NectarOfDevotion Presentation

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I. History II. Purpose of NOD (6 purposes)

To make each of us a 1
Rüpa Gosvämé’s History of Gosvämé
position NOD
To explain bhakti rasa v/s 2
we are material rasa
one of the 6 explicitly ‘Rüpänugas’
Gosvämé’s of connected to Practical hints to live in material 3
Våndävana Kåñëa world by devotional service

paramparä from Stimulate original love in 5 different 4

Caitanya Mahäprabhu rasas
to Rüpa …. Çréla
Prabhupäda Science of perfectly loving all 5
living entities
Nurture devotional life of 6
practising devotees
2 To explain bhakti rasa v/s material rasa

Bhakti Rasa Amåtä Sindhu

connotes (Juice / mellow)
devotional love
Eternal Ocean of
implies (fresh) pleasure
service mundane Bhakti
refers to “we may manage to procure a few
drops of sense pleasure, but there is
activity intended an entire ocean of NOD easily
to please beloved available to all, always. By
oscillating/ understanding NOD, we can dive
tasteless deeply into that ocean.”
Love “Capala
sukha” “Bhoga-
tyäga” fresh eternal

primary is a basic gets fulfillment when

stage (family) propensity, we connected to Kåñëa
to society to can’t live without it

water the root one switch that brightens all


Maìgaläcaraëa Contents Definition of

Service (PDS)
(Invoking auspiciousness)

Objective of the book Obeisances Benediction

Lord Guru Vaiñëavas protection from free from
“akhila-rasämåta-mürti” volcanoes of impersonalists’
argumentative misconception
“SHARKS” logicians

reservoir of attractor of
all pleasure Gopés
in ocean of reject never caught
perfection rivers of by fisherman
Judge (Näräyaëa) v/s (not sense liberation of birth and
home (Våndävana gratification) death

Subjugates (controls them ) Absorbs (intimate circle) Controlled by (submissive lover)

Täraka, Pälikä Çyämä, Lalita Rädhäräëé

Ocean has 4 sides

Eastern (varieties of Southern Western Northern

devotional service) (overview of (primary (secondary rasas)
rasas) rasas)
devotional service in 4 waves


general description in practice in ecstasy pure love
of devotional (Sädhana bhakti) (Bhäva) (Premä )
service (Sämänya
Chapters Ch 17 and 18 Ch 19 – Devotional
service in pure love,
2 to 16
Introduction Premä
Chapter 1
Ch 17 – Ch 18 –
Definition 6 definition characteristics
of pure characteristics and of one in bhäva
devotional of pure attainment
service devotional of bhäva
Ch. 2 to 6
Ch.- 2 Ch.- 3 Ch.- 4 Ch.- 5 Ch.- 6

Eligibility for Those Pure 64 items/

Sädhana Bhakti
VSB eligible reject devotional practices of
and Vaidhé-
bhukti and service is self Sädhana
Sädhana Bhakti
mukti sufficient and Bhakti

20 items of primary 44 additional items

importance of service

Activities Activities (21-59) (60-64) five

to accept to avoid items of most
(1-10) (11-20) Sädhana effective
Pravåtti nivåtti items
Ch. 7 to 12 Ch. 13
Detailed explanation of Five most potent forms that can
1 to 64 evoke bhäva even in a neophyte

Ch.- 7 Ch.- 8 Ch.- 9 Ch.- 10 Ch.- 11 Ch.- 12

(1 – 18) (19) (20 – 42) (43 – 46) (47 – 53) (54 – 64)

techniques of hearing
offenses to avoid and remembering
servitude, friendship
and self-surrender

Ch. 14 Ch. 15 Ch. 16

Rägätmikä, Rägänuga,
Other spiritual
spontaneous spontaneous
bhakti practice

Jïäna and Wealth and Saintly

Varëäçrama Vairägya qualities
Definition of pure devotional service (PDS)
anyäbhiläñitä-çünyaà jïäna-karmädy-anävåtam
änukülyena kåñëänu- çélanaà bhaktir uttamä

Primary characteristics Secondary characteristics

(svarüpa) (taöashta)

for Kåñëa active engagement favorable

(Kåñëänu) freedom from not covered
(anuçélanam) intention by
ulterior motive
do’s and
directly explicitly follows
Kåñëa connected paramparä
to Kåñëa adi
jïäna karma

“only then
positive negative
parapher will be in
devotees (with body,
nalia or shelter of
mind and internal
dhäms yoga renunciation etc.
words) potency”
Chapter -1


Relief from material distress (Kleçägni) i

Service Not even 5

Lord kinds of All auspicious (çubhadä) ii
Kapila SB Liberation
3.29.12-13 Derides happiness of liberation (Mokña- iii

Difficult to achieve ( iv

Incalculably condensed bliss ( Sändränanda-viçeñätmä) v

Attracts Sri Kåñëa (Kåñëäkarñaëé) vi

(i) Relief from material distress (Kleçägni )

Causes of suffering Solution for

Avidyä (Ignorance)

(Sinful Desires)

Küöaà Päpaà
( Sinful disposition) (Sinful Activities)

(Unmanifest reaction)

Prärabdha (Manifest) SUFFERING

Solution for

Prärabdha Aprärabdha Béjam Avidyä

SB 3.33.6 Low Padma Puräëa BG 18.66

birth can be
counteracted “All 4 effects are Just
vanquished” surrender ,
I shall protect

Blazing fire of Tolerate with Ajämila section

devotional determination
service turns (BG 7.28)
to ashes--- (SB Elephant Sun of
11.14.19) bathing Bhakti

SB 4.22.39 Padma Puräëa “fire kills

“Knot of false ego will be freed” snakes of ignorance”
(ii) All auspicious (Çubhadä )

When does it take place ? What is it?

