Midstage Line Amplifier 2 (MLA2 C-Band) Circuit Packs (NTK552FAE5 and NTK552FB)

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1-44 Photonics equipment description

Midstage Line Amplifier 2 (MLA2 C-Band) circuit packs (NTK552FAE5

and NTK552FB)
Similar to MLA, the Midstage Line Amplifier 2 (MLA2 C-Band) circuit packs are
used for both edge and core applications.

This release of 6500 supports the following variants of the MLA2 circuit packs:
• Midstage Line Amplifier 2 (MLA2 C-Band) circuit pack (also referred to as
MLA2) (NTK552FAE5)
• Midstage Line Amplifier 2 (MLA2 C-Band) with variable optical attenuator
(VOA) circuit pack (also referred to as MLA2 w/VOA) (NTK552FB)

The MLA2 or MLA2 w/VOA circuit pack contains two erbium-doped fiber
amplifiers (EDFA); one in a pre-amplifier configuration (amplifying the signal
as it is entering the site from the line) and the other in a post-amplifier
configuration (amplifying the signal as it leaves the site onto the line), a single
OSC channel (1511 nm) splitter/coupler, and in case of the MLA2 w/VOA
variant (NTK552FB), a variable optical attenuator (VOA) at the output of each
amplifier (required for applications where attenuation is needed to meet link
budget constraints and pads are not desired). The primary difference
comparing to the MLA circuit pack is that the MLA2 or MLA2 w/VOA circuit
pack has a higher gain in both the pre and post amps than the MLA, gaining
more flexibility in link budgets, therefore MLA2 or MLA2 w/VOA circuit pack is
chosen over MLA circuit pack when spans have more losses (as directed by
link engineering). This MLA2 or MLA2 w/VOA circuit pack is equipped at a
6500 site where pre- and post-amplification (booster amplification) is required
per link engineering rules.

The 6500 amplifier circuit packs are low-noise, high input power modules with
fast transient control and remote software-provisionable gain control that
delivers enhanced reach capabilities to ensure each wavelength is amplified

Figure 1-13 on page 1-45 shows the faceplate of an MLA2 circuit pack and
Figure 1-14 on page 1-46 provides a functional block diagram of the MLA2
circuit pack.

Figure 1-15 on page 1-47 shows the faceplate of an MLA2 w/VOA circuit pack
and Figure 1-16 on page 1-48 provides a functional block diagram of the
MLA2 w/VOA circuit pack.

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Figure 1-13
MLA2 circuit pack faceplate

Red triangle (Fail)

- Used to communicate hardware or software failure state
- Card not failed = LED off, Card failed = LED on
Green rectangle (Ready)
- Used to communicate hardware or software functional state
- Card initializing = Blinking LED; Card OK = LED on; Card not ready = LED off
Blue diamond (In Use)
- Used to communicate whether circuit pack can be extracted
(on->no pull, off->can be pulled)
- Equipment in-service = LED on; Equipment out-of-service = LED off
Monitor ports

OSC ports

Line ports

Yellow circle (LOS)

- Used to communicate Rx Loss of Signal

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Figure 1-14
MLA2 circuit pack block diagram (NTK552FAE5)

Mon B 1

OSC B In 3

EDFA Line B Out 5



Line B In 6

Mon A 2

Line A Out 7


OSC A Out 4
Processor Power
Module Supply
Line A In 8

EDFA Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier
OSC Optical service channel
PD Photodiode

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Figure 1-15
MLA2 w/VOA circuit pack faceplate

Red triangle (Fail)

- Used to communicate hardware or software failure state
- Card not failed = LED off, Card failed = LED on
Green rectangle (Ready)
- Used to communicate hardware or software functional state
- Card initializing = Blinking LED; Card OK = LED on; Card not ready = LED off
Blue diamond (In Use)
- Used to communicate whether circuit pack can be extracted
(on->no pull, off->can be pulled)
- Equipment in-service = LED on; Equipment out-of-service = LED off

Monitor ports

OSC ports

Line ports

Yellow circle (LOS)

