Profile of Tinea Corporis and Tinea Cruris in Dermatovenereology Clinic of Tertiery Hospital: A Retrospective Study

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Profile of Tinea Corporis and Tinea Cruris in Dermatovenereology Clinic of

Tertiery Hospital: A Retrospective Study

Selvia Yulianti Dwi Ratih Sanggarwati1, Manik Retno Wahyunitisari2, Linda Astari3,
Evy Ervianti3
Undergraduate of Medicine Program, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga
Departement of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Dr. Soetomo General
Academic Teaching Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia
Departement of Dermatovenereology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Dr. Soetomo
General Academic Teaching Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia

Background: Tinea corporis and cruris are dermatophytes that infect the skin, and they are caused by Trichophyton sp.,
Microsporum sp., and Epidermophyton sp. Dermatophyte fungal-infect keratin-containing skin classified by the body’s
location, such as tinea corporis (skin besides haired area, body, hands, or feet) and tinea cruris (groin & perineal region).
Purpose: To evaluate the clinical profiles and treatments of tinea corporis and cruris at Dermatology and Venereology (DV)
outpatient clinic Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital in 2018. Methods: A retrospective-descriptive study based on
medical records of DV outpatient clinic Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital, Surabaya. Data collected from August to
December 2019. Tinea corporis and cruris profiles evaluation based on age, sex, occupation, precipitating factors, complaints,
illness duration, family history, lesion’s location and description, and therapy. Result: A total of 164 patients (35 tinea corporis,
76 tinea cruris, and 53 tinea corporis and cruris), predominantly female, age 46–55 years, came treatment less-than-a-month
cases, excessive sweating, itching, tinea corporis lesion’s location on the face and body, tinea cruris in groin, tinea corporis
and cruris on body and groin, erythematous macules, firm borders, active margins, scales, central healing, positive KOH 10–
20% examination, miconazole cream therapy 2%, griseofulvin therapy, griseofulvin oral and ketoconazole cream 2%
combination therapy. Discussion: Tinea corporis and cruris are common in females as their history and symptoms supported
by the characteristics of laboratory examination, the presence of hyphae in potassium hydroxide (KOH) 10–20%. Most patients
were prescribed with oral griseofulvin, especially in large lesions cases.

Keywords: tinea corporis, tinea cruris, potassium hydroxide 10–20%, retrospective descriptive research, Dr. Soetomo General
Academic Hospital.

Correspondence: Evy Ervianti, Department/SMF of Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Faculty of Medicine,
Universitas Airlangga/Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital, Jl. Mayjen Prof. Dr. Moestopo No. 6-8, Airlangga, Gubeng,
Surabaya, East Java 60286, Phone: 081332681513, E-mail : [email protected].

BACKGROUND dermatophytosis cases. This was then confirmed by the

Tinea corporis and cruris are dermatophyte data at the Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital
infections of the skin. They are caused by fungi, Surabaya in 2014–2016, among others, amounted to
Trichophyton sp., Microsporum sp., and 47.4%, 52.9%, and 46%. This proves that almost half
Epidermophyton sp. Dermatophyte fungal infections of the cases in the Mycology Division were
can be classified in regards to their location, such as dermatophytosis cases.4
tinea corporis (skin area other than hairy areas, body, Dermatophytosis transmission spreads in 3 ways,
hands, or feet) and tinea cruris (groin and perineal namely anthropophilic, zoophilic, and geophilic.
area).2 Dermatophytosis infection has spread Anthropophilic transmission means human-to-human
worldwide. The prevalence of this disease is 20-25% transmission, zoophilic means animal-to-human
with the most common cause is dermatophyte fungi, transmission, and geophilic means soil-to-human
while the most common in Asia is tinea corporis transmission.4,5 Tinea corporis and cruris are chronic,
infection with a prevalence of 35.40%. 3 In 2008–2010 and many patients experience failure of therapy. Such
Citrashanty mentioned that, at the Mycology Division failure was not only due to patient non-compliance, but
of Dermatology and Venereology Outpatient Clinic Dr. also because of non-upright or often wrong diagnoses.
Soetomo General Academic Hospital Surabaya, As a result, the patient’s quality would decline.
59.5%, 56.3%, and 52.9% of them were Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the clinical profile

