HSPICE Tutorial: EE105 Lab Experiments
HSPICE Tutorial: EE105 Lab Experiments
HSPICE Tutorial: EE105 Lab Experiments
College of Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
HSPICE Tutorial
1 Introduction 1
4 Syntax Reference 12
1 Introduction
This tutorial was written specifically for the EE105 course at UC Berkeley. It outlines how to run HSPICE in
Windows and UNIX, then delves into the details of creating netlists, simulating them, and using WaveView
to plot the results. The appendix to this document serves as a syntax reference that may be useful throughout
the lab experiments.
HSPICE is just a program that takes in a netlist (a simple text file containing a circuit description and
analysis options) and outputs the analysis it has performed on the circuit. An HSPICE netlist typically has
an .sp extension, e.g. circuit.sp. Although HSPICE produces many output files, the only one that you
will need to examine for the labs is the .lis extension file, e.g. circuit.lis. This file contains all of the
important results from the HSPICE analysis—operating points, measurement results, error messages, etc.
Typically after simulating a circuit, it is best to check this file first to ensure there were no errors in your
The other files that HSPICE generates are used by WaveView Analyzer, or WaveView for short. Wave-
View is a program that allows you to graphically plot the results of the HSPICE analysis. However, you
will need to explicitly command HSPICE to generate the extra files that WaveView needs; we will show you
how to do this later in the tutorial. Generally, when running WaveView, you will need to open the .sp file
of the circuit you analyzed. WaveView will then automatically find the analysis files that it needs and allow
you to plot the results.
You can create netlists in any text editor that you like. Notepad++ and Wordpad are common options
under Windows. Gedit, Emacs, Vim, and Pico are common options under UNIX. In this tutorial, we are
going to assume that you are familiar enough with one of these text editors to use it proficiently under your
operating system of choice. If you are working in the UNIX environment and are not familiar with any text
editor, we recommend using gedit for now as it is the simplest to use.
2.1 Windows
If you’re working in the lab, you can skip the “Connecting From Home” portion of this section. Just login
to a computer and jump directly into the section on “Running HSPICE”.
2.1.2 Running HSPICE using the EE105 lab computers in 125 Cory
We’re going to go through a sample HSPICE simulation and analysis in WaveView in order to teach you
how to run these programs.
1. Start Notepad. You can do this either by clicking Start → Run, typing “Notepad”, and hitting Enter.
Or, you can click Start → Programs → Accessories → Notepad.
2. Copy the text in Figure 1 into Notepad exactly as it is written (this is what we call a “netlist”).
3. Save this file into a folder called “Tutorial”. Name it rccircuit.sp. Note: To ensure the filename has
a .sp extension, be sure to select “All Files” in the “Save as type” listbox. You can put the filename in
quotations if you want to be extra careful.
4. Save this file into a folder called “Tutorial”. Name it rccircuit.sp. Note: To ensure the filename has
a .sp extension, be sure to select “All Files” in the “Save as type” listbox. You can put the filename in
quotations if you want to be extra careful.
5. Click Start → All Programs → HSPICE V-2013.03-SP2 → Hspui V-2013.03-SP2. This is called the
“HSPICE UI” (HSPUI for short), a graphical user interface to HSPICE.
6. Click Open and select rccircuit.sp using the file browser. You’ll see that HSPUI automatically picks
out the title and picks an output file called rccircuit.lis, also in the Tutorial directory.
7. Click Simulate to simulate the circuit. HSPUI will open HSPICE for you and run your netlist through
HSPICE, producing rccircuit.lis and other output files used by WaveView Analyzer.
8. Click Edit LL to view the output from HSPICE. This file contains information about the analysis
done by HSPICE. Typically, you would look here for measurement results, operating points, and error
messages. You should see no error messages at this time. If you do, check to make sure you copied
the netlist exactly as shown in Figure 1. Once you’ve verified there are no error messages, close the
output file.
9. Click Start → All Programs → SPICE Explorer C2009.03-SP1 → WaveView Analyzer to start Wave-
View. Next, open your simulation output file by clicking File → Import Waveform File and open
rccircuit.tr0. We’ll cover WaveView through some examples later, but you can see the results of
your analysis here by selecting Transient: ee105 spice tutorial example 1 - simple rc circuit in the
Results Browser and double-clicking vs and vo to plot them in the graph. You may have been able to
guess from the netlist, but you’ll see that vs is a step function input and vo is the output taken acrossa
capacitor when the step function is applied as the input, a curve described by vo (t) = vs 1 − e−t/RC .