- Used to communicate Rx Loss of Signal

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Figure 1-16
MLA2 w/VOA circuit pack block diagram (NTK552FB)

Mon B 1

OSC B In 3

EDFA Line B Out 5



Line B In 6

Mon A 2

Line A Out 7

OSC A Out 4
Processor Power
Module Supply
Line A In 8

EDFA Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier
PD Photodiode
VOA Variable Optical Attenuator

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Supported functionality
The MLA2 circuit packs (NTK552FAE5) and the MLA2 w/VOA circuit packs
(NTK552FB) provide the following functionality:
• wavelength range: C-band 1530.33 nm to 1565.09 nm
• 50 GHz and 100 GHz grid compliant
• integrated OSC add/drop filters - OSC add/drop ports
• external monitor at outputs of each amplifier line (Line A Mon and Line B
• a Variable Optical Attenuator at the output of each amplifier (only
applicable to MLA2 w/VOA variant; NTK552FB)
• ALSO (Automatic Line Shut Off) functionality
• APR (Automatic Power Reduction) functionality
Note: As of Release 10.2, the MLA2 circuit packs (NTK552FAE5 and
NTK552FB variants) are supported in MuxAmp configurations. The
MuxAmp is used in some networks where lower power interfaces (like the
WL3n source) are used. This configuration requires that the Shelf
Processor disables the Automatic Power Reduction (APR), otherwise APR
may be triggered during normal operation. For this reason, the MLA2
circuit packs (NTK552FAE5 and NTK552FB variants) are reclassified as
Class 1M from IEC 60825-1. When APR is disabled, clamping is added
automatically to ensure safety. Circuit packs that were originally
manufactured with a Hazard Level 1 warning label can be re-labeled with
the Level 1M label kit (part number 415-2818-001). For information on how
to apply this label, see the section on observing product and personnel
safety guidelines in Installation - General Information, 323-1851-201.0.

• editing provisioned PEC between MLA C-Band, MLA2, MLA2 w/VOA and
MLA3 C-Band is supported (PEC editing is not supported between MLA
L-Band or MLA3 L-Band and MLA C-Band, MLA2, MLA2 w/VOA, and
MLA3 C-Band)
• MLA2/LIM C-Band or MLA2 w/VOA/LIM C-Band combination can be used
as an alternative to SLA/SLA pair at uncompensated line-amp sites, as
dictated by link-engineering
• gain clamp mode
• see Table 1-11 for function and connector type for each port

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Table 1-11
MLA2 and MLA2 w/VOA optical interfaces

Interface name Physical port # Function Connector type

Line A In / Out 8/7 Input / output port of Amplifier A LC

Line B In / Out 6/5 Input / output port of Amplifier B LC

Mon 2 Monitor port for Line A Out LC

Mon 1 Monitor port for Line B Out LC

OSC A Out 4 Optical Service Channel output LC

OSC B In 3 Optical Service Channel input LC

Cross-connection types
The MLA2 and MLA2 w/VOA circuit packs support the following
cross-connection types:
• 1WAY (Unidirectional)
• 2WAY (Bidirectional)

Note: Coherent Select configurations support 2WAY connections only.

Cross-connection rates
The MLA2 and MLA2 w/VOA circuit packs only support the OCH (Optical
Channel) Photonic cross-connection rate.

Performance monitoring
The 6500 monitors and collects physical PMs for MLA2 and MLA2 w/VOA
circuit pack facilities. Table 1-12 on page 1-51 provides a list of monitor types
supported on MLA2 and MLA2 w/VOA circuit packs. Figure 1-17 on page 1-52
shows the MLA2 and Figure 1-18 on page 1-53 shows the MLA2 w/VOA
circuit pack optical monitoring points.