Original Article ology Clinic of Tertiery Hospital: A Retrospective Study

of the two diseases to decrease their prevalence and to firm boundaries, active margins, scales, central healing
finalise their diagnoses. (20.7%), potassium hydroxide (KOH) 10–20% tests
positive (80.4%), miconazole cream 2% (7%) topical
METHODS therapy, griseofulvin systemic therapy (69%), and
This was a retrospective descriptive study based combination therapy griseofulvin tablet and
on medical records at the Dermatology and ketoconazole cream 2% (3.04%).
Venereology Outpatient Clinic Dr. Soetomo General There were 76 tinea cruris patients (46.3%), 53
Academic Hospital. The data collection was carried out patients with tinea corporis and cruris (32.3%), and 35
in August–December 2019. The profile analysis of tinea corporis patients (21.4%). The sex distribution of
tinea corporis and cruris of outpatients was carried out the patients shows consisting of 67 males (40.9%) and
by completing records of the patient's age, sex, 97 females (59.1%). In terms of sex, there were 29 tinea
occupation, trigger factors, main complaints, length of corporis male patients (74.3%), 46 tinea cruris female
illness, family history, location of the lesion, patients (60.5%), and 28 tinea corporis and cruris male
description of the lesion, investigations, and therapy. patients (52.8 %).
This study has received ethical clearance from the The highest prevalence tinea corporis was under
Health Research Ethics Committee of Dr. Soetomo the middle-old age group, which was 56–65 years old,
General Academic Hospital Surabaya No. as many as 9 patients (25.7%). The youngest tinea
1517/KEPK/IX/2019. The medical records of tinea corporis patient was 1 year old, and the oldest was 69
corporis and cruris patients were then be grouped based years old. The tinea cruris patients indicated that the
on those criteria and presented in diagrams and tables. majority were the youngest-old group, namely 17
patients (22.4%). The youngest patient of tinea cruris
RESULT patients was 5 months and the oldest was 72 years. The
A total of 164 medical records were obtained, sample of tinea corporis and cruris patients showed that
consisting of 35 tinea corporis patients, 76 tinea cruris the largest age group was the youngest-old and early
patients, and 53 tinea corporis and cruris tinea patients. adult categories, namely 12 patients (22.6%). The
Of the 164 patients, most of the patients were females youngest patient in the tinea corporis and cruris group
(59.1%), under the age group of 46–55 years (20.7%), was 3 years old while the oldest was 117 years.
private employee (38.4%), came for therapy when the Most of the patients worked as private employees.
duration of illness was less than 1 month (29.2%), no There were 14 tinea corporis patients (40%), 26 tinea
family history (71.3%), excessive sweating as the cruris patients (34.2%), and 23 patients (43.4%) with
triggering factor (43.3%), itchiness as the main tinea corporis and cruris. Figure 1 shows that most of
complaint (89.6%), the location of tinea corporis the patients had excessive sweating, and 10 of them
lesions on the face and body (22.9%), tinea cruris in the (28.6%) had tinea corporis, 34 of them (44.7%) had
groin (55.3%), and tinea corporis and cruris on the tinea cruris, and 27 of them (50.9%) had tinea corporis
body and groin (26.4%), erythematous macular lesions, and cruris.

Figure 1. The triggering factors of tinea corporis and cruris.

Berkala Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin – Periodical of Dermatology and Venereology Vol. 33 / No. 1 / April 2021

Most the chief complaints are itchiness, tinea (22.9%). Location of tinea cruris cases located on the
corporis 31 patients (88,6%), tinea cruris 66 patients groin, as observed in 42 patients (55.3%). Location of
(86,8%), tinea corporis and cruris are 50 patients tinea corporis and cruris were located in the trunk and
(94,3%). The location of lesion for tinea corporis groin, as observed in 14 patients (26.4%).
located in the face and body as observed in 8 patients

Table 1. Family history of tinea corporis and cruris

Family history Tinea corporis Tinea cruris Tinea corporis and cruris
Yes 1 (2.9%) 1 (1.3%) 3 (5.7%)
No 24 (68.6%) 61 (80.3%) 32 (60.4%)
No data 10 (28.6%) 14 (18.4%) 12 (22.6%)

Table 2. The laboratory examination of 10–20% KOH and SDA culture

Examination Positive Negative No data
Tinea corporis 10-20% KOH 29 (82.9%) 4 (11.4) 2 (5.7%)
SDA culture - - -
Tinea cruris 10-20% KOH 60 (78.9%) 11(14.5%) 5 (6.6%)
SDA culture - - -
Tinea corporis and cruris 10-20% KOH 43 (81.1%) 7 (13.2%) 3 (5.7%)
SDA culture - - -
KOH= Potassium hydroxide; SDA = Sabouraud dextrose agar

Table 3. The treatment of tinea corporis

Treatment Total (%)
Systemic treatment
Griseofulvin tablet 21 (60%)
Griseofulvin tablet and cetirizine tablet 2 (5.7%)
Griseofulvin tablet and vitamin B1 tablet 1 (2.9%)
Griseofulvin tablet and loratadine tablet 1 (2.9%)
Griseofulvin tablet and chlorpheniramine maleate tablet 1 (2.9%)
Ketoconazole tablet 3 (8.6%)
Combination treatment 2 (5.7%)
No systemic treatment 3 (8.6%)
No data 1 (2.9%)

