Application of Lean in Manufacturing Industry

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MATEC Web of Conferences 220, 02005 (2018)

ICMSC 2018

Lean Manufacturing Applications in the Manufacturing Industry

1 1 1 1 1 1
Abdillah Arif Nasution , Ikhsan Siregar , Anizar , Tigor Hamonangan Nasution , Khalida Syahputri Indah Rizkya Tarigan
Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl Almamater, Campus USU, Medan – Sumatera Utara, 20155

Abstract. This research was conducted in manufacturing industry, so this research is based on case study application.
This research serves to reduce waste in the industry when making a product. This study categorizes value-added work
and which work has no added value. And it is measurable and has value, so it can be evaluated in the future. Later this
will be poured or depicted on a map called Value stream mapping. This is a tool from Lean Manufacturing. Lean
manufacturing is useful for analysing and reducing non value-added activities, value stream mapping analysis tools,
5L1H process mapping activities, and 5 why tools. From the results of this study obtained the efficiency of the process
cycle and total estimation of the improvement of the lead time. This calculation can be an evaluation material for the

1 Introduction known which activity could give added value and those
who do not give added value.
Competition nowadays is very rapid in the industrial sector, The successful application of lean manufacturing by
demanding every company engaged in manufacturing to using value stream mapping to reduce total lead time has
improve business strategy. This research site is one of the been proven through scientific research [3]. In his journal
manufacturing companies that produce electronic goods in that leads on current state maps of 29.43 days can be
North Sumatra. The production process that takes place in reduced to the inventory level of the process, which
the company shows the existence of time that is not value reduces inventory levels to 18.04 days to 15 days. This
added among others the inefficient material transfer in the proves that the use of value stream mapping can reduce
raw material parts and molding the fan component still total lead time.
using manual way, the length of time waiting for the fan
component after the next molding process on the raft at the 2 Research method
assembly station. The length of production lead time in the
fan production process in the company causes the company The research instrument used in this research is digital
can not meet the needs of customers who have been stopwatch used in data collection to measure the time of
ordered. These problems will adversely affect the company fan production process. Value stream mapping is used in
both financially and in partnership and show the lack of data processing to visualize the real state of the production
productivity of the company in increasing the production process and determine the classification of value added
capacity of the fan product. activity and non-value added activity. Observations made
Lean Manufacturing is a set of techniques that when based on The Maytag Company that is with the provision
combined and run well will reduce and then eliminate of 10 times observations for activities that take place in the
waste [1]. Reducing waste is intended for all activities cycle of about 2 minutes or less while 5 times observation
undertaken on the production floor is an activity that has for activities that take place in the cycle time greater than 2
value added activity, aims to improve competitiveness minutes.
through the production process effectively and the use of
resources efficiently. In this study, the effort made is to
define the elements of the manufacturing cycle to reduce 3 Result and discussions
waste. The approach used is value stream mapping.
Value stream mapping is a process mapping tool that
3.1 Formation of current state map
serves to identify the flow of material and information on
the production process from raw material to finished Current State Map is a description of the ongoing
product. Value stream mapping is represented by symbols production process within the company covering material
which representing activity [2]. Activity is grouped into flow and information flow. The current state map consists
value added and non-value added, so it can be easily

© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
MATEC Web of Conferences 220, 02005 (2018)
ICMSC 2018

Produks i

Purchas ing Marketing

Bagian Produks i


Daily Priority

Bahan Baku

Gudang Sparepart


C/T : 1,35

O/T : -

Uptim e: 99,9%
Available: 8 I
Mixing Bahan Mesin Mesin Mesin
Baku Perakitan Paking
Moulding #1 Moulding #2 Moulding #3
(1) (4) komponen (4) komponen (4) kom ponen #9,
(6) (1)
#1,#2,#3,#4 #5, #6, #7, #8
#10, #11, #12 Gudang
C/T : 14,35 Total C/T : 5,09 Total C/T : 5,33 Total C/T : 4,82 I To tal C/T : 2 3 ,0 2 C/T : 6,69
O/T : - O/T : - O/T : - O/T : - O/T : - O/T : -
Uptim e: 99,9% Uptim e: 99,9% Uptim e: 99,9% Uptim e: 99,9% Uptim e: 99,9% Uptim e: 99,9%
Available: 8 Available: 8 Available: 8 Available: 8 Available: 8 Available: 8
hours hours hours hours hours hours

