Best Choice Questions

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Best Choice Questions

First assessment test of MLT 3rd semester

Q1: The colonies produced by Pseudomonas

on Mac Conkey’s medium are

a. Purple colored
b. Pink colored
c. Pale colored
d. Green colored

Answer: C

Q2: Staining material of gram positive

bacterium is
a. Fast green
b. Hematoxylin
c. Crystal violet
d. Safranin

Answer: C

Q3: The staining technique used to stain the

metachromatic granules of Corynebacterium
a. Giemsa stain
b. Alberts stain
c. Acid fast staining
d. Both a and b

Answer: B
Q4: Treponema pallidum can be best
identified using
a. Fluorescence microscope
b. Bright field microscope
c. Dark field microscope
d. Fluorescence microscope

Answer: C

Q5: Blood agar medium is

a. Enrichment medium
b. Enriched medium
c. Selective medium
d. Differential medium

Answer: B

Q6: A gram positive organism which produces

swarming on culture medium is
a. Salmonella
b. Clostridium
c. Staphylococci
d. Proteus
Answer: D

Q7: The Gram Positivity of bacteria depends upon

a. Presence of mycolic acids
b. Presence of dipicolinic acid
c. Pore size bacteria
d. Presence of teichoic acid
Answer: D
Q8: The differentiate lactose and non-lactose
fermentors, the medium used is
a. Wilson & lair
b. Blood Agar
c. Tetra thionate broth
d. Mac-Conkey’s Agar
Answer: D
Q9: Best method for getting pure culture is
a. Streak-plate
b. Agar slant
c. Both a & b
d. None of these
Answer: C

Q10: The principle involved in the streak plate

method is
a. Separation
b. Streaking
c. Isolation
d. Dilution

Answer: D
Q11: Coryne bacterium is
a. Gram positive
b. Resistant to Penicillin
c. Gram negative
d. Resistant to Chloramphenicol
Answer: A
Q12: In human being str. Pneumoniae causes
a. Septicemia
b. Paronychia
c. Pneumonia
d. None of these
Answer: C
Q13: VDRL test is a
a. Agglutination test
b. Slide flocculation test
c. Precipitation test
d. None of these
Answer: B
Q14: Regarding safe working practices which is correct?
a. Mouth pipetting for dispensing the samples
b. Use septic techniques while handling the specimens
c. Ensure technical and auxiliary staff working in the
laboratory receive appropriate immunization
d. Eat and drink in the laboratory premises
e. Allow unauthorized persons to enter in laboratory
Answer: C
Q15. Non- free living bacteria are
a. Spirochetes
b. Rickettsia
c. Campylobacter
d. Diphtheria
e. Proteus
Answer: B
Q16. Which antibody persist 6 weeks after infection
a. IgG
b. IgA
c. IgE
d. IgM
e. IgD
Answer: A
Q17.  Which of the following is used as a solidifying agent for
a) Beef extract
b) Peptone
c) Agar
d) Yeast extract
Answer: C
Q18.The isolation of gonorrhea-causing organism, Neisseria
gonorrhea by the use of certain antibiotics in media is an
example of which of the following?
a) Selective media
b) Differential media
c) Enriched media
d) Assay media
e) Indicator media
Answer: B
Which of the following is a substitute for crystal violet used
in gram-staining procedure?
a. Methylene blue
b. Bromocresol green
c. Safranin
d. Phenolpthalene
Answer: A

Q20: Oxidase test is to identify except?

a. Pseudomonas
b. Neisseria
c. Vibrio
d. Enterococcus
Answer: D

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