Topical treatment
Ketoconazole 2% cream 3 (8.6%)
Miconazole 2% cream 4 (11.4%)
Combination treatment 2 (5.7%)
No topical treatment 25 (71.4%)
No data 1 (2.9%)

Combination treatment
Griseofulvin tablet and ketoconazole 2% cream 3 (8.6%)
Griseofulvin tablet and miconazole 2% cream 3 (8.6%)
No data 1 (2.9%)
No combination treatment 28 (80%)

The most clinical features of tinea corporis scales, central healing, as observed in 24 patients
lesions were erythematous macules, firm borders, (31.6%). Tinea corporis and cruris lesions were
active margins, scales, central healing, as observed in erythematous macules, firm borders, active margins,
5 patients (14.3%). Tinea cruris lesions were scales, central healing, as observed in 5 patients
erythematous macules, firm borders, active margins, (9.4%). Duration of illness of tinea corporis and cruris

Original Article ology Clinic of Tertiery Hospital: A Retrospective Study

patients sought treatment in less than 1 month after the tablet and ketoconazole 2% cream, and 3 patients
illness started, consisting of 9 tinea corporis patients (8.6%) received a combination of griseofulvin tablet
(25.7%), 26 tinea cruris patients (34.2%), and 13 and miconazole 2% cream. Table 4 shows that the most
patients (24.5%) with both tinea corporis and cruris. prescribed systemic drug was griseofulvin tablets, as
Table 1 shows that most of the patients had no family observed in 52 patients (68.4%). 2 patients (2.6%)
history of the disease, totalling 24 tinea corporis received topical therapy of ketoconazole 2% cream, 2
patients (68.6%), 61 tinea cruris patients (80.3%), 32 patients (2.6%) received miconazole 2% cream, and 4
patients (60.4%) with both tinea corporis and cruris. patients (5.3%) received a combination therapy of
Table 2 shows the KOH examination of tinea corporis griseofulvin tablet and urea 10% cream. Table 5 shows
showed 29 positive results (82.9%), 60 positive results that griseofulvin was the most used systemic drug, as
on tinea cruris, and 43 positive results on patients with observed in 38 patients (71.7%). The most used topical
tinea corporis and tinea cruris (81.1%). Table 3 shows therapy was urea 10% cream, miconazole 2% cream,
that most patients received systemic therapy with and ketoconazole 2% cream, with 2 patients (3.8%)
griseofulvin, as observed in 21 patients (60%). each. The most used combination therapy was
The most used topical therapy was miconazole griseofulvin tablet with ketoconazole 2% cream and
2% cream, as observed in with 4 patients (11.4%) each. griseofulvin tablet with miconazole 2% cream, which
6 patients received combined therapy of griseofulvin 1 patient (1.9%) each.

Table 4. The treatment of tinea cruris Table 5. The treatment of tinea corporis and tinea
Treatment Total (%) cruris
Systemic treatment Treatment Total (%)
Griseofulvin tablet 52 (68.4%) Systemic treatment
Griseofulvin tablet and 4 (5.3%) Griseofulvin tablet 38 (71.7%)
cetirizine tablet Griseofulvin tablet and cetirizine 3 (5.7%)
Griseofulvin tablet and 1 (1.3%) tablet
loratadine tablet Griseofulvin tablet and 1 (1.9%)
Griseofulvin tablet and vitamin 2 (2.6%) erythromycin tablet
B complex tablet Ketoconazole tablet 2 (3.8%)
Griseofulvin tablet and 1 (1.3%) Natrium diclofenac tablet, 1 (1.9%)
chlorpheniramine tablet 4 mg thiamine tablet, and griseofulvin
Combination treatment 5 (6.6%) tablet
No systemic treatment 6 (7.9%) No systemic treatment 4 (7.5%)
No data 5 (6.6%) No data 4 (7.5%)

Topical treatment Topical treatment

Urea 10% cream 1 (1.3%) Urea cream 10% 2 (3,8%)
Ketoconazole 2% cream 2 (2.6%) Ketokonasol cream 2% 2 (3,8%)
Miconazole 2% cream 2 (2.6%) Mikonasol cream 2% 2 (3,8%)
Ketoconazole 2% cream and 1 (2.6%) No topical treatment 43 (81,1%)
hydrocortisone 1% cream No data 4 (7,5%)
Combination treatment 5 (1.3%)
No topical treatment 60 (78.9%) Combination treatment
No data 5 (6.6%) Griseofulvin tablet and 1 (1,9%)
ketokonazole cream 2%
Combination treatment Griseofulvin tablet and 1 (1,9%)
Griseofulvin tablet and urea 4 (5.3%) mikonazole 2 cream %
10% cream No combination treatment 47 (88,7%)
Griseofulvin tablet and 1 (1.3%) No data 4 (7,5%)
ketoconazole 2% cream
No combination treatment 66 (86.8%)
No data 5 (6.6%)

