Annual Report: Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

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Annual Report


Central Electricity Regulatory Commission


Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC)

3rd & 4th Floor, Chanderlok Building,
36, Janpath, New Delhi - I10 001
Phone : +91 11 23353503 • +91 II 23753923
Annual Report 2016-17

Chairperson's Statement
In 2016-17, the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) took important
decisions to facilitate power sector reforms in India.
The Commission has always been proactive in facilitating growth of renewable energy
sector and its effective integration into the grid. As an effective measure towards this direction,
an amendment to the Indian Electricity Grid Code has been notified, providing for a technical
minimum schedule at 55% for operation of the Central Generating Station and inter-State
Generating Stations. This also takes care of the interest of the generating stations, as the
amendment provides for compensation for degradation in Station Heat Rate, Auxiliary Energy
consumption and start up fuel cost in case of flexing of unit(s) upto technical minimum.
Ancillary Services are support services to maintain power system reliability and support
its primary function of delivering energy to customers. These are deployed by the system
operator over various time frames to maintain the required instantaneous and continuous
balance between aggregate generation and load. CERC has notified the regulations with the
objective to restore the frequency level at desired level and to relieve congestion in the
transmission network. Specifically, these Regulations are the first step towards introducing
Ancillary Services in the country that will enable the grid operator to ensure reliability and
stability in the grid. The Ancillary Services were operationalized in April, 2016 and by 15 March,
2017, 58 service providers were registered for providing ancillary services.
‘Use of Energy’ and ‘Conservation of Energy’ have always been considered critical to
ensure energy security. Towards this end, the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) introduced the
Perform, Achieve and Trade (PAT) Scheme. During this year, CERC, as the market regulator,
took a major initiative for development of market of ESCerts and facilitate its trading / exchange
on Power Exchanges and facilitated operationalizing the mechanism to enhance the cost
effectiveness of improvements in energy efficiency in energy intensive large industries.
The Commission considered it necessary to align the open access to inter-State
Transmission System with the power procurement trend by the State Utilities and current
philosophy in competitive bidding. The Commission amended the relevant Regulations to
address the critical issues pertaining to the dedicated transmission lines and relinquishment
charges for shifting from Medium Term Open Access to Long Term Access by making
appropriate provisions in the Connectivity Regulations.
Given that the variable cost of RE generation is zero, it is treated as must run. Coupled
with this we have the issues of variability and uncertainty to address. Therefore, India needs to
plan ahead more so in the context of the ambitious target of 175 GW of RE capacity. These
challenges warrant a specific energy ‘Storage’ solution to cater to peak demand as well as to
address the variability of intermittent generation. CERC, underlining the importance of this
emerging technology, brought out a Staff Paper on “Introduction of Electricity Storage System
in India”. CERC initiated brainstorming on the subject by placing the paper in public domain
inviting comments from stakeholders. After collating the views, the Commission will decide

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

the future course of action in terms of desirable policy and regulatory interventions.
The challenges being faced by transmission projects under tariff based competitive
bidding route are critical to the transmission sector. Taking specific reference to the standard
bidding guidelines for transmission services notified by the Ministry of Power, Government of
India, the Commission tendered its advice for facilitating smooth and rapid development of
transmission capacity in an efficient and economical manner.
The Ministry of Power has notified the Guidelines on Cross Border Trade of Electricity,
with the objective of facilitating cross border trade of electricity between India and
neighbouring countries. The Commission, in pursuance of facilitating establishment of
transmission link to cater to the cross border trade of electricity, advised the Ministry of
Power, Government of India on the transmission links between the pooling substations upto
the Indian border, which is sensitive in nature and of strategic importance for the country.
The Commission also supported the activities of Forum of Regulators (FOR), the Forum
of Indian Regulators (FOIR) and the South Asia Forum for Infrastructure Regulation (SAFIR) by
providing its resources. The Commission provides secretariat services to Forum of Regulators
(FOR), Forum of Indian Regulators (FOIR) and the South Asia Forum for Infrastructure
Regulation (SAFIR).
The Forum of Regulators (FOR) is a body incorporated under the Electricity Act, 2003
under the Chairmanship of Chairperson, CERC. Chairpersons of SERCs/JERCs are the
members of FOR. The Forum met five times during the year and evolved consensus on many
critical issues. The Forum also carried out a study on “Best Practices and Strategies for
Distribution Loss Reduction” and “Review of Functioning of CGRF & Ombudsman”.
The Technical Committee of Forum of Regulators (FOR) was formed under the
Chairmanship of Member CERC, Shri A.S. Bakshi, comprising of Technical Members of State
Commissions of renewable rich States to facilitate roll-out of Framework on Forecasting,
Scheduling and Deviation Settlement of wind & solar generators in RE rich States. Over the
period, the Committee found that basic building blocks for effective RE integration are relevant
to all States and in that context, the Committee identified the need for implementation of
Scheduling, Accounting, Metering and Settlement of Transactions in Electricity (SAMAST)
framework across all States. To facilitate the States, a model DPR for implementation of
SAMAST was also prepared to seek funds from Power System Development Fund (PSDF).
Model Regulations were brought out for facilitating implementation of State Level Forecasting
& Scheduling Framework. Model Regulations were also brought out for facilitating
implementation of State-level Deviation Settlement Mechanism (DSM). The Committee scaled
up RPO Web-Tool to develop generic tool to facilitate reporting and compliance monitoring of
State obligated entities.
The Commission looks forward to continued support from all stakeholders in
discharging its responsibilities.
Gireesh B. Pradhan

Annual Report 2016-17

1. The Commission 11

2. Mission Statement 15

3. Profile of the Chairperson and Members of the Commission 19

4. The Year in Retrospect 27

5. Regulatory Procedures and Process 33

6. Activities during 2016-17 37

7. Outcome of regulatory processes in terms of benefits to consumers and 89

development of the sector

8. Notifications issued during 2016-17 93

9. Agenda for 2017-18 97

10. Annual Statement of Accounts 101

11. Human Resources of the Commission 105

Annexures 109

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

List of Abbreviations
Abbreviation Full Form
ABT Availability Based Tariff
ADMS Automatic Demand Management Scheme
AERA Airport Economic Regulatory Authority
APPC Average Pooled Purchase Cost
APTEL/ATE Appellate Tribunal for Electricity
BEE Bureau of Energy Efficiency
BPTA Bulk Power Transmission Agreement
BU Billion Units
CAC Central Advisory Committee
CCGT Combined Cycle Gas Turbine
CCI Competition Commission of India
CERC Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
CGP Captive Generation Plant
CIL Coal India Limited
COD Date of Commercial Operation
CPRI Central Power Research Institute
CPSU Central Public Sector Undertaking
CTU Central Transmission Utility
DAM Day Ahead Market
DISCOM Distribution Company
DVC Damodar Valley Corporation
EA Electricity Act
ER Eastern Region
ERC Electricity Regulatory Commission(s)
ERLDC Eastern Regional Load Dispatch Centre
ERPC Eastern Regional Power Committee
FGMO Free Governor Mode Operation
Fl Financial Institution
FOIR Forum of Indian Regulators
FOR Forum of Regulators

Annual Report 2016-17

FSA Fuel Supply Agreement

GCV Gross Calorific Value
GFA Gross Fixed Assets
GIS Geographic Information System
GOI Government of India
GPS Gas Power Station
GSES Grid Security Expert System
GW Giga Watt
HEP Hydro Electric Project
HPS Hydro Power Station
IC Installed Capacity
IDC Interest During Construction
IEGC Indian Electricity Grid Code
I EX Indian Energy Exchange
IPP Independent Power Producer
ISGS Inter State Generation System
ISTS Inter State Transmission System
JERC Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission
JNNSM Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission
JV Joint Venture
kV Kilo Volt
kW Kilo Watt
kWh Kilo Watt Hour
LILO Loop in Loop out
LTA Long Term Access
MAT Minimum Alternate Tax
MMC Market Monitoring Cell
MNRE Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
MoP Ministry of Power
MTOA Medium Term Open Access
MU Million Units
MW Mega Watt

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

MYT Multi Year Tariff

NDC National Development Council
NEEPCO North Eastern Electric Power Company
NER North Eastern Region
NERLDC North Eastern Regional Load Dispatch Centre
NERPC North Eastern Regional Power Committee
NHPC National Hydroelectric Power Corporation
NLC Neyvelli Lignite Corporation
NLDC National Load Dispatch Centre
NPC National Power Committee
NR Northern Region
NRLDC Northern Regional Load Dispatch Centre
NRPC Northern Regional Power Committee
NTPC National Thermal Power Corporation
O&M Operation and Maintenance
OCC Operation Coordination Committee
OCGT Open Cycle Gas Turbine
OTC Over the Counter
PAF Plant Availability Factor
PGCIL Power Grid Corporation India Limited
PLF Plant Load Factor
PMU Phasor Measurement Unit
PNGRB Petroleum & Natural Gas Regulatory Board
POC Point of Connection
POSOCO Power System Operation Corporation Limited
PPA Power Purchase Agreement
PSDF Power System Development Fund
PXIL Power Exchange India Limited
RE Renewable Energy
REA Regional Energy Accounts
REC Renewable Energy Certificate
RFP Request for Proposal

Annual Report 2016-17

RGMO Restricted Governor Mode Operation

RLDC Regional Load Dispatch Centre
RLNG Re-GassifiedLiquified Natural Gas
RoCE Return on Capital Employed
RoE Return on Equity
ROR Run of the River
RPC Regional Power Committee
RPO Renewable Purchase Obligation
RRI Regulatory Research Institute
SAFIR South Asia Forum for Infrastructure Regulation
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SCOD Scheduled Date of Commercial Operation
SERC State Electricity Regulatory Commission
SEZ Special Economic Zone
SHR Station Heat Rate
SJVNL Sutlej JalVidyut Nigam Limited
SLDC State Load Dispatch Centre
SR Southern Region
SRLDC Southern Regional Load Dispatch Centre
SRPC Southern Regional Power Committee
SSU State Sector Utilities
STOA Short Term Open Access
STPS Super Thermal Power Station
STU State Transmission Utility
TAM Term Ahead Market
TAMP Tariff Authority of Major Ports
THDC Tehri Hydro Development Corporation
TPS Thermal Power Station
TSA Transmission Service Agreement

The Commission
Annual Report 2016-17

1. The Commission
The genesis of independent Regulatory Commissions for the electricity sector can be
traced back to early 1990s, when the National Development Council (NDC) Committee on
Power headed by Shri Sharad Pawar, the then Chief Minister of Maharashtra recommended in
1994, constitution of 'independent professional Tariff Boards at the regional level for regulating
the tariff policies of the public and private utilities'. The Committee reiterated that 'the Tariff Boards
will be able to bring along with them a high degree of professionalism in the matter of evolving electricity
tariffs appropriate to each region and each State'.
The need for constituting Regulatory Commissions was further reiterated in the Chief
Minister's Conference held in 1996. The Common Minimum National Action Plan for Power
evolved in the Conference inter-alia agreed that 'reforms and restructuring of the State Electricity
Boards are urgent and must be carried out in definite time frame and identified creation of Regulatory
Commissions as a step in this direction'.
Thus was enacted the Electricity Regulatory Commissions (ERC) Act, 1998 paving the
way for creation of the Regulatory Commissions at the Centre and in the States.
The 1998 Act was enacted with the main objective of distancing Government from tariff
regulation. The Act provided for Electricity Regulatory Commissions at the Center and in the
States for rationalization of electricity tariff, formulation of transparent policies regarding
subsidies etc. Under the provisions of this Act, the Central Government constituted the
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) in July, l998. The ERC Act, 1998 has since
been replaced by the Electricity Act, 2003 and CERC created under the provisions of the ERC
Act, 1998 has been recognized as the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission under the
Electricity Act, 2003.
The Electricity Act, 2003 has significantly enlarged the spectrum of responsibility of
CERC. Under the ERC Act, 1998 only the tariff fixation powers were vested in CERC. The
Electricity Act, 2003 has entrusted on CERC several other responsibilities in addition to the
tariff fixation powers.. These include the powers to grant license for inter-State transmission,
inter-State trading and consequently to amend, suspend and revoke the license, the powers to
regulate the licensees by setting performance standards and ensuring their compliance etc.
The Commission functions in a quasi-judicial manner and has the powers of Civil Courts.
It consists of a Chairperson, three full time Members and the Chairperson of the Central
Electricity Authority (CEA) as Ex-officio Member. In recognition of the need for a multi-
disciplinary approach while addressing issues related to independent regulation, the Act
prescribes that the Chairperson and Members shall be persons having adequate knowledge and
experience in engineering, law, economics, commerce, finance or management. It also
prescribes a broad mix of disciplines to be represented in the Commission. The Chairperson
and Members are appointed by the President of India on the recommendation of a selection
committee constituted by the Central Government as prescribed under the Act. The Act also
provides for the appointment of a Secretary of the Commission whose powers and duties are
defined by the Commission.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

The Mandate
As entrusted by Section 79 (I) of the Electricity Act, 2003 the Commission has the
responsibility to discharge the following functions:-
a. To regulate the tariff of generating companies owned or controlled by the Central
b. To regulate the tariff of generating companies other than those owned or controlled
by the Central Government specified in clause (a), if such generating companies enter
into or otherwise have a composite scheme for generation and sale of electricity in
more than one State;
c. To regulate the inter-State transmission of electricity;
d. To determine tariff for inter-State transmission of electricity;
e. To issue licenses to persons to function as transmission licensee and electricity trader
with respect to their inter-State operations;
f. To adjudicate upon disputes involving generating companies or transmission licensee
in regard to matters connected with clauses (a) to (d) above and to refer any dispute
for arbitration;
g. To levy fees for the purposes of this Act;
h. To specify Grid Code having regard to Grid Standards;
i. To specify and enforce the standards with respect to quality, continuity and reliability
of service by licensees;
j. To fix the trading margin in the inter-State trading of electricity, if considered
k. To discharge such other functions as may be assigned under this Act.
Section 79(2) of the Electricity Act, 2003 lays the onus on CERC to advise the Central
Government on matters such as:
a. Formulation of National Electricity Policy and Tariff Policy;
b. Promotion of competition, efficiency and economy in the activities of the
electricity industry;
c. Promotion of investment in electricity industry;
d. Any other matter referred to the Central Commission by the Central

Mission Statement
Annual Report 2016-17

2. Mission Statement
The Commission intends to promote competition, efficiency and economy in bulk power
markets, improve the quality of supply, promote investments and advise Government on the
removal of institutional barriers to bridge the demand supply gap and thus foster the interests of
consumers. In pursuit of these objectives, the Commission aims to –
a. Improve the operations and management of the regional transmission systems through
Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC), Availability Based Tariff (ABT) etc.
b. Formulate an efficient tariff setting mechanism, which ensures speedy and time bound
disposal of tariff petitions, promote competition, economy and efficiency in the pricing of
bulk power and transmission services and ensure least cost investments.
c. Facilitate open access in inter-State transmission.
d. Facilitate inter-State trading.
e. Promote development of power market.
f. Improve access to information for all stakeholders.
g. Facilitate technological and institutional changes required for the development of
competitive markets in bulk power and transmission services.
h. Advise on the removal of barriers to entry and exit for capital and management, within
the limits of environmental, safety and security concerns and the existing legislative
requirements, as the first step to the creation of competitive markets.
Guiding principles
To pursue the mission statement and its goals, the Commission is guided by the following
a. Protect the Interest of Society including Consumer Interest and Supplier Interest while
remaining fair, transparent and neutral to all stakeholders.
b. Remain equitable in conflict resolution brought to it through petitions after providing
sufficient and equal opportunity to participants to be heard.
c. Maintain regulatory certainty by remaining consistent in views on one hand and being
open minded to adopting change in the evolving power sector on the other.
d. Adopt a stakeholder consultation and participative process in formulation of its
regulations to ensure that the regulations are in line with the expectations of
e. Ensure optimal allocation of resources in the power sector using regulatory and market
based mechanism.
f. Encourage sustainable development by promoting renewable sources in the power

Profile of
and Members
Annual Report 2016-17

Shri Gireesh B. Pradhan

(22nd October, 2013 – continuing)

A career civil servant with over 40 years of experience, both at the National and State level,
Shri Gireesh B. Pradhan was born in Mumbai on 20th December, 1952. He did his schooling from St.
Xavier's School, Jaipur, Rajasthan (1969) and Bachelor of Arts with Honours in History (1970-73)
from St. Stephen's College, Delhi University. He holds a Master of Arts (History) degree (1973-75)
from Delhi University, Master of Public Administration (MPA 1984-87) from the School of Public
Administration, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada and Masters in Strategic Studies from the
National Defence College (NDC 1992), New Delhi. Besides formal academic programmes, Shri
Pradhan has attended a number of in - service programmes in various fields.

Before joining the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) in 1977, Shri Pradhan briefly taught
history at the undergraduate level in Delhi University and also served in the State Bank Group as a
Probationary Officer. He was allotted the Maharashtra cadre in the Indian Administrative Service, in
1977 and worked in the State of Maharashtra at the State and district level. He handled both the
regulatory and development affairs in various districts of Maharashtra like Sholapur, Kolhapur,
Ratnagiri, Sindhudurg, Mumbai, Thane, Nagpur and Pune.

He was also closely associated with the setting up of the new district of Sindhudurg in 1980-
81. Later, he worked as the Member and Secretary of the Maharashtra State Electricity Board. Shri
Pradhan has also been the Municipal Commissioner of Pune and Additional Municipal
Commissioner of Mumbai. As Director General of Yashwantrao Chavan Academy of Development
Administration (YASHADA),he was instrumental in making that institution a premier civil services
training institute of the country. He also has a monograph to his credit on civil services reforms in
independent India.

At the national level, Shri Pradhan has worked in the Ministries of Food & Civil Supplies,
Home Affairs and Power. He has served in the office of the President of India from 1992 to 1997
both as Director and then Joint Secretary to the President. He also served as Secretary to the
Speaker of the Lok Sabha from 2002 to 2003.

Shri Pradhan joined the Ministry of Power, as Joint Secretary, in November, 2003 where he
was handling diverse subjects including Planning, Coordination, Energy Efficiency, Transmission and
OM. He was promoted as Additional Secretary in January, 2008 and looked after Policy & Planning,
Transmission including matters relating to Power Grid Corporation of India Limited and their
Central Sector projects, Power Trading Corporation, Power Finance Corporation, Operation &

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

Monitoring, Coordination, International Co-operation, Climate Change and the Information

Technology Division of Ministry of Power. He also served as Chairman of the Damodar Valley
Corporation (DVC).

Shri Pradhan was promoted as Special Secretary in the Ministry of Power from 1st February,
2011 and took charge as Secretary of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) in
October, 2011.

Besides the above, Shri Pradhan has been responsible for a number of crucial reports on the
power sector. He has also had one of the longest involvements (12 years) with the power sector at
both State and Central level. He was actively involved in the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar
Mission (JNNSM), a mission under the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) which aims
to establish India as a global leader in solar energy.

Annual Report 2016-17

Shri A.K.Singhal
(9th October, 2013 – continuing)

Shri A.K. Singhal, a Chartered Accountant by profession, has a distinguished career,

characterized by steadfast adherence to principles. He has rich and varied experience of over 37
years in Corporate Finance Management. He worked as Director (Finance) of NTPC Limited (a
Maharatna Company) for over 8 years.
In NTPC, Shri Singhal played a pivotal role in providing valuable inputs to the Board for taking
various strategic decisions to enable the company in achieving its vision. He was responsible for the
entire gamut of financial management of the organization including financial resource mobilization
from domestic and global sources, optimum utilization of funds, budgetary controls and investment
decisions. During his tenure of 12 years in NTPC, he had led several landmark transactions for the
Company such as its IPO, FPO & OFS of equity, very large term loan facilities from banks and
financial institutions and establishment of USD 2 billion Medium Term Note Programme and
issuance of notes thereunder. As CFO, he was responsible for establishing adequate internal
control systems and adherence by the company to sound corporate governance practices.
He played an active role in the decisions involving mergers and acquisitions including
backward and forward integration of business by virtue of having in-depth knowledge of various
segments of Power Sector such as generation, transmission, coal mining and renewables from
conception, construction to its operation and maintenance. He acted as a vital link between the
investing community and the management of the company. He has visited units under construction,
operation to have firsthand experience. He has also visited a number of countries in connection
with official assignments during the period of his service.
Driven by a passion for excellence and imbued with strong work ethics, Shri Singhal believes
integrity, honesty and humility as the only policy for enduring business success. Shri Singhal has been
recognized as Best CFO at various forums including by the ICAI (twice), IMA(Lifetime Achievement
Award), CNBCTV 18, ASBA Top Rankers and he has been positioned thrice among top 100 CFOs
across the country by CFO Institute of 9dot9 media. Shri Singhal has also been the driving force
behind various initiatives towards Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
His emphasis is always to ensure that each CSR initiative is aimed to improve lives of the
people at the bottom of the pyramid and activities are taken up and processes adopted with due
diligence so that benefit of the same reaches upto the last mile. Prior to joining NTPC, Shri Singhal
has worked in EPI, KRIBHCO and NFL in various capacities. Considering the contributions and rich
knowledge and experience of Shri Singhal, the Government of India has appointed him as Member,
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission for a period of 5 years and joined the Commission on
9th October 2013, to shoulder even higher responsibilities as the Power Sector Regulator.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

Shri A.S.Bakshi
(5th August, 2014 – continuing)

Shri A. S. Bakshi, a Mechanical Engineer with M B A ,has a total experience of more than 39
years in Power Sector. Shri Bakshi started his career at Badarpur Thermal Power Station (New
Delhi) in 1974 while the project was still under construction. He cleared Engineering services
examination of 1974 and was assigned Central Power Engineering Service (CPES). He joined
Central Water and Power Commission in 1975 and was again posted at Badarpur Thermal Power

In 1979, Shri Bakshi was deputed to Water and Electricity Department (WED) , Government
of Abu Dhabi on foreign assignment by Government of India. Shri Bakshi worked at Umm Al Nar
(West) power plant in their Maintenance Department. The Plant comprises 6 oil fired power
generating units and 6 desalination plants . On repatriation from Abu Dhabi in 1984, Shri Bakshi
joined his parent department – Central Electricity Authority where he worked in various capacities
in R&M of power plants and energy audits of thermal plants. In 2002 he was made Director (Admn)
of CEA and in 2004, he was promoted as Chief Engineer and posted in Planning Wing. As Chief
Engineer, he was responsible for generation planning for the country as a whole. He was
instrumental in bringing out National Electricity Plans in 2007 and in 2011. He was also Member
Secretary of the working group on power for 12th plan when he was Member (Planning) CEA. He
has concurrently held posts of Member (Hydro) and Member (G&OD) CEA also.

Shri Bakshi was elevated to the post of Chairperson, Central Electricity Authority (CEA) and
Ex-officio Secretary to the Government of India in July 2011. He was responsible for generation
planning, transmission planning and for load forecasting for the country as a whole. He headed the
Committee to grant concurrence to Hydro projects. He was President, CBIP and President, EEC
also during this period. Shri Bakshi chaired or was a member of a number of committees during the
period 2011-13.

A number of important reports were finalized during his tenure as Chairperson CEA, these
included 17th Electric Power Survey, Standard specifications for super-critical units, General
review 2011 and 2012, Carbon dioxide base line data, Removal of CTC from power sector, Key
inputs for 12th five year plan etc.

Shri Bakshi joined CERC as a Member on 5th August 2014.

Annual Report 2016-17

Dr. M.K. Iyer

(10th August, 2015 – continuing)

Before joining the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission as Member on 10th August,
2015, Dr. M.K. Iyer worked as Member (Finance), Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission for a
period of 5 years and successfully handled many regulatory issues in the GERC. Some of the notable
activities in the GERC include : the multi-year tariff regulations, the renewable tariff orders of solar
wind and bio-mass, open access regulations and its enforcement, rationalization of tariff, pass
through of power purchase through a robust fuel power purchase adjustment formula and scores of
other regulatory issues to ensure the balance between consumer interest and the utility interest.
Since the date of joining in GERC in August 2010, a large number of orders have been issued which
have far-reaching impact in the smooth functioning of Electricity Sector in Gujarat.

Dr. M.K. Iyer is a Graduate in Physics, an MBA (Finance) and Ph.D in Management with strong
record of contributing strategic inputs to generate reasonable value for stakeholders. He has
steered the state utility for almost 31 years in the various areas of Finance, HR & IT domains and
facilitated realization of overall organisation’s goal. He has demonstrated competencies in diverse
functional domains including corporate planning, policy development, Reforms and Restructuring,
financial management, fiscal discipline, HRM & Industrial relations, Training, and IT driven initiatives,
Commerce and Regulatory matters. He has played a key role as Member of the Reform Project
Management group and has participated effectively in the ‘Financial Restructuring Plan’ of the
unbundling activities of the erstwhile Gujarat Electricity Board.

He is having fine-tuned, analytical, administrative, troubleshooting skills, Assertive team

leader, trainer and motivator having ability to integrate efforts of cross functional teams to
maximize operational productivity, superior communication abilities.

Just prior to joining the Gujarat Commission, he was working with Gujarat Energy
Transmission Corporation Ltd. Vadodara as Sr. Chief General Manager (F&A). During his tenure
with erstwhile Gujarat Electricity Board (GEB)/unbundled GEB, he worked in various capacities
such as Sr. Chief General Manager (F&A/IT/HR), & CIO, Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd., General
Manager (Accounts), General Manager (HR), Chief Finance Manager (Budget & Planning), Chief
Finance Manager (Project & Planning/Stores Purchase) etc. and has successfully handled the
reform/restructuring of the erstwhile Gujarat Electricity Board and implemented the first ever IT
initiative, the end to end ERP implementation across all the unbundled seven companies.

The Year
Annual Report 2016-17

4. The Year in Retrospect the Indian Electricity Grid Code to provide for a
technical minimum schedule at 55% of the
The Central Electricity Regulatory Maximum Continuous Rating (MCR) or the
Commission (CERC) cognizant of the Installed Capacity (IC) or name Plate Rating for
responsibilities entrusted to it by the Electricity operation of the Central Generating Station
Act, 2003, undertook a number of significant and inter-State Generating Stations. This
initiatives during the year to push reforms in the provision was necessary as many generating
power sector. stations were required to operate at part load
By the end of the financial year 2016-17, on account of huge capacity addition during
the total installed capacity under renewable 11th and 12th plan, addition of renewable
energy was 57260.23 MW. Out of this, wind sources of energy on a large scale etc. In order
power and solar has capacities of 32279.77 MW to take care of the interest of the generating
and 12288.83 MW respectively. Rest of the stations, the Amendment Regulation provides
capacity was shared between small hydro for compensation for degradation in Stations,
power, bio-mass, waste-to-energy etc. The the Amendment Regulation provides for
Government of India has up-scaled the target of compensation for degradation in Station Heat
renewable energy capacity to 175 GW by the Rate, Auxiliary Energy consumption and start
year 2022 which includes 100 GW from solar, up fuel cost in case of backing down of unit (s)
60 GW from wind, 10 GW from bio-power and upto technical minimum. In case of scheduling
5 GW from small hydro-power. The target will below technical minimum generator has option
principally comprise of 40 GW Rooftop and 60 to go for reserves shut down.
GW through Large and Medium Scale Grid The Amendment Regulation also
Connected Solar Power Projects. In provides for a regulatory framework for trial
furtherance of the targets for augmentation of run and commercial operation of the Central
renewable energy generation capacity, the Generating Stations and inter-State Generating
Commission has taken several measures. Stations and inter-State Transmission Systems.
The Commission, considering the The Regulations assign distinct responsibilities
intermittent, uncertain and variable nature of to the Generating Companies and
renewable energy, earlier created a framework Transmission Licensees, Regional Load
for forecasting, scheduling and handling Dispatch Centre/State Load Dispatch Centre,
deviations from schedule for the infirm RE beneficiaries of the generating stations and
generation (like wind and solar). This transmission systems with regard to the trial
framework requires forecasting by RLDC as operation and commercial operation.
well as wind/solar generator. Centralized The Commission closely monitors the
forecasting is from a grid management operational challenges being faced by the States
perspective and is very important for assessing in managing renewables, which generally causes
balancing needs, while forecasting by the the States to deviate from schedule, and
generator is aimed at minimizing deviations resulting in huge financial burden. In this
from schedule. Consequent amendments were context, several States have made
made to IEGC and DSM Regulations. presentations in meetings with CERC, Ministry
To further facilitate effective grid of Power, MNRE, POSOCO, and other
integration of renewable energy, the Central stakeholders, wherein it has been stated that
Electricity Regulatory Commission amended the deviation limit is causing huge financial

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

burden and preventing more renewable be Re 1/MWh for collective transactions.

capacity being commissioned by the States. NLDC operating charges payable by each
Subsequently, the Commission engaged in successful buyer and seller in case of collective
several rounds of discussions with all transaction, for a day, shall be capped to a
stakeholders, including renewable energy (RE) maximum ceiling of Rs. 200 per day.
rich States.
One of the initiatives under the National
The Commission acknowledged that Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency
wind and solar (to a lesser extent) are infirm (NMEEE) was the introduction of the Perform
sources of power. The solution to managing Achieve and Trade (PAT) Scheme which is a
higher capacity of wind and solar generators on market based mechanism to enhance the cost
the grid lies in better forecasting, scheduling effectiveness of improvements in energy
and balancing capability. However, while the efficiency in energy intensive large industries.
ecosystem builds this capacity to manage higher Section 12 of the PAT Rules 2012 gave powers
capacity of wind and solar generating stations, to the Central Government to issue the
as a temporary relief, the Commission has ESCerts in electronic form. The PAT Rules also
decided to relax the deviation limits for designated the Power Exchanges as the
renewable-rich States, while retaining existing platforms through which the ESCerts would be
DSM limits for all other States. traded and the certificates issued.
Central Electricity Regulatory Since the power exchanges are regulated
Commission took cognizance of the impact of by Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
operating charges on different power (CERC or the Commission), CERC created the
exchanges as the participants transacting at the necessary regulatory framework to include
power exchange with less number of ESCerts as a product to be transacted on the
participants were at a disadvantage as power exchanges and accordingly, notified the
compared to power exchange with higher ESCerts Regulations, 2016. These regulations
number of participants because the participants stand applicable to ESCerts offered for
at that exchange had to bear higher share of the transaction on power exchanges including
operating charges. In order to devise a contracts in ESCerts as approved by the
mechanism which does not put participants at Commission and shall be dealt as per the
an advantage or disadvantage based on the provisions of EC Act, PAT Rules 2012 and these
power exchange it is trading on and to levy a fair Regulations.
share of NLDC operating charge on each
The Regulations specify the entities
participant, CERC amended the principal
eligible for dealing in ESCerts on power
Regulation. The amendment provides that in
exchanges and have designated NLDC
case of collective transactions, NLDC
operating under Power System Operation
operating charges shall be payable by each
Corporation Limited (designated by the
successful buyer and seller on the basis of its
Government of India in the Ministry of Power)
energy scheduled (MWh) at the regional
as the Registry. The Registry is to perform
periphery by NLDC for transactions in the
various functions as defined in the Regulations.
respective power exchange. The NLDC
The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) has been
operating charges shall be collected by power
designated as the Administrator, to perform
exchanges and transferred to NLDC on a daily
various functions as defined in the Regulations.
basis. The rate of NLDC operating charges shall
The primary responsibility of monitoring the

Annual Report 2016-17

transaction and compliance of these transmission lines between the pooling stations
Regulations is with the BEE. The Regulations and such interconnection between the two
further specify that dealing of ESCerts shall be pooling substations to be monitored and
as per the rules and bylaws of the power controlled by the respective system operators
exchanges, after prior approval of the with proper coordination. The Commission, in
Commission. The frequency of the transaction pursuance of facilitating establishment of
of ESCerts shall be on monthly basis. The transmission link to cater to the cross border
market price of the ESCerts shall be discovered trade of electricity, advised the Ministry of
through the process of bidding at the respective Power, Government of India on the
power exchange. The Commission, in transmission links between the pooling
consultation with BEE, is to determine by order substations upto the Indian border, which is
the fees and charges payable by eligible entities sensitive in nature and of strategic importance
to the Registry. for the country.
The Central Commission tendered A Forum of Regulators (FOR) has been
advice to the Government of India on constituted by Central Government in terms of
challenges being faced by transmission projects the provisions of the Electricity Act, 2003. The
under tariff based competitive bidding route Forum consists of Chairperson of Central
and the suggested way forward with specific Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) and
reference to the standard bidding guidelines for Chairpersons of State Electricity Regulatory
transmission services notified by the Ministry of Commissions (SERCs) and Joint Electricity
Power, Government of India. The advice is Regulatory Commissions (JERCs). The
aimed at facilitating smooth and rapid Chairperson of CERC is the Chairperson of the
development of transmission capacity in an Forum. CERC provides secretariat service to
efficient and economical manner, particularly FOR. Five meetings of Forum of Regulators
under Tariff Based Competitive Bidding were held during 2016-17 in which various
(TBCB) route as there is an urgent need for issues were discussed and recommendations
time-bound implementation of specific were made. During FY 2016-17, the Forum of
suggested measures. Regulators also completed the studies on “Best
Practices and Strategies for Distribution Loss
The Central Commission also tendered
Reduction” and “Review of Functioning of
advice to the Government of India on specific
CGRF & Ombudsman”.
issues connected to the cross border trade of
electricity. The Ministry of Power has notified The Forum of Indian Regulators (FOIR) is
the Guidelines on Cross Border Trade of a Society formed in 1999 with representation
Electricity, with the objective of facilitating from regulators across different sectors such as
cross border trade of electricity between India electricity, petroleum and natural gas, airports,
and neighbouring countries. These Guidelines major ports etc. It provides a common platform
essentially provide for planning of the to discuss emerging issues in regulatory
transmission interconnection between India procedures and practices, to evolve common
and its neighbouring country, jointly by the two strategies to meet the challenges before
countries with the approval of the respective regulators in India and to share information and
Governments. For safe and controlled experiences. Members of the FOIR include
operation of the grid, the Guidelines also Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board
provide for construction of cross border (PNGRB), Airport Economic Regulatory

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

Authority (AERA), Competition Commission Regulation (SAFIR) is a forum of infrastructure

of India (CCI) and Tariff Authority of Major regulators of South Asian countries which has
Ports (TAMP), Telecom Regulatory Authority been in existence since 1999. CERC, as
of India (TRAI) apart from all State Electricity Secretariat to SAFIR, played an important role
Regulators. Secretariat service to FOIR is also in organizing various highlevel courses/training
extended by CERC. During the year, three and knowledge sharing programme for its
meetings of the Governing Body one meeting of member. 11th Executive Committee meeting
the Annual General Body and Research of SAFIR was held on 27th May 2016 in New
Conference were held. Delhi while 12th ECM was organized on 12th
November 2016 at Jaipur.
South Asia Forum for Infrastructure

Regulatory Procedures
and Process
Annual Report 2016-17

5. Regulatory Procedures and Process

The Central Commission in discharge of Consultation Paper / Staff Paper is then given
its functions under the provisions of the wide publicity through electronic and print
Electricity Act, 2003: media inviting comments and suggestions from
stakeholders. On receipt of the comments,
1. Notifies Regulations
open public hearings are held to discuss the
2. Issues orders on petitions relating to issues threadbare.
o Determination of tariff Based on the comments received and the
o Grant of license discussions in the public hearing, draft
o Miscellaneous matters Regulations are formulated. As per the
requirement of the Act, the draft Regulations
A. Procedure for Regulations
then undergo the process of 'previous
The Commission follows a detailed and publication'. This implies that the draft
transparent process before issuing a regulation. Regulations are published for comments from
To start with, a Consultation Paper is the stakeholders. It is only after receipt and
developed on the issue on which a Regulation is consideration of the comments that the
proposed to be made. Quite often, the Regulations are finally published/notified in the
consultation paper is prepared at the staff level Gazette of India and a Statement of Reasons is
and is also labeled as Staff Paper. The posted separately.
Discussion Paper by Sector Draft Regulations
Commission Stakeholder with Explanatory
Staff / Experts Consultation Memorandum

Written comments

Regulations laid Final Regulations Public

before with Statement of Hearing by
Parliament Reasons Commission

Procedure for orders on petitions Apart from the above, the following
petitions/applications are also filed before the
Petitions/Applications are made before
the Commission primarily for
1. Miscellaneous Petition
1. Tariff determination for generation
and transmission 2. Review Petition
2. Grant of license for inter-State The applicants file petitions with
Transmission and inter-State trading prescribed fee and serve a copy of their petition
in electricity. to all concerned. The applicants are also

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

required to publish their application on their for a five year period from 2009-14. The above
website and give notice in newspapers inviting notifications provide for determination of
objections and suggestions from the public. generation tariff (station/unit-wise) and
Thereafter, public hearings are held where the transmission tariff (line or system-wise). The
petitioners and the respondents argue their Commission vide notification dated February
case before the Commission. The Commission 21, 2014 issued Central Electricity Regulatory
passes final orders on the petition after hearing Commission (Terms and Conditions of Tariff)
all concerned. The petitioners and the Regulations,2014 to be effective from 1.4.2014.
respondents are allowed under the law to file
The tariff is determined as per the
for review before the Commission or appeal
Regulations on Terms & Conditions of tariff as
against the orders of the Commission before
applicable from time to time. The terms &
the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity.
conditions contain the financial norms and
B. Process and Principles of Tariff technical norms. The tariff is usually called the
Determination cost plus tariff because the capital cost of the
project is the starting point for tariff
Prior to the formation of CERC, the tariff
calculations. It would be more appropriate to
of Central generating companies viz. NTPC,
call it regulated tariff because other than actual
NHPC, NLC and NEEPCO were being
capital expenditure, most of the financial &
determined by Government of India through
technical parameters adopted for tariff are
project specific notifications. CERC came into
normative and not actual. The variable charges
existence in July, 1998 under the Electricity
of thermal stations are corrected for fuel price
Regulatory Commissions Act, 1998. The
variation as per monthly weighted average price
determination of tariff inter-alia of Central
and heat value of fuel.
generating companies was entrusted to CERC.
In order to discharge this task, the Commission The tariff calculations are quite
was required to finalize terms & conditions of elaborate, as various elements going into the
tariff. After going through transparent process tariff are computed individually to arrive at the
of hearing all stakeholders, the Commission full tariff. The tariff is different for each
finalized and notified Terms & Conditions of generating station depending on its admitted
Tariff initially for a three-year period i.e. 2001 - capital cost, base fuel price & Gross Calorific
04 in March 2001. After the enactment of the Value (GCV) and applicable norms of efficient
Electricity Act, 2003 (which repealed inter-alia operation. The exercise is time consuming but
the Electricity Regulatory Commissions Act, essential to ensure that the generators function
1998) the Commission notified Terms & in an efficient and economic manner and do not
Conditions of Tariff in March, 2004 for five-year misuse their dominant position to extract high
period from 2004-09 and then in March, 2009 prices from the buying utilities.

Activities During
Annual Report 2016-17

6. Activities during 2016-17 read with clause (g) of sub-section (2) of section
178 of the Electricity Act, 2003 as notified the
6.1 Legal Proceedings Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
During the year 2016-17, 507 petitions (Indian Electricity Grid Code) (Fourth
were carried forward from the previous year, Amendment) Regulations, 2016 (Amendment
2015-16. In addition, 322 petitions were filed / Regulation) in order to make certain provisions
registered during the period from 1.4.2016 to in Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
31.3.2017, taking the total number of petitions (Indian Electricity Grid Code) Regulations,
to 829. Out of these, 522 petitions were 2010.
disposed of during 2016-17. Detailed status of The Amendment Regulation sought to
petitions disposed of is documented in provide for a regulatory framework for trail run
Annexure-I. and commercial operation of the Central
The Commission deliberated upon the Generating Stations and inter-State Generating
issue of growing number of pending petitions Stations and inter-State Transmission Systems.
before it. It was observed that subsequent to The Amendment Regulations further provides
issuance of Terms and Conditions of Tariff for for technical minimum schedule for operation
the period 2014-19, the Central Commission of Central Generating Stations and inter-State
has received substantial number of petitions Generating Stations.
from the generating Companies and The salient features of the Amendment
transmission licensees for the existing assets Regulations are as under:-
(which were commissioned prior to 1.4.2014)
and the new assets whose commercial (a) The Amendment Regulations
operation date occurs during tariff period define the trail operation and the
2014-19. procedure for declaration of
commercial operation of the
The Commission decided to dispose of Central Generating Stations and
the petitions expeditiously, in order to enable inter-State Generating Stations
distribution companies or beneficiaries to based on thermal and hydro power,
capture final tariff in their respective annual and inter-State Transmission
revenue requirement proposal. In this process, System.
the Commission took several pro-active
measures and as a result of which, during FY (b) The Regulations assign distinct
2016-17, the Commission disposed of 522 responsibilities to the Generating
petitions. Companies and Transmission
Licensees, Regional Load Dispatch
6.2 Major Decisions / Regulations Centre/State Load Dispatch
Issued in 2016-17 Centre, beneficiaries of the
6.2.1 Central Electricity Regulatory generating stations and
Commission (Indian Electricity Grid transmission systems with regard
Code) (Fourth Amendment) to the trial operation and
Regulations, 2016 commercial operation.

The Central Electricity Regulatory (c) CMD/CEO/MD of the Generating

Commission in exercise of powers conferred Company or Transmission
under clause (h) of sub-section (1) of Section 79 Licensees have been made

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

responsible to certify that the degradation in Stations, the Amendment

generating station or the Regulation provides for compensation for
transmission systems meet the degradation in Station Heat Rate, Auxiliary
relevant requirement and provision Energy consumption and start up fuel cost in
of the Technical Stands, Grid case of backing down of unit (s) upto technical
standard and Grid Code. minimum. In case of scheduling below technical
minimum generator has option to go for
(d) Period of trail operation in respect
reserves shut down.
of thermal generating stations, and
hydro generating stations have 6.2.2. Central Electricity Regulatory
been prescribed as 72 hours and 12 Commission (Deviation Settlement
hours respectively at Maximum Mechanism and Related Matters) (Third
Continuous Rating or Installed Amendment) Regulations, 2016
Capacity or Name Plate Rating of
Several States (Gujarat, Madhya
the generating station. In case of
Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu,
Transmission System, it has been
etc) have emphasized that managing
prescribed as successful charging
renewables, especially wind, is posing a huge
for 24 hours at continuous flows of
challenge, which is causing the States to deviate
from schedule, and resulting in huge financial
(e) Short interruption of 4 hours in burden. In this context, several States have
trial operation has been allowed in made presentations in meetings with CERC,
case of thermal and hydro Ministry of Power, MNRE, POSOCO, and
generating station with other stakeholders, wherein it has been stated
corresponding increase in the that the deviation limit is causing huge financial
duration of the test, in order to burden and preventing more renewable
take care of any eventuality. capacity being commissioned by the States.
Subsequently, the Commission engaged in
The Amendment Regulations also
several rounds of discussions with all
provide for a technical minimum schedule at
stakeholders, including renewable energy (RE)
55% of the Maximum Continuous Rating (MCR)
rich States.
or the Installed Capacity (IC) or Name Plate
Rating for operation of the Central Generating The Commission acknowledged that
Station and inter-State Generating Stations. wind and solar (to a lesser extent) are infirms
This provision was necessary as many sources of power. The solution to managing
generating stations were required to operate at higher capacity of wind and solar generators on
part load on account of huge capacity addition the grid lies in better forecasting, scheduling
during 11th and 12th plan, addition of and balancing capability. To this end, the
renewable sources of energy on a large scale, Commission has notified the Framework on
shortage of domestic coal led to increase in Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation
energy charges due to blending with imported Settlement of Wind and Solar projects
coal and the reluctance of State Discoms to (regional entities) in 2015. The Commission
schedule power at higher energy charges. In also shared a Model Regulation on the same
order to take care of the interest of the with the Forum of Regulators (FOR). Several
generating stations, the Amendment States such as Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh,
Regulation provides for compensation for Tamil Nadu, etc have issued draft regulations

Annual Report 2016-17

for their States. As the developers and "the The additional charges for deviation for
corresponding load despatch centers initiate Renewable rich State has been specified as
this process, greater visibility into infirm RE follows:
power that is expected to be injected will itself
address majority of these issues. At the same (i) For over-drawal/under- Equivalent to 20% of the
injection of electricity above Charge for Deviation
time, all stakeholders have to progress towards L MW and up to L+50 MW corresponding to average
operationalizing spinning reserves and ancillary in a time block grid frequency of the time
services. The Commission has laid out a vision block.
for the same, through CERC (Ancillary Services (ii) For over-drawal/under- Equivalent to 40% of the
Operations) Regulations 2015 and Order in injection of electricity above Charge for Deviation
L+50 MW and up to L+100 corresponding to average
Petition No. ll/SM/2015 dated 13.10.2015 MW in a time block grid frequency of the time
regarding "Roadmap to operationalise block.
Reserves in the country". (iii) For over-drawal / under- Equivalent to 100% of the
injection electricity above Charge for Deviation
While the ecosystem builds this L+100 MW in a time block corresponding to average
capacity to manage higher capacity of wind and grid frequency of the time
solar generating stations, as a temporary relief,
the Commission has decided to relax the
Note: "L" shall be as specified above at
deviation limits for renewable-rich States, while
Clause 3.
retaining existing DSM limits for all other States
and accordingly the Third Amendment was Few changes have been made pursuant
notified on 6.5.2016, effective from 30.5.2016. to CERC Order dated 20.1.2015 in Petition
No. 6/RP/2014 as follows:
Renewable Rich State has been defined
in the Regulations as follows: a. In the cases where schedule is less
than or equal to 400 MW, the
"Renewable Rich State means a State
deviation charges and the additional
whose minimum combined installed capacity of
charges for deviation shall be based
wind and solar power is 1000 MW or more.
on percentage of deviation worked
Note: Combined installed capacity shall be out with reference to schedule of
reckoned on the basis of the capacity installed as on 400 MW.
the last day of the month for the purpose of deciding
the installed capacity for the next month- " 6.2.3 Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Terms and Conditions for
The deviation limits for renewable-rich Dealing in Energy Savings Certificates)
States, has been relaxed while retaining existing Regulations, 2016.
DS'Vl limits for all other States as follows:
One of the initiatives under the
Renewable- Combined Deviation National Mission for Enhanced Energy
rich Installed Limit under
Capacity of DSM Efficiency (NMEEE) was the introduction of the
Wind & Solar Regulations – Perform Achieve and Trade (PAT) Scheme
projects ‘L’ which is a market based mechanism to enhance
A >=1000 MW up to 3000 MW 200 MW the cost effectiveness of improvements in
B >3000 MW 250 MW energy efficiency in energy intensive large
industries. The Energy Conservation ( EC) Act
was amended on 24th August 2010 to give

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

powers to the Central Government to issue Government of India in the Ministry of Power)
Energy Savings Certificates (ESCerts) under as the Registry. The Registry is to perform
Section 14 A while also giving powers under various functions as defined in the regulations.
Section 14 B to specify the value of energy. The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) has been
designated as the Administrator, to perform
Consequently, the Energy
various functions as defined in the Regulations.
Conservation (Energy Consumption Norms
The primary responsibility of monitoring the
and Standards for Designated Consumers,
transaction and compliance of these
Form, Time within which, and Manner of
Regulations is with the BEE.
Preparation and Implementation of Scheme,
Procedure for Issue of Energy Savings The regulations further specify that
Certificate and Value of per Metric Ton of Oil dealing of ESCerts shall be as per the rules and
Equivalent of Energy Consumed) Rules 2012 bylaws of the power exchanges, after prior
(PAT Rules 2012) were notified by the Ministry approval of the Commission. The frequency of
of Power (MoP) on March 30, 2012. the transaction of ESCerts shall be on monthly
Section 12 of the PAT Rules 2012 gave
powers to the Central Government to issue Eligible entities with more than three
the ESCerts in electronic form. The PAT Rules cases of default in a PAT cycle shall be barred
also designated the Power exchanges as the from transaction of ESCerts, notwithstanding
platforms through which the ESCerts would be any penalty as applicable as per the EC Act.
traded and the certificates issued.
The market price of the ESCerts shall
Since the power exchanges are be discovered through the process of bidding at
regulated by Central Electricity Regulatory the respective power exchange. The
Commission (CERC or the Commission), Commission, in consultation with BEE, is to
CERC created the necessary regulatory determine by order the fees and charges
framework under Section 66 of the Electricity payable by eligible entities to the Registry.
Act, 2003 to include ESCerts as a product to be
6.2.4 Central Electricity Regulatory
transacted on the power exchanges and
Commission (Open Access in Inter-State
accordingly, notified the Central Electricity
Transmission) (Fourth Amendment)
Regulatory Commission (Terms and
Regulations, 2016
Conditions for Dealing in Energy Savings
Certificates) Regulations, 2016, on May 27, Central Electricity Regulatory
2016. These regulations are applicable to Commission ( Open Access in inter-State
ESCerts offered for transaction on power Transmission) (Third Amendment Regulations,
exchanges including contracts in ESCerts as 2015 provides that in case of collective
approved by the Commission and shall be dealt transactions, operating charges shall be payable
as per the provisions of EC Act, PAT Rules 2012 by power exchanges at the rate of Rs. 2000/-
and these Regulations. day / regional entity to NLDC. For collective
transactions, the power exchange socialised
The regulations specify the entities
this cost equally among all its participants.
eligible for dealing in ESCerts on power
Therefore, the participant transacting at the
exchanges and have designated NLDC
power exchange with less number of
operating under Power System Operation
participants were at a disadvantage as
Corporation Limited (designated by the
compared to power exchange with higher

Annual Report 2016-17

number of participants because the participants and Losses are being governed by the Sharing
at that exchange had to bear higher share of the Regulations, the Commission decided to
operating charges. extended the operation of the Sharing
Regulations for a period of another 5 years
In order to devise a mechanism which
from 1.7.2016. Accordingly, the Notification
does not put participants at an advantage or
dated 5.7.2016 extends the applicability of the
disadvantage based on the power exchange it is
Sharing Regulations for a period of 5 years from
trading on and to levy a fair share of NLDC
1.7.2016 i.e. till 30.6.2021, unless reviewed
operating charge on each participant, CERC
earlier or extended by the Commission.
amended the principal Regulation as under-
6.2.6 Central Electricity Regulatory
Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Appointment of
Commission (Open Access in inter-State
Consultants) (Third Amendment)
Transmission) (Fourth Amendment
Regulations, 2017
Regulations, 2016 states that in case of
collective transactions, NLDC operating In exercise of the powers conferred
charges shall be payable by each successful under Section 91 (4) read with Section 178 of
buyer and seller on the basis of its energy the Electricity Act, 2003 (36 of 2003) and all
scheduled (MWh) at the regional periphery by other powers enabling it in this behalf, and after
NLDC for transactions in the respective power previous publication, the Central Electricity
exchange. The NLDC operating charges shall Regulatory Commission has notified an
be collected by power exchanges and amendment to the Central Electricity
transferred to NLDC on a daily basis. The rate Regulatory Commission (Appointment of
of NLDC operating charges shall be Re 1/MWh Consultants) Regulations, 2008 with the
for collective transactions. NLDC operating following insertion :
charges payable by each successful buyer and
“5A – Age limits: The age of the
seller in case of collective transaction, for a day,
applicant to be appointed as individual
shall be capped to a maximum ceiling of
consultant for different categories as
Rs. 200/- per day.
on 1st January of the year of
6.2.5 Central Electricity Regulatory advertisement shall be below 62 years.
Commission (Sharing of Inter State
Provided that no Consultant would be
Transmission Charges and Losses)
retained in the Commission after
Regulation, 2010
attaining the age of 65 years.”
The Central Electricity Regulatory
The objective behind this amendment is to
Commission (Sharing of inter-State
attract younger talent as well as to contain
Transmission Charges and Losses) Regulations,
Consultants within 65 years of age in line with
2010 (sharing Regulations) was notified on
the practice being followed in different
16.6.2010 and came into force with effect from
Ministries/Departments of the Central
1.7.2011. In accordance with Clause 3
Regulation 1 of the Sharing Regulations, the said
regulations shall remain in force for a period of 6.2.7 Central Electricity Regulatory
5 years from the date of commencement and Commission (Grant of Connectivity,
the period ended on 30.6.2016. Since the Long term Access and Medium Term
sharing of inter-State Transmission Charges Open Access in inter-State Transmission

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

and related matters) (Sixth less than 25 years. The minimum

Amendment) Regulations, 2017 period for Long term access has
been reduced from 12 years to 7
As per the recent trends of power
years to align it with the period of
procurement, the State utilities have moved
Long term contracts as per
from long term PPAs of about 25 years to PPAs
Government of India guidelines.
of shorter duration. Further, as per the
competitive Guidelines issued by Ministry of (b) The period for medium term open
Power under section 63 of the Electricity Act, access has been increased upto 5
2003, the duration of long term PPA has been years in alignment with the period
prescribed as 7 years and above, and the period of Medium term contracts as per
of medium term PPA has been prescribed as GOI guidelines.
between one and five years. The commission
(c) The dedicated transmission line
considered it necessary to align the open access
from a generating station shall be
to inter-State Transmission System with the
developed, owned and operated by
power procurement trend by the State Utilities
the generating company and the
and current philosophy in competitive bidding.
maximum length of such dedicated
Certain important issues pertaining to the
line shall not exceed 100 KM from
dedicated transmission lines and
the switchyard of the generating
relinquishment charges for shifting from
Medium Term Open Access to Long Term
Access were raised in various petitions filed (d) The Long term customer entering
before the Commission. The Commission into PPA for more than one year
decided to address these issues by making shall not be required to apply for a
appropriate provisions in the Connectivity separate MTOA and its power shall
Regulations. be scheduled under Long term
access within a period of one
The Commission issued draft
month on filing the PPA with CTU.
amendment accompanied by Explanatory
Memorandum in accordance with section (e) An LTA customer who is availing
178(3) of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with the MTOA on account of non-
Electricity (procedure for Previous Publication) operationalization of LTA, shall not
Rules, 2005. After receipt of the comments be required to pay the
from the stakeholders, the Commission held a relinquishment charges for MTOA
public hearing to further elicit the views of after the LTA is operationalised.
stakeholders. On the basis of the
(f) In case of under utilization of long
comments/objections/suggestions received,
term access or medium term open
the Commission finalised and notified the sixth
access by a customer for more than
amendment to the Connectivity Regulations.
5 days, such capacity shall be
The salient features of the sixth released for either MTOA or
amendment to the Connectivity Regulations STOA, depending on the expected
are as under: period of under-utilization.
(a) Earlier the period of long term
access was more than 12 years but

Annual Report 2016-17

6.3 Power Market: Trading, Power creation of a comprehensive market structure

Exchange and Open Access and enable transaction, execution and
contracting all types of possible products in the
6.3.1 Inter-State Trading Lincenses
power markets. Subsequently, keeping in view
The Commission had notified the the need for transparent corporate governance
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission of the Power Exchanges, the Commission
(Procedure, Terms & Conditions for grant of through the Central Electricity Regulatory
Trading License and other related matters) Commission (Power Market) (First
Regulations, 2009 in February 2009 to regulate Amendment) Regulations, 2014 has provided
the electricity trading activities. for qualifications and dis-qualifications for
appointment as Director to the Board of a
As on 31st March 2017, the
Power Exchange.
Commission had granted trading licenses to 75
applicants for inter-State trading in electricity. The Commission vide Order dated 8th
Of these, 40 trading licensees have surrendered April 2015 in the matter of “Extended Market
/revoked their licences. Out of the 35 Session on Power Exchange” and in Petition
remaining licensees, about 25 licensees have No. 006/SM/2015 directed the Power
undertaken trading during FY 2016-17. Exchanges to operate 24x7 intra-day /
contingency market (Extended Market Session)
The Commission, vide notification
within three months from the date of issue of
dated 11.1.2010, issued the CERC (Fixation of
this Order. The Order of the Commission has
Trading Margin) Regulations, 2010. As per
been implemented by both the power
these regulations, for inter-State trading of
exchanges and the extended market session has
electricity, the licensees are not allowed to
been operational since 20th July 2015.
charge trading margin exceeding 7 paise/kWh in
case the sale price of power exceeds Rs. 6.3.3 Market Monitoring Cell
3/kWh, and 4 paise/kWh where the sale price is
The Market Monitoring Cell (MMC) of
less than or equal to Rs. 3/kWh. This margin
CERC brings out 'Monthly Report on Short-
includes all charges, except the charges for the
Term Transactions of Electricity', which is being
scheduled electricity, open access and
posted on CERC's website regularly since
transmission losses. The trading margin is
August 2008.
charged on the scheduled quantity of
electricity. The 'short-term transactions of
electricity' refers to the electricity transacted
6.3.2 Power Exchanges
through Trading Licensees (bilateral
Two power exchanges viz. M/s Indian transactions), Power Exchanges and Deviation
Energy Exchange Ltd (IEX), New Delhi and Settlement Mechanism (earlier Unscheduled
Power Exchange India Ltd (PXIL), Mumbai, are Interchange). The focus of the report is on (i)
operational in India. IEX and PXIL had started bringing out the trends in volume and price of
operation from 27th June, 2008 and 22nd the short-term transactions of electricity; (ii)
October, 2008, respectively. analyzing competition among the market
players; (iii) disseminating relevant market
In January 2010, the Commission issued
information to stakeholders; (iv) analyzing
the CERC (Power Market) Regulations, 2010 to
bilateral contracts executed by traders; (v)
develop and regulate the power market. The
analyzing volume and price of Renewable
objective of the Regulations was to help in the