231,66 207,25
9,80 min 2,56 min 195,59 min 10,03 min 1,96 min 10,06 min PLT = 730,14 min
min min
14,35 min 5,09 min 5,33 min 4,82 min 1,35 min 23,02 min 6,69 min VA = 60,64 min

Figure 1. Current state map.

of several steps starting from determining the value stream The flow of information that companies use there are
manager to forming the entire plant flow map. two types, namely:
a. Manual Information Flow
This information flow occurs between the production
3.1.1 Determination of value stream manager
managers of each process that takes place on the
Value Stream Manager is someone who understands the production floor. The schedule given is the daily activity
whole production process that occurs in detail and has an schedule after getting the adjustment of the amount of
important role in the production process so as to provide ingredients entered.
complete information and can assist in providing b. Electronic Information Flow
suggestions for improvement of production processes. Information delivered using electronic devices. This
information flow takes place between the production
planning department and the marketing department, raw
3.1.2 Formation of SIPOC diagram material suppliers, and between the marketing department
and the customers.
SIPOC diagram used in this study to analyse and describe
about how the process can provide services to customers. Current state map that has been equipped with material
flow and information flow and lead time bar can be seen in
The formation of this diagram helps in explaining a
Figure 1. In making this current state map, the time is
complex project and its scope is unclear.
divided into two, ie production lead time indicating the
The elements used in the diagram are:
existence of non-value added time and process time Cycle
1. Supplier : Raw material storage warehouse and
additional spare parts in the production process) which is value added time.
2. Input : Plastic pellets, calcium carbo, colour
flour, and additional spare parts 3.1.4 Takt Time Calculation
3. Process : Process stages that change
from raw materials and spare parts into products. Takt time shows how often a product should be produced
4. Output : Fan type 1651 KP to meet consumer demand. Production time available with
5. Customer : Consumer shift is 8 hours / day on Monday to Saturday. Rest period of
1 hour / day on Monday to Saturday. Within 1 month
consists of 4 weeks and within 1 week there are 6 working
3.1.3 Overall map formation (current state map) days. [4]
At this stage each process along the value stream is Takt time = available work time per week
combined with the flow of material and information into a customer demand per week
Customer demand rate per week
single stream within the plant. Understanding of the two = (1800 units/month) / (4 weeks/month) = 473 unit/weeks
streams as follows: Available time percentage obtained information that
1. Material flow the production of fan type 1651 KP reaches 45% compared
Material flow describes the movement of the main with other types of products produced in the company. So
material in the process of production process along the that available time of 480 minutes working hours per day,
value stream. for 1651 KP fan is 216 minutes or 12,960 minutes. Takt
2. Information flow time calculation is done starting at each work station, and