For detailed information and procedures associated with performance

monitoring, refer to Fault Management - Performance Monitoring,

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Table 1-12
Monitor types table for MLA2 and MLA2 w/VOA circuit pack


Monitor type Note 1 Note 2


Note 3

Note 4 and Note 5 Note 6



Note 7

Note 1: The VOA facility type is only applicable to the MLA2 w/VOA circuit pack.
Note 2: The NMCMON facility type is not applicable to the MLA2 w/VOA circuit pack.
Note 3: SDMON OPT-OTS monitor type support requires the OPM embedded within an ADJ
provisioned OPM supported device with Equipment Profile set to FlexibleGrid.
Note 4: When the ORL reading is not valid because the power into the backward reflective monitor tap
is too low and cannot be measured accurately, the ORL PM reading(s) report “OOR”. The true ORL
reading(s) cannot be determined in this case.
Note 5: Though the ORL readings are against the VOA facility on the MLA2 w/VOA circuit pack (monitor
tap is after the VOA), the associated Automatic Power Reduction alarm is raised against the AMP facility
of the MLA2 w/VOA circuit pack.
Note 6: These monitor types do not apply to the MLA2 w/VOA circuit pack.
Note 7: CHMON OPT-OCH monitor type support requires the OPM (embedded within WSS w/OPM
circuit packs or on standalone 2-Port OPM and 2-Port OPM Flex C-Band circuit packs).

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Figure 1-17
MLA2 circuit pack optical monitoring points

Mon B 1

OSC B In 3

Facility: AMP port 6

Parameter: OPIN-OTS*

EDFA Line B Out 5

Facility: CHMON port 5,
NMCMON port 5
Parameter: OPT-OCH* **
Facility: SDMON port 5
Parameter: OPT-OTS* ***
Line B In 6

Facility: CHMON port 7,

NMCMON port 7
Parameter: OPT-OCH* **
Facility: AMP port 8
Facility: SDMON port 7
Parameter: OPIN-OTS*
OPOUT-OTS*, ORL-OTS* Parameter: OPT-OTS* ***
Mon A 2

Line A Out 7

Facility: OPTMON port 4

Parameter: OPR-OTS*
OSC A Out 4
Processor Power
Module Supply
Line A In 8

* AVG, MIN, and MAX measurements are also provided

** CHMON OPT-OCH monitor type support requires the OPM embedded within an ADJ provisioned
OPM supported device with Equipment Profile set to FlexibleGrid. The CHMON OPT-OCH monitor
type is not supported on the MLA L-Band circuit pack, as there is no corresponding L-Band OPM.
*** SDMON OPT-OTS monitor type support requires the OPM embedded within an ADJ provisioned
OPM supported device with Equipment Profile set to FlexibleGrid.

EDFA Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier
PD Photodiode
OSC Optical Service Channel

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Figure 1-18
MLA2 w/VOA circuit pack optical monitoring points

Mon B 1
Facility: VOA port 5
Parameter: OPOUT-OTS*,

Facility: AMP port 6

Parameter: OPIN-OTS*

EDFA Line B Out 5

PD PD Facility: CHMON port 5, NMCMON port 5
Parameter: OPT-OCH* **
Facility: SDMON port 5
Parameter: OPT-OTS* *** 

Line B In 6
Facility: CHMON port 7,
NMCMON port 7
Parameter: OPT-OCH* **
Facility: AMP port 8
Parameter: OPIN-OTS* Facility: SDMON port 7
OPOUT-OTS* Parameter: OPT-OTS* *** 
Mon A 2

Line A Out 7
Facility: OPTMON port 4
Parameter: OPR-OTS*
OSC A Out 4
Facility: VOA port 7
Processor Power Parameter: OPOUT-OTS*, ORL-OTS*
Module Supply
Line A In 8
* AVG, MIN, and MAX measurements are also provided.
** CHMON OPT-OCH monitor type support requires the OPM embedded within an ADJ provisioned
OPM supported device with Equipment Profile set to FlexibleGrid.
*** SDMON OPT-OTS monitor type support requires the OPM embedded within an ADJ provisioned
OPM supported device with Equipment Profile set to FlexibleGrid.

Power data is collected from the EDFA monitor and scaling is done using VOA loss
such that the reported power is that at the faceplate port.

EDFA Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier
PD Photodiode
OSC Optical Service Channel
VOA Variable Optical Attenuator

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For a complete list of alarm clearing procedures for 6500, refer to Part 1 and
Part 2 of Fault Management - Alarm Clearing, 323-1851-543.