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

Energy Certificates (RECs) and (vi) curve, which reflects present day's expectation
disseminating relevant market information to of spot prices for a future period; and (ii) post-
stakeholders. facto analysis, which shows the average OTC
price vis-à-vis power exchanges prices for the
The MMC brings out a monthly report
last month's power deliveries. The MMC also
on bilateral contracts (OTC contracts)
brings out an annual report on short term
undertaken by the trading licensees entitled
power transactions. Trends in short-term
'Weekly Reporting of OTC contracts: Monthly
transactions are shown below.
Analysis'. This report contains (i) forward

Volume of Short-term Transactions of Electricity (Billion Units)

Year Electricity Electricity Volume of Electricity
Transacted Transacted DSM Transacted
through through Power Directly between
Trading Exchanges (IEX & DISCOMs
Licensees PXIL)
2009-10 26.72 7.19 25.81 6.19
2010-11 27.70 15.52 28.08 10.25
2011-12 35.84 15.54 27.76 15.37
2012-13 36.12 23.54 24.76 14.52
2013-14 35.11 30.67 21.47 17.38
2014-15 34.56 29.40 19.45 15.58
2015-16 35.43 35.01 20.75 24.04
2016-17 33.51 41.12 23.22 21.38

Total Volume of Short-term Transactions of Electricity with respect to

Total Electricity Generation
Year Total Volume of Total Total Volume of Short-term
Short-term Electricity Transactions of
Transactions of Generation Electricity as % of Total
Electricity (Billion Units) Electricity Generation
(Billion Units)
2009-10 65.90 771.55 9%
2010-11 81.56 811.14 10%
2011-12 94.51 876.89 11%
2012-13 98.94 912.06 11%
2013-14 104.64 967.15 11%
2014-15 98.99 1048.67 9%
2015-16 115.23 1107.82 10%
2016-17 119.23 1157.94 10.3%

Annual Report 2016-17

Price of Electricity Transacted through Traders and Power Exchanges (`/kWh)

Year Price of Electricity Price of Electricity Price of DSM
transacted transacted through (`/kWh)
through Power Exchanges
Trading Licensees (DAM+TAM)
2009-10 5.26 4.96 4.62
2010-11 4.79 3.47 3.91
2011-12 4.18 3.57 4.09
2012-13 4.33 3.67 3.86
2013-14 4.29 2.90 2.05
2014-15 4.28 3.50 2.26
2015-16 4.11 2.72 1.93
2016-17 3.53 2.50 1.76

6.3.4 Notification of escalation factors 6.4.1 Tariff Determination of Thermal

and other parameters for the purpose of Generation
bid evaluation and payment Tariff of Thermal Generating
As per the “Guidelines for Stations of NTPC Limited
Determination of Tariff by Bidding Process for
A. The total Installed capacity of thermal
Procurement of Power by Distribution
generating stations of NTPC Limited as on
Licensees", issued by Ministry of Power in 2005,
31.3.2017 was 49078.23 MW consisting of
the Commission is required to notify, every six
38095 MW on coal (pit and non-pit head) and
months, various escalation factors and other
4017.23 MW based on Natural gas/Liquid fuel
parameters for the purpose of bid evaluation
and 6966.00 MW on NTPC Joint
and payment. Accordingly, the Commission,
Ventures/Subsidiaries including both coal and
vide notification dated 1.4.2016 and 6.10.2016
gas. During the FY 2016-17, NTPC added total
notified the escalation factors and other
capacity of 4365 MW (commissioning of Unit-II
parameters for generation projects and vide
of Bongaigaon STPS in March 2017 of 500 MW
notification dated 31.03.2016 and 28.9.2016
I.C, Mauda STPS Stage II (2x660 MW)
notified the escalation factors and other
commissioned in Feb 2017, Kudugi STPS unit I
parameters for transmission projects.
and II of capacity 800 MW each commissioned
6.4 Thermal Generation in December 2016 and March 2017
respectively, and Feroze Gandhi Unchahar
The Central Commission regulates the
Thermal Power station unit IV of 500 MW
tariff of Central sector thermal power
commissioned on March 2017,Nabhinagar
generating companies namely NTPC Ltd.,
BRBCL unit I of 250 MW, NTPC Kanti unit II of
North Eastern Electric Power Corporation Ltd.
Stage II of 195 MW Capacity commissioned in
(NEEPCO), Neyvelli Lignite Corporation
June 2016). As on 31.03.2017, there are total
(NLC), Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC),
20 coal based thermal stations (pit-head and
Joint Venture Companies involving CPSU’s
non pit-head) and 7 gas based stations. There
and IPPs who had signed PPAs with Long Term
are total 8 Joint Ventures of NTPC in which one
Beneficiaries before the deadline of
is gas based i.e RGPPL. The Installed capacity as
Competitive Tariff Based Bidding started.
on 31.3.2017 and the date of commercial

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

operation of each of the generating station/ unit tariff for following twenty four (24) NTPC
of NTPC are given at Annexure-II. stations (including gas power station) for the
period from 1.4.2009 to 31.3.2014, in terms of
B. Truing up of Tariff for the period
the proviso to Regulation 6(1) of the Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and
The Commission approved revision of Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2009:-

a. Vindhyacahal Super Thermal g. Ramagundam Super Thermal

Power Station ( Stage-II ) (1000 Power Station Stage-III (500 MW)
h. Badarpur Thermal Power Station
b. Vindhyacahal Super Thermal (705 MW)
Power Station ( Stage-I ) (1260
i. Kahalgaon Super Thermal Power
Station, Stage-I ( 840 MW)
c. Sipat Super Thermal Power Station
j. Rihand Super Thermal Power
( Stage-I ) (1980 MW)
Station, Stage-I (1000 MW)
d. Farraka Super Thermal Power
k. Talcher Super Thermal Power
Station ( Stage-III ) (500 MW)
Station, Stage-I (1000 MW)
e. Talcher Thermal Power Station
l. Auriya Gas Power Station (663.36
(460 MW)
f. National capital Thermal Power
m. Ramagundam Super Thermal
Station Stage-II (980 MW)
Power Station, Stage-I and II

Annual Report 2016-17

(2100 MW) period from 1.4.2009 to 31.3.2014.

n. Feroze Gandhi Unchahar Thermal b. Review of Commission’s Order
Power Station, Stage-III (210 MW) dated 20.07.2016 in Petition
No.207/GT/2014 revising the tariff
o. Feroze Gandhi Unchahar Thermal
of Talcher Super Thermal Power
Power Station, Stage-I ( 420 MW)
Station Stage-I (1000 MW) for the
p. Feroze Gandhi Unchahar Thermal period from 1.4.2009 to 31.3.2014.
Power Station, Stage-II ( 420 MW)
c. Review of Commission’s Order
q. Anta Gas Power Station (419.33 dated 19.07.2016 in Petition
MW) No.302/GT/2014 revising the tariff
of Badarpur Thermal Power Station
r. National Capital Thermal Power
(705 MW) for the period from
Station, Dadri, Stage-I (840 MW)
1.4.2009 to 31.3.2014.
s. Jhanor Gandhar Gas Power Station
d. Review of Commission’s Order
( 657.39 MW)
dated 27.07.2016 in Petition
t. Kawas Gas Power Station ( 656.20 No.271/GT/2014 revising the tariff
MW) of Kahalgaon Super Thermal Power
Station Stage-I (840 MW) for the
u. Sipat Thermal Power Station,
period from 1.4.2009 to 31.3.2014.
Stage-II (1000 MW)
e. Review of Commission’s Order
v. Vindhayanchal Super Thermal
dated 29.07.2016 in Petition
Power Station, Stage-III (1000
No.317/GT/2014 revising the tariff
of Rihand Super Thermal Power
w. Farraka Super Thermal Power Station Stage-I (1000 MW) for the
Station, Stage-I &II (1600 MW) period from 1.4.2009 to 31.3.2014.
x. Korba Super Thermal Power f. Review of Commission’s Order
Station, Stage-I &II (2100 MW) dated 31.08.2015 in Petition
No.208/GT/2013 & 305/GT/2014
C. Review Petitions against
revising the tariff of Korba Super
Commission Tariff Orders for the period
Thermal Power Station Stage III
(500 MW) for the period from
Following seven review petitions 21.03.2011 to 31.3.2014.
were filed by NTPC against the Commission’s
g. Review of Commission’s Order
Tariff Orders for the period 2009-14 for their
dated 2.11.2015 in Petition
generating stations. They were disposed of by
No.303/GT/2014 revising the tariff
the Commission as under :-
of Simhadri Super Thermal Power
a. Review of Commission’s Order Station Stage II (1000 MW) for the
dated 14.03.2016 in Petition period from 16.9.2009 to
No.205/GT/2013 revising the tariff 31.3.2014.
of Rihand Super Thermal Power
D. Tariff for 2014-19 period
Station Stage-III (1000 MW) for the
The Commission approved tariff for

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

2014-19 for following 34 stations of NTPC:- r. Feroze Gandhi Thermal Power

Station, Stage-I (420 MW)
a. Rihand Super Thermal Power
Station Stage-II (1000 MW) s. Sipat Thermal Power Station,
Stage-II (1000 MW)
b. Ramagundam Super Thermal
Power Station Stage-III (500 MW) t. Tanda Thermal Power Station (440
c. Rajiv Gandhi Combined Cycle
Power Project, Kayamkulam u. Farraka Super Thermal Power
(359.58 MW) Station, Stage-I &II (1600 MW)
d. Talcher Thermal Power Station v. Vindhayanchal Super Thermal
(460 MW) Power Station, Stage-IV (1000
e. Anta Gas Power Station (419.33
MW) w. Korba Super Thermal Power
Station, Stage-III (500 MW).
f. Vindhyanchal Super Thermal
Power Station Stage-V (500 MW) x. Farraka Super Thermal Power
Station, Stage-III (500 MW)
g. Rihand Super Thermal Power
Station Stage-I (1000 MW) y. Korba Super Thermal Power
Station, Stage-I &II (2100 MW)
h. Kahalgaon Super Thermal Power
Station Stage-II (1000 MW) z. Vindhyacahal Super Thermal Power
Station Stage-III (1000 MW)
i. Simahdri Super Thermal Power
Station Stage-I (840 MW) aa. Vindhyacahal Super Thermal Power
Station Stage-I (1260 MW)
j. Simahdri Super Thermal Power
Station Stage-II (840 MW) bb.Vindhyacahal Super Thermal Power
Station Stage-II (1000 MW).
k. Singrauli Super Thermal Power
Station (2000 MW) cc. Rihand Super Thermal Power
Station, Stage-I (1000 MW)
l. Talcher Super Thermal Power
Station Stage-I (1000 MW) dd.Mauda Super Thermal Power
Station, Stage-I (1000 MW)
m. Farraka Super Thermal Power
Station, Stage-I &II (1600 MW) ee. Dadri Gas Station (829.78 MW)
n. Faridabad Gas Power Station ff. Ramagundam Super Thermal
(431.586 MW) Power Station, Stage-I & II (500
o. Feroze Gandhi Unchahar Thermal
Power Station, Stage-II (420 MW) gg. Kahalgaon Super Thermal Power
Station, Stage-II (1500 MW)
p. Kawas Gas Power Station (656.20
MW) hh.Talcher Super Thermal Power
Station, Stage-II (2000 MW).
q. Sipat Thermal Power Station,
Stage-I (1980 MW) E. Review Petitions against

Annual Report 2016-17

Commission Tariff Orders for the period aspect of the stage at which the samples of coal
2014-19 are to be drawn for computing the Gross
Calorific Value of coal on “as received” basis for
Following five review petitions against
calculation of energy charges.
the Commission’s Tariff Orders for the period
2014-19 of the NTPC generating stations filed Tariff of thermal generating
by NTPC were also disposed of by the stations of Neyvelli Lignite Corporation
A. The total installed capacity of
a. Review of Commission’s Order generating stations of Neyvelli Lignite
dated 29.07.2016 in Petition Corporation (NLC) as on 31.3.2017 is 3240
No.281/GT/2014 revising the tariff MW. The installed capacity and the date of
of Talcher Super Thermal Power commercial operation (COD) of each of the
Station Stage-I (1000 MW) for the generating station of NLC are given at
period from 1.4.2014 to 31.3.2019. Annexure-III.
b. Review of Commission’s Order B. Truing up of Tariff for the period
dated 30.07.2016 in Petition 2009-14
No.279/GT/2014 revising the tariff
The Commission approved revision of
of Kahalgaon Super Thermal Power
tariff for following three (3) thermal stations of
Station Stage-I (840 MW) for the
Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd for the period
period from 1.4.2014 to 31.3.2019.
from 1.4.2009 to 31.3.2014, in terms of the
c. Review of Commission’s Order provision to Regulation 6(1) of the Central
dated 29.07.2016 in Petition Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and
No.281/GT/2014 revising the tariff Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2009 :-
of Talcher Super Thermal Power
a. NLC Thermal Power Station Stage-
Station Stage-I (1000 MW) for the
I Expansion (420 MW)
period from 1.4.2014 to 31.3.2019.
b. NLC Thermal Power Station Stage-
d. Review of Commission’s Order
I (600 MW)
dated 27.06.2016 in Petition
No.270/GT/2014 revising the tariff c. NLC Thermal Power Station II
of Kahalgaon Super Thermal Power Stage - I (630 MW) and Stage - II
Station Stage-I (1000 MW) for the (840 MW)
period from 1.4.2014 to 31.3.2019.
C. Tariff for 2014-19 period
e. Review of Commission’s Order
The Commission approved tariff for
dated 31.05.2016 in Petition
2014-19 for following stations of NLC:-
No.286/GT/2014 revising the tariff
of Faridabad Gas Power Station a. Thermal Power Station stage I
(431.586 MW) for the period from (TPS-I) Expansion (420 MW).
1.4.2014 to 31.3.2019
b. Thermal Power Station stage I
F. Other Review Petitions (GCV of Coal) (TPS-I) (600 MW).
Review of Commission’s Order dated c. Thermal Power Station II Stage - I
25.1.2016 in Petition No 283/GT/2014 on the (630 MW) and Stage - II (840 MW).

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission Tariff of thermal generating i. Chandrapura Thermal Power

stations of Damoder Valley Corporation Station unit VII and VIII (500 MW)
A. The total Installed capacity of C. Tariff for 2014-19 period
generating stations of DVC as on 31.3.2017 is
The Commission approved tariff for
7640 MW. During FY 2016-17, DVC added
2014-19 for following 9 stations of DVC:-
new capacity of 500 MW with the
commissioning of Bokaro TPS-A in Feb, 2017 a. Mejia Thermal Power Station unit
and unit I and II of Rangnathpur TPS each of IV (210 MW)
capacity 600 MW. The Installed capacity as on
b. Chandrapura Thermal Power
31.3.2017 and the date of commercial
Station unit I to III (390 MW)
operation of each of the generating station/ unit
of DVC are given at Annexure-IV. c. Bokaro Thermal Power Station unit
I to III (630 MW)
B. Truing up of Tariff for the period
2009-14 d. Mejia Thermal Power Station unit V
to VI (500 MW)
The Commission approved revision of
tariff for following nine (9) Damodar Valley e. Mejia Thermal Power Station unit
Corporation (DVC) Generating stations for VII and VIII (1000 MW)
the period from 1.4.2009 to 31.3.2014, in terms
f. Mejia Thermal Power Station unit I
of the provision to Regulation 6(1) of the
to III (630 MW)
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Terms and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, g. Durgapur Steel Thermal Power
2009 :- Station unit I and II (1000 MW)
a. Mejia Thermal Power Station unit h. Koderma Thermal Power Station
VII and VIII (1000 MW) unit I and II (1000 MW)
b. Mejia Thermal Power Station unit I i. Chandrapura Thermal Power
to III (630 MW) Station unit VII and VIII (500 MW)
c. Bokaro Thermal Power Station unit D. Interim Tariff for 2014-19 period
I to III (630 MW)
The Commission granted interim tariff
d. Mejia Thermal Power Station unit for the Raghunathpur Thermal Power Station
IV (210 MW) Phase I, unit 1 & II (1200 MW) for the period
from 1.4.2016 till 31.3.2018
e. Chandrapura Thermal Power
Station unit I to III (390 MW) Tariff of Thermal Generating
Stations of North-Eastern Electric
f. Durgapur Thermal Power Station
Power Corporation (NEEPCO)
unit III & IV (390 MW)
The installed capacity of Gas Based
g. Durgapur Thermal Power Station
Thermal generating stations of North-Eastern
unit I & II (1000 MW)
Electric Power Corporation (NEEPCO) as on
h. Mejia Thermal Power Station 31.3.2017 is 527 MW, namely Assam GPS (291
Extension unit V and VI (500 MW) MW), Agartala GPS (135 MW) and Tripura gas
based combined cycle power project (101

Annual Report 2016-17

MW). COD of the Gas Turbine Generator d. Bhilai Expansion Power Plant (500
(65.42 MW) of Tripura gas based combined MW).
cycle power project was achieved on Review of petitions against
24.12.2015 whereas the commissioning of 35.5
Commission Tariff Orders for the period
MW STG unit of 101 MW TGBP has been done
on 31.03.2017. The installed capacity and the
date of commercial operation of each of the Review of Commission’s Order dated
generating station are given at Annexure-V. 08.02.2016 in Petition No.198/GT/2013
During the FY 2016-17, no order pertaining to revising the tariff of Vallur Thermal Power
NEEPCO for the tariff determination during Project (1500 MW) for the period from date of
the period 2014-19, true up of tariff for the COD 29.11.2012 to 31.3.2014.
period 2009-14 and review petitions has been Tariff for thermal stations of
executed as the commission has disposed all
Independent Power Producers for the
the orders related to NEEPCO during the
period 2014-19
previous FY 2015-16.
The Commission vide Order dated Fixed and Energy Charges as on
18.8.2016 approved tariff of UNOSUGEN
31.03.2017 for Thermal Power Stations which
Power Plant (382.5 MW) of Torrent Power
belong to Central Public Undertakings (CPUs)
Limited for the period from 1.4.2014 up to
such as NTPC, NLC, DVC and NEEPCO are at
The Commission vide Order dated Tariff for thermal stations of Joint
31.03.2017 approved the tariff of DGEN Mega
Venture Companies (2009-14)
Power Project (1200 MW) of Torrent Power
The Commission has approved the Limited for the period from COD of Unit-51
tariff for Ratnagiri Gas and power project (First block) upto 31.3.2019.
(1967.00 MW) for the period 2009-14. Truing up of Tariff for the period Tariff for thermal stations of Joint 2009-14
Venture Companies (2014-19)
The revision of the tariff of Udupi
The Commission has approved the tariff Thermal Power Station (2 x 600 MW) of Udupi
for following Thermal Power Stations of Joint Power Corporation Ltd. for the period from
Venture Companies for the period 2014-19:- 11.11.2010 to 31.3.2014 after truing up
exercise- Order dated 24.03.2017
a. Indira Gandhi Super Thermal
Power Project, (3 x 500 MW) of Review of petitions against
Aravalli Power Corporation Ltd. Commission Tariff Order for the period
b. Muzzafarpur Thermal Power
Project, Stage-I (2 x 110 MW) of Review of Commission’s Order dated
Kanti Bijlee Utpadan Nigam Ltd. 12.11.2015 in Petition No.77/GT/2013
regarding approval of generation tariff of
c. Palatana Combined Cycle Gas
Kamalanga Power Plant (262.6 MW) of GMR-
Turbine Power Project (2x 363.3
Kamalanga Energy Limited for the period from
MW) of ONGC Tripura Power
the date of COD of Unit- I (30.4.2013) to
Company Ltd.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

31.3.2014. Power Purchase Centre) executed on

22.12.1995 for a period of 15 years from the
6.4.2 Other Issues addressed by the
date of commercial operation of the last unit
Commission in Thermal Generation
provided that the PPA was mutually extended,
(Miscellaneous Petitions)
renewed or replaced. The current petition was NTPC filed for seeking extension of PPA for a period
of ten years beyond 31.12.2015.
A. 143/MP/2015: Petition under
Section 79 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for HPPC has also approached HERC in
providing clarification on sharing of the meantime under Section 86 (1) (b) of the
capacity charges among beneficiaries of Electricity Act, 2003 for extension of PPA for a
the generating station as per Regulation further period of 10 years before executing the
30(4) of the Central Electricity PPA. The petitioner vide its affidavit dated
Regulatory Commission (Terms and 24.10.2016 has submitted that learned HERC
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2014 has extended the PPA upto 31.12.2025 in
read with Regulation 42 of the Central respect of Faridabad Gas Power Station vide
Electricity Regulatory Commission Order dated 5.10.2016. Hence, the
(Terms and Conditions of Tariff) Commission has disposed of the petition as the
Regulations, 2014. prayer of the petitioner has become
The Petitioner filed the petition
seeking clarification for sharing of capacity C. 68/MP/2015: Petition under
charges amongst the beneficiaries of the Regulation 55 of the Central Electricity
generating station as per Regulation 30 (4) read Regulatory Commission (Terms and
with Regulation 42 of the 2014 Tariff Condition of Tariff) Regulation, 2014
Regulations. read with Regulation 111 and other
related Regulations of Central Electricity
The Commission vide its Order dated
Regulatory Commission (Conduct of
20.3.2017 directed the Petitioner to bill the
Business) Regulations, 1999 for providing
capacity charges to the beneficiaries based on
uniform methodology to be used for
the monthly percentage allocation of each
billing incentive to beneficiaries as per
beneficiary for the month.
Regulation 30(4) of Central Electricity
B. 82/MP/2016: Petition under Regulatory Commission (Terms and
Section 79(1) (a) of the Electricity Act, Condition of Tariff) Regulation, 2014.
2003 read with the Electricity Regulatory
The petitioner has submitted the
Commission (Terms and Conditions of
petition to prescribe uniform methodology for
Tariff) Regulations, 2009 for extension of
distribution of incentive among the
Power Purchase Agreement dated
beneficiaries under Regulation 30 (4) of the
22.12.1995 with erstwhile Haryana State
2014 Tariff Regulations.
Electricity Board for 10 years beyond
31.12.2015. To maintain uniformity for billing of
incentive, in exercise of the powers given under
The petitioner filed this petition w.r.t.
Regulation 55 of the 2014 Tariff Regulations,
PPA of Faridabad Gas Power Station (431.586
the Commission directed that the
MW) (generating Station) with erstwhile
methodology as adopted by ERPC shall be
Haryana State Electricity Board (now Haryana
considered by all Regional Power Committees

Annual Report 2016-17

for billing incentive energy to the beneficiaries order dated 12-05-2015 gave the petitioner a
of the generating station. liberty to claim interest, is not correct. Keeping
in mind the benefit of the beneficiaries, the NLC
intent of the Commission for not allowing such
A. 17/MP/2016: Section 79 (1) (f) of interest payment, in this case too, was similar to
the Electricity Act, 2003 for adjudication what was held in Order dated 11.12.2012.
of the dispute on the payment of tariff
B. 132/MP/2016: Petition for seeking
with interest in regard to Power Station
upward revision of the technical
of Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited
minimum schedule for operation of
(NLC), namely, NLC TPS I (600 MW),
Central Generating Station and inter-
NLC TPS II - Stage I (3x210 MW),NLC -
State Generating Stations
TPS II - Stage II (4 x 210 MW) and NLC
TPS I Expn (2x210 MW) due to the The petitioner, Neyveli Lignite
increase in operation and maintenance Corporation Limited, has filed the petition for
expenses incurred by NLC's mines on seeking review of the provisions of technical
account of wage Revision to Employees minimum fixed for Schedule of operation of
for the period from 01.01.2007 and pay Central Generating Stations and Inter-State
revision to CISF personnel posted in Generating Stations, etc. specified in the
NLC ,mines for the period from 1.1.2006. Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Indian Electricity Grid Code) Regulations,
The petitioner, Neyveli Lignite
2010 as amended from time to time (Grid
Corporation Limited, has filed the petition
under Section 79(1) (f) of the Electricity Act,
2003 for adjudication of dispute arising out of The Commission disposed of the
the respondents not paying or otherwise petition as withdrawn by the learned counsel
raising issues on the interest payable on the since the matter relates to amendment of the
increase in the tariff of power stations TPS I, Grid Code, the petitioner has submitted its
TPS-II (Stage- I & II), TPS-1 Expansion due to proposal separately on 13.12.2016 regarding
increase in operational and maintenance upward revision of technical minimum fixed for
expenses of linked mines on account of wage schedule of operation of Central Generating
revision from 1.1.2007 for employees of mines Stations and Inter-State Generating Stations.
and from 1.1.2006 to CISF personnel posted in P o w e r S u p p l y A g r e e m e n t
NLC mines and the consequent impact on
(Composite Scheme)
variable charges and capacity charges.
A. 305/MP/2015: Petition for Section
The Commission vide its Order dated
79 of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with
30.8.2016 did not allow any interest on the
the provisions of the Power Supply
arrear as a special case in order dated
Agreement dated 5.1.2011 for directions
11.12.2012 passed in Petition No.
to make energy charge as pass-through
201/MP/2011. Though the Commission in its
based on the actual fuel cost incurred by
Order dated 12-05-2015 in Petition No.
the petitioner.
65/MP/2013 did not specify anything on interest
payment; the conclusion drawn by the The petition been filed by Adhunik
petitioner that absence of any explicit mention Power and Natural Resources Limited under
about non-payment of interest in the above Section 79 of the Electricity Act, 2003 (Act)

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

read with the provisions of Article 10 of the The Commission directed to adjourn
PSA dated 25.3.2011 for providing directions to the matter sine die with liberty to the petitioner
make energy charge as pass-through based on to approach the Commission after disposal of
the actual fuel cost incurred by the petitioner. the matter by Hon`ble High Court.
The Commission has adjourned the PPA and Competitive Bidding
petition sine die with liberty to either of the (Change of Law)
parties to mention the matter after the
A. 16/MP/2016: Petition under
judgment of the Hon’ble Supreme Court with
Section 79 of the Electricity Act, 2003
regard to composite scheme which has been
read with statutory framework
challenged by Prayas Energy Group Ltd.
governing procurement of power
B. 183/MP/2015 : A Petition under through competitive bidding and Article
section 79(1)(f) read with section 13 of the Power Purchase Agreement
79(1)(b) of the Electricity Act, 2003, for dated 7.8.2007 executed between Sasan
the adjudication of disputes over an Power Limited and the procurers for
increase in tariff sought by the Petitioner compensation due to change in law
for its power plant selling power to impacting revenues and costs during the
Andhra Pradesh and Telangana operating period.
licensees, to compensate for the increase
The petitioner, Sasan Power Limited,
in Clean Energy Cess on coal, being a
has filed the petition under clauses (b) and (f) of
'Change in Law' under the contracts
subsection (1) of Section 79 of the Electricity
between the Petitioner and the
Act, 2003 (hereinafter "2003 Act") read with
Article 13 read of the Power Purchase
The petitioner, Meenakshi Energy Pvt Agreement dated 7.8.2007 and Paragraph 5.17
Ltd, has filed the Petition raising a claim of Rs. of the Competitive Bidding Guidelines seeking
61,906,964/- (Rupees six crore nineteen lakh the reliefs under “Change in Law” during the
six thousand nine hundred and sixty four only) operating period and recovery of the
against the respondents towards compensation compensation amount due to the impact of
for increase in the Clean Energy Cess, along Change in Law.
with a surcharge for late payment at the rate of
The summary of the Commission’s
1.25% per month on the outstanding amount.
decision under the Change in Law during the
operating period of the project is as under:-

Change in Law events during Operating Period Decision

Levy of Forest Transit Fee by the Government of Madhya Pradesh. Allowed
Imposition of a new condition in the Environmental Clearance Not Allowed
Payment to National Mineral Exploration Trust Allowed
Payment to District Mineral Foundation Allowed
Carrying cost Not Allowed

Annual Report 2016-17

B. 156/MP/2014: Petition under The petitioner, Adani Power Ltd., has

Section 79 of the Electricity Act, 2003 filed the petition seeking directions to the
read with Article 13 (“Change in Law”) Haryana Utilities to pay compensation on
of the Power Purchase Agreements account of certain events of Change in Law in
(“PPAs”) dated 07.08.2008 executed terms of Article 13 of the PPAs dated 7.8.2008.
between Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran The summary of the Commission’s decision is
Nigam Limited/ Dakshin Haryana Bijli as under:-
Vitran Nigam Limited and Adani Power

Change in Law Event Decision

Change in Rate of Royalty on Coal Allowed
Levy of Central Excise Duty subject to directions in
Para 32 of the order Allowed
Levy of Clean Energy Cess Allowed
Levy of Customs Duty on energy removed from SEZ to DTA Allowed
Increase in Busy Season Surcharge on transportation of coal Not allowed
Increase in Development Surcharge on transportation of coal Not allowed
Levy of Service Tax on transportation of coal Allowed
Levy of Green Energy Cess in Gujarat Liberty granted to approach
after Hon`ble Supreme
Court’s Decision
Increase in Sizing Charges of coal Not allowed
Increase in Surface Transportation Not allowed

C. 8/MP/2014: Petition under Majeure and Change in Law events

Section 79 of the Electricity Act, 2003 during Operation Period and
read with statutory framework Construction Period
governing procurement of power
The Petitioner, EMCO Energy Limited,
through competitive bidding and Articles
in the instant Petition has sought the
10 of the Power Purchase Agreements
adjustment of the tariff on account of the events
dated 17.03.2010 and 21.03.2013
of Change in Law affecting the Power Project
executed between EMCO Energy
during the Construction Period and Operating
Limited and the distribution Companies
Period in terms of MSEDCL PPA and DNH
in the States of Maharashtra and Dadra
PPA. The summary of the Commission’s
Nagar Haveli respectively for evolving
decision under the Change in Law during the
mechanism for grant of an appropriate
operating period of the project is as under:-
adjustment/ compensation to offset
financial/commercial impact of Force

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

(i) Construction Period


1. Change in rate of Customs Duty Allowed Not Applicable
2. Change in rate of Excise Duty Allowed Not Applicable
3. Change in rate of Service tax Allowed Not Applicable
4. Change in rate of other Taxes (WCT, VAT, CST) Allowed Not Applicable
5. Design Changes in Coal Handling Plant Not Allowed Not Applicable
6. Withdrawal of Deemed Export Benefit Not Allowed Not Applicable

(ii) Operating Period


1. Excise Duty on Coal subject to the observation
regarding Excisable value in Para 69 Allowed Allowed
2. Change in Royalty Allowed Allowed
3. Clean Energy Cess Allowed Allowed
4. Busy Season Surcharge Not Allowed Not Applicable
5. Development Surcharge Not Allowed Not Allowed
6. Service tax on Coal Transportation Allowed Allowed
7. Swachh Bharat Cess Allowed Allowed
8. Sizing Charges Not Allowed Not Allowed
9. Surface Transportation Charges Not Allowed Not Allowed
10. Niryat Kar Tax Not decided and Not decided and
liberty granted liberty granted
11. Shortfall in Linkage Coal Not decided and Not decided and
liberty granted liberty granted
12. Shift from UHV based pricing to GCV Not Allowed Not Allowed
13. Increase in working capital requirement Not Allowed Not Allowed
14. Change in MAT rate Not Allowed Not Allowed
15. MOEF notification on coal quality Not Allowed Not Allowed

Annual Report 2016-17

D. 95/MP/2016 IA. No. 23/2016: mechanisms specified in that order. Further,

Petition under Section 79 (1) (f) read the Commission has directed that this order
with Section 79 (1) (b) of the Electricity shall be subject to the outcome of the Civil
Act, 2003 for adjudication of disputes Appeal No. 5399-5400/2016 pending before
arising from the termination of the the Hon’ble Supreme Court.
Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)
F. 155/MP/2012: Petition under
dated 9.7.2010 by the Bihar State Power
Section 79 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for
(Holding) Company Limited.
evolving a mechanism for regulating
The petitioner, Essar Power including changing and/or revising tariff
(Jharkhand) Limited, has filed the petition on account of frustration and/or of
seeking direction to quash the letter No. occurrence of force majeure (Article 12)
155/Trans/Misc/IS-105/2014 issued by the and/or change in law (Article 13) events
Bihar State Power (Holding) Company Limited. under the PPAs due to change in
circumstances for the allotment of
The Commission has disposed of the
domestic coal by GOI -CIL and
petition along with IA No. 23/2016 as
enactment of new coal pricing
withdrawn through the submission of learned
Regulations by Indonesian Government.
counsel for the petitioner and directions of the
Hon’ble High Court of Judicature at Patna in The petitioner, APL, has filed the
Para 22 of the Order dated 28.10.2016. Petition for evolving a mechanism for regulating
(including changing) and/or revising tariff on
E. 159/MP/2012: Petition under
account of frustration and/or of occurrence of
Sections 61, 63 and 79 of the Electricity
force majeure (Article 12) and/or change in law
Act, 2003 for establishing an appropriate
(Article 13) events under the PPAs due to
mechanism to offset in tariff, the adverse
change in circumstances for the allotment of
impact of the unforeseen, uncontrollable
domestic coal by GOI-CIL and enactment of
and unprecedented escalation in the
new coal pricing Regulations by Indonesian
imported coal price due to enactment of
new coal pricing Regulation by
Indonesian Government and other The Commission admitted the relief in
factors. respect of the coal procured from Indonesia
and ordered that the petitioner is entitled to
The petitioner, Coastal Gujarat Power
relief for force majeure event in terms of
Limited, has filed the petition for establishing an
Article 12.7 (b) of the PPA as per the
appropriate mechanism to offset in tariff, the
mechanisms specified in that order. Further,
adverse impact of the unforeseen,
the Commission has directed that this order
uncontrollable and unprecedented escalation in
shall be subject to the outcome of the Civil
the imported coal price due to enactment of
Appeal No. 5399-5400/2016 pending before
new coal pricing Regulation by Indonesian
the Hon’ble Supreme Court.
Government and other factors.
G. 307/MP/2015: Petition under
The Commission admitted the relief in
Regulation 17 of the Central Electricity
respect of the coal procured from Indonesia
Regulatory Commission (Conduct of
and ordered that the petitioner is entitled to
Business) Regulations, 1999 for seeking
relief for force majeure event in terms of
clarification/modification of Order dated
Article 12.7 (b) of the PPA as per the
5.10.2015 in Petition No. 517/MP/2014.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

The petitioner, Udupi Power Power Limited (SPL) to WRLDC for regulation
Corporation Limited, had filed the present of power supply and subsequent regulation of
petition under Regulation 17 of the Central power supply effective midnight of 11.6.2016
Electricity Regulatory Commission (Conduct of on account on non-payment of dues. The
Business) Regulation, 1999 seeking petitioner had submitted that outstanding dues
clarification/modification of the Order dated relate to the past period and there was no issue
5.10.2015 in Petition No. 517/MP/2014. The with regard to the current dues. The past dues
two issues on which the petitioner has sought have been raised in pursuance to the judgment
clarification from the Commission are: (a) dated 31.3.2016 of the Hon`ble Appellate
Sharing of Excess Tariff; (b) Mega Power Status Tribunal for Electricity in Appeal No. 233 of
of the Project. 2014.
The Commission clarified that the The Commission issued the direction
tariff determined by the Commission shall be to WRLDC not to implement the regulation of
applicable to 1181.5 MW only and the existing power supply with immediate effect. However,
beneficiaries shall have no liability to the WRLDC shall act in accordance with RPS
capacity charges for 18.5 MW. Therefore, there Regulations in respect of HPGCL if any request
is an untied capacity of 18.5 MW at the disposal is received from SPL in terms of default in
of the petitioner. The petitioner has the liberty payment. The order issued by the Commission
to sell this power through negotiated route or is subject to directions/orders in various
through competitive bidding. Further, appeals pending before the Appellate Tribunal
regarding to Mega Power Status of the Project, for Electricity and Hon’ble Supreme Court.
the commission is of the view that the Mega
I. 84/MP/2014: Petition under
Power status of the generating station
Section 79 of the Electricity Act, 2003
continues to subsist and the direction to the
read with statutory framework
Ministry of Power to review the mega power
governing procurement of power
status of the project shall remain suspended for
through competitive bidding and Article
a period of three years.
17 of the Power Purchase Agreement
H. 93/MP/2016: Petition under dated 7.8.2007 executed between Sasan
Section 79 of the Electricity Act, 2003 Power Limited and the procurers for
read with Article 17 of the Power recovery of amounts claimed by Sasan
Purchase Agreement dated 7.8.2007 Power Limited in terms of monthly bills.
between Sasan Power Limited and M.P.
The petitioner, Sasan Power Limited,
Power Management Company Limited
has filed the petition for seeking a declaration
and Central Electricity Regulatory
that the First Contract Year of the project
Commission (Regulation of Power
ended on 31.3.2013 and further seeking a
Supply) Regulations, 2010.
direction to the respondent to pay the monthly
The petitioner, Haryana Power bills in accordance with the terms of the PPA.
Generation Corporation Limited (HPGCL)
The Commission has kept this petition
represented through Haryana Power Purchase
pending till the disposal of the Appeal No. 233
Centre, has filed the petition seeking relief in
of 2014 by Appellate Tribunal. Hence, the
terms of the Commission’s Order dated
petition had become infructuous and was
3.6.2016 and 10.6.2016 in Petition No.
accordingly disposed of.
93/MP/2016 against the notices issued by Sasan

Annual Report 2016-17

J. 83/MP/2016: In the matter of The petitioner, Sasan Power Limited,

Petition under Section 79 of the has filed the Petition No. 21/MP/2013 under
Electricity Act, 2003 read with Article 17 Articles 13 and 17 of the PPA read with Section
of the Power Purchase Agreement dated 79 of the Electricity Act, 2003 and Para 5.17 of
7.8.2007 between Sasan Power Limited the Competitive Guidelines for compensation
and the M.P. Power Management for capital cost due to change in law events
Company Limited. during the construction period.
The petition has been filed by Madhya The Commission directed the
Pradesh Power Management Company Limited Petitioner that they were not inclined to allow
under Section 79(1) (b), (c) & (f) of the interest/carrying cost as there was no specific
Electricity Act, 2003 (2003 Act) read with provision in the PPA. However, against the
Article 17 of the Power Purchase Agreement decision of the Commission not to allow
dated 7.8.2007 seeking :- carrying cost pertaining to Sasan UMPP in
Petition No. 402/MP/2014, the petitioner has
(i) Notice dated 20.5.2016 issued by
filed a Review Petition 1/RP/2016. Therefore,
Sasan Power Limited (SPL) to
the decision taken in the Review Petition will be
Western Regional Load Despatch
applicable to this case also and accordingly
Centre (WRLDC) for regulation of
disposed of the Petition.
power supply on account of non-
payment of dues by the petitioner L. 62/MP/2014 Revision of the
under the PPA. mechanism for calculating the escalation
rate for domestic coal Published by the
(ii) For quashing the notices dated
Central Electricity Regulatory
20.5.2016 and 21.5.2016 issued by
Commission for the purposes of tariff
SPL to the petitioner under Article
Payment in a PPA under Case-1 bidding
11.5 of the PPA read with
process & Revision of the mechanism for
Regulation 4 of Central Electricity
computing the escalation rates for
Regulatory Commission
domestic coal (payment) published by
(Regulation of Power Supply),
the Central Electricity Regulatory
Regulations, 2010.
Commission under Clause 5.6 (vi) of the
The Commission disposed of this Competitive Bidding Guidelines dated
petition since the learned counsel for the 19.1.2015.
petitioner submitted that the petitioner has
The Petitioner, India Bulls Power
filed a Civil Appeal in the Supreme Court
Limited, has filed the Petition No. 62/MP/2014
against the judgment of the Appellate Tribunal
for seeking revision of the methodology for
for Electricity dated 31.3.2016 in Appeal
computing the escalation rate for cost of
No.233 of 2014 and the directions to be issued
domestic coal (linkage coal) in a manner that
by the Commission in the present petition may
the said index considers the actual
be made subject to the directions of the
increase/decrease in the price of domestic coal
Hon’ble Supreme Court in the Civil Appeal.
notified by the Ministry of Coal/Coal India
K. 162/MP/2015: Application for Limited for the coal supplied to power plants
computation of compensation for supplying power under Case-1 bidding process
Change in Law events during and Petition No. 50/MP/2015 has been filed by
Construction Period MB Power (Madhya Pradesh) Limited for

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

seeking revision of escalation index for The Commission had already held in
payment purposes. Order dated 21.2.2014 that depreciation of
INR vis-a-vis US Dollar was not a force majeure
The Commission disposed of both the
event in terms of the provisions of the PPA
petitions based on the view that it would be
between Sasan Power Limited and the
pre-mature to undertake any exercise for
procurers of Sasan UMPP and accordingly,
revision of indices without taking into
rejected the prayers of the petitioner. This
consideration the WPI being developed by
finding had neither been challenged by the
Ministry of Commerce and Industry for the
petitioner nor by any of the respondents. The
power sector. The new series of WPI applicable
only issue on which the petition was under
to the grades of coal used in the power sector
consideration of the Commission was the
would be released by the Ministry of
possibility of granting relief to the petitioner in
Commerce and Industry shortly. The
exercise of regulatory power under section
Commission expected that the new series of
79(1)(b) of the Act. The Appellate Tribunal for
WPI for power sector would address the
Electricity has held that the Commission had no
concerns of the petitioners and other
regulatory powers under section 79(1) (b) of
the Act to vary or modify the tariff or otherwise
M. 14/MP/2013: Petition under grant compensatory tariff to the generating
Section 79 of the Electricity Act, 2003 companies in case of a tariff determined under a
read with statutory framework tariff based competitive bid process as per
governing procurement of power Section 63 of the said Act.
through competitive bidding and Articles
N. 319/MP/2013: Petition seeking a
12 and 17 of the Power Purchase
declaration that COD by the generating
Agreement dated 07.08.2007 executed
company was illegal and not in
between Sasan Power Limited and the
accordance with the terms of the PPA
procurers for compensation due to
and prudent utility practices.
unprecedented, unforeseen and
uncontrollable depreciation of the Indian The Petitioner, Tata Power
Rupees. Distribution Company Ltd or TPDDL, has filed
the Petition seeking a declaration that COD by
The petitioner, Sasan Power Limited,
the generating company (China Light and
has filed the petition with the following
Power Limited) was illegal and not in
accordance with the terms of the PPA and
(a) Declare that unprecedented, prudent utility practices.
unforeseeable and uncontrollable
The summary of the Commission’s
depreciation of Indian Rupee vis-a-
decisions in this order is as under:-
vis the US Dollar as a Force
Majeure event under the PPA. (a) TPTCL is a necessary party in the
dispute between JPL and TPDDL in
(b) Restitute the petitioner to the same
the petition and hence, its name
economic condition as if the Force
cannot be deleted.
Majeure Event never occurred,
including regarding the additional (b) Tata PPA and PSA are inextricably
equity outlay and debt service intertwined and there is
obligations. contractual relationship between

Annual Report 2016-17

JPL and TPDDL. including Punjab State Power

Corporation Ltd.
(c) The commercial operation of the
units of the MGTPP had been I.A. No.19/2016: Application on
declared in accordance with the behalf of Rajasthan Distribution Utilities
provisions of the Haryana PPA,
I.A. No. 18/2016 had been filed by
Tata PPA and TSA and is therefore
Punjab State Power Corporation Limited
(PSPCL) seeking directions/orders to (i) stay
(d) The petitioner was not entitled for the notices/letters dated 4.6.2016,6.6.2016 and
compensation for the losses 8.6.2016 of Sasan Power Limited (SPL) read
suffered on account of payment of with notice dated 31.5.2016 regarding
transmission charges. regulation of power supply to PSPCL (ii) direct
SPL to act strictly as per terms of the order
(e) For the shortfall in supply of power
dated 3.6.2016 in Petition No. 83/MP/2016 and
from MGTPP to the petitioner
as requested by PSPCL vide its letter dated
during 2012- 13, the petitioner was
6.6.2016 (iii) direct SPL not to insist on an illegal
liable to pay the capacity charges
and unconditional undertaking despite the fact
proportionate to the availability
the Commission had given detailed timelines
and is entitled to claim penalty in
and terms in the Order dated 3.6.2016 (iv)
terms of Para 1.2.5 of Schedule 7
direct WRLDC not to regulate power supply to
the PSA read with corresponding
PSPCL as sought by SPL.
provisions of Tata PPA. The
Commission had determined the I. A. No. 19/2016 has been filed by
availability of MGTPP during 2012- Rajasthan Distribution Utilities, namely Ajmer
13 as 55.05% for the purpose of Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd., Jaipur Vidyut Vitran
payment of capacity charges as well Nigam Ltd. Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd.
as penalty in Order dated 25.1.2016 (Rajasthan Utilities) seeking direction to SPL to
in Petition No.170/MP/2013 which (i) accept the letter dated 4.6.2016 of the
shall also be applicable for supply of Rajasthan Utilities in light of the Commission’s
power by JPL to TPTCL/TPDDL. Order dated 3.6.2016, (ii) restrain SPL from
proceeding with the regulation of the power
O. 83/MP/2016: In the matter of
supply to Rajasthan Utilities and (iii) direct to
Petition under Section 79 of the
Western Regional Load Despatch Centre
Electricity Act, 2003 read with Article 17
(WRLDC) not to implement the regulation of
of the Power Purchase Agreement dated
power supply requested by SPL.
7.8.2007 between Sasan Power Limited
and the M.P. Power Management The Commission directed WRLDC
Company Limited not to give effect to the regulation of power
issued vide SPL’s letter dated 8.6.2016 in
I.A. No.18/2016: Application on
respect of Rajasthan Utilities and PSPCL. Since
behalf of Punjab State Power
the parties had not been able to agree to a
Corporation Limited under Section 94
payment plan for liquidation of outstanding
(2) of the Electricity Act, 2003 filed under
dues, the Commission considers it appropriate
Section 79 of the Act read with Article 17
to issue directions in the interest of the seller as
PPA dated 7.8.2007 between Sasan
well as the procurers (ultimately the consumers
Power Limited and various procurers

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

in the respective States). There was a difference Court of India.

between the case of MPPMCL and Rajasthan
P. 182/MP/2015: Dispute between
Utilities/PSPCL. In case of MPPMCL, it was
TPPDL and NTPC Ltd. in relation to
directed to liquidate the entire dues arising out
failure of NTPC to get power reallocated
of Change in Law events by 30.6.2016. In case of
from generating stations which have
PSPCL and Rajasthan Utilities, there were no
been delayed for several years and
outstanding dues for Change in Law events and
generating stations which have outlived
only outstanding dues relate to the COD.
their useful life and are operating at high
Accordingly, the following directions with
regard to PSPCL and Rajasthan Utilities issued:-
The Petitioner, Tata Power Delhi
(a) The principal amount (excluding
Distribution Ltd, filed the Petition and made the
the late payment surcharge)
following prayers, namely:-
outstanding against Rajasthan
Utilities and PSPCL (on account of a) To hold that the PPA’s entered into
change in COD) shall be paid in four between the Petitioner and the
equal monthly instalments by Respondent for the power plants
25.6.2016, 5.7.2016, 5.8.2016 and stands discharged by operation of
5.9.2016. law as they have been frustrated.
(b) As regards late payment surcharge, b) To issue necessary direction/advice
it is directed that SPL and Rajasthan in exercise of powers under the
Utilities/PSPCL to make efforts to Electricity Act, 2003 to the Central
settle the issue amicably. In case of Government to allocate the
dispute, either party was at liberty Petitioner’s entire firm share of
to approach the Commission for power from the Respondent NTPC
adjudication and appropriate power station to other power
direction. deficit States / utilities.
(c) In case of default in payment as per The Commission disposed of the
the directions in sub-Para (a) above, petition as the Petitioner was seeking a
SPL will be at liberty to act in terms statutory advice to the Central Government
of the RPS Regulations read with for reallocation of power allocated to the
the provisions of the PPA. Petitioner from the Central Generating Station
of NTPC to any other party. In Commission’s
The Commission directed the
view, statutory advice can be rendered by the
WRLDC shall act in accordance with RPS
Commission to the Government in the matters
Regulations in respect of PSPCL and Rajasthan
concerning overall interest of the electricity
Utilities if any request was received from SPL in
industry and cannot be invoked to address the
terms of Para 12(c) above. The above
individual grievances of a particular entity. The
directions were issued without prejudice to the
Commission cannot render any statutory
rights of either party to pursue the remedy
advice on the subject to the Central
available to them under the Electricity Act,
2003 and shall be subject to directions/orders
in various appeals pending before the Appellate Q. 72/MP/2016: Petition seeking in-
Tribunal for Electricity and Hon’ble Supreme principle approval of the “Abstract

Annual Report 2016-17

Schemes” of Capital Expenditure approval for revised Lignite Transfer

incompliance with Environment Price of NLC Mines for the period
(Protection) Amendment Rules, 2015 1.4.2009 to 31.3.2014 on account of
issued by the Ministry of Environment, truing up additional Capitalization,
Forest and Climate Change dated O&M, Income Tax, Return on Equity and
7.12.2015. FERV along with the Ministry of Coal
guidelines on Fixation of Transfer Price
The petitioner, Maithon Power
of Lignite.
Limited (“MPL”), has filed the petition under
Regulation 13 (3) (ii) read with Regulation 3 (9) The petitioner, Neyveli Lignite
and 12 (2) of the Central Electricity Regulatory Corporation, has filed the present petition for
Commission (Terms and Conditions of Tariff) revision of Lignite Transfer Price of NLC Mines
Regulations, 2014 (2014 Tariff Regulations) for the period from 1.4.2009 to 31.3.2014 on
seeking in-principle approval of the “Abstract account of truing up additional capital
Schemes” of capital expenditure in compliance expenditure, O&M expenses, Income Tax,
with the Environment (Protection) Return on Equity and FERV along with the
Amendment Rules, 2015 issued by the Ministry Ministry of Coal guidelines on Fixation of
of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Transfer Price of Lignite.
(MoEFCC) on 7.12.2015.
The Commission directed that the
The Commission vide its order dated claim cannot be decided in this order due to the
20.03.2017 directed the implementation of new absence of complete details with regard to
norms in the existing and under construction impact of wage revision as the same has not
thermal generating stations as it would require been quantified. However, the petitioner is
modification of their existing system and granted liberty to approach the Commission
installation of new systems such as Retro-fitting with all relevant details in accordance with law.
of additional fields in ESP/replacement of ESP,
S. 227/MP/2015: Petition for seeking
etc. to meet Suspended Particulate Matter
approval for revision of Lignite Transfer
norms, installation of FGD system to control
Price of NLC Barsingsar Mine for the
SOx and Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)
period 29.12.2011 to 31.3.2014 on
systems for DeNox. The petitioner was
account of truing up additional
directed to approach the Central Electricity
Capitalization, O&M, Income Tax and
Authority to decide specific optimum
Return on Equity along with Ministry of
technology, associated cost and major issues to
Coal guidelines on Fixation of Transfer
be faced in installation of different system like
Price of Lignite.
SCR, etc. The petitioner was also directed to
take up the matter with the Ministry of The petitioner, Neyveli Lignite
Environment and Forest for phasing of the Corporation, has filed the petition seeking
implementation of the different environmental approval for revision of Lignite Transfer Price of
measures. Accordingly, the petitioner was NLC Barsingsar Mine for the period 29.12.2011
granted liberty to file appropriate petition at an to 31.3.2014 on account of truing up additional
appropriate stage based on approval of CEA capitalization, O&M expenses, Income Tax and
and direction of MoEF which shall be dealt with Return on Equity.
in accordance with law.
The Commission directed that the
R. 149/MP/2015: Petition for seeking claim cannot be decided in this order due to the

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

absence of complete details with regard to 2012-13 and 2013-14.

impact of wage revision as the same has not
The petitioner, Coastal Gujarat Power
been quantified. However, the petitioner is
Limited, has filed the petition under section
granted liberty to approach the Commission
79(1) (b) of the Electricity Act, read with Article
with all relevant details in accordance with law.
13 of the PPA and Paragraph 4.7 of the
T. 157/MP/2015: Petition under Competitive Bidding Guidelines seeking
Section 79 (1)(b) of the Electricity Act, adjustment of tariff for increase/decrease in
2003 read with Article 13.2(b) of the revenues/ costs of Coastal Gujarat Power
Power Purchase Agreement dated Limited due to “Change in Law” during the
22.4.2007 (as amended from time to Operating Period for the Financial Years 2011-
time) seeking adjustment of tariff for 12, 2012-13 and 2013-14.
increase/decrease in revenues/ costs of
The summary of the Commission’s
Coastal Gujarat Power Limited due to
decision under the Change in Law during the
“Change in Law” during the Operating
operating period of the project is as under:-
Period for the Financial Years 2011-12,
Change in Law Event Decision
Levy of Clean Energy Cess on imported coal Allowed
Change in Basic Customs Duty and Allowed subject to outcome of pending
Countervailing Duty on imported coal proceedings before the Central, Excise and
Service Tax Appellate Tribunal
Reduction in Excise Duty Allowed
Reduction in Central Sales Tax Allowed
Increase in Gujarat Value Added tax Not Allowed
Increase in Service tax Allowed
Levy of Green Cess Not Allowed
Additional Condition imposed by MoEF Not Allowed
Carrying Cost Not Allowed Infirm Power (Miscellaneous testing including full load testing.
i. 8/MP/2017: The Petitioner, SKS
A. Petition under Section 79 (1) (k) Power Generation (Chhattisgarh)
of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with Limited, has filed the petition for
Regulation 8 (7) of the Central Electricity seeking permission to allow
Regulatory Commission (Grant of extension of the period for
Connectivity, Long Term Access and injection of infirm power and drawl
Medium Term Open Access in inter- of start-up power for
State Transmission and related matters) commissioning and testing including
Regulations, 2009 seeking permission for full load testing of First Unit (Unit 2)
allowing injection of infirm power for

Annual Report 2016-17

(300 MW) of 4x300 MW) beyond trial operation of Unit-1 & Unit-2 of
six months from 31.1.2017 to Muzaffarpur Thermal Power
31.7.2017. The Commission Station (MTPS) Stage-II, (2X195
allowed the extension of time for MW) of KBUNL, beyond six
injection of infirm power into the months from initial
grid and drawal of start-up power synchronization. The Commission
for the commissioning tests vide Order dated 23.12.2016 has
including full load test of first unit disposed of the petition and
(unit 2) and second unit (unit-1) up allowed extension of time for
to 31.4.2017 and 31.7.2017 injection of infirm power into the
respectively or actual date of grid and drawal of startup power
commercial operation, whichever for the commissioning tests
is earlier. Further, the Commission including full load testing of the
expected the petitioner to make all units till 31.3.2017 or actual date of
efforts to ensure the commercial commercial operation of the units,
operation of the project by the said whichever is earlier.
iv. 199/MP/2016: NTPC Ltd has filed
ii. 247/MP/2016: Mauda Super the petition seeking permission of
Thermal Power Project of NTPC the Commission to allow extension
Ltd has filed the petition seeking of drawl of start-up power beyond
permission of the Commission for fifteen months from the date of
interchange of power into the grid commencement activities including
during testing including full load full load testing of Unit-1 (660 MW)
testing up to 27.4.2017 or till of Solapur STPP (2X660 MW). The
declaration of commercial Commission vide its Order dated
operation of unit-1 of Stage-II of 08.11.2016 has disposed of the
1320 MW (2X660 MW). The petition and allowed the petitioner
Commission vide its Order dated to draw start-up power from the
23.12.2016 has disposed of the grid for unit-1 upto 6.5.2017.
petition and allowed interchange of
v. 212/MP/2016: NTPC Ltd has
infirm power into the grid for
filed the petition seeking
commissioning tests including full
permission of the Commission to
load test of unit-1 upto 27.4.2017
allow interchange of power for
or actual date of commercial
testing including full load testing and
operation, whichever is earlier.
trial run operation of Unit-I of
iii. 225/MP/2016: Kanti Bijlee Mauda STPS Stage-II (2X660 MW),
Utpadan Nigam Limited beyond the period of six months
(KBUNL) has filed the petition from the date of its first
seeking permission of the synchronization. The Commission
Commission to allow extension of vide its Order dated 31.10.2016 has
the period for drawl of start-up disposed of the petition and
power and injection of infirm allowed interchange of infirm
power for testing including full load power into the grid for

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

commissioning tests including full the Commission to continue drawl

load test of unit-1 upto 27.12.2016 of start-up power from the grid as
or actual date of commercial per Deviation Settlement
operation, whichever is earlier. Mechanism till first synchronization
of KKNPP Unit-2 or 30.9.2016,
vi. 159/MP/2016: Jindal Power
whichever is earlier. The
Ltd. (JPL) has filed the petition
Commission vide its Order dated
seeking permission of the
19.08.2016 has disposed of the
Commission to allow injection of
petition and allowed the petitioner
infirm power for testing including
to draw start-up power from the
full load testing for Unit-4 of 4x600
grid for unit-1 upto 6.5.2017.
MW power plants beyond
31.3.2016. The Commission vide ix. 118/MP/2016: SKS Power
Order dated 31.10.2016 has generation has filed the petition
disposed of the petition and seeking permission of the
allowed injection of infirm power Commission to allow extension of
into the grid for commissioning the period for drawl of start-up
tests including full load test of unit 4 power and injection of infirm
up to 31.12.2016 or actual date of power for commissioning and
commercial operation, whichever testing including full load testing of
is earlier. Unit 1 (300x4MW), Binjkot TPP
beyond six months from expected
vii. 117/MP/2016: BRBCL has filed
initial synchronization date of
the petition seeking permission of
30.9.2016. The Commission vide
the Commission to allow extension
its Order dated 29.07.2016 has
of the period for drawl of start-up
disposed of the petition and
power and injection of infirm
allowed extension of time for
power of commissioning and
injection of infirm power into the
testing including full load testing of
grid and drawal of start-up power
Unit No.1 (250 MW) of Nabinagar
for the commissioning tests
TPP (4X250 MW), beyond six
including full load test of unit up to
months from initial
31.1.2017 or actual date of
synchronization. The Commission
commercial operation, whichever
vide its Order dated 14.09.2016 has
is earlier.
disposed of the petition and
allowed extension of time for x. 2 5 / M P / 2 0 1 7 : L a n c o
injection of infirm power into the Amarkantak Power Limited
grid and drawal of start-up power has filed the petition seeking
for the commissioning tests directions to the respondents to
including full load test of unit up to allow the petitioner to draw start-
31.3.2017 or actual date of up power for unit-3 (660 MW) of
commercial operation, whichever the Petitioner’s Thermal Power
is earlier. Plant. The Commission vide Order
dated 29.03.2017 has disposed of
viii. 119/MP/2016: NPCIL has filed
the petition by allowing drawal of
the petition seeking permission of

Annual Report 2016-17

start-up power from the grid for C. Petition for approval of provisional
the commissioning tests including generation tariff for the period 2014-
full load test of unit-3 using the 19 of newly commissioned project
inter-connection facility between Teesta Low Dam Project Stage-IV
switchyard of Stage-I and II on (4x40=160 MW) of NHPC was
interim basis till the date of charging disposed of.
of the dedicated line to Champa
D. Truing up petitions for the following
Pooling Station subject to
hydro stations for the period 2009-14
availability of metering at
were disposed:-
interconnection facility. No
injection of infirm power through a. Dulhasti Hydroelectric Power
the inter-connection is allowed for Station (390 MW) of NHPC.
carrying out the commissioning
b. Teesta-V Hydroelectric project
activities of units 3 and 4.
(510 MW) of NHPC.
6.5 Hydro Generation
c. Maithon Hydel Power station Unit
The Commission, during the year No. 1 to 3 (2 x 20 + 1 x 23.2
2016-17, regulated tariff for the Central Sector =63.2MW) of DVC.
Hydro Generating Stations, owned by CPSUs
d. Panchet Hydel Power Station, unit I
& II (2 x40=80MW) of DVC.
DVC, and BBMB and one IPP station owned by
M/s Himachal Baspa Power Company Limited, e. Tilaiya Hydel Power Station, unit I &
which are located in Northern, Eastern and II (2 x2=4MW) of DVC.
North Eastern Region. The total Installed
f. Uri-I Hydroelectric Project (480
Capacity as on 31.3.2017 for Hydro generating
MW) of NHPC.
stations is 15426.13 MW. During FY 2016-17
Teesta Low Dam IV of NHPC of 160 MW g. Chamera-II Hydroelectric Project
capacities each unit having capacity of 40 MW. (300 MW) of NHPC.
was commissioned on 11th August 2016. The
h. Indira Sagar Power Station (250 x
Installed capacity as on 31.3.2017 and the date
8=1000 MW) of DVC.
of commercial operation of each of the Hydro
generating station/ unit of different types are i. Omkareshwar Hydroelectric
given at Annexure-VII. Project (520 MW) of NHDC.
The following petitions were taken up j. Chutak Power Station (11 x 4=44
during 2016-17. MW) of NHPC for the period
A. Truing up petition for Nathpa Jhakri
Hydroelectric Project (6 x 250=1500 k. Tehri Hydroelectric Power Project
MW) of SJVNL for the period 2004-09 Stage-I (8 x 250=1000 MW) of
was disposed of. THDC.
B. Petition for approval of Final l. Chamera-III Hydroelectric Project
Generation Tariff for period 2009-14 (231 MW) of NHPC for the period
of Bhakra Beas Management Board 2012-14.
(BBMB) was disposed of.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

m. Teesta Low Dam Hydroelectric e. Chamera-III Hydroelectric Project

Power Station-III (132 MW) from (231 MW) of NHPC for the period
period 1.4.2013 to 31.3.2014. 2012-14.
n. Sewa-II Hydroelectric Project (120 f. Sewa-II Hydroelectric Project (120
MW) for the period 2010-14. MW) for the period 2010-14.
o. Nathpa Jhakri Hydroelectric g. Uri-I Hydroelectric Project (480
Project (6 x 250=1500 MW) MW) of NHPC
E. Petitions of following hydro stations h. Tilaiya Hydel Power Station, unit I &
for approval of tariff for the period II (2 x2=4MW) of DVC.
2014-19 were disposed:-
i. Rampur Hydroelectric Project (412
a. Dulhasti Hydroelectric Power MW) OF SVJNL.
Station (390 MW) of NHPC.
j. Nimoo Bazgo Hydroelectric
b. Teesta-V Hydroelectric project project (45 MW) of NHPC.
(510 MW) of NHPC.
k. Panchet Hydel Power Station, unit I
c. Maithon Hydel Power station Unit & II (2 x40=80MW) of DVC.
No. 1 to 3 (2 x 20 + 1 x 23.2
l. Omkareshwar Hydroelectric
=63.2MW) of DVC.
Project (520 MW) of NHDC.
d. Chamera-II Hydroelectric Project
m. Uri-II Power Station (240 MW) of
(300 MW) of NHPC.