10. Always remember that if you want to save your data permanently, you must copy it to the U: drive.
Your data will be deleted as soon as you logout otherwise. To access the U: drive, you click Start →
Run, type “U:” in the text box, and hit Enter. Alternatively, you can double-click My Computer, then
double-click U: to achieve the same result.
11. If you’re working from home, you may also want to copy your files to your home computer. This is
useful for printing your netlists, output, and graphs produced in WaveView. If you double-click My
Computer, you should see all of your local hard drives listed (assuming you following the directions in
“Connecting From Home”). You can copy and paste files from the remote desktop to those drives to
save them to your local machine.
2.2 UNIX
In order to use HSPICE under UNIX at UC Berkeley, you’ll need to login to a UNIX server. This is done
using a protocol called SSH. If you are running Linux, MacOS, or UNIX at home, you should have everything
you need to jump to the section entitled “Running SSH”. If you are running Windows, you will probably
need to install additional software. If you know you already have an X Server and SSH software, then you
can also continue to “Running SSH”. If not, continue reading.
2.2.1 Software
In order to work remoted on a UNIX machine, you will need an SSH client and an X Server. There are
many, many options out there, but here we will recommend a couple different pieces of software to use.
SSH Clients The most convenient software to use for ssh is PuTTY for shell functionality and WinSCP
for upload and download functionality. This tutorial will assume you are using PuTTY. Here are links to
this software:
• PuTTY (click the putty.exe link)
• WinSCP (download version 4.0.2 beta)
X Servers We recommend using the Xming X server. In addition to downloading the X server itself, you
will need to install a font package. You can also install Exceed, which is a commercial X Server program
free for UC Berkeley students. If you use Exceed, you will not need the font package. Here are links to this
• Xming X Server and Font Package (download Xming and Xming-fonts) Recommended
• Exceed
Installing the software is relatively straightforward. If you have problems, be sure to read the documen-
tation associated with the software you download.
• For PuTTY, enter c199.eecs.berkeley.edu for the “Host Name”. Then, on the left panel, go to
Connection → SSH → X11 and enable X11 forwarding. Click back on Session in the left panel and
type a name into the “Saved Sessions” text box, and click Save. Then, double-click the session
you created in the list of sessions. It will prompt you for your username, so enter the username
for your class account (i.e. ee105-xx, where xx are two letters). Your named account should also
work here if you have one. Hit Enter, then type your password and hit Enter again. You should
now be at a UNIX shell.
By default, the shell provided may be csh. We highly recommend typing bash to start the Bash shell,
since it is more convenient to work with.
1. Make a new directory called Tutorial. You can do this by typing mkdir Tutorial at the Bash shell.
Change to this directory by typing cd Tutorial.
2. Using your preferred text editor (e.g. gedit, Emacs, Vim, or Pico), copy the netlist in Figure 1 to a
file called rccircuit.sp.
3. Run HSPICE by typing
This command will send the output from HSPICE to a file called rccircuit.lis. If you exclude the
second half of the command, the output will be shown in the shell itself. This can be inconvenient for
referencing and debugging, so it is common to send the output to a file.
4. Open rccircuit.lis in your preferred text editor or pagination utility (e.g. more or less). This
file contains information about the analysis done by HSPICE. Typically, you would look here for
measurement results, operating points, and error messages. You should see no error messages at this
time. If you do, check to make sure you copied the netlist exactly as shown in Figure 1. Once you’ve
verified there are no error messages, close the output file.
$ cx &
This will open the CustomExplorer Console. Next, click Tools → WaveView... to open WaveView.
Finally, click File → Import Waveform File to open rccircuit.tr0. This will open your transient
results (.tr0) in WaveView. We’ll cover WaveView in detail later, but you can see the results of your
analysis here by selecting DO:rccircuit.tr0 in the Output View browser and double-clicking vs and vo
to plot them in the graph. You may have been able to guess from the netlist, but you’ll see that vs is
a step function input and vo is the output taken across a capacitor when the step function is applied
as the input, a curve described by vo (t) = vs 1 − e−t/RC .
6. If you’re working from home, you may want to copy your files to your home computer. This is useful
for printing your netlists, output, and graphs produced in WaveView.
• For SSH Secure Shell, click Window → New File Transfer in Current Directory. This will open a
new interface that allows you to drag and drop files from the UNIX server to your computer and
vice versa. Simply drag the file you want to download from the right side of the screen and drop
it somewhere convenient on the left side of the screen.