When following criteria are met it is

As suffering “Niñöhä ” auspicious (Only devotional service
decreases meets these criteria)

Benefits and Development of Superior

attracts everyone saintly qualities Happiness

Political & Padma Puräëa SB 5.8.12 Flaws of

Social “even trees & animals
organizations benefit’ (page 8) Page 9
Modern Haöha Yogi
fail (has sex
eg. Lord Chaitanya “quality of after yoga)
Mahäprabhu at demigods in a illiterate K.con. devotee v/s
Jhärikhanda devotee” educated materialist
Superior Happiness

Devotional Service is How is Devotional Service

superior to superior to other paths

Sense Mystic Liberation

gratification Eternal Includes
other types
of happiness

(a) how it includes? (b) Evidences (C) Examples

Automatically Senses are Tantraçästra - HBS- Païcarätra Çrédhara
liberated engaged in Jiva beyond Prahläda Kolavecha follow
-Doesn’t queen bee
from material Kåñëa’s impersonalists’ Mahäräja- DS care a fig -- (Page 13) (Page 14)
world service happiness includes all 4 ( Page 13)
(Page 10) (Page 13)
(iii) Derides happiness of liberation (Mokña-laghutä-kåt)

Manifests at “4 Religious “Water in Manifests at

principles are impression of
stage of “Bhäva” stage of
straw in street” cow’s hooves” “Bhäva”
(Bhävärtha- (Prahläda
dépikä) Mahäräja HBS)

(iv) Difficult to achieve (Sudurlabhä )

Why is it difficult How to attain?

By mercy of
We cannot attain by Spiritual Master
Kåñëa is Lord becomes
own efforts (Çiva reluctant to
(Cc.m.19. 151 &
confirms in Tantra
purchased (Närada Prahläda Mahäräja
give it Muni to Yudhiñöhira
sästra) in SB)
SB 5.6.18)
(v) Incalculably condensed bliss

Molecular density of metal is Similarly this happiness is so densely

so concentrated that nothing concentrated that no other perception
else can penetrate or thought momentarily registers

(vi) Attracts Sri Kåñëa (Çré-kåñëäkarñiëé)

Lord is self satisfied and can be attracted only by

His own pleasure potency.

Yoga,Vedänta not Päëòava’s & I am sorry I

as attractive as DS Prahläda Mahäräja disrespected you
(SB 11.14.20) attractive to Kåñëa (Arjuna in BG)
(SB 7.10.48,49) Means Kåñëa was his friend
Greatest devotee who
Devotional Service attracts Kåñëa is Sri
means follow Rädhäräëé
Known as
Rädhäräëé’s Madana Mohan
footsteps Mohiné

If under the
control of
Rädhäräëé DS Rädhäräëé
will attract She controls
Kåñëa Himself Devotional

BG says great souls

are under ‘daivé prakåti’
i.e. Kåñëa’s internal Devotees in Våndävana
energy i.e. Sri put themselves under her
Rädhäräëé care to achieve perfection
Chapter -2
The First Stages Of Devotion (Sädhana Bhakti (SB) Ch 2 to Ch 16)
Sädhana Bhakti (SB)

Qualification Definition Examples Essence Types of SB

Child walking
Taste Logic and
Psychiatrists Närada Muni (SB 7.1.32)
reviving to
have no
Attraction normal condition
foundation “Fix mind on Kåñëa
by any means”
Previous life Aborigines also
Easiest way Example
MERCY “Sädhana is systematic practice to fix mind
executed with the mind & senses that
reawakens ecstatic love of Godhead
Chanting Ambaréña
(Bhäva) lying dormant within heart”
Types of Sädhana Bhakti

Vaidhé VSB Rägänuga Spontaneous

(Regulated SB) Ch 2-14 Devotional Practice
Ch 15-16

Either of the
No natural Inspiration from 2
attraction scriptures & Natural
order of SM attraction
to pleasing
Vaidhé VSB (Regulated SB) Ch 2-14

Definition Essence Evidence Fruit of VSB

“When there is no “If one regularly executes

attachment or no such service unto
spontaneous loving service SPOG, under the
to Lord & one is engaged in direction of bonafide
spiritual master then
Lord’s service simply out of
gradually he rises to
obedience to the order of the platform of
spiritual master or in serving in pure love
pursuance of scriptures” of God” (Närada
All vidhé (Rules) =
always remember “If the result of “All the 4 social
following rules is orders must try to
Kåñëa All they worship Me, satisfy Kåñëa who
Niñedha they'll be happy” is the supreme
(Prohibition) = (Kåñëa to enjoyer (Camasa
Never forget Kåñëa Uddhava SB muni SB 11.5.2,3)
Chapter - 3
Eligibility of the candidate for accepting devotional service
(Eligibility for beginning & advancing in VSB)

Is knowledge & renunciation needed?