Annual Report 2016-17

n. Koteshwar Hydroelectric Project requirement of implementing

(520 MW) of THDC FGMO for certain units of NTPC.
o. Indira Sagar Power Station (1000 c. 40/MP/2016:- Petition under
MW) of DVC. Regulation 31(3) of the Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission
p. Chutak Power Station (44 MW) of
(Terms and Conditions of Tariff)
Regulations, 2014 for declared
q. Tehri Hydroelectric Power Project capacity and certification thereof by
Stage-I (1000 MW) of THDC. State Load Dispatch Centre of MP
in respect of NHDC's hydro
r. Karcham Wangtoo HEP (1000
generating stations i.e. Indira Sagar
Power Station (ISPS) and
s. Nathpa Jhakri Hydroelectric Omkareshwer Power Station
Project (6 x 250=1500 MW) of (OPS).
d. 76/MP/2015:- Petition under
F. The Following Miscellaneous Petitions Regulation 15 (1) of the Central
of Hydroelectric Power Plants were Electricity Regulatory Commission
disposed of :- (Terms and Conditions of Tariff)
Regulations, 2014 for approval of
a. 383/MP/2014:- Petition under
Renovation and Modernization
clause 4 Part-7 of the Central
proposal in respect of Bairasiul
Electricity Regulatory Commission
Power Station.
(Indian Electricity Grid Code)
Regulations, 2010 for extension of Composite Tariff as on 31.3.2017 for
time for implementation of Hydro Power Stations coming under the
Restricted Governor Mode purview of CERC are enclosed as Annexure-
Operation (RGMO) as required VIII.
under clause 5.2 (f) of the
6.6 Renewable Energy
Regulation, in respect of certain
Thermal and Hydel Generating The Commission issued Order in the
Stations operated by the Madhya matter of Determination of Benchmark Capital
Pradesh Power Generating Co. Cost Norm for Solar PV and Solar Thermal
Limited. power projects to be commissioned during FY
2016-17 (Suo-Motu Order 17/SM/2016 dated
b. 65/MP/2014:- Petition under
23.3.2016). The Commission determined the
Regulation 4 Part-7 of the Central
Benchmark Capital Cost Norm for Solar PV
Electricity Regulatory Commission
power projects for FY 2016-17 at Rs. 530.02
(Indian Electricity Grid Code)
Lakh per MW and for Solar Thermal power
Regulations, 2010 read with
projects for FY 2016-17 at Rs. 1200 Lakh per
Regulation 111 of the Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Conduct of Business) Regulations, The details of tariff for FY 2017-18 as
1999 seeking relaxation of determined by the Commission are at
Regulation 5.2 (f) (iv) regarding Annexure-IX.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

6.7 Transmission determination of transmission tariff for 2014-

19 tariff block under Central Electricity
The Transmission system in the
Regulatory Commission (Terms and
country has been growing at a rapid pace and
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2014. Several
the Commission handles voluminous work
petitions were for approval of tariff for assets
related to determination of tariff, truing up
commissioned/anticipated to be commissioned
petitions as well as miscellaneous petitions
during 2016-17 under Central Electricity
related to connectivity, open access, sharing of
Regulatory Commission (Terms and
inter-State transmission charges and Deviation
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2014.
Settlement Mechanism (DSM) and grid related
issues. The Commission has also issued order
in respect of truing up of fee and charges under
A. Transmission Tariff:-
regulation 5 of Central Electricity Regulatory
The Commission has issued several Commission (fees and charges of Regional Load
orders in petitions related to inter-State Despatch Centre and other related matters)
Transmission System (ISTS) including Regulations 2009 for Region Load Despatch
provisional orders for transmission assets Centres, for the control period 1.4.2014 to
commissioned/anticipated to be commissioned 31.3.2019.
during the tariff period 2014-19. Most of the
B. Monitoring and enforcement of
tariff petitions filed by POWERGRID pertained
Grid Discipline:
to truing up of transmission tariff for 2009-14
tariff period under Central Electricity The Indian Electricity Grid Code
Regulatory Commission (Terms and (IEGC) inter alia provides that NLDC shall be
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2009 and responsible for monitoring of operations and

Annual Report 2016-17

grid security of the National Grid and RLDCs 30/MP/2014 for review of the
shall be responsible for monitoring of temporary LILO arrangements and for
operations and integrated operation of the decision regarding the timeline for
power system in the concerned region. disconnection of the temporary LILO
arrangements. Wherever LILOs are in
National Load Despatch Centre
operation, RPC shall ensure that LILOs
(NLDC) and Regional Load Despatch Centres
are disconnected within three months
(RLDCs) have filed several petitions regarding
of this order, unless the RPC decides
violations of Grid Code by utilities. The
to grant extension keeping all relevant
Commission, after hearing parties involved in
factors in view. Further, whenever
the violations, has issued several orders for
interim LILO arrangement has been
monitoring and enforcement of grid discipline
made, CTU shall carry out the study
by utilities. Some of the orders of the
for assessment of reactive power
Commission are summarised below:
requirement and direct the
(1) Order dated 28.9.2016 in petition users/generators to provide the
No. 30/MP/2014: NLDC had filed the reactive power compensation.
petition no. 30/MP/2014 in the matter
The Commission also observed that in
of grant of Connectivity as per
all such cases where LTA has not been
Regulation 8 (2) and 8 (4) of the CERC
operationalized on account of non-
(Grant of Connectivity, Long-term
commissioning of the dedicated
Access and Medium Term Open
transmission line or some of the
Access in inter-State transmission and
system strengthening lines while the
related matter) Regulations, 2009 and
generators is injecting power under
Regulations 4 (2) and 6 (6) of the CEA
STOA, CTU must operationalize the
(Technical Standards for Connectivity
LTA (either partly or fully as the case
to the Grid) Regulations, 2007. NLDC
may be) and raise the bills for
had prayed for direction to STUs for
transmission charges on the
construction of intra-State
generators with effect from the date of
transmission system for evacuation of
operationalisation of the LTA as
power from intra-State generating
indicted in the LTA Agreements. CTU
Stations, to CTU to review all
was also directed to review all such
connectivity granted to ensure that the
cases and take necessary action for
CEA Standards are followed and stop
operationalisation of LTA including
the grant of Connectivity through
part LTA and raising the bills for
LILO arrangement.
transmission charges on the
The Commission vide Order dated generators.
28.9.2016 observed that all cases of
It was also observed by the
temporary/interim LILO need to be
Commission that as far as practicable,
reviewed where they are in operation
intra-State generating stations should
for more than six months. CTU is
not be granted interim connectivity to
directed to take up all such cases with
ISTS for drawing start-up power or
the RPC of respective region within a
injecting infirm power. Only in
period of one month from the date of
exceptional case, interim connectivity
issue of order in petition No.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

to intra-State generating stations may The Commission further observed

be granted on the basis of explicit that URTDSM scheme was approved
recommendations by the concerned with the purpose to improve the
STU. visibility and security and to mitigate
the probability of grid failure. By
(2) Order dated 16.9.2016 in petition
considering the present progress of
No. 206/MP/2014: POWERGRID
the Phase-I, the petitioner does not
had filed petition No. 206/MP/2014 in
seem to have made adequate efforts to
matter of approval under CERC
complete the phase-I of the scheme.
(Grant of Regulatory approval for
The implementation period for phase-I
execution of inter-State Transmission
was 2014-15. However, it was still
Scheme to Central Transmission
under implementation as per the status
utility) Regulations, 2010 read with
submitted by the petitionter. The
Connectivity Regulations for grant of
Commission expressed unhappiness
regulatory approval for execution of
with the progress of Phase I of
Unified Real Time Dynamic State
URTDSM scheme and directed the
Measurement (URTDSM) Phase-II.
petitioner to expedite the work of
The Commission had vide Order Phase-I of the scheme so that it may be
dated 6.9.2013 in Petition No. completed by November, 2016.
129/MP/2012 granted in-principle Further, in view of the fact that the
approval for Phase-I of the scheme and petitioner has not achieved substantial
for providing PMU for Phase-II progress in Phase-I, regulatory
commensurate with the approval of approval for implementation of Phase-
OPGW. II of the scheme was not granted. The
petitioner was granted liberty to
The matter was heard on 6.10.2015
submit the fresh proposal for grant of
wherein the petitioner was directed to
regulatory approval for Phase-II of the
file the present status of the region-
scheme in consultation with CEA after
wise progress viz. installation of PMUs,
implementation of Phase-I scheme,
PDCs, Remote Consoles and Number
which would be considered in
of trained personnel, etc. and status of
accordance with law.
Pilot project on PMU under
Development of Analytics of Phase-I. (3) Order dated 13.7.2016 in petition
No. 91/MP/2014: Petition under
The Commission after perusal of
Section 79 of the Electricity Act, 2003
present status of the region-wise
read with clause 5.2 of the operating
progress, namely installation of PMUs,
code under the Indian Electricity Grid
PDCs and Number of trained
Code and Regulations 12 and 13 of the
personnel, etc. observed that that for
CERC (Unscheduled Interchange
implementation of phase-I, out of total
Charges and related matters)
351 PMUs sub-station, 101 PMUs has
Regulations, 2009; Regulations 7(1)
been supplied and work on three sub-
and (2), 12, 13 of the Central Electricity
station is in progress and out of 34 PDS
Regulatory Commission (Deviation
equipments, only 27 PDS equipments
Settlement Mechanism And Related
have been supplied and 12 have been
Matters) Regulations, 2014 and

Annual Report 2016-17

Regulations 111, 114 and 115 of the power as Must Run in terms of
Central Electricity Regulatory Regulation 5.2 (u) of the Grid Code
Commission (Conduct of Business) and accordingly, has failed to comply
Regulations, 1999. with Regulation 5.2(u) of Grid Code as
amended from time to time.
The petitioner vide the said petition
prayed for relaxation of the frequency (4) Other petitions disposed by the
band to wind or solar power projects Commission for Monitoring and
namely, 49.9 Hz - 50.05 Hz to 49.7 Hz - enforcement of Grid Discipline during
50.3 Hz and exemption from the 2016-17 include Petition No.
application of deviation limit of 150 224/MP/2016, 265/MP/2015,
MW or 12% of the schedule and 88/MP/2016, 103/MP/2014,
necessary direction to SLDCs to treat 135/MP/2016, 191/MP/2016,
wind or solar power projects as “Must 188/MP/2014, 134/MP/2016,
Run” as provided under Regulation 5.2 222/MP/2015, 36/MP/2015, etc.
(u) of the Grid Code.
C. Enforcement of Open Access:
The Commission vide Order dated
Open Access is one of the
13.7.2016 denied any exemption to
cornerstones of the Electricity Act, 2003. The
solar and wind projects stating that the
Commission has been entrusted with the
deviation limit in the Deviation
functions to facilitate open access to inter-State
Settlement Mechanism Regulations
transmission systems. The Commission has
have been provided keeping in view the
issued Central Electricity Regulatory
grid safety and security. Subsequently,
Commission (Grant of Connectivity, Long
while evolving the framework on
Term Access and Medium Term Access in
forecasting, scheduling and imbalance
inter-State transmission and related matters)
handling for variable renewable energy
Regulations, 2009 and Central Electricity
sources, taking note of forecasting
Regulatory Commission (Open Access in inter-
errors and difficulties experienced by
State Transmission) Regulations, 2008, which
Renewable Energy Generators in
facilitate long term access, medium term open
adhering to the deviation limits
access and short term access to inter-State
specified in Deviation Settlement
transmission system. During the period 2016-
Regulations, the Commission has
17, the Commission has disposed petitions for
amended the Grid Code and DSM
granting of Open Access in inter-State
Regulations on 7.8.2015 whereby with
transmission system.
altered error definition, wind and solar
generators which are regional entities (1) Order dated 16.5.2016 in petition
have been exempted from adverse No. 9/MP/2016: The petitioner
commercial impacts within ±15% band. NHPTL filed the said petition in the
Further, the Commission after matter of grant of connectivity of
perusing data submitted by SLDC- NHPTL Laboratory with 765 kV & 400
Tamil Nadu in respect of backing down kV Bus at ISTS Bina sub-station of
of conventional generating stations POWERGRID for bay charging at No
before backing down of solar/wind Load initially further at On Load for
generation, observed that SLDC- Short Circuit Testing of Electricity
Tamil Nadu has not treated wind/solar

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

Equipment and for that purpose, petitioner was directed to be

approval of the connections registered as “User” of WRLDC under
agreement for No Load and On Load the provisions of the CERC (Fees and
conditions under Central Electricity Charges of RLDCs and other related
Regulatory Commission (Grant of matters), Regulations, 2015 and pay
Connectivity, Long Term Access and one time registration charges as a
Medium Term Open Access in inter- “User” and testing charges as per the
State Transmission and related approved procedure of POSOCO.
matters) Regulations, 2009. Regarding transmission charges, the
Commission observed that since, the
The petitioner had submitted that the
petitioner would not draw any MW
NHPTL laboratory is a national asset as
from the grid, it shall not be required
it would facilitate short circuit test of
to apply for any type of access.
transformers within the country
However, the petitioner shall be levied
economically. Hence an enabling
Reliability Support Charges
environment may be provided to
corresponding to 10,000 MVA in
compete with global players. Presently
terms of Sharing Regulations for the
transformers are taken to other
entire month.
countries which require at least 6
months time out of which test (2) Order dated 13.6.2016 in petition
preparation time of the transformer is No. 121/MP/2015: In the matter of
only about 20 days and cost of testing is petition for grant of Inter-State Open
around Rs. 4.5 crore including the cost Access for the energy generated by
of transportation which is about 55% ITC Ltd. at the wind power project in
of the total testing cost. Further, the Anantapur district, Andhra Pradesh for
petitioner requested to waive off the captive consumption at its factory at
transmission/Reliability charges Bhadranchalam, Telangana.
initially for 1 to 2 years or to impose
The petitioner, ITC Limited, filed the
minimal charges to make this facility
said petition challenging denial of
STOA for the months of September,
The Commission after hearing the 2014 and April to July 2015 and raising
matter and inputs from CTU and several issues arising out of denial of
POSOCO, directed CTU to sign open access and relating to grant of
Connection Agreement with the open access.
petitioner as a special dispensation as
The Commission after hearing the
mutually agreed between the
parties observed that although there is
petitioner, CTU and POSOCO within
no specified formats prescribed for
one week of issue of order. Further, in
application for open access to be made
view of the fact that the petitioner
by a captive generating plant to take its
would have to closely coordinate with
power for its captive consumption, the
WRLDC before each short circuit test
nature of transaction is similar to the
considering the impact on the power
bilateral transaction. Therefore, the
system which would require some
formats applicable for bilateral
coordination by WRLDC, the
transactions shall be used for grant of

Annual Report 2016-17

short term inter-State open access for accounting scheme accordingly.

transfer of power from captive
Regarding Forecasting /scheduling, the
generating plant for captive
Commission directed all wind
consumption by the captive users.
generators to carry out
Further, concurrence from SLDCs for
forecasting/scheduling as per
a transaction of the nature of captive
applicable Regulations and also
generation and transmission for
directed SLDC/RLDC to seek
captive consumption is required and
forecast/schedule for wind generation
the concurrence of the State Load
as per applicable Regulations.
Despatch Centre shall be in such form
as provided in the detailed procedure (3) Order dated 26.9.2016 in petition
approved by the Commission. It was No. 11/MP/2016: In the matter of
also clarified by the Commission that in Petition under Section 79(1) (c) and (f)
case, the State Commission has not of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with
notified any rate for deviation for intra- Regulations 10, 19 and 23 of the CERC
State entities who are selling power (Grant of Connectivity, Long-term
inter-State, the rate prescribed by the Access and Medium Term Open
Commission in Regulation 20 (5) of the Access in inter-State Transmission and
2008 Open Access Regulations shall be related matters) Regulations, 2009
applied for deviation. read with Regulations 110, 111, 112
and 115 of the CERC (Conduct of
Regarding treatment of grant of
Business) Regulations, 1999.
concurrence by SLDC for STOA
application, the Commission observed The petitioner, NETSL, entered into
that Telangana-SLDC and Andhra PPA with TANGEDCO for supply of
Pradesh-SLDC have not dealt with the 100MW power from LANCO Anpara
application for grant of concurrence as ‘c’ for a period from 1.2.2012 to
per the provisions of the Open Access 31.1.2017 and accordingly applied to
Regulations, 2008. The Commission CTU for grant of MTOA. CTU granted
also observed that SRLDC did not act MTOA on 6.8.2012 for the period
in accordance with the provisions of from 16.6.2013 to 31.5.2016 (36
the 2008 Open Access Regulations months). Since the MTOA granted to
considering the lack of response by NETSL was not covering the balance
AP-SLDC as deemed concurrence. period of the PPA (i.e. 1.6.2016 to
31.1.2017), NETSL made application to
It was also observed that since the
CTU for grant of MTOA for the period
petitioner`s power is to be scheduled
from 1.6.2016 to 31.1.2017. MTOA
from 33/132/220 kV substation of
was granted by CTU for the period
APTRANSCO for the purpose of
1.9.2016 to 31.1.2017 subject to
intra-State and inter-State Open
enhancement of Available
Access, AP-SLDC is required to
Transmission Capacity (ATC) with the
schedule capacities (not WTGs) for
progressive commissioning of some
inter-State and intra-State Open
transmission lines mentioned in the
Access in consultation with the
intimation letter. Subsequently, CTU
petitioner and finalize necessary
informed the petitioner that due to

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

non-readiness of the transmission lines (4) Order dated 16.3.2017 in petition

mentioned in the intimation letter, No. 306/MP/2015: In the matter of
MTOA granted to NETSL cannot be petition under Section 79 (1) (f) of the
operationalized. The petitioner had Electricity Act, 2003 regarding
contended that the Commission vide disputes involving Central
order dated 31.8.2016 in petition No. Transmission Utility, being the nodal
134/MP/2016 disallowed Ind-Bharat agency for grant of long-term open
(Utkal) Energy Limited from injecting access to the inter-State transmission
500MW power into the grid due to system.
non-readiness of dedicated
The Petitioner, PTC India Ltd., filed the
transmission line and hence, the
present petition seeking direction to
unused capacity can be granted to the
POWERGRID to reduce the quantum
petitioner under MTOA for
of LTA from 300 MW to 273 MW from
transaction of power to TANGEDCO
the date of implementation of the
for the remaining period of PPA.
Sharing Regulations and to refund the
The Commission after hearing the extra transmission charges and fees
petitioner, POSOCO and CTU collected since the date of reduction of
observed that in the absence of any LTA.
definite information that the resultant
The Commission after hearing the
capacity on account of non-scheduling
parties observed that the Petitioner
of power under LTA by Ind-Bharat
had applied for LTOA for 273 MW
would be available for three months or
after deducting the auxiliary
more, the capacity cannot be utilized
consumption from the installed
for MTOA. At present, the said
capacity of 300 MW of Pathadi TPS of
capacity is available on real time basis
LAPL which was overlooked at the
and is being utilized under STOA Day-
time of granting LTOA. Since the
Ahead or Power Exchange. Hence, the
Petitioner could inject power into ISTS
capacity available on account of non-
for the capacity net of the auxiliary
scheduling of power under LTA by Ind-
consumption, the Petitioner has been
Bharat cannot be utilized for
burdened with the transmission
operationalization of MTOA of the
charges for the capacity corresponding
petitioner. The Commission further
to auxiliary consumption. The
directed CTU to take expeditious
Commission directed that the
action to ensure that the said
LTOA/LTA of the Petitioner be
transmission lines are commissioned at
reduced from 300 MW to 273 MW
the earliest possible and the MTOA of
with effect from 1.7.2011 and the
NETSL is operationalized. Pending
corresponding provisions in the BPTA
operationalization of MTOA by CTU,
and TSA shall be deemed to have been
the petitioners may approach
amended accordingly. The Petitioner
POSOCO for grant of STOA which
shall be entitled to refund of
shall be considered by POSOCO in
transmission charges corresponding to
accordance with the Open Access
27 MW with effect from 1.7.2011. The
Regulations, 2008 and the Detailed
Commission further observed that the
Procedure made thereunder.

Annual Report 2016-17

case of the Petitioner is not covered withdrawal, etc., are factors for
under Regulation 18 of the abnormal hike in PoC charges in
Connectivity Regulations and the respect of Assam.
Petitioner is not required to pay any
The Commission after hearing the
relinquishment charges for seeking the
petitioner, RPC, POWERGRID and
reduction of LTOA quantum
POSOCO observed that the issue
corresponding to the capacity applied
raised by the petitioner has already
been dealt in the Statement of Reasons
(5) Other petitions disposed by the (SoR) to the 3rd Amendment to the
Commission for enforcement of Open Sharing Regulations. There is no
Access during 2016-17 include Petition requirement to revisit the issue of
No. 98/MP/2014, 304/MP/2015, uniform charges which was sought to
226/MP/2015, I.A. 34/2015 & 5/2016 in be replaced by introducing the PoC
petition No. 205/MP/2011, charges based on distance, direction
163/MP/2012, 135/MP/2014, and quantum of flow of electricity.
249/MP/2015, 449/MP/2014, Further, with introduction of nine slabs
117/MP/2015, etc. in place of three slabs, the transmission
charges are now more evenly
D. Sharing of ISTS Transmission
distributed as per the actual usage of
Charges and Losses
transmission system.
(a) Order dated 30.6.2016 in petition
With regard to geographical Location
No. 239/MP/2015: The petitioners,
and Non-availability of Central
Assam Power Distribution Company
Generating Station in Assam, the
Limited (APDCL) and Assam
Commission observed that the basic
Electricity Grid Corporation Limited
philosophy of POC mechanism under
(APGCL) have filed the present
Sharing Regulations is usage based. If
petition seeking examination and
the State of Assam is drawing more
review of the factors of abnormal hike
power from ISTS and using ISTS, then it
in PoC bills of Assam pursuant to
has to pay for PoC charges which are
implementation of the CERC (Sharing
specified in line with the provisions of
of inter-State Transmission Charges
the National Electricity Policy and
and Losses) (3rd Amendment)
Tariff Policy.
Regulations, 2015 and take remedial
measures for removal of such (b) Order dated 30.6.2016 in petition
abnormal increase to enable the No. 10/SM/2014: Non-Compliance
petitioners to fulfil its mandate to of Regulation 8(6) CERC (Sharing of
supply power at affordable cost in Inter State Transmission Charges and
terms of Section 61 of the Electricity Losses) Regulations, 2010.
Act, 2003.
The Commission vide Order dated
The petitioner has submitted that due 20.6.2014 observed that Udupi
to issues like removal of Uniform generation project (UPCL) was
Charges, introduction of nine slabs, granted LTA for its application dated
Peak withdrawal in Place Average 6.11.2006 as per the CERC (Open

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

Access in inter-State Transmission) Hassan-Mysore D/C transmission line.

Regulations, 2004 for supplying 845 Since Karnataka ESCOMs were
MW power to SR (Karnataka) and 94 drawing power from UPCL
MW power to NR (Punjab) but BPTA corresponding to their shares as well
has not been signed till date. The as share of PSPCL, they shall be liable
transmission system associated with to pay the PoC injection charges for
grant of LTA included a dedicated the LTA quantum granted to both
transmission line from generation Karnataka and PSPCL and PoC drawal
switchyard to the nearest ISTS point charges for the LTA quantum granted
viz. 400/220 kV Hassan substation of to PSPCL. The PoC slab rate payable
POWERGRID and system for UPCL shall be least injection slab
strengthening in the form of Hassan – rate for the Southern Region
Mysore 400 kV D/C line. applicable for the relevant application
period. They will apply for the period
As per Regulation 8(6) of Sharing
from 1.7.2011 till 30.4.2015. With
Regulations 2009, the long term
effect from 1.5.2015, the provisions of
beneficiaries (Karnataka and Punjab in
Regulation 2.8.1(a) of the Sharing
the instant case) have to pay
Regulations as amended shall be
transmission charges for the system.
applicable. PSPCL has temporarily
The LTA quantum from UPCL has not
surrendered the power to UPCL for
been included in PoC. Hence, for PoC
period of three years. There is also
computation both injection and
untied capacity of 18.5 MW at the
withdrawal charges corresponding to
disposal of UPCL. Therefore, the
UPCL is not being considered resulting
buyer of the power shall be liable to
in higher uniform charges for all
pay the PoC charges as per Regulation.
consumers which in effect is socializing
In case 18.5 MW is not tied up, the PoC
the cost of transmission system used
charges shall be borne by UPCL.
by UPCL. The Commission also
PGCIL should have approached the
observed that the matter was
Commission for appropriate direction
discussed many a times at the SRPC
in the event of failure of Karnataka
forum but has not been resolved till
ESCOMs and PSPCL to sign the TSA
date. Further, the constituents never
since the efforts of SRPC was not
raised any concern in the Validation
yielding result. 400 kV Hassan-Mysore
Committee meeting. Therefore,
D/C transmission line cannot be
KPTCL & PSPCL are not paying
considered as an intervening
transmission charges as per Regulation
transmission facility as it was approved
8 (6) of Sharing Regulations, 2009 and
by the constituents of Southern Region
all other DICs are being burdened on
to be developed as ISTS. Accordingly,
their account.
CERC (Rates, Charges and term and
The Commission vide Order dated conditions of Intervening Transmission
30.6.2016 observed that the LTA Facilities) Regulations, 2010 shall not
granted by CTU to ESCOMs of be applicable in this case.
Karnataka and PSPCL shall be deemed
(c) Other petitions disposed by the
to be operationalized with effect from
Commission for enforcement of Open
1.7.2011 i.e. from CoD of 400 kV

Annual Report 2016-17

Access during 2016-17 include Petition In regard to development of

No. 79/MP/2016, 43/MP/2016, transmission system matching with generation
35/MP/2016, 155/MP/2016, projects in the Solar Park, the Commission had
143/MP/2015, etc. also directed CTU to coordinate with the SPPD
who is responsible for development of internal
E. Regulatory Approval for
transmission system. CTU was further directed
Implementation of Transmission Asset:
to submit quarterly progress report.
Government of India has planned to
With regard to recovery of
set up Solar Parks for promotion of Solar
transmission charges on account of delay in
Power. Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
commissioning of solar generation, it was
(MNRE) vide letter dated 12.12.2014 has
clarified that transmission charges for delay in
conveyed the intent of Government of India to
commissioning of solar power generators shall
provide a framework for setting up at least 25
be paid by such solar generators/SPPD as per
Solar Parks in different parts of the country
the Statement of Reasons to the CERC (Grant
with a target of over 20,000 MW installed
of Connectivity, Long-term Access and
capacity of solar power in a span of 5 years from
medium-term Open Access in inter-State
2014-15 to 2018-19. As regards the
Transmission and related matters) (Fifth
transmission and evacuation facility, MNRE has
Amendment) Regulations, 2015, and CERC
stated that the responsibility of setting up a sub-
(Grant of Regulatory Approval for execution of
station nearby the solar park to take power
Inter-State Transmission Scheme to Central
from one or more pooling stations will lie with
Transmission Utility) (First Amendment)
the Central Transmission Utility (CTU) or the
Regulations, 2015.
State Transmission Utility (STU), after
following necessary technical and commercial F. Transmission License:
procedures as stipulated in the various
Section 14 of the Electricity Act, 2003
regulations notified by the Central/State
provides the appropriate Commission may, on
Commission. Accordingly, CTU has
an application made to it under section 15,
approached the Commission for regulatory
grant a licence to any person- (a) to transmit
approval for execution of transmission system
electricity as a transmission licensee; or (b) to
associated with Solar Parks at Tumkur
distribute electricity as a distribution licensee;
(Pavagada) in the States of Karnataka and at
or (c) to undertake trading in electricity as an
Banaskantha (Radhanesda) in the States of
electricity trade.
Gujarat vide petition No. 36/MP/2016 and
143/MP/2016 respectively. The Commission vide several orders
during 2016-17 granted transmission license to
The Commission vide Order dated
many companies like Odisha Generation Phase-
19.8.2016 in petition No. 36/MP/2016 accorded
II Transmission Limited (67/TL/2016),
regulatory approval under Regulation 3 of the
Khargone Transmission Limited
Regulatory Approval Regulations for execution
(157/TL/2016), NRSS XXXVI Transmission
of transmission system associated with
Limited (161/TL/2016), Warora-Kurnool
2000MW Solar Park. Further, vide order dated
Transmission Limited (111/TL/2016), Gurgaon
30.3.2017 in Petition No. 143/MP/2016 granted
Palwal Transmission Limited (122/TL/2016),
of regulatory approval for execution of the
North Karanpura Transco Limited
Transmission System associated with 700MW
(116/TL/2016) for implementation of
Solar Park.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

transmission projects in accordance with Electricity Grid Code) Regulations,

"Guidelines for encouraging competition in 2010 (Grid Code) as amended from
development of Transmission Projects and time to time.
competitive bidding for Transmission Service"
The Commission vide Order dated
and "Tariff based competitive bidding guidelines
31.5.2016 after considering the
for Transmission Service" under Section 63 of
submissions of NRLDC, NLDC,
the Act.
NRPC, PGCIL and constituents of NR
G. Adoption of Transmission Tariff: expressed displeasure at the conduct
of HVPNL and PSTCL to ignore
Section 63 of the Act, 2003 provides
directions of the Commission and
that the Appropriate Commission shall adopt
provisions of the Grid Code, especially
the tariff if such tariff has been determined
in such a matter where grid security is
through transparent process of bidding in
involved. The Commission stated that
accordance with the guidelines issued by the
there are no mitigating factors which
Central Government.
exonerate the HVPNL and PSTCL
The Commission vide several orders from the charges initiated under
during 2016-17 adopted transmission tariff section 142 of the Act. The charges
determined through Tariff Based Competitive against the respondents were proved
Bidding (TBCB) in respect of Transmission and accordingly, a penalty of Rs. one
System of Odisha Generation Phase-II lakh on each of the heads of PSTCL,
Transmission Limited (66/ADP/2016), Punjab and HVPNL, Haryana were
Khargone Transmission Limited imposed.
(156/AT/2016), NRSS XXXVI Transmission
The Commission further directed
Limited (162/TL/2016), Warora-Kurnool
Transmission Limited (112/AT/2016), Gurgaon
and BBMB to ensure that target load
Palwal Transmission Limited (120/TL/2016),
relief is provided each time for
North Karanpura Transco Limited
operation of SPS scheme of 765 kV
Agra-Gwalior transmission line in
H. Suo-motu Petitions: actual as well as during mock testing
and to NRPC to submit a report with
(1) Order dated 31.5.2016 in petition
details of target load relief achieved
No. 8/SM/2015: In the matter of non-
along with details of any deficiency
compliance of Regulation 5.2(o) of the
observed during operation of SPS
CERC (Indian Electricity Grid Code)
scheme of 765 kV Agra-Gwalior
Regulations, 2010.
transmission line in actual as well as
Based on the report of Member during mock testing after six month of
Secretary, NRPC dated 24.6.2015, the issue of the order.
Commission vide Order dated
(2) Order dated 5.8.2015 in petition
31.7.2015 issued show cause notice to
No. 9/SM/2014 and 10/SM/2015:
the respondents under Section 142 of
Investigation of tower collapse and
the Electricity Act, 2003 for
load crash in Northern Region on
noncompliance of the provisions of the
30.5.2014 and investigation of Line
Regulation 5.2(o) of the CERC (Indian
Outage due to Tower Collapse in

Annual Report 2016-17

Northern Region during April 2015 to failure of towers with immediate effect
June 2015 (1st Qtr. of 2015-16). in letter and spirit. PGCIL was further
directed to submit roadmap of
Based on the information available
installation of Anemometer in its all
from the website of CEA, the
sub-stations within three months of
Commission vide Order dated
date of issue of the order.
19.6.2014 directed POWERGRID to
investigate into the incidences of The Commission also observed that
collapse of transmission towers and the reasons for tower collapse need to
tripping of transmission lines on be further investigated by an
30.5.2014 and submit a report. Further Independent Agency, preferably an
as per the report on “Operational academic or research institution with
Feedback on Transmission particular reference to the tower
Constraints” for the quarter April to design and strengthening of existing
June, 2015 (1st quarter of 2015) towers to prevent tower failure and
submitted by NLDC, the Commission directed staff to process the case
observed that the rising incidents of expeditiously to entrust the
tower collapse need to be investigated investigation to an Independent
thoroughly and directed CEA and CTU Agency at the earliest after following
to investigate into the incidents of the required procedure.
tower collapse during the 1st quarter
(3) Order dated 6.5.2016 in petition
of 2015 and submit reports containing
No. 8/SM/2016: The Commission
the reasons for tower collapse.
vide Order dated 6.5.2016 observed
The Commission after hearing the that as per Regulation 7 of the 2014
matter and considering the report Tariff Regulations, the generating
submitted by CEA, CTU, POSOCO companies and the inter-State
and the Standing Committee of transmission licensees are required to
experts on failure of towers observed file applications for determination and/
that there may be some deficiency in or revision of tariff in accordance with
design or construction with regards to the relevant tariff regulations specified
number of members used, type of by the Commission and in conformity
material or thickness of with the formats enclosed as
members/bolts, etc., and hence, PGCIL Annexure to the said regulations.
needs to take a holistic view of the However, in most of the petitions filed
situation instead of focusing on for determination / truing-up of tariff,
individual cases of tower failure. There the generating companies/
is need for comprehensive review of transmission licensees fail to furnish
tower designs considering the complete information with supporting
changing wind regime, structural, documents in justification of their
O&M practices and workmanship claims in accordance with the tariff
aspects and material used. The regulations. Accordingly, letters are
Commission directed PGCIL to issued at the prehearing stage and
implement the recommendations of directions are issued by the
Standing Committee of experts on Commission through Record of

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

Proceedings (RoP) or interim orders electricity sector. During FY 2016-17, CERC

to the generating companies/ tendered advice to the Government on
transmission licensees to file the facilitating development of transmission
required information. Very often, the capacity in an efficient and economical manner
generating companies / transmission under TBCB route and facilitating cross border
licensees seek further extension of trade of electricity.
time to file the required information.
6.9 Other Activities during 2016-17
Since the required information is to be
filed after serving copies on 6.9.1 I m p l e m e n t a t i o n &
respondent beneficiaries, the Encouragement of Official Language
respondent beneficiaries also require
Central Electricity Regulatory
time to file their responses. As a result,
Commission, during the year 2016-17
the final hearing of the tariff petitions is
undertook several activities for
delayed resulting in further delay in
implementation, promotion and
disposal of the tariff petitions.
encouragement of Official Language.
The generating companies/
‘Hindi Pakhwara’ under the
transmission licensees were directed
Chairmanship of Hon’ble Chairperson, CERC
to ensure that the required
was organized in the Commission from
information is filed along with the tariff
1.9.2016 to 14.9.2016. A debate competition
petitions. In case of tariff petitions
was held on 8.9.2016. On 18.1.2017, a Quiz
which have already been filed, but have
programme on Law, Economics, Engineering,
not been listed for hearing, the
Administration, Finance, Literature, Arts,
generating companies/ transmission
Rajbhasha policy and ‘Prashasanic Shabdawali’,
licensees were directed to file the
was organized. A Hindi Computer Training
required information within a period
Programme was organized under
of two weeks from the date of the issue
Chairmanship of Secretary, CERC on 16.2.2017
of this order.
A ‘Hasya Kavi Sammelan’ was organized on
6.8 Statutory Advice to the 23.11.2016, wherein two eminent poets were
Government during 2016-17 invited. Secretary, CERC, senior officers and
staff of CERC were present on this occasion.
As per provisions contained in Section
79(2) of the Electricity Act 2003 CERC is Apart from this, four quarterly
mandated to advise the Central Government meetings of Hindi Official Language
on matters relating to formulation of National Implementation Committee were convened on
Electricity Policy and Tariff Policy, promotion of 11.5.2016, 9.8.2016, 20.11.2016 and 20.2.2017,
competition, efficiency and economy in the respectively. During the meetings the progress
activities of the electricity industry, promotion made in each quarter was reviewed, discussed
of investment in electricity industry and any and plans for furthering the use of Hindi in
other matter referred to the Central official transactions were drawn.
Commission by the Central Government. In 6.9.2 I n - H o u s e H i n d i M a g a z i n e
pursuance to these provisions, since inception, “Saudamini”
the Central Commission has tendered advice
The Commission publishes a quarterly
to the Central Government on twenty five
in-house magazine “Saudamini”, in Hindi. The
different issues of importance relating to the

Annual Report 2016-17

magazine briefly reports about the seminars / information, the Commission launched
workshops / meetings / training programme “SAUDAMINI” (System for Adjudication Using
held in the Commission during the period. Digital Access and Management of Information
Additionally, prize winning entries (viz. essays, through Network Integration). This system
articles, poems etc.) of various competitions includes deployment of customized e-filing and
held in the Commission are also published. The e-hearing software. The new system is aimed at
magazine prominently covers all the encouraging filing of digitized petitions / replies /
programmes promoting use of Official rejoinders / comments / objections etc.,
Language, held in the Commission. providing access to digitized petitions / RoPs,
generation of customized reports, using sms/e-
6.9.3 Swachch Bharat Abhiyan
mail services for providing updated status of the
Various activities in connection with relevant cases to the stakeholders etc. The
"Swach Bharat Abhiyan" were organized during system is expected to enable the Commission
FY 2016-17. Various competitions including to develop an integrated, flexible yet dynamic
paragraph writing, slogan writing etc. were database, which is expected to enable the
conducted. Large number of officers / staff Commission to take decisions using various
participated in these competitions and winners data analytic tools. As part of this system, e-
of the competitions were given away prizes. A Registration, e-Filing modules were launched.
cleanliness campaign in CERC premises was
6.9.6 Central Advisory Committee
carried out aiming for better organization of
records, upkeep of work place environment
etc. The meeting of the Central Advisory
Committee was held on 18.4.2016, with a focus
6.9.4 Annual Day Lecture
on "Development of Power Markets". During
The Commission conducts an "Annual the meeting the CAC deliberated upon the
Day Lecture Series" to commemorate the issues relating to the (i) existing structure /
CERC Annual Day, by inviting an eminent pattern in contracting power by the utilities in
speaker to deliver the Annual Day Lecture the backdrop of large scale RE capacity addition
every year, thus providing a platform for sharing / energy conservation / dip in consumer
of views and experience of the speaker with the demand etc.; (ii) necessity for facilitative
officials of CERC, which would subsequently be infrastructure for power markets including
published. The Commission observed its 18th transmission infrastructure, regulatory
Annual Day on 25.7.2016. On this occasion, principles for determination of transmission
Shri Bibek Debroy, Member, NITI Aayog charges and losses, rules for market access etc.;
delivered the Annual Day Lecture on (iii) requirement of new market products in
importance of infrastructure in nation building addition to the currently available products
with a focus on different segments of electricity owing to ancillary services, RE integration /
sector. RPOs / RECs, currently available clearing and
settlement mechanism, open access
6.9.5 Initiative for establishment of
framework; currently available limited product
CCMAS (e-Court)
range on power exchanges; (iv) requirement of
As a proactive measure towards other facilitative frameworks in addition to the
strengthening the system with efficient, existing market framework available to the
economical and effective mode for access of generators and buyers.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

The CAC arrived at consensus on the many changes. Therefore, it is

following points :- necessary to further debate the tenure
of LT / MT power purchase contract
a. The tenure of long term and medium
and examine in the light of changing
term power purchase contracts were
scenario of power market and future
established few decades back and since
then the power market has undergone

b. It is observed that the stakeholders are examined to understand whether the

experiencing lack of transparency in system is adequate enough to meet the
terms of transmission capacity / changing market scenario or if any
transformation capability, which changes in the mechanism need to be
prevents them from taking well brought in to make the market more
informed decisions by them and in turn responsive and truly enhances the
relieving congestion. There is an overall system efficiency.
urgent need to examine the steps
d. It is also felt that many smaller
required to be taken for bringing in
regulatory interventions are required
more transparency and facilitate the
to be taken at various levels to make
stakeholders in taking appropriate
the system stakeholder friendly, and
facilitates expansion of volume of
c. It is also observed that the merit order business for various products in the
dispatch system currently followed in power market.
the market needs to be further

Annual Report 2016-17

6.9.7 Activities of the Forum of issues were discussed and recommendations

Regulators (FOR), Forum of Indian were made. The Chairperson, CERC / FOR
Regulators (FOIR) and South Asia along with Chairperson, Maharashtra
Forum for Infrastructure Regulation Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC),
(SAFIR) and Chairperson, Punjab State Electricity
Regulatory Commission (PSERC) released all
Forum of Regulators (FOR) has been
volumes of the compendia & study reports of
constituted by Central Government by the
the FOR . The Forum of Regulators completed
Ministry of Power’s (MOP) notification dated
the following studies in year 2016-17 :-
16th February, 2005in terms of the provisions
of the Electricity Act, 2003. The Forum consists a. Best Practices on and Strategies for
of Chairperson of Central Electricity Distribution Loss Reduction Utilities
Regulatory Commission (CERC) and
b. Review of Functioning of CGRF and
Chairpersons of State Electricity Regulatory
Commissions (SERCs) and Joint Electricity
Regulatory Commissions (JERCs). The The following are the ongoing studies
Chairperson of CERC is the Chairperson of the
a. Competitive Tariff viz-a-viz Cost plus
Forum. The primary objective of harmonization
tariff – Critical Analysis
of regulations in the power sector framed by
the CERC, SERCs and JERCs. FOR also b. Study on impact of Electrical Vehicles
provides recommendations to the on the Grid
Government on various issues after detailed
"FOR" also conducts training
examination during the various meeting of the
programmes for the officers of Regulatory
FOR. CERC provides secretariat service to
Commission on the various issues of power
FOR. Fivemeetings of Forum of Regulators
sector. In year 2016-17, following training
were held during 2016-17 in which various
programmes were conducted:

Sl.No. Details of the Programme Held at Held during

1. 10th Capacity Building Training Programme Domestic Component 13-20th
for Officers of Electricity Regulatory by IIT- Kanpur October, 2016
Commission Foreign Component at
2. Training programme on Protection of NPTI, Faridabad 17-18th
Consumer Interest for Officers of CGRF and November, 2016
3. Training Programme on Legal Aspects of NPTI, Faridabad 12-13th
Regulation January, 2017

The Commission also provides TRAI. Forum of Indian Regulators (FOIR) was
secretariat services to the Forum of Indian conceived originally as a platform for sharing of
Regulators (FOIR) which consists of not only experiences by the regulatory authorities of
Chairpersons but also Members of Electricity various infrastructure sectors in India. The
Regulatory Commissions and other Regulatory Forum is presently in the process of setting up
Authorities like TAMP, PNGRB, CCI, AERA, the Regulatory Research & Training Institute

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

(RRTI). FOIR is also working towards to regulatory reform processes and

expanding its membership base. Shri Gireesh experiences, undertake beneficial exchange of
Pradhan, Chairperson, CERC was elected as knowledge and expertise and set the trend of
Chairperson, FOIR from 17th August 2016 rapid implementation of global best practices.
after completion of tenure of Shri Krishnan,
Currently Shri Gireesh B Pradhan,
Chairperson, PNGRB and Hony. Chairperson,
Chairperson, CERC is the Chairperson of
FOIR. 42th & 43rd Governing body meetings of
SAFIR after completion of tenure of Shri
FOIR were held on 16th September 2016 &
Samdrup K Thinley, CEO Bhutan Electricity
11th January 2017 in New Delhi and
Authority (BEA). In the year 2016-17, SAFIR
Ahmedabad. Annual General Body Meeting of
organizes various highlevel courses/training and
FOIR was held on 24th June 2016 in
knowledge sharing programme for its member.
Puduchchery. FOIR has also organized a
11th Executive Committee meeting of SAFIR
Workshop on 3rd February 2017 in Goa.
was held on 27th May 2016 in New Delhi while
SAFIR is an international forum 12th ECM was organized on 12th November
established in 1999 as a network of 2016 at Jaipur.
infrastructure regulators of the region
6.9.8 Seminar / Conferences / Training/
(comprising Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal,
Exchange Programmes
Pakistan and Sri Lanka), connected
international institutions and individuals that The details of Seminar / Conferences /
are active in the field. There are four categories Training / Plant visits / Exchange Programs
of members, viz., Academic institutions, attended by the Chairperson, Members,
Consumer bodies/NGOs, Corporate/Utilities, Secretary and Staff of the Commission are
and Regulatory Bodies. Its objective are to provided in Annexure-X and Annexure-
stimulate research, provide a databank relating XI.

Outcome of Regulatory Processes
in terms of Benefits to
Consumers and Development
of the Sector
Annual Report 2016-17

7. Outcome of Regulatory Processes in terms of Benefits to

Consumers and Development of the Sector
A. Benefits to Consumers B. Development of the Sector
One of the guiding principles of CERC is The initiatives taken by the Commission
to protect the interests of civil society, for development of the sector are listed below:-
including those of consumers and suppliers,
1) Thrust on Renewable Energy
while remaining fair, transparent and neutral to
all stakeholders. The initiatives taken by CERC a. The framework for Forecasting
to safeguard the interests of consumers are and Scheduling and Deviation for
listed below: Wind and Solar technologies is
aimed at mainstreaming variable
1) Secure Grid Operation
renewable energy sources.
a. Continued efforts towards grid
2) Grid Discipline
discipline resulted in better grid
frequency and resultant grid a. Continued efforts at ensuring
operation. This has the potential discipline in grid operation
of improving the quality of supply through tightening of frequency
for consumers. band and action against violaters
of grid discipline
2) Market Monitoring
b. The initiatives facilitated secure
a. Short term market prices have
grid operation, which is in the
been stable. The short term
interest of all stakeholders
transactions touched the mark of
including generators, suppliers
119.23 BU, with an increase of 4
and consumers.
BU over the last year. The
average day ahead price per unit 3) Market Development
on Power Exchanges stabilized at
a. Through Ancillary Services
Rs. 2.50. Lower whole sale prices
Operations the Commission
(through short term) have a
facilitated complementary market
softening effect on consumer
mechanism for grid security,
handling load and variation in RE
3) Promotion of Green Energy generation.
a. Effective Regulatory framework b. T h e C o m m i s s i o n a l l o w e d
for integration of variable extended market session on
renewable energy with the power exchanges facilitating
ultimate objective of ensuring management of contingency
energy security requirements of market players
and allow balancing their systems
b. Facilitative regulatory framework
towards safer environment for

Notifications Issued
During 2016-17
Annual Report 2016-17

8. Notifications Issued During 2016-17

Sl. Notifications Gazettes Regulations

Nos. No. Dated

1. 162 29.4.2016 Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Indian Electricity

Grid Code) (Fourth Amendment) Regulations, 2016

2. 201 6.5.2016 Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Deviation

Settlement Mechanism and related matters)(Third Amendment)
Regulations, 2016

3. 237 30.5.2016 Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and

Conditions for Dealing in Energy Savings Certificates)
Regulations, 2016

4. 279 5.7.2016 Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Open Access in

inter-State Transmission) (Fourth Amendment) Regulations,

5. 280 5.7.2016 Notification in continuation to Central Electricity Regulatory

Commission (Sharing of Inter-State Transmission Charges and
Losses) Regulations, 2010

6. 46 30.1.2017 Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Appointment of

Consultants) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2017

7. 98 17.2.2017 Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Grant of

Connectivity, Long-term Access and Medium-term Open Access
in inter-State Transmission and related matters) (Sixth
Amendment) Regulations, 2017

Agenda for 2017-18
Annual Report 2016-17

9. Agenda for 2017-18

a. Review of Terms and Conditions of Tariff of power generated using RE sources

b. Review of transmission planning and other related matters

c. Detailed operating procedure for reserve shutdown and compensation mechanism

d. Review of implementation of Ancillary Services

e. Review of operating band of grid frequency and Deviation Settlement Mechanism Rate based
on operational experience

f. Review of Connectivity Regulations

g. Regulatory Framework on General Network Access (GNA)

h. Approach Paper on Terms & Conditions for conventional generation and transmission for
the next control period (2019-24)

Annual Statement of Accounts
Annual Report 2016-17

10. Annual Statement of Accounts

During the year 2016-17, ` 44.72 Crore 10.78 Crore) has been carried forward to
(previous year Rs. 34.96 Crore) were released 2017-18.
from ‘CERC Fund’ (maintained under the Public
Further, an interest of Rs. 0.71 Crore
Account of India) by the Ministry of Power.
earned in 2016-17 was remitted to Ministry of
Unspent balance of ` 10.78 crore of 2015-16
Power in 2016-17. In addition, an amount of
(previous year Rs. 9.37 Crore) was carried
Rs. 124.57 Crore (previous year Rs. 102.82
forward to 2016-17, making the total available
Crore) received on account of fee and interest
funds at ` 55.50 crore for the year 2016-17
thereon was remitted to Ministry of Power for
(previous year Rs. 44.33 Crore). Of this, a sum
placing the same in the CERC Fund Account
of ` 40.65 Crore (previous year Rs. 33.55
under Public Account of India. The details are
Crore) was utilized during the year and the
placed at Annexure-XII.
balance of ` 14.85 crore (previous year Rs.

Human Resources of the Commission
Annual Report 2016-17

11. Human Resources of the Commission

The Commission has a very wide Organisation Chart is provided at Annexure-

mandate under the Act for performance of XIII. In addition, the Commission intends to
various functions. The efficiency of the utilize the human resources with their wide
Commission in discharging its responsibilities range of expertise and experience available
depends upon the quality and functional within the Government, industry and research
specialization of its staff with the requisite institutions. To supplement the in-house skills
expertise and experience in engineering, and experience available to it, the Commission
economics, financial management, accounting, engages consultants and for this purpose it has
law, environment, management information framed regulations.
system and other related skills. The

Sl. No Name of the Posts No. of posts No. of posts Vacant

sanctioned Filled Posts
1. Secretary 1 1 0
2. Chiefs 4 4 0
3 Joint Chiefs 5 3 2
4 Deputy Chiefs 13 13 0
5 IFA 1 0 1
6 Assistant Chiefs 16 13 3
7 Bench officers 2 2 0
8 Assistant Secretaries 2 2 0
9 Pay & Accounts Officer/Sr. Accounts Officer 2 2 0
10 Sr. Principal Private Secretary 1 1 0
11 Principal Private Secretaries 3 3 0
12 Private Secretaries 5 5 0
13 Assistant Section Officers 6 6 0
14 Junior Hindi Translator 1 0 1
15 Personal Assistants 7 0 7
16 Stenographers 3 1 2
17 Hindi Typist (LDC) 1 0 1
18 Receptionist Cum-Telephone Operator 1 1 0
19 Drivers 4 4 0
20 MTS 4 4 0
Total 82 65 17

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

Officers Joined on Deputation terms during the year 2016-17 in CERC

Sl. No Name of the Post No. of Posts Filled

1. Assistant Secretary (FOR) 1
2. Assistant Chief (RA) 1
3. Assistant Section Officer 1
Total 3

Annual Report


Carried forward Number of Petitions Total Disposed of Pending as on 31.3.2017
from last year registered during 2016-17 petitions
507 322 829 522 307
Sl Petition Petition Petitioner Subject Date of Type of
No. Number Date Name Disposal Petition
1. GT/341/2014 21st NTPC Limited Petition for determination of tariff 24.3.2017 Generation
September, of Kawas gas based Combined Cycle Tariff
2014 Power Station (656.20 MW) for the
period from 1.4.2014 to 31.3.2019.
2. GT/289/2014 10th NTPC Limited Petition for determination of tariff 31.3.2017 Generation
September, of Feroze Gandhi Unchahar Thermal Tariff
2014 Power Station, Stage-II (420 MW)
for the period from 1.4.2014 to
3. GT/281/2015 2nd Torrent Power Petition for approval of tariff of 1200 31.3.2017 Generation
November, Limited MW DGEN Mega Power Project Tariff
2015 of Torrent Power Limited for the
period from COD of Unit 51 (First
Block ) up to 31.3.2019.
4. MP/182/2015 1st Tata Power Petition seeking appropriate 31.3.2017 Misc. Petition
September, Delhi directions of the Commission in
2015 Distribution exercise of powers under Section
Limited 79(1) (a) & (f) of the Electricity
Act, 2003 for adjudication of
issues relating to Power Purchase
Agreement dated 8.5.2008 entered
into between TPDDL and NTPC.
5. MP/160/2015 25th June, NTPC Limited Petition under section 79(1) (f) of 31.3.2017 Misc. Petition
2015 the Electricity Act, 2003 read with
Regulation 8 of the Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Terms and
Conditions of Tariff determination
from Renewable Energy Sources)
Regulations, and Regulations 111 and
119 of Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Conduct of Business)
Regulations, 1999 for applicability of
Generic Tariff for 50 MW Rajgarh
Solar PV Station of NTPC Limited.
6. GT/252/2014 26th August, NHPC Limited Petition for determination of tariff 24.3.2017 Generation
2014 for the period 2014-2019 in respect Tariff
of Chutak Power Station.
7. GT/299/2014 11th NTPC Limited Petition for revision of tariff of 24.3.2017 Generation
September, National Capital Thermal Power Tariff
2014 Station, Dadri Stage-I (840 MW)
for the period from 1.4.2009 to
31.3.2014 after truing up exercise.
8. GT/326/2014 21st NTPC Limited Petition for approval of tariff of 30.3.2017 Generation
September, Jhanor Gandhar Gas Power Station Tariff
2014 (657.39 MW) for the period from
1.4.2009 to 31.3.2014 after truing up
9. GT/337/2014 21st NTPC Limited Petition for determination of tariff of 29.3.2017 Generating
September, Sipat Super Thermal Power Station Tariff
2014 Stage-I 1980 MW) from 1.4.2014 to

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

10. GT/178/2015 8th July, 2015 THDC India Petition for approval of generation 29.3.2017 Generation
Limited tariff of Tehri Hydro Electric Power Tariff
Project (HPP) Stage-l (4250MW) for
the period 1.4.2014 to 31 .3.2019.
11. MP/143/2016 24th August, Power Grid Petition under Section 38 (2) of 30.3.2017 Misc. Petition
2016 Corporation of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with
India Limited Sections 79 (1) (c) and 79 (1) (k) of
the Act, along with (i) CERC (Grant
of Regulatory Approval for execution
of inter-State
Transmission Scheme to Central
Transmission Utility) Regulations,
2010; (ii) Regulations 111 and 114 of
Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Conduct of Business)
Regulations, 1999 and (iii) CERC
(Sharing of inter-State
Transmission Charges and Losses)
Regulations, 2010 for grant
of Regulatory Approval for execution
of the Transmission System
for Ultra Mega Solar Power Park at
Banaskantha (Radhanesda),
12. TT/515/2014 14th Power links Petition for approval of Annual 31.3.2017 Transmission
December, Transmission Transmission Charges and truing up Tariff
2014 Limited of tariff for the period 2013-14 for
400 KV Double Circuit Muzaffarpur-
Gorakhpur Transmission Line in
Eastern-Northern Inter-region
associated with Tala Hydro Electric
Project, East-North Inter-Connector
and Northern Region Transmission
System of Powerlinks Transmission
13. MP/291/2015 24th Transmission Petition for exemption from payment 30.3.2017 Misc. Petition
November, Corporation of losses for Simhadri Stage- I
2015 of Andhra power to Andhra Pradeshunder the
Pradesh provisions of Regulations Sharing of
Limited inter-State Transmission Charges and
Losses Regulations , 2010 and Indian
Electricity Grid Code.
14. GT/434/2014 30th Jaiprakash Petition for approval of generation 30.3.2017 Generation
October, Power Ventures tariff of Jaypee Karcham Wangtoo Tariff
2014 Limited Hydro-Electric Project (Karcham
Wangtoo HEP) for 2014-2019 tariff
15. MP/76/2014 25th April, Spectrum Coal Petition for reduction of Long Term 23.3.2017 Misc. Petition
2014 and Power Open Access from 60 MW to 30
Limited. MW (Unit-I, 15 MW, Unit-II 15 MW)
and refund of the excess transmission
charges paid by the petitioner as
per the Bulk Power Transmission
Agreement dated 30.4.2009.

