Lesson Exemplar I. Objectives

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School San Rafael – San Roque Grade Level V

Elementary School
Teacher Gil A. Arriola Learning Area Science
LESSON Teaching Date September 13-24,2021 Quarter 1st
EXEMPLAR Teaching Time No. of Days 10

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:

1. Identify the properties of materials, that make it useful or harmful.
2. Classify properties of materials as to their uses.
3. Awareness on the importance of proper usage of materials.

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of the properties of materials to

determine whether they are useful or harmful
B. Performance The learners should be able to uses local, recyclable solid and/ or liquid
Standards materials in making useful products.
C. Most Essential Use the properties of materials whether they are useful or harmful.
D. Enabling N/A
II.CONTENT Properties of Materials

A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Budget of Work (BOW) PIVOT 4A pp 130, MELC p 503, CG in
Pages Science 5, Science Module 5
LM in Science 5
b. Learner’s Material
c. Textbook Pages Science Beyond Borders 5 pp 4-7

d. Additional N/A
Materials from
B. List of Learning N/A
Resources for
Development and
Engagement Activities
A. Introduction What I need to know?
 Learners will look and observe the picture below. They will
answer some questions regarding the picture shown.
1. What can you see in the picture? Name some of the
materials that can be found in the kitchen?
2. Can you tell the uses of each material found in the
What’s new?
Properties are distinctive characteristics that describe an object or
material. They are classified as physical property and chemical property.
Physical Properties are characteristics of a matter that can be readily
observed without changing its composition like texture, color and
Chemical properties are observed indirectly and become evident only
when the material undergoes a chemical reaction or chemical change.

The learners will answer the learning tasks below.

Learning Task No. 1: Using the given objects presented in the table,
write as many characteristics or properties as possible to describe each
object. Choose the characteristics or properties in the box.

Learning Task No. 2: Match the materials in Column A with their uses
in Column B.
B. Development What I know?
Look at the materials found inside the box.

 What did you consider in using these materials?

 What are their characteristics and their properties?
The learners will answer the questions below as part of identifying what
they already know.
Learning Task No. 3: Read the properties of materials below. Identify
the property of materials described in each sentence. Write your answer
in your notebook.
1. The physical property of metals that defines their ability to be
hammered, pressed, or rolled into thin sheets without breaking.
2. Ability of the materials to conduct electricity.
3. This refers to the ability of the material to withstand wear, pressure or
4. Ability of solid materials that when subjected to high stress or
pressure, crumble or break easily.
5. It is the measure of the resistance to localized plastic deformation
induced by either mechanical indentation.
Learning Task No. 4: Classify the uses/importance of each materials
listed inside the box. Answers may be stated in any order. Write your
answer in your notebook.
Food / Food Cleaning/ Cooking/ Gadgets /
preparation Hygiene Heating Appliances
1. 6. 11. 16.
2. 7. 12. 17.
3. 8. 13. 18.
4. 9. 14. 19.
5. 10. 15. 20

Well, how was it? Do you think you scored well?

If all your answers are correct, very good! This shows that you already
know much about the topic. You may still study the lesson to review
what you already know. Who knows, you might learn a few more new
things as well!
If you got a low score, don’t feel bad. This only means this lesson is for
you. It will help you understand important concepts that you can apply in
your daily life. If you study this lesson carefully, you will learn the
answers to all the items in the test and a lot more. Are you ready?
What is in
Characteristic of materials
 Color
 Hardness- ability of the material to be rigid and resist pressure
that may cause deformation or change in its shape.
 Texture- it has to do with how an object feels and its ingredients
Properties of materials
 Brittleness-solid materials that when subjected to high stress or
pressure, crumble or break easily.
 Electrical Conductivity- Ability of the materials to conduct
 Durability-ability of the materials to withstand wear, pressure or
 Elasticity-ability of material to be stretched and then return to its
original shape after.
 Malleability-can be hammered and formed into sheets which can
be used for a variety of different purpose.
What is it?
When is a material considered useful?
Materials are considered useful when it served its purpose.

When is a material considered harmful?

Materials are considered harmful when it brings harm to your health,
environment and other organism when not used properly.

C. Engagement What’s more?

Learning Task No. 5: Read the selection below. Answer the guide
questions at the end of the story.
Lady`s Finger for Sale
by: May Natividad

During lockdown in CALABARZON in March 2020, Joram, a

Grade 5 pupil together with Joram and Hannah, decided to plow the
vacant lot in the backyard using a hoe. They planted lady`s finger, a
vegetable plant locally known as okra. They water the plants everyday
using empty tin cans. They spray chemical fertilizers every 4 to 6 weeks
after watering the plants. It took 10 to 12 weeks when okra plants become
ready for harvesting.
They harvested the lady`s fingers and decided to sell them among
their neighbors in the community. They earned several coins and gave
them to their mother. They also set aside some pieces of okra for cooking.
The planting and selling of lady fingers were good experiences that Joram
and his family enjoyed during quarantine period.

Guide Questions:
1. Name three metal objects/materials mentioned in the story.
2. What is the use/importance of these materials ?
3. What chemical substances were used after watering the plants?
4. Are these chemical fertilizers useful or harmful in the environment?
5. What are the importance of selling lady`s fingers in the community?
6. What is the use of lady`s fingers or okra at home?
7. Is lady`s finger useful or harmful in humans?

What I can do?

The learners will list down 5 useful materials and 5 harmful materials that
can be found at home. Write your answer in your notebook.

What else I can do?

The learners will draw 5 useful materials that can be harmful if not used

D. Assimilation What I have learned?

The learners will describe the characteristics/properties of the

What I can achieve?

Learning Task No. 6: Read each question carefully. Write the letter of
the BEST correct answer in your notebook.

1. Hannah loves to drink milk tea. This food drinks contain a lot of sugar.
Which is TRUE about milk tea for human health?
A. useful C. sugar in milk tea is harmful if taken in excess
B. harmful D. sugar in milk tea is useful if taken in excess

2. Rings, necklaces and watches are examples of jewelries. Which

material is best to use in making jewelries?
A. Ceramics B. Metals C. Plastics D. Wood

3. Plants have properties that make them practical source of foods. Which
property make them good source of foods?
A. resistance B. mechanical C. chemical D. physical

4. Jewelries are made from metals which can be hammered into thin
sheets without breaking. They can also withstand wear, pressure and
damage. Which properties best describe jewelries?
I. Malleability III. Durability
II. Electrical Conductivity IV. Elasticity

A. I and II C. I and III

B. I, II and IV D. I only

5. Metals are used at home for variety of purposes. If the electrician will
install electrical light in your kitchen, which material (s) is/are
practical to use?
I. Gold II. silver III. cupper IV. aluminum V. Stainless steel

A. I and II C. III only

B. III and IV D. V only

V.REFLECTION The learners, in their notebook, journal or portfolio will write their
personal insights about the lesson using the prompts below.

I understand that ___________________________.

I realize that ________________________________.

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