Equipment alarms
• Circuit Pack Missing
• Circuit Pack Mismatch
• Circuit Pack Failed
• Autoprovisioning Mismatch
• Intercard Suspected
• Internal Mgmt Comms Suspected
• Provisioning Incompatible
• Database Not Recovered For Slot
• Circuit Pack Upgrade Failed
• High Received Span Loss

AMP alarm
• Minimum Gain
Photonic alarms
• Adjacency Far End Not Discovered
• Adjacency Mismatch
• High Fiber Loss
• High Optical Power
• Fiber Type Manual Provisioning Required
• Shutoff Threshold Crossed
• Optical Line Failed
• Automatic Power Reduction Active
• Input Loss of Signal
• Output Loss of Signal
• Automatic Shutoff
• Automatic Shutoff Disabled
• Loss of Signal
• VOA Output LOS (applies to MLA2 w/VOA)
• Gauge Threshold Crossing Alert Summary
• Crossed Fibers Suspected

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COM alarms
• Software Auto-Upgrade in Progress
Equipping rules
The following equipping rules apply to MLA2 or MLA2 w/VOA circuit packs:
• is an eight-port single slot interface.
• can be equipped in any slot (1-14 except slots 7 and 8 if cross-connect
circuit packs are provisioned in slots 7 and 8) of the 14-slot shelf (except
the NTK503GA metro front electrical shelf, which does not support this
circuit pack). The MLA2 circuit pack is not supported for use in slots 7 and
8 of the 14-slot packet-optical shelf (NTK503SA variant).
Note: A maximum of eight of the following Photonic circuit packs in total
can be installed in a single 14-slot shelf as long as the total of number of
equipped slots does not exceed 14:
- WSS 100 GHz w/OPM 5x1 (NTK553EAE5)
- WSS 100 GHz w/OPM 2x1 (NTK553JAE5)
- WSS 50 GHz w/OPM 9x1 (NTK553FAE5)
- WSS 50 GHz w/OPM 2x1 (NTK553KCE5)
- MLA2 (NTK552FAE5)
- LIM C-Band (NTK552DAE5)
However, if you want to use more than eight of these circuit packs, you
must contact your Ciena representative.

• can be equipped in slots 1-8, 11-18, 21-28, and 31-38 of the 32-slot
packet-optical shelf.
• can be equipped in slots 1 to 7 of the 7-slot optical shelf (NTK503PAE5 or
• MLA2 circuit pack can be equipped in slots 1 to 6 of the 6500-7
packet-optical shelf (NTK503RA). This circuit pack is not supported for
use in slots 7 and 8 of the 6500-7 packet-optical shelf (NTK503RA).
• MLA2 w/VOA circuit pack can be equipped in slots 1 to 8 of the 6500-7
packet-optical shelf (NTK503RA).
• cannot be equipped in the NTK503MAE5 and NTK503NAE5 variants of
2-slot shelf. Can be equipped in slots 1 and 2 of the NTK503LA variant of
2-slot shelf when the shelf is equipped with SPAP-2 w/2xOSC (NTK555NA
or NTK555NB).
• all equipment that is part of an OTS must be located within the same
physical shelf
• the MLA2 or MLA2 w/VOA circuit packs can be followed by interior SLA
circuit packs.

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The following restrictions on using a cross-connect circuit pack apply when