Annual Report

16. GT/129/2015 6th May, ONGC Petition under Sections 62 and 79 (1) 30.3.2017 Generation
2015 Tripura Power (b) of the Electricity Act, 2003 read Tariff
Company with Regulation 7 of the Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Terms and
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations,
2014 and Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Procedure for
making application for determination
of tariff, publication of application and
other related matters) Regulations,
2004 as amended thereto, for
determination of tariff of
726.6 (2 x 363.3) MW Palatana
Combined Cycle Gas
Based Power Project of ONGC
Tripura Power Company
Limited for the period from 1.4.2014
to 31.3.2019.
17. MP/224/2016 11th Dalmia Petition for levy of back up supply 24.3.2017 Misc. Petition
November, Cement charges in violation of Central
2016 (Bharat) Electricity Regulatory Commission’s
Limited Regulations.
18. MP/25/2017 20th Lanco Petition under Section 79(1) (c) 29.3.2017 Misc. Petition
February, Amarkantak read with Section 79 (1) (f) of the
2017 Power Limited Electricity Act, 2003 read with
Regulation 111 of the Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Conduct of Business) Regulations,
1999 inter alia seeking directions
to the respondents to allow the
petitioner to draw start-up power
for Unit-3 of the petitioner’s thermal
power plant.
19. GT/7/2016 14th January, Udupi Power Truing up petition for revision of tariff 24.3.2017 Generation
2016 Corporation of 2 X 600 MW Thermal Power Plant Tariff
Limited set up by Udupi Power Corporation
Limited in Udupi Taluka, Udupi
District, Karnataka for the period
from 11.11.2010 to 31.3.2014.
20. MP/449/2014 11th Malana Power Petition under Section 79(1) (f) read 10.3.2017 Misc. Petition
December, Company with Section 60 of the Electricity Act,
2014 Limited 2003.
21. GT/346/2014 21st NTPC Limited Petition for truing up of tariff of 15.3.2017 Generation
September, Kawas GPS (656.20 MW) for the Tariff
2014 period from 1.4.2009 to 31.3.2014.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

22. MP/12/2017 2nd February, Gurgaon Palwal Petition under Section 17(3) & 17(4) 22.3.2017 Misc. Petition
2017 Transmission of Electricity Act 2003, for creation
Limited of security interest over all assets
including the movable and immovable
assets of Petitioner No.1,in favour
of Security Trustee/Lenders and
for any subsequent transferees,
assigns, novatees thereof and any
acting on behalf of and for the
Indenture of Mortgage, declaration
and memorandum of entry and
other security creating documents/
Financial Agreements and for future
way of mortgage/hypothecation/
assignment of Mortgage Properties
and project Assets.
23. GT/319/2014 20th NTPC Limited Petition for determination of tariff 22.3.2017 Generation
September, of Feroz Gandhi Unchahar Thermal Tariff
2014 Power Station, Stage-I (420 MW)
for the period from 1.4.2014 to
24. GT/190/2015 14th August, NHPC LTD Revision of tariff of Chutak Power 21.3.2017 Generation
2015 Station (4 x 11 MW) of NHPC Ltd. Tariff
for the period 2012- 14. Truing-up
of tariff determined in order dated
23.1.2015 in petition No. 3/GT/2013.
25. GT/172/2015 8th July, 2015 THDC India Petition for revision of tariff of Tehri 20.3.2017 Generation
Limited Hydroelectric Power Project (HPP), Tariff
Stage-I (4 X 250 MW) for the period
from 1.4.2009 to 31.3.2014. Truing
up of tariff order dated 27.1.2015 in
Petition No. 195/GT/2013.
26. GT/322/2014 21st NTPC Limited Petition for determination of tariff of 21.3.2017 Generation
September, Sipat Super Thermal Power Station Tariff
2014 Stage-II (1000 MW) for the period
from 1.4.2014
to 31.3.2019.
27. MP/143/2015 10th June, NTPC Limited 3HWLWLRQIRUSURYLGLQJFODULÀFDWLRQRQ 20.3.2017 Misc. Petition
2015 sharing of capacity charges among
station as per Regulation 30 (4) of
CERC (Terms and Conditions of
Tariff) Regulations, 2014.
28. MP/177/2016 20th Indian Wind Petition seeking relaxation of the 20.3.2017 Misc. Petition
September, Power Central Electricity Regulatory
2016 Association- Commission (Terms and Conditions
Maharashtra for Recognition and Issuance of
Renewable Energy Generation)
Regulations, 2010 and seeking
directions against the respondent,
NLDC on the issue of Renewable
2014-2015 and for future.

Annual Report

29. MP/72/2016 4th May, Maithon Power Petition under Regulation 14 (3) (ii) 20.3.2017 Misc. Petition
2016 Limited (MPL) of the Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Terms and Conditions
for Determination of Tariff) 2014
("Tariff Regulations 2014") read with
Regulations 3 (9) and 12 (2) seeking
in-principle approval of the "Abstract
Schemes" of Capital Expenditure
in compliance with Environment
(Protection) Amendment Rules,
2015 issued by the Ministry of
Environment, Forest and Climate
Change dated 7.12.2015.
30. MP/187/2013 7th October, Sothern Region Petition for non - compliance of 20.3.2017 Misc. Petition
2013 Load Despatch Regulations 6.4.6, 6.4.9,
Center of Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Indian Electricity
Grid Code) Regulations, 2010 and
Regulation 7.2 of
Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Unscheduled
Interchange charges and
matters) (Second Amendment)
Regulations, 2012 endangering the
grid operation in Southern Region by
consistent under injection of power
Meenakshi Energy Private Limited,

31. GT/336/2014 21st NTPC Limited Petition for determination of tariff of 21.3.2017 Generation
September, Tanda Thermal Power Station (440 Tariff
2014 MW) for the period from 1.4.2014
to 31.3.2019.
32. GT/263/2014 26th August, Ratnagiri Gas & Petition for revision of tariff of 21.3.2017 Generation
2014 Power Private Ratnagiri Power Station (1967.08 Tariff
Limited. MW) for the period from 1.4.2014
to 31.3.2019.
33. MP/149/2015 8th June, Neyveli Lignite Petition seeking approval for revised 20.3.2017 Misc. Petition
2015 Corporation Lignite Transfer Price of NLC mines
Ltd. for the period 1.4.2009 to 31.3.2014
on account of truing up additional
capitalization, O & M, income tax,
return on equity and FERV along
with Ministry of Coal guidelines on
Fixation of Transfer Price of Lignite.
34. MP/117/2015 10th June, D.B. Power Petition under Sections 79(1) (f) 20.3.2017 Misc. Petition
2015 Limited. and 79 (i) (K) of the Electricity Act,
2003 seeking appropriate directions
against the respondent/ CTU for
refund of relinquishment charges
paid by the petitioner Company to
the respondent for relinquishment
of Medium Term Open Access of 208

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

35. MP/136/2016 17th August, Power Grid Petition for reimbursement of 20.3.2017 Misc. Petition
2016 Corporation of additional expenditure towards
India Limited deployment of special security forces
(CISF) at Salakati and Bongaigaon
Sub-Stations for the year 2015-19
in respect of Eastern and North
Eastern Region.
36. MP/157/2015 10th June, Costal Gujarat Petition seeking adjustment of tariff 17.3.2017 Misc. Petition
2015 Power Limited. for increase/decrease in revenues/
costs of Costal Gujarat Power
Limited due to ‘Change in Law’
during the operation period for the
Financial Year 2011-12, 2012-13 and
37. MP/136/2014 10th July, Power Grid Petition under section 79(i) (c) & (f) 20.3.2017 Misc. Petition
2014 Corporation of of the Electricity Act, 2003 and CERC
India Limited (Grant of Connectivity, Long Term
Access and Medium-term Open
Access in Inter-State Transmission
and related matters) Regulations,
38. RP/03/2016 in 18th January, GMR Petition for review of order dated 17.3.2017 Review
Petition No. 2016 Kamalanga 12.11.2015 in Petition No. 77/ Petition
77/GT/2013 Energy Limited GT/2013.
39. GT/339/2014 21st NTPC Limited Petition for approval of tariff of 10.3.2017 Generation
September, Vindhyachal Super Thermal Power Tariff
2014 Station Stage-IV (1000 MW) from
1.4.2014 to 31.3.2019.
40. GT/266/2014 26th August, Aravali Power Petition for approval of tariff of 9.3.2017 Generation
2014 Company Aravali Power Company Private Tariff
Private Limited Limited (3 X 500 MW) (IGSTPP)
for the period from 1.4.2014 to
41. GT/316/2014 20th NTPC Limited Petition for determination of tariff 10.3.2017 Generation
September, of Farakka Super Thermal Power Tariff
2014 Station Stage I & II (1600 MW) for the
period from 1.4.2014 to 31.3.2019.
42. GT/344/2014 21st NTPC Limited Petition for revision of tariff of Sipat 15.3.2017 Generation
September, STPS Stage- II ( 2 X 500 MW) for the Tariff
2014 period from 1.4.2009 to 31.3.2014
after the truing up exercise.
43. GT/205/2015 20th August, Damodar Valley Petition for approval of tariff for the 17.3.2017 Generation
2015 Corporation period 2014 - 2019 in respect of Tariff
Durgapur Steel TPS Units 1 and 2.
44. MP/306/2015 26th PTC India Petition under Section 79(1) (f) 16.3.2017 Misc. Petition
November, Limited read with Section 79 (1) (c) of
2015 the Electricity Act, 2003 regarding
disputes involving Central
Transmission Utility, being the nodal
agency for grant of Long Term
Open Access to the inter- State
Transmission System.
45. GT/261/2014 26th August, SJVN Limited Petition for approval of generation 15.3.2017 Generation
2014 tariff of Naptha Jhakri Hydro Electric Tariff
Power Station (6 X 250 MW) for the
period 1.4.2014 to 31.3.2019.

Annual Report

46. GT/262/2014 26th August, SJVN Limited Petition for approval of revision of 15.3.2017 Generation
2014 tariff of Naptha Jhakri Hydro Electric Tariff
Power Station (6 X 250 MW) for the
period 1.4.2009 to 31.3.2014.
47. GT/08/2016 12th January, SJVN Limited Petition under Sections 62 and 79 15.3.2017 Generation
2016 (1) (a) of the Electricity Act, 2003 Tariff
read with Chapter - V of the CERC
(Conduct of Business) Regulations,
1999 for revision of tariff of Nathpa
Jakhri Hydro Electric Power Station (
6 x 250 MW) for the period 1.4.2004
to 31.3.2009.
48. TT/438/2014 25th Aravali Power Petition for determination of tariff 15.3.2017 Transmission
October, Company of Jhajjar- Mundka 400 KV D/C ISTS Tariff
2014 Private Limited Asset of Aravali Power Company
Private Limited for the period from
1.4.2014 to 31.3.2019.
49. TT/439/2014 1st Aravali Power Petition for approval of tariff of 400 15.3.2017 Transmission
December, Company KV D/C Jhajjar-Mundka transmission Tariff
2014 Private Limited line of Aravali Power Company
Private Limited based on audited
accounts as on 31.3.2014 for the
period from the COD i.e 1.3.2011 to
50. RP/16/2015 29th July, Power Grid Petition for review of order dated 22.8.2016 Review
Petition in 2015 Corporation of 20.5.2015 in Petition No. 109/ Petition
Petition India Limited TT/2013.
51. RP/08/2016 24th MP Power Petition for review of order dated 14.3.2017 Review
in Petition No. February, Management 30.12.2015 in Petition No. 118/ Petition
118/MP/2015 2016 Company MP/2015.
52. MP/563/2014 30th Monet Ispat & Petition under Regulations 12 10.3.2017 Misc. Petition
December, Energy Limited.
and Regulation 13 of the CERC
2014 (Deviation Settlement Mechanism
and related matters) Regulations,
53. MP/226/2015 1st October, TRN Energy Petition under Sections 79 (1) (c) 10.3.2017 Misc. Petition
2015 Private Limited and 79 (1) (K) of the Electricity Act,
2003 seeking appropriate directions
for operationalization of the LTA
dated 14.9.2015 read with letter
dated 27th December, 2013.
54. MP/227/2015 6th October, Neyveli Lignite Petition seeking approval for revision 14.3.2017 Misc. Petition
2015 Corporation of lignite transfer price for the
Limited period 29.12.2011 to 31.3.2014 on
account of truing up in respect of
NLC Barsingsar Mine.
55. SM/3/2017 10th March, Central Interim truing up of transmission 8.3.2017 Suo Motu
2017 Electricity tariff during tariff period 2014-19
Regulatory in terms of the Central Electricity
Commission Regulatory Commission (Terms and
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations,
56. MP/167/2015 24th June, Himanchal Petition for counter claim under 10.3.2017 Misc. Petition
2015 Pradesh State Section 79(1)(f) of the Electricity
Electricity Act, 2003.
Board Limited

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

57. MP/96/2015 20th March, Chettinad Petition under Sections 79 (i) and 79 8.3.2017 Misc. Petition
2015 Power (i) (f) of the Electricity Act, 2003 read
Corporation with CERC (Grant of Connectivity,
Private Limited Long Term Access and Medium
Term Open Access in Inter-State
Transmission and related matters),
Regulations, 2009.
58. GT/256/2014 26th August, Neyveli Lignite 3HWLWLRQIRUÀ[DWLRQRI7DULII $QQXDO 8.3.2017 Generation
2014 Corporation Fixed Charges and Energy Charges) Tariff
Limited for the period 2014-19 under CERC
Tariff Regulations, 2014 for NLC TPS-
II Stage-I (630 MW) and Stage II (840
59. MP/310/2015 21st Jabalpur Petition under Sections 61, 63, and 2.3.2017 Misc. Petition
December, Transmission 79 of the Electricity Act, 2003 read
2015 Company with the statutory framework of
Limited tariff-based competitive bidding for
transmission service.
60. GT/340/2014 21st NTPC Limited Petition for approval of tariff of 3.3.2017 Generation
September, Korba Super Thermal Power Station Tariff
2014 Stage- III (500 MW) from 1.4.2014 to
61. GT/280/2014 10th NTPC Limited Petition for determination of tariff 3.3.2017 Generation
September, of Farakka Super Thermal Power Tariff
2014 Station, Stage- III (1 x 500 MW)
for the period from 1.4.2014 to
62. MP/308/2015 17th Nu Power Petition under Section 79 (1) (f) 2.3.2017 Misc. Petition
December, Renewables of the Electricity Act, 2003 read
2015 Private Limited with Regulations 14 and 15 of the
& Others CERC (Terms and Conditions
for Recognition and Issuance of
Renewable Energy Generation)
Regulations, 2010.
63. MP/188/2014 4th August, Power Grid Petition under Regulations 24, 111 2.3.2017 Misc. Petition
2014 Corporation of & 113 of the CERC (Conduct of
India Limited Business) Regulations, 1999 and
Regulation 54 (Power to Relax) and
Regulation 55 (Power to Remove
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations,
2014 for recovery of cost for the
assets of SCDA/EMS system for
64. MP/179/2015 8th July, Jaipur` Vidyut Petition under Section 79 of the 28.2.2017 Misc. Petition
2015 Vitaran Nigam Electricity Act, 2003 read with clause
Limited & 5.2 of the operating code under the
Others Indian Electricity Grid Code and
Regulations 12 and 13 of the CERC
(Unscheduled Interchange Charges
and related matters) Regulations,
2009; Regulations 7(1) & (2), 12 and
13 of CERC (Deviation Settlement
Mechanism and related matters)
Regulations, 2014 and Regulations
111,114 and 115 of the CERC
(Conduct of Business) Regulations,

Annual Report

65. MP/120/2014 25th June , Power Grid Petition seeking direction from the 28.2.2017 Misc. Petition
2014 Corporation of Commission relating to construction
India Limited of Mysore (Powergrid) - Kozhikode
400 kV D/C line along with 400/220
kV Kozhikode substation (New)
& extension of Mysore substation
under Transmission System
associated with Kaiga- 3 & 4 (2 x 235
MW) project.
66. MP/50/2016 28th March, RE Connect Petition under Section 66 of the 28.2.2017 Misc. Petition
2016 Energy Electricity Act, 2003 read with the
Solutions provisions of the CERC (Power
Private Limited Market) Regulations, 2010.
67. MP/133/2014 3rd July, 2014 Power Gird Petition under Regulation 55 28.2.2017 Misc. Petition
India Limited CERC (Terms and Conditions
of Tariff) Regulations, 2014 and
under Regulation 111 of the CERC
(Conduct of Business) Regulations,
68. MP/168/2015 30th June, Porwal Auto Petition under Sections 66 and 79 28.2.2017 Misc. Petition
2015 Components and other applicable provisions
Limited of the Electricity Act, 2003 read
with Regulation 14 of the Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Terms and Conditions of Recognition
and Issuance of Renewable Energy
generation) Regulations, 2010.
69. MP/165/2015 30th June , Atapi Power Petition for Recognition and Issuance 28.2.2017 Misc. Petition
from the date of Commissioning and
70. GT/204/2015 20th August, Damodar Valley True up petition in respect of 27.2.2017 Generation
2015 Corporation approval of tariff of Durgapur Steel Tariff
TPS Units 1 and 2 (2 x 500 MW)
from the respective dates of their
commercial operation till 31.3.2014.
71. GT/296/2015 3rd Damodar Valley Petition in respect of approval of 28.2.2017 Generation
December, Corporation tariff of Koderma TPS Units 1 and 2 Tariff
2015 ( 2 x 500 MW) for the tariff period
2014 – 2019.
72. RP/46/2016 in 16th NTPC Limited Petition for review of order dated 21.2.2017 Review
GT/279/2014 September, 30.7.2016 in Petition No. 279/ Petition
2016 GT/2014.
73. GT/338/2014 21st NTPC Limited Petition for approval of tariff of 24.2.2017 Generation
September, Vindhyachal Super Thermal Power Tariff
2014 Station Stage-I (1260 MW) from
1.4.2014 to 31.3.2019.
74. GT/342/2014 21st NTPC Limited Petition for determination of tariff 24.2.2017 Generation
September, of Vindhyachal Super Thermal Power Tariff
2014 Station Stage-III (1000 MW) for the
period from 1.4.2014 to 31.3.2019.
75. GT/323/2014 21st NTPC Limited Petition for determination of tariff of 24.2.2017 Generation
September, Korba Super Thermal Power Station Tariff
2014 Stage-I & II (2100 MW) for the
period from 1.4.2014 to 31.3.2019.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

76. MP/16/2016 3rd February, Sasan Power Petition under Section 79 of the 17.2.2017 Misc. Petition
2016 Limited Electricity Act, 2003 read with
statutory framework governing
procurement of power through
competitive bidding and Article
13.2(b) of the Power purchase
Agreement dated 7.8.2007 executed
between Sasan Power Limited and
the procurers for compensation
due to ‘Change in Law’ impacting
revenues and costs during the
operating period.
77. RP/17/2015 20th July, Jaypee Seeking review of the order dated 24.2.2017 Review
in Petition No. 2015 Powergrid 7th May, 2015 passed in Petition No. Petition
37/TT/2011 Limited 37/TT/2011.
78. TT/85/2015 4th March, Powergrid Petition for approval of determination 24.2.2017 Transmission
2015 Corporation of of transmission tariff from anticipated Tariff
India Limited DOCO to 31.3.2019 for 8 nos.Assets
under Eastern Region Strengthening
Scheme-III in in ER.
79. RP/47/2016 in 16th NTPC Limited Petition for review of order dated 21.2.2017 Review
281/GT/2014 September, 29.7.2016 in Petition No. 281/ Petition
2016 GT/2014.
80. RP/01/2016 5th January, Sasan Power Petitioner seeking review of CERC 16.2.2017 Review
2016 Limited order dated 18.11.2015 in Petition Petition
No. 402/MP/2014.
81. RP/53/2016 in 27th NTPC Limited Petition for review of order dated 17.2.2017 Review
GT/317/2014 September, 29.7.2016 in Petition No. 317/ petition
2016 GT/2014.
82. GT/180/2015 17th July, Damodar Valley Petition for determination of tariff 17.2.2017 Generation
2015 Corporation of Chandrapura TPS Units 7 & 8 (2 x Tariff
250 MW) for the period 2014 -2019.
83. RP/24/2015 23rd Power Grid Review petition for review of order 16.2.2017 Review
in Petition No. November, Corporation of dated 7.10.2015 in Petition No. 112/ Petition
112/TT/2013 2015 India Limited TT/2013.
84. GT/293/2014 11th NTPC Limited Petition for approval of tariff for 16.2.2017 Generation
September, Talcher Super Thermal Power Tariff
2014 Station, Stage-II, (2000 MW) for the
period from 1.4.2014 to 31.3.2019.
85. MP/383/2014 28th MP Power Application under Clause 4 Part 15.2.2017 Misc. Petition
September, Generating Co. - 7 of CERC ( Indian Electricity
2014 Limited Grid Code) Regulations, 2010 for
extension of time for implementation
of Restricted Governor Mode
Operation (RGMO), as required
under Clause 5.2 (f) of the Regulation,
in respect of certain Thermal & Hydel
Generating Stations operated by the
Madhya Pradesh Power Generating
Co. Limited.
86. GT/184/2014 1st August, SJVN Limited Petition for approval of generation 15.2.2017 Generation
2014 tariff of Rampur Hydro Electric Tariff
Project (412 MW) for the period

Annual Report

87. MP/65/2014 3rd April, NTPC Limited Petition under Regulation (4) of Part 13.2.2017 Misc. Petition
2014 7 of the CERC (Indian Electricity
Grid Code) Regulations, 2010
read with Regulation 111 of CERC
(conduct of Business) Regulations,
1999 seeking relaxation of Regulation
5.2(f) (iv) regarding requirement of
implementing FGMO for certain
units of NTPC.
88. GT/473/2014 14th Neyveli Lignite 3HWLWLRQ IRU UHÀ[DWLRQ RI WDULII 10.2.2017 Generation
December, Corporation (Annual Fixed Charges and Energy Tariff
2014 Limited Charges) for the period 2009-14
under CERC Tariff Regulations, 2009
for NLC TPS II Stage I (630 MW)
and Stage II (840 MW) on account
of additional capital expenditure
incurred (truing up) for the period
from 1.4.2009 to 31.3.2014.
89. GT/181/2015 17th July, Damodar Valley True up petition for approval of tariff 9.2.2017 Generation
2015 Corporation of Chandrapura TPS Units 7 & 8 for Tariff
the period 2011 -14.
90. GT/115/2015 23rd April, Damodar Valley True up petition in respect of 9.2.2017 Generation
2015 Corporation approval of tariff of Mejia Thermal Tariff
Power Station Unit Nos. 5 & 6 for
the tariff period 2009-2014.
91. RP/06/2016 29th January, Jindal Power Review Petition for review of order 8.2.2017 Review
in Petition No. 2016 Limited dated 18.12.2015 passed in Petition Petition
135/TT/2012 No. 135/TT/2012.
92. th
MP/156/2014 17 July, Adani Power Petition under Section 79 of the 6.2.2017 Misc. Petition
2014 Limited. Electricity Act, 2003 read with
Article 13 of the Power Purchase
Agreements dated 7.8.2008 executed
amongst Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran
Nigam Limited / Dakshin Haryana
Bijli Vitran Nigam and Adani Power
93. GT/327/2014 21st NTPC Limited Petition for determination of 6.2.2017 Generation
September, Vindhyachal Super Thermal Power Tariff
2014 Station Stage - II (1000 MW) for the
period from 1.4.2014 to 31.3.2019.
94. GT/343/2014 21st NTPC Limited Petition for revision of tariff of 6.2.2017 Generation
September, Vindhyachal STPS Stage-III from Tariff
2014 1.4.2009 to 31.3.2014 after truing up
95. GT/274/2014 10th NTPC Limited Petition for revision of tariff of 6.2.2017 Generation
September, Farakka Super Thermal Power Tariff
2014 Station, Stage - I, ( 3 x 200 MW +
2 x 500 MW) for the period from
1.4.2009 to 31.3.2014 after the
truing up exercise.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

96. GT/194/2015 14th August, NHPC Limited Petition under Section 79 (1) & 86 6.2.2017 Generation
2015 of the CERC (Conduct of Business), Tariff
Regulations, 1999, Section 62 (1)
(a) of the Electricity Act, 2003 and
Regulation 6 of CERC (Terms and
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations,
2009 for truing up of capital
expenditure for the period 2012-14
in respect of Chamera –III Power
97. GT/249/2014 26th August, NHPC Limited Petition for determination of tariff 6.2.2017 Generation
2014 for the period 2014 -19 in respect of Tariff
Chamera - III Power Station.
98. TD/201/2016 19th Atria Energy Application for grant of inter State 1.2.2017 Trading
October, Services trading licence.
2016 Private Limited
99. GT/372/2014 28th NTPC Limited Petition for determination of tariff of 6.2.2017 Generation
September, Rihand Super Thermal Power Station Tariff
2014 Stage-III (1000 MW) for the period
from 1.4.2014 to 31.3.2019.
100. GT/248/2014 26th August, NHPC Limited Petition for approval of tariff for the 6.2.2017 Generation
2014 period 2014-209 in respect of Teesta Tariff
Low Dam-III Power Station.
101. GT/193/2015 14th August, NHPC Limited Petition for truing up of capital 6.2.2017 Generation
2015 expenditure for the period 2013 - Tariff
2014 in respect of Teesta Low Dam-
III Power Station.
102. MP/08/2014 24th January, Emco Energy Petition for evolving a mechanism for 1.2.2017 Misc. Petition
2014 Limited grant of an appropriate adjustment/
commercial impact of ‘Change
in Law’ during construction and
operating period.
103. MP/8/2017 27th January, SKS Power Petition under Section 79 (1) (k) of 2.2.2017 Misc. Petition
2017 Generation the Electricity Act, 2003 read with
(Chhattisgarh) Regulation 8 (7) of the CERC (Grant
Limited of Connectivity, Long Term Access
and Medium Term Open Access in
Inter-State Transmission and related
matters) Regulations, 2009 seeking
permission for extension of the
and drawal of start-up power for
commissioning & testing including
full load testing of First Unit (Unit #2
(300 MW) of ( 4 X 300MW) Binjkote
TPP of SKS Power Generation
(Chhattisgarh) Limited, beyond six
months from 31.1.2017 to 31.7.2016.
104. MP/125/2014 30th June, NHPC Limited Petition under Section 79(1) (f) 31.1.2017 Misc. Petition
2014 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for
reimbursement of interest on the
arrear bills issued after revised
Regional Energy Account by NRPC
in respect of Chamera-I HE Project
for the period 1.5.1994 to 31.3.1997.

Annual Report

105. GT/292/2014 11th NTPC Limited Petition for determination of tariff 24.1.2017 Generation
September, of Ramagundam Super Thermal Tariff
2014 Power Station, Stage-I & II (2100
MW) for the period from 1.4.2014
to 31.3.2019.
106. GT/345/2014 21st NTPC Limited Petition for revision of tariff of Korba 25.1.2017 Generation
September, STPS Stage - I & II ( 3 X 200 MW + Tariff
2014 3 X 500 MW) for the period from
1.4.2009 to 31.3.2014 after the
truing up exercise.
107. GT/328/2014 21st NTPC Limited Petition for determination of tariff of 1.2.2017 Generation
September, Mauda Super Thermal Power Station Tariff
2014 Stage-I (1000 MW) for the period
from 1.4.2014 to 31.3.2019.
108. GT/308/2014 12th NTPC Limited Petition for determination of tariff of 27.1.2017 Generation
September, Dadri GPS (829.78) for the period Tariff
2014 from 1.4.2014 to 31.3.2019.
109. TT/558/2014 29th Power Grid Petition for truing up of transmission 31.1.2017 Transmission
December, Corporation of tariff for 2009-14 and transmission Tariff
2014 India Limited tariff for 2014-19 tariff block for
400 kV D/C Baharmpur- Bheramara
T/L, LILO of 400 KV S/C Farakka-
Jeeraat T/L at Baharampur and
1 no. 80 MVAR Bus Reactor and
associated line bays and reactor bay
at Baharampur (DOCO:1.9.2013)
under Interconnection between India
and Bangaladesh Electrical Grids for
India portion in Eastern Region.
110. GT/251/2014 26th August, NHPC Limited Petition for truing up of capital 27.1.2017 Generation
2014 expenditure for the period 2009-14 Tariff
and determination of tariff for the
period 2014-19 in respect of Sewa
–II Power Station.
111. RP/36/2016 in 17th August, NTPC Limited Petition for review of Commission’s 27.1.2017 Review
GT/270/2014 2016 order dated 27.6.2016 in Petition No Petition
112. TDL/194/2016 10th Re New Application for grant of Inter-State 27.1.2017 Trading
October, Solar Services Category IV trading licensee.
2016 Private Limited
113. TT/53/2016 1st April, Power Grid Petition under Regulation-86 of 27.1.2017 Transmission
2016 Corporation of CERC (Conduct of Business) Tariff
India Limited Regulations, 1999 and CERC
(Terms and Conditions of Tariff)
Regulations, 2014 for determination
of transmission tariff from DOCO
to 31.3.2019 for Asset- I 11 nos.
OPGW links under Central Sector,
789.635 km. Asset-II 03 nos of
OPGW links under Central Sector,
112,886 Km Asset- III 5 nos OPGW
links under Central Sector 527.751
KM under the project Fiber Optic
Communication system in ER
under expansion of wide -band
communication network in ER.
114. RP/32/2016 in 3rd August, Power Grid Petition for review of order dated 27.1.2017 Review
TT/099/2014 2016 Corporation of 29.4.2016 in Petition No. 99/ Petition
India Limited TT/2016.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

115. 104/MP/2016 4th July, 2016 NRSSXXIX Petition under Section 79 (1) (f) 23.1.2017 Misc. Petition
Transmission read with Section 79 (1) (c) of the
Company Electricity Act, 2003 seeking payment
Limited of monthly transmission charges for
the period starting from 7.4.2016
under the Transmission Services
Agreement dated 2.1.2014 and
order dated 15.7.2015 issued by the
Ministry of Power entitled “Policy for
Incentivizing Early Commissioning of
Transmission Projects”.
116. GT/283/2014 10th NTPC Limited Petition for determination of tariff 21.1.2017 Generation
September, of Kahalgaon Super Thermal Power Tariff
2014 Station, Stage-II ( 3 x 500 MW)
for the period from 1.4.2014 to
117. GT/437/2014 9th Aravali Power Petition under Sections 62 and 17.1.2017 Generation
December, Company 79(1) (a) of the Electricity Act, 2003, Tariff
2014 Private Limited read with Chapter V of the CERC
(Conduct of Business) Regulations,
1999 for approval of tariff of Indira
Gandhi Super Thermal Power
Station ( 3 X 500 MW) based on
audited accounts as on 31.3.2014,
for the period from the COD of
Unit-I, i.e, 5.3.2011 to 31.3.2014 and
amendment/ true up of Petition No.
229/2010 based on audited accounts
as on 31.3.2014.
118. TT/384/2014 28th Parbati Koldam Petition for approval of tariff of 16.1.2017 Transmission
September, Transmission 400 kV (Quad) 2 X S/C Parbati- Tariff
2014 Company Koldam Transmission Line, starting
Limited from LILO point of Parbati (Banala)
Pooling Station to Koldam HEP for
control period of 2014-2019 under
CERC (Terms & Conditions of Tariff)
Regulations, 2014.
119. 155/MP/2016 30th August, Patran Petition under Sections 63 and 79 (1) 4.1.2017 Misc. Petition
2016 Transmission (f) and 79 (1) (c) and other applicable
Company provisions of the Electricity
Limited Act, 2003 seeking recovery of
transmission charges from the date
of commissioning of the transmission
120. TT/118/2014 19th June, Power Grid Petition for approval of transmission 29.12.2016 Transmission
2014 Corporation of tariff from DOCO to 31.3.2019 for Tariff
India Limited. Assets (07 Nos) under Transmission
System for transfer of power from
Generation Projects in Sikkim to
NR/WR Part-B in ER.
121. GT/107/2016 6th July, 2016 NHPC Limited Petition for approval of generation 3.1.2017 Generation
tariff of Teesta Low Dam Project Tariff
Stage-IV for the period from
11.3.2016 to 31.3.2019.
122. MP/238/2016 21st My Home Petition for change of category for 2.1.2017 Misc. Petition
November, Power Private Inter -State Trading from Category III
2016 Limited to Category II.

Annual Report

123. TT/164/2016 1st Power Grid Petition under Regulation-86 of 28.12.2016 Transmission
September, Corporation of CERC (Conduct of Business) Tariff
2016 India Limited Regulations, 1999 and Regulation 6
of CERC (Terms and Conditions of
Tariff) Regulations, 2009 and CERC
(Terms and Conditions of Tariff)
Regulations, 2014 for determination
of transmission tariff for 2014
-19 tariff block for the assets of
transmission system for Phase-I
Generation Projects in Orissa Part
- C in Western Region as covered
in CERC order dated 18.4.2016 in
Petition No. 44/TT/2014 covered
in CERC order dtd 14.3.2016 in
Petition No. 301/TT/2013.
124. TT/149/2016 29th August, Power Grid Petition under Regulation 86 of 28.12.2016 Transmission
2016 Corporation of CERC (Conduct of Business) Tariff
India Limited Regulations, 1999 and CERC
(Terms and Conditions of Tariff)
Regulations, 2014 for determination
of transmission tariff from DOCO
to 31.3.2019 for Assets: 400/220 kV
Ludhiana substation: (+) 600 MVAR/
(-) 400 MVAR Under Static VAR
Compensators (SVCs) in Northern
125. SM/11/2016 28th Central Determination of Fee and Charges 28.12.2016 Suo Motu
December, Electricity payable under Regulation 11 of
2016 Regulatory the Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission Commission (Terms and Conditions
for Recognition and Issuance of
Renewable Energy Generation)
Regulations, 2010.
126. TT/156/2015 11th June, Parbati Koldam Petition for determination of 29.12.2016 Transmission
2015 Transmission transmission tariff for section of Tariff
Company 400 kv (Quad) 2 X S/C Parbati-
Limited Koldam Transmission Line, starting
from Parbati -II HEP to LILO point
of Parbati (Banala) Pooling Station
for Circuit-I and from Parbati-II HEP
to LILO point of Parbati-III HEP
for Circuit-II for control period of
2014-2019 under CERC (Terms and
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations,
127. TT/245/2015 21st Eastern Petition for determination of Fees 29.12.2016 Transmission
October, Regional Load and Charges for Eastern Regional Tariff
2015 Despatch Load Despatch Centre for the tariff
Centre period 2014-19 under sub-Section
(4) of Section 28 of the Electricity
Act, 2003 read with Regulation 6 of
CERC (Fees and Charges of Regional
Load Desptach Centre and other
related matters) Regulations, 2015.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

128. TT/242/2015 21st Southern Application under sub-Section (4) 29.12.2016 Transmission
October, Regional Load of Section 28 of the Electricity Act, Tariff
2015 Despatch 2003 read with Regulation 6 of
Centre CERC (Fees and Charges of Regional
Load Desptach Centre and other
related matters) Regulations, 2015
for SRLDC charges for the control
period 1.4.2014 to 31.3.2019.
129. MP/95/2016 27th June, Essar Power Petition for adjudication of dispute 27.12.2016 Misc. Petition
2016 (Jharkhand) arising from the termination of the
Limited PPA dated 9.7.2010 by the Bihar
State Power (Holding) Company
130. MP/132/2016 9th August, Neyveli Lignite Petition seeking upward revision 27.12.2016 Misc. Petition
Limited schedule of operation of Central
Generating Stations and Inter-
State Generating Stations and
other related issues consequent to
CERC (IEGC) (Fourth Amendment)
Regulations, 2016.
131. MP/158/2015 10th June, Power System Petition on default in payment 28.12.2016 Misc. Petition
2015 Operation of deviation charges in excess of
Corporation the drawl schedule by PDD J &
Limited K and default in opening letter of
credit towards the non-payment of
deviation (DSM) charges.
132. RP/25/2016 in 14th July, NTPC Limited Petition for review of order dated 27.12.2016 Review
205/GT/2013 2016 14.3.2016 in Petition No. 205/ Petition
133. MP/247/2016 21st NTPC Limited Petition seeking Commission's 23.12.2016 Misc. Petition
December, permission to allow interchange of
2016 power for testing including full load
testing and trial run operation of
Unit No. 1 of Mouda STPS Stage-II
( 2 x 660 MW) beyond the period
of 6 months from the date of its
134. MP/101/2016 4th July, 2016 Essar Power Petition for relinquishment of 350 22.12.2016 Misc. Petition
(Jharkhand) MW of Long Term Access agreed
Limited under the Bulk Power Transmission
Agreement dated 24.2.2010 under
Regulation 18 read with Regulation
32 of Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Grant of Connectivity,
Long-term and Medium-term Open
Access in inter-state Transmission
and related matters) Regulations,

Annual Report

135. MP/100/2016 4th July, 2016 Essar Power Petition for keeping in abeyance long 22.12.2016 Misc. Petition
(Jharkhand) term access to the extent of 750 MW
Limited and consequent connectivity agreed
under the Bulk Power Transmission
Agreement dated 24.2.2010 under
Regulation 32 of Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Grant
of Connectivity, Long-term Access
and Medium-term Open Access in
inter-State Transmission and related
matters) Regulations, 2009.
136. TT/241/2015 21st Power System Application under sub-Section (4) 26.12.2016 Transmission
October, Operation of Section 28 of the Electricity Act, Tariff
2015 Corporation 2003 read with Regulation 6 of
Limited CERC (Fees and Charges of Regional
Load Desptach Centre and other
related matters) Regulations, 2015
for WRLDC charges for the control
period 1.4.2014 to 31.3.2019.
137. TT/243/2015 21st Power System Application under sub-Section (4) 26.12.2016 Transmission
October, Operation of Section 28 of the Electricity Act, Tariff
2015 Corporation 2003 read with Regulation 6 of
Limited CERC (Fees and Charges of Regional
Load Despatch Centre and other
related matters) Regulations, 2015
for NRLDC charges for the control
period 1.4.2014 to 31.3.2019.
138. TT/244/2015 21st Power System Application under sub-section (4) 26.12.2016 Transmission
October, Operation of Section 28 of the Electricity Act, Tariff
2015 Corporation 2003 read with Regulation 6 of
Limited CERC (Fees and Charges of Regional
Load Desptach Centre and other
related matters) Regulation 2015
for NLDC Charges for the control
period 1.4.2014 to 31.3.2019.
139. TT/240/2015 21st Power System Application under sub-section (4) 26.12.2016 Transmission
October, Operation of Section 28 of the Electricity Act, Tariff
2015 Corporation 2003 read with Regulation 6 of
Limited CERC (Fees and Charges of Regional
Load Desptach Centre and other
related matters) Regulation 2015
for NLDC Charges for the control
period 2014-2019.
140. TT/71/2016 2nd May, Parbati Koldam Petition under Regulation-86 of 23.12.2016 Transmission
2016 Transmission CERC (Conduct of Business) Tariff
Company Regulations, 1999; CERC (Terms
Limited and Conditions of Tariff) Regulation
2009 and CERC (Terms and
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations,
2014 for determination of (i) Truing
Transmission Tariff for 2009-14 Tariff
Block and (ii). Transmission Tariff for
2014-19 Tariff Block for a section of
400 kV (Quad) S/C Parbati - Koldam
Transmission Line (Ckt-II) starting
from LILO point of Parbati-III HEP to
LILO point of Parbati Pooling Station
(DOCO - 1.8.2013) in Northern

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

141. MP/191/2016 7th October, DB Power Petition under Section 79(1) (c) 20.12.2016 Misc. Petition
2016 Limited read with Section 79 (1) (f) of the
Electricity Act, 2003 read with
Regulation 111 of the Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Conduct of Business) Regulations,
142. MP/40/2016 3rd March, NHDC Limited Petition under Regulation 31 (3) 20.12.2016 Misc. Petition
2016 Terms and Conditions of Tariff
Regulations, 2014 for declared
by State Load Dispatch Centre
of MP in respect of NHDC’s
Hydro Generating Stations i.e.
Indira Sagar Power Station (ISPS)
and Omkareshwer Power Station
143. MP/105/2016 5th July, 2016 The Oudh Petition under Section 79 (1) of the 20.12.2016 Misc. Petition
Sugar Mills Electricity Act, 2003 and Regulations
Limited 14 & 15 of CERC (Terms and
Conditions for recognition and
issuance of Renewable Energy
Generation) Regulations, 2010.
144. RP/39/2016 in 29th August, Power Grid Review Petition for review of order 19.12.2016 Review
252/TT/2015 2016 Corporation of dated 25.4.2016 in Petition No. 252/ Petition
India Limited TT/2015.
145. TT/312/2014 20th Parbati Koldam Petition for determination of 19.12.2016 Transmission
September, Transmission transmission tariff for 400 kV D/C Tariff
2014 Company Koldam - Ludhiana transmission line
Limited for control period of 2014 - 2019.

146. MP/135/2016 17th August, Karnataka Petition under Sections 79 & 94 15.12.2016 Misc. Petition
2016 Power (2) of the Electricity Act, 2003 read
Transmission with Regulation 116 of the Central
Corporation Electricity Regulatory Commission
Limited (Conduct of Business) Regulations,
147. MP/88/2016 9th June, Kerala State Petition seeking extension of time 15.12.2016 Misc. Petition
2016 Electricity on the order dated 18.8.2015 in
Board Limited 3HWLWLRQ 1R 03 ÀOHG E\
KSEB Ltd. before the Commission in
the matter of providing protection
systems having reliability, selectivity,
speed and sensitivity and keeping
them functional.
148. AT/162/2016 30th August, NRSS XXXVI Application under Section 63 of the 14.12.2016 Adoption of
2016 Transmission Electricity Act, 2003 for adoption of Tariff
Limited transmission charges with respect to
Transmission System "System
Strengthening Scheme in Northern
Region (NRSS-XXXVI) along with
LILO of Sikar - Neemrana 400
kv D/C Line at Babai (RRVPNL)"
established by NRSS XXXVI
Transmission Limited.

Annual Report

149. TT/246/2014 24th August, Power Grid Petition for approval of transmission 14.12.2016 Transmission
2014 Corporation of tariff from DOCO to 31.3.2019 for Tariff
India Limited Assets (09) Nos. under “Transmission
System for Phase - I Generation
Projects in Orissa- Part –A” in ER.
150. TT/18/2016 10th Power Grid Petition for approval under 8.12.2016 Transmission
February, Corporation of Regulation 86 of CERC (Conduct Tariff
2016 India Limited of Business) Regulations, 1999
and CERC (Terms and Conditions
of Tariff) Regulations, 2014 for
determination of Transmission Tariff
for 400 KV D/C Surjyamaninagar
(Tripura) Indo-Bangladesh Border
Transmission Line alongwith two nos.
Associated bays at Surjyamaninagar
Substation (TSECL) under project
Radial Interconnection between
India (NER) and Bangladesh Indian
portion in North Eastern Region.
151. TL/161//2016 30th August, NRSS XXXVI Application under Section 14 of 7.12.2016 Transmission
2016 Transmission the Electricity Act, 2003 read with Lincence
Limited Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Procedure, Terms and
Conditions for Grant of Transmission
License and other related matters)
Regulations, 2009 with respect to
Transmission License to NRSS
XXXVI Transmission Limited.
152. MP/225/2016 11th Kanti Bijlee Petition seeking Commission’s 6.12.2016 Misc. Petition
November, Utpadan Nigam permission to allow extension of
2016 Limited the period for drawal of start up
for testing including full load trial
operation of Unit 1 & Unit 2 of
Muzaffarpur Thermal Power Station
(MTPS) Stage-II, ( 2 X 195 MW) of
KBUNL beyond six months from
initial synchronization.
153. MP/219/2016 4th Sipat Petition for approval under Sections 6.12.2016 Misc. Petition
November, Transmission 17 (3) & 17 (4) of Electricity Act
2016 Limited 2003, for assignment of licence by
way for creation of security interest
in favour of Security Trustee /
Lenders and other security creating
documents / Financial Agreements
by way of mortgage / hypothecation
/ assignment of mortgage properties
and project assets of Sipat
Transmission Limited.
154. GT/306/2014 11th NTPC Limited Petition for revision of tariff of 5.12.2016 Generation
September, Vindhyachal Super Thermal Power Tariff
2014 Station Stage - I (1260 MW) for the
period from 1.4.2009 to 31.3.2014
after the true up exercise.
155. GT/296/2014 11th NTPC Limited Petition for revision of tariff of 6.12.2016 Generation
September, Vindhyachal STPS Stage-II (2 X 500 Tariff
2014 MW) for the period from 1.4.2009 to
31.3.2014 after the true up exercise.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

156. GT/295/2014 11th NTPC Limited Petition for approval of tariff of 6.12.2016 Generation
September, Sipat STPS Stage-I (1980 MW) for Tariff
2014 the period from COD of Unit-1
(1.10.2011) to 31.3.2014 after the
true up exercise.
157. MP/159/2012 13th July, Coastal Petition under Sections 61, 63 6.12.2016 Misc. Petition
2012 Gujarat Power and 79 of the Electricity Act, 2003
Limited for establishing an appropriate
mechanism to offset in tariff the
adverse impact of the unforeseen,
uncontrollable and unprecedented
escalation in the imported coal
price due to enactment of new Coal
Pricing Regulation by Indonesian
Government and other factors.
158. MP/155/2012 9th July, 2012 Adani Power Petition under Section 79 of the 6.12.2016 Misc. Petition
Limited Electricity Act, 2002 for evolving a
mechanism for regulating including
changing and/ or revising tariff
on account of frustration and /
or occurrence of Force Majeure
(Article 12) and or change in law
(Article 13) events under the
PPAs due to circumstances in the
allotment of domestic coal by GOI-
CIL and enactment of new Coal
Pricing Regulation by Indonesian
159. TT/48/2016 23rd March, Power Grid Petition for approval under 5.12.2016 Transmission
2016 Corporation of Regulation 86 of CERC (Conduct of Tariff
India Limited Business) Regulations, 1999 CERC
(Terms and Conditions of Tariff)
Regulations, 2014 for determination
of Transmission Tariff from DOCO
to 31.3.2019 for (i) No. OPGW in
21.003 kms under Central Sector (ii)
No. of OPGW link 17.03 Kms under
WBSETCL sector and (iii) 7 nos
of OPGW link under DVC sector
196.81 kms (iv) 02 no of OPGW link
278.641 kms under Central sector
(v) 2 No. of OPGW link 35.044 kms
under WBSETCL Sector and (vi) 01
no. OPGW link under DVC Sector
optical communication system in lieu
Communication (ULDC) microwave
links in Eastern Region.
160. GT/318/2014 20th NTPC Limited Petition for determination of tariff of 1.12.2016 Generation
September, Rihand Stage-II (1000 MW) for the Tariff
2014 period from 1.4.2014 to 31.3.2019.
161. RP/29/2016 in 1st August, Power Grid Petition for review of order dated 24.11.2016 Review
TT/100/2014 2016 Corporation of 29.4.2016 in Petition No. 100/ Petition
India Limited TT/2014.

Annual Report

162. MP/57/2016 31st March, Power System Petition under sub section (4) of 21.11.2016 Misc. Petition
2016 Operation Section 28 of the Electricity Act,
Corporation 2003 read with Regulation 6 and
Limited Regulation 29 of CERC (Fees
and Charges of RLDC and other
related matters) Regulations, 2015
for approval of Performance Linked
incentive for NLDC for the Financial
Year 2014-15 with reference to
NLDC charges for the control
period 1.4.14 to 31.3.2019.
163. MP/60/2016 31st March, Power System Petition under sub Section (4) of 21.11.2016 Misc. Petition
2016 Operation Section 28 of the Electricity Act,
Corporation 2003 read with Regulation 6 and
Limited Regulation 29 of CERC (Fees and
Charges of RLDC and other related
matters) Regulations, 2015.
164. MP/138/2016 18th August, Arunachal Application for upgradation of 18.11.2016 Misc. Petition
2016 Pradesh Power inter-State Power Trading Licence
Corporation from Category – III to Category –II
Private Limited (Including Jammu & Kashmir).
165. MP/59/2016 6th April , Power System Petition under sub Section (4) of 18.11.2016 Misc. Petition
2016 Operation Section 28 of the Electricity Act,
Corporation 2003 read with Regulation 6 and
Limited Regulation 29 of CERC (Fees
and Charges of RLDC and other
related matters) Regulations, 2015
for approval of Performance Linked
incentive for WRLDC for the
Financial Year 2014-15 with reference
to WRLDC charges for the control
period 1.4.14 to 31.3.2019.
166. TL/157/2016 30th August, Khargone Application under Section 14 read 17.11.2016 Trading
2016 Transmission with Section 15 (1) of the Electricity Licence
Limited (KTL) Act, 2003 and Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Procedure,
Terms and Conditions for grant of
Transmission License and other
related matters) Regulations, 2009
for grant of Transmission License to
Khargone Transmission Limited.
167. MP/54/2016 1st April, Power System Petition under sub Section (4) of 18.11.2016 Misc. Petition
2016 Operation Section 28 of the Electricity Act,
Corporation 2003 read with Regulation 6 and
Limited. Regulation 29 of CERC (Fees
and Charges of RLDC and other
related matters) Regulations, 2015
for approval of Performance Linked
incentive for SRLDC for the Financial
Year 2014-15 with reference to
SRLDC charges for the control
period 1.4.14 to 31.3.2019.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

168. MP/55/2016 30th March, Power System Petition under Regulations 6 and 29 of 18.11.2016 Misc. Petition
2016 Operation CERC (Fees and Charges of Regional
Corporation Load Despatch Centre and other related
Limited matters) Regulations, 2015 for approval
of performance linked incentive for
with reference to NRLDC charges for
the control period 1.4.2014 to 31.3.2019.
169. MP/56/2016 31st March, Power System Petition under sub-section (4) of Section 18.11.2016 Misc. Petition
2016 Operation 28 of Electricity Act, 2003 read with
Corporation Regulation 6 and Regulation 29 of CERC
Limited (Fees and Charges of RLDC and other
related matters) Regulations 2015 for
approval of Performance Linked incentive
for ERLDC for the Financial year 2014-
15 with reference to ERLDC charges for
the control period 1.4.14 to 31.3.2019.
170. AT/156/2016 30th August, Khargone Petition under Section 63 of Electricity 11.11.2016 Adoption of
2016 Transmission Act, 2003 and CERC (Procedure, Terms Tariff
Limited & Conditions for grant of Transmission
License and other related matters)
Regulation, 2009 for adoption of
transmission charges with respect to
transmission system being established by
Khargone Transmission Limited.
171. MP/82/2016 28th May, NTPC Limited Petition under Section 79 (1) (a) of 10.11.2016 Misc. Petition
2016 the Electricity Act, 2003 read with
the Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Terms and Conditions of
Tariff) Regulations, 2009 for extension
of Power Purchase Agreement dated
22.12.1995 with erstwhile Haryana State
Electricity Board (now Haryana Power
Purchase Centre) for ten (10) years
beyond 31.12.2015.
172. TT/129/2016 3rd August, Power Grid Petition for truing up transmission 25.10.2016 Transmission
2016 Corporation of tariff for 2009-14 tariff block and Tariff
India Limited transmission tariff for 2014-19 tariff
block for Neelamangala Mysore 400 kV
D/C Transmission Line along with 2 X
315 MVA, 400 /220 kV ICTs at Mysore
Substation (1.5.2006) in Southern Region.
173. MP/199/2016 18th NTPC Limited Petition under Regulation 8 (7) 8.11.2016 Misc. Petition
October, of CERC (Grant of Connectivity,
2016 LTA and MTOA in inter- State
transmission and related matters)
(Fourth amendment) Regulations,
2014 seeking the Commission's
permission to allow extension of
drawl of start-up power beyond
15 months from the date of
commencement of the same for pre-
commissioning activities, including
full load testing of Unit-I (660 MW)
of Solapur STPP (2X660 MW).
174. GT/268/2014 10th NTPC Limited Petition for determination of tariff of 8.11.2016 Generation
September, Ramagundam Super Thermal Power Tariff
2014 Station, Stage - III, (500 MW) for the
period 1.4.2014 to 31.3.2019.

