Q1 LE Science4 Lesson6-Week-6

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Lesson Exemplar Quarter

Quarter 1
Lesson 1 1

for Science 6
for Science


Lesson Exemplar for Science 4
Quarter 1: Lesson 6 (Week 6)
S.Y. 2024-2025

This material is intended exclusively for the use of teachers participating in the implementation of the MATATAG K to 10 Curriculum during the School
Year 2024-2025. It aims to assist in delivering the curriculum content, standards, and lesson competencies. Any unauthorized reproduction, distribution,
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Borrowed content included in this material are owned by their respective copyright holders. Every effort has been made to locate and obtain permission
to use these materials from their respective copyright owners. The publisher and development team do not represent nor claim ownership over them.

Development Team

• Leizel A. Concepcion (Mariano Marcos State University)

• PNU RITQ Development Team

Management Team
Philippine Normal University
Research Institute for Teacher Quality
SiMERR National Research Centre

Every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this material. For inquiries or feedback, please write or call the Office
of the Director of the Bureau of Learning Resources via telephone numbers (02) 8634-1072 and 8631-6922 or by email at [email protected].


A. Content Learners learn that:

Standards Communication skills and open-mindedness are needed in solving environmental issues.

B. Performance By the end of the Quarter, learners describe and change the chemical properties of materials. They demonstrate an
Standards understanding that science processes can solve everyday problems and use creativity and determination to provide
examples. They exhibit objectivity and open-mindedness in gathering information related to environmental issues and
concerns in the community.

C. Learning The learners learn the:

Competencies 1. identify issues and concerns in the local community and how they could be addressed by science, such as the
and Objectives treatment of waste; and
2. apply science process skills and attitudes in conducting a guided survey about environmental issues and concerns,
including grouping and classifying, communicating, and open-mindedness.

D. Content 1. Science inventions

2. Materials and their uses
3. Gathering scientific information

E. Integration Environmental Awareness

Care for the environmental
Food value


● PARAISO | Smokey Mountain. (n.d.). Www.youtube.com. Retrieved May 9, 2024, from https://youtu.be/Q3q_bPiXnOc
● ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS IN THE PHILIPPINES. (n.d.). Www.youtube.com. Retrieved May 13, 2024, from https://youtu.be/Dru4tp-
● http://deforestationavt.weebly.com/uploads/4/1/6/0/41600955/enviropol.com-what_is_deforestation_1.pdf)
● Pollution: Trash that Trashes Your Health - Public Health Series | Academy 4 Social Change. (n.d.). Www.youtube.com. Retrieved May
13, 2024, from https://youtu.be/cuf99Opoo1s

● Food Waste Posters and Infographics. (n.d.). Www.budgeat.app. Retrieved May 13, 2024, from https://www.budgeat.app/food-for-


A. Activating Prior DAY 1

Knowledge 1. Short Review
Let the learners sing “Paraiso” as guided by the downloaded video clip. Tell Here, the learners may possibly
them to list at least three lines from the song describing the environment. give the following lines:
Refer to the link below for the song. - No birds dare to fly over
- The smoke that screens
the air
- The grass that was never
Focus the discussion on the
current situation of the
environment based on what the
Source: https://youtu.be/Q3q_bPiXnOc song is trying to convey.
The teacher may ask: What are the lines of the song talking about?

2. Feedback (Optional)

B. Establishing 1. Lesson Purpose

Lesson Purpose The teacher may further ask the following questions: Are you bothered by what
you’ve watched? Do you observe some environmental issues in your own
community? How do you, especially those in authority, address these issues?
This week let’s learn more on the pressing environmental issues and concerns
we observe in our place and how we could help in our own little way.

2. Unlocking Content Vocabulary Answers vary. Here, the teacher
Look at the picture below. Arrange the letters or words beside each picture to discusses that deforestation, food
name it. Afterward, give 2 sentences to describe what’s shown in each picture. waste, pollution, and improper
disposal of garbage are the
present environmental concerns
in the community.