deploying an MLA2 and MLA2 w/VOA circuit packs:
• the MLA2 and MLA2 w/VOA circuit packs do not use any cross-connect
capacity and can be installed in shelves equipped with or without
cross-connect circuit packs
• In a 14-slot shelf type, you cannot provision a cross-connect circuit pack
in slot 7 or 8 if one of these slots already contains an MLA2 or MLA2
w/VOA circuit pack
• In a 14-slot shelf type, when the MLA2 or MLA2 w/VOA circuit packs are
installed in slot 7 or 8, only Broadband circuit packs or Photonic circuit
packs can be provisioned in the other interface slots (slots 1 to 6 and 9
to14) as MSPP or PKT/OTN I/F interface circuit packs require a
cross-connect circuit pack. See Part 1 of 6500 Planning, NTRN10EY
(Shelf and equipment descriptions) for a full list of supported Broadband
and Photonic circuit packs.
• In a 6500-7 packet-optical shelf type, you cannot provision a
cross-connect circuit pack in slot 7 or 8 if one of these slots already
contains an MLA2 or MLA2 w/VOA circuit pack
• In a 6500-7 packet-optical shelf type, when the MLA2 or MLA2 w/VOA
circuit packs are installed in slot 7 or 8, only Broadband circuit packs or
Photonic circuit packs can be provisioned in the other interface slots (slots
1 to 6) as MSPP or PKT/OTN I/F interface circuit packs require a
cross-connect circuit pack. See Part 1 of 6500 Planning, NTRN10EY
(Shelf and equipment descriptions) for a full list of supported Broadband
and Photonic circuit packs.

Technical specifications
Table 1-13 lists the weight and power consumption for the MLA2 and MLA2
w/VOA optical interface circuit packs. Table 1-14 on page 1-57 lists technical
specifications for the MLA2 and MLA2 w/VOA optical interface circuit packs.

Table 1-13
Weight and power consumption for MLA2 and MLA2 w/VOA optical interface circuit packs

Parameter MLA2 (NTK552FAE5) MLA2 w/VOA (NTK552FB)

Weight 1.2 kg (2.7 lb) 1.2 kg (2.7 lb)
Power Typical (W): 30 (Note 1) Typical (W): 33 (Note 1)
consumption Power Budget (W): 36 (Note 2) Power Budget (W): 37 (Note 2)

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Table 1-13
Weight and power consumption for MLA2 and MLA2 w/VOA optical interface circuit packs

Parameter MLA2 (NTK552FAE5) MLA2 w/VOA (NTK552FB)

Note 1: The typical power consumption values are based on operation at an ambient temperature of
25 (+/-3oC) and voltage of 54 Vdc (+/-2.5 V) or in the full operational voltage range in the case of
AC-powered equipment. For practical purposes, the rounded typical power consumption of equipment
can be used as the equipment heat dissipation when calculating the facilities’ thermal loads (an
estimate of the long term heat release of the item in a system).
Note 2: The power budget values are based on the maximum power consumption in an ambient
temperature range from 5oC to 40oC at a voltage of 40 Vdc (+/-2.5 V) or in the full operational voltage
range in the case of AC-powered equipment. These rounded power values must be used in sizing
feeders and estimating theoretical maximum power draw.

Table 1-14
Technical specifications for MLA2 and MLA2 w/VOA optical interface circuit packs

Parameter MLA2 (NTK552FAE5) and MLA2 w/VOA (NTK552FB)

Line A Line B
Gain (dB) (Note 1) Design Flat Gain (DFG) = 23.5 Design Flat Gain (DFG) = 23.5
Typical: 15-23.5 Typical: 15-23.5
Extended range: 11 to 28 Extended range: 11 to 28
Gain mask See Figure 1-19 on page 1-60 See Figure 1-20 on page 1-61
Noise figure (NF) Different at various gains Different at various gains
Gain 17.5-23.5 Gain 15-17.5 (dB) Gain 17.5-23.5 (dB) Gain 15-17.5 (dB)
• NF < 5.9 • NF < 7.0 • NF < 5.7 • NF < 6.8
(maximum) (maximum) (maximum) (maximum)
• NF < 5.4 (typical) • NF < 6.5 (typical) • NF < 4.9 (typical) • NF < 6.0 (typical)
Maximum output 19.5 EOL (on average 1 dB higher) 19 EOL (on average 1 dB higher)
power (dBm)
(applies to MLA2
circuit pack only)
Maximum output 19.5 EOL (on average 1 dB higher) 19 EOL (on average 1 dB higher)
power before the
VOA (dBm)
(applies to MLA2
w/VOA circuit
pack only)

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Table 1-14
Technical specifications for MLA2 and MLA2 w/VOA optical interface circuit packs (continued)