Annual Report

175. TT/27/2016 19th Power Grid Petition for approval under 7.11.2016 Transmission
February, Corporation of Regulation -86 of CERC (Conduct Tariff
2016 India Limited of Business) Regulations, 1999
and CERC (Terms and Conditions
of Tariff) Regulations, 2014 for
determination of transmission
tariff from anticipated DOCO to
31.3.2019 for ASSET-I Ranchi-WR
Pooling Station (Sipat) and Asset - II
765 kv 3 x 80 MVAR Bus Reactor I I
along with associated bays at Ranchi
under Common Scheme for 765
KV Pooling Stations and Network
for NR Import by NR from ER
and from NER/SR/WT via ER and
Common scheme for network for
WR and import by WR from ER and
from NER/SR/WT via ER in Eastern
176. I.A Nos. 34/2015 17th Meenakshi Petition for giving directions to 3.8.2016 Misc. Petition
and 5 of 2016 October, Energy Private SRLDC and POSOCO to recognize
in Petition No. 2011 Limited the 1000 MW project being
MP/205/2011 developed by the petitioner as an
(Consequential independent generating station and
order as per to treat thermal power projects
Appellate Tribunal developed by the petitioner and
vide its judgment by Simhapuri Energy Private Ltd.
dated 13.1.2014 in as separate and independent
Appeal No. 16 of generating stations for the purpose
2013) of scheduling & dispatch, metering,
energy accounting including UI
177. RP/30/2016 in 3rd August, Power Grid Petition for review of the order 31.10.2016 Review
TT/017/2014 2016 Corporation of dated 31.5.2016 in Petition No. 17/ Petition
India Limited TT/2014.
178. MP/166/2016 1st Patran Petition under Section 17 (3) of the 31.10.2016 Misc. Petition
September, Transmission Electricity Act for creation of security
2016 Company interest over the transmission assets
Limited of the petitioner.
179. MP/212/2016 26th NTPC Limited Petition under Regulation 8 of CERC 31.10.2016 Misc. Petition
October, (Grant of Connectivity, Long term
2016 Access and Medium term Open
Access in inter-State Transmission
and related matters) Regulations,
180. MP/114/2016 15th July, My Home Petition for change of Category for 31.10.2016 Misc.
2016 Power Private Trading Licence from Category III to
Limited Category II.
181. TT/147/2016 29th August, Power Grid Petition for approval under 28.10.2016 Transmission
2016 Corporation of Regulation-86 of CERC (Conduct Tariff
India Limited of Business) Regulations, 1999
and CERC (Terms and Conditions
of Tariff) Regulations, 2014 for
determination of transmission tariff
from DOCO to 31.3.2019 for
Asset-I: 400kV D/C Patiala Panchkula
T/L under Northern Region System
Strengthening scheme- XXXII.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

182. RP/49/2016 in 20th Power Grid Petition for review of the order 27.10.2016 Review
248/TT/2015 September, Corporation of dated 30.5.2016 in Petition No. 248/ Petition
2016 India Limited TT/2015.
183. RP/43/2016 in 8th Power Grid Petition seeking review of the order 27.10.2016 Review
113/TT/2013 September, Corporation of dated 18.3.2016 in Petition No. 113/ Petition
2016 India Limited TT/2013.
184. RP/34/2016 in 5th August, Rattan India Petition for review of the order 20.10.2016 Review
MP/62/2014 2016 Power Limited dated 25.5.2016 in Petition No. 62/ Petition
185. GT/269/2014 10th NTPC Limited Petition for determination of tariff of 27.10.2016 Generation
September, Rajiv Gandhi Combined Cycle Power Tariff
2014 Project, Kayamkulam, (359.58 MW)
for the period 1.4.2014 to 31.3.2019.
186. RP/10/2015 in 4th June, Power Grid Petition for review of order dated 20.10.2016 Review
Petition Nos. 2015 Corporation of 6.4.2015 in Petition Nos. 127/2012, Petition
127/2012, 128/ India Limited 128/TL/2012 & 156/MP/2012.
TL/2012 &
187. MP/35/2016 3rd March, Power Grid Petition under Section 38 (2) of 20.10.2016 Misc. Petition
2016 Corporation of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with
India Limited Section 79 (1) (c) and Section 79 (1)
(k) of Act, alongwith (i) CERC (Grant
of Connectivity Long Term and
Medium Term Open Access to the
Inter-State Transmission and Related
Matters) Regulations, 2009 (ii) CERC
(Grant of Regulatory Approval for
execution of inter-State Transmission
Scheme to Central Transmission
Utility Regulations, 2010 (iii)
Regulations 111 and 114 of CERC
(Conduct of Business) Regulations,
1999 and (iv) CERC (Sharing of
inter-State Transmission Charges and
Losses) Regulations, 2010 for signing
of Long Term Access Agreement
and Grant of Regulatory Approval
for execution of the Transmission
System associated with Nabinagar-II
188. SM/10/2016 20th July, Central Non-compliance of the Central 20.10.2016 Suo Motu
2016 Electricity Electricity Regulatory Commission
Regulatory (Procedure Terms and Conditions
Commission for grant of trading licence and other
related matters) Regulations, 2009
189. RP/26/2016 in 15th July, MB Power Petition for review of order dated 20.10.2016 Review
50/MP/2015 2016 (Madhya 25.05.2016 in Petition No. 50/ Petition
Pradesh) MP/2016.

Annual Report

190. TT/106/2016 6th July, 2016 Power Grid Petition for approval under 26.10.2016 Transmission
Corporation of Regulation- 86 of CERC (Conduct Tariff
India Limited of Business) Regulations, 1999
and CERC (Terms and Conditions
of Tariff) Regulations, 2014 for
determination of Transmission Tariff
from DOCO to 31.3.2019 for Asset
1 :- 1 no. of 400 kV Bay along with 50
MVAR Line Reactor for Ckt # 1 of
400 kV RAPP-Shujalpur Transmission
Line (DOCO-04.02.2016) and Asset
2 :- 1 no. of 400 kV Bay along with 50
MVAR Line Reactor for Ckt # 2 of
400 kV RAPP-Shujalpur Transmission
Line (DOCO-28.02.2016) under
provision of 400 KV bays at Shujalpur
for parts ATS of RAPP 7 & 8 in
Western Region.
191. TT/160/2016 30th August, Power Grid Petition for approval under Regulation 26.10.2016 Transmission
2016 Corporation of 86 of CERC (Conduct of Business) Tariff
India Limited Regulations, 1999 and Regulation 6
of CERC (Terms and Conditions of
Tariff) Regulations, 2009 and CERC
(Terms and Conditions of Tariff)
Regulations, 2014 for truing up
of transmission tariff for 2009-14
tariff block and transmission tariff
for 2014-19 tariff block for Vallur
TPS-Melakottaiyur 400 kV D/C line
under Supplementary Transmission
System associated with Vallur TPS in
Southern Region.
192. RP/41/2016 in 8th NTPC Limited Petition for review of order dated 27.10.2016 Review
GT/207/2014 September, 20.7.2016 in in Petition No. 207/ Petition
2016 GT/2014.
193. TT/163/2016 30th August, Power Grid Petition for approval under 26.10.2016 Transmission
2016 Corporation of Regulation-86 of CERC (Conduct Tariff
India Limited of Business) Regulations, 1999 and
Regulation 6 of CERC (Terms and
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations,
2009 and CERC (Terms and
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations,
2014 for determination of (i) truing
up transmission tariff for 2009-14
tariff block and (ii) transmission
tariff for 2014-19 tariff block for
LILO of 1st circuit of 400 kV D/C
Nathpa Jhakri- Nalagarh (Triple
Snowbird) Line at Rampur (DOCO:
1.3.2014) under Transmission System
associated with Rampur HEP.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

194. TT/124/2016 1st August, Power Grid Petition for approval under 26.10.2016 Transmission
2016 Corporation of regulation-86 of CERC (Conduct Tariff
India Limited of Business) Regulations, 1999 and
Regulation -6 of CERC (Terms and
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations,
2009 and CERC (Terms and
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations,
2014 for determination of (i) truing
up transmission tariff for 2009-14
tariff block and (ii) transmission
tariff for 2014-19 tariff block for
Asset-I: 315 MVA, 400/220 kV ICT
at Bhiwadi (DOCO: 1.2.2013), under
provision of spare ICTs and Reactors
in Eastern, Northern, Southern &
Western Regions.
195. TT/145/2016 29th August, Power Grid Petition for approval under 21.10.2016 Transmission
2016 Corporation of regulation-86 of CERC (Conduct Tariff
India Limited of Business) Regulations, 1999 and
Regulation -6 of CERC (Terms and
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations,
2009 and CERC (Terms and
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations,
2014 for determination of (i) truing
up transmission tariff for 2009-14
tariff block and (ii) transmission tariff
for 2014-19 tariff block for provision
of Spare ICTs and Reactors for
Southern Region.
196. RP/48/2016 in 17th NTPC Limited Petition for review of the order 20.10.2016 Review
GT/302/2014 September, dated 30.7.2016 in Petition No. 302/ Petition
2016 GT/2014.
197. MP/74/2016 4th May, Patran Petition under Section 79 (1) (f) read 14.10.2016 Misc. Petition
2016 Transmission with Section 79 (1) (c) and other
Company applicable provisions of the Electricity
Limited Act, 2003 seeking declaration of the
effective date and the scheduled
COD of the project in terms of the
Transmission Services Agreement
executed by the petitioner with the
198. TDL/2/2016 8th January, NTPC Limited Petition for grant of license for inter- 14.10.2016 Trading
2016 State trading in electricity.
199. GT/254/2014 26th August, Neyveli Lignite Petition for tariff (Annual Fixed 4.10.2016 Generation
2014 Corporation Charges and Energy Charges) for Tariff
Limited the period 2014-19 under CERC
Tariff Regulations, 2014 for NLC TPS
I Expansion 2 X 210 MW.
200. GT/207/2015 22nd July, Damodar Valley Petition for approval of tariff of Mejia 3.10.2016 Generation
2015 Corporation TPS Units 7 and 8 (2 x 500 MW) for Tariff
the period 2014 – 2019.
201. RC/211/2015 18th August, Power Application seeking additional time 29.9.2016 Regulatory
2015 Exchange India period to comply with the Net worth Compliance
Limited Norms and Shareholding Pattern
as prescribed under Regulation 18
(i)19 (1) and 20 of the CERC(Power
Market) Regulations, 2010.

Annual Report

202. RP/05/2016 25th January, Bhakhra Beas Petition for review of the order 30.9.2016 Review
in Petition 2016 Management dated 12.11.2015 in Petition No.251/ Petition
No.251/ Board GT/2013.
203. GT/354/2014 28th Damodar Valley Petition for determination of tariff 20.9.2016 Generation
September, Corporation for Maithon Hydel power Station Tariff
2014 unit Nos I, II and III (2 X 20 MW +
1 X 23.2 MW) for the tariff period
204. GT/352/2014 28th Damodar Valley Petition for determination of tariff 20.9.2016 Generation
September, Corporation for Mejia Thermal Power Station unit Tariff
2014 No. IV ( I X 210 MW) for the tariff
period 2014 -2019.
205. GT/351/2014 28th Damodar Valley Petition for determination of tariff 23.9.2016 Generation
September, Corporation for Tilaya Hydel Power Station unit Tariff
2014 Nos. I and II ( 2 X 2 MW) for the
tariff period 2014-2019.
206. GT/350/2014 28th Damodar Valley Petition for determination of tariff 27.9.2016 Generation
September, Corporation for Bokaro Thermal Power Station Tariff
2014 unit Nos I, II and III (3 X 210 MW)
for the period 2014 - 2019.
207. GT/349/2014 28th Damodar Valley Petition for determination of tariff 23.9.2016 Generation
September, Corporation for Chandrapura Thermal Power Tariff
2014 Station unit Nos I, II and III ( 3 X 130
MW) for the period 2014-2019.
208. TL/122/2016 29th July, Gurgaon Palwal Application for grant of transmission 29.9.2016 Trading
2016 Transmission license under Section 14 read with Licence
Limited Section 15 (1) of Electricity Act,
209. TL/116/2016 18th July, North Application under Sections 14, 15, 29.9.2016 Trading
2016 Karanpura 79 (1) (e) of the Electricity Act, Licence
Transco 2003 read with Central Electricity
Limited Regulatory Commission (Procedure,
Terms and Conditions for Grant
of Transmission License and other
related matters) Regulations, 2009
with respect to Grant of Transmission
License to North Karanpura Transco
210. TL/111/2016 July 14, 2016 Warora Application under Section 14 of 29.9.2016 Trading
Kurnoon the Electricity Act, 2003 read with Licence
Transmission Central Electricity Regulatory
Limited Commission (Procedure, Terms and
Conditions for Grant of Transmission
License and other related matters)
Regulations, 2009 with respect to
Transmission License to Warora-
Kurnool Transmission Limited.
211. RP/7/2016 in 27th January, Power Grid Petition for review of order dated 29.9.2016 Review
Petition No. 2016 Corporation of 24.11.2015 in Petition No.291/ Petition
291/TT/2013 India Limited TT/2013.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

212. MP/030/2014 22nd National Load Petition for grant of Connectivity 28.9.2016 Misc. Petition
February, Dispatch as per Regulation 8 (2) and 8 (4) of
2014 Centre the Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Grant of Connectivity,
Long-term Access and Medium-
term Open Access in Inter-State
Transmission and related matters)
Regulations, 2009 and Regulation
4(2) and 6 (6) of the Central
Electricity Authority (Technical
Standards for Connectivity to the
Grid) Regulations, 2007.
213. TT/25/2016 19th Power Grid Petition for approval under Regulation 29.9.2016 Transmission
February, Corporation of 86 of CERC (Conduct of Business) Tariff
2016 India Limited Regulations, 1999 and CERC (Terms
and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations,
2014 for determination of (i) truing
up transmission tariff for 2009-14
tariff block and (ii) transmission tariff
for 2014-19 tariff block - for Asset-I
400 KV D/C (Quad) Maithon-
Koderma (Part of Koderma-Gaya)
line under contingency arrangement
under Supplementary Transmission
System associated with DVC and
Maithan (RB) Projects in Eastern
214. GT/334/2014 21st NTPC Limited Petition for determination of tariff of 26.9.2016 Generation
September, Talcher Thermal Power Station (460 Tariff
2014 MW) for the period from 1.4.2014
to 31.3.2019.
215. 11/MP/2016 25th January, National Petition under Section 79 (1) (c) and 26.9.2016 Misc. Petition
2016 Energy Trading (f) of the Electricity Act, 2003 read
and Services with Regulations 10,19 and 23 of
Limited CERC (Grant of Connectivity, Long
Term Access and Medium Term Open
Access in inter-State Transmission
and related matters), Regulation
2009 read with Regulations 110,111,
112 & 115 of the CERC (Conduct of
Business), Regulation 1999.
216. GT/253/2014 26th August, Neyveli Lignite 3HWLWLRQIRUÀ[DWLRQRIWDULII $QQXDO 26.9.2016 Generation
2014 Corporation Fixed Charges and Energy Charges) Tariff
Limited for 6 X 50 + 3 X 100) MW, NLC
TPS I under CERC Tariff Regulations,
2014 for the period 2014-19.
217. 19/RP/2016 21st March, Sasan Power Petition for review of order dated 22.9.2016 Review
in Petition 2016 Limited 19.2.2016 in Petition No.153 of 2015. Petition
No.153 of
218. GT/229/2014 24th August, NHPC Limited Petition for determination of tariff 22.9.2016 Generation
2014 for the period 2014 -19 in respect Tariff
of Nimoo Bazgo HE Project ( 3 x 15
MW) for the period from 2014-19.

Annual Report

219. MP/43/2016 14th March, RAPP Petition under Section 79(1) (f) read 21.9.2016 Misc. Petition
2016 Transmission with Sec 79(1) (c) of Electricity Act,
Company 2003 seeking payment of monthly
Limited transmission charges for the period
starting from 26.12.2015 under the
Transmission Services Agreement
dated 22.12.2015 and the Revenue
Sharing Agreement dated 23.12.2015
read with Transmission Services
Agreement dated 24.7.2013 and
order dated 15.7.2015 issued by
the Ministry of Power for Policy for
Incentivizing Early Commissioning of
Transmission Projects.
220. RP/27/2016 in 18th July, NTPC Limited Petition for review of the order 22.9.2016 Review
286/GT/2014 2016 dated 31.5.2016 in Petition No. 286/ Petition
221. TT/243/2014 24th August, Power Grid Petition for approval under 22.9.2016 Transmission
2014 Corporation of Regulation 86 of CERC (Conduct Tariff
India Limited of Business) Regulations, 1999
and CERC (Terms and Conditions
of Tariff), Regulations, 2014 for
determination of transmission tariff
from DOCO to 31.3.2019 for
Special Protection Scheme (SPS) for
Northern Regional Grid Stage-II.
222. MP/158/2016 30th August, Lanco Petition under Sections 79 (1) (b) read 21.9.2016 Misc. Petition
2016 Amarkantak with 79 (1) (f) and 79 (1) (k) of the
Power Limited Electricity Act, 2003, inter alia, seeking
a declaration that Clause 3.1. 4, and
6.2 of the proposed Memorandum of
Understanding to be executed between
the petitioner and the respondent no.
1 for operation and maintenance of
the petitioner’s 02 nos. of 400 kV line
bays including 02 Tie Bays at 765/400
kV switchyard at Power Grid, Bharari,
sub-station, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh are
contrary to the Regulation 3 (42) of
the Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Terms and Conditions of
Tariff) Regulations, 2014 and consequent
direction to bring the said Clauses
in conformity with Regulation 3 (42)
of the Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Terms and Conditions of
Tariff) Regulations, 2014 and other reliefs.
223. TT/543/2014 29th Power Grid Petition for truing up transmission 20.9.2016 Transmission
December, Corporation of tariff for 2009 -14 and transmission Tariff
2014 India Limited tariff for 2014-19 for 400kV S/C
Singrauli-Vindhyachal Transmission
Link along with (2 X 250 MW) HVDV
Back to Back at Vindhyachal between
NR and WR (DOCO 06.06.1989).
224. GT/353/2014 28th Damodar Valley Petition for determination of tariff 20.9.2016 Generation
September, Corporation for Panchet Hydel Power Station Tariff
2014 (DVC) Unit Nos. I & II (2 X 40 MW) for the
period 2014-19.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

225. MP/123/2016 1st August, Odisha Petition for approval under Section 20.9.2016
2016 Generation 17(3) of Electricity Act 2003, for
Phase II creating security in favour of Security
Transmission Trustee pursuant to Unattested
Limited Deed of Hypothecation by way of
hypothecation on Project Assets
Trustee to the Project and also
for any future security creation in
favour of security trustee/lenders,
for the following Transmission Line
:-i) Jharsuguda (Sundargarh) - Raipur
Pool 765 kV D/C line (Hexa Zebra
Conductor) and
(ii)OPGC - Jharsuguda (Sundargarh)
400 kV D/C (Triple Snowbird
226. SM/05/2016 28th April, Central Non - compliance of the CERC 20.9.2016 Suo Motu
2016 Electricity (Procedure, Terms and Conditions
Regulatory for grant of trading licence and other
Commission related matters) Regulations, 2009.
227. MP/76/2016 18th May, Power System Petition under Regulation 24 read 20.9.2016 Misc. Petition
2016 Operation with Regulation 111 of Central
Corporation Electricity Regulatory Commission
Limited (Conduct of Business) Regulations,
1999 and Regulation 14 (Power to give
directions) and Regulation 15 (Power
to Relax) of the Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Terms
and Conditions for Recognition
and Issuance of Renewable Energy
Generation) Regulations, 2010.
228. MP/159/2016 30th August, Jindal Power Petition under Section 79 (1) (k) of 20.9.2016 Misc. Petition
2016 Limited the Electricity Act, 2003 read with
Regulation 8 (7) of the CERC (Grant
of Connectivity, Long Term Access
and Medium Term Open access in
Inter-State Transmission and related
matters) Regulations, 2009 seeking
permission for allowing injection of
full load testing for Unit 4 of 4 X
600 MW power plant beyond 30
September 2016.
229. TT/134/2015 12th May, Torrent Power Petition for truing up of capital 19.9.2016 Transmission
2015 Grid Limited cost for the period from 1st April, Tariff
2009 to 31st March, 2014 and
determination of transmission tariff
for the period from 1st April, 2014
to 31st March, 2019 for transmission
system constructed, maintained and
operated by Torrent Power Grid Ltd
vide License No. 2/Transmission/
CERC dated 16.05.2007.

Annual Report

230. MP/02/2014 17th Jan, Neyveli Lignite Petition of Kerela State Electricity 9.9.2016 Misc. Petition
2014 Corporation Board regarding quantum of
Limited adjustment for Income Tax pursuant
to the order dated 20.9.2012
passed in Petition No. 15 of 2010
by the Commission and order dated
3.7.2013 in Appeal No 250 of 2012
passed by the Appellate Tribunal for
231. MP/206/2014 14th Power Grid Petition for grant of regulatory 16.9.2016 Misc. Petition
India Limited Time Dynamic State Measurement
(URTDSM) Phase-II.
232. GT/287/2014 10th NTPC Limited Petition for determination of tariff 19.9.2016 Generation
September, of Anta GPS (419.33 MW) for the Tariff
2014 period from 1.4.2014 to 31.3.2019.
233. TT/57/2014 31st March, Power Grid Petition for approval under sub- 15.9.2016 Transmission
2014 Corporation of section (4) of Section 28 and Section Tariff
India Limited 79(1)(d) of Electricity Act, 2003 for
determination of Fees and Charges
for Fibre Optic Communication
Load Despatch and Communication
(ULDC) Microwave links in Eastern
Region for the period 2009-14 block.
234. RP/6/2015 23rd March, Power Grid Petition for review of order 15.9.2016 Review
in Petition No. 2015 Corporation of dated 20.1.2015 in Petition No. Petition
TT/100/2012 India Limited TT/100/2012.
235. th
MP/117/2016 26 July, Bhartiya Petition under Regulation 8 of CERC 14.9.2016 Misc. Petition
2016 Rail Bijlee (Grant of Connectivity, Long-term
Company and Medium term Open Access in
Limited inter-State Transmission and related
matters), 2009 seeking permission
to allow extension of the period
of withdrawal of start up power
commissioning and testing including
full load testing of unit No. I (250
MW) of Nabinagar TPP ( 4 x 250
MW), beyond six months from initial
236. MP/58/2016 31st March, M. B. Power Petition under Section 79(1) (b) 14.9.2016 Misc. Petition
2016 (MP) Limited and (f) of the Electricity Act, 2003
for declaration of ‘Change in Law’
and consequential reliefs as per
the provisions of the PPA dated
20.1.2014 (between the petitioner
and respondent no.6) read with
back to back PPA dated 18.1.2014
(between the respondent no. 6 and
respondent nos. 2 to 5).

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

237. MP/47/2016 16th March, M.B. Power Petition under Section 79 (1) (b) and (f) of 14.9.2016 Misc. Petition
2016 (Madhya the Electricity Act, 2003 for adjudication
Pradesh) of claims towards compensation arising
Limited out of ‘Change in Law’ and consequential
reliefs as per provisions of the PPA
dated 20.1.2014 singed between the
Petitioner (M/s M.B. Power (MP) Limited
and respondent no. 6 (M/s PTC India
Limited) read with back to back PPA
dated 18.1.2014 (between the parties in
dispute designated as respondent no. 6
and respondent nos. 2 to 5.
238. TT/96/2016 2nd July, 2016 Power Grid Petition for augmentation of HOSUR 22.8.2016 Transmission
Corporation of sub station by 1 x 315 MVA 400/220kV Tariff
India Limited transformer and associated bays under
System Strengthening Scheme XIV in
Southern Region.
239. GT/273/2014 10th NTPC Limited Final true up petition in Petition No. 31.8.2016 Generation
September, 304 of 2009 for Talcher Thermal Power Tariff
2014 Station, Station (460 MW) for 2009-2014
tariff period.
240. RP/31/2016 in 3rd August, Power Grid Petition for review of order dated 26.8.2016 Review
TT/247/2015 2016 Corporation of 29.4.2016 in Petition No. 247/TT/2015. Petition
India Limited
241. TT/98/2016 2nd August, Power Grid Petition for approval under Regulation 30.8.2016 Transmission
2016 Corporation of 86 of CERC (Conduct of Business) Tariff
India Limited Regulations,1999 and Regulation 6 of
CERC (Terms and Conditions of Tariff)
Regulations, 2009 and CERC (Terms and
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2014
for revision of (i) trued up transmission
tariff for 2009-14 tariff block and (ii)
transmission tariff for 2014-19 tariff
block for LILO of existing Bangalore
Salem 400kV S/C line at Hosur under
System Strengthening Scheme XVIII in
Southern Regional Grid.
242. TT/97/2016 2nd July, 2016 Power Grid Petition for approval under 22.8.2016 Transmission
Corporation of Regulation 86 of CERC (Conduct Tariff
India Limited of Business) Regulations,1999 and
Regulation 6 of CERC (Terms and
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations,
2009 and CERC (Terms and
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations,
2014 for determination of (i) truing
up transmission tariff for 2009-14
tariff block and (ii) transmission tariff
for 2014-19 tariff block for 2 nos. line
bays along with 2 nos. 50 MVAR line
reactors (charged as bus reactor)
(interim contingency till readiness
of 400kV D/C MB TPS (Annupur)
- Jabalpur Pool Station TL covered
in CERC order dated 24.11.2015
in Petition no. TT/38/2014 under
transmission system for connectivity
of M.B. Power (M.P.) Ltd. in Western

Annual Report

243. TT/23/2015 22nd January, Power Grid Petition under sub Section (4) of 14.9.2016 Transmission
2015 Corporation of Section 28 of the Electricity Act, Tariff
India Limited 2003 for (1) determination of trued
up fees and charges for 2009-14
tariff block and (2) fees and charges
for the period 2014-19 tariff block
for Communication Scheme under
National Load Dispatch Centre
(POWERGRID portion).
244. GT/206/2015 22nd July, Damodar Valley True up petition in respect of 14.9.2016 Generation
2015 Corporation approval of tariff of Mejia Thermal Tariff
Limited Power Station Unit Nos.7 and 8 for
the tariff period 2011-2014.
245. TT/148/2016 29th August, Power Grid Petition for approval under 9.9.2016 Transmission
2016 Corporation of Regulation 86 of CERC (Conduct Tariff
India Limited of Business) Regulations, 1999 and
Regulation 6 of CERC (Terms and
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations,
2009 and CERC (Terms and
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations,
2014 for revision of (i) truing up
transmission tariff for 2009-14 tariff
block and (ii) transmission tariff
for 2014-19 tariff block for Sipat-I
Transmission System in Western
246. TT/152/2016 29th August, Power Grid Petition for approval under 08/09/2016 Transmission
2016 Corporation of Regulation-86 of CERC (Conduct Tariff
India Limited of Business) Regulations, 1999 and
Regulation 6 of CERC (Terms and
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations,
2009 and CERC (Terms and
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations,
2014 for breaking up of trued up
Transmission tariff for 2009-14 tariff
block and transmission tariff for
2014-19 tariff block for transmission
assets under “Pallatana GBPP and
Bongaigaon TPS project” in North
Eastern Region.
247. RP/35/2016 in 9th August, Power Grid Petition for review of order dated 7.9.2016 Review
Petition No. 2016 Corporation of 21.4.2016 in Petition No.TT/53/2015. Petition
TT/53/2015 India Limited
248. MP/106/2015 6th April, NSL Petition under Section 79 (i) (c) and 7.9.2016 Misc.
2015 Nagapatnam (f) and other applicable provisions Petition
Infrastructure of the Electricity Act, 2003 read
Private Limited with Regulation 32 of CERC (Grant
of Connectivity, Long Term Access
and Medium Term Open Access in
inter-State transmission and related
matters), Regulations, 2009 against
the action of the respondent in
threatening to cancel the open access
and encashment of bank guarantee.
249. AT/120/2016 29th July, Gurgaon Palwal Petition for adoption of transmission 6.9.2016 Adoption of
2016 Transmission charges with respect to transmission Tariff
Limited system being established by the

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

250. RP/19/2015 29th July, Power Grid Petition for review of order dated 7.9.2016 Review
in Petition No. 2015 Corporation of 26.5.2015 in Petition No.TT/91/2012. Petition
TT/91/2012 India Limited
251. MP/68/2015 2nd March, NTPC Limited Petition for providing uniform 6.9.2016 Misc.
2015 methodology to be used for billing Petition
Regulation 30 (4) of CERC Tariff
Regulations 2014 -19.
252. AT/121/2016 29th July, North Application under Section 63 of the 6.09.2016 Adoption of
2016 Karanpura Electricity Act, 2003 for Adoption of Transmission
Transco Transmission Charges with respect tariff
Limited to the transmission system being
established by North Karanpura
Transco Limited.
253. TT/422/2014 23rd Power Grid Petition for determination of 27.4.2016 Transmission
November, Corporation of transmission tariff of Asset-I: 765 kV Tariff
2014 India Limited 3x80 MVAR bus reactor at Bina Sub-
station along with associated bays,
Asset-II: 765 kV 3x80 MVAR bus
reactor at Indore Sub-station with
bays, Asset-III: 765 kV 3x80 MVAR
line reactor along with associated
bays at Gwalior Sub-station (to be
used as bus reactor under interim
contingency scheme till readiness
of 765 kV S/C Gwalior Jaipur 2nd
circuit transmission line, Asset-IV:
765 kV S/C Gwalior-Jaipur 2nd circuit
transmission line and bay extension
of 765/400 kV Phagi (RVPN-Jaipur)
Sub-station and Asset-V: 765
kV S/C Bina-Gwalior 3rd circuit
transmission line under Transmission
System for Phase-I Generation
Projects in Orissa Part-C in Western
Region for the 2014-19 tariff period
under Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Terms and Conditions
of Tariff) Regulations, 2014 under
Regulation 86 of Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Conduct of
Business) Regulations, 1999.
254. MP/150/2015 24th June, Assam Power Petition for permission of realization 13.6.2016 Misc. Petition
2015 Distribution of cost of energy for the period
Company 1.4.2003 onwards against export
Limited of energy to Royal Govt. of Bhutan
under the scheme of re-import of
Kurichhu energy through Assam grid.
255. RP/12/2015 in 24th June, Aravali Power Review of order dated 6.5.2015 in 27.6.2016 Review
Petition No. 2015 Company Petition No. 229 of 2010 approving Petition
229 of 2010 Private Limited the tariff of Indira Gandhi Super
Thermal Power Project, Stage-I (3
X 500 MW) for the period from
the date of commercial operation of
Unit-I to 31.3.2014.

Annual Report

256. MP/419/2014 29th Raichur Petition under Section 79 (1 )(f) of 27.6.2016 Misc.
October, Sholapur the Electricity Act, 2003 read with Petition
2014 Transmission Transmission Service Agreement
Company dated 4.8.2010.
257. TT/418/2014 29th Power Grid Petition for determination of 31.5.2016 Transmission
October, Corporation of transmission tariff from DOCO to Tariff
2014 India Limited 31.3.2019 for Asset-I: 765 KV S/C
Solapur-Pune TL and LILO of 400kV
D/C Pune-Parli at Pune GIS SS with
associated bays and equipments,
2 X 1500 MVA, 765/400kV ICT 1
& 2 at Pune (GIS) and 240 MVAR,
765KV Bus Reactor and 765KV,
240 MVAR Switchable Line Reactor
at Pune (GIS) S/S with associated
bays Asset-II: LILO of 400kV D/C
Aurangabad Pune TL at Pune
GIS SS with associated bays and
400kV, 50MVAR line reactor under
“Transmission System associated
with Krishnapatnam UMPP-Part B”
in Western Region.
258. TT/416/2014 29th Power Grid Petition for determination of transmission 22.8.2016 Transmission
October, Corporation of tariff from DOCO to 31.3.2019 for Tariff
2014 India Limited New 400kV GIS pooling station at
Nagapattinam with 1 X 125 MVAR Bus
Reactor under Transmission System
associated with Common Transmission
Scheme associated with ISGS projects in
Nagapattinam / Cuddalore Area of Tamil
Nadu Part-AI (a) in Southern Region.
259. TT/164/2015 2nd July, 2015 Power Grid Petition for determination of transmission 29.4.2016 Transmission
Corporation of tariff from anticipated DOCO to Tariff
India Limited 31.3.2019 for Re-conductoring of Ckt-I
of 400 KV D/C Siliguri-Purnea (HTLS
Cond.) transmission line under Eastern
Region Strengthening Scheme- I in
Eastern Region.
260. TT/415/2014 29th Power Grid Petition for determination of transmission 30.5.2016 Transmission
October, Corporation of tariff from DOCO to 31.3.2019 for Tariff
2014 India Limited 400kV D/C Solapur (STPP)-Slapur (PG)
T/L along with bay extension at Solapur
(PG) S/S (Ant. DOCO 1.1.2015)- Asset
I & extension of 400/220KV Solapur S/S
Augmentation of substation by 1 X 315
MVA (3rd) Transformer (by Shifting of
500 MVA Transformer from Wardha to
Solapur) (Ant. DOCO- 1.4.2015)- Asset
II under transmission system for Solapur
STPP (2X660 MW) in Western Region.
261. TT/411/2014 29th Power Grid Petition for determination of 30.7.2016 Transmission
October, Corporation of transmission tariff from DOCO Tariff
2014 India Limited (1.4.2014) to 31.3.2019 for LILO of
Ist Ckt of 400 kV D/C Parbati-II-
Koldam Transmission Line at Parbati
Pooling Station (Banala) under
Transmission System associated with
Parbati-III HEP in Northern Region
for tariff block 2014-19.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

262. RC/175/2015 10th July, Power Application in compliance of 6.5.2016 Regulatory

2015 Exchange India Regulation 24 and other applicable Compliance
Limited provisions of the Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Power
Market) Regulations, 2010.
263. RP/14/2015 in 10th July, Power Grid Petition for review of order dated 29.6.2016 Review
Petition No. 2015 Corporation of 6.5.2015 in Petition No. 201/TT/2012 Petition
TT/201/2012 India Limited for approval of tariff for transmission
assets (Group-3 associated with
system for Central Part of Northern
Grid Part-II in Northern Region for
tariff block 2009-2014.
264. TT/410/2014 29th Power Grid Petition for determination of 2.6.2016 Transmission
October, Corporation of transmission tariff from DOCO Tariff
2014 India Limited to 31.3.2019 for (A) ICT 500
MVA 400/220 KV Bassi Extension
Substation, (B) ICT 315 MVA 400/220
KV Allahabad Extension Substation
, (C) ICT 500 MVA 400/220 KV
Meerut Extension Substation under
(D) 400/220KV, 105MVA ICT along
with associated bays at Wagoora
Substation, (E) 500 MVA ICT along
with associated bays at Ludhiana S/s
(DOCO: 1.4.2014) and (F) 2 no. of
220 KV bays at Ludhiana S/s under
the “Augmentation of Transformers
in Northern Region- Part-A” in
Northern Region.
265. TT/189/2015 27th July, Power Grid Petition for determination of 10.8.2016 Transmission
2015 Corporation of transmission tariff from DOCO to Tariff
India Limited 31.3.2019 for (a) Central Sector
Portion of Establishment of Fibre
Optic Communication System in
Northern Region (1030.426 km).
266. SM/8/2015 27/7/2015 Central Non-Compliance of Regulation 31.5.2016 Suo Motu
Electricity 5.2(o) of the CERC (Indian Electricity
Regulatory Grid Code) Regulations, 2010.
267. TT/409/2014 29/10/2014 Power Grid Petition for determination of 28.4.2016 Transmission
Corporation of transmission tariff from DOCO Tariff
India Limited to 31.3.2019 for Asset-I: 400 KV
125 MVAR (3 Ph) Bus Reactor-2
with associated bays at Jabalpur
765/400 KV Pooling S/S 9 Ant.
DOCO-1.11.2014), Asset II: 765
KV, 3*80+1*80 (Spare) MVAR Bus
Reactor-2 with associated bays at
Jabalpur 765/400 KV Pooling S/S (Ant.
DOCO -1.1.2015) and Asset III: 765
KV bay for Dharamjaygarh ckt.#2 and
3*80 MVAR Line Reactor at 765/400
KV Jabalpur Pooling S/S (Interim
Contingency as Bus Reactor) Ant.
DOCO-1.1.2015) at Jabalpur Pooling
S/S under “Transmission System
for Phase-I Generation Projects in
Orissa (Part-B)” in Western Region.

Annual Report

268. TT/403/2014 29th Power Grid Petition for determination of Tariff from 19.7.2016 Transmission
October, Corporation of DOCO to 31.03.2019 for Gooty-Madhugiri Tariff
2014 India Limited 400 KV D/C line along with the associated
bays & establishment of new 400/220 KV
substation at Madhugiri with 2X500 MVA
transformers under transmission system
associated with System strengthening-XIII
in Southern regional grid.
269. GT/401/2014 29th Torrent Power Petition for determination of generation 18.8.2016 Generation
October, Limited tariff for the period from 1.4.2014 up to Tariff
2014 31.3.2014 in terms of CERC (Terms and
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2014 of
UNOSUGEN Gas based Combined Cycle
Power Project (382.5 MW).
270. TT/399/2014 29th Power Grid Petition for determination of transmission 26.4.2016 Transmission
October, Corporation of tariff from DOCO to 31.3.2019 for (A) Tariff
2014 India Limited 400 KV, 1*125MVAR Bus Reactor at Parli
S/S (Ant. DOCO: 1.10.2014) and (B)
conversion of 50 MVAR Line reactor (4nos)
into Switchable Line Reactors at 400/220
KV Pune S/S (Ant. DOCO: 1.1.2015) under
installation of Reactors (part-II) in Western
271. TT/199/2015 6th August, Power Grid Petition for approval under Regulation-86 of 28.4.2016 Transmission
2015 Corporation of CERC (Conduct of Business) Regulations, Tariff
India Limited 1999 and Regulation 6 of CERC (Term and
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2014 for
determination of transmission tariff from
DOCO to 31.3.2019 for Sikar- Ratangarh
line with associated bays under
System Strengthening in Northern Region
for Sasan and Mundra UMPP in NR.
272. TT/201/2015 4th August, Power Grid Petition for approval under Regulation 86 of 29.7.2016 Transmission
2015 Corporation of CERC (Conduct of Business) Regulations, Tariff
India Limited 1999 CERC (Term and Conditions of
Tariff) Regulations, 2014 for determination
of tariff DOCO 31.3.2019 for 4 Nos. 400
kV Line bays at Narendra (New) for Kudigi
TPS- Narendra (New) 400 kv 2 x D/c
Quad lines under sub station extension
works associated with transmission system
required for evacuation of power from
Kudigi TPS ( 3 x 800 MW in Phase – I) of
NTPC Limited” in Southern Region.
273. TT/208//2015 17th August, Power Grid Petition for approval under Regulation-86 26.4.2016 Transmission
2015 Corporation of of CERC (Conduct of Business) Tariff
India Limited Regulations, 1999 and CERC (Term
and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations,
2014 for determination of transmission
tariff from DOCO to 31.3.2019 for
Asset 1 Bhiwani-Hisar 400 KV/D/C line
alongwith associated bays at Bhiwani and
Hisar and Asset-2 LILO of Moga Bhiwadi
400 kV D/C line at Hisar alongwith
associated bays at Hisar under NRSS
XXV in Northern Region.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

274. TT/213/2015 31st July, North East Petition for determination of 16.8.2016 Transmission
2015 Transmission transmission tariff w.e.f. CODs of Tariff
Company Assets viz 1.9.2012 to 22.2.2015
Limited under the applicable provisions of
the CERC (Terms and Conditions
of Tariff) Regulations 2014-2019
Asset-I Palantan-Silchar Twin Moose
Conductor transmission line. Asset-
II Silchar-Byrnihat (one circuit on
D/C towers) Twin Moose Conductor
Transmission Line – 214.41 km.
Asset-III Byrnihat-Bongaigoan (one
circuit on D/C towers) Twin Moose
Conductor Transmission Line 201
Km. Asset-IV Silchar-Azara (one
circuit on D/C towers). Asset-V
Azara-Bongaigaon of North East
Transmission Company Limited.
275. TT/215/2015 8th Power Grid Petition for approval under 25.4.2016 Transmission
September, Corporation of Regulation-86 for determination Tariff
2015 India Limited of transmission tariff from DOCO
to 31.3.2019 for Asset-I 01 no. of
50 MVA 3 Ph ICT at Gangtok S/s
under the provisions of spare ICTs
and reactors for Eastern, Northern,
Southern and Western Region.
276. MP/216/2015 8th Essar Steel Petition under Section 79(1) (f) of 6.7.2016 Misc. Petition
September, India Limited the Electricity Act, 2003.
277. MP/222/2015 23rd Power Grid Petition under Regulation 24 read 30.8.2016 Misc. Petition
September, Corporation of with Regulation 111 of CERC
2015 India Limited (Conduct of Business) (Amendment)
Regulations 2009 and Regulation 35
(Power to Relax) and Regulation
RLDC fees and Charges Regulations,
278. GT/347/2014 28th Damodar Valley Petition for determination of tariff 31.8.2016 Generation
September, Corporation for Mejia Thermal Power Station Tariff
2014 Unit Nos. I, II and III (3X210 MW)
for the period 2014-19.
279. TT/230/2015 13th Power Grid Petition for approval under Regulation 31.5.2016 Transmission
October, Corporation of -86 of CERC (Conduct of Business) Tariff
2015 India Limited Regulations, 1999 and CERC
(Terms and Conditions of Tariff)
Regulations, 2014 for determination
of tariff from anticipated DOCO to
31.3.2019 for Asset I 400KV D/C
(Quad) Kishangaj-Patna transmission
line alongiwth by associated bays
at Kishanganj sub-station under
Transmission System for “Transfer
of Power from Generation Projects
in Sikkim to NR/WR Part – B” in
Eastern Region.

Annual Report

280. TT/233/2015 11th North East True up petition for the period 2009- 29.7.2016 Transmission
September, Transmission 2014 for determination of transmission Tariff
2015 Company tariff for Asset-I Palatana-Silchar from
Limited DOCO-1.9.2012 and Asset-II Silchar
-Byrnihat from DOCO 1.3.2013 under
the provisions of CERC (Terms and
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2009-
281. GT/234/2015 14th NTPC Limited Petition for approval of tariff of 31.8.2016 Generation
October, Vindhyachal Super Thermal Power Tariff
2015 Station Stage-V ( 500 MW) for the
period from anticipated date of
commercial operation i.e. 31.10.2015
to 31.3.2019.
282. MP/236/2015 20th Kudgi Petition to recover transmission charges 27.6.2016 Misc. Petition
2015 Limited element of the transmission project.
283. MP/239/2015 21st Assam Power Petition under Regulation 21 “Power 30.6.2016 Misc. Petition
October, Distribution WR 5HPRYH 'LIÀFXOWLHVµ RI WKH &(5&
2015 Company (Sharing of inter-State Transmission
Limited Charges and Losses) Regulations,
2010 in the matter of abnormal hike
of POC charges of Assam following
the implementation of the recent
amendment vide CERC (Sharing of inter-
State Transmission Charges and Losses)
(Third Amendment) Regulations, 2015.
284. MP/246/2015 6th October, Power Petition under Sections 66, 79 (1) (c 8.8.2016 Misc. Petition
2015 Exchange India ), 79 (1) (k) and 178 of the Electricity
Limited Act, 2003, Regulations 111 and 113
of the CERC (Conduct of Business)
Regulations, 1999 and Regulations 63
(i) and 63 (iii) of the CERC (Power
market) Regulations, 2010.
285. TT/247/2015 27th Power Grid Petition for approval under Regulation 29.4.2016 Transmission
October, Corporation of 86 of CERC (Conduct of Business) Tariff
2015 India Limited Regulations, 1999 and CERC (Term
and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations,
2014 for determination of transmission
tariff from DOCO to 31.3.2019 for
2 no. 220 kV Line Bays at Moga under
“Augmentation of transformers in NR
Part A in Northern Region.
286. MP/249/2015 28th Kerala State Petition under Section 79 (1) (c) 6.7.2016 Misc. Petition
October, Electricity and 79 (1) (f) of Electricity Act, 2003
2015 Board Limited and Regulation 32 of CERC (Grant
of Connectivity, Long- Term Access
and Medium-Term Open Access in
inter-State transmission and related
matters) Regulations, 2009.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

287. TT/256/2015 30th Power System Petition for determination of 25.5.2016 Transmission
October, Operation transmission tariff for Kurukshetra Tariff
2015 Corporation (NR) - Jallandhar 400 kV D/C
Limited (Quad) line, one ckt. via 400/220 kV
Nakodar (PSTCL) Sub-station along
with associated bays (2 no. GIS bays
at Kurukshetra, 02 no. conventional
bays at Jallandhar, 2 no. conventional
bays at Nakodar, 1 no. 50 MVAR Line
Reactor at Nakodar and 1 no. 50
MVAR Line Reactor at Jallandhar),
LILO of Abdullapur Sonepat 400 kV
D/C (Triple) at
Kurukshetra Sub-station along with
associated bays (4 no. GIS Bays at
Kurukshetra) and, 1 no. 400 kV 125
MVAR Bus Reactor at Kurukshetra
along with 1 no. associated GIS Bay at
Kurukshetra under “WR - NR HVDC
lnterconnector for IPP projects in
Chhattisgarh” in Northern Region
for 2014- 19 tariff block under
Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Terms and Conditions
of Tariff) Regulations, 2014 and under
Regulation 86 of Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Conduct of
Business) Regulations, 1999.
288. TT/254/2015 30th Power Grid Petition for approval under Regulation 25.5.2016 Transmission
October, Corporation of 86 of CERC (Conduct of Business) Tariff
2015 India Limited Regulations, 1999 and CERC (Terms and
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2014
for determination of transmission tariff
from actual DOCO to 31.3.2019 for
Asset-I 400 KV Lara STPS-I to Raigarh
(Kotra) PS Transmission line alongwith
associated bays at Raigarh (Kotra) PS
under Transmission System Associated
with Lara STPS generation project of
NTPC in Western Region for tariff block
period 2014-2019.
289. TT/255/2015 30th Power Grid Petition for approval under Regulation 29.7.2016 Transmission
October, Corporation of 86 of CERC (Conduct of Business) Tariff
2015 India Limited Regulations, 1999 and CERC (Terms
and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations,
2014 for determination of transmission
tariff from actual DOCO to 31.3.2019
for Asset-I 19.50 KM Optic Fiber under
TSTRANSCO Sector DOCO 1.6.2015
and Asset-II Optic Fiber under KSEBL
Sector DOCO. 1.6.2015 under Fiber
Optic Communication System in lieu
Communication Microwave Links (Part-
III) in Southern Region.

Annual Report

290. TT/252/2015 30th Power Grid Petition for approval under Regulation 25.4.2016 Transmission
October, Corporation of 86 of CERC (Conduct of Business) Tariff
2015 India Limited Regulations, 1999 and CERC (Terms
and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations,
2014 for determination of transmission
tariff from actual DOCO to 31.3.2019
for Assets (05 Nos) under Transmission
System for phase-I generation projects in
Orissa- Part-A in Eastern Region.
291. TT/258/2015 30th Power Grid Petition for approval under 26.5.2016 Transmission
October, Corporation of Regulation 86 of CERC (Conduct Tariff
2015 India Limited of Business) Regulations, 1999
and CERC (Terms and Conditions
of Tariff) Regulations, 2014 for
determination of transmission tariff
from DOCO to 31.3.2019 for 08 nos
of Assets at Kishanganj substation
under Transmission System for
transfer of power from generation
project in Sikkim to NR/WR Part-A
in Eastern Region.
292. TT/257/2015 30th Power Grid Petition for approval under 26.5.2016 Transmission
October, Corporation of Regulation 86 of CERC (Conduct Tariff
2015 India Limited of Business) Regulations, 1999
and CERC (Terms and Conditions
of Tariff) Regulations, 2014 for
determination of transmission
tariff from actual DOCO to
31.3.2019 for Asset-I 160 MVA
220/132 kV at Purnea substation
alongwith associated bays; Asset-II:
160 MVA transformer II at Purnea
substation under augmentation of
transformation capacity and reactive
compensation in Eastern Region.
293. TT/253/2015 30th Power Grid Petition for approval under 30.6.2016 Transmission
October, Corporation of Regulation 86 of CERC (Conduct Tariff
2015 India Limited of Business) Regulations, 1999
and CERC (Terms and Conditions
of Tariff) Regulations, 2014 for
determination of transmission tariff
from DOCO to 31.3.2019 for Asset-I:
LILO of both circuits of 400 kV D/C
(QUAD) Meerut-Kaithal 400 kV D/C
TL and associated bays at Bagppat
GISS/STn (Anticipated DOCO
25.12.2015, Asset-II 125 MVAR Bus
Reactor at Bagpat GIS Anticipated
DOCO 31.12.2015 Asset-III: 500
MVA at Bagpat alongwith 220
kV line bays anticipated DOCO
31.12.2015 Asset-IV at Bagpat GIS
S/stn. Along with 4 nos 220 kV lines
bays anticipated DOCO 31.12.2015
under Northern Region System
Strengthening Scheme -XIX in
Northern Region.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

294. TT/259/2015 4th Power Grid Petition for approval under Regulation 86 of 26.5.2016 Transmission
November, Corporation of CERC (Conduct of Business) Regulations, Tariff
2015 India Limited 1999 and CERC (Terms and Conditions
of Tariff) Regulations, 2014 for Asset I 200
MVA, 400/132/33kV ICT – 2 along with
associated bays at Chariali, Asset-II 80 MVAR
Bus Reactor-1 alongwith associated Bays
at Biswanath Chariali, Asset-III 80 MVAR
Bus Reactor-2 along with associated bays at
Biswanath Chariali, Asset-IV Augmentation
of 400 kV Agra sub-station 1X315 MVA,
400/220/33kV ICT alongwith Associated
Bays, Asset-V 400 kV D/C Balipara Biswanath
Chariali PS from anticipated DOCO
15.11.2015 to 31.3.2019 under the at Balipara-
Biswanath Chariali transmission line alongwith
associated bays at Balipara Biswanath Chariali
PS from anticipated DOCO 15.11.2015 to
31.3.2019 under the transmission system
Associated with North East-Northern/
Western Inter connector-I Project in North
Eastern and Northern Western Regions.
295. TT/263/2015 30th Power Grid Petition for approval under Regulation 86 of 30.5.2016 Transmission
October, Corporation of CERC (Conduct of Business) Regulations, Tariff
2015 India Limited 1999 and CERC (Terms and Conditions of
Tariff) Regulations, 2014 for determination of
transmission tariff from DOCO to 31.3.2019
for (A) Combined Assets of (A1) associated
bays of 765 KV Lucknow Bareilly transmission
line including switchable line reactor at
Lucknow (New) and line reactor at Bareilly
(New) S/s DOCO 1.4.2015 (A2) 2nd circuit
of DC (Quard) Bareilly (New) Bareilly (Old)
transmission line with associated bays DOCO
1.4.2015 and (A3) 765/400 KV 1500 MVA
MVA ICT – I at Bareilly (New) S/s alongwith
associated bays DOCO 1.4.2015 (B) 765 kV,
3 x 80 MVAR bus reactors at Bareilly DOCO
5.7.2015 (C) Associated bays of 1st Circuit of
400 kV D/C Quard Bareilly (New) Bareilly
Transmission Line DOCO 25.4.2015 (D)
765/400 kV 1500 MVA ICT-II at Bareilly
(New) S/s alongwith associated bays DOCO
31.8.2015(E) 1st Circuit Bareilly (New)
Kashipur (PTCUL) transmission line and
associated bay DOCO 23.4.2015 (F) 2nd
Circuit of 400 kV D/C (Quard) Bareilly
(New) Kashipur (PTCUL) transmission line
and associated bays DOCO 24.4.2015 (G)
400 kV D/C Kashipur – Roorkee line along
with associated bays (Anticipated DOCO:
30.11.2015) ; H) 400 kV D/C Roorkee
Saharanpur line along with associated bays
(Anticipated DOCO: 31.12.2015 under
“Northern Region System Strengthening
Scheme – XXI” in Northern Region.

Annual Report

296. TT/262/2015 2nd Powergrid Petition for approval under 23.5.2016 Transmission
November, Corporation of Regulation 86 of CERC (Conduct Tariff
2015 India Limited of Business) Regulations, 1999
and CERC (Terms and Conditions
of Tariff) Regulations, 2014 for
determination of transmission tariff
from DOCO to 31.3.2019 for 400
KV (Quad) D/C line from NCC
generation switchyard to Nellore
Pooling Station and associated
bays under transmission system
for connectivity for NCC Power
Projects Ltd. (Anticipated DOCO
297. TT/261/2015 2nd Power Grid Petition for approval under Regulation 86 of 27.5.2016 Transmission
November, Corporation of CERC (Conduct of Business) Regulations, Tariff
2015 India Limited 1999 and CERC (Terms and Conditions of
Tariff) Regulations, 2014 for determination of
transmission tariff from DOCO to 31.3.2019
for Champa PS- Dharamjaygarh (KOrba) 765
kV S/C line alongwith bays, Rajgarh PS (near
Kotra) – Champa PS 765 kV S/C line along
with bays and establishment of 765/400 kV 6 x
1500 MVA Champa Pooling substation under
“Eastablishment of Pooling stations at Champa
& Raigarh (near Tamnar) for IPP Generation
Projects in Chhattisgarh” in Western Region.
298. TT/264/2015 2nd Power Grid Petition for approval under Regulation 86 of 12.5.2016 Transmission
November, Corporation of CERC (Conduct of Business) Regulations, Tariff
2015 India Limited 1999 and CERC (Terms and Conditions of
Tariff) Regulations, 2014 for determination
of transmission tariff from DOCO to
31.3.2019 for 765 kV S/C Kurnool- Raichur
transmission line aongwith associated bay
extension at 765/KV Kurnool S/s and Raichur
Substation under “Southern Region System
Strengthening Scheme-XXII (Anticipated
DOCO 15.12.2015).
299. TT/260/2015 2nd Power Grid Petition for approval under Rule 86 of 31.5.2016 Transmission
November, Corporation of CERC (Conduct of Business) Regulations, Tariff
2015 India Limited 1999 and CERC (Terms and Conditions of
Tariff) Regulations, 2014 for determination of
transmission tariff from DOCO to 31.3.2019
for Champa PS Dharamjaygarh (Korba) linge
alongwith bays Raigarh PS(Kotra)-Champa
PS 765 kV S/C line alongwith bays and
establishment of 765/400 kV 6 x 1500 MVA
Champa Pooling station under “Establishment
of Pooling stations at Champa & Raigarh
(near Tamnar) for IPP Generation Projects in
Chhattisgarh in Western Region.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

300. MP/265/2015 29th Karnataka Petition under Section 94(f) of the 3.5.2016 Misc. Petition
October, Power Act seeking review of the time
2015 Corporation period for implementing certain
Limited works pursuant to the Commission's
order dated (i) 20.02.2014 in
petition no. 146/MP/2013 with I.A.
CERC in the matter of providing
protection systems having reliability,
selectivity, speed and sensitivity and
keeping them functional in terms
of regulation 5.2 (i) of the CERC
(Indian Electricity Grid Code) (First
amendment), Regulations, 2012 read
along with regulation 3 (e) of Central
Electricity Authority (Grid Standards)
Regulations, 2010 and following best
practices of O&M of transmission
elements for ensuing security of the
Southern Regional grid as well as
the interconnected Indian Grid and
(ii) 18.8.2015 in Petition Nos. 86/
MP/2014 and 374/MP/2014.
301. TT/266/2015 30th Power Grid Petition for determination of 26.5.2016 Transmission
October, Corporation of transmission tariff for 765 kV D/C Tariff
2015 India Limited Dharamjaygarh-Jabalpur PS T/L
and 2*330 MVAR Switchable Line
Reactors with associated bays at
Dharamjaygarh Sub-station and line
bays at Dharamjaygarh Sub-station
only under “Transmission System
for Phase-I Generation projects in
Orissa- Part B” for 2014-19 Tariff
block period in Western Region
for the 2014-19 tariff period under
Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Terms and Conditions
of Tariff) Regulations, 2014 under
Regulation 86 of Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Conduct of
Business) Regulations, 1999.
302. TT/268//2015 2nd Power Grid Petition for approval under 11.5.2016 Transmission
November, Corporation of Regulation 86 of CERC (Conduct Tariff
2015 India Limited of Business) Regulations, 1999
and CERC (Terms and Conditions
of Tariff) Regulations, 2014 for
determination of transmission tariff
from DOCO to 31.3.2019 for Asset
I: LILO of one ckt of 400 KV D/C
Teesta-III Kishangunj line (LILO-I)
at Rangpo and associated bays at
Rangpo sub-station under Sikkim
Generation Projects-Part-B in
Eastern Region.

Annual Report

303. TT/269/2015 2nd Power Grid Petition for approval under Regulation 86 of 23.5.2016 Transmission
November, Corporation of CERC (Conduct of Business) Regulations, Tariff
2015 India Limited 1999 and CERC (Terms and Conditions of
Tariff) Regulations, 2014 for determination of
transmission tariff from DOCO to 31.3.2019
for Asset (A) 765 KV 3 x 80 MVAR Bus
reactor at 765/400 kV Jaipur Phagi - RVPNL)
S/s DOCO 9.8.2015 and Asset (B) 765 KV
Jaipur (Phagi-RVPNL) (-Bhiwani transmission
line along with 3 x 80 MVAR switchable line
reactor at Jaipur (Phagi RVPNL) and 3 x 80
MVAR non switchable reactor at Bhiwani end
and its associated bays DOCO 24.8.2015
under Transmission System for Phase-I
Generation Project in Orissa (Part-C) in NR.
304. TT/270/2015 4th Power Grid Petition for approval under Regulation 86 of 23.5.2016 Transmission
November, Corporation of CERC (Conduct of Business) Regulations, Tariff
2015 India Limited 1999 and CERC (Terms and Conditions of
Tariff) Regulations, 2014 for determination of
transmission tariff from DOCO to 31.3.2019
for 02 Nos. 400kv Bays at Khamman S/s and
02 No. 400kv bays at Nagarjun Sagar s/s under
works associated with System Strengthening
in Southern Region for import of power from
Eastern Region anticipated DOCO 1.1.2016.
305. TT/271/2015 4th Power Grid Petition for approval under Regulation 86 of 11.5.2016 Transmission
November, Corporation of CERC (Conduct of Business) Regulations, Tariff
2015 India Limited 1999 and CERC (Terms and Conditions of
Tariff) Regulations, 2014 for determination of
transmission tariff from DOCO to 31.03.2019
for Asset-I Kishenpur - New Wanpoh 400KV
D/C line alongwith associated bays at
Kishenpur and New Wanpoh under Northern
Regions System Strengthening Scheme XVI in
Northern Region.
306. TT/273/2015 3rd Power Grid Petition for approval under Regulation 86 of 30.5.2016 Transmission
November, Corporation of CERC (Conduct of Business) Regulations, Tariff
2015 India Limited 1999 and CERC (Terms and Conditions of
Tariff) Regulations, 2014 for determination
of transmission tariff from DOCO to
31.3.2019 for Asset-I 1500 MVA 765/400
ICT-1 and associated bays at Varanasi GIS
anticipated DOCO 31.12.2015, Asset-II 1500
MVA ICT-2 and associated bays at Varanasi
GIS anticipated DOCO 31.12.2015, Asset-III
330 MVAR 765kV Bus Reactor-1 at Varanasi
anticipated DOCO 31.12-2015 Asset-IV 765
S/C Balia - Varanasi line and associated bays
including 240 MVAR line reactor at both end
and anticipated DOCO 31.12.2015, Asset-V
765 KV S/C Gaya-Varanasi transmission line
and associated bays including 240 MVAR line
reactor anticipated DOCO 30.12.2015 and
Asset-VI 765 KV S/C Ranchi-Dharamjaygarh
transmission line alongwith associated
bays at Dharamjaygarh anticipated DOCO
20.11.2015 under transmission System for
Phase-I generation Projects in Jharkhand and
West Bengal Part - A2.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

307. TT/274/2015 6th Power Grid Petition for approval of transmission 31.5.2016 Transmission
November, Corporation of tariff for Asset-I: 765kV D/C Varanasi- Tariff
2015 India Limited Kanpur (new) line and associated
bays including 240 MVAR Switchable
L/R in both Ckt. at Varanasi GIS
Substation and 330 MVAR non-
switchable L/R in both Ckt. at
Kanpur GIS Sub-station (Anticipated
COD:31.01.2016) Asset- II: 765 kV
S/C Kanpur (new) GIS-Jhatikra line &
associated bays including 330 MVAR
switchable L/R at Kanpur GIS S/S
and 330 MVAR non-switchable L/R
at Jhatikara Sub-station (Anticipated
COD:31.01.2016) Asset- III: 400kV
D/C (Quad) Kanpur (New) GIS-
Kanpur (old) line & Associated bays
(Anticipated COD:31.01.2016)
Asset- IV: LILO of one Ckt of
400kV D/C Sasaram-Allahabad line
& Associated bays at Varanasi GIS
S/S (Anticipated COD:31.12.2015)
Asset- V: 2*1500 MVA 765/400 kV
ICT-I&II Associated bays at 765/400
kV Kanpur (new) GIS Sub-station
(Anticipated COD:31.01.2016)
Asset- VI: 240 MVAR, 765 kV Bus
Reactor-1 & associated bay at
Kanpur(new) GIS S/S (Anticipated
COD:31.01.2016) Asset- VII: 240
MVAR, 765kV Bus Reactor &
associated bay at Kanpur (new)
GIS Sub-station (Anticipated
COD:31.01.2016) Asset- VIII: 125
MVAR, 400 kV Bus Reactor &
associated bay at Kanpur (new) GIS
S/S (Anticipated COD:31.01.2016)
Asset- IX: 240 MVAR, 765 kV Bus
Reactor & associated bay at Jhatikara
Sub-station (Anticipated COD:
1.12.2015) Asset- X: 125 MVAR,
400 kV Bus Reactor & associated
bay at Varanasi GIS Sub-station
(Anticipated COD:31.1.2016) under
“Transmission System for Phase-I
Generation Projects in Jharkhand
and West Bengal Part-B” in
Northern Region under Regulation
86 of Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Conduct and Business)
Regulation, 1999 and Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Terms and Conditions of Tariff)
Regulation, 2014 from anticipated
COD to 31.3.2019.