MATEC Web of Conferences 220, 02005 (2018)
ICMSC 2018

starting from the last process is on the product gasket until therefore can be seen whether or not there is waste in the
the mixing of raw materials. company. In addition, a method that can be used to identify
Customer demand rate per week on fan packing waste is Process Activity Mapping (PAM).
product will be the basis of customer demand rate Recapitulation of Process Activity Mapping (PAM)
calculation in previous process, that is assembling process results can be seen in Table 2.
in accordance with push system principle.
Comparison between takt time and cycle time of Table 2. Recapitulation of number and time of PAM result of fan
production process type 1651 KP
production obtained from observation can be seen in Table
Activity Numbers Time (Minutes)
Tabel 1. Comparison of cycle time and takt time Operation (O) 22 77,74
Transportation (T) 19 72,58
Activity Cycle Time Takt time Inspection (I) 5 15,52
Mixing raw materials 21,36 28,51 Delay (D) 13 581,40
Molding dop hinge 46,62 27,36
Molding rotary switch 35,11 27,36 Based on the identification of process activities
Molding dynamo’s dwell 51,55 27,36 contained in the production line
Molding dynamo’s cap 50,15 27,36
Molding plastic nuts 38,42 27,36
3.2.2 VA dan NVA analysis
Molding fan leaf 49,80 27,36
Molding casing logo 35,73 27,36 In this stage will be grouped activities that include value
Molding hinge fan stand 39,86 27,36 added and non-value added. The value of value added time
Molding front casing 35,48 27,36 is obtained from the process time contained in the current
Molding back casing 35,45 27,36 state map. While non value added time is the lead time of
Molding casing button 34,66 27,36 each process which is also found in current state map.
Molding fan tread stand 47,87 27,36 Grouping for value added activity can be seen in Table 3.
Installation of bottom tread
Table 3. Value added activity
with spare parts 9,20 28,80
Assembly 18,32 28,80 Time
Packing 13,40 28,51 No Value Added Activity
From the table above the time process under takt time 1 Raw materials are weighed 1,95
indicates the process run faster or can meet the demand. The calcium carbo extract is
The production process in this state is not very good, but it 2 weighed 1,82
needs to be analyzed whether there is a surplus of labor that The colour flour enhancement is
can be reduced to balance the workload of other stations. 3 weighed 1,19
Process time under takt time is the process of mixing raw 4 Mixing Raw Materials 12,18
materials, molding rotary rotary switch components,
molding chasing component logo, front chasing 5 Issued from mixing machine 1,59
component molding, rear chassis component molding, 6 Molding dop hinge 1,17
button chasing component molding, spare part assembly, 7 Molding rotary switch 1,22
assembly assembly, and Packing. 8 Molding dynamo’s dwell 1,23
Stations with processing time above takt time indicate
the process is running slower than it should be. The process 9 Molding dynamo’s cap 1,3
is molding component dop hinge, house dynamo 10 Molding plastic nuts 1,17
component molding, dynamo-housing component molding, 11 Molding fan leaf 1,38
molding plastic nuts components, molding fan leaf
12 Molding casing logo 1,19
components, molding fan stand hinges, and molding stand
fan footprint components. Improvements that can be made 13 Molding hinge fan stand 1,4
to adjust to takt time are by reducing batch size of 14 Molding front casing 1,2
production, improving working methods by reducing
inefficient activity or increasing labour amount. 15 Molding back casing 1,17
16 Molding casing button 1,17
3.2 Current state map analysis
17 Molding fan tread stand 1,11
Installation of bottom tread with
3.2.1 Waste identification with PAM 18 spare parts 1,28
In identifying the existence of non-value added activities 19 Assembly 26,98
for the company, these observations are made directly to
20 Packing 16,04
the company's production floor. With the observation
supported by interviews with employees and supervisors, Total 77,74