Source: https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/deforestation/

dofo aswet

Source: https://umaine.edu/sustainability/wp-


Source: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/environmental-pollution-sivaprakash-pm/


Source: https://medium.com/@modernspatialdivisions/improper-solid-waste-management-in-manila-513224d50b17

C. Developing and 1. Explicitation: “EcoVideo” For the explication part, the

Deepening class will conduct a short
Understanding Watch the video and answer the questions below. discussion, directing the
learners to focus on the observed
environmental issues and
concerns in their own localities.
The teacher may assign the
following: What are the observed
Source: https://youtu.be/Dru4tp-AmkE

Guide questions:
1. What are the environmental problems shown in the video?
2. Describe each environmental problem as shown in the video.
3. How does each problem affect the environment?
After watching, the teacher will facilitate a short discussion about the
content of the video.
DAY 2 - 3
2. Worked Example: “EnviRescue Trip”
(Work Sheet 1)
The teacher will prepare 4 stations (or two stations for day 2 and 2 stations for
day 3). Here are the materials to be prepared by the teacher for each station.

Station 1: Article About Deforestation

- Enough copies of the article for each of the members of the group to read.

Guide Questions:
1. What is deforestation?
2. What are the reasons why deforestation happens? In the Worked Example part, the
3. Give simple things that man can do to protect our forests from first two environmental issues
deforestation. can be discussed on the second
day, while the other two can be
discussed on the third day so
Station 2: Video about Pollution that the learners can focus on
each problem.
- TV or LCD or laptop which will be
used to play the video.

Source: https://youtu.be/cuf99Opoo1s

Guide Questions:
1. What is pollution?
2. What are the major forms of pollution that harm our health?
3. What are the different causes of pollution?
a. air pollution
b. water pollution
c. land pollution
4. What are the effects of pollution on men’s health?

Station 3: Food Waste

- Enough copies of the infographic to be distributed to each member of the

Source: https://www.budgeat.app/food-for- Source: https://www.budgeat.app/food-for-

thought/food-waste-posters-and-infographics thought/food-waste-posters-and-infographics

Source: Source:
https://www.canva.com/templates/EAFL_iSbKu https://www.canva.com/p/templates/EAGA4TH
4-ivory-red-pink-bold-geometric-climate-impact- 9BJo-green-yellow-bold-illustrative-food-waste-
portrait-food-waste-poster/ tips-poster/

Guide Questions:
1. What is food waste?
2. How many percent of the greenhouse gases are from food waste?
3. What are the easy steps and ways to prevent food waste?
4. What can you do to avoid food waste?

Station 4: “Shoot those Trash.”

Visit the school garden where trash is scattered (Purposely throw/scatter
garbage in the school garden for this activity ahead of time. Just be sure that
you will prepare the garden without their knowledge)

Tell the learners to identify the different trash found in the garden and
segregate it using trash cans labeled biodegradable and non-biodegradable.
Guide Questions:
1. What is the trash that you’ve found in the garden?
2. What did you do with the trash?
3. How did you classify the trash that you’ve picked from the garden?
4. What should be done with our trash?
Lesson Activity
The teacher will facilitate an interactive discussion. But before the discussion, a
member from each group will present their output/findings in class in class.
After the presentation of outputs, the teacher will ask questions to generate
concepts from the learners. He/she may ask the following questions.

Station 1
What is deforestation?
- Deforestation is the purposeful cutting down of trees or clearing of
forested land.
- This is the clearing or thinning of forests by humans.

What are the reasons why deforestation happens?

- Deforestation is due to the following reasons: (1) Agricultural
expansion; (2) infrastructure expansion like road building; (3) High
demand for timbre/logs; (4) Fields for grazing animals; (5) Housing

Station 2

What is pollution?
- Pollution is the presence of substances in the environment that have
harmful or poisonous effects on one’s health.

- Pollution is the introduction of something to the surroundings that
causes harm to the natural environment.

What are the major forms of pollution that harm our health?
- The major forms of pollution are air pollution, water pollution, and
land pollution.

What are the different causes of pollution?

a. air pollution
- Air pollution is due to car exhaust, pollen, smoke from burning and
from factories, stingy smell from garbage, and even dust.
b. water pollution
- Water pollution is caused by dumping garbage in bodies of water, oil
spills, sewage and wastewater, and agricultural and factory waste.
c. land pollution
Land pollution is caused by industrial waste, agricultural waste,
improper waste disposal, accidental oil spills, and acid rain.