Grades of eligibility to advance

Varieties of ‘Low-grade’ devotee (Kaniñöha)
Who is the best of these?
Impediments to advancement in VSB
What is the most important need?
Eligibility Is knowledge & Grades of eligibility to
renunciation advance
Attraction to needed?
Kåñëa’s service
Mercy of Lord In VSB service is by
Not a prerequisite inspiration from çästra
Association because too much of & guru. So faith &
of devotees this makes heart hard & knowledge in
emotionless scriptures determine
Grades Faith Knowledge
Strong convinced Strong
(High Grade) Can convince/defeat others

Madhyaàa (Medium Strong convinced Good but cant always

Grade) defeat opposition

Kaniñöha (Low Grade) Weak easily swayed Weak ,cannot offer

arguments to opposing
Varieties of ‘Lowgrade’ (Kaniñöha )

Distressed Need money Inquisitive Wise

Gajendrä Dhruva Çaunaka 4 Kumäras

Who is the best of these?



i) service is less ii) At least preliminary

motivated knowledge of çästra
Impediments to advancement in VSB
Desire for 3. Rüpa Gosvämé compares
with ghosts & witches

Liberation Enjoyment 4. Bilva M. Thakur “ I reject

(Mukti) (Bhukti) liberation who is standing at my
door with folded hands”

Examples that reject Bhukti 5. I only want unflinching faith &

& Mukti in favour of PDS devotion---(Uddhava SB 3.4.15)

1. My devotees refuse all

liberation & only want service 6. Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu “ I
(SB 3.25.34 Lord Kapila) do not want wealth,followers,---
”(na dhanaà na janaà----)
2. Impersonalists cannot
approach Your Lotus feet . So 7. Lord Kapila “ My devotees are
how can fruitive workers (SB attracted to my beauty ,form --- I
4.9.10 Dhruva) give them place in special abode”
(SB 3.25.36)
What is the most important need

To begin VSB Mercy of devotees
Advance in VSB Maturing of our
knowledge & faith in
Practise Pure Liberation from bodily
devotional service concept & all desires
abandon, especially
bhukti & mukti
Chapter - 4
Devotional Service Surpasses all Liberation
(Those eligible to practice pure devotional service reject bhukti & mukti )

1. References of devotees 2. Devotees of Våndävan reject

rejecting Bhukti & Mukti all desires for liberation
even Vaikuëöha residence.
(a) Prithu Mahäräja (4.20-24)
“Please give me millions of tongues & ears …I will
never ask for emancipation.”

(b) SB(5.14.44)
“Bharat Mahäräja easily gave up all comforts & did
not accept Lakñméjé’s offers.”

(c) SB(6.11.25)
“I may get heaven or other promotions, but I only
want your association & service.”
1. References of devotees rejecting Bhukti & Mukti

(d) SB(4.18.74)
“Only devotees who reject material desires and
serve Lord know their real self interest.”

(e) SB (7.6.25)
Prahläda “ Just chant… then no necessity of any
spiritual emancipation”

(f) SB (7.8.42)
“O lord our duty is to always serve You, You are the
enjoyer of every thing”

(g) SB (8.3.20) Gajendrä “ I am asking for favour but I

know devotees don't ask except Your glorification.”

(h) SB (10.16.37)
Nägapatné’s:- “any one who gets dust of your lotus
feet does not care a fig for anything else”
1. References of devotees rejecting Bhukti & Mukti

(i) SB (10.87.21)
“ Your devotees have rejected all comforts and fully
merged in devotional service.”

(j) SB (11.20.34) Kåñëa to Uddhava

“ My devotees won’t even accept 4 kinds of spiritual

(k) SB (10.14.14)
“My devotee does not want Brahmä, Indra’s post or
8 mystic perfections

(l) SB (12.10.6)
“Märkaëòeya has attained pure love therefore does
not aspire any benediction.”
(m) Dämodaräñöakam in Padma Puräëa
1. References of devotees rejecting Bhukti & Mukti

(n) Hayagréva païcarätra

“Hanumän is glorious & thus I also wish only to serve

(o) SB (6.14.5)
“ I have heard even those liberated have to become
devotees and they are very very rare”

(p) SB (1.8.20)
“If Paramhaàsas alone can know You, I am less
intelligent. How can I know You ” (Kunté )

(q) SB (1.7.10) Atmäräm verse

“ Even those who are liberated are attracted by
transcendental qualities of Kåñëa.”
2. Devotees of Våndävana reject all desires for liberation even Vaikuëöha residence.

5 kinds of Devotees Some devotees Våndävana If attached to

liberation specifically may accept devotees particular form
reject first other 4 types but however only doesn't
type of as they mature, want to please redirect
liberation. love becomes Kåñëa devotion to
prominent other forms

Not even Purest of

1. Becoming one with Lord any of the pure
other four devotees
2. To live on same planet types

3. Same bodily features

4. Same opulence’s as Lord

Eg. Hanumän knew no
5. Constant association of Lord difference between Näräyaëa
and Ram, yet attached to Ram
Chapter - 5
The purity of Devotional service (PDS is perfectly self-sufficient & independent)
(Bhakti doesn't need preliminary qualification of Birth, Vedic sacrifices &
Varëäçrama like other paths do)
Bhakti is pure & free from 3 requirements, Namely

Pious birth Rituals of Varëäçrama

SB (1-2-6) purification Dharma
“sa vai puàsäà” “devotional service has no material cause,
open for all & constitutional position of all living entities”
BSST Fought hard to establish PDS as open to all

Padma Puräëa “Only quality for bath in cold magh is desire.

Similarly if one has desire & attraction, he can take to bhakti
(Vasiñöha tells Dilipa)
Skanda Puräëa “in Mayurdhvaj, low caste people also purified
than highest brahmans”
Hari-bhakti-vilas “alchemy can change iron to gold similarly PDS
can transform low born character to highest saintly.

No need, even if by Thus no Kåñëa to Uddhava

mistake falls, just do need of jïäna (11-21-2)
devotional service & karma
more strictly
“best qualification is
No need of sticking to devotional
präyaçcitta service & follow
regulative principles”
Varëäçrama Dharma
Varëäçram Dharma becomes obsolete because it gradually elevates
whereas PDS directly helps us surrender to Lord
S B (1-5-17) Närada to Vyasdev “even if not occupational
duty but surrenders to Kåñëa is elevated whereas vice
versa is not true”
Rishabdev “if engaged in Varëäçrama Dharma but not in PDS is
wasting human life”
Kåñëa to Uddhava “any person who gives up Varëäçrama
Dharma & takes shelter of me is 1st class person” (11-11-32)
“No longer debt to sages ancestors, demigods, family & society”
(11-5-41- Karbhajana to Nimi Mahäräja)

BG 18.66 Just surrender to Me & I shall protect you always.