MATEC Web of Conferences 220, 02005 (2018)
ICMSC 2018

Grouping for non value added activities can be seen in 3.2.4 PAM analysis by using 5W1H method
Table 4.
Based on the results of the identification of process
Table 4. Non value added activity activities contained in the production line will be
eliminated or reduce activities that are considered not have
N Time added value. In addition, it will also consider
Non Value Added Activity
o (Minutes) improvements in activities that can minimize production
The raw material is brought to process time to be shorter. There are some
1 1,32
the mixing machine non-value-added and evaluable activities totalling 17,
Additional calcium carbo among others, 2, 4, 6, 11, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39,
2 ingredients are brought to the 1,28 42, 45, 47 and 59 This is based on direct observation and
mixing machine discussion result due to excessive activity and production
The colour flour enhancer is process and not added value so it will affect to lead time.
3 1,19
brought to the mixing machine
4 Moved to a molding machine 2,56
3.2.5 Waste analysis in process
Components stacked waiting in
5 572,58 Waste in waiting time that often occurs in the production
6 61,92 process at the factory, after that sought the cause by using
Bring it to the assembly line
tools 5 why that can be seen in Table 5.
7 Spare parts waiting for the raft 8,82
Spare parts are transported to Table 5. Use of the 5 whys method in troubleshooting
8 1,21
the assembly line No Problem: There is a long lead time production
9 Vane testing 1,96 in the form of waiting time
10 7,54 1. Why The flow of the production process is
Check the assembly results
gradual or not flowing
Transport to a temporary
11 3,12 2. Why The product components accumulate a
long time to perform the next stage of the
Comparison between value added (VA) and non-value production process.
added (NVA) can be clearly seen in Figure 2. 3. Why The old product component is transported
to the assembly line
Comparison of Activity Percentage 4. Why Material transportation is repeated using
between Value Added and Non Value manual method
Added 5. Why Limited number of material handling
available and irregular workplace

From the table above can be concluded that the root of

the problem of the occurrence of waste of waiting time due
to the limited number of material handling and the number
of workers for some long production process that takes a
long time to workmanship requires more time. In addition
to analyse the waste that occurred, also conducted an
analysis of the results of calculation take time lower than
cycle time that occurs in some processes.

3.3 Formation of future state map

Figure 2. Comparison between value added and non value added.
3.3.1 Preparation of improvement efforts
3.2.3 Cycle time analysis After it is known that the cause of the waste occurring that
The cycle time of each process that is a value added time causes the high value of non-value added time, then further
sometimes has non value added elements in it called non effort will be made to reduce the non-value added time
value creating time. Overly long cycle times in the based on the root cause analysis of the waste that has been
processing of a process can also lead to non-value creating explained previously. Based on the root of the problem
time. For example, in parts molding components, long described above, it can be made a corrective action plan to
cycle time causes workers on the molding component is minimize waste in the form of waiting time. The root of the
often idle so that this activity is classified as waste. problem shows the limited number of material handling
Analysis of improvements made to reduce cycle time that and the number of workers and the irregularity of the work
will be explained in the proposed further improvement area on the production floor so that it needs to be repaired.
given. Alternative possible improvements are made to each
production activity to reduce waste in the form of waiting

MATEC Web of Conferences 220, 02005 (2018)
ICMSC 2018

time, irregularity of the workplace, and the number of time change included is a time change that can be observed
operators waiting. The alternatives can be seen in Table 6. or estimated from the current state. The picture of the
proposed future state map can be seen in Figure 3. The
Table 6. Alternative improvements for each production activity implementation of the 5 whys strategy and the analysis
using PAM (process activity mapping) on the fan
No Roots of Problems production process will be able to reduce the product
components that accumulate and reduce the waiting time
Raw materials and Adds the number of
that occurs. So it can reduce waste (waste) in the process of
auxiliary materials workers and job fan production.
in the raw material arrangements to the mixing
warehouses await of raw materials
the stages of the 4 Conclusion
process before
mixing the raw Based on the theoretical basis, the results of research and
materials. analysis have been done then it can be concluded that there
Manual removal Adding semi-automatic is several non-value added activities which in a very
resulting in material handling to make significant amount at present state map with total time of
2. 647.94 minutes of total lead time of 725.68 minutes.
repetitive transfers it easier for employees to
do material handling. Through estimation of improvement result obtained Total
The length of Improved working lead time in future state map is 250,80 minutes. Value
waiting time for the procedures in work stream mapping showed a decrease in total lead time of
product procedures and operator 340.9 minutes. The saving of working hours will directly
3. increase the fan production capacity without having to
components from expertise in using molding
the result of machines increase the input used in the production process resulting
molding machine in increased productivity.
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Irregularity of the Adding the container as a Mapping: A Continuous Improvement Tool for
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