What are the effects of pollution on men’s health?

- The toxic chemicals, when absorbed by the body, can cause damage
to major organs of the body.
- Other effects include cancer, respiratory illness, premature birth,
and other health issues.

Station 3:
What is food waste?
Food waste is food intended for human consumption that is wasted
and lost. It includes leftovers from restaurants and households as well
as raw materials and produce lost in the farming stage, harvesting
processes, transportation, and storage.
How many percent of the greenhouse gases are from food waste?

- 8% of the global greenhouse gas comes from food waste.
What are the easy steps and ways to prevent food waste?
- The following can be followed to prevent food waste: (1) Take an
inventory of your food stock at home before heading to the store; (2) Plan at least
a few meals for each week to avoid buying too much food; (3) Learn to save and
eat leftovers, refrigerate them; (4) Store food nicely inside the refrigerator so it
won’t rot easily; and (5) Compost leftovers instead of throwing them away.

4. As a grade 4 pupil, what can you do to avoid food waste?

- I only get the amount of food that I can consume. (answers may vary)

Station 4:
What garbage is scattered in the garden?
For Station 4, include in the
- There are crumpled papers, dried leaves, plastic bottles, food plastic wrappers, discussion about biodegradable
dried twigs, cans, and many more. and non- biodegradable.
What did you do with the trash?
- We picked up the trash, and we classified them. Topics about the negative effects
of deforestation and how to
How did you classify the trash that you’ve picked from the garden? address deforestation can be
integrated into this part.
- We classified the garbage as biodegradable and non-biodegradable
4. What should be done with our trash? While the teacher is facilitating
the activity, she must explain to
them what is biodegradable and

Prepare a labeled trashcan so the

pupils can properly segregate the
garbage scattered in the school

In the discussion of the different
environmental problems,
integrate the benefits we get
when we participate in
addressing these problems. Also,
ask the learners what they can do
to address them.

Integrate values related to

environmental awareness like
responsible nature stewardship.

D. Making DAY 4
1. Learners’ Takeaways
Write 2 concepts that you’ve learned about the environmental issues discussed

2. Reflection on Learning
Reflect on the different issues discussed in this lesson. Choose one of the
discussed issues and give ways in which you can help in addressing this


A. Evaluating DAY 4 Answer Key:

Learning 1. TRUE
1. Formative Assessment 2. FALSE
A. Read and analyze each statement given below. Write TRUE if the statement is
true, otherwise, write FALSE.
1. Pollution can affect the health of humans. 6. TRUE
2. Pollution only affects air and water resources. 7. TRUE
3. Food waste is only in poor countries. 8. FALSE
4. Food waste contributes to climate change? 9. TRUE
5. Deforestation can destroy the habitat of wildlife. 10. FALSE
6. High demand for logging materials contributes to the cutting down of trees in
the forest.
7. Improper waste disposal can contribute to pollution.
8. Segregating garbage should only be followed in school and at home.
9. Self-discipline is needed to fully address the different environmental problems.
10. Caring for the environment is a responsibility only of adult members of

B. Aside from the four environmental issues discussed in this lesson, identify
other environmental problems that you observe in your own locality. You may
seek the help of your parents. Write your answer on a sheet of paper.

2. Homework (Optional)

Find a buddy for this activity.

Choose 1 of the discussed environmental issues in this lesson. Make a brochure

to inform people about the problem. Include in the brochure the causes, effects
on humans and the environment, and possible ways to solve the problems. The
rubric below guides you as you develop the brochure.

Source: http://rubistar.4teachers.org/index.php?screen=ShowRubric&rubric_id=1417742&

B. Teacher’s Note observations on

Remarks any of the following Effective Practices Problems Encountered

strategies explored

materials used

learner engagement/


C. Teacher’s
Reflection Reflection guide or prompt can be on:

▪ principles behind the teaching

What principles and beliefs informed my lesson?
Why did I teach the lesson the way I did?

▪ students
What roles did my students play in my lesson?
What did my students learn? How did they learn?

▪ ways forward
What could I have done differently?
What can I explore in the next lesson?


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