Annual Report

308. TT/276/2015 6th Power Grid Petition for approval under 30.5.2016 Transmission
November, Corporation of Regulation 86 of CERC (Conduct and Tariff
2015 India Limited Business) Regulation 1999 and CERC
(Terms and Conditions of Tariff)
Regulation, 2014 for determination
of Transmission Tariff from DOCO to
31.3.2019 for Mysore-Kozhikode 400
KV D/C line alongwith new 400/220
KV S/S with reactor at Kozhikode
and extension of Mysore s/s under
Transmission System associated with
Kaiga 3 /7 4 ( 2x 235 MW) project in
Southern Region.
309. TT/277/2015 5th Power Grid Petition for approval under 30.5.2016 Transmission
November, Corporation of Regulation 86 of CERC (Conduct Tariff
2015 India Limited of Business) Regulations, 1999
and CERC (Terms and Conditions
of Tariff) Regulation, 2014 for
determination of Transmission Tariff
from DOCO to 31.03.2019 for
Asset-I extension of both ckt of 400
KV D/C (Quad) Biharsharif Sasaram
line to Varanasi by passing Sasaram
and associated bays including 50
MVAR line reactor in each circuit
at Varanansi S/s anticipated DOCO
31.12.2015, Asset-II one circuit of
400 KV D/C Sasaram- Allahabad
line to be shifted from NR to ER
bus at Sasaram S/S (Anticipated
DOCO 31.12.2015) Asset-III LILO
of (Loop in portion) 765 KV S/C
Gaya-Fathepur line and associated
bays at Varanasi GIS including 240
MVAR non-switchable L/R in Gaya
bay anticipated DOCO 31.12.2015
under NR System Strengthening
310. SM/14/2014 21st Central Non Compliance of the provisions 20.5.2016 Suo Motu
September, Electricity of Regulation 30 (7) under Section
2014 Regulatory 142 against those who have failed
Commission to comply with or have partially
compiled with the regulations.
311. TT/283/2015 2nd Power Grid Petition for approval under Regulation 25.5.2016 Transmission
November, Corporation of 86 of CERC (Conduct of Business) Tariff
2015 India Limited Regulations, 1999 and CERC (Terms and
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2014 for
determination of transmission tariff from
DOCO to 31.3.2019 for Asset 0I LILO of
400 KV/ DC Kolhapur-Mapusa Kolhapur
GIS(New) along with associated bays and
Asset-II 124 MVAR Bus Reactor along
with associated bays at 400 KV Kolhapur
GIS (New) under Transmission System
associated with System Strengthening--
XVII in SR Grid in WR.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

312. TT/248/2015 2nd Power Grid Petition for approval under 30.5.2016 Transmission
November, Corporation of Regulation 86 of CERC (Conduct Tariff
2015 India Limited of Business) Regulations, 1999
and CERC (Terms and Conditions
of Tariff) Regulations, 2014 for
determination of transmission tariff
for Asset-I Solapur-Aurangabad line
Reactor with associated bays at
Solapur S/s DOCO 7.10.2015 and
Asset-2 2 x 240 MVAR switchable
line reactor along with associated
bays at Aurangabad S/s (Anticipated
DOCO 15.3.2016 associated with
inter regional System Strengthening
Scheme for WR and NR (Part-A).
313. TT/275//2015 6th Power Grid Petition for approval under Regulation 29.7.2016 Transmission
November, Corporation of 86 of CERC (Conduct of Business) Tariff
2015 India Limited Regulations, 1999 and CERC (Terms and
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2014
for determination of transmission tariff
from DOCO to 31.3.2019 for Asset-I
275.93 km OPGW Fiber Optic Cable
along with associated equipments which
are under commercial operation w.e.f.
1.4.2014 Asset-II 291.124 km OPGW
Fiber Optic Cable alongwith associated
equipments (includes 88.63 km under
cost apportionment with POWERTEL)
which are under commercial operation
w.e.f. 1.7.2014 and Asset-III 1717.112
km OPGW Fibre Optic Cable alongwith
associated equipments (includes
966.436 km under cost apportionment
with POWERTEL) which are under
commercial operation w.e.f. 30.3.2015
under Fiber Optic Communication
system for central sector s/s and
Generating Stations in Southern Region.
314. RP/23/2015 in 16th Punjab Petition for review of the order 29.6.2016 Review
Petition No. November, State Power dated 9.10.2015 in Petition No. 6/ Petition
SM/06/2014 2015 Transmission SM/2014.
315. GT/335/2014 21st NTPC Limited Petition for revision of tariff of Auria 28.6.2016 Generation
September, GPS (663.36 MW) for the period Tariff
2014 from 1.4.2009 to 31.3.2014 after the
truing up exercise.
316. GT/295/2015 3rd Damodar Valley True up petition in respect of 22.8.2016 Generation
December, Corporation approval of tariff of Koderma TPS Tariff
2015 Unit 1 for the period 2013-2014.
317. GT/331/2014 21st NTPC Limited Petition for revision of tariff of Anta 25.5.2016 Generation
September, GPS (419.33 MW) for the period Tariff
2014 from 1.4.2009 to 31.3.2014 after the
truing up exercise.
318. RP/26/2015 28th NTPC Limited Petition for review of the order 20.6.2016 Review
in Petition October, dated 31.8.2015 in Petition Nos. 208/ Petition
Nos. 208/ 2015 GT/2013 and 305/GT/2014.
GT/2013 and

Annual Report

319. MP/304/2015 8th Super Smelters Petition under Section 9 and 79 28.7.2016 Misc. Petition
December, Limited (1) of the Electricity Act, 2003 read
2015 with the CERC (Open Access in
Transmission) Regulations 2008
towards refusal of Open Access by
320. GT/329/2014 21st NTPC Limited Petition for revision of tariff of Tanda 23.08./2016 Generation
September, TPS (440 MW) for the period from Tariff
2014 1.4.2009 to 31.3.2014 after the
truing up exercise.
321. GT/321/2014 21st NTPC Limited Petition for approval of tariff Feroze 27.6.2016 Generation
September, Gandhi Unchahar Thermal Power Tariff
2014 Station Stage- III, (210 MW) for the
period from 1.4.2009 to 31.3.2014
after truing up.
322. GT/320/2014 21st NTPC Limited Petition for approval of tariff of 25.5.2016 Generation
September, Feroze Gandhi Unchahar Thermal Tariff
2014 Power Station Stage-I, (420 MW)
for the period from 1.4.2009 to
323. GT/317/2014 20th NTPC Limited Petition for approval of tariff of 29.7.2016 Generation
September, Rihand Stage-I, (1000 MW) for the Tariff
2014 period from 1.4.2009 to 31.3.2014
after the truing up exercise.
324. GT/332/2014 21st NTPC Limited Petition for revision of tariff of Feroze 25.5.2016 Generation
September, Gandhi Unchahar Thermal Power Tariff
2014 Station Stage-II, (420 MW) for the
period from 1.4.2009 to 31.3.2014
after the truing up exercise.
325. GT/302/2014 11th NTPC Limited Petition for determination of tariff 30.7.2016 Generation
September, for Badarpur Thermal Power Station Tariff
2014 (705MW) for the period from
1.4.2009 to 31.3.2014.
326. GT/300/2014 11th ` Petition for approval of tariff of 23.8.2016 Generation
September, National Capital Thermal Power Tariff
2014 Station, Stage-II Dadri (980 MW)
for the period from 31.1.2010 to

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

327. TT/290/2015 9th Power Grid Petition for truing up of transmission 18.4.2016 Transmission
December, Corporation of tariff for 2009-14 tariff block under Tariff
2015 India Limited Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Terms and Conditions
of Tariff) Regulations, 2009 and
determination of transmission tariff
for 2014-19 tariff block under Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Terms and Conditions of Tariff)
Regulations, 2014 of Asset-I: 400/220
kV 500 MVA ICT-I at Jaipur South
Sub-station along with associated
bays and 02 nos. 200 kV line bays;
Asset-II: 400/220 kV 500 MVA ICT-II
at Jaipur South Substation along with
associated bays; Asset-III: 400/220
kV 2 X 315 MCA ICTs at Sohawal
Sub-station along with associated
bays; Asset-IV: LILO on one ckt of
400 kV D/C Agra Jaipur T/L with 50
MVAR Line reactor at Jaipur South
Sub-station along with associated
bays, Asset V: LILO of 2nd ckt of 400
kV D/C Ballia-Lucknow T/L with 50
MVAR line reactor at Sohawal Sub-
station; Asset-VI: LILO of 1st ckt of
400 kV D/C Ballia-Lucknow T/L with
50 MVAR line reactor at Sohawal
Sub-station and Asset VII: LILO of 2
nd ckt of 400 kV D/C Agra-Jaipur
T/L with 50 MVAR line reactor at
Jaipur South Sub-station along with
associated bays under Northern
Transmission Strengthening Scheme
(NRTSS) Project in Northern Region
under Regulation 86 of Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Conduct of Business) Regulations,
328. MP/307/2015 16th Udupi Power Petition under Regulation 17 of 27.6.2016 Misc. Petition
December, Corporation the CERC (Conduct of Business)
2015 Limited Regulations, 1999 seeking
dated 5.10.2015 in Petition No. 517/
329. SM/10/2015 21st July, Central Investigation of line outage due to 14.6.2016 Suo Motu
2015 Electricity tower collapse in Northern Region
Regulatory during April, 2015 to June (1st qtr. of
Commission 2015-2016).
330. GT/294/2014 11th NTPC Limited Petition for determination of tariff 29.7.2016 Generation
September, of Simhadri Super Thermal Power Tariff
2014 Station, Stage-II (1000 MW) for the
period from 1.4.2014 to 31.3.2019.
331. GT/291/2014 11th NTPC Limited Petition for determination of tariff of 23.8.2016 Generation
September, Rihand Stage-I (1000 MW) for the Tariff
2014 period from 1.4.2014 to 31.3.2019.

Annual Report

332. TT/313/2015 30th Power Grid Petition for approval under 23.5.2016 Transmission
December, Corporation of Regulation-86 of CERC (Conduct Tariff
2015 India Limited of Business) Regulations, 1999 and
Regulation 6 of the CERC (Terms
and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations,
2009 and CERC (Terms and
Conditions of Tariff Regulations, 2014
for determination of tariff of (i) truing
up transmission tariff for 2009-2014
tariff block and (ii) transmission tariff
for 2014-2019 tariff block. For Asset
I: LILO of both circuits of 400 kV D/C
Bamnauli-Mundka/Bawana at Jatikalan
765/400 kV Sub-station, Asset-II: Agra
– Jatikalan 765 kV S/C Transmission
Line, Asset-III: Agra – Meerut 765 kV
S/C Transmission Line under 765 kV
system for Central Part of Northern
Grid Part-I in Northern Region.
333. GT/290/2014 10th NTPC Limited Petition for determination of tariff 28.7.2016 Generation
September, of Singrauli Super Thermal Power Tariff
2014 Station (2000 MW) for the period
from 1.4.2014 to 31.3.2019.
334. MP/5/2016 6th January, NHPC Limited Petition under Section 79(1)(f) of the 26.8.2016 Misc. Petition
2016 Electricity Act, 2003 for adjudication
of dispute between NHPC Limited
and UPPCL regarding interpretation
of Regulation 5(3) of CERC (Terms
and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations,
335. GT/286/2014 10th NTPC Limited Petition for determination of tariff of 31.5.2016 Generation
September, Faridabad GPS (431.586 MW) for the Tariff
2014 period from 1.4.2014 to 31.3.2019.
336. MP/09/2016 14th January, National High Petition under Section 79(1) (c) and 16.5.2016 Misc. Petition
2016 Power Test Section 79(1) of Electricity Act, 2003
Laboratory Pvt read with Regulation 8 of CERC
Limited (Grant of Connectivity, Long Terms
Access and Medium Terms Access
in inter-State Transmissions and
related matters Regulations, 2009
and Regulations 111-113 (Inherent
Power) and Regulation 115 Power
(Conduct of Business) Regulations,
337. RP/02/2016 23rd NTPC Limited Petition for review of order dated 9.5.2016 Review
in Petition December, 2.11.2015 in Petition No.303/ Petition
No.303/ 2015 GT/2014 for revision of tariff for
GT/2014 Simhadri Talcher Super Thermal
Power Station, Stage- II (2X 500
338. GT/282/2014 10th NTPC Limited Petition for revision of tariff of 24.8.2016 Generation
September, Farakka STPS, Stage-III, (1 x 500 Tariff
2014 MW) for the period from COD
i.e. 4.4.2012 to 31.3.2014 after the
truing up exercise.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

339. MP/12/2016 8th January, Torrent Power Petition in compliance of the 27.4.2016 Misc. Petition
2016 Limited directions issued vide order dated
7.1.2015 in Petition No. 209/MP/2014
for the purpose of assigning license
granted to TEL to Torrent Power
340. TT/13/2016 29th January, Power Grid Petition for determination of 30.6.2016 Transmission
2016 Corporation of transmission tariff from anticipated Tariff
India Limited COD to 31.3.2019 for Asset I : Re-
conductoring of one ckt. (CKT- I)
Farakka – Malda 400 kV D/C with
HTLS conductor and upgradation/
replacement of associated bay
equipments at Farakka and Malda
& Asset II : Re-conductoring of one
ckt. (CKT-II) Farakka-Malda 400 kV
D/C with HTLS conductor and up-
gradation/replacement of associated
bay equipments at Farakka and Malda
under Eastern Region Strengthening
Scheme-XIII (ERSS XIII) in Eastern
Region under Regulation 86 of
Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Conduct of Business)
Regulations, 1999 and Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Terms and Conditions of Tariff)
Regulations, 2014.

341. GT/281/2014 10th NTPC Limited Petition for determination of tariff 29.7.2016 Generation
September, of Talcher Super Thermal Power Tariff
2014 Station, Stage-I (1000 MW) for the
period from 1.4.2014 to 31.3.2019.
342. MP/17/2016 2nd February, Neyveli Lignite Petition for dispute on payment 30.8.2016 Misc. Petition
2016 Corporation of tariff with interest in regard to
Limited power station of Neyveli Lignite
Corporation Limited, namely, NLC
TPS I (600MW) NLC TPS-II, State- I
( 3 x 210 MW) TPS-II Stage-II (4 x
210 MW) and NLC TPS I expn (2
x 210 MW) due to the increase in
operation and maintenance expenses
incurred by NLCs mine on account
of Wage Revision to Employees for
the period from 1.1.2007 and pay
revision to CISF personnel posted
in NLC Mines for the period from
343. GT/279/2014 10th NTPC Limited Petition for determination of tariff 30.7.2016 Generation
September, of Kahalgaon Super Thermal Power Tariff
2014 Station, Stage- I (840 MW) for the
period from 1.4.2014 to 31.3.2019.

Annual Report

344. TT/21/2016 5th February, Power Grid Petition for truing up of transmission tariff 16.6.2016 Transmission
2016 Corporation offor 2009-14 tariff period under Central Tariff
India Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms
Limited and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2009
and determination of transmission tariff
for 2014-19 tariff period under Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms
and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2014
for Asset-I: 1 x 100 MVAR, 220/132 kV,
3-Phase Spare ICT at Dimapur Sub-Station
and Asset-II: 1 x 5 MVA, 132/33 kV, 1-Phase
at Ziro Sub-station under Provisions of Spare
Transformers and Reactors in North Eastern
Region under Regulation 86 of Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission (Conduct
of Business) Regulations, 1999.
345. TT/22/2016 16th Power Grid Petition for determination of transmission 27.6.2016 Transmission
February, Corporation of tariff for Asset-I:132/33 kV, 50 MVA, 3-Ph Tariff
2016 India Limited ICT-1 at 132 / 33 kV Nirjuli Sub-station
(POWERGRID) (COD-14.2.2016), Asset-II:
132/ 33 kV, 50 MVA, 3-Ph ICT-II at 132/33
kV, Nirjuli Sub-station (POWERGRID)
(COD - 29.3.2016) and Asset-III: 400/220kV,
315 MVA, 3-Ph ICT-II (2nd ICT) along with
associated bays at 400/220 kV Balipara Sub-
station (POWERGRID) (COD -28.5.2016)
under “North Eastern Region Strengthening
Scheme-II (NERSS-II) Part-A” in North-
Eastern Region” for the 2014-19 tariff
period under Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Terms and Conditions of
Tariff) Regulations, 2014 and Regulation 86 of
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Conduct of Business) Regulations, 1999.
346. TT/23/2016 22nd Power Grid Petition for determination of 28.6.2016 Transmission
February, Corporation of transmission tariff of Asset I :1 X Tariff
2016 India Limited 500 MVA, 400/220/33kV ICT at
Malekuttaiayur Sub-station along with
associated bays and equipment, Asset
II: 1 X 500 MVA, 400/220/33 kV ICT
at Somanahalli Sub-station along with
associated bays and equipment and
Asset-III : 1X500 MVA, 400/220/33
kV ICT at Mysore Sub-station along
with associated bays and equipment
under System strengthening-XX" in
Southern Region from anticipated
COD to 31.3.2019 under Regulation
86 of Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Conduct of Business)
Regulations, 1999 and Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Terms and Conditions of Tariff)
Regulations, 2014.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

347. TT/24/2016 18th Power Grid Petition for approval under 23.8.2016 Transmission
February, Corporation of Regulation 86 of CERC (Conduct Tariff
2016 India Limited of Business) Regulations, 1999
and CERC (Terms and Conditions
of Tariff) Regulations, 2014 for
determination of tariff (i) truing up
transmission tariff for 2009-14 tariff
block and (ii) transmission tariff
for 2014-19 tariff block - for 400
KV D/C Chamera Pooling Station
Jalandhar transmission line alongwith
bays and line Reactor at Jalandhar
DOCO 1.4.2013 under Transmission
System for Power evacuation from
348. TT/26/2016 18th Power Grid Petition for approval under Regulation 30.6.2016 Transmission
February, Corporation of 86 of CERC (Conduct of Business) Tariff
2016 India Limited Regulations, 1999 and CERC (Terms
and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations,
2014 for determination of tariff from
DOCO to 31.3.2019 for LILO of
400 KV Kadapa-Kolar S/C line at NP
Kunta and Establishment at NP Kunta
under Transmission System for Ultra
Mega Solar Park in Anantpur District
AP Part- A (Phase-I) anticipated
DOCO 1.4.2016.
349. GT/271/2014 10th NTPC Limited Petition for revision of tariff of 27.7.2016 Generation
September, Kahalgaon Super Thermal Power Tariff
2014 Station, Stage - I, (840 MW) for the
period 1.4.2009 to 31.3.2014 after
the truing up exercise.
350. GT/270/2014 10th NTPC Limited Petition for determination of tariff 27.6.2016 Generation
September, of Simhadri Super Thermal Power Tariff
2014 Station, Stage - I (2 x 500 MW) for
the period 1.4.2014 to 31.3.2019.
351. TT/29/2016 24th Power Grid Approval of transmission tariff of Asset-I: 29.6.2016 Transmission
February, Corporation of 1 No. of 1 X 125 MVAR Bus Reactor and Tariff
2016 India Limited associated bay at 400 kV Maithon S/S,
(Anticipated COD: 30.4.2016), Asset-II:
Replacement of 1 No. of 1 X 315 MVA,
400/220 kV ICT with 1 x 500 MVA,
400/220 kV ICT (1st) at 400 kV Maithon
S/S (Anticipated COD: 30.4.2016) and
Asset-III: Replacement of 1 No. of 1X315
MVA, 400/220 kV ICT with 1x500 MVA,
400/220 kV ICT (2nd) at 400 kV Maithon
S/S (Anticipated COD: 31.5.2016) under
Transmission System for “Eastern Region
System Strengthening Scheme-IX” in
Eastern Region from actual COD to
31.3.2019 under Regulation-86 of Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Conduct of Business) Regulations,
1999 and Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Terms and Conditions of
Tariff) Regulations, 2014.

Annual Report

352. MP/30/2016 23rd Bhopal Dhule Petition for approval under Sections 6.4.2016 Misc. Petition
February, Transmission 17(3) and 17(4) of the Electricity
2016 Company Act, 2003 for creation of security
Limited interest over all the movable and
immovable assets of the petitioner
in favour security trustee/lenders
and for any subsequent transferees,
assigns, novatees thereof and any
of the lenders pursuant to Indenture
of Mortgage Agreement and other
security creating documents /
Financial Agreements and for future
way of mortgage/hypothecation /
assignment of mortgaged properties
and project Assets, for the following
transmission line - Jabalpur-Bhopal
Transmission line from Bhopal Indore
Transmission Line, Bhopal-Bhopal
400 kV DC TL Aurangabad --Dhule
400 KV/DC line and sub stations at
Dhule being implemented by Bhopal-
Dhule Transmission Company.
353. MP/34/2016 2nd March, Maheshwaram Petition for approval under Sections 6.4.2016 Misc. Petition
2016 Transmission 17 (3) & 17(4) of the Electricity Act,
Limited & SBI 2003 for creation of security interest
CAP Trustee over all the movable and immovable
Company assets of the petitioner in favour of
Limited Security Trustee/ Lenders and for
any subsequent transferees, assigns,
lenders to the project acting on
lenders pursuant to Indenture of
Mortgage Agreement and other
security creating documents/
Financial Agreements and for future
way of mortgage/ hypothecation/
assignment of Mortgaged Properties
and Project Assets, for the following
transmission lines - (i) Maheshwaram
- Mehboob Nagar 400 kV D/C Line
and (ii) Nizamabad- Yeddumailaram
(Shankarpalli) 400 kV D/C Line.
354. GT/265/2014 26th August, NHDC Limited Petition for approval of generation 31.5.2016 Generation
2014 tariff of Indira Sagar HE Project (8 X Tariff
125 MW) for the period 2014-2019.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

355. MP/36/2016 7th March, Power Grid Petition under Section 38(2) of the Electricity 19.8.2016 Misc. Petition
2016 Corporation of Act, 2003 read with Sections 79(1) (c) and
India Limited 79(1) (k) of the Act alongwith (i) CERC
(Grant of Regulatory approval for execution
of Inter-state Transmission Scheme to Central
Transmission Utility Regulations, 2010 (ii)
Regulations 111 and 114 of CERC (Conduct
of Business) Regulations, 1999 and (iii) CERC
(Sharing of inter-State Transmission Charges
and Losses) Regulations, 2010 for Grant of
Regulatory approval for execution of the
Transmission System for Ultra Mega Solar
Power Park at Tumkur (Pavagada) Karnataka.
356. RP/11/2016 in 3rd March, NTPC Limited Petition for review of order dated 25.1.2016 in 30.6.2016 Review
Petition No. 2016 Petition No.283/GT/2014. Petition
357. RP/12/2016 in 10th March, Power Grid Petition for review of order dated 22.1.2016 in 17.8.2016 Review
Petition No. 2016 Corporation of Petition No. 37/TT/2014. Petition
TT/37/2014 India Limited
358. TT/39/2016 8th March, Power Grid Petition for truing up of transmission tariff 28.6.2016 Transmission
2016 Corporation of for 2009-14 tariff period and determination Tariff
India Limited of tariff of 2014-19 Tariff Period of Asset-1:
400 kV D/C Raipur – Wardha T/L along with
FSC at Wardha under WRSS-II Set-A; Asset-2
765 kV S/C Seoni- Wardha T/L WRSSII, Set A;
(Loc 179/2) 400 kV D/C transmission line –
First ckt; Asset-II BALCO (179/2) – Vandana
(176/0) 400 kV D/C transmission line – First
ckt.; Asset-III Korba - Vandana (176/0) 400 kV
D/C transmission line – Second ckt; Asset-
IV BALCO (179/2) – Birsinghpur 400 kV
D/C transmission line – First Ckt; Asset-V
Vandana (176/0) – Birsinghpur 400 kV D/C
transmission line – Second ckt and WRSS-II,
Set D scheme of Western Region.
359. RP/13/2016 in 10th March, Power Grid Petition for review of order dated 30.12.2015 30.5.2016 Review
Petition No. 2016 Corporation of in Petition No. 616/TT/2015. Petition
TT/161/2015 India Limited
360. RP/15/2016 in 15th Power Grid Petition for review of order dated 18.12.2015 30.5.2016 Review
Petition No. February, Corporation of in Petition No. 248/TT/2013. Petition
TT/248/2013 2016 India Limited
361. GT/264/2014 26th August, NHDC Limited Petition for approval of generation tariff for 26.5.2016 Generation
2014 Omkareshwar HE Project (8 X 65 MW) for Tariff
the period 2014 - 2019.
362. SM/02/2016 14th March, Central Non-compliance of the CERC (Procedure, 8.6.2016 Suo Motu
2016 Electricity Terms and Conditions for grant of trading
Regulatory license and other related matters) Regulations,
Commission 2009.
363. SM/04/2016 15th March, Central Non-compliance of the CERC 4.7.2016 Suo Motu
2016 Electricity (Procedure, Terms and Conditions
Regulatory for grant of trading license and other
Commission related matters) Regulations, 2009.
364. RP/16/2016 in 17th March, Power Grid Petition for review of order dated 31.5.2016 Review
Petition No. 2016 Corporation of 25.1.2016 in Petition No. 272/ Petition
TT/272/2015 India Limited TT/2015.
365. RP/17/2016 in 17th March, Power Grid Petition for review of order dated 31/05/2016 Review
Petition No. 2016 Corporation of 25.1.2016 in Petition No. 253/ Petition
TT/253/2015 India Limited TT/2015.

Annual Report

366. RP/18/2016 in 17th March, Power Grid Petition for review of order dated 31.5.2016 Review
Petition No. 2016 Corporation of 25.01.2016 in Petition No. 278/ Petition
TT/278/2015 India Limited TT/2015.
367. RP/14/2016 in 15th Powergrid Petition for review of order dated 31.5.2016 Review
Petition No. February, Corporation of 31.12.2015 in Petition No. 34/ Petition
TT/34/2014 2016 India Limited TT/2014.
368. MP/46/2016 29th Essar Power Application for approval under 25.5.2016 Misc. Petition
February, Transmission Sections 17(3) and 17(4) of the
2016 Company Electricity Act, 2003.
Limited & Anr.
369. GT/259/2014 26th August, Kanti Bijli Petition for determination of tariff of 30.7.2016 Generation
2014 Utpadan Nigam Muzaffarpur Thermal Power Station Tariff
Limited Stage-I (2 X 110 MW) for the period
from 1.4.2014 to 31.3.2019.
370. TT/49/2016 21st March, Power Grid Petition for truing up of transmission tariff 20/06/2016 Transmission
2016 Corporation of for 2009-14 tariff block under Central Tariff
India Limited Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms
and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations 2009
and determination of transmission tariff
for 2014-19 tariff block under Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms
and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations 2014
for Asset A: Raipur (Existing S/S)-Raipur PS
(Durg) 400 kV D/C Transmission Line along
with associated bays; Asset B : 400 kV D/C
Raigarh PS (Near Kotra)-Raigarh (Existing) S/S
Transmission Line along with associated bays;
Asset C: 765 kV D/C Raigarh PS (Near Kotra)-
Raipur PS (Durg) Transmission Line along with
associated bays; Asset D: 765/400 kV, 1500
MVA, ICT-I with spare unit and 765 kV, 240
MVAR Bus Reactor with Spare unit at Raigarh
1.6.2013 Page 8 of 71 Order in Petition No.
162/TT/2013 Pooling Station along with
associated bays; Asset E: Part-I)-765/400 kV,
1500 MVA, ICT-II and 400 kV, 80 MVAR Bus
Reactor at Raigarh Pooling Station (Near
Kotra) along with associated Bays and Part II
765 kV, 3x80 MVAR, Shunt Reactor for 765
kV D/C Raigarh PS (Near Kotra)-Raipur PS
(Durg) Ckt-I charged as Bus Reactor along
with associated bays; Asset F: 765/400 kV, 1500
MVA, ICT with Spare unit and 765 kV, 240
MVAR Bus Reactor with Spare unit at Raipur
Pooling Station
(Durg) along with associated bays; Asset G:
765/400 kV, 1500 MVA, ICT-III at Raigarh Pooling
Station (Near Kotra) along with associated
bays; Asset H: 765/400 kV, 1500 MVA, ICT-IV
at Raigarh PS along with associated bays and
765 kV, 3 x 80 MVAR Shunt Reactor for 765
kV D/C Raigarh PS (Near Kotra)- Raipur PS
(Durg) Ckt-II charged as Bus Rector along
with associated bays under establishment of
pooling Station at Raigarh (Kotra) and Raipur
for IPP Generation Projects in Chattisgarh
in Western Region under Regulation- 86 of
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Conduct of Business) Regulations , 1999.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

371. GT/258/2014 26th August, Ratnagiri Gas Petition for determination of tariff 21.6.2016 Generation
2014 And Power of Ratnagiri Power Station (1967.08 Tariff
Private Limited MW) for the period from 1.4.2009
to 31.3.2014 after truing up exercise.
372. TT/52/2016 29th March, Power Grid Petition for truing up of transmission tariff 27/06/2016 Transmission
2016 Corporation of for 2009-14 tariff period under Central Tariff
India Limited Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms
and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2009
and determination of transmission tariff
for 2014-19 tariff period under Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms
and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2014
for Asset-I: 400/220 kV, 315 MVA ICT –I at
Fatehpur Extension, Asset-II: 400/220 kV, 315
MVA ICT –II at Fatehpur Extension, Asset-III:
LILO of Singrauli Kanpur at Fatehpur, Asset-IV:
LILO of Fatehpur (UPPCL)-Kanpur(UPPCL)
220kV D/C line at Fatehpur, Asset-V: LILO of
Allahabad-Kanpur 400 kV S/C line at Fatehpur,
Asset-VI: 765 kV Sasaram- Fatehpur S/C
Transmission line, AssetVII: LILO of Ckt- I 220
kV D/C Dehri Bodhgaya at Gaya Sub-station
and associated 220 kV line bays, Asset-VIII:
LILO of Ckt- II 220 kV D/C Dehri Bodhgaya
at Gaya Sub-station and associated 220 kV
line bays, Asset-IX: 315 MVA 400/220 kV
ICT-I at Gaya Extension, Asset-X: 315 MVA
400/220 kV ICT-II at Gaya Extension, Asset-XI:
765 kV S/C Fatehpur-Agra Transmission Line
under supplementary transmission system
under DVC and Maithon Right Bank Project
in Northern Region under Regulation 86 of
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Conduct of Business) Regulations, 1999.
373. GT/257/2014 26th NTPC Petition for approval of tariff of Bhilai 2.8.2016 Generation
August.2014 SAIL Power Expansion Power Plant (2 X 250 Tariff
Company MW) for the period from 1.4.2014
Private Limited to 31.3.2019.
374. TT/69/2016 2nd May, Power Grid Petition for approval under 22.8.2016 Transmission
2016 Corporation of Regulation 86 of CERC (Conduct Tariff
India Limited of Business Regulations), 1999
and CERC (Terms and Conditions
of Tariff) Regulations, 2014 for
determination of transmission
tariff from anticipated DOCO to
31.3.2019 for 10 nos of assets
under Eastern Region Strengthening
Scheme of ERSS-XII.
375. GT/250/2014 26th August, NHPC Limited Petition for approval of tariff for the 22.7.2016 Generation
2014 period 2014 2019 in respect of Uri-II Tariff
Power Station.

Annual Report

376. TT/244/2014 24th August, Power Grid Petition for determination of 26.4.2016 Transmission
2014 Corporation of transmission tariff of Asset I: 4 x Tariff
India Limited 500 MVA, 765/400 kV ICT-2 with
one spare unit at Jabalpur 765/400
KV PS, Asset II: 3 x 80 MVAR,
765 KV Line Reactor to be used
as Bus Reactor at Jabalpur PS for
Dharamjaygarh ckt.#1, Asset III: 765
KV, 3 x 110 MVAR, Bus Reactor-1
at Dharamjaygarh Substation along
with associated bays and LILO of
765 KV S/C Ranchi-WR Pooling
Station (near Sipat) transmission
line at Dharamjaygarh, Asset-IV:
765, 3 x 110 MVAR Bus Reactor-2
at Dharamjaygarh Sub-station along
with associated bays, Asset V: 765
KV D/C Jharsuguda Pooling Station-
Dharamjaygarh (near Korba) Line
under “Transmission System for
Phase-I Generation Projects in
Orissa (Part-B)” in Western Region
for 2014-19 tariff period under
Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Terms and Conditions
of Tariff) Regulations, 2014 for under
Regulation 86 of Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Conduct of
Business) Regulations, 1999.
377. TT/242/2014 24th August, Power Grid Petition for determination of 28.4.2016 Transmission
2014 Corporation of transmission tariff of (A) 1 x 125 Tariff
India Limited MVAR Bus Reactor at 400 kV
Damoh Sub-station (B) 1x125 MVAR
Bus Reactor at 400 kV Bachau
Sub-station (C) 1x125 MVAR Bus
Reactor at 400 kV Pirana Sub-station
(D) 1x125 MVAR Bus Reactor-1 at
400 kV Itarsi Sub-station (E) 1x125
MVAR Bus Reactor-2 at 400 kV
Itarsi Sub-station, (F) 1x125 MVAR
Bus Reactor at 400 kV Gwalior
Sub-station under installation
of Reactors (Part-II) in Western
Region for 2014-19 tariff block
under Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Terms and Conditions
of Tariff) Regulations, 2014 and under
Regulation 86 of Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Conduct of
Business) Regulations, 1999.
378. GT/238/2014 24th August, NHPC Limited Petition for truing up of capital 13.7.2016 Generation
2014 expenditure for the period 2009- Tariff
2014 in respect of Uri Power Station.
379. GT/234/2014 24th August, NHPC Limited Petition for truing up of capital 16.8.2016 Generation
2014 expenditure for the period 2009-14 Tariff
and tariff for 2014-19 in respect of
Teesta- V Power Station.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

380. MP/65/2016 28th April, Ind Barath Petition under 4th proviso to Regulation 31.5.2016 Misc. Petition
2016 Energy Utkal 8 (7) of Central Electricity Regulatory
Limited Commission (Grant of Connectivity, Long
Term Access and Medium Term Access
in inter-State transmission and related
matters) Regulations, 2009 read with
Section 79(1) (c) of the Electricity Act
for extension of time for achievement of
commercial operation of Unit I 350 MW
of the project.
381. TL/67/2016 2nd May, Odisha Petition for transmission licence under 30.6.2016 Transmission
2016 Generation Section 14 read with Section 15 (1) Licence
Phase II of the Electricity Act, 2003 for grant
Transmission of transmission license to Odisha
Limited Generation Phase II Transmission
382. ADP/66/2016 28th April, Odisha Petition for determination of 31.5.2016 Adoption of
2016 Generation transmission tariff under Section 63 of Tariff
Phase II the Electricity Act, 2003 for adoption
Transmission of transmission charges with respect to
Limited Transmission System being established by
Odisha Generation Phase II Transmission
383. MP/62/2016 28th March, Essar Power Application for extension of time for 22.4.2016 Misc. Petition
2016 MP Limited liquidating the outstanding in relation to
UI charges payable by Essar Power MP
384. MP/75/2016 5th May, Pan India Application for downgrading the inter- 4.7.2016 Misc. Petition
/2016 Network state Trading license of Pan India Network
Infravest Infravest Limited from Category I to
Limited Category IV.
385. TDL/63/2016 22nd March, Cleantech Application for grant of Category-I Inter- 29.8.2016 Trading
2016 Solar Energy State trading license to Cleantech Solar Licence
(India) Private Energy (India) Private Limited
386. MP/70/2016 2nd May, Jabalpur Petition for security creation for 15.7.2016 Misc. Petition
2016 Transmission approval under section 17(3) and
Company 17(4) of the Electricity Act 2003,
Limited & Anr. for creation of security interest
over all the movable and immovable
assets of the petitioner in favour of
security trustee/ lenders and for
any subsequent transferees, assigns,
lenders to the project, acting on
lenders pursuant to Indenture of
Mortgage Agreement and other
security creating documents/
Financial Agreements and for future
way of mortgage/hypothecation/
assignment of Mortgaged Properties
and Project Assets, for the following
transmission lines (i) Dhramjaygarh
Jabalpur Pool 765 kV 1 x D/C Line
and (ii) Jabalpur Pool Bina 765 kV S/C

Annual Report

387. TT/32/2016 29th Power Grid Petition for truing up of transmission tariff 20.6.2016 Transmission
February, Corporation of for 2009-14 tariff block under Central Tariff
2016 India Limited Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Terms and Conditions of Tariff)
Regulations, 2009 and determination
of transmission tariff for 2014-19
tariff block under Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Terms and
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2014
for Asset-I 765 kV, 240 (3*80) MVAR Bus
Reactor II along with associated bays at
765/400 kV Balia sub-station; Asset-II 765
kV 330 MVAR (3*110) Bus Reactor along
with associated bays at 765/400/220 kV
Fatehpur sub-station ;Asset-III 765 kV
3*80 MVAR Bus Reactor at Lucknow
along with associated bays ;Asset-IV
400 kV 125 MVAR Bus Reactor III along
with associated bays at 765/400 KV Agra
(Augmentation) sub-station ;Asset-V
400 kV 125 MVAR Bus Reactor II along
with associated bays at 765/400 KV Agra
(Augmentation) sub-station ;Asset-VI
400 kV 125 MVAR Bus Reactor III at
Ballia sub-station along with associated
bays(Augmentation of 400 KV to 765
kV) under common scheme for 765 kV
Pooling station and Network for NR,
import by NR from ER and common
scheme for network for WR and import
by WR from ER and from NER/SR/
WR via ER in Northern Region under
Regulation 86 of Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Conduct of
Business) Regulations, 1999.
388. TT/68/2016 2nd May, Power Grid Petition for approval of transmission 29.7.2016 Transmission
2016 Corporation of tariff for Assets (4 nos.) under "Transfer Tariff
India Limited of power from Generation Projects in
Sikkim to NR/WR Part-B " in Eastern
Region under Regulation 86 of Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Conduct and Business) Regulation,
1999 and Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Terms and Conditions of
Tariff) Regulation, 2014 from COD to
389. TT/90/2016 13th June, Power Grid Petition for determination of 29.7.2016 Transmission
2016 Corporation of transmission tariff for 400 kV D/C Tariff
India Limited Ranchi – Chandwa – Gaya line
alongwith associated bays at Ranchi,
Chandwa (GIS) and Gaya Sub-
stations and 2 X 125 MVAR 400 kV
Bus Reactor alongwith associated
bays at Chandwa (GIS) under
“Transmission System for Phase-I
Generation Projects in Jharkhand
and West Bengal Part A1” in Eastern
Region for 2014-19 Tariff period.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

390. TT/78/2016 19th May, Power Grid Petition for truing up of transmission 16.6.2016 Transmission
2016 Corporation of tariff for 2009-14 tariff period under Tariff
India Limited Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Terms and Conditions
of Tariff) Regulations, 2009 and
determination of transmission tariff
for 2014-19 tariff period under
Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Terms and Conditions
of Tariff) Regulations, 2014 for 8
nos. of transmission assets under
“Pallatana Gas Based Power Projects
and Bongaigaon TPS Projects”
in North Eastern Region under
Regulation 86 of Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Conduct of
Business) Regulations, 1999.
391. TT/75/2015 6th February, Essar Power Petition for approval of transmission 17.6.2016 Transmission
2015 Transmission tariff for control period from 2014- Tariff
Company 15 to 2018-19 for combined assets
Limited. of LILO of 400 kV S/C Vindyachal-
Korba transmission line; 400 kV
D/C Gandhar Hazira transmission
line; and 400/220 kV GIS Sub-station
at Hazira (Stage-I of transmission
assets of Essar Power Transmission
Company Limited) under Regulation
86 of Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Conduct of Business)
Regulations, 1999 and Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Terms and Conditions of Tariff)
Regulations, 2014.
392. RP/22/2016 in 6th June, Power Grid Petition for review of order dated 29.6.2016 Review
TT/106/2014 2016 Corporation of 21.12.2015 in Petition No. 106/ Petition
India Limited TT/2014.

393. SM/3/2016 16th March, Central Determination of Generic levelised 29.4.2016 Suo Motu
Regulatory 2016-17 under Regulation of 8 of
Commission CERC(Terms and Conditions) for
(CERC) tariff determination for renewal
sources Regulations, 2012.
394. SM/06/2016 3rd May, Central Non-compliance of the CERC 27.6.2016 Suo Motu
2016 Electricity (Procedure, Terms and Conditions
Regulatory for grant of trading licence and other
Commission related matters) Regulations, 2009.
395. SM/7/2016 3rd May, Central Non-compliance of the CERC 13.7.2016 Suo Motu
2016 Electricity (Procedure, Terms and Conditions
Regulatory for grant of trading licence and other
Commission related matters) Regulations, 2009.
396. GT/233/2014 24th August, NHPC Limited Petition for truing up of capital 17.6.2016 Generation
2014 expenditure for the period 2009- Tariff
2014 in respect of Chamera-II Power

Annual Report

397. AT/112/2016 14th July, Warora – Petition under Section 63 of the 30.8.2016 Adoption of
2016 Kurnool Electricity Act, 2003 for adoption of Tariff
Transmission transmission charges with respect to
Limited the Transmission System established
by Warora-Kurnool Transmission
398. SM/8/2016 6th May, Central Check list in respect of tariff petitions 6.5.2016 Suo Motu
2016 Electricity for 2014-19.
399. GT/231/2014 24th August, NHPC Limited Petition for truing up of capital 30.8.2016 Generation
2014 expenditure for the period 2009-14 Tariff
and 19 in respect of Dulhasti Power
400. MP/79/2016 25th May, Maruti Clean Petition under Section 79 (1) (c) and 9.8.2016 Misc.
2016 Coal and 79 (1) (k) read along with section 79 Petition
Power Limited (1) (f) of the Electricity Act, 2003 read
with Regulation 12(6) of the CERC
(Sharing of inter-State transmission
charges and losses) Regulations,
2010 alongwith Regulation 111
and Regulation 115 of the CERC
(Conduct of Business) Regulations,
1999 and Clause 3.5.6 of the Billing,
Collection and Disbursement (BCD)
Procedure under the CERC (Sharing
of Inter State Transmission Charges
and Losses) Regulations, 2010 read
with Regulation 2(1)(i) of the CERC
(Payment of Fees) Regulations, 2012.
401. TT/92/2016 13th June, Power Grid Petition for determination of 28.7.2016 Transmission
2016 Corporation of transmission tariff for 2019 for Tariff
India Limited LILO of Gladni — Hiranagar 220
kV S/C line at 400/220 kV Samba
(POWERGRID) Sub-station (the
lines are to be terminated at existing
220 kV line bays at samba Substation)
under "Northern Region System
Strengthening Scheme —XXXIV
(NRSS-XXXIV) for the 2014-19 tariff
period under Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Terms and
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations,
2014 and Regulation 86 of Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Conduct of Business) Regulations,
402. MP/87/2016 8th June, Raipur Petition for approval under Sections 28.7.2016 Misc.
2016 Rajnandgaon 17(3) & 17(4) of Electricity Act, Petition
Warora 2003 for Assignment of Licence
Transmission by way for creation of security
Limited & Anr. interest in favour of Security Trustee/
Lenders and other security creating
documents / Financial Agreements
by way of mortgage / hypothecation
/ assignment of mortgage properties
and project assets of Raipur-
Rajnandgaon-Warora Transmission

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

403. MP/83/2016 31st May, M.P. Power Petition under Section 79 of the 3.6.2016 Misc.
2016 Management Electricity Act, 2003 read with Article Petition
Co. Ltd. 17 of Power Purchase Agreement
dated 7.8.2007 between Sasan Power
Limited and the petitioner.
404. GT/219/2014 24th August, NTPC Limited Petition for revision of tariff of 8.8.2016 Generation
2014 Ramagundam Super Thermal Power Tariff
Station, Stage-III for the period from
1.4.2009 to 31.3.2014 after truing up
405. MP/93/2016 14th June, Haryana Power Petition under Section 79 of the 16.6.2016 Misc.
2016 Purchase Electricity Act, 2003 read with Article Petition
Centre 17 of the Power Purchase Agreement
dated 7.8.2007 between Sasan
Power Limited and the MP Power
Management Company Limited
and Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Regulation of Power
Supply) Regulations, 2010.
406. GT/217/2014 24th August, NTPC Limited Petition for revision of tariff of 27.6.2016 Generation
2014 Ramagundam Super Thermal Power Tariff
Station, Stage-I & II (2100 MW) from
1.4.2009 to 31.3.2014 after truing up
407. GT/207/2014 14th August, NTPC Limited Petition under Section 62 and 79 20.7.2016 Generation
2014 (i) (a) of the Electricity Act, 2003 Tariff
read with Chapter-V of the CERC
(Conduct of Business) Regulations,
1999 for revision of tariff of Talcher
Super Thermal Power Station Stage
- I, (1000 MW) from 1.4.2009 to
31.3.2014 after truing up exercise.
408. SM/9/2016 17th June, Central Operation of 24 X 7 Round the 17.6.2016 Suo Motu
2016 Electricity Clock Intra-day/Contingency Market
Regulatory (Extended Market Session) on the
Commission ( Power Exchange.
409. RP/24/2016 in 5th July, 2016 Power Grid Petition for review of order dated 26.8.2016 Review
Petition No. Corporation of 29.4.2016 in Petition No. 58/ Petition
TT/58/2015 India Limited TT/2015.
410. TT/201/2014 10th August, Power Grid Petition for determination of 23.5.2016 Transmission
2014 Corporation of transmission tariff for 2014-19 tariff Tariff
India Limited block for 765 kV S/C Satna - Gwalior
ckt. 2 Transmission Line along with
associated bays and respective line
reactor at Satna & Gwalior Sub-
Station under Vindhyachal IV &
Rihand III (1000 MW)(Group-3)
Generation Project under Regulation
86 of Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Conduct of Business)
Regulations, 1999 and Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Terms and Conditions of Tariff)
Regulations, 2014.

Annual Report

411. TT/102/2016 4th July, 2016 Power Grid Petition for approval under Regulation-86 of 25.7.2016 Transmission
Corporation of Central Electricity Regulatory Commission Tariff
India Limited (Conduct of Business) Regulations 1999,
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Terms and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations
2009 and Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Terms and Conditions of
Tariff) Regulations 2014 for determination
of (i) truing up transmission tariff for
2009-14 tariff block and (ii) transmission
tariff for 2014-19 tariff block for (a) LILO
of both circuit of 400 kV D/C, Gazuwaka-
Vijayawada line at Vemagiri and (b) Extension
of 400/220 kV substation at Vijayawada
under System Strengthening-VI of Southern
Region Grid in Southern Region.
412. TT/185/2014 1st August, Power Grid Petition for determination of 29.4.2016 Transmission
2014 Corporation of transmission tariff of Asset 1 : Tariff
India Aurangabad (MSETCL)-Aurangabad
Limited (PG) 400 kV D/C (Quad) Line
(Ckt#1) and shifting of 400 kV D/C
Akola-Aurangabad (MSETCL) line
to Aurangabad (PG) along with
associated bays at both ends. Asset 2:
Aurangabad (MSETCL) - Aurangabad
(PG) 400 kV D/C Akola- Aurangabad
(MSETCL) line to Aurangabad (PG)
along with associated bays at both
ends. Asset-3: 240 MVAR Switchable
Line reactor for 765 kV Seoni-
Wardha Ckt#1 at Seoni Sub-station,
Asset-4: 240 MVAR Switchable Line
reactor for 765 kV Seoni- Wardha
ckt#2 at Seoni- Wardha Ckt#2 at
Seoni Sub-station. Asset-5: 400 kV
D/C Vapi-Kala transmission line WR1
portion from AP 38- AP 44-AP45A/0
(Part of 400 kV D/C Navsari- Boisar
transmission line), Asset-6: 80 MVAR
Line reactor for 400 kV D/C Wardha-
Aurangabad transmission line Ckt#1
to be charged as bus reactor 1 at
400/220 kV Wardha Sub-station,
Asset-7: 80 MVAR Line reactor for
400 kV D/C Wardha- Aurangabad
transmission line Ckt#2 to be
charged as bus reactor 1 at 400/220
kV Wardha Sub-station under
transmission system associated with
Mundra Ultra Mega Power Project
(UMPP) in Western Region for 2014-
19 tariff period.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

413. TT/180/2014 25th July, Power Grid Petition for truing up of transmission 18.4.2016 Transmission
2014 Corporation of tariff for 2009-14 tariff period under Tariff
India Limited Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Terms and Conditions
of Tariff) Regulations, 2009 and
determination of transmission tariff
for 2014-19 tariff period under
Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Terms and Conditions
of Tariff) Regulations, 2014 for
Additional Converter Transformer
(Spare) for Rihand-Dadri Bi-pole, in
Northern Region under Regulation
86 of Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Conduct of Business)
Regulations, 1999.
414. MP/103/2016 4th July, 2016 NRSSXXIX Petition for approval under Sections 27.7.2016 Misc. Petition
Transmission 17(3) & 17(4) of Electricity Act, 2003
Company for creation of security interest over
Limited & Anr. all the movable and immovable assets
of the Petitioner in favour of Security
Trustee/ Lenders and for any subsequent
transferees, assigns, novatees thereof and
of the lenders pursuant to Indenture
of Mortgage Agreement and other
security creating documents/Financial
transactions also, by way of mortgage/
hypothecation/assignment of Mortgaged
Properties and Project Assets, for the
following transmission lines (i) Jullandhar
Samba 400 kV D/C Line and (ii) LILO
of both circuits of Uri Wagoora 400 kV
D/C line at Amargarh (on multi-circuit
towers) (iii) Samba - Amargarh 400 kV
D/c routed through Akhnoor/ Rajouri
(iv) II. sub-station establishment of 7 x
105 MVA (1 ph units), with 400/220 kV
GIS sub-station at Amargarh.
415. TT/139/2014 10th July, Power Grid Petition for determination of transmission 12.4.2016 Transmission
2014 Corporation of tariff from COD to 31.3.2019 for Fibre Tariff
India Limited Optic communication system (847.124 km)
in lieu of existing United Load Despatch and
Communication (ULDC) Microwave Links in
Northern Region.
416. MP/135/2014 10th July, NTPC Limited Petition under section 79(1) (c) 29.6.2016 Misc. Petition
2014 of the Electricity Act, 2003 and
Regulation 32 of the CERC (Grant
of Connectivity, Long Term Access
and Medium- Term Open Access in
inter-State transmission and related
matters) Regulations, 2009 for
Faridabad Solar PV (5MW).

