Unit 3 Q1

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Question 1: Select statements from Prabhupada’s purports to chapters 14 and 16 of Bhagavad-Gita

that reflect aspects of his mission and discuss, in your own words, the significance of these aspects
for ISKCON’s future. (Mood and mission).

Throughout chapters 14 to 16 Kṛṣṇa is explaining the most confidential knowledge. There are many
aspects involved in these chapters such as the importance of remaining humble, surrendering to
Kṛṣṇa and understanding material illusion.

Understanding Material Nature.

Many people including devotees live in the mode of goodness and while this is great to upkeep the
lifestyle of an individual, it can also be dangerous. The mode of goodness means one is in advanced
knowledge and is living a clean and focused life. However, the living entity can become very prideful
because the conditioning from the mode of goodness makes one feel as if they, “…are better than
others” (BG Purport 14.6). This is because they gain knowledge that most others around do not have
thus, they feel a sense of superiority. The mode of goodness can become misguiding because
although the person in goodness may be living a clean life, they are also being bound by their pious

Understanding the three modes of nature, especially goodness is critical for ISKCON’s future because
everyone within ISKCON should be following pursuit of this lifestyle. However, we should remain
humble and not become complacent in our positions. As the minute we do, we become bound by
the mode of goodness due to being satisfied from “happiness” we derive from the activities we
perform in the mode of goodness.

Prabhupada gives various definitions of the three modes and states that every single one is binding
and constantly fighting for supremacy over one another so therefore everyone should engage inn as
much devotional service as possible. Prabhupada’s mission is to engage everyone in Kṛṣṇa’s
devotional service (akarma). Thus, keeping everyone detached from the three modes as much as
possible. It is possible to bypass everything if one engages in bhakti-yoga, however, it is impetus to
have the qualifications such as determination, enthusiasm, Endeavor, patience, love etc…

We should not deride the human life form as it should be used for devotional service unto Kṛṣṇa.
“There is an opportunity for men in the modes of ignorance and passion to be elevated to the mode
of goodness, and that system is called Kṛṣṇa consciousness. But one who does not take advantage of
this opportunity will certainly continue in the lower modes.” (BG Purport 14.18). Srila Prabhupada is
constantly stating that Kṛṣṇa Consciousness is the way out of all these modes, especially for those in
the mode of passion and ignorance. Just as we take this human form for granted, Devotees may take
such knowledge for granted. Prabhupada was never focused on anything other than Kṛṣṇa, this was
Prabhupada’s mood.

The divine goal.

According to the Bhagavad-Gita, the banyan tree is a never-ending tree filled with material desires
and illusion. The leaves represent the Vedic hymns, the branches representing planetary systems,
the twigs being sense objects and the fruits equal to the results of the living entities. The banyan
tree rests upon desire and reflects the true banyan tree situated in the spiritual sky.

“Ahaṁ sarvasya prabhavaḥ: “I am the origin of everything.” Therefore, to get out of the
entanglement of this strong banyan tree of material life, one must surrender to Kṛṣṇa. As soon as
one surrenders unto Kṛṣṇa, one becomes detached automatically from this material extension.” (BG
Purport 15.3)

To escape this banyan tree, one must understand it through the Vedas. However, the banyan tree
cannot be understood because it has no beginning and no end, much like material nature. In this day
in age, we cannot understand this banyan tree through realisation of the Supreme Personality of
Godhead which is surrender.

The goal is to transcend the illusion of this material banyan tree. This is only possible when one
surrenders unto the Lord and engages in pure devotional service, this is complete knowledge.

Prabhupada was constantly engaging all his devotees in service for Krishna because he knew how
important it is for cutting down this banyan tree. Simply if no devotional service is done then it is
impossible to transcend the modes. This service orientated mood is important to always have
because devotional service is surrendering to Krishna. This mood is vital for ISKCONS future because
it is bhakti. Thus, a pure devotee is freed from material conditioning. Prabhupada’s mission for
ISKCON was to create ‘first class men’ so that other people may learn from these men and
understand that it can be for everyone to participate in. That is Kṛṣṇa consciousness.

The various aspects such as maintaining a clean humble life, Understanding the importance of
devotional service and continuing Prabhupada’s mission are all important aspects for ISKCONS

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