Parameter MLA2 (NTK552FAE5) and MLA2 w/VOA (NTK552FB)

Line A Line B
Maximum output 18.25 EOL (on average 1 dB higher) 17.75 EOL (on average 1 dB higher)
power after the (Note 2) (Note 2)
VOA tap (dBm)
(applies to MLA2
w/VOA circuit
pack only)
Wavelength range 1530.33 to 1565.09 (88 channels capable)
Tap ratio loss (dB) Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
(applies to MLA2
circuit pack only)
Line_A_Out to 14.6 18.4 N/A N/A
Line_B_Out to N/A N/A 14.4 18.2
Tap ratio loss (dB) Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
(applies to MLA2
w/VOA circuit
pack only)
Line_A_Out to 13.6 (Note 3) 17.4 (Note 3) N/A N/A
Line_B_Out to N/A N/A 13.4 (Note 3) 17.2 (Note 3)
Insertion loss from N/A (Note 4) N/A
Line_A_In to
Line_A_Out (dB)
Insertion loss from N/A N/A (Note 4)
Line_B_In to
Line_B_Out (dB)
Insertion loss from 1.2 (max.) N/A
Line_A_In to
OSC_A_Out (dB)
Insertion loss from N/A 1.0 (max.)
OSC_B_In to
Line_B_Out (dB)

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Table 1-14
Technical specifications for MLA2 and MLA2 w/VOA optical interface circuit packs (continued)

Parameter MLA2 (NTK552FAE5) and MLA2 w/VOA (NTK552FB)

Line A Line B
Amplifier input Minimum Default Maximum Minimum Default Maximum
and output LOS
thresholds (dBm)
Input LOS -40 -36 10 -40 -36 10
Output LOS -15 -12 24 -15 -12 15
VOA attenuation +/- 0.8
setting accuracy
(applies to MLA2
w/VOA circuit
pack only)
Open loop 2.0
attenuation setting
accuracy (dB)
(applies to MLA2
w/VOA circuit
pack only)
(Note 5)
VOA attenuation 20 (max.)
range (dB) 1 (min.)
(applies to MLA2
w/VOA circuit
pack only)
VOA output LOS Minimum Default Maximum Minimum Default Maximum
thresholds (dBm)
-45 -31 20 -45 -31 20
(applies to MLA2
w/VOA circuit
pack only)
Note 1: The gain for the MLA2 w/VOA circuit pack is defined from the input connector to a reference point
immediately before the VOA, that is, the VOA and the components after it, are excluded.
Note 2: This value is at minimum attenuation and it varies depending on the VOA attenuation target.
Note 3: This value includes a default VOA loss of 1 dB.
Note 4: The EDFA modules do not have insertion loss.
Note 5: The VOA is in open loop when the EDFA is in shutoff.

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Figure 1-19
MLA2 and MLA2 w/VOA Line A gain mask

Typical range


12 Over Gain
Output Power (dBm)

10 range


6 range
-36 -34 -32 -30 -28 -26 -24 -22 -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Input Power (dBm)

1. The dashed lines area ( ), identifies the minimum guaranteed output

power when the module is over gained. It is not required to maintain flat
gain in those regions.

2. In the Extended Range, it is not required to meet a maximum output power of 19.5 dBm
for some gain tilts between 0 and -5dB. The Over Gain range is only supported with
negative gain tilt.

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Figure 1-20
MLA2 and MLA2 w/VOA Line B gain mask

Typical range


12 Over Gain
Output Power (dBm)

10 range


6 range
-36 -34 -32 -30 -28 -26 -24 -22 -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Input Power (dBm)

1. The dashed lines area ( ), identifies the minimum guaranteed output

power when the module is over gained. It is not required to maintain flat
gain in those regions.

2. In the Extended Range, it is not required to meet a maximum output power of 19 dBm
for some gain tilts between 0 and -5dB. The Over Gain range is only supported with
negative gain tilt.

Latency information is available in Latency Specifications, 323-1851-170.

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Photonics Equipment

Release 12.6 323-1851-102.6 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2019 Ciena® Corporation October 2019

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