• For PuTTY, you will have to use WinSCP to copy your files to a local directory. Run WinSCP
by clicking Start → All Programs → WinSCP → WinSCP. Create a new session and type in the
host name, username, and password as you did when logging in with PuTTY. Save the session by
clicking Save.... Click OK when it prompts you about saving your password, then type a name
in the text box and click OK again. Double-click the session you just created and you will see
a split interface that will allow you to drag and drop files to and from the UNIX server. Simply
drag the file you wish to download from the right side of the screen to the left side in order to
download it to your computer.
your analysis before you describe the circuit topology. What we’ve described is just one convenient way
to organize your netlist so it is easy to read and understand. It’s important to note that SPICE is not
a programming language like you may be familiar with, so you shouldn’t think of it like a programming
language. An example of this is that HSPICE is completely case insensitive. That means vs, VS, Vs, and vS
are all the same to HSPICE.
3.2 Examples
The specifics of writing netlists are going to be taught through examples. We’ll start with simple examples
and gradually progress to more complicated circuits to allow you to gradually build your proficiency with
First, note lines 1 and 7. Line 1 is a comment, as always. You can specify a comment at any time using
the asterisk (*). Any text following the asterisk will be a comment. Line 7 is the .end command, another
requirement for any netlist.
Lines 2–4 contain the description of the circuit topology. In this case, we have three nodes: vs, vo, and
gnd. Note that elements and nodes can have the same name, so Line 2 is perfectly legal even though it is
connecting the voltage source called vs to the circuit node called vs. In some circuits, you may need to refer
to a voltage source or circuit node later in an analysis statement, but context will always make it clear which
you are referring to so a source and node having the same name will never cause ambiguities.
In these lines you can also see the usage of suffixes to denote powers of 10. From 10−15 to 1012 , these are:
f (femto), p (pico) , n (nano), u (micro), m (milli), k (kilo), meg (mega), g (giga), t (tera). HSPICE often
reports values following by an x—this is short-hand for 106 , and you can use it interchangeably with meg.
The node gnd is a standard name used to reference ground. You can also use the number 0 to refer to
the ground node (some people like to number their nodes instead of naming them, in which case 0 may be a
more natural fit). Ground is a special node in the circuit, so only use gnd or 0 to refer to the ground node.
The other nodes have arbitrary names, but in this case I’ve named them intuitively: vs is the voltage of the
source, and vo is the voltage across the capacitor, which I consider the output in this case. Figure 3 shows
the circuit diagram corresponding to this netlist (with nodes labeled as they are in the netlist).
1 kΩ
vs vo
+ r1
vs c1 1 µF
If you take another look at Line 3, you’ll see that when defining the source vs I put the node vs first
and the node gnd second. This is an important distinction when dealing with elements that have positive
and negative terminals. For a resistor, such as the one in Line 3, I can list the nodes in any order without
changing the circuit’s behavior. Also note that the value of the source is a complicated PWL expression. Refer
to the syntax reference at the end of this guide and you’ll see that this is actually a non-ideal step function
(with a linear rise over 1 µs).
Line 5 is our first analysis statement. It tells HSPICE to do a transient (i.e. measure values as a function
of time) from time t = 0 ms to time t = 10 ms in increments of 0.01 ms. When you simulated this circuit
earlier, you should’ve seen that the plot of vo is that of a capacitor charging due to a step function input.
This analysis statement is what allowed you to plot that time-based analysis of node vo.
Line 6 is a list of options that you can pass to HSPICE. In this case, I’ve used two options: post=2 and
nomod. The first, post=2, tells HSPICE to generate extra files for WaveView to use in plotting data. If you
do not specify post=2 (actually, you can also specify post=1 or post=3—the differences aren’t important
for our purposes), you will not be able to plot your data in WaveView. The second option, nomod, just tells
HSPICE not to print model information in the output file. Although this is unimportant for this example
(since we haven’t included any models), it can be useful when you are dealing with real device models that
can be half a page long.
Try simulating this circuit and plotting vo in WaveView like you did earlier in the tutorial. Now try
to measure how long it takes for vo to go from 0V to 0.63(5) = 3.15 V once vs steps from 0 V to 5 V. If
you remember your RC circuits from EE40, you’ll realize this should be the time constant of the circuit
t = RC = 1 ms. Measuring this on the graph in WaveView, I get almost exactly 1 ms.