Annual Report

417. MP/109/2016 13th July, Chhattisgarh Petition for approval under Section 16/08/2016 Misc. Petition
2016 WR 17 (3) and (4) of the Electricity
Transmission Act, 2003 for assignment of license
Limited by way for creation of security
interest in favour of Security Trustee/
Lenders and other security creating
documents/Financial Agreement by
way of mortgage/hypothecation/
assignment of mortgage properties
and project assets of Chatttisgarh-
WR Transmission Limited.
418. TT/127/2014 30th June, Power Grid Petition for approval of transmission tariff 29.7.2016 Transmission
2014 Corporation of from COD to 31.3.2019 for LILO of both Tariff
India Limited circuits of Tuticorin JV - Madurai 400kV
D/C (Quad) line at Tuticorin Pooling Station
along with new 765 kV Pooling Station at
Tuticorin(initially charged at 4Q0 kV)
including 1X80 MVAR, 400 kV Bus Reactor
under Transmission System associated with
Common System Associated with Coastal
Energen Private Limited & Ind-Bharat
Power (Madras) Limited LTOA Generation
Projects in Tuticorin Area - PART-A in
Southern Region.
419. SM/10/2014 20th June, Central Non-Compliance of Regulation 8 30.6.2016 Suo Motu
2014 Electricity (6) of Central Electricity Regulatory
Regulatory Commission (Sharing of inter -State
Commission Transmission Charges and Losses)
Regulations, 2010.
420. SM/09/2014 20th June, Central Investigation of load crash in 14.6.2016 Suo Motu
2014 Electricity Northern Region on 30.05.2014
421. TT/119/2014 19th June, H.P. Power Petition for determination of tariff in 16.5.2016 Transmission
2014 Transmission respect of H.P. Power Transmission Tariff
Corporation Corporation Limited owned transmission
Limited. lines/system connecting with other
states and intervening transmission lines
incidental to inter-State transmission of
electricity as per the Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission’s order dated
14.3.2012 in Petition No.15/Suo-
Moto/2012, for inclusion in POC charges
in accordance with Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Terms and
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2009.
422. RC/140/2016 23rd August, Powergrid Parli Regulatory Compliance application 29.8.2016 Regulatory
2016 Transmission under CERC (Conduct of Business) Compliance
Limited Regulations, 1999 for change of name of
inter-State transmission license of
Gadarwara (B) Transmission Limited to
Powergrid Parli Transmission Limited.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

423. TT/117/2014 16th June, Powergrid Petition for determination of transmission 26.5.2016 Transmission
2014 Corporation of tariff for Asset 1: 400 kV, 125 MVAR bus Tariff
India Limited reactor at Raipur Sub-station,Asset 2: 400 kV,
125 MVAR bus reactor at Seoni Substation,
Asset 3: 400 kV, 63 MVAR line reactor at
Raipur sub-station under “Installation of
Reactors (Part-II) in Western Region” for
the 2014-19 tariff period under Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms
and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2014
and Regulation 86 of Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Conduct of
Business) Regulations, 1999.
424. TT/116/2014 16th June, Powergrid Petition for determination of transmission 29.4.2016 Transmission
2014 Corporation of tariff of Asset 1: 420 kV, 125 MVAR Bus Tariff
India Limited Reactor at Jabalpur sub-station, Asset 2: 420
kV, 125 MVAR Bus Reactor at Khandawa
Sub-station, Asset 3: 420 kV, 125 MVAR
Bus Reactor at Bhatapara Sub-station,
Asset 4: 420kV, 125 MVAR Bus Reactor
at Raigarh Sub-station, Asset 5: 420kV, 80
MVAR Switchable Line Reactor at Solapur
Substation, Asset 6: 420 kV, 125 MVAR Bus
Reactor at Aurangabad Sub-station under
“Installation of reactors in Western Region”
in Western Region for 2014-19 tariff period.
425. TT/115/2014 13th June, Powergrid Petition for determination of transmission 27.4.2016 Transmission
2014 Corporation of tariff of (A) 765 kV, 240 MVAR Switchable Tariff
India Limited Line Reactor of 765 kV D/C Aurangabad-
Padghe Line Ckt-I to be charged as Bus
Reactor at Aurangabad -substation and
(B) 765 kV, 240 MVAR Switchable Line
Reactor of 765 kV D/C Aurangabad-Padghe
Line Ckt-II to be charged as Bus Reactor
at Aurangabad Sub-station under “System
Strengthening in North/West part of WR
for IPP Projects in Chhattisgarh (IPP-E)” in
Western Region for 2014-19 tariff block.
426. TT/110/2014 4th June, Powergrid Petition for determination of 29.4.2016 Transmission
2014 Corporation of transmission tariff for 2 x 315, Tariff
India Limited 400/220 kV GIS Sub-station at
Kala in UT of D & NH & LILO of
one circuit of 400 kV D/C Vapi-
Navi Mumbai Transmission Line
at Kala Sub-station (multi-circuit
tower) (Interim Contingency
Arrangement),under Transmission
System for establishment of 400/220
kV GIS Substation at Kala in UT
of D&NH in Western Region for
2014-19 tariff block under Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Terms and Conditions of Tariff)
Regulations, 2014 for Regulation 86
of Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Conduct of Business)
Regulations, 1999

Annual Report

427. MP/119/2016 28th July, Nuclear Power Petition for anticipated delay in 19.8.2016 Misc. Petition
2016 Corporation of synchronization of unit-2 of 2 x 1000
India Limited MW Kundankulam Nuclear Power
Project (KKNPP-2) of Nuclear Power
Corporation of India Limited.
428. TT/109/2014 4th June, Powergrid Petition for determination of 23.5.2016 Transmission
2014 Corporation of transmission tariff from DOCO to Tariff
India Limited 31.3.2019 for Assets-I: 400/220 KV 1 X
500 MVA transformer at Navasari sub-
station, Asset-2 2 nos. 400 KV line bays
at 765/400 KV Indore sub-station, Asset
3 : 2 nos. 220 KV line bays at 400/220 KV
Pirana sub-station under Augmentation
of Transformer and Bays in WR.
429. TT/108/2014 4th June, Powergrid Petition for approval of transmission 31.5.2016 Transmission
2014 Corporation of tariff for Asset-I: consisting of Nellore- Tariff
India Limited Thiruvalam 400 kV D/C Quad line,
Extension of 400/220 kV sub-station at
Nellore, Extension of 400/220 kV sub-
station at Thiruvalam and 1x50 MVAR
line reactor at both ends of each circuit
of Nellore-Thiruvalam 400 kV Quad line
along with 450 ohms NGR and Asset-II:
ThiruvalamMelakottaiyur 400 kV D/C line
along with bay extensions at Thiruvalam
and Melakottaiyur Sub-stations “under
Transmission system associated with
System Strengthening XVIII in Southern
Regional Grid” in Southern Region.
430. TT/107/2014 2nd June, Powergrid Petition for approval of transmission 25.4.2016 Transmission
2014 Corporation of charges for Asset I: 765 kV S/C Bareilly- Tariff
India Limited Lucknow Transmission Line at 400 kV
level and Asset II: One Circuit of 400
kV D/C Bareilly (New) Bareilly (New)
Bareilly (Existing) Transmission Line
in Northern Region under "Northern
Region System Strengthening Scheme
XXI" for tariff block 2014-19 under
Regulation 86 of Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Conduct
of Business) Tariff Regulations, 1999
and Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Terms and Conditions of
Tariff) Regulations, 2014.
431. MP/118/2016 28th July, SKS Power Petition under Regulation 8 of CERC 29.7.2016 Misc. Petition
2016 Generation (Grant of Connectivity, Long Term Access
(Chhattisgarh) and Medium Term Open Access in inter-
Limited State Transmission and related matters)
2009 as amended till date seeking
permission of the Commission to allow
extension of the period for withdrawal
power for commissioning and testing
including full load testing of Unit No. I
(300 MW) of ( 4 X 300MW) Binjkot TPP
of SKS Power Generation (Chhattisgarh)
Limited, beyond six months from
expected initial synchronization date of
30th September, 2016.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

432. TT/104/2014 30th May, Powergrid Petition for determination of 29.4.2016 Transmission
2014 Corporation of transmission tariff for 2019 for Tariff
India Limited Asset 1: 765 KV 3 X 110 MVAR
Bus Reactor at Wardha Sub-Station,
Asset 2: 3 x 110 MVAR Line Reactor
for 765 kV D/C Raipur-Wardha Line
1 Ckt#1 charged as Bus Reactor at
Wardha Substation, Asset 3A: 765 kV
D/C Raipur Pooling Station-Wardha
line-I Transmission Line, Asset 3B:
765 KV 240 MVAR Switchable Line
Reactor of Wardha I bay at Raipur
Pooling Station (Charged as a Bus
Reactor), Asset 3C: 765 KV 240
MVAR Switchable Line Reactor of
Wardha II bay at Raipur Pooling
Station (Charged as a Bus Reactor)
under “Integration of Pooling
Stations in Chhattisgarh with central
part of WR for IPP generation
projects in Chhattisgarh” in Western
Region for the 2014-19 tariff period
under Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Terms and Conditions
of Tariff) Regulations, 2014 and
Regulation 86 of Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Conduct of
Business) Regulations, 1999.
433. MP/103/2014 30th May, Maharashtra Petition under Section 79 (1) (c), 5.4.2016 Misc. Petition
2014 State Electricity (f) and (k) of the Electricity Act,
Transmission 2003 read with the CERC (Conduct
Company of Business) Regulations, 1999 for
Limited keeping in abeyance the ongoing
trial operation of the incomplete SR
Synchronization [synchronization of
SR Grid with NEW Grid over 765
KV Raichur (SR)- Sholapur (WR)
-1 * S/C lines] till the satisfactory
resolution of all concerns arising
out of the trial run of the SR
Synchronization and serious issues
causing major grid disruption.
434. MP/134/2016 17th August, Ind Barath Petition under 4th Proviso to 30.8.2016 Misc. Petition
2016 Energy Utkal Regulation 8 (7) of Central Electricity
Limited Regulatory Commission (Grant
of Connectivity, Long Term Access
and Medium Term Open Access in
inter-State transmission and related
matters) Regulations, 2009 read with
Section 79 (1) (c) of the Electricity
Act, 2003 for the extension of time
to complete dedicated 400 KV
transmission line and evacuation of
power through the existing LILO till

Annual Report

435. TT/100/2014 27th May, Powergrid Petition for approval under the 29.4.2016 Transmission
2014 Corporation of Regulation 4 (3) (ii) of Central Tariff
India Limited Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Terms and Conditions of Tariff)
Regulations 2014 and Regulation
24 of Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Conduct of Business)
Regulations 1999 for commissioning
date and (ii) Approval under
Regulation 86 of Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Conduct
of Business) Regulations 1999 and
Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Terms and Conditions
determination of transmission tariff
from COD to 31.3.2019 for Asset
A: LILO of 400 kV S/C Bhiwadi-
Bassi TL at Kotputli Sub-station and
Asset B: 315 MVA 400/220 kV ICT-I
&II with 06 no 220 kV Line Bays at
Kotputli S/S under Northern Region
System Strengthening Scheme-XV in
Northern Region.
436. TT/99/2014 27th May, Powergrid Petition for determination of 29.4.2016 Transmission
2014 Corporation of transmission tariff from 1.4.2014 to Tariff
India Limited 31.3.2019 for 400/220 KV, 315 MVA
ICT-II alongwith associated Bays at
Hamirpur S/S in Northern Region.
437. MP/98/2014 27th May, Shyam Century Petition under Section 79 (1) (c) 30.6.2016 Misc. Petition
2014 Ferrous & read with Regulations 17,18& 26 of
Others the CERC (Open Access in inter-
State Transmission) Regulations,
2008 and Regulation 5 of the CERC
(Deviation Settlement Mechanism
and related matters) Regulations,
2014 (and appropriate corresponding
regulations earlier).
438. MP/91/2014 19th May, The Southern Petition under Section 79 of the 13.7.2016 Misc. Petition
2014 India Mills Electricity Act, 2003 read with clause
Association 5.2 of the operating code under the
Indian Electricity Grid Code and
Regulations 12 and 13 of the Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Unscheduled Interchange Charges
and related matters) Regulations,
2009; Regulations 7(1) and (2), 12, 13
of the Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Deviation Settlement
Mechanism And Related Matters)
Regulations, 2014 and Regulations
111, 114 and 115 of the Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Conduct of Business) Regulations,

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

439. MP/084/2014 12th May, Sasan Power Petition under Section 79 of the 9.6.2016 Misc. Petition
2014 Limited Electricity Act, 2003 read with statutory
framework governing procurement of
power through competitive bidding
and Article 17 of the Power Purchase
Agreement dated 7.8.2007 executed
between Sasan Power Limited and the
procurers for recovery of amounts
claimed by Sasan Power Limited in terms
of monthly bills.
440. MP/62/2014 31st May, India Bulls Petition for revision of the mechanism 25.5.2016 Misc. Petition
2014 Power Limited for calculating the escalation rates for
domestic coal published by the Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission for
the purpose of tariff payment in a PPA
under Case-I bidding process.
441. TT/46/2014 28th Powergrid Petition for determination of 29.7.2016 Transmission
February, Corporation of transmission tariff of Assets (05 nos) Tariff
2014 India Limited under Common Scheme for 765 KV
Pooling Stations and Network for NR,
import by NR from ER and from NER/
SR/WR via ER and Common Scheme for
network for WR and Import by WR from
ER and from NER/SR/WR via ER in WR
for tariff block 2009-14.
442. TT/44/2014 28th Powergrid Petition for determination of transmission 18.4.2016 Transmission
February, Corporation of tariff for 2009-14 tariff period under Tariff
2014 India Limited Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Terms and Conditions of
Tariff) Regulations, 2014 for Asset-I 3 x
80 MVAR line reactor with associated
bays at Gwalior Substation used as bus
reactor till commissioning of 765 kV
Bina-Gwalior ckt-3, Asset-II 3 x 80 MVAR
line reactor with associated bays at Bina
Sub-station to be used as bus reactor
till commissioning of 765 kV S/C Bina-
Gwalior till commissioning of 765 kV
Bina-Gwalior Ckt-3, Asset-III 765 kV S/C
Bina-Gwalior Ckt-3 under “Transmission
System for Phase-I Generation Projects
in Orissa Part-C” in Western Region
under Regulation 86 of Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Conduct of
Business) Regulations, 1999.
443. TT/36/2014 25th Powergrid Petition for determination of transmission 31.5.2016 Transmission
February, Corporation of tariff for LILO of one circuit of Neyveli- Tariff
2014 India Limited Trichy 400 kV line at Nagapattinam Pooling
Station for initial arrangement which later
shall be bypassed under Transmission System
associated with Common Transmission
Scheme associated with ISGS Projects in
Nagapattinam/Cuddalore Area of Tamil Nadu
Part-A1(a) in Southern Region for tariff block

Annual Report

444. MP/32/2014 24th East North Petition under Sections 61, 63 and 79 of the 24.8.2016 Misc. Petition
February, InterconnectionElectricity Act, 2003 read with the statutory
2014 Company framework for tariff-based competitive
Limited bidding for transmission service of 400 kV
D/C quad transmission line from Bongaigaon-
Siliguri and 400 kV D/C quad transmission line
from Purnia-Biharsharif being implemented by
East-North Interconnection Company Ltd.
445. TT/22/2014 11th Powergrid Petition for determination of transmission 27.5.2016 Transmission
February, Corporation of tariff from COD to 31.3.2019 for Fibre Tariff
2014 India Limited Optic Communication System (847.124 km)
in lieu of existing United Load Despatch and
Communication (ULDC) Microwave Links
(Part-II) in Northern Region.
446. TT/20/2014 7th February, Powerlinks Petition for truing-up of annual transmission 23.5.2016 Transmission
2014 Transmission charges for the period FY 2009-13 and Tariff
Limited Revised Estimates of FY 2013-14 for (i) 400
kV D/C Gorakhpur-Lucknow transmission
line, and (ii) 400 kV D/C Bareilly-Mandola
transmission line in Northern Region
associated with Tala Hydro Electric Projects,
East North Interconnector and Northern
Region Transmission System of Powerlinks
Transmission Ltd.
447. TT/19/2014 7th February, Powerlinks Petition for truing-up of annual transmission 16.5.201TT6 Transmission
2014 Transmission charges for the period FY 2009-13 and Tariff
Limited Revised Estimates of FY 2013-14 for (i) 400 kV
D/C Siliguri-Purnea transmission line, (ii) 400
kV D/C Purnea-Muzaffarpur transmission line,
and (iii) 220 kV D/C Muzaffarpur (PGCIL)-
Muzaffarpur (BSEB) transmission line in
Eastern Region, associated with Tala Hydro
Electric Project, East-North Inter-Connector
and Northern Region Transmission System of
Powerlinks Transmission Ltd.
448. TT/18/2014 7th February, Powerlinks Petition for truing-up of annual 6.5.2016 Transmission
2014 Transmission transmission charges for the period Tariff
Limited FY 2009-13 and Revised Estimates
of FY 2013-14 for 400 kV D/C
Muzaffarpur-Gorakhpur transmission
line in Eastern-Northern Inter-
Region associated with Tala Hydro
Electric Project, East-North Inter-
Connector and Northern Region
Transmission System of Powerlinks
Transmission Ltd.
449. TT/17/2014 7th February, Powergrid Petition for approval for determination 31.5.2016 Transmission
2014 Corporation of of Fees and Charges for Fibre Optic Tariff
India Limited Communication System in lieu of
Communication (ULDC) Microwave
links in North Eastern Region for the
period 2009-14 block.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

450. MP/04/2014 17th January, Kerala State Petition under Section 79(f) of the 29.7.2016 Misc. Petition
2014 Electricity Electricity Act, 2003 for adjudicating
Board Limited the dispute on the 'Arbitrary Denial
of Open Access on the power tied up
with GRIDCO by the constituents in
the Southern-S2 Region' and 'Arbitrary
denial of URS power and STOA by
SRLDC on apprehended system security
concerns violating the prudent utility
practices resulting in under utilization of
generation and transmission assets'.
451. MP/319/2013 7th Tata Power Petition seeking a declaration that COD 18.4.2016 Misc. Petition
December, Delhi by the generating company was illegal
2013 Distribution and not in accordance with the terms of
Limited the PPA and prudent utility practices.
452. MP/315/2013 7th PEL Power Petition for adjudication of disputes 12.7.2016 Misc. Petition
December, Limited arising out of the open access approval
2013 granted to the petitioner for evacuation
of electricity and terms and conditions
for the Bulk Power Transmission
Agreement dated 24.12.2010.
453. TT/289/2013 6th Powergrid Petition for determination of transmission 8.7.2016 Transmission
November, Corporation of tariff for (1) 400 kV Vadodara Pirana Tariff
2013 India Limited transmission line along with associated
bays at Pirana Sub-station (for direct
inter-connection with 400 kV D/C
Vadodara Asoj transmission line under
interim contingency scheme) (anticipated
COD:1.1.2014) under transmission
system for IPP Generation projects
in Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh in
Western Region for tariff block 2009-14
454. TT/258/2013 25th Powergrid Petition for determination 5.4.2016 Transmission
September, Corporation of of transmission tariff for Tariff
2013 India Limited Tiruvelam (Powergrid) – Chitoor
(APTRANSCO) 400 kV D/C (Quad)
line along with associated bays and
equipments under Supplementary
Transmission system associated
with Vallur TPS for the period from
anticipated COD to 31.3.2014 in
Southern Region for tariff block
2014-19 under Regulation 86 of
Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Conduct of Business)
Regulation, 1999 and Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Terms and Conditions of Tariff)
Regulations, 2014.
455. MP/158/2013 29th August, Power 3HWLWLRQ IRU UHPRYDO RI GLIÀFXOW\ 4.4.2016 Misc. Petition
2013 Exchange India arising due to present method of
Limited transmission corridor allocation
to Power Exchange for collective
456. TT/239/2013 25th June, Damodar Valley Petition for determination of tariff 10.5.2016 Transmission
2013 Corporation for inter- state transmission of DVC Tariff
for the period from 1.4.2006 to

Annual Report

457. TT/104/2013 15th May, Powergrid Petition for determination of 12.4.2016 Transmission
2013 Corporation of transmission tariff for Asset-I: Tariff
India Limited Reconductoring Ckt-I of 400
kV D/C Siliguri-Purnea (HTLS
Cond.) Transmission Line; Asset II:
Reconductoring Ckt-II of 400 kV
D/C Siliguri- Purnea (HTLS Cond.)
Transmission Line under ERSS-I in
Eastern Region from anticipated
DOCO (1.6.2013) to 31.3.2014.
458. MP/14/2013 11th Sasan Power Petition under Section 79 of the 26.4.2016 Misc. Petition
February, Limited Electricity Act, 2003 read with
2013 statutory framework governing
procurement of power through
competitive bidding and Articles
12 and 17 of the Power Purchase
Agreement dated 7.8.2007 executed
between Sasan Power Limited and
the procurers for compensation due
to unprecedented, unforeseen and
uncontrollable depreciation of the
Indian Rupees.
459. TT/173/2013 7th January, Essar Power Petition for approval of transmission 15.6.2016 Transmission
2013 Transmission tariff of Combined assets of LILO Tariff
Company of 400 kV S/C Vindhyachal-Korba
Limited Transmission line and 400 kV D/C
Gandhar-Hazira Transmission line
and 400/220 kV GIS sub-station at
Hazira and associated bays and400
kV D/C Quad Moose Transmission
line from Mahan Thermal Power
Plant- Sipat Pooling Substation and
associated bays for the years 2012-
13 and 2013-14 in tariff block 2009-
14under Regulation,86 of Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Conduct of Business) Regulations,
1999 and Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Terms and
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations,
460. MP/163/2012 23rd July, Bhusan Power Petition under section 79(1) (f) of 10.6.2016 Misc. Petition
2012 & Steel Limited the Electricity Act, 2003 read with
Regulation 20 of the CERC (Open
Access in Inter-State Transmission)
Regulations,2008 towards
unpaid unscheduled Inter-change
charges for the period ranging from
28.8.2005 to 31.12.2006.
461. GT/23/2013 4th April, NTPC Limited Petition for revision of tariff Jhanor *Decided vide Generation
2013 Gandhar GPS (657.39 MW) from order dated Tariff
1.4.2009-31.3.2014 after the truing 30.3.2017 in
up exercise. Petition No.
in compliance
of the direction
of the Appellate

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

462. GT/168/2013 17th SJVN Limited Petition for approval of generation 21.4.2016 Generation
September, tariff of Nathpa Jhakri Hydro Electric Tariff
2013 Power Station for the period 2009-
463. TT/536/2014 12th Powergrid Petition for truing up of transmission 7.6.2016 Transmission
December, Corporation of tariff for 2009-14 tariff period and Tariff
2014 India Limited determination of transmission tariff
for 2014-19 tariff period for Asset-1:
Moga-Hissar D/C transmission line
alongwith 220 kV Hissar-Hissar
(BBMB) D/C line and 400 kV S/C
Hissar- Bhiwani Ckt.-I transmission
line alongwith associated bays at
Hissar and Bhiwani Sub-stations
(COD: 1.7.1995) and Asset-2:
one bay at Bhiwani Substation for
termination of one Ckt. Of 400
kV Bawana-Bhiwani transmission
line and 400 kV Bawana-Bhiwani
transmission line and 400 kV S/C of
Hissar-Bawana transmission line upto
Bhiwani alongwith associated bays
at Hissar (COD: 1.2.1998) under
Moga- Hissar- Bhiwani Transmission
System in Northern Region under
Regulation 86 of Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Conduct of
Business) Regulations, 1999, Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Terms and Conditions of Tariff)
Regulations, 2009, and Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Terms and Conditions of Tariff)
Regulations, 2014.
464. TT/91/2012 14th March, Powergrid Petition for determination of 21.7.2016 Transmission
2012 Corporation of transmission tariff from DOCO to Tariff
India Limited 31.3.2014 for combined assets for
transmission system associated with
Parbati-III-HEP in Northern Region
for tariff block 2009-14.
465. TT/533/2014 12th Powergrid Truing up of transmission tariff for 2009 - 28.4.2016 Transmission
December, Corporation of 14 tariff period under Central Electricity Tariff
2014 India Limited Regulatory Commission (Terms and
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2009
and determination of transmission tariff
for 2014 19 tariff period under Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Terms and Conditions of Tariff)
Regulations, 2014 for transmission
assets under system strengthening - VIII
in Southern Regional Grid in Southern
Region Under Regulation 86 of Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Conduct of Business) Regulations, 1999.

Annual Report

466. TT/510/2014 12th Powergrid Petition for approval under Regulation-86 21.7.2016 Transmission
December, Corporation of of Central Electricity Regulatory Tariff
2014 India Limited Commission (Conduct of Business)
Regulations 1999, Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Terms and
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2009
and Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Terms and Conditions of
Tariff) Regulations 2014 for determination
of (i) Truing up Transmission tariff for
2009-14 tariff block and (ii) Transmission
tariff for 2014-19 tariff block for
Additional Special Energy Meters in
Northern Region.
467. GT/460/2014 14th NHDC Limited Petition for truing up of generation tariff 10.5.2016 Generation
December, for Omkareshwar H.E. Project (8 x 65 Tariff
2014 MW) for the period 2009 -2014.
468. GT/461/2014 14th NHDC Limited Petition for tariff of Indira Sagar Power 26.5.2016 Generation
December, Station for the period from 1.4.2009 to Tariff
2014 31.3.2014.
469. GT/472/2014 14th Neyveli Lignite Truing up of capital expenditure and tariff 26.5.2016 Generation
December, Corporation thereof for the period 2009-14 under Tariff
2014 Limited CERC Tariff Regulations, 2009 for NLC
TPS I (6 x 50 + 3 X 100 MW) on account
of actual additional capital expenditure
incurred for the period from 1.4.2009 to
470. TT/534/2014 12th Powergrid Petition for transmission tariff for A) 12.5.2016 Transmission
December, Corporation of Kurnool-Thiruvalam 765 kV D/C line, Tariff
2014 India Limited B) Extension of 765 kV Substation at
Kurnool and upgradation of 400 kV
Sub-station at Thiruvalam to 765/400
kV with 2 x 1500 MVA, 765/400
kV transformers and C) 1x240
MVAR line reactor at both ends of
each circuit of Kurnool- Thiruvalam
765 kV D/C line under “System
Strengthening XIX in Southern
Regional Grid” under Regulation-86
of Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Conduct of Business)
Regulations, 1999 and Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Terms and Conditions of Tariff)
Regulations, 2014 from COD to
471. GT/474/2014 14th Neyveli Lignite Petition for truing up of capital 27.7.2016 Generation
December, Corporation expenditure and tariff thereof for Tariff
2014 Limited the period 2009-14 under CERC
Tariff Regulations, 2009 for NLC TPS I
Expansion (2 X 210 MW) on account
of actual additional capital expenditure
incurred for the period from 1.4.2009 to
472. MP/483/2014 14th Indian Energy Petition under Regulation 63 (iii) of 26.5.2016 Misc. Petition
December, Exchange CERC (Power Market) Regulations,
2014 Limited 2010 seeking consent for enabling cross
border transactions at Indian Energy

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

473. TT/487/2014 12th Powergrid Petition under sub-section (4) of Section 28 31.5.2016 Transmission
December, Corporation of and Section 79(1)(d) of Electricity Act, 2003 Tariff
2014 India Limited for determination of Fees and Charges
for Fibre Optic Communication System in
Communication (ULDC) Microwave Links
(Part-II) in Southern Region for the period
2009- 14 block.
474. TT/540/2014 15th Powergrid Petition for determination of transmission 27.6.2016 Transmission
December, Corporation of tariff for Asset-I: 9.292 km of Fibre Optic Tariff
2014 India Limited Communication system (Central Sector)
(Actual DOCO: 1.2.2014) and Asset-II:
392.393 km of Fibre Optic Communication
system (State Sector) (Actual DOCO:
Despatch and Communication (ULDC)
Microwave links in North-Eastern Region
for tariff block 2014-19.
475. TT/545/2014 29th Powergrid Petition for determination of truing up of 15.7.2016 Transmission
December, Corporation of Fees and Charges for the period 2009- Tariff
2014 India Limited 14 block, Fees and charges for the period
and Communication Scheme (Powergrid
portion i.e. communication system portion
and SLDC system retained by the petitioner
after formation of POSOCO) in Southern
region for the period 2014-19 block.
476. TT/506/2014 10th Powergrid Petition for truing up of transmission tariff 21.4.2016 Transmission
December, Corporation of for 2009-14 tariff period under Central Tariff
2014 India Limited Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms
and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2009
and determination of transmission tariff
for 2014-19 tariff period under Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms
and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations,
2014 for Transmission system associated
with Farakka-III in Eastern Region under
Regulation 86 of Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Conduct of
Business) Regulations, 1999.
477. TT/476/2014 10th Powergrid Petition for determination of 22.4.2016 Transmission
December, Corporation of transmission tariff from anticipated Tariff
2014 India Limited DOCOs to 31.3.2019 for Asset
I : 400 kV Transmission Line for
IV from its present position to Stage
II side of Kahalgaon Switchyard of
NTPC, Asset II: 400 kV Transmission
Line for swapping of Purnea bays
(1 & 2) with Sasaram bays (#3 & 4)
and Kahalgaon #1 bays with Sasaram
#1 bay at Biharsharif Substation
and Asset III: Splitting arrangements
with Tie Line breaker for 400 kV
Biharsharif substation under Split Bus
arrangement for various substations
in Eastern Region.
478. GT/47/2015 17th THDC India Petition for determination of 15.7.2016 Generation
February, Limited generation tariff of Koteshwar HEP Tariff
2015 (400 MW) for the period 2014-2019.

Annual Report

479. TT/11/2015 15th January, Powergrid Petition for determination of truing 14.7.2016 Transmission
2015 Corporation of up of Fees and Charges for the Tariff
India Limited period 2009-14 block, Fees and
charges for the period 2014-19
Communication Scheme (Powergrid
portion i.e. communication system
portion and SLDC system retained
by the petitioner after formation of
POSOCO) in Western Region for
the period 2014-19 block.
480. TT/19/2015 15th January, Powergrid Petition for approval under sub-section 4 15.7.2016 Transmission
2015 Corporation of of Section 28 of the Electricity Act, 2003 Tariff
India Limited for determination of (i) Truing up of fee
and charges for the period 2009-14 block
and (ii) fee and charges for the period
and Communication Scheme (PGCIL
portion i.e. Communication system
portion and SLDC system retained by
PGCIL after formation of POSOCO) in
Northern Region.
481. TT/20/2015 15th January, Powergrid Petition for truing up of transmission 26.5.2016 Transmission
2015 Corporation of tariff for the 2009-14 tariff period Tariff
India Limited under Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Terms and Conditions
of Tariff) Regulations, 2009 and
determination of transmission tariff for
2014-19 tariff period under Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Terms and Conditions of Tariff)
Regulations, 2014 for assets covered
in the following Orders of Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission.
482. TT/26/2015 22nd January, Powergrid Petition for truing up of transmission 3.6.2016 Transmission
2015 Corporation of tariff for 2009-14 tariff block and Tariff
India Limited transmission tariff for 2014-19 tariff block
for Combined Asset-1 (315 MVA ICT-II
at Malerkotla Sub-station, 400 kV Hissar-
Jaipur Line with associated bays, 400 kV
Bawana-Bhiwani-1 and Bawana-Bhiwani
II lines with associated bays – DOCO-
01.02.1998), Combined Asset-2 (400
kV Abdullapur-Bawana and Nalagarh-
Hissar line with associated bays, ICT-I
at Nalagarh with associated bays, ICT-II
at Nalagarh with associated bays, ICT-II
at Jalandhar with associated bays, Bus
Reactor at Nalagarh with associated bays,
ICT-I at Jaipur (Bassi), Two nos LILO bays
associated with ICT-Jaipur, ICT-II at Jaipur
with associated bays, LILO of Chamera-
Moga line and ICT-I at Jalandhar with
associated bays, 220 kV Jallandhar-Dasuya
line-DOCO – 01.03.2001), Combined
Asset-3 (400kV D/C Nathpa-Jhakri-
Abdullapur line and 400 kV D/C Naptha-
Jhakri-Nalagarh line-DOCO-01.04.2003)
under NathpaJhakri Transmission System
in Northern Region.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

483. TT/27/2015 22nd January, Powergrid Petition for truing up of transmission 18.4.2016 Transmission
2015 Corporation of tariff for the 2009-14 tariff period Tariff
India Limited under Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Terms and Conditions
of Tariff) Regulations, 2009 and
determination of transmission tariff for
2014-19 tariff period under Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Terms and Conditions of Tariff)
Regulations, 2014 for Asset-I: 400
kV D/C Maithon (RB) – Ranchi (PG)
Transmission Line and associated bays
at Ranchi, Asset- II: 400 kV D/C Maithon
– Mejia Transmission Line, Asset-III: 400
kV D/C Biharsharif – Sasaram (Quad)
Transmission Line under supplementary
transmission system associated with DVC
and Maithan (RB) projects in Eastern
Region, under Regulation 86 of Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Conduct of Business) Regulations, 1999.
484. TT/32/2015 29th January, Powergrid Petition for truing up of transmission tariff 25.4.2016 Transmission
2015 Corporation of for 2009-14 tariff block under Central Tariff
India Limited Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Terms and Conditions of Tariff)
Regulations 2009 and determination
of transmission tariff for 2014-19
tariff block under Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Terms and
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations 2014
for Transmission System associated with
Neyveli Lignite Corporation-II (NLCII)
Expansion Project in Southern Region
and Regulation-86 of Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Conduct of
Business) Regulations 1999.
485. TT/33/2015 29th January, Powergrid Petition for determination of transmission 30.4.2016 Transmission
2015 Corporation of tariff for Asset-A: LILO of Ckt-II of 400 kV Tariff
India Limited D/C Lucknow-Bareily TL at Shahjahanpur,
Asset-B: 315 MVA 400/220 kV ICT-I with 03
Nos. of 220 kV Line Bays at Shahjahanpur,
Asset-C: 315 MVA 400/220 kV ICT-
II with 03 Nos. of 220 kV Line Bays at
Shahjahanpur, Asset-D: Extn. of 400/220
kV GIS Gurgaon, Asset-E: 2x50 MVAR Bus
Reactor at 400/220 kV Bareilly S/S along
with associated bays (Existing Line Reactors
retained and used as Bus Reactor) , Asset-F:
125 MVAR Bus Reactor at Shahjahanpur
under “Northern Regional Transmission
Strengthening Scheme” in Northern Region
for 2014-19 tariff block under Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms
and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2014
for Regulation 86 of Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Conduct of
Business) Regulations, 1999.

Annual Report

486. TT/34/2015 29th January, Powergrid Petition for truing up of transmission tariff 29.8.2016 Transmission
2015 Corporation of for 2009-14 tariff block under Central Tariff
India Limited Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms
and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2009
and determination of transmission tariff
for 2014-19 tariff block under Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms
and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations,
2014 of (a) WRSS-II: SET-A, (b) WRSS-II:
SET-D for Transmission system in Western
Region (POWERGRID portion) under
Western Region Strengthening Scheme-II
under Regulation 86 of Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Conduct of
Business) Regulations, 1999.
487. TT/37/2015 29th January, Powergrid Petition for truing up of transmission tariff 18.7.2016 Transmission
2015 Corporation of for 2009-14 tariff block under Central Tariff
India Limited Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms
and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations 2009
and determination of transmission tariff
for 2014-19 tariff block under Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms
and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations 2014
for Combined Assets of Transmission
System associated with Koteshwar HEP
(Effective DOCO 01.05.2011) in Northern
Region consisting of Asset-1: 400 kV D/C
Koteshwar HEP — Koteshwar Pooling
Station Circuit - l & ll along with associated
bays (DOCO 1.4.2011), Asset-2 : LILO
of Circuit-I of 765 kV Tehri-Meerut Line
at Koteshwar Pooling Station along with
associated bays (DOCO 1.3.2011) and
Asset-3 : LILO of Circuit-ll of 765 kV
Tehri-Meerut Line at Koteshwar Pooling
Station along with associated bays (DOCO
488. TT/51/2015 16th January, Powergrid Petition for approval of transmission tariff 20.7.2016 Transmission
2015 Corporation of for (a) LILO of 2nd Circuit of Neyveli- Tariff
India Limited Trichy 400 kV D/C line at Nagapattinam
pooling station along with associated bays
and (b) Strengthening of Neyveli TS-II-TS-I
Exp link with higher capacity conductor
under “Transmission System associated with
contingency plan for evacuation of power
from IL&FS (2x600 MW) in Southern Region”
from COD to 31.3.2019 under Regulation-86
of Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Conduct of Business) Regulations, 1999 and
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Terms and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations,

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

489. TT/61/2015 6th February, Powergrid Petition for approval of transmission tariff for 26.5.2016 Transmission
2015 Corporation of “Asset-I: Narendra (New, Kudgi)- Narendra Tariff
India Limited (Existing) 400 kV D/C Quad transmission line
along with New 765/400 kV GIS Sub-station at
Narendra (New, Kudgi) and Bay extensions at
Narendra (Existing) and AssetII:Narendra (New,
Kudgi)-Kolhapur (New) 765 kV D/C transmission
line and associated bays at Narendra (New,
Kudgi) and Kolhapur (New) under Transmission
System associated with System Strengthening-
XVII in Southern regional Grid” in Southern
Region under Regulation-86 of Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Conduct of Business)
Regulations, 1999 and Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions
of Tariff) Regulations, 2014 from COD to
490. TT/81/2015 5th February, Powergrid Petition for approval under sub-section 4 of 22.7.2016 Transmission
2015 Corporation of Section 28 and Section 79(1)(d) of the Electricity Tariff
India Limited Act, 2003 for determination of Fee and Charges
of Fibre Optic Communication System for
the period 2009-14 blockunder expansion of
Wideband Communication Network in Eastern
491. TT/62/2015 6th February, Powergrid Petition for determination of transmission tariff 27.5.2016 Transmission
2015 Corporation of for Asset 1: LILO of Dehar-Bhiwani 400 kV Tariff
India Limited S/C line at Rajpura Sub-station, Asset 2: LILO
of Dehar-Panipat 400 kV S/C line at Panchkula
Sub-station, Asset 3: Extension of Chamera
400/220 kV pooling Sub-station (GIS)-01 no. of
220 kV line bay, and Asset 4: Extension of 400
kV Kota Sub-station associated with “Northern
Region System Strengthening Scheme-XXVII” in
Northern Region for the 2014-19 tariff period
under Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Terms and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations,
2014 and Regulation 86 of Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Conduct of Business)
Regulations, 1999.
492. TT/58/2015 9th February, Powergrid Petition for determination of transmission tariff 29.4.2016 Transmission
2015 Corporation of for 765 kV D/C Wardha-Aurangabad transmission Tariff
India Limited line 1 and associated bays along with 765 kV, 3X80
MVAR line reactor at Aurangabad Sub-station,
765/400 kV, 1500 MVA ICT-1 with bays and
equipments at Aurangabad Sub-station, 400 kV, 80
MVAR switchable line reactor for Aurangabad-
Boiser transmission line ckt-1 charged as bus
reactor at Aurangabad Sub-station, 400 kV, 80
MVAR switchable line reactor for Aurangabad-
Boiser transmission line ckt-2 charged as bus
reactor at Aurangabad Sub-station, 400/220
kV, 500 MVA ICT-3 with bays and equipments
at Boiser, 400 kV, 80 MVAR line reactor for
Aurangabad-Boiser transmission line ckt-1
charged as bus reactor at Boiser Sub-station, 400
kV, 80 MVAR line reactor for Aurangabad-Boiser
transmission line ckt-2 charged as bus reactor at
Boiser Sub-station under IPPs generation projects
in Chhattisgarh (IPP D) in Western Region for
2014-19 tariff block under Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions
of Tariff) Regulations, 2014 and under Regulation
86 of Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Conduct of Business) Regulations, 1999.

Annual Report

493. TT/65/2015 9th February, Powergrid Petition for approval under Regulation-86 14.7.2016 Transmission
2015 Corporation of of Central Electricity Regulatory Tariff
India Limited Commission (Conduct of Business)
Regulations, 1999 and Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Terms and
Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2014 of
transmission tariff Asset I : 400 kV, D/C
(Quad) Balipara-Bongaigaon transmission
line along with associated bays at
Bongaigaon Sub-station and Balipara
Sub-station including 30% Fixed Series
Compensation at Balipara and 4X63
MVAR, 420 kV line Reactors (2 nos. each
at Bongaigaon and Balipara ends) (COD:
7.11.2014) under “Transmission System
for immediate evacuation of power from
Kameng HEP (Part-B of North East-
Northern/Western Interconnector-I)”in
North Eastern Region from actual COD
to 31.3.2019.
494. TT/66/2015 10th Powergrid Petition for determination of transmission 25.5.2016 Transmission
February, Corporation of tariff for 2014-19 tariff period for 765 kV Tariff
2015 India Limited Line bay & 3*80 MVAR line reactor at
765 kV Vadodara GIS for Vadodara-Dhule
T/L (IPTC) under “Line bays and reactor
provisions at Powergrid sub-stations
associated with system strengthening for
western region” for 2014-19 Tariff block
period in Western Region.
495. TT/71/2015 13th Powergrid Petition for determination of transmission 31.5.2016 Transmission
February, Corporation of tariff from DOCO to 31.3.2019 for Six Tariff
2015 India Limited (06) nos. Assets under Vindhyachal-IV &
Rihand-III {1000 MV} Generation Project
in Western & Northern Region.
496. MP/76/2015 16th NHPC Limited Petition for approval of Renovation 3.6.2016 Misc. Petition
February, & Modernisation (R & M) proposal in
2015 respect of Bairasiul Power Station.
497. MP/50/2015 17th MB Power Petition seeking revision of methodology 25.5.2016 Misc. Petition
February, (Madhya for computing the escalation rates for
2015 Pradesh) domestic coal (payment) published by
Limited the CERC under clause 5.6 (VI) of the
Competitive Bidding Guidelines dated
498. TT/77/2015 18th Powergrid Petition for approval of transmission 23.5.2016 Transmission
February, Corporation of tariff for 02 Nos. 400 kV line bays Tariff
2015 India Limited at Bhiwani (Powergrid) Substation
under “Construction of 02 Nos. 400
kV line bays at Bhiwani” in Northern
Region under Regulation-86 of Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Conduct of Business) Regulations,
1999 and Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Terms and Conditions of
Tariff) Regulations, 2014 from COD to

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

499. TT/53/2015 2nd March, Powergrid Petition for truing up of transmission 21.4.2016 Transmission
2015 Corporation of tariff for 2009-14 tariff block and Tariff
India Limited determination of transmission tariff for
2014-19 tariff block for Transmission
System associated with Kudankulam
Atomic Power Project in Southern
500. TT/56/2015 2nd March, Powergrid Petition for determination of 29.7.2016 Transmission
2015 Corporation of transmission tariff for installation Tariff
India Limited of 1X315 MVA 400/220 kV ICT
at Bhadrawati HDVC back to
back station under “Installation of
transformer & procurement of spare
converter transformer at Bhadrawati
back to back station from COD to
501. TT/70/2015 2nd March, Powergrid Petition for truing up of transmission tariff 18.4.2016 Transmission
2015 Corporation of for 2009-14 tariff period under Central Tariff
India Limited Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms
and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2009
and determination of transmission tariff
for 2014-19 tariff period under Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms
and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2014
for Asset-I: 125 MVAR Bus Reactor-I (Asset-
IA) & 125 MVAR Bus Reactor-II (Asset-IB) at
Fatehpur Sub-station along with associated
bay, Asset II: 125 MVAR Bus Reactor-II at
Balia Sub-station, Asset-III: Combined Asset
of 1500 MVA ICT-I at Agra Sub-station
along with associated bays (Asset-IIIA), 125
MVAR 765/400 kV Bus Reactor-I at Sasaram
along with associated bays (Asset-IIIB) and
Associated line bays of 765 kV S/C Fatehpur-
Agra T/L at Fatehpur and Agra Sub-station
(Asset-IIIC), Asset-IV: 1500 MVA ICT-2 at
Agra Sub-station along with associated bays,
Asset-V: 125 MVAR Bus Reactor along with
associated bays at Lucknow, Asset-VI: 125
MVAR 400 kV Bus Reactor-II at Sasaram along
with associated bays (Asset-VI A) and 2 no. 50
MVAR Bus Reactor at 400 kV Maithon Sub-
station and associated bays (Maithon-Gaya
Line) (Asset-VI B), Asset-VII: 2 nos. of 400 kV
bays at Maithon Sub-station for 400 kV D/C
Maithon-Mejia Transmission Line, Asset-VIII:
LILO of Barh-Balia 400 kV D/C Transmission
Line at Patna 400 kV Sub-station along with
associated bays, Asset-IX: 1500 MVA 765/400
kV ICT-I at Sasaram Sub-station along with
associated bays under common scheme for
765 kV pooling station and network for NR,
Import by NR from ER and common scheme
for network for WR and import by WR from
ER and from NER/SR/WR via ER in Northern
Region & Eastern Region under Regulation 86
of Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Conduct of Business) Regulations, 1999.

Annual Report

502. 80/MP/2015 4th March, Tata Power Petition seeking directions to the respondents 26.5.2016 Misc. Petition
2015 Trading to allow/enable the petitioner to sell
Company power procured by it from the Dagachhu
Limited Project under short term including on
power exchanges in terms of order of the
Commission dated 11.9.2014 in Petition No
503. TT/82/2015 4th March, Powergrid Petition for truing up of transmission tariff for 19.4.2016 Transmission
2015 Corporation of 2009-14 tariff period and determination of Tariff
India Limited transmission tariff for 2014-19 tariff period for
Asset-I: 125 MVAR, 400 kV Bus Reactor at new
Purnea S/S along with associated bays, Asset-II:
Shifting of 1 no 63 MVAR Bus Reactor installed
line reactor at new Purnea end of one ckt
new Siliguri-new Purnea 400 kV D/C (quad)
line, Asset-III: Installation of 1 no new 125
MVAR bus reactor at new Purnea 400 kV bus,
AssetIV: Durgapur-Maithon 400 kV D/C line
with associated bays at Durgapur and Maithon
Sub-station, Asset-V: Installation of 1 no new
125 MVAR bus reactor at Siliguri 400 kV bus,
shifting of 3 no. 63 MVAR reactors at 400 kV
Siliguri SS, Asset-VI: Installation of new 125
MVAR bus reactor at new Siliguri Substation
and Asset-VII: 220/132 kV, 160 MVA ICT at
Baripada under ERSS-II in Eastern Region.
504. TT/475/2014 10th Powergrid Petition for approval of transmission tariff 23.5.2016 Transmission
December, Corporation of for Asset I: 1 No. 1x500 MVA ICT at 400/220 Tariff
2014 India Limited kV Subhasgram Sub-station along with the
associated bays and 2 Nos. of 220 kV equipped
line bays at 400 kV Subhasgram Sub-station
(Anticipated COD: 31.12.2014), Asset-II: 125
MVAR Bus Reactor-I Muzaffarpur Sub-station
along with bays (Anticipated COD: 1.1.2015)
and Asset-III: 125 MVAR Bus Reactor-II
replacing existing 63 MVAR Bus Reactor at
Muzaffarpur along with bays (Anticipated
COD: 1.2.2015) under Transmission System
for “Eastern region strengthening Scheme-
VIII” in Eastern Region from COD to
31.3.2019, under Regulation 86 of Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission (Conduct
of Business) Regulations, 1999 and Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms
and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2014.
505. TT/87/2015 16th March, Powergrid Petition for determination of transmission 18.4.2016 Transmission
2015 Corporation of tariff for Meerut-Moga 765 kV S/C Tariff
India Limited Transmission Line alongwith associated bays at
Meerut & Moga 765/400 kV Sub-station with 2
Nos. 240 MVAR line reactors (1 no. switchable
and 1 no. non-switchable line reactor) each at
Meerut & Moga under “Northern Regional
Strengthening Scheme–XXVI” in Northern
Region for 2014-19 tariff period under
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Terms and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations,
2014 and Regulation 86 of Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Conduct of
Business) Regulations, 1999.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

506. TT/445/2014 9th April, Powergrid Petition for (i) Truing up transmission 30.6.2016 Transmission
2014 Corporation of tariff for 2009-14 tariff block and (ii) Tariff
India Limited Transmission tariff for 2014-19 tariff
block Tuticorin JV – Madurai 400 kV
D/C (Quad Conductor) Line and
extension of 400/220 kV Madurai
S/S under ATS of Tuticorin JV TPS in
Southern Region.
507. TT/111/2015 9th April, Essar Power Petition for truing up of Annual Fixed 15.6.2016 Transmission
2015 Transmission Cost of capital cost of combined Tariff
Company assets of LILO of 400 kV S/C
Limited Vindhyachal-Korba transmission line
and 400 kV D/C Gandhar-Hazira
transmission line and 400/220 kV GIS
Sub-station at Hazira and associated
bays (actual date of commercial
operation 1.4.2013) referred as
Stage-I (Asset-1) for 2013-14 under
Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Terms and Conditions
of Tariff) Regulations, 2009 and
Regulation, 86 of the Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Conduct of Business) Regulation,
508. GT/471/2014 5th Damodar Valley Petition for approval of tariff of 29.7.2016 Generation
December, Corporation Durgapur Thermal Power Station Tariff
2014 Unit Nos. 3 and 4 for the tariff period
509. GT/470/2014 5th Damodar Valley True up petition for Chandrapura 29.7.2016 Generation
December, Corporation Thermal Power Station Unit Nos. 1 Tariff
2014 to 3 for the tariff period 2009-2014.
510. TT/136/2015 22nd May, Powergrid Petition for determination of 29.4.2016 Transmission
2015 Corporation of transmission tariff from anticipated Tariff
India Limited DOCOs to 31.3.2019 for Asset I:
Split Bus Arrangement at Durgpaur
sub-station, and Asset II: Split Bus
Arrangement at Maithon sub-station
under Split Bus arrangement for
various sub-stations in Eastern
511. MP/121/2015 22nd May, ITC Limited Petition for grant of inter-State Open 13.6.2016 Misc. Petition
2015 Access for the energy generated
by ITC Limited at the Wind Power
Project in Anantapur District, Andhra
Pradesh, for captive consumption
at its factory at Bhadrachalam,
512. GT/144/2015 28th May, Damodar Valley Petition for approval of tariff for 16.3.2017 Generation
2015 Corporation Mejia Thermal Power Station Units 5 Tariff
and 6 (2 X 250 = 500 MW) for the
tariff period 2014-19.

Annual Report

513. TT/145/2015 28th May, Powergrid Petition for truing up of transmission 25.4.2016 Transmission
2015 Corporation of tariff for the 2009-14 tariff period Tariff
India Limited under Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Terms and Conditions
of Tariff) Regulations, 2009 and
determination of transmission tariff for
2014-19 tariff period under Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Terms and Conditions of Tariff)
Regulations, 2014 for combined assets
Andal TPS (portion of 400 kV Durgapur-
Jamshedpur TL), (ii) 400 kV D/C Baripada
Mendhasal T/L and associated bays at
Baripada and Mendhasal Sub-station, (iii)
400 kV D/C Andal(DVC)-Jamshedpur
section of Durgapur-Jamshedpur TL and
associated bays at Jamshedpur, (iv) 400
kV D/C Baripada-DVC (Jamshedpur) TL
(part of 400 kV D/C Jamshedpur-Baripada
TL) and associated bays at Baripada Sub-
station under ERSS-I in Eastern Region
under Regulation 86 of Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Conduct of
Business) Regulations, 1999.
514. SM/07/2015 28th May, Central Review of Power Exchanges. 10.6.2016 Suo Motu
2015 Electricity
515. GT/469/2014 5th Damodar Valley True Up petition of Bokaro Thermal 29.7.2016 Generation
December, Corporation Power Station Units 1 to 3 for the Tariff
2014 period 2009-14.
516. GT/468/2014 5th Damodar Valley Petition for approval of tariff of Tilaya 29.7.2016 Generation
December, Corporation Hydel Power Station Unit Nos 1 and 2 Tariff
2014 (2X40 MW) for the period 2009-2014.
517. GT/467/2014 5th Damodar Valley Petition for approval of tariff of 29.7.2016 Generation
December, Corporation Panchet Hydel Power Station Unit Tariff
2014 Nos. 1 and 2 (2 X 40 MW for the
period 2009-2014.
518. GT/466/2014 5th Damodar Valley Petition for approval of tariff for 29.7.2016 Generation
December, Corporation Mejia Thermal Power Station Unit Tariff
2014 No. 4 (1 X 210 MW) for the tariff
period 2009-2014.
519. GT/465/2014 5th Damodar Valley Petition for approval of tariff for Mejia 29.7.2016 Generation
December, Corporation Thermal Power Station Unit Nos 1 to 3 Tariff
2014 for the tariff period 2009-2014.
520. GT/464/2014 5th Damodar Valley Petition for approval of tariff for 29.7.2016 Generation
December, Corporation Maithon Hydel Power Station Unit Tariff
2014 Nos 1 to 3 (2 X 20 + 1 x 23.2 MW)
for the period 2009-2014.
521. TT/427/2014 23rd Powergrid Petition for determination of fees 16.5.2016 Transmission
November, Corporation of and charges of sub-load dispatch Tariff
2014 India Limited centre at Modipuram under UPPCL
for the period 2014-2019.
522. MP/162/2015 22nd June, Sasan Power Petition for computation of 2.6.2016 Misc. Petition
2015 Limited compensation for ‘Change in Law’
events during construction period.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

Installed Capacity as on 31.3.2017 and the Date of Commercial
Operation of the Generating Stations / Units of NTPC

Sl. No. Generating Station Installed Capacity COD of the

as on 31.3.2017 Station/ Unit
Coal Based thermal generating Stations of NTPC

A. Pit head Generating Stations

1 Rihand STPS St-I 1000.00 01.01.1991
2 Rihand STPS St-II 1000.00 01.04.2006
3 Rihand STPS St-III 1000.00 27.03.2014
4 Vindhyachal STPS St-I 1260.00 01.02.1992
5 Vindhyachal STPS St-II 1000.00 01.10.2000
6 Vindhyachal STPS St-III 1000.00 15.07.2007
7 Vindhyachal STPS St-IV 1000.00 27.03.2014
8 Vindhyachal STPS St-V 500.00 30.10.2015
9 Korba STPS, Stage-I &II 2100.00 01.06.1990
10 Sipat TPS St-I 1980.00 01.08.2013
11 Sipat TPS St-II 1000.00 01.01.2009
12 Ramagundam STPS St-I & II 2100.00 01.04.1991
13 Ramagundam STPS St-III 500.00 25.03.2005
14 Talcher TPS 460.00 01.07.1997
15 Talcher STPS St-I 1000.00 01.07.1997
16 Talcher STPS St-II 2000.00 01.08.2005
17 Korba STPS (Stage-III) 500.00 21.03.2011
18 Singrauli STPS 2000.00 01.05.1988
Sub-Total 21400.00

Annual Report 2016-17

Sl. No. Generating Station Installed Capacity COD of the

as on 31.3.2017 Station/ Unit
B. Non-Pit head Generating Stations
1 FGUTPP TPS St-I 420.00 13.2.1992
(Date of Takeover)
2 FGUTPP St-II 420.00 01.01.2001
3 FGUTPP St-III 210.00 01.01.2007
4 NCTP Dadri ( Stage-I) 840.00 01.12.1995
5 NCTP Dadri ( Stage-II) 980.00 30.07.2010
6 Farrakka STPS I&II 1600.00 01.07.1996
7 Farrakka STPS III 500.00 04.04.2012
8 Tanda TPS 440.00 14.1.2000
(Date of Takeover)
9 Badarpur TPS 705.00 01.04.1982
10 Kahalgaon STPS 840.00 01.08.1996
11 Kahalgaon St-II 1500.00 20.03.2010
12 Simhadri-I 1000.00 01.03.2003
13 Simhadri-II 1000.00 30.09.2012
14 Mauda 1000.00 30.3.2014
15. Mauda STPS 1320.00 1.2.2017
16. Barh-II 1320.00 18.02.2016
17. Kudugi Unit I 800.00 25.12.2016
18. Kudugi Unit II 800.00 1.3.2017
19. Bongaigaon 500.00 1.3.2017
20. FGUTPP St-III 500.00 31.3.2017
Sub-Total 16695.00
Total NTPC Coal (A+B) 38095.00

Sl. No. Generating Station Installed Capacity COD of the

as on 31.3.2017 Station/ Unit
Gas /Liquid Fuel Based Stations of NTPC
1 Dadri CCGT 829.78 01.04.1997
2 Faridabad 431.59 01.01.2001
3 Anta CCGT 419.33 01.03.1990
4 Auraiya GPS 663.36 01.12.1990
5 Gandhar GPS 657.39 01.11.1995
6 Kawas GPS 656.20 01.09.1993
7 Kayamkulam CCGT 359.58 01.03.2000
Total NTPC (Gas) 4017.23
Total NTPC (Coal+Gas) 42112.23

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

Installed Capacity as on 31.3.2017 and the Date of Commercial Operation of the
Generating Stations / Units of Neyvelli Lignite Corporation (NLC)

Sl. Generating Station Installed Capacity as on COD of the Station

No. 31.03.2017 (MW)
1. TPS-I 600 21.02.1970
2. TPS-II (Stage-I) 630 23.04.1988
3. TPS-II (Stage-II) 840 09.04.1994
4. TPS-I (Expansion) 420 05.09.2003
5. CFBC based Barsingsar TPS 250 21.01.2012
6. TPS - II Expansion(Unit I and II) (2 X 250)=500 U-I JULY 2015
Total Lignite 3240

Installed Capacity as on 31.3.2017 and the Date of Commercial Operation of the
Generating Stations / Units of Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC)

Generating Station Capacity (MW) Commissioning


Bokaro TPS- B (3 X 210 )= 630 U-I Mar 86, U-II Nov 90,
U-III Aug 93

Bokaro TPS- A (1 X500)=500 Feb 2017

Chandrapura TPS (2 X 130)+(2 X 250) = 760 U-II May 65, U-III July 68,
U-VII Nov 11, U-VIII Jul 11

Durgapur TPS (1 X 210) =210 U-IV Sept 82

Mejia TPS (210 X4)+(250 X 2)+(2 X500)=2340 U-I Mar 96, U-II Mar 98,
U-III Sept 99, U-IV Feb 05,
U-V Feb 08, U-VI Sept 08,
U-VII Aug 11, U-VIII Aug 12

Durgapur Steel TPS (2 X 500 ) = 1000 U-I May 12, U-II Mar 13

Koderma TPS (2 X 500 ) =1000 U-I July 13, U-II June, 2014
IInd unit commissioned during 2014-15

Rangnathpur TPS (2 X 600 ) = 1200 March 16

March 16

Total Thermal 7640

Annual Report 2016-17

Installed Capacity as on 31.3.2017 and the Date of Commercial Operation of the
Generating Stations / Units of North Eastern Electric Power Corporation (NEEPCO)

Sl. Generating Station Installed Capacity as on COD of the Station

No. 31.03.2017 (MW)
1. Agartala GPS 84 (21 *4) Gas Turbine 01.08.1998
51 (25.5 *2) Steam Turbine 01.09.2015
2. Assam GPS’ 291 01.04.1999
3. Tripura gas based 101 (1 X 65.42 MW) Gas Turbine & Gas Turbine 24.12.2015
combined cycle power (1 X 35.58 MW) Steam Turbine=101 (65.42 MW)
project Steam Turbine 31.03.2017
(35.58 MW)
Total 527.00

Fixed Charge and Energy Charge of Thermal Power Stations

Average Tariff Break-up Report - Station - Coal For F.Y. 2016-17

Sl. Name of the Station Installed TOTAL Capacity EC Per Total
No. Generating Capacity ENERGY charge at Unit Tariff at
Company (MW) as SCHEDULE Normative (Rs/ Normative
on March (MU) level Kwh) level
2017 Per Unit (Rs/KWh)
Pit Head Stations
1 Singrauli Super
Thermal Power Station 2000 13,940.68 0.611 1.436 2.047
2 Farakka Super Thermal
Power Station 1 1600 9,572.19 0.844 2.517 3.361
3 Farakka Super Thermal
Stn-3 500 3,089.43 1.578 2.508 4.086
4 Kahalgaon STPS 1 840 5,422.77 1.016 2.386 3.402
5 Kahalgaon STPS- 2 1500 9,425.91 1.125 2.276 3.401
6 Korba Super Thermal
Power Station 1 2100 14,991.71 0.647 1.371 2.019
7 Korba STPS Stage-3 500 3,587.46 1.477 1.368 2.845
8 Rihand Super Therm
NTPC Pwr Stn 1 1000 5,967.66 0.841 1.604 2.445
9 Rihand Thermal Power
Stn 2 1000 7,370.69 0.869 1.592 2.461

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

10 Rihand Super Therm

Pwr Stn 3 1000 7,065.46 1.494 1.574 3.068
11 Ramagundam Super
Thermal Power Stn 1 2100 15,029.19 0.690 2.187 2.877
12 Ramagundam Super
Thermal Power Stn 3 500 3,412.91 0.935 2.182 3.118
13 Talcher Super Thermal
Power Station 1 1000 7,023.19 0.909 1.657 2.566
14 Talcher STPS 2 2000 14,365.21 0.820 1.663 2.483
15 Talcher Thermal Power
STN 1 460 3,355.21 1.359 1.641 3.001
16 Vindhyachal Super
Thermal Power Stn 1 1260 6,931.42 0.797 1.754 2.550
17 Vindhyach Super
Thermal Power
Station 2 1000 6,087.81 0.677 1.670 2.347
18 Vindhyach Super
Thermal Power
Station 3 1000 6,734.75 1.081 1.656 2.737
19 Vindhyach Super
Thermal Power
Station 4 1000 6,559.24 1.611 1.653 3.264
20 Vindhyach Super
Thermal Power
Station 5 500 3,282.65 1.489 1.655 3.144

Non Pit Head Stations

1 Badarpur Thermal
Power Station 705 1,591.53 0.791 3.651 4.441
2 Feroze Gandhi Thermal
Power Station 1 420 2,564.54 0.842 2.908 3.750
3 Feroze Gandhi Thermal
Power Stn 2 420 2,735.77 0.876 2.894 3.770
4 Feroze Gandhi
Unchahar TPS-3 210 1,427.80 1.367 2.891 4.257
5 Mouda Super Thermal
Power Station 1 1000 3,431.30 1.942 2.493 4.435
6 Mouda Super Thermal
Power Station 2 660 406.37 1.386 2.436 3.823
7 National Capital
Thermal Power Stn 1 840 2,961.70 0.866 3.309 4.175