Berkala Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin – Periodical of Dermatology and Venereology Vol. 33 / No. 1 / April 2021

DISCUSSION We found that itchiness was the most common

In this retrospective study, we found 164 medical complaint in patients with tinea corporis and cruris. It
records of tinea corporis and cruris patients, and 76 of was due to sweating. In some cases, the patients also
them were tinea cruris cases. This is similar to studies experienced pain caused by scratching, which led to a
on superficial fungal infections which results showed secondary infection.
that the incidence of tinea corporis and cruris was Most tinea corporis cases were found in the face
higher in females than males.6 Other studies reported and body area, and most tinea cruris cases were found
that tinea cruris cases were usually 3 times riskier and in the groin area. This is in accordance with a journal
had a higher prevalence in males than females.7 article.11 Non-sweat adsorbing materials would create
This may be because males wear occlusive a hot and humid environment, which is an ideal
clothing more, and they are more physically active.8 environment for T. rubrum to grow.
However, this does not generalize the entire world The most common clinical features of patients
population due to the uneven sex composition of the with tinea corporis, tinea cruris, and tinea corporis and
sample. In addition, the number of visits by female cruris were erythematous macules, firm borders, active
patients was higher than that of males. It was possibly margins, scales, and central healing. Dermatophyte
because women tend to pay attention to their infection generally presents a clinical picture in the
appearance and aesthetics, further motivating them to form of macules and erythematous plaques or
seek treatment at the hospital. hyperpigmentation, clearly demarcated, and papules,
We found that the infection of tinea corporis and vesicles, or pustules can be found at the edges of the
cruris was higher in youngest-old patients, this result is skin lesions and accompanied by squama.12 The
consistent with previous research conducted by infected area means skin area that forms erythematous
Dyatiara, which was caused by decreased body defense macules. The severity of inflammation varies
factors with increasing age in the age group and the according to illness duration, species of the fungus, and
presence of comorbidities that cause fungal the triggering factors.
infections.Research reported that the incidence rate of We found that most of the tinea corporis and
tinea cruris and/or corporis most often occurs in the cruris patients sought treatment less than 1 month after
third- and fourth-decade age group of life as much as the onset. The duration of the most common infections
46.2%.8,9 As we get older, the body metabolism is in tinea cruris and tinea corporis et cruris was 1 month,
slower, and it can cause weight gain, skin creases, more while the duration of tinea corporis infection was two
sweat production. Such a condition should be months.11 The longer illness duration on tinea corporis
responded to with better self-hygiene and wearing patients was possibly caused by patients’ attempts for
clothes with sweat adsorbing materials. However, the self-medication first. This shows that the majority of
medical records did not include any data on obesity and patients cared about their health because they
body mass index (BMI). immediately sought treatment after symptoms
We found that fewer pediatric patients were appeared and various clinical features changed in their
infected with tinea corporis and cruris. Adults suffer bodies.
from tinea cruris more often than children. This relates We found that most patients did not have a family
to personal hygiene and frequent exposure to sources history of tinea corporis and cruris. This further
of transmission such as contact with other sufferers. 9 strengthens that the triggering factors were habit and
Children, however, generally have their activities in a climatic conditions, underlying the emergence of tinea
safe and clean environment, and they have regular corporis and cruris.12
bathing schedule. Therefore, lowering the tinea There are two criteria used to determine the
corporis and cruris infection in paediatric patients. The improvement of the patient’s condition, based on
data showed that most tinea corporis and cruris cases clinical examination and laboratory examination. Most
often occur in private employees. They have packed of the patients diagnosed with tinea corporis and cruris
daily activities which cause sweating, and without had positive results (80.5%) in 10–20% KOH
better personal hygiene, they are at risk of getting examination. The Wood's lamp examination has never
dermatophytosis.10 In comparison to other occupations, been carried out because this examination was not used
civil servants, students, or housewives often have their to diagnose tinea corporis and cruris patients, but to
activities indoor. Hot climatic conditions, excessive rule out a differential diagnosis. For example, it is
sweating, tight clothing are the triggering factors for difficult to differentiate between tinea cruris and
tinea corporis and cruris infections, and such infections erythrasma, when the Wood's lamp results positive and
can be found in all populations regardless of age and showed red brick color, it means erythrasma. In tinea
occupation. corporis, the Wood's lamp examination was performed

Original Article ology Clinic of Tertiery Hospital: A Retrospective Study

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