5 kΩ
vs vd
vs − 5V d1
Let’s take a look at the new features of this netlist. First, we’ve defined a model on Line 2 called
tut_diode. Models are necessary whenever you are using diodes or transistors in your netlists. The model
defines certain parameters related to the device you specify. In this class we’ll typically give you the param-
eters you need to define for your SPICE models, and our models will typically be very simple. Real device
models can have dozens of parameters specified in excruciating detail. Note that a model name cannot start
with a number in HSPICE (for example, 2N4401 would be an invalid name, but QN4401 would be a valid
model name).
Line 5 shows how you can define a diode. You should recall from EE40 that a diode is asymmetric, so we
have to specify the positive terminal first and the negative terminal second. You also have to specify which
model to use, and in this case I’m using the model we just defined in Line 2.
The last new command shown here is on Line 6, the .op command. This command stands for “operating
point” and tells HSPICE to calculate the voltage at every node and the current through every branch in the
circuit. Note that we’ve excluded the .option post=2 command in this netlist because we will not need to
use WaveView for this analysis.
Simulate this circuit and open the SPICE output file. Scroll through this file until you see a line that
says “operating point information”. Below that, you should see a list of all of the nodes in the circuit (in
this case, we just have two nodes) and the voltages at those nodes, plus a list of all the elements in the
circuit and the voltages and currents associated with those elements. We can read off the operating point
we’re interested in: the voltage at vd is 655.8104 mV.
Let’s compare this to the hand-calculated operating point for the same circuit using IS = 10−14 A for
the diode. We have:
VS 1
IS eVD /VT = − VD
Solving this equation gives VD = 654.889 mV, a percent error of 0.14 % compared to the value given by
Let’s see how this netlist has changed to allow us to do a DC analysis. First, note the Line 6, instead of
being an operating point analysis .op, is now a DC analysis .dc. In this case, we are sweeping vs from 0 V
to 5 V in steps of 0.01 V. Looking at Line 3, you may think this conflicts with the value I’ve already put
there; however, when you do a DC analysis of a source, it ignores whatever value you gave the source earlier.
The second change I made was in adding Line 7, since we are going to be using WaveView to look at a
plot of vd versus vs. Simulate the circuit and open it in WaveView. Before we continue, I’m going to briefly
describe the WaveView interface that we’ve been using so far.
When you first open WaveView with your circuit, it will automatically open the data from input file that
you give it. The various traces will be displayed in the Output Browser. This will be the first place to look
when you want to plot something you’ve measured. There are many extraneous quantities you’ll probably
never want to plot (for example, you can plot the voltage at the ground node), but usually the quantity
you’ll want to plot will be located somewhere in the Output Browser.
1 nF
vs vo
+ c1
vs r1 1 kΩ
First let’s look at how the netlist has changed once again. Look at Line 2. Although this looks extremely
similar to all of our other voltage definitions, it has one extra parameter specified before the value: ac. This
tells HSPICE that the AC analysis should be done by varying the frequency of this source. If you try to do
an AC analysis of a circuit without any AC sources specified, HSPICE will give you an error.
Now look at the new analysis statement on Line 5. The .ac command tells HSPICE to do an AC analysis
by sweeping the frequency of the AC source as you specify. The first parameter passed to this command,
in our case dec, tells HSPICE whether to do a linear (lin) sweep, a sweep by octaves (oct), or a sweep
by decades (dec). In this class, we’ll be using dec for all of our AC analyses. The second parameter tells
HSPICE how many sample points to take per decade. The third parameter is the starting frequency of the
sweep, and the fourth parameter is the ending frequency of the sweep. In this case, we’re taking 500 points
per decade from f = 100 Hz to f = 1 GHz.
Simulate this circuit and open the *.ac0 circuit it produces in WaveView. You’ll notice your *.ac0 file in
the Output View browser. Expand it and click on toplevel and then find the vo signal in the panel below.
Let’s start with the phase Bode plot. In Tools → Equation Builder you can find the tools you need to
build a Bode Plot. To plot the phase, right click on the vo signal in the Output View Browser. Then select
phase(v) from the RF Built-in Functions box.
Follow a similar process to plot the magnitude in decibels (look under the math functions; for voltage
ratios always use db20() and for power ratios use db10()).
As a side note, normally when you make a Bode plot you’d need to take the magnitude of the output
over the input in dB. In general this is true, but in our case we set the magnitude of our AC source to
1 V, so dividing by a magnitude of 1 V would not have changed the results. If you were to use a different
magnitude, you’d have to use the same method described above to divide the magnitude of the output by
the magnitude of the input before computing the expression’s value in dB.
convential notation in the diagram this time and haven’t labeled the nodes. At this point, you should be
able to recognize what is going on without those labels. Figure 10 shows the netlist for this circuit diagram.