Annual Report 2016-17

8 NTPC National Capital

Thermal Power Stg-2 980 5,266.86 1.571 3.107 4.677
9 Simhadri Super Thermal
Power Station 1 1000 6,883.82 0.932 2.740 3.673
10 Simhadri Super Thermal
Power Station 2 1000 6,636.57 1.593 2.734 4.327
11 Sipat Super Thermal
Power Stn_1 1980 14,799.02 1.363 1.318 2.681
12 Sipat Super Thermal
Power Station 2 1000 7,665.49 1.285 1.356 2.641
13 TANDA Thermal
Power Station 1 440 2,954.38 1.212 2.869 4.081
14 Barh Super Thermal
Power Station-2 1320 7,280.21 1.910 2.652 4.562
15 Bongaigaon TPS 250 1,536.63 2.406 3.162 5.568
16 MAITHON Maithon Right Bank
Thermal Power Plant 1050 6,886.59 1.585 1.949 3.534
17 APCPL Aravali Power Company
Pvt Ltd, Jhajjar 1500 5,233.99 1.713 3.235 4.948
18 BTPS B 630 1,300.17 0.736 2.512 3.248
19 CTPS 260 1,717.77 0.968 2.436 3.404
20 DTPS 210 530.73 1.608 2.607 4.215
21 MTPS (1-3) 630 2,112.35 0.800 2.370 3.170
22 MTPS 4 210 319.15 1.145 2.370 3.515
23 DVC MTPS (5-6) 500 3,351.69 1.369 2.245 3.614
24 MTPS (7-8) 1000 6,090.02 1.542 2.040 3.582
25 CTPS (7-8) 500 3,385.09 1.608 1.798 3.406
26 DSTPS 1000 6,332.19 1.685 2.174 3.483
27 KTPS 1000 3,521.87 1.708 1.994 3.882
28 RTPS 1200 2,017.28 1.402 2.009 3.396
29 BTPS A 500 196.60 1.685 1.985 3.670
30 Muzaffarpur TPS Stg-I
Kanti Bijlee (2*110 MW) 220 657.12 1.158 4.070 5.228
31 Muzaffarpur TPS Stg-II
(2*195 MW) 195 15.38 2.979 2.529 5.508
Expansion Power Plant 500 3,172.37 1.859 1.911 3.770
33 NTECL NTECL-Vallur 1500 8,686.03 1.933 2.464 4.397
34 NLC NLC Tamilnadu Power
Ltd (2x500 MW) - A JV
of NLCIL &
TANGEDCO 1000 5,812.11 1.524 2.592 4.115

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

Average Tariff Break-up Report - Station - Lignite For F.Y. 2016-17

Sl. Name of the Station Installed TOTAL Capacity EC Per Total
No. Generating Capacity ENERGY charge at Unit Tariff at
Company (MW) as SCHEDULE Normative (Rs/ Normative
on March (MU) level Kwh) level
2017 Per Unit (Rs/KWh)
Lignite Based Stations
1 NLC TPS I 600 MW 600 3,004.63 0.951 4.536 5.487
2 NLC TPS II Stage I
630 MW 630 3,709.32 0.722 3.159 3.882
NLC 840 MW 840 4,901.22 0.668 3.161 3.828
4 NLC TPS I Expansion
420 MW 420 2,769.04 1.014 3.101 4.115
5 NLC TPS II Expansion
500 MW 500 1,188.65 2.121 2.878 4.999
6 NLC BTPS 250 MW 250 1,297.57 2.324 1.474 3.799

Gas Based Stations

1 OTPC OTPC Tripura Power
Company, Palatana
Project 726.6 4,000.75 1.840 1.300 3.140
2 SUGEN 1147.5 4,749.61 1.209 3.854 5.063
3 Torrent UNOSUGEN 382.5 Plant doesn't have PPA
4 DGEN 1200 3.79 Plant doesn't have PPA
5 AGBP 291 1,455.92 1.693 (based 1.526 3.231
on FC of
Rs. 31081.25
6 AGTCCP 135 872.37 Tariff yet to be finalised
7 TGBP 101 175.54 Tariff yet to be finalised
8 Anta Gas Power Station 419 675.39 0.685 2.541 3.231
9 Auraiya Gas Power
Station 663 535.01 0.499 3.292 3.800
10 Dadri Gas Power
Station 830 2,274.69 0.531 2.756 3.301
11 NTPC Faridabad Gas Power
Station 432 1,155.77 0.729 2.348 3.073

Annual Report 2016-17

12 Jhanor Gandhar Gas

Station 657 2,219.24 0.931 2.009 2.768
13 Rajiv Gandhi Gas
Power Station 360 14.93 1.121 7.312 1.121
on liquid
14 Kawas Gas Power
Station 656 1,679.30 0.809 2.045 2.672
15 Ratnagiri Gas & Power
Pvt. Ltd. 1967.08 130.98 1.340 1.820 3.160
16 Ratnagiri Gas & Power
Pvt. Ltd. Ph. III PSDF 1050 6,886.59 1.340 3.33 4.700
RGPPL (Apr'16-
17 Ratnagiri Gas & Power
Pvt. Ltd. Ph. IV PSDF 1050 6,886.59 1.340 3.52 4.700

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

Installed Capacity of Hydro Generating Stations

Sl. Project Name State Type Installed Year of

No. Capacity Commercial
(MW) Operation
1 Baira Siul Himachal Pradesh Pondage 3 X 60 = 180 1982
2 Chamera - I Himachal Pradesh Pondage 3 x 180 = 540 1994
3 Chamera - II Himachal Pradesh Pondage 3 x 100 = 300 2004
4 Chamera - III Himachal Pradesh Pondage 3 x 77 =231 2012
5 Parbati stg-III Himachal Pradesh Pondage 4x130=520 2014
6 Salal I & II Jammu & Kashmir ROR 6 x 115 = 690 1995
7 Uri - I Jammu & Kashmir ROR 4 x120 = 480 1997
8 Uri - II Jammu & Kashmir ROR 4 x 60 =240 2014
9 Dulhasti Jammu & Kashmir Pondage 3 x130 = 390 2007
10 Nimoo Bazgo Jammu & Kashmir Pondage 3x15= 45 2013
11 Chutak Jammu & Kashmir ROR 4x11=44 2013
12 Sewa-II Jammu & Kashmir Pondage 4 x 30 = 120 2010
13 Tanakpur Uttarakhand ROR 3 x 31.40 =94.20 1993
14 Dhauliganga Uttarakhand Pondage 4 x 70 = 280 2005
15 Teesta – V Sikkim Pondage 3 x 170 = 510 2008
16 Teesta Low Dam -III Sikkim ROR with Small Pondage 4 x 33 =132 2013
17 Teesta Low Dam -IV Sikkim ROR with Diurnal Pondage 4 x 40 =160 2016
18 Rangit H.E. Project Sikkim Pondage 3 x 20 = 60 2000
19 Loktak Manipur Storage 3 x 35 = 105 1983
TOTAL I. C. 5121.20
20 Indira Sagar Madhya Pradesh Storage 8x125=1000 2005
21 Omkareshwar Madhya Pradesh Pondage 8x65 = 520 2007
TOTAL I.C. 1520.00
22 Tehri Uttara khand Storage 4x250=1000 2007
23 Koteshwar Uttara khand Pondage 4x100=400 2012
TOTAL I.C. 1400.00
24 Nathpa Jhakri Himachal Pradesh Pondage 6X250=1500 2004
25 Rampur Himachal Pradesh Tandem 6x68.66=412 2014
TOTAL I.C. 1912.00
26 Maithon Jharkhand/W. B. Storage 63.20 1958
27 Panchet Jharkhand/W. B Storage 2x40=80 1991
28 Taliya Jhar khand Storage 2x2=4 1953
TOTAL I.C. 147.20
29 Ranganadi Arunachal Pradesh Pondage 3x135=405 2002
30 Kopili St-I Assam Storage 4x50=200 1997
31 Kopili St-II Assam Storage 1x25=25 2004
32 Khandong Assam Storage 2x25=50 1984

Annual Report 2016-17

h33 Doyang Nagaland Storage 3x25=75 2000

TOTAL I.C. 755.00
34 Koldam Himachal Pradsh Pondage 4x200=800 2014
TOTAL I.C. 800.00
35 Generating Station of BBMB Punjab ROR/Storage 2918.72 1960-1983
TOTAL I.C. 2918.72
36 Karcham Wangtoo Himachal Pradesh Pondage 1000.0 2011
Grand Total of I.C. 15574.12

Composite Tariff of Hydro Generating Stations

Sl. Name of the Name of the Type Installed Scheduled Annual Composite
No. Generating Generating (Pondage/ Capacity Volume Fixed Tariff
Company Station Storage (MW) (MU) Charges (Rs./kwh)
/ROR) (Rs.

1 BAIRASIUL ROR with 180 640.96 13354.74 1.970

2 SALAL ROR 690 3237.68 29634.33 1.100
3 TANAKPUR ROR 94.2 377.07 11665.00 2.960
4 CHAMERA-I Pondage 540 2142.17 31243.42 2.160
5 URI ROR 480 2732.35 35680.58 1.590
6 CHAMERA-II ROR with 300 1391.76 25499.19 1.960
7 DHAULIGANGA ROR with 280 920.27 29509.16 2.990
8 DULHASTI ROR with 390 2198.85 93550.03 5.640
9 LOKTAK Storage 105 715.33 14248.06 3.650
10 NHPC RANGIT ROR with 60 326.39 10416.38 3.530
11 TEESTA-V ROR with 510 2678.31 51716.9 2.310
12 Uri-II ROR 240 1439.28 46923.05 4.860
13 Nimoo Bazgo ROR with 45 238.74 18161.01 8.810
14 CHUTAK ROR 44 217.00 14613.38 7.980

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

15 SEWA-II ROR with 120 457.40 19890.41 4.330

16 CHAMERA-III ROR with 231 892.86 40452.03 4.250
17 Parbati-III ROR with 520 666.68 33008.78 5.480
18 TLDP-III ROR with 132 538.02 36070.97 6.200
19 TLDP-IV ROR with 160 581.49 16164.18 2.557
20 Kopili Storage 200 962.95 10984.46 1.091
21 Lkhandong Storage 50 189.33 4036.27 1.932
22 NEEPCO Kopili-II Storage 25 101.19 1417.26 1.722
23 Doyang Storage 75 246.48 10156.05 4.668
24 Ranganadi ROR with 405 1241.60 26046.93 2.178
25 NHDC Indira Sagar Storage 1000 3253.33 60213.11 3.697
Power Station
26 Omkareshwar RoR with 520 1416.63 40916.97 5.429
Power Station Pondage
27 NTPC Koldam Hydro RoR scheme 800 3632.60 3.46
Power Station - 1 with storage (inclusive of
capacity other
charges of
28 Maithon HS Storage 63.2 122.02 3174.19 2.930
29 DVC Panchet HS Pumped 80 133.60 2683.86 1.430
30 Tilayia HS 4 14.07 870.21 8.760
31 SJVN Naptha Jhakri RoR with 1500 6612.00 165684.29 2.882
HPS limited
32 Rampur HPS In tandem 412 1878.08 52170.64 3.226
with NJHPS
33 THDC Tehri HPP Storage 1000 3101.87 134104.53 5.179
34 Koteshwar HEP RoR with 400 1208.79 39333.39 3.857

Annual Report 2016-17

Renewable Energy Tariff

Particular Levellised Benefit of Net Levellised

Total Tariff Accelerated Tariff (upon
(FY 2017-18) Depreciation adjusting for
(if availed) Accelerated
(if availed)
(`/kWh) (`/kWh) (`/kWh)
Small Hydro Power Project
HP, Uttarakhand, WB and NE States (Below 5MW) 5.07 - -
HP, Uttarakhand, WB and NE States (5MW to 25 MW) 4.29 - -
Other States (Below 5 MW) 6.00 - -
Other States (5 MW to 25 MW) 5.04 - -

State Levellised Variable Applicable Benefit of Net Levellised

Fixed Cost Tariff Rate Accelerated Tariff (upon
Cost (FY 2017-18) (FY 2017-18) Depreciation adjusting for
(if availed) Accelerated
(if availed)
(`/kWh) (`/kWh) (`/kWh) (`/kWh) (`/kWh)
Biomass Power Projects [other than Rice Straw and Juliflora (plantation) based project]
with Water Cooled Condenser and travelling grate boiler
Andhra Pradesh 2.68 4.37 7.06 0.13 6.93
Haryana 2.73 4.98 7.71 0.13 7.58
Maharashtra 2.74 5.09 7.84 0.13 7.70
Punjab 2.75 5.21 7.96 0.13 7.83
Rajasthan 2.68 4.35 7.03 0.13 6.89
Tamil Nadu 2.68 4.30 6.98 0.13 6.85
Uttar Pradesh 2.69 4.45 7.14 0.13 7.01
Others 2.71 4.68 7.39 0.13 7.26

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

State Levellised Variable Applicable Benefit of Net Levellised

Fixed Cost Tariff Rate Accelerated Tariff (upon
Cost (FY 2017-18) (FY 2017-18) Depreciation adjusting for
(if availed) Accelerated
(if availed)
(`/kWh) (`/kWh) (`/kWh) (`/kWh) (`/kWh)
Biomass Power Projects [other than Rice Straw and Juliflora (plantation) based project]
with Air Cooled Condenser and travelling grate boiler
Andhra Pradesh 2.83 4.47 7.31 0.15 7.16
Haryana 2.89 5.09 7.98 0.15 7.83
Maharashtra 2.90 5.21 8.11 0.15 7.69
Punjab 2.91 5.33 8.23 0.15 8.09
Rajasthan 2.83 4.45 7.28 0.15 7.13
Tamil Nadu 2.83 4.40 7.23 0.15 7.08
Uttar Pradesh 2.84 4.55 7.39 0.15 7.25
Others 2.86 4.79 7.65 0.15 7.50

State Levellised Variable Applicable Benefit of Net Levellised

Fixed Cost Tariff Rate Accelerated Tariff (upon
Cost (FY 2017-18) (FY 2017-18) Depreciation adjusting for
(if availed) Accelerated
(if availed)
(`/kWh) (`/kWh) (`/kWh) (`/kWh) (`/kWh)
Biomass Power Projects [Rice Straw and Juliflora (plantation) based project]
with Water Cooled Condenser and travelling grate boiler
Andhra Pradesh 2.79 4.37 7.71 0.14 7.02
Haryana 2.85 4.98 7.82 0.14 7.68
Maharashtra 2.86 5.09 7.95 0.14 7.80
Punjab 2.87 5.21 8.07 0.14 7.93
Rajasthan 2.79 4.35 7.14 0.14 6.99
Tamil Nadu 2.79 4.30 7.09 0.14 6.95
Uttar Pradesh 2.80 4.45 7.25 0.14 7.11
Others 2.82 4.68 7.50 0.14 7.35

Annual Report 2016-17

State Levellised Variable Applicable Benefit of Net Levellised

Fixed Cost Tariff Rate Accelerated Tariff (upon
Cost (FY 2017-18) (FY 2017-18) Depreciation adjusting for
(if availed) Accelerated
(if availed)
(`/kWh) (`/kWh) (`/kWh) (`/kWh) (`/kWh)
Biomass Power Projects [Rice Straw and Juliflora (plantation) based project]
with Air Cooled Condenser and travelling grate boiler
Andhra Pradesh 2.95 4.47 7.43 0.16 7.27
Haryana 3.01 5.09 8.10 0.16 7.94
Maharashtra 3.02 5.21 8.23 0.16 8.07
Punjab 3.03 5.33 8.35 0.16 8.20
Rajasthan 2.95 4.45 7.40 0.16 7.24
Tamil Nadu 2.95 4.40 7.35 0.16 7.19
Uttar Pradesh 2.96 4.55 7.51 0.16 7.36
Others 2.98 4.79 7.77 0.16 7.61

State Levellised Variable Applicable Benefit of Net Levellised

Fixed Cost Tariff Rate Accelerated Tariff (upon
Cost (FY 2017-18) (FY 2017-18) Depreciation adjusting for
(if availed) Accelerated
(if availed)
(`/kWh) (`/kWh) (`/kWh) (`/kWh) (`/kWh)
Biomass Power Projects [other than Rice Straw and Juliflora (plantation) based project]
with Water Cooled Condenser and AFBC boiler
Andhra Pradesh 2.68 4.30 6.67 0.13 6.84
Haryana 2.73 4.89 7.62 0.13 7.48
Maharashtra 2.74 5.00 7.74 0.13 7.61
Punjab 2.75 5.11 7.86 0.13 7.73
Rajasthan 2.67 4.27 6.94 0.13 6.81
Tamil Nadu 2.67 4.23 6.90 0.13 6.76
Uttar Pradesh 2.68 4.37 7.05 0.13 6.92
Others 2.70 4.59 7.30 0.13 7.16

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

State Levellised Variable Applicable Benefit of Net Levellised

Fixed Cost Tariff Rate Accelerated Tariff (upon
Cost (FY 2017-18) (FY 2017-18) Depreciation adjusting for
(if availed) Accelerated
(if availed)
(`/kWh) (`/kWh) (`/kWh) (`/kWh) (`/kWh)
Biomass Power Projects [other than Rice Straw and Juliflora (plantation) based project]
with Air Cooled Condenser and AFBC boiler
Andhra Pradesh 2.83 4.39 7.22 0.15 7.08
Haryana 2.88 5.00 7.88 0.15 7.74
Maharashtra 2.89 5.12 8.00 0.15 7.86
Punjab 2.90 5.23 8.13 0.15 7.98
Rajasthan 2.82 4.37 7.19 0.15 7.05
Tamil Nadu 2.82 4.32 7.14 0.15 7.00
Uttar Pradesh 2.83 4.47 7.30 0.15 7.16
Others 2.85 4.70 7.55 0.15 7.41

State Levellised Variable Applicable Benefit of Net Levellised

Fixed Cost Tariff Rate Accelerated Tariff (upon
Cost (FY 2017-18) (FY 2017-18) Depreciation adjusting for
(if availed) Accelerated
(if availed)
(`/kWh) (`/kWh) (`/kWh) (`/kWh) (`/kWh)
Biomass Power Projects [Rice Straw and Juliflora (plantation) based project]
with Water Cooled Condenser and AFBC boiler
Andhra Pradesh 2.79 4.30 7.08 0.14 6.94
Haryana 2.84 4.89 7.73 0.14 7.58
Maharashtra 2.85 5.00 7.85 0.14 7.70
Punjab 2.86 5.11 7.97 0.14 7.83
Rajasthan 2.79 4.27 7.05 0.14 6.91
Tamil Nadu 2.78 4.23 7.01 0.14 6.86
Uttar Pradesh 2.79 4.37 7.16 0.14 7.02
Others 2.81 4.59 7.41 0.14 7.26

Annual Report 2016-17

State Levellised Variable Applicable Benefit of Net Levellised

Fixed Cost Tariff Rate Accelerated Tariff (upon
Cost (FY 2017-18) (FY 2017-18) Depreciation adjusting for
(if availed) Accelerated
(if availed)
(`/kWh) (`/kWh) (`/kWh) (`/kWh) (`/kWh)
Biomass Power Projects [Rice Straw and Juliflora (plantation) based project]
with Air Cooled Condenser and AFBC boiler
Andhra Pradesh 2.95 4.39 7.34 0.16 7.18
Haryana 3.00 5.00 8.00 0.16 7.84
Maharashtra 3.01 5.12 8.13 0.16 7.97
Punjab 3.02 5.23 8.25 0.16 8.09
Rajasthan 2.95 4.37 7.31 0.16 7.15
Tamil Nadu 2.94 4.32 7.26 0.16 7.11
Uttar Pradesh 2.95 4.47 7.43 0.16 7.27
Others 2.97 4.70 7.67 0.16 7.52

State Levellised Variable Applicable Benefit of Net Levellised

Fixed Cost Tariff Rate Accelerated Tariff (upon
Cost (FY 2017-18) (FY 2017-18) Depreciation adjusting for
(if availed) Accelerated
(if availed)
(`/kWh) (`/kWh) (`/kWh) (`/kWh) (`/kWh)

Bagasse Based Co-generation Project

Andhra Pradesh 3.11 2.84 5.95 0.20 5.75

Haryana 2.78 4.03 6.82 0.17 6.65
Maharashtra 2.49 3.98 6.47 0.15 6.32
Punjab 2.74 3.55 6.29 0.17 6.12
Tamil Nadu 2.41 3.06 5.47 0.15 5.32
Uttar Pradesh 3.14 3.16 6.31 0.20 6.10
Others 2.73 3.44 6.17 0.17 6.00

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

State Levellised Variable Applicable Benefit of Net Levellised

Fixed Cost Tariff Rate Accelerated Tariff (upon
Cost (FY 2017-18) (FY 2017-18) Depreciation adjusting for
(if availed) Accelerated
(if availed)
(`/kWh) (`/kWh) (`/kWh) (`/kWh) (`/kWh)

Biomass Gasifier Power Project

Andhra Pradesh 2.54 3.99 6.53 0.10 6.43

Haryana 2.58 4.54 7.13 0.10 7.03
Maharashtra 2.59 4.65 7.24 0.10 7.14
Punjab 2.60 4.75 7.35 0.10 7.25
Rajasthan 2.54 3.96 6.50 0.10 6.40
Tamil Nadu 2.53 3.93 6.46 0.10 6.36
Uttar Pradesh 2.54 4.06 6.60 0.10 6.50
Others 2.56 4.27 6.83 0.10 6.73
Bio-gas based Generation
Biogas 3.37 4.19 7.56 0.23 7.33

Annual Report 2016-17

List of visit/tours of CERC officials Outside India w.e.f. 1.4.2016 to 31.3.2017

Name Designation Details of Foreign Visit Country Visited Year

Mr. T. Rout Chief (Law) 1. USAID-NARUC Study Tour USA 20-24/2/2017
to U.S.A. on large-scale
integration of RE into the power
grid under USAID's GTG

Mr. S.C. Shrivastava Chief (Engg.) Study tour under USTDA wind & US 4-16/4/2016
solar energy storage project

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

List of visit/tours of CERC officials within India w.e.f. 1.4.2016 to 31.3.2017

Name Designation Details of visit Place Year

Sh. S.C.Srivastava Chief (Engg.) Workshop on pump storage New Delhi 24/1/2017

Dr. S.K. Chatterjee Jt. Chief (RA) Workshop on pump storage New Delhi 24/1/2017

Sh. H. T. Gandhi Jt. Chief (Fin.) Workshop on pump storage New Delhi 24/1/2017

Ms.Vaishali Rana Asstt. Chief (MIS) Trg. prog. on legal aspects of NPTI, Faridabad 12-13/2/2017

Sh. Ramanjaneyulu Gali Asstt. Chief (Engg.) Trg. prog. on legal aspects of NPTI, Faridabad 12-13/2/2017

Sh. Jagdish Ch. Hooda Asstt. Chief (Engg.) Trg. prog. on legal aspects of NPTI, Faridabad 12-13/2/2017

Sh. Sanjeev Tinjan Asstt. Chief (RA) 1. Switch global Vadodara 9-11/10/ 2016

2. Workshop/Boot camp to study NRLDC, 4-6/1/ 2017

the impact of large scale New Delhi
integration of RE in the grid

3. National Review Meeting of IHC, New Delhi 24/1/2017

State Principal Secretaries /
Secretaries dealing with
Renewable Energy and Heads of
State Nodal Agencies (SNAs) on
23 and 24 Jan 2017

4. Conference on NITI-IEEJ joint NITI Ayog, 7/2/2017

study on energy sector New Delhi

Sh. Arun Kumar Asstt. Secy. (FOR) Trg. prog. on legal aspects of NPTI, Faridabad 12-13/2/2017

Annual Report 2016-17

Audited Annual Accounts for the year 2016-17
Separate Audit Report of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India on the Annual
Accounts of Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC), New Delhi for the year
ended 31st March 2017

We have audited the attached Balance Sheet of Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
(CERC), New Delhi as on 31 March, 2017 and the Income & Expenditure Account/Receipts & Payments
Account for the year ended on that date under Section 19(2) of the Comptroller & Auditor General’s
(Duties, Powers & Conditions of Service) Act, 1971 read with Section 100 (2) of the Electricity Act,
2003. These financial statements are the responsibility of the CERC’s Management. Our responsibility is
to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.

2. This Separate Audit Report contains the comments of the Comptroller & Auditor General of
India (CAG) on the accounting treatment only with regard to classification, conformity with the best
practices, accounting standards and disclosure norms, etc. Audit observations on financial statements
with regard to compliance with the Law, Rules & Regulations (Propriety and Regularity) and efficiency-
cum-performance aspects etc., if any, are reported through Inspection Report/CAG’s Audit Reports

3. We have conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in India.
These standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about
whether the financial statements are free from material misstatements. An audit includes examining, on
a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosure in the financial statements. An audit also
includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by the management, as
well as evaluating the overall presentation of financial statements. We believe that our audit provides a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

4. Based on our audit, we report that :

i We have obtained all the information and explanations, which to the best of our
knowledge and belief were necessary for the purpose of our audit.

ii. The Balance Sheet and Income & Expenditure Account/Receipts & Payments Account
dealt with by this report have been drawn up in the format approved by the
Government under sub-section (i) of section 100 of the Electricity Act, 2003.

iii. In our opinion, proper books of accounts and other relevant records have been
maintained by the CERC as requird under Section 100(1) of Electricity Act, 2003 (with
amendments of 2003 and 2007) in so far as it appears from our examination of such

iv. We further report that :

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

A. Comment on Accounts : Nil

B. Grant-in-aid

Out of the grants-in-aid of ` 44.72 crore received during the year (` Nil was received in March
2017) and unspent balance of ` 10.78 crore of previous year, totaling to ` 55.50 crore, CERC
could utilize a sum of ` 40.65 crore leaving a balance of ` 14.85 crore as unutilized grant as on
31st March 2017.

C. Management Letter

Deficiencies which have not been included in the Separate Audit Report have been brought to
the notice of the Chairman, CERC through a Management letter issued separately for
remedial/corrective action.

v. Subject to our observation in the preceding paragraphs, we report that the Balance Sheet and
Income & Expenditure Account/Receipts and Payments Account dealt with by this report are in
agreement with the books of accounts.

vi. In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us,
the said financial statements read together with the Accounting Policies and Notes on
Accounts, and subject to matters mentioned in the Annexure-I to this Separate Audit Report,
give a true and fair view in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in India :

a) In so far as it relates to the Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs of the Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission as at 31 March 2017; and

b) In so far as it relates to Income & Expenditure Account, of the excess of expenditure over
income for the year ended on that date.

For and on behalf of the C & AG of India

(Ritika Bhatia)
Principal Director of Commercial Audit
Place : New Delhi & Ex-officio Member, Audit Board-III,
Date : 26 September, 2017 New Delhi

Annual Report 2016-17

[Referred to in Para 4 (vi)]

1. Adequacy of Internal Audit System CERC has its own Internal Audit Manual which was
approved on 18 June 2013. Internal Audit of Annual
Accounts of CERC for the year 2016-17 was conducted
in-house by its own officers and Report was submitted
to the concerned authority on 21 June 2017. Internal
Audit of the transactions of CERC has not been
completed for the year 2016-17. CERC is also subject
to audit by Ministry of Power.

2. Adequacy of Internal Control System Internal Financial Control mechanism for monitoring
receipts and making payments and accounting thereof
is commensurate with the size and nature of activities
of CERC.

3. System of Physical Verification Physical verification of fixed assets for the year 2016-17
of Fixed Assets has been carried out by a committee of officers of
CERC comprising Assistant Chief (Eco), Assistant
Chief (MIS) and Assistant Secretary (P&A). Fixed
Assets Register has been maintained by CERC.

4. Regularity in payment of Statutory CERC is regular in payment of statutory dues applicable

Dues applicable to them to them.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission


(` in Lacs)
DULE 31.03.2017 31.03.2016
CAPITAL FUND 1 371.18 519.97
CERC FUND 2 34,312.67 26,065.31

TOTAL 36,599.57 28,257.35

FIXED ASSETS 4 371.18 519.97
CURRENT ASSETS, LOANS & ADVANCES 5 35,701.13 27,225.57

TOTAL 36,599.57 28,257.35



Sd/- Sd/-
Integrated Financial Adviser Secretary


(` in Lacs)
DULE 2016-17 2015-16
OTHER INCOME 9 2.12 0.72
DEFFERED INCOME 4 168.70 243.38
(Depreciation on assets Acquired from Grant-in-Aid)
TOTAL (A) 4,297.29 3,906.75
ESTABLISHMENT EXPENSES 10 1,339.16 1,069.37
OTHER ADMINISTRATIVE EXP., ETC. 11 2,756.64 2,594.00
DEPRECIATION 4 170.40 184.46
PRIOR PERIOD ITEMS (NET) 12 31.09 58.92
TOTAL (B) 4,297.29 3,906.75

Sd/- Sd/-
Integrated Financial Adviser Secretary

Annual Report 2016-17


(` in Lacs)
31.03.2017 31.03.2016
IN-AID 519.97 3.77
(acquired from Grant-in-Aid)
(148.79) 516.20

SUB TOTAL (A) 371.18 519.97






GRAND TOTAL ( A + B) 371.18 519.97

Sd/- Sd/-
Integrated Financial Adviser Secretary

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

(` in Lacs)
31.03.2017 31.03.2016
BALANCE AS AT BEGINNING OF THE YEAR Current Previous 26,065.31 19,476.43
Year Year
IN PREVIOUS YEAR 1,078.08 937.10
CURRENT PERIOD 4,471.92 3,495.90
REVERSAL OF INTEREST 5,550.00 4,433.00
20,515.31 15,043.43


FILING FEE/ TARIFF FEE 8,009.66 7,277.48
LICENCE FEE 4,014.79 3,428.74
MISCELLANEOUS FEE 83.46 19.94 12,165.91 10,784.16

OTHER INCOME 29.51 32.20 223.81 263.17
32,905.03 26,090.76


NEXT FINANCIAL YEAR 1,484.97 1,078.08
GRANTS-IN-AID 21.61 759.58
TOTAL 34,312.67 26,065.31

Sd/- Sd/-
Integrated Financial Adviser Secretary

Annual Report 2016-17

(` in Lacs)
31.03.2017 31.03.2016
1. SUNDRY CREDITORS 529.08 693.40
3.1 Fee Refundable/Adjustable 18.69 13.50
3.2 Fee Received Without Requisite Details/Document 47.84 7.40
3.3 Trading Licence Fee - FY 17-18 3.00 -
3.4 Transmission Licence Fee - FY 17-18 3.00 -
3.5 Transmission Licence Fee - FY 18-19 2.00 -
3.6 Transmission Tariff Tariff Fee - FY 16-17 - 18.55
3.7 Transmission Tariff Tariff Fee - FY 17-18 95.37 11.98
3.8 Transmission Tariff Tariff Fee - FY 18-19 30.63 11.74
4.1 CPF Matching Contribution 0.28 0.24
4.2 GPF Matching Contribution 0.26 0.26
4.3 EPF Matching Contribution 6.30 4.71
4.4 Pension Contribution for employees on deputation in CERC. 12.12 9.05
4.5 Leave Salary Contribution for employess on deputation in CERC 27.02 9.74
4.6 Gratuity Contribution payable for employees on deputation in CERC 3.17 2.48
4.7 Gratuity Payable-Others - 6.49
4.8 Group Savings Linked Insurance/LIC 0.01 0.01
4.9 EPF Employees Contribution 0.38 0.22
4.10 NPS Matching Contribution 0.22 0.12
4.11 G.P.F Advance 0.05 0.05
4.12 HBA Advance 0.07 0.07
4.13 EPF Voluntary Contribution 0.30 0.30
4.14 CPF Statutory & Voluntary - 0.08
4.15 Licence Fee (Govt. Accomodation) - 0.00
4.16 Other Recovery 0.02 0.02
5.1 Penalty 466.95 431.17
5.2 Security Deposits 64.93 21.25
5.3 Other Recoveries (Computer Advance) 0.00 0.00
5.4 Central Govt. Employees Group Ins. Scheme 0.00 0.00
5.5 Other Recoveries (Car Advance) 0.08 0.08
5.6 Earnest Money Deposits 2.00 2.00
TOTAL (A) 1,392.66 1,315.31
6.1 Leave Encashment 295.47 191.29
6.2 Gratuity 224.19 161.22
7.1 Audit Fees Payable (C & AG) 3.40 4.25
TOTAL (B) 523.06 356.76
GRAND TOTAL (A+B) 1,915.72 1,672.07

Sd/- Sd/-
Integrated Financial Adviser Secretary





WOODEN PARTITIONS & RENOVATIONS 213.48 13.27 226.75 162.43 13.84 3.01 179.28 47.47 51.05
FURNITURE & FITTINGS 348.00 11.83 2.77 362.60 278.07 22.49 3.38 303.94 58.66 69.93
MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 232.42 16.80 - 249.22 195.97 12.68 7.21 215.87 33.35 36.45
ELECTRIC INSTALLATION & EQUIPMENT 7.49 7.49 1.70 1.70 5.79
COMPUTER/PHERIPHERALS 239.32 7.59 3.90 243.01 194.95 17.51 2.54 3.64 211.36 31.65 44.37
LIBRARY BOOKS 5.39 0.29 5.68 5.39 0.29 5.68 - -
ALLOCATION 296.64 (32.59) 7.47 13.05 258.47 38.64 (1.70) 55.77 1.93 94.64 163.83 258.00

SOFTWARE 148.69 148.69 88.52 29.74 118.26 30.43 60.17

TOTAL 1,483.94 - 34.92 16.95 1,501.91 963.97 (1.70) 152.04 20.06 3.64 1,130.73 371.18 519.97


TOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - - -

GRAND TOTAL 1,483.94 - 34.92 16.95 1,501.91 963.97 (1.70) 152.04 20.06 3.64 1,130.73 371.18 519.97

PREVIOUS YEAR 1,156.41 - 503.61 176.08 1,483.94 748.99 58.92 99.68 84.78 28.40 963.97 519.97 407.42

Sd/- Sd/-
Integrated Financial Adviser Secretary
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
Annual Report 2016-17

(` in Lacs)
31.03.2017 31.03.2016
1.1 IMPREST CARD 0.20 -
1.3 CERC Fund Account (Public Account of India) 33,642.83 25,586.19
1.4 Fixed Deposit (For Penalty Received Under Litigation) 463.37 429.55


2.1.1 STAFF 5.38 4.81
2.1.2 OTHERS 8.48 12.66


2.2.1 PREPAID EXPENSES 49.31 48.45
2.2.2 FORUM OF REGULATORS 21.38 16.00


4 FEE RECEIVABLE 0.70 1.96


6 INVENTORY 3.72 -

TOTAL 35,701.13 27,225.57

Sd/- Sd/-
Integrated Financial Adviser Secretary

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

(` in Lacs)
31.03.2017 31.03.2016
3.1 - GROUND FLOOR 1.23 1.23
3.2 - 1st FLOOR 10.24 10.24
3.3 - 3rd & 4th FLOOR 12.13 12.13
4.1 - GROUND FLOOR 172.23 172.23
4.2 - 1st FLOOR 26.02 26.02
4.3 - 3rd & 4th FLOOR 276.78 276.78
4.4 - 1ST FLOOR REAR SIDE 14.67 0.62
5 SECURITY DEPOSIT - Licence Fee 8.84 8.84
TOTAL 527.26 511.81

Sd/- Sd/-
Integrated Financial Adviser Secretary

(` in Lacs)




Sd/- Sd/-
Integrated Financial Adviser Secretary

(` in Lacs)
2016-17 2015-16





TO CERC FUND 1,484.97 1,078.08

TOTAL 4,065.03 3,354.92

Sd/- Sd/-
Integrated Financial Adviser Secretary

Annual Report 2016-17

(` in Lacs)
2016-17 2015-16






TOTAL 2.12 0.72

Sd/- Sd/-
Integrated Financial Adviser Secretary

(` in Lacs)
2016-17 2015-16
1.1 PAY OF STAFF/OFFICER 546.59 252.43
1.2 PAY OF CHAIRPERSON & MEMBERS 200.25 172.79
1.3 ALLOWANCES AND BONUS 213.99 388.04


2.1 GRATUITY 6.30 1.27


3.3 OTHERS 34.95 34.24

4.1 TUITION FEE/ CEA 7.03 5.69
4.3 LEAVE ENCASHMENT 4.37 2.05

TOTAL 1,339.16 1,069.37

Sd/- Sd/-
Integrated Financial Adviser Secretary

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

(` in Lacs)
2016-17 2015-16


3 WATER CHARGES 7.89 6.60


4.1 COMPUTER 1.92 5.05
4.2 BUILDING 12.77 14.24
4.3 OTHERS 14.51 12.07
4.4 AIRCONDITIONERS 13.87 18.48
4.5 HARDWARE SUPPORT 1.61 1.61

5 RENT RATES AND TAXES 1,387.16 1,209.22





9.3 CONVEYANCE 2.09 2.71






15.1 BOOKS & PERODICALS 14.22 14.25
15.5 TRAINING EXPENSES 1.03 0.67
15.8 CONSUMABLES 1.33 0.94

TOTAL 2,756.64 2,594.00

Sd/- Sd/-
Integrated Financial Adviser Secretary

Annual Report 2016-17

(` in Lacs)
2016-17 2015-16
1 Rent 32.79

2 Write back of excess depreciation charged in previous years (1.70)

3 Write back of depreciation of lost asset

4 Depreciation on asset sold in previous years

5 Depreciation 58.92

TOTAL 31.09 58.92

Sd/- Sd/-
Integrated Financial Adviser Secretary

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission




The financial statements are prepared on the basis of historical cost convention, unless
otherwise stated and on the accrual method of accounting in the format of accounts
prescribed under CERC (Form of Annual Statement of Accounts and Records) Rules, 2007,
framed by the Central Government under sub-section (1) of section 100 of the Electricity
Act, 2003 (No.36 of 2003), in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor-General of
India. The accounts have been prepared in compliance with applicable Accounting Principles
and Standards.


Fixed Assets are stated at cost of acquisition inclusive of inward freight, duties and taxes and
incidental and direct expenses related to acquisition.


i. Depreciation on Fixed assets has been worked out on 'Written Down Value' method as
per the life of the assets prescribed in Schedule II of the Companies Act, 2013.

ii. In respect of additions to fixed assets during the year, full depreciation is charged on
assets acquired up to 30th September and half rate of depreciation is charged on assets
acquired after 30th September. Similarly, full year depreciation is charged on assets
disposed off/discarded after 30th September and depreciation at half rate for that year is
charged on assets disposed off/discarded before 30th September.

iii. Fixed asset valuing ` 5000/- or less, are capitalized and are fully depreciated.


Software is amortized over a period of 5 (five) years or life of the software, whichever is
lower, unless otherwise stated.


In accordance with CERC Fund (Constitution and manner of application of the Fund) Rule
2007, CERC Fund account has been opened in the Public Account of India. All Fees,
undisputed penalty and other sums received by CERC are credited to the CERC Fund on
‘accrual basis’. The amount released by the Ministry of Power from CERC Fund (maintained

Annual Report 2016-17

in the Public Account of India) and is accounted for on accrual basis in the Income and
Expenditure Account.


i. Government grants/subsidy is accounted for on accrual basis.

ii. As per Accounting Standard- 12 notified by the Central Government, the depreciation
charged on Fixed Assets acquired out of Grant-in-Aid has been shown on the Income side
of the Income & Expenditure Account as Deferred Income and corresponding amount
has been deducted from the Capital Fund.


Transactions denominated in foreign currency are accounted at the exchange rate prevailing
at the date of the transaction. Foreign Exchange gain or loss, if any, is recognized in the
Income & Expenditure Account of the year in accordance with the Accounting Standard-11.


Lease rentals are expensed with reference to the lease terms.


Liability towards gratuity and leave encashment payable on death/retirement of employees of

CERC is accounted for based on Actuarial Valuation as per Accounting Standard-15. In
respect of employees on deputation, the leave salary and contribution towards pension/
gratuity are accounted for in accordance with the terms & conditions of deputation.


Compendium of Regulations is printed for internal and Government use as well as sale at a
prescribed price to the government companies and private parties. From 2016-17, the
Inventory of compendium of Regulations as at the end of the year is accounted for at lower of
cost or market value thereof.

Sd/- Sd/-
Integrated Financial Adviser Secretary

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission




i. As per Central Electricity Regulatory Commission Fund (Constitution and the manner of
application, of the Fund) and Form and Time for Preparation of Budget Rules, 2007,
CERC Fund comprises of any grants and loans made to the Central Commission by the
Central Government under section 98 of the Act; all fees received by the Central
Commission under the Act; and all sums received by the Central Commission from other
sources as may be decided upon by the Central Government from time to time. The
Fund shall be applied for meeting - (a) the salary, allowances and other remuneration of
the Chairperson, Members, Secretary, Officers and other employees of the Central
Commission; (b) the expenses of the Central Commission in discharge of its functions
under section 79 of the Act; and (c) the expenses on objects and for purposes authorised
by the Act. The Central Commission shall seek release of amount from the Fund against
its annual budget for meeting its establishment related and other expenses.

ii. MoP treated the amount released from CERC Fund maintained under Public Account of
India as ‘Grant-in-Aid’. The matter was taken up from time to time from November 2011
to February 2013 with the Ministry of Power for treating withdrawal from the CERC
Fund in similar lines to that of SEBI based on the opinion of Sh. Soli J. Sorabjee, former
Attorney General of India and again from July 2013 to April 2014 for allowing CERC for
retention of fees received in CERC upto the extent of its budgeted expenditure.
However, the proposal was not agreed to by the Ministry. The Ministry of Power in
consultation with the Ministry of Finance decided (September 2015) that release from the
CERC Fund would be treated as Grant-in-Aid. Accordingly, from 2015-16, entire
expenditure of the CERC is met from the 'Grant-in aid' released from the CERC Fund on
accrual basis.

iii. According to CERC Fund Rules, a CERC Fund account has been opened under the Public
Account of India, which is a non-lapsable and non-interest bearing account. During 2016-
17, a sum of ` 12529 lakh (Previous year ` 10463 lakh) have been deposited in the CERC
Fund and during the same period MoP released an amount of ` 4472 lakh (Previous year
`3496 lakh) from the Fund, for meeting the establishment expenditure of CERC, leaving a
balance of ` 33643 lakh (Previous Year ` 25586 lakh) in CERC Fund (Public Accounts of
India) as on 31 March 2017.

Annual Report 2016-17

iv. During the Current year, all the direct as well as indirect incomes amounting to ` 12390
lakh (Previous year ` 11047 lakh) were transferred to CERC Fund Account (Schedule – 2
of the Balance Sheet) and ` 4472 lakh (excluding savings carried forward from the
previous year) were released (Previous year ` 3496 lakh) from the CERC Fund for
meeting the expenditure of the Commission. Unspent balance of ` 1485 lakh at the end of
the Current year (Previous year ` 1078 lakh) has been transferred back to CERC Fund.


Capital commitments of nil (Previous year ` nil), including taxes, existed as on 31 March 2017
in respect of incomplete projects.


Future obligations for rentals under finance lease arrangements for vehicles amounts to ` one
lakh (Previous year ` 6 lakh).


i Assets acquired out of the Grant-in-Aid received from Ministry of Power are depreciated
and accounted for as the Deferred Income every year by corresponding reduction in the
Capital Reserves.

ii. Renovation work of the ground floor, first floor and fourth floor of the Chander Lok
building was completed in 2015-16, however, pending receipt of bills, expenditure
incurred on these items have been capitalized under 'Renovation work- pending
allocation' and have been depreciated provisionally subject to asset wise allocation and
adjustments on receipt of the bills of the contractors.

iii. Physical verification of assets was carried out in house in May 2017. No material
discrepancy was noticed in the physical verification.


Net penalties levied by CERC under section 142 of the Electricity Act, 2003 till 31 March
2017 was ` 1779 lakh (Previous Year `1778 lakh), of which an amount of `1290 lakh
(Previous Year ` 1290 lakh) is contested by the parties in various courts of Law and not
deposited by them in CERC. Remaining amount of ` 492 lakh (Previous Year ` 488 lakh), has
been received in CERC. Out of the received amount, ` 358 lakh (Previous year ` 356 lakh) is
under contest in various courts of law and has been disclosed as the Current Liability. This
also includes ` 1 lakh (Previous year ` 1 lakh) refundable based on the order of the CERC.
The amount received but contested has been kept under a short term fixed deposit in the

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

bank and shall be deposited in the CERC Fund (maintained under Public Account of India) or
refunded to the party, as the case may be, based on the outcome of the court cases.
Remaining ` 134 lakh which is undisputed has been transferred to CERC Fund (Current year
` 2 lakh (net) and up to Previous years ` 132 lakh). This is in line with the approval of the
Ministry of Power. As per the directions from the office of the Comptroller and Auditor
General of India, interest 'received' and 'accrued but not received' on the fixed deposits made
out of the disputed amount penalty is accounted for under the Other Current Liabilities.
There is no impact on the Income and Expenditure Account on this account.


i. In the opinion of the Management, the Current Assets, Loans and Advances have a value
on realization in the ordinary course of business, equal at least to the aggregate amount
shown in the Balance Sheet.

ii. During the year 2010-11, Demand Drafts amounting to ` 16,91,875/- were lost from the
Registry of Commission and encashed fraudulently by an employee of CERC. FIR was
lodged with the Police Authority and the matter is under investigation at their end.
Departmental enquiry against the concerned individual was finalized in March 2013 and
the errant employee has been dismissed. The matter is under investigation in the court of
law and pending the outcome of the police investigation, neither the amount was booked
as income nor the Provision for loss (stolen demand drafts) was made in the Books of


As per section 10(23)(BBG) of the Income Tax Act, 1961, the Income of the Commission is
exempted from the Income Tax.


Upto 2014-15, the Income in the Income and Expenditure Account was recognised to the
extent of the amount actually paid by the CERC. However, on being pointed by the office of
the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, the Accounting Policy has been changed and
Grants-in-aid received from the Government of India to the extent of the expenditure
incurred on accrual basis has been treated as Income. Consequently, entire expenditure of
is met from the Grant in aid sanctioned by the Ministry and surplus grant has been carried
forwarded to the next year. As long as the expenditure for the year on accrual basis is less
that the grant sanctioned by the Ministry, there would not be any excess of expenditure over
Income as excess grants over carried forwarded to next year.

Annual Report 2016-17


The Annual Accounts are based on accrual basis of accounting. Accordingly, the provisions
for outstanding dues, statutory liabilities such as Gratuity, Leave Salary & Pension
Contribution, CPF/EPF Matching Contributions, Audit Fees, etc. have been made and
reflected in the Accounts.


Inventory of Compendium of Regulations was not being accounted for upto previous year.
As advised by the office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, this has been
accounted for from the current year. Due to change in Accounting Policy, Inventory has
increased by Rs. four lakh with consequential impact of same amount on Income and
Expenditure Account for the year.

11. Schedules 1 to 14 form an integral part of the Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2017 and the
Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended on that date.

12. Previous year figures have been regrouped wherever necessary.

Sd/- Sd/-
Integrated Financial Adviser Secretary


2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16

1. To Opening Balances 1. By Expenses

(a) Establishment expenses
(a) Bank Balance (i) Salaries (Chairman & Members of the
Commission) 199.50 169.04
(i) In Current Accounts : (ii) Salaries (Officers and establishment) 515.97 254.09
CORPORATION BANK-CURRENT A/C (CLCA) 1.00 1017.47 (iii) Allowances and Bonus 237.36 384.33
CORPORATION BANK-CURRENT A/C (CNPCA) 1077.15 - (iv) Payment for professional and other
services 754.24 389.20
(v) Leave Encashment 9.37 5.52
(ii) Savings Account : (b) Travel Expenses
CORPORATION BANK-SAVINGS A/C (CLSB) 0.15 (i) Foreign Travels 3.26 11.18
CORPORATION BANK-SAVINGS A/C (CNPSB) 23.85 0.15 (ii) Domestic Travels 30.74 24.75
(c) Medical and Health care facilities 40.10 43.53
(iii) Fixed Deposit 429.55 393.55 (d) Other establishment charges
(i) Tuition fees/ CEA 7.20 5.77
2. To Grants Received (ii) LTC 6.04 4.01
From Ministry of Power 4471.92 3495.90 (e) Contribution to Provident Fund 77.62 53.71
(f) Contribution to Other Funds
3. To Receipts of the Commission (i) CPF Matching Contribution 3.70 5.84
(i) Interest Received (ii) NPS Matching Contribution 2.17 1.76
- To Interest on Auto Sweep Deposits 198.59 256.93 (g) Staff welfare expenses 34.80 34.55
- Interest from Savings Accounts 0.01 0.11
- Interest Linked to Penalty FDRs 33.82 36.00 2. By Administratrative expenses
(ii) Sale of Compendium 1.17 1.75 (a) Labour and Processing expenses 311.86 240.50
(b) Electricity & Power 52.68 48.21
(iii) Sale of Newspapers 0.44 0.94 (c) Water charges 7.93 6.38
(d) Insurance against Infidelity & Cash handling 0.12 0.12
(iv) Fee Charges by the Commission (e) Repair and Maintenance 2.50 5.00
- Filling Fee 851.00 677.00 (f) Rent, Rates and Taxes 1330.90 1208.96

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
(` in Lacs)
- Licence Fee 4024.23 3412.92 (g) Vehicles Running and Maintenance
- Tariff fee 7307.56 5961.87 (i) Taxi Hiring expenses 50.21 49.32
- Annual Registration Fee 58.00 58.00 (ii) Running & Maintenance 16.71 18.59
- Penalty 4.00 11.00 (h) Postage, Telephone and
Communication Charges 41.69 36.81
- Fee Received Without Requisite Details/Document 41.77 6.98 (i) Printing and Stationery 33.02 28.32
Annual Report

- RTI Fee 0.10 0.01 (j) Travelling and Conveyance 2.13 2.81
(k) Expenses on Seminar/Meetings 20.74 19.07
(v) Miscellaneous receipts 19.81 19.94 (l) Subscription Expenses 65.91 63.64
(m) Auditors Remuneration/Legal Fee 3.41 2.76
4. To Debt/Deposit Receipts (n) Advertisement and Publicity 42.40 59.10
(o) Others (to be specified)
(a) Recovery of advances from staff - AMC EPABX 0.76 0.38
(i) Motor Car/personal Computer advance 1.10 0.91 - AMC Photocopier Machines 7.38 3.36
- AMC Airconditioner 5.90 10.16
(ii) Scooter/Motor cycle advance 0.07 0.03 - AMC IT Infrastructure 1.63 -
(iii) Other advance (to be specified) - AMC UPS 0.58 0.76
- Festival 0.23 0.41 - AMC RIMS Server - 1.55
- Imprest 1.96 4.85 - Air conditioner Repair and maintenance 12.21 7.77
- Other Recovery - 0.22 - Books & Periodicals 14.50 14.16
- Bandwidth Charges 2.87 -
(b) Recovery fo contingent advance - Bulding Repair and maintenance 13.09 13.70
(i) Advances to suppliers 2.20 - Consumables 1.33 0.94
- Computer Repair & Maintenance 1.89 5.13
(c) Other Deposits - EMC Support - 3.22
(i) Security deposi 14.62 0.47 - Facility Management Charges Computer 5.78 19.56
(ii) Earnest Money Deposit - 2.00 - Honorarium Expenses - 0.05
- Information System - Licence Fees etc. 41.53 42.39
(d) Other Receipts - Miscellaneous Expenses 0.78 1.17
(i) Receipt on Buy-back - 0.48 - TDS Payable - 5.25
- Training Expenses 1.03 0.60
5. To Remittances Receipts


(` in Lacs)

3. Deposits Made
(a) Recovery from deputationists 1.36 (a) Security Deposit 15.77 2.41
(b) Licence Fee 1.12 0.94
(c) Income tax (Salary/ Non Salary) 245.84 173.34 4. (I) By Advances to Staff
(d) Central Govt. Health Scheme (CGHS) 0.10 (a) Motor car/ Computer Advances 0.30 0.01
(e) Central Govt Employees Group Insurance
Seheme (CGEIS) 0.15 0.17 (b) Scooter/Motor cycle Advances - 0.30
(f) Other Receipts (c) Festival Advance - 0.36
- EPF/GSLI recovery 3.94 0.55 (d) Other Advances (Expenses) 8.91 9.13
- CPF Matching Contirbution/EPF/GSLI/GPF/NPS 97.76 87.36
- FTE Recovery 0.39 0.81 (II) By Contingent Advances
- LTC Recovery 0.06 0.22 (a) Advance to Suppliers 8.48 12.66
- H.B.A. Recovery 1.55 2.09
- Recovery of License Fees (Lease Accomodation) 0.38 0.53 (III) By Other
- Gratuity Received 9.66 6.32 (a) Security deposit refund 1.90 0.10
- Leave Salary Contribution 1.05 0.37
- Pension Contribution 0.69 - (IV) Adjustments/Remittances
(a) GPF/CPF/EPF etc. recovered from the
6. To Other Receipts deputationists
- GPF Recovery remitted 29.83 34.97
- Postage & Telephone Recovery 0.08 - EPF Recovery remitted
(CERC Employee voluntory) 55.97 40.46
- FOIR/FOR/SAFIR 25.50 26.68 - EPF(Voluntory) Recovery remitted 3.60 3.30
- Excess Fee received 2.19 3.00 - CPF Recovery remitted 2.49 3.83
- Taxi Recovery - 0.02 - NPS Recovery remitted 2.02 1.76
- PFS Recovery - 0.42 - Other Recovery remitted
- Stale Cheques - 0.95 (b) Licence Fee 1.12 0.94
- Sale of asset 0.26 0.08 (c) Income tax (Salary/ Non Salary) 245.84 173.34
- Salary 1.63 - (d) Central Govt. Health Scheme (CGHS) 0.10
- Honorarium Receivable 0.05 - (e) CGEGIS/CEEIS 0.15 0.17
- Security Deposit Refund 0.23 - (f) House building advances 1.55 2.09
- Rent Recovery 0.16 - (g) Other recoveries 1.95 0.55

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
(` in Lacs)
5. By Contributions
(a) Pension 10.33 12.88
(b) Leave Salary 10.56 11.33
(c) Gratuity 12.11 12.09
6. By Expenditure on Fixed Assets and
Capital Work-In-Progress
Annual Report

(a) Furniture & Fittings 27.62 12.13

(c) Machinery & Equipment 21.49 25.78
(b) Books & Publications 0.30 0.30
7. By Other
(a) Fee reverted - 1.00
(PUBLIC ACCOUNTS OF INDIA) 12528.56 10463.51

9. Cash in hand 0.20 -

10. By Closing Balances

(i) In Current Accounts:
CURRENT A/C (CNPCA) 1484.97 1077.15

(ii) Savings Account:

SAVINGS A/C (CNPSB) 3.19 23.85

(iiI) Fixed Deposits 463.37 429.55

18958.22 15663.97 18958.22 15663.97


Sd/- Sd/-
Integrated Financial Adviser Secretary
Organization Chart Annexure-XIII

Central Electricity Regulatory Comission (CERC)
(As on 31-03-2017)

Gireesh B. Pradhan
Dr. M.K. Iyer A.S. Bakshi Chairperson A. K. Singhal Chairman, CEA
Member Member Member Member (Ex-Officio)

Shubha Sarma

Geetu Joshi M.K. Anand S.C. Shrivastava T. Rout

Chief (Economics) Chief (Finance) Chief (Engg) Chief (Legal)

P.K. Awasthi Dr. S.K. Chatterjee

H.T. Gandhi Vacant Vacant B. Sreekumar
Joint Chief (Fin) Joint Chief (RA)
Joint Chief (Fin) Joint Chief (Engg) Joint Chief (Engg) Dy. Chief (Legal)
V. Sreenivas
Rashmi S. Nair Shruti Deorah
Sukanta Gupta M.M. Chaudhari Dy. Chief (Legal)
Dr. U.R. Prasad Partha Sen Rajeev Pushkarna A.V. Shukla Dy. Chief (RA) Adviser (RE)
Dy. Chief (Engg) Dy. Chief (Engg)
Dy. Chief (Eco) Dy. Chief (Fin) Dy. Chief (Fin) Dy. Chief (Fin) T.D. Pant
Sanjeev Tinjan Archana Ahlawat
Dy. Chief (Legal)
D. Saluja Shilpa Agarwal Asst. Chief (RA) Dy. Chief (MIS)
Dy. Chief (Engg) Dy. Chief (Engg) Ritu Randeva
Dr. B.M. Panda Vacant Vacant Arun Kumar Vaishali Rana
Mahesh Gupta Asst. Chief (Legal) Asst. Secy (FOR) Asst. Chief (MIS)
Asst. Chief (Eco) Asst. Chief (Fin) Asst. Chief (Fin) Jagdish Chander Ramanjaneyulu
Asst. Chief (Acctt) Asst. Chief (E) Asst. Chief (E) R.K. Tiwari
Bench Officer P. Ramamoorthy Kamal Kishor
D. Murugan Tilak Raj S.S. Bhaunt Vacant Asst. Secy. (P&A) Asst. Chief (L/Ad.)
Asst. Chief (Fin) Asst. Chief (Fin) Manojit Sehrawat
Asst. Chief (E) Asst. Chief (E)
Asst. Chief (Legal)
V.S. Rana
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

Vipan Lal Sharma

Asst. Chief (E) Bench Officer (M) 9810213218
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
3rd & 4th Floor, Chanderlok Building, 36, Janpath, New Delhi-110001
Phone: +91-11-23353503, Fax: +91-11-23753923, Website:

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