Agastya saàhitä “Rituals not needed for liberated person

similarly not needed for devotees of Lord Ram”
If by chance forbidden act, no need of rituals since Lord within
heart takes compassion & corrects accidental mistakes (11-5-42-
Karbhajana Muni to Nimi)
Chapter - 6
How to discharge devotional service (64 Practices of Sädhana Bhakti )
(Ch-2 defined Sädhana Bhakti as “engaging our senses in some service to Kåñëa”
Srila Rüpa Gosvämé describes exactly how to do that from this chapter onwards)
Ways to execute Sädhana Bhakti (64 ways)

20 items of Primary importance 44 additional items of service (21-64)

(Preparatory Principles) (1-20)
44 practical ways to engage in çravaëam,
Kértanam etc. for the purpose of
focusing the mind upon Kåñëa &
(1-10)Activities to (11-20) Activities to meant to reawaken Bhäva
accept (pravåtti ) avoid (nivåtti )

Will strengthen one’s Without avoiding

foundation of PDS this devotional
21-59 (Items 60-64 (5 most
foundation will
of Sädhana ) effective
Most essential items corrupt and decay
Most essential items (Uniquely effective in reawakening Bhäva-bhakti)
Guru introduces one to all the other items of Sädhana
& guides him in their application. Thus without first 3, (Chapters 12&13
execution of remaining 61 is not possible. in detail)
Chapter - 7
Evidence regarding Devotional Principles (Explanation of first 18 items)
Because Spiritual
why this is
Master shows how
most to execute all
1. Accepting the important? other practices
shelter of bonafide Evidence SB 11.3.21
Spiritual Master page 59
Who is a bonafide Uttama adhikäré
Spiritual Master ?
Can control 6
types sense

Accept as representative of Kåñëa

2. Accepting initiation
from Spiritual Master
Learn Çrémad-Bhägvatam
& receiving
Attitude must be to satisfy him
Apply the knowledge of 1& 2
by serving him
3. Serving Spiritual
Master with faith Never be envious of him

Equal to serving all


Buddha, although SPOG, is

rejected because he has not
followed previous authorities
4. Following Footsteps
of saintly persons

Unless follows çruti, smruti….,.only

disturbs society
5. Inquiring about
religious principles

6. Prepared to give up material enjoyment…………

Särüpya mukti

7. Residing in sacred
place Demigods see as 4-handed

Ganges sanctifies fully

For Bodily needs, so that one can

remember Kåñëa
8. Accepting only what
is necessary

Make realistic vows for spiritual


9. Fasting on

10. Offering respect to…….


11. Giving up means

company of demigod worshippers

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s Accept cage of Prefer to embrace

order to give up iron or fire but snake, tiger or
association of non not non alligator rather than
devotees devotees association of non
12 to14..Not accepting
unfit disciples

Bhagvad Närada muni Activities per se Avoid pride & prestige

gétä, CC & says don’t not forbidden & follow
NOD enough accept unfit because Rüpa Bhaktisiddhanta
disciples (7th Gosvämé himself Saraswati Thakur’s
canto) did this formula of printing
dealing refers
forwardness in
strong emotions
ordinary…. Equilibrium leave little room for
needed remembrance of
because Kåñëa

respect even an ant

17. Not neglect demigods
Puräëa; Hari is worshipable, also

If treats all like children , will be

favored by SPOG (Mahäbhärata )

18. Not giving pain to

any living entity

never supports slaughter houses

Chapter - 8
Offenses to be avoided (Elaboration on the 19th item of sädhana)
Essence of OFFENSE

Fix mind on
“Takes mind 1. Sevä – aparädha 2. Nama-aparädha
away from Kåñëa (Deity worship ( offenses in
by minimizing its offenses) chanting of holy
Less serious than 2. Because power of
holy name corrects the offensive
Chanting will Padma
Does not mean deliberately eradicate Puräëa
neglect deity worship sins but if gives list
offends holy of 10
Supplementary Vedic literature gives names, no offenses
32 lists of offenses (page 69-70) chance of (page 72)
Varäha Puräëa gives additional delivered
29 (page 70-71)
Chapter - 9
Further consideration of devotional principles (Elaboration on items 20-42)
(21-31 & 37- 42= Importance of Deity in Sädhana)

Result bereft of all pious activities

20. Blasphemy

Dealing More humble & tolerant like tree

3 Ways
CM angry with Jagäi & Mädhäi

Defeat Give up Leave

opposing life the place
party & go Make place as good as Vaikuëöha

Never approached by Yamadütas

21. Tilak & Tulasi beads
22. Marking body with names After death goes directly to
Kåñëa Lokä
I will not be conquered by Maya
23. Accepting (Uddhava to Kåñëa)
garlands Relieved from reactions of matter &
Can burn away reactions stocked for
24. Dancing 1000s of years
before the
Deity By clapping & dancing, birds of Sin fly

25. Bowing One doing great ritual & other bowing to

in honor of deity, not equals because latter won’t take
Deity birth again

26. Standing up to receive Lord

27. Following Deity

Will pass over desert of material
28. Going to existence
Temple or
places of
Pilgrimage Relief from trouble of entering mother’s
Can counteract circumambulation of
29. Circumambulating Birth & Death
Equal to travel all over universe & visiting
Sudämä murmurs that by this all
results of all other paths can be got (SB
30. Arcanä 10.81.19)

