 b 51 c 98 d 145
5 b 52 b 99 d 146
6 d 53 c 100 d 147
7 a 54 b 101 d 148
8 a 55 d 102 a 149
9 c 56 a 103 d 150
10 a 57 d 104 d 151
11 ACFM 58 b 105 b 152
12 AE 59 c 106 d 153
13 AET 60 c 107 d 154
14 BFW 61 c 108 c 155
15 CW 62 c 109 a 156
16 EC 63 a 110 c 157
17 H2 64 a 111 a 158
18 H2O 65 a 112 d 159
19 H2S 66 b 113 b 160
20 HAZ 67 b 114 d 161
21 HB 68 c 115 c 162
22 HP 69 b 116 c 163
23 IP 70 d 117 c 164
24 LP 71 b 118 c 165
25 K.O. 72 b 119 166
26 b 73 a 120 167
27 c 74 a 121 168
28 d 75 c 122 169
29 d 76 b 123 170
30 b 77 a 124 171
31 c 78 c 125 172
32 a 79 c 126 173
33 a 80 c 127 174
34 b 81 b 128 175
35 d 82 c 129 176
36 c 83 c 130 177
37 b 84 b 131 178
38 c 85 a 132 179
39 c 86 a 133 180
40 a 87 c 134 181
41 d 88 b 135 182
42 c 89 c 136 183
43 a 90 d 137 184
44 b 91 b 138 185
45 d 92 d 139 186
46 a 93 d 140 187
47 c 94 c 141 188

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