1 kΩ 1.5 kΩ
R1 R5
R2 500 Ω R6 700 Ω
800 Ω
vs 1V vo
R4 200 Ω R7 100 Ω
900 Ω
The only new feature here is the analysis statement on Line 11, which is a .tf statement, short for
transfer function. This calculates the DC gain, input resistance, and output resistance between the voltage
node specified first (the output) and the voltage source specified second (the input). We don’t need the
.option post=2 statement since we will not be using WaveView for this analysis.
Simulate the circuit in HSPICE and open the output file. Look for a line that says “small-signal transfer
characteristics”. Underneath that, you should see values for v(vo)/vs, or the gain from vs to vo, the input
resistance at vs, and the output resistance at vo. In this case, the gain is 109.8628 m ≈ 0.110. If you were
to calculate the voltage at node vo by hand, you would get the same result.
Figure 11: A netlist for finding the poles and zeroes in the circuit in Figure 7
TRIG/TARG One use of the .measure command involves specifying a trigger and a target (TRIG
and TARG, respectively). A trigger tells the command when to start measuring, and the target tells the
command when to stop measuring. The command will then report the value you want to measure at the
trigger condition, target condition, and the difference between its values under those conditions. This is best
illustrated through an example. Consider the RC circuit in Figure 3. Let’s say we want to measure the rise
time of this RC circuit. First, we need to define the rise time metric—let’s say it’s the time it takes for vo
to go from 10 % to 90 % of its final value (i.e. from 0.5 V to 4.5 V).
Now, let’s take a look at the netlist that will perform this measurement, shown in Figure 12. Pay close
attention to line 6, which contains the .measure command. The structure of the command is as follows
(note that the plus signs allow you to continue a command on the next line and are not necessary):
.measure <ac|dc|tran> <name>
+ trig <node> val=<value> <rise|fall|cross>=<value>
+ targ <node> val=<value> <rise|fall|cross>=<value>
The first argument specifies what analysis statement to associate the measurement with. For example, if
measuring time the first argument should be tran. If measuring frequency, it should be ac, and if voltage,
dc. The second argument is simply a name for your measurement. In the example for computing rise time, I
use the name trise for my measurement. Now you must specify the trigger and target, which have identical
structure. For each, you must specify what node you want to trigger/target on, the value it needs to equal
at the time of the trigger/target, and how many rises/falls/crosses have occurred prior to the node reaching
that value. You should understand the concept of rising and falling, i.e. a signal going from low to high or
high to low. A cross is simply the sum of rises and falls.
Let’s look at our example again. I am triggering when v(vo), the voltage at the output node, is equal to
0.5 V, or 10 % of its final value. I want it to measure this value on the first rise, so I specify rise=1. I am
targeting when v(vo) is equal to 4.5 V, or 90 % of its final value. Again, I want the value on the first rise,
so I again specify that rise=1. That’s all there is to it. If your simulate this netlist in HSPICE and look at
the output, under a line labeled “transient analysis” you should see values for trise, trig, and targ, where
trise is just targ - trig.
One issue to watch out for is that you cannot set your trigger to at zero. If you want to trigger at zero,
you can approximate the measurement by using a very small, but non-zero, trigger value. For example, I
could trigger on the value 1n.
For more information on the .measure command, refer to Specifying User-Defined Analysis (.MEASURE).
.inc ‘<filename>’
4 Syntax Reference
Any bracketed labels must be replaced entirely (i.e. if you want a value of 5 V, you should replace <value>
with 5V).
• Current-controlled current source (vcontrol refers to the voltage source which the controlling current
flows through)
F<name> <+ terminal> <- terminal> <vcontrol> <gain>
• Sinusoidal source (used as a <value>)
sin(<offset> <amplitude> <frequency> <delay> <damping> <phase>)
• Square wave source (used as a <value>)
pulse(<vmin> <vmax> <delay> <rise time> <fall time> <pulse width> <period>)
• Piece-wise linear source (used as a <value>)
pwl(<t0> <v0> <t1> <v1> <t2> <v2> ...)
• Resistor
r<name> <terminal 1> <terminal 2> <value>
• Capacitor
c<name> <terminal 1> <terminal 2> <value>
• Inductor
l<name> <terminal 1> <terminal 2> <value>