Will go to Vaikuëöha (Viñëu Rahasya)

Just like King should be served

31. Rendering
service to Lord
Rich men should build temples & Serve

32,33&34 are 3 ways to chant

32. Singing
Kåñëa appreciates this more than Çiva’s
prayers (Liìga Puräëa)
Näma Saìkértan Can counteract more sins
than can perform

Prahläda Mahäräja “Simply

33. Saìkértan Lila Saìkértan by hearing all material
contamination will be gone”
Ultimate perfection of all
Guna Saìkértan sacrifice, knowledge, charity
etc. is to chant Lord’s glories
34. Japa Personal benefit & Kértan for all others also

Samprärthanätmikä – Feelingly express sincere

sentiments for service (Eg. Like young boy
attracted to young girl)

35. Submission Dainyabodhikä – Humble confession of one’s

(Prayer) wretched condition (Eg. I am sinful and
ashamed of myself)
Personal Prayer Lälasämayé– Advanced devotee’s cry for
(Vignapti) specific eternal service
submission (Eg. I want to fan you…)
BG Ch 11 Arjuna’s prayers to the
36. Reciting notable prayers Universal form
Gautaméya Tantra (All verses are
Scriptural prayers prayers)
Çrémad-Bhägvatam (Select 100’s of
prayers for recitation)
If you pray you will be worshiped
by demigods and saints
37. Partaking Prasad
no pious act, still eligible if simply drinks
38. Drinking ingredients are flavored & also spiritual value
kept in big pot, drink submissively & feel bliss

Snake bite cured by smelling medicinal herbs

39. Smelling (HBS)
incense & If mäyävädé smells garland, can become
flowers offered devotee (Tantra sästra)
to Deity
Purifies the impurities of nostrils (Agastya-
Only initiated person can

40. Touching
the deity No one is barred but should be cleansed

Tug of war (Gandhi v/s temple owners)

Doesn't have to see Yamaräja

41. Seeing
At least heaven guaranteed

Excused from killing of Brähmaëa in the past

42. Observing Birthday of Kåñëa, Ram, Vaishnavas & Jhulan-
Arati & yäträ, Dola Yäträ
Celebration of Even if chandala sees, counted as associate of
the Lord Viñëu
Even mystic yogés will be elevated
to devotional service
Chapter - 10
Techniques of Hearing & Remembering ( items 43-46)

43. Hearing 44. Expecting 45. Remembrance 46. Meditation

(essential if want Lords Mercy
to remember)


Näma çravan Charita çravan Guëädi çravan

Snake bitten cured by Freed from Hunger, will kill

mantra ( Hare Krishna Thirst, Lamentation inauspiciousness in
Mahämantra should be (SB: 4.29.40) heart (SB: 12.13.15)
chanted & heard)
(Garuda Puräëa )

Nectar gives youthfulness, vitality

& intoxication. Simply – hearing
(drunk) gives spiritual vigour
Techniques of Hearing & Remembering ( items 43-46)

44. Expecting 45. Remembrance

Lords Mercy
To think of Kåñëa in
Suffering can be general way
transformed into an
opportunity for
Sädhana Bhakti
Eligible for all kinds Becomes freed from
(SB: 10.14.8) of auspiciousness sinful reactions
mentions two (Viñëu Puräëa) (Padma Puräëa)

Accept as mercy, Repeatedly offer

knowing prayers in mind
deserves more while undergoing
sinful reactions

Right attitude needed

46. Meditation

Deeper than remembrance and more

detailed contemplation

Rüpa-dhyänam Guëa-dhyänam Kåédä-dhyänam Sevä-dhyänam

(Kåñëa’s form) (Qualities) (Activities) (Service to

Story of South
burnt fingers
while mentally
Chapter - 11
Aspects of transcendental service (item 47 to 53)

47. Servitorship 48. Friendship 49. Surrendering 50. Offering

(Däsyaà) (Säkhyam) everything to lord favourite
(Atma-nivedanam) article

kärmärpaëam kaiìkaryam (Serving in

the mood of personal
(offering activities)

Fruits of 9 main activities concentration in
occupation of devotees mood of servitude

Karma comes Not own proclivity but

éhä yasya harer……….
before bhakti what Kåñëa desires
(Liberated even within
not practice of PDS / material world)
This is PDS
Sädhana, bhakti
48. Friendship (Säkhyam)

Well wishing friend Confidential peer

very intimately
forgoing formalities
Draupadé depending Preacher is Kåñëa’s well
on Kåñëa for wisher and wants to
increase his pleasure (I am Devotees may lie
protection (Kåñëa is
Kåñëa’s well wisher) down in temple hall
my well wisher)

49. Surrendering everything to Lord (ätma-nivedanam)

Body mind Soul / Self

(more advance)
I am a sold out
animal to you……no “Abandon all types of self concepts &
worry of identities in favor of Kåñëa’s servant”
maintenance (HBV)
50. Offering 51. Performing
favourite article all endeavors for
Both related to
self surrender
52. Being a
surrender soul
(Çaraëägati) 53. Serving Tulasé

Item 49 is in sense of
‘renunciation’ whereas item 52 is By seeing, praying,
bowing, hearing,
in sense of ‘taking shelter and
refuge of a superior.

All Auspiciousness
Lord Nåsiàhadeva “I will
protect always if takes
shelter of me” (Nåsiàha
Chapter - 12
Further aspects of transcendental service (item 54 to 64)

What is “Any book that

revealed enlightens on bonafide
scripture (RS)? path of DS”
54. Hearing
revealed Hearing, Studying
scripture (RS) How can we Intelligence
serve (RS)? Writing & preserving
Aräti, like deity
Which RS is best? SB (SB=12-13-15)

Varäha “Other than Mathurä, if attracted,

Puräëa will be captivated by illusory
55. Residing in

Brahmäëòa Simply by touching

Puräëa Mathurä can get results of
travelling to all holy places
56. Serving the devotes

Superior to even Real devotee Benefits

worship of Kåñëa of Kåñëa
(Çiva in Padma (Adi Puräna)
Puräna )
Liberated Just by Frees us
from material remembering from
condition gets purified ulterior
57. Serving according to SB (3.7.19) what to speak motive &
one’s financial position of service? false pride
(SB 1.19.33)

Special amongst all festivals

Increased rounds, kértan, hearing etc.,
58. Observing Specific worship of Dämodara form
Kärttika Festival
Results multiplied many items
Even more potent when celebrated in Mathurä
Birthday celebration (Bhaviñya
59. Observing festivals
celebrating Lord’s One becomes pleasing to Lord
60-64 (5 most potent ways by which bhäva can be revived even in a
Awarded highest benefit
60. Serving Deity (Adi
Puräna) Not given just liberation

Most ripe fruit in tree of

Vedic wisdom
Ripened fruit

61. Recitation of Sweeter when touched

Çrémad- by parrot beak
Must carefully pass the fruit
Importance of
(SB) from tree-top (i.e.
Like crystal stone (eg. by Hiraëyakaçipu) heart
will reflect what we associate with. So if
62. Associating association with flower like devotees, hearts
with Advanced become clear

Potent man (deliverer of SB) & woman is able

(recipient is sincere bhakti is born)

Topmost goal (SB 2.1.11)

Associates with Kåñëa (Adi Puräna)

No difference between Name & Kåñëa
63. Chanting the (Padma Puräna)
holy names
Many births devotee alone can chant
(Padma Puräna)
But I am chanting atha Sri Kåñëa …. i.e.
for so long. Why I “at first senses can’t
don’t feel highest perceive. But name itself
goal achieved will gradually reveal”
64. Living in Mathurä

In list of 64, Mathurä Våndävana mentioned 4 times why?

Specific emphasis in item

Item 7 Item 48 Item 55 Item 64

Visiting holy Briefly visiting Exclusively Unparalleled

places like temple of Viñëu Mathurä ability of
Dwarka, Puré, Våndävana Mathurä
Gaìgä etc. Våndävana to
awaken bhäva
specially living bhakti
there and
serving in
various ways
Chapter - 13
Five potent forms of Devotional Service
(Poetic description of the superlative Potency of each for
1 quickly evoking bhäva even in neophyte) 2

Deity Serving Hearing

“If you have a desire to
enjoy don’t go on bank of
Keçéghäöa……….” “Foolish friend heard SB & will
deride 4 goals of life”

Indirectly Indifference is
poetically telling hallmark of Again indirectly This is ‘Mokña
us to see form of bhäva bhakti derides 4 pillars laghutakrta’
Kåñëa dharma, artha… (3rd of the 6
including characteristics
Therefore this
Will lead to liberation of PDS, seen in
item leads to
indifference ‘Bhäva’ Mokña laghutakrta is bhäva stage)
from material (Viraktiù) deriding of liberation a
world symptom of bhäva
3 4

Associating with advanced devotees Hari-näma


“Since seen Kåñëa there is

tears, shivering…. Seeing “Närada Muni singing glories of
him I can’t remain at home” Kåñëa accompanied by vina strings
entering my heart and I am bereft of
all attachment……”

Advanced Symptom of bhäva

devotee cries, is virakti, Hearing Närada Muni`s
shivers indifference to Kértana causes “bereft of all
material life attachment for material
enjoyment”….. (a symptom of
samutkaëöhä Avyartha-kälatvam Bhäva)
(intense (not a moment
eagerness) wasted)
Viraktiù (indifference)
5 6

Living in Mathurä Çréla Prabhupäda’s expertise

“I remember the Lord in 1 SP built ISKCON on these 5 Pillars

Yamunä… birds
chirping…. giving me
1. Lavish deity worship

Simply remembering 2. Daily Çrémad-Bhägavatam class

Vrindavan can
quickly evoke bhäva 3. Association of devotees
what to speak of
actually residing.
4. Näma saìkértan morning and evening

Mental realization of one’s

svarupa siddhi 5. Yearly festivals in Mäyäpur
and Våndävana

Realization of Svarüpa-siddhi 2 Thus ISKCON is most potent for

occurs in Bhäva stage evoking Bhäva bhakti
Chapter - 14
(Relation of other practices to sädhana: a) Are they part of 64 items if no
b) What is their relationship with Sädhana Bhakti)
1 2

Varëäçrama Knowledge &


Not an item of Evidence

bhakti Frees from Can even How to
Why? practice
distraction make
to sense heart detachment
Because it is a objects but hard without
Bhakti however means
system for ‘anyäbhiläñitä-çünyam’ not focus making
regulated (i.e. freedom from on Kåñëa heart hard
satisfaction of personal desires)
one’s desires Bhakti
Therefor however
e not an means soft
Chaitanya SB 11.20.9
item of heart
Mahäprabhu to (Recommended for
Rämänanda Räya one not Kåñëa Sädhana
(external) Conscious) Bhakti (SB 11.20.31 32 & 33)
Accept (Yukta Vairägya) Reject (Phalgu Vairägya)

Accepts for Lord’s service

Not for personal sense gratification Artificial renunciation of

things that can be used
for Kåñëa’s service
Accepts because related to Kåñëa

Accepts without attachment Harms bhakti

Gets purified by
offering to Kåñëa
We can use typewriters,
microphones, airplanes etc.
e.g. offers palatable dishes
to Kåñëa & satisfies one’s
own senses also
We can’t Because Kåñëa’s
Therefore accept things must be used in
from Kåñëa’s his service
manufacture what
Kåñëa wants
3 4 5

Wealth & followers Saintly qualities (ahiàsä, 9 basic types of

satyaà, brahmacarya etc.) devotional practice

Donation is DS If carried away by

but subsequent both, his DS will
use of wealth is slacken
not his DS 64 items are One can achieve
expansions ecstatic love by
of these 9 executing all 9 or
any one of the 9
Doesn’t directly cause Love of
Kåñëa but Love of Kåñëa
causes this 9 basic types &
devotees who
E.g. vegetarians are not
exemplify them
devotees but devotees are
automatically vegetarian
Skanda Puräëa (hunter
Practices Best Example
becomes a perfect devotee)
Practices Best Example
1 Hearing Parékñit Mahäräja
2 Chanting Çukadeva Gosvämé
3 Remembering Prahläda Mahäräja
4 Praying Akrüra
Worshipping Lord’s
Lotus feet
6 Deity worship Påthu Mahäräja
7 Servitude Hanumän
8 Friendship Arjuna
9 Complete surrender Bali Mahäräja
10 All Nine Ambaréña Mahäräja
Chapter - 15
1 2 3

What it is ? How is it different Main criteria of RMB

Rag. Sädhana
bhakti (RSB)?

Attachment of Embodies
the residents of perfection of
Våndävana for spontaneous love Spontaneous Devotional
Kåñëa for Kåñëa

RSB is the practice Obsession with

of devotee who pleasing Kåñëa
aspires to develop
the devotional mood
of RMB
4 Evidence

SB 7.1.30 & 31

Gopés Kaàsa Çiçupäla Yadus Päëòavas,

Lust Fear Envy Family Friendship

How can Kaàsa & Gopés

All had same destination have same destination?

Impersonal Sun globe Entering Brahmäëòa SB 10.87.23

effulgence v/s & sunshine kingdom & Puräëa
Bhagavän king’s palace confirms this
destination personified vedas also confirm
5) Types of Rägätmikä-bhakti

Sensual attraction (Kämarüpa) (LUST) Relationship (Sämbändharupä)

Why What is the Proof that Is Kubjä

gopés Love same as Våñëis Yaçodä
compared difference
with lust? from our is not Lust? gopés
lust? because
No! almost
devotees like
mundane or
Iron & gold Difference is in almost like
(material & ‘Motivation’ gopés
Chaitanya Uddhava (Kämapräya)
only to
please Kåñëa
Certified gopés love as highest

We get the slightest Lust is an intense By comparing with our lust we

hint of the intensity in thirst to satisfy can see how gopés had most
gopés desire to serve senses consuming & overwhelming
Kåñëa urge to please Kåñëa
Chapter - 16
(Rägänuga Sädhana Bhakti) RSB
1 2

Definition Prerequisite

“RSB is an advanced
practice intended to Strong desire to serve Kåñëa in a
specific relationship
cultivate the service mood
of an eternally perfect How to get this desire?
resident of Våndävana
(Rägätmikä-bhakti)” hearing how eternal residents of Våndävana
spontaneously serve Kåñëa in various loving moods
When does eligibility manifest?
When LOBHA (singular, overwhelming desire to please Kåñëa in a
particular way. If any other desire, can’t possess lobha)
When will LOBHA come ?
Vaidhé Sädhana Bhakti (VSB) How will anartha-
[page 126-2nd para] nivåtti happen ? Not until Anartha-nivåtti
3 Practices of Rägänuga Sädhana Bhakti

Remembering Kåñëa Remembrance Performing

with a particular through internal & activities of
devotee external service sädhana
Which devote ?
Depends on
meditate & Does not reject 64
mentally follow items but focuses
activities of a on practice most
How to develop siddha devotee conducive to his
aspiration? service
Need to take
shelter of
Beware of Rejection of
Våndävana both Eg: Doesn't
sahajiyäs Siddha praëälé.
physically & abandon
mentally hearing, but
hears more
that nourishes
4 Alternative term for RSB – Puñöi Märga (Vallabha- his particular
sampradäya) service mood
5 Types of Rägänuga Sädhana Bhakti

Kämänuga RB Sambandhänuga
(conjugal love) (parenthood or

Eligibility Are males Types Direct Indirectly aspiring

eligible for service and
appreciation of
Parakéya Svakéya Kåñëa’s parents &
(unwedded) (wedded) friends
Hearing &
worshipping Wanting to Follow Kåñëa’s
Rädhä & Assisting those &
be Kåñëa’s father & cherish
Kåñëa serving Rädhäräëé
father the ideal
& others
Rishis of Queens of Danger of
Daëòakäraëya Dwärakä mäyäväd
(Padma Puräna Direct service
Gopés of
and Mahä-kürma e.g. Old man in Hastinäpura
Våndävana in conjugal
Puräëa) instructed by Närada Muni
Chapter - 17
ECSTATIC LOVE (Bhäva Bhakti)
1 2

of Bhäva Primary Secondary
characteristics characteristics
“when devotional service is situated
on the transcendental platform of
pure goodness it is like a ray of sun Transcendental
light of love for Kåñëa. At such a platform of pure Softens giving rise to
goodness heart various tastes
time devotional service causes the
heart to be softened by various
tastes & one is then situated on i.e. Lords “easily moved by
bhäva emotion” (Cc.M. 23.5) internal potency Kåñëa Conscious
enters heart stimulations”
A ray of sun
Premä of Premä only by
(Premä desire desire to close at
mercy of
Süryäàçu) to please heart
achieve Kåñëa thru with
Kåñëa various Kåñëa
BHAVA (Bhäva is onset of Premä services
only when eagerness
- like dawn is onset on day) to serve Lord
3 4

How is this different from Nature of Bhäva ?

Sädhana Bhakti ?

Sädhana is ‘executive Permeates our consciousness to

whereas Bhäva is such an extent that it appears
‘effective’ to be one with mind

Iron rod in fire

5 How Bhäva is achieved ?
Called Samädhi

Through Sädhana Bhakti Through Special Mercy

Vaidhé Rägänuga Lord’s Devotee’s mercy

Sädhana sädhana mercy [heartfelt blessings
bhakti bhakti (håday) of devotee]
5 How Bhäva is achieved ?

Through Sädhana Bhakti Through special mercy

Vaidhé Sädhana Rägänuga Lord’s Devotee’s mercy [heartfelt

bhakti Sädhana mercy blessing (hådaya) of
Bhakti devotee]

Chanardrakanti (Padma Puräëa)

Närada Muni Statement of Lord

(SB 1.5.28) Kapila dev (SB develops towards Kåñëa

attachment love devotion

A neophyte has to serve &
associate with an advanced Result
5 How Bhäva is achieved ?

Through Sädhana Bhakti Through special mercy

Lord’s Devotee’s mercy [heartfelt

mercy blessing (hådaya) of

Väcika (by Darçan (by Hådaya (heartfelt Prahläda Mrigari

speaking) glancing) blessings of Mahäräja
lord) within womb

Kåñëa to Inhabitants Sukadev

Närada of Jäìgala Gosvämé
Muni province within womb
(Närada (Skanda Both become
Puräëa) Puräëa) because of
Närada Muni’s
good wishes
Chapter - 18
1 9 Characteristic traits possessed by a genuine Bhäva Bhakta
1) Avyartha-kälatvam (utilizes time in devotional service)
2) Kñänti (reserved & Tolerance (SB 1.19.15) Parékñit Mahäräja
3) Virakti (detached from SB 5.14.43 Bharat Mahäräja
material attraction)
4) Manasunyata King Bhagératha (Padma Puräna)
Läl Bäbu (Calcutta landlord)
5) Äçä-bandha (Certain that Kåñëa Rüpa Gosvämé’s prayer
will bestow mercy on him)
6) Samutkaëöhä (Eager to Bilva Mangal Thakur in Kåñëa Karnamrita
serve lord faithfully)
7) Näma-gäne sadä ruci Kåñëa Karnamrita
(attached to chanting)
8) Äsaktis tad-guëäkhyäne (Eager to describe Kåñëa karnamrita
the qualities of the lord)
9) Prétis tad vasati sthäle ( Attraction for living Padyävalé (Rüpa
in a place where Kåñëa has pastimes) Gosvämé)
2 Neophyte / non devotee exhibiting signs of Bhäva
(Rathyä bhäñä - Semblance of ecstasy)

Is it really possible? Types of Rathyä bhäñä Caused by

Both a & b
If sincere devotees a) Pratibimba b) Chäyä Devotee
don’t attain bhäva (Reflective) (Shadow) power
how can non

Person has In association of

corrupt motive advance devotees
Therefore they
but intense
exhibit only
Reflection of

Person executes out Less intense comparedSpecially when i) Kértan ii) Visit
of social convention to a but motive not as dhäms iii) Attend festivals iv)
or curiosity corrupt Occasional association of devotees
3 4

3) How to convert Rathyä bhäñä 4) Unexpected symptoms

to genuine bhäva? those are genuine

If without going regulative

By service to Blocked by principles one develops
Guru offences high standard of devotion

Mercy Whatever
flows attachments real or
imagine will
disappear and wane
Former life Now Can steadily
had temporarily progress only in
Worst offense is association of
devotional stopped
wanting to be one pure devotees
credits because of
with whole

Now second chance

5 If person in Bhäva platform has faults

Is it serious? How should one see it?


because lingering
traces may Disregard Very soon will Narasiàha
momentarily faults become Puräëa
manifest perfect by
force of his

Illumination can not

be checked by
pockmarks on full
Chapter - 19
1 2 3



CC.M.23.7 Intensified
“When that bhäva fully mature
softens the heart state of
completely, becomes bhäva
endowed with a great
feeling of Completely Highly possessive
possessiveness in softens the ownership of
relation to the lord & heart Kåñëa (tadéya v/s
becomes very much mamatva)
condensed &
intensified, it is called
Chapter - 19
4 5


Kevala Mähätmya-jïäna Lord’s

(unmixed extraordinary
(mixed with mercy
pure) Vaidhé sädhana
knowledge) of
Lord’s majesty
(Närada-païcarata) Rägänuga Eg. of Gopés
NOD pg-145 sädhana

eg. of Chandrakänti
(Padma Puräna)
6 7

EVOLUTION OF PREMA Mysterious nature of Premä

(CC.N 23.14-15) (pure love of
God fully awakens)
One in Premä
(heart fit for mercy to descend and
dormant seed of premä rises) Sometimes
appears happy,
Aasakti (emotional addiction and fervent unhappy
desire to please Kåñëa)
Ruci (strong and genuine relish) relishing
topmost bliss
Niñöhä (steadily fixed & constant &
attentive sädhana) Therefore difficult
to appreciate the
Anartha- treasure of
(undesirable impediments
nivåtti Premäbhakti
Lord Shiva tells
Bhajana (Shelter of Guru begins sädhana
Pärvaté (pg 146)
-kriyä bhakti)
(associating with ädau-çraddhä
dev’s